89-793 WIiITE - GTV CLERK COUrtC1I PINK - FINAN�E GITY OF AINT PAITL � I�3 CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAVOR File �O. - Counci esolution �3 , Presented By � Referred To � Committee: Date 1�`�� Out of Committee By Date WHBREAS, The MaFor pursuant ta 5ection 16,01.1 uf he ity Chatter, 3oes certiiy that there are available for acp:opriation revenues in excess of those estimate in the 1989 budget; and WNBRBAS, The Mapor recommends the following change iu the '989 budget: ur*ent Amended 8udget C6anges Budget --- ---------- --------------- ------------------ FINdNCINC PI,AN OCl Ceneral Fund 9A90 �!se of Eund Balanc?, Unreserv.ed, Undesig�ated A1= Uther Finanring 1 3,907,698 6,i?� 12�,9:3,fl88 --- ---------- --------------- ------------------ i �,90°,698 h,19r� 123,913;88P SFBNDINC PLAN OQ1 Public HPalth G3218-0141 .ini�aal�Pest Ccntrol 5,000 5,000 03218 All Other Spending 398,242 398,242 090�1-Q431 Health k Ins, Citp Share 4,?16,?SS 2?1 4,?16,"59 0q002-0431 Health & Ins, City Share 2,6?1,168 107 2,63.,275 1�9003-ti537 Operatirg TransfPr Out 2C0,55U lE 200,'�68 09064-0432 Unemploy�aent Comn. 471,301 24 491,325 09013-U4�1 PEHA Basic Pens:on 865,?S? 102 866,48� 09�13-0412 PRRA Coordinated Pension 2,228,843 L7 2,229,030 09013-041a Social Security 4,108,026 3�8 4,1�8,354 09�13-0413 HRA Pensicn ;�5,1'J4 12 1°5,116 OaU20-448 Miscellaneou� Bxpense ti55,948 14: 690,089 ALL UTHBR 5PBNDiNG 1 T,455,941 107,455,94: ---- ---------- --------------- ------------------ 1 3,907,698 6,190 :23,9i3,888 vET iHANCB 6,1�(1 RBSOLVE�, mhat the City Council approves these c6 nge to the 19E9 budget. Anproval Fecomaer.ded --- ---- =-- -�_��.--�-t---'-L. Budget Di c or COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Long [n Fav r ��c� xechnan � sche;nei _ Against BY s�� Wilson JUN 15 Form Appro d by City rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa.s d y Council , tet BY �' i sy� , ;i • JUN 16 1 89 Appr e by M or r mission to Council A r y Mavor. Date (� �, V-����� P�llSl�D JUN 2 4 198 .� r ��-�� �PARTMENTl�FlCE/COUNpL DATE INITI TED � � O� COMN0.JNI'LY SERVICES/PUBLIC HEALTH 03-0 -8 GREEN SHEET NO. OONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � � �(YTY COUNpL INITIAUDATE JU D I TH �RR, 29 2-7 712 � CITY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNqL A(�ENDA BY(DATE� ROU71N0 RECTOR_ �FlN.d MOT.SERVICE8 DIR. MAYOR(OR AS818TANT) � TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP AL L ATIONS FOR SI(iNATUR� ACT10N RE�UESTED: AUTHORIZATION AND FUNDING FOR ANIMAL/PES C TROL PROGRAM OVERTIME FOf�PR �1 1989 RECEtVE 90 DAY PILOT PROGRAM OF RAT BAITTNG. MAR 0 7 RE��uanONS:Mv►�(N o►�1�(� COUNGL OPTION _PLMININO OOMMISSION _qVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ANALYST PHONE NO. C� —��e�M�,�E — r� 1989 _BTAFF _ COMME _D�STRICr00uRT _ �fj��C3�'�j b�-F�(�� SUPPORTS WHICH COUNdL OBJECTIVE? INI7UTIN(i PFqBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): THE CONTROL OF RATS IS A RESPONSIBILITY F E ANIMAL/PEST CONTROL PROGRAM. A 90 DAY PILOT PROGRAM IS NEEDED TO TEST NE TECHNIQUES FOR RAT CONTROL IN THE SEWERS. EXIS1"ING STAFF WILL BE USED N N OVERTIME BASIS TO INSTALL 400 SEWER BAITING STATIONS. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: THIS PILOT PROGRAM WILL DETERMINE EFFECTT SS AND IMPLEMENTION PROBLEMS OF NEW METHODS OF CONTROLLING THE RAT POP ION IN ST. PAUL. STA�F WILL BE ABLE TO ACCURATELY IDENTIFY COSTS FOR T CONTROL FOR INCLUSION IN THE 1989 OR 1990 BUDGET. qSADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED: OISADVANTAQES IF NOT APPROVED: THE RAT POPULATION WILL CONTINUE TO INCR SE WITHOUT CONTROL MEASURES. Go�,�r�fl Research Center APR 2 � +�89 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION i S OOO�. C08T/REVENUE BUDdETED(GRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDIN�SOURCE GENERAL FUND �c�iv�n NuMe� 03 218 FlNANCIAI INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) TRANSFER FROM THE GENERAL FUND . ( - � ��r -7�.� Community and Human Services Committee COMMITTEE REPORT June 8, 1989 Page Two 6. Cit Council A enda 5/9/89, Item No. 1 : Resolution - 89-793 - Amendin the � 1989 bud et b addin $6,190 to the i ncin and S endin Plans for Communit Services Public Health Animal Pest n ol 90-da ilot ro ram. (For referral to the Communit and Human Services o ittee.) / Recommended for approval on 3-0 vot . ___�.-----��� _----- 7. Cit Council A enda 5/9/89, Item No. 20: Resolution - 89-794 - Amendin the 1989 bud et b addin $10,523 to th F' ancin and S endin Plans for Communit Services Public Health food ins ect' ns for communit events and festival lannin and ins ections. (For refe ra to the Communit and Human Services Committee.) Recommended for approval on 3-O vote 8. User Fee olic discussion for Divis'on of Parks and Recreation re ardin Needs Assessment Group Report. Laid over to June 21, 1989. cc: A1 Olson Ed Starr `- �-�C lJ_�-'`�- Members: Janice Rettman, chair � GITY OF SAINT PAUL gili Wilson 'iii�eiC?ii - OFI'IC� OF THE CITY COUNCIL Bob Long Date: June 8, 1989 JANICE RETTMAN �o�n��per5o� Committee Report To: Saint Paul City Council From : Community and Human Services Committee Janice Rettman, Chair A meeting of the Community and Human Services Committee was held on Wednesday, June 7, 1989: 1. Approval of Minutes of May 1.7, 1989 meeting. Minutes approved on 3-0 vote. .. 2. City Council Agenda 1/S/89, Item No. 4: First Reading - 89-12 - An ordinance amending the Legislative Code by adding a new chapter licensing personal property locker facilities. (For referral to the Community and Human Services Committee.) (Laid over to March 1, 1989 for further review with Licensing, Health, City Attorney, and other appropriate staff.) (Laid over to April 5, � . 1989 at Bob Long's request. Jerry Segal's report due March 3, 1989.) (Laid over indefinitely at Bob Long's request. Jerry Segal's report due March 3, 1989.) Laid over to June 21, 1989. 3. City Council Agenda 4/27/89, Item No. 7: First Reading - 89-729 - An ordinance amending Chapter 403 of the Legislative Code pertaining to minimum distances between bingo halls. (For referral to the Community and Auman Services Committee.) Recommended for approval, with amendment, on 3-0 vote. Amendment of 1-3/4 mile limit on any other bingo halls `in I zones to be drafted by City Attorney. 4. City Council Agenda 5/2/89, Item No. 4: First Reading - 89-743 - An ordinance amending Chapter 370 of the Legislative Code pertaining to Board of Examiners for Certificate of Competency holders. (For referral to the Community and Human Services Committee.) " Recommended for approval on 3-0 vote. , S. City Council Agenda 5/4/89, Item No. 21: Resolution - 89-773 - Approving the Lilydale/Harriet Island Master Plan and authorizing submission to the Metropolitan Council and authorizing proper City officials to execute agreements as necessary to accept and implement the Metropolitan Council grants for said development. (For referral to the Community and Human Services Committee.) To be continued June 21, 1989. CITY HALL ROOM NO. 77.$ SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5289 6+�.46