89-792 WHITE - C�TY CLERK � PINK - FINANCE COU�ICII /^ 4 CANARV - DEPARTMENT C I TY O A I NT PAU L /� � BI.UE - MAVOR File NO. �`� Counci esolution �jg� ,; �� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -- MHBfiBAS, The Ilayor pursuant to Section IQ,O?,1 fo the City hart r, does certify that there are available for appropriation revenues :n excess of those estinated in the 989 udget; and YNBRBAS, The Ma?or reco�ends the following changes to the 989 udget: Curre t Aaended Budg t C6anges Budget --------- ---- --------------- ------------------ FINANCING PLAN OOl Ceneral Fund 9890 Use of Eund Balance, Unreserved, Undesignated All Other Financing 123,90 ,698 4,952 123,91'l,650 --------- ---- --------------- ------------------ '23,9U ,698 4,952 1't3,a12,65C SPBNDINC PLAN 00? Public Health �'3200-0141 Public Health Adaia, 2,000 2,000 03200 A11 Ot6er Spending 39 ,896 375,896 03202-014i Building Maintence 2,Q00 2,000 03202 All Other Spending 20 ,538 202,538 U9001-0431 Health & Ins, Citp Share 4,71 ,188 217 4,716,405 09002-0431 Healt6 � Ins, City S6are 2,63 ,168 86 2,631,254 U90Q3-0537 Operating Transfer Out 26 ,550 14 Z00,564 09004-0432 Unemploynent Coop, 49 ,301 20 971,321 U9013-0411 PB6A Basic PensLOn 86 ,387 82 8fi6,469 09013-0412 P6EA Coordinated Pension ' 2,22 ,843 150 2,22�,993 09�13-0413 Social Securitp 4,10 ,026 'l62 4,108,288 09013-0413 HR�1 Pension 13 ,104 10 135,114 09020-445 Miscellaneous Bxpense 69 ,948 112 696,06� ALI, OTHBB SPBNDINC 10i,2T ,749 107,275,?49 --------- ---- --------------- ------------------ 123,9Q ,698 4,952 123,912,650 NRT !;HANCB 4,952 RBSOLV6D, That the City Council approves these c6anges to t e 19 9 budget. App� val @ecoavended �, -_[�-_-1�?� Bud et Dire to COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: . Yeas Dimond Nays "f La O r'f N/ � / !L �7��/ �os �� In Fav Goswitz +� . Rettman B sche;be� _ Against Y Sonnen Wilson �'IAY - 9 1989 Form A p ved by City torne Adopted by Council: Date � �, /J� Certified Yass d uncil et BY � By L A►ppro e by Mavor: Dat � MAY 1 G 1969 Appr b Mayo o u m' sion to Counc'1 B � ��BLISfiED M AY 2 0 i 89 . CRIQNI�TOR . � .. , . . .DAT�RRI1A. 011TE COIIP�lf� . . . .�/��� � ��� � . U'i#���� �HE�T po:0 010 L 9 � . � . . � . � - DEPAIITMENT DMECTOR- . . . � .� hMYOR(�A8816TAHT) � . ' .. . . . �... � � �� . . Jud�th a r � �.� � �«,,,«� "c'' . w"* . _ ,�o,e�cr«, �- -- . . . - � . . . . .rrn , . . . . � . � � - . . . .�� . �. . �'�Y . . . ... . �u,l�r'� .��-- _� .. Technical correction to the 1989 Public ea th Budget. - � APR N 1 1989 : CITY AT1��F7�Vt� :c�av►we c�)«�(�>) cour� rtE�r: _ x�wr►q oo�oN cnn�s�r+vice con�issaH on�u� w�re our u�u�rsr rMO�ra: ` ZOMNO OOMAIBBIOl1 � 19D 02b 8q100L BOARD . _ . � _ � . � � � BLAfF � .. . . dMR7'ER:CAAAAAISBWN . . I8. I �ADD'L.INFO.ADDED* � :�RE'i'.D7O.COpiA�T.� :�.:CON¢TIMf(i' . . . - . . . _ .. _ROR AWD'L��lFO. _F�EOBMdC AD080• . °�sTMicr°°u+cx ,,� . RECEIVED a��v.aas�aourcr.os�ccn�z _ _ APR 2 .4 1989. MAYOi2'S OFFICE .nu��o r�o.ur.�auf.o�no�rru�m ryn,o.vin,.�,wn�,.wna►e.wn»: . � - ,. Resolution will make technical corrections 4n the 1989 Pub1i� Health budget. RECLIYEQ _ MAR D 1 't98� ,, . _ � �s�rr�. , aus„nr��r�ue.r�..a:�a.�,�aw,R..�.r. . ��Th�.$4,0� overtime requests #n the 1989 bu ge wer�e d��eted on the final document. Cot�wnity Services had understood that they would be nc uded in the 1989 Budget. j ; . �sl�s wn.�.na Ta+�: , :: , . . . . . . ; :_ . . . . . �uxaru►�nres:.. . . _ c� . : M�TORY/►lIEC�D6ltTS: C� LEfiAL 1Bl11�: APR 2 5 �°89 . � _ . _ . . _ . . . . _ . �