89-773 WNITE '- CI7V �CLERK , � PINK i� FINANGE GITY OF S INT PAUL Council iJ��./� �LnUERy - MAVORTMENT File NO. � • r-��� Counci olution ,-- - Presented 'O-''--" � Re erred To � Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Lilydale/Harriet Isl nd Regional Park is a recreation resource of major local and regional signifi an e, and is in need of development, and WHEREAS, the Division of Park a d Recreation has prepared a plan for development of Harriet Island, Lily al and Cherokee Parks, called the Lilydale/Harriet Island Master Pla , a d WHEREAS, the Lilydale/Harrie Is and Master PLan was endorsed by the Saint Paul Riverfront Commission o M ch 31, 1988 and approved by the Saint Paul Planing Commission on Februar 1 , 1989 for consistency with the City's Comprehensive Plan, and WHEREAS, Lilydale/Harriet Is an is designated a Regional Park by the Metropolitan Parks and Open Space o ission and is eligible for capital improvement funds from the Metropo it Council, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED t at the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve and adopt the il dale/Harriet Island Master �Plan, including Navy Island within the R gi nal Park boundary, and authorize its submission to the Metropolitan Cou ci for approval, and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the a pr priated City officials are hereby authorized to execute such agreeme ts as necessary to implement the plan, including acceptance and implement ti n of Metropolitan Council Regional Park development grants agreement, and 1 � COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo� � In Fav r Goswitz Rettman B s�ne;be� _ A gai n s Y Sonnen Wilson Eorm A rov by City tor Adopted by Council: Date �. ?,J� Certified Passed by Council Secretary By I gy, Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By _ 1,,����7� DEPAFiTMENT/OFFlCEICOUNqL DATE INITIATE ��� CS/Parks & Recr�ation 4-12- 9 GREEN SHEET No. CONTACT PER80N 8 PHONE INRIAU DATE INITIAUDATE EPARTMENT DIRECTOR �GTY WUNCIL John Wirka, Tim Agness 292-7400 � �7'ypn'pp(�IEy ��j MUST BE ON O�JNpL AQENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINO UDOET DIFiECTOR ���liF#4C.E8 DIR. � AYOR(OR ASS18T � Parks & R TOTAL#�OF SIQiNATURE PA�E8 1 (CLIP ALL L CA ONS FOR SICiNATUR� � ACTION RE�UESTED: l;��Y �����$���EIVED Approval of Resolution adopting Lilydal Ha riet Island Master Plan. APR 1 31989 REOOMMENDA7lONS:App►ae(y a Ryect(R) COUNCIL MI E/RESEARdI F�PORT OPTIONAL �PLANNIN(i(�MMISSION _pVIL 8ERVICE COMMIS810N ANALYST PHONE NO. __.�.. _ae coMM� A Ri verfront RECEIVED —3TAFF _ 011llll�S$1 OI� COMMENTB: _o������� — AP F� 1 � 1°89 $UPPORTS WHICH C�UNqL OBJECTIVE9 Recreation �lIAYO ' INITIATINQ PROBLEM.i33UE.OPPORTUNITY(Who,WhM,When.WFbre.Whyl: Division of Parks and Recreation has pr pa ed a Master Plan to guide the development of Lilydale/Harriet Island Regional Par . Adoption of Plan makes it a part of the City's Comprehensive Plan and enables s bm ttal of Plan to Metropolitan Council for review and approval . ADVANTAGE9IF APPROVED: Establishes guide for development of R i al Park. Ensures eligibility for future Metropolit n Council development grants. D18ADVANTA(�E8 IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: Without an adopted plan, development y ot occur, and there will be no Metropolitan Council grants. -•,..�,,,y�;� ���.-....,, E�e�n�rc1� Cen�er �!,�;; 19�::�s� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION a C08T/REVENUE BUDOETED(qRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER �wwcuLL iNwRtiu►now:�ExPwr� . , . , NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are preferred routings for the five most frequent types of documeMs: CONTRACTS (assumes suthorized COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend, Bdgts.! budget exists) Acxept.GraMs) 1. Outside Agency 1. DepartmsM Director 2. Initfating DepaRment 2. Budget Director 3. City Attorney 3. Ciry Attomey 4. Mayor 4. MayoNA�staM 5. Finance&Mgmt Svcs. Director 5. City Coundl 6. Finance Axounting 8. Chief AocouMaM,Fln &Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activiry Manager 1. Initiating De�rtment Director 2. Depanment Accountant 2• GtY AnaneY 3. Department Director MayodAsalatant 4. Budget Director . City Council 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Fin&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE OADERS (ail others) 1. Initieting Department . . . , `�'��""` .' 2. City Attomey . ,<, . r . . , 3. Mayor/Asaistant 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PA(iES ' Indicate the�!of�gas on which aignatures are required and paperclip each of these pages. ACTION REOUESTED Describe what the projecf/requeat seeks to accomplish i'n either chronologi- cal order or order of importance,whichever is most appropriate for the isaue. Do not write complete senter�eg� Begin each Rem in your Ilst with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in question has been preseMed before any body, public or private. SUPRORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objective(s)your projectlrequest supports by listing the key word(s)(HOUSING, RECREATION, NEI(iHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET,SEWER SEPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REQUESTED BY COUNCIL � INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditions that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED . Indicate whether this is eimply an annual budget procedure required by law/ charter or whether there are specMic wa in which the City of Safnt Paul and its citizens will beneflt from this pro�ict/ar�ion. DISADVANTAC3ES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past processea might this projecVrequest produce if It is pasaed(e.g.,traffic delays, nase, tax increases or assesaments)?To Whom?When?`For how long? DISADVANTAC3ES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequences if the promised action is not approved?Inability to deliver service?Continued high traffic, rwise, axident rate? l.oss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it going to c�st't Who is going to pay? . (�-� � `7 73 FURTE�R RESOLVED, that dete ' a 'on of the size and configuration of the upper and lower harbors of the ar 'et Island Marina is dependent upon the findings of the currently in-proces rket study, said findings and determination to be brou�t before e City CoLmcil along with a financing plan for harbor construction; and FURTI�R RESOLVED, that the pl arr�ended by adding a new paragraph, on page 59, with the following languag ; hould be noted that the determination of the size and configuration of th per and lower harbor of Harriet Island Park is dependent upon the findings of the currently in-process market study. Said findings and determination s 11 be brought before the City CoLmcil along with a financing plan for harbor co t ction. , and FUR'I'I�R RESOLVED, that the Di 's'on of Parks and Recreation perform the necessary desi� and engineering k develop a feasible alternative which would incorporate a connecting c el between the upper and lower harbors of Harriet Island Park, and report on matter to the City CoLmcil, and FURTI-IER RE50LVED, that the p an amended by adding a new section titled BACK CHANNEL, located on pa e 0, with the following language; The Division of Parks and Recreation i a thorized to do a feasibility and environmental study of incorporati g back channel connecting the upper and lower harbor of Harriet Island Par . , and FUR'I'HER RESOLVED, that the p an shall be amP.nded by amending the first paragraph in the col�mm on the ri t �nd side of page 60 with the following language; The LOWER HARBOR, locate j t west of the Wabasha Bridge, ���-be s�gr�}��ear3��� may be expanded fr 5 to hold between 150 and 200 slips. The existing basin will be modified by dr dging the harbor edge and reorganizing the current slip arrangement. , an FURTHER RESOLVED, that the shall be amended by adding a new paragraph, in the colLUrm on the r' hand side of page 60 with the following language; The Division of Parks creation is authorized to do a feasibility and enviroruriental stu determine which style of boorn, sheer boan or water break, is more econ 1 and environmentally soLmd. , and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the 1 shall be amended by adding a new paragraph to page 64 with the fol ow'ng language; �=�="�-���_ ����-,-� The fea ib lity of the resue of the existing pavilion s ou s u i ; and — FURTI-IER RESOLVED, that the 1 shall be amended by adding a new paragraph on the left hand side o p ge 70 with the following language; The Division of Parks and Recreation s uthorized to do a review of the necessity and environmental study of the n d or a levee. , and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the 1 shall be amended by amending the third paragraph on the left hand side p ge 70 with the following language; To accomplish these objectives, s 'fi improvements va��� may be irrq�lemented. , and 2. WMITE �- C�TV GLERK ��,ARY�- DEP RTMENT GITY OF AINT PAUL Council [/�� BLUE - MAVOR . Flle �O. v ' y • • � _ 4 ounc ' esolution Presented By Refer d To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date FURTI-�R RESOLVED, that the pl 11 be amended by adding a new section titled NAVY ISLAI�ID on page 61 with e following language; The Division of Parks and Recreation is authorized onduct a feasibility and environmental study to include Navy Island in the ter Plan as part of the development of Harriet Island. , and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the pl all be amended by amending the third paragraph in the section titled C R UND on page 74 with the following language; Camg�ing capacity will be 50 to 200 individual sites (t�.its) , 8 to 14 Lmits per acre. The Division of P ks and Recreation shall do a feasibility and environmental study of the n d uses of the carr�groLmds to determine the types of vehicles and activitie ich may be used and take place on the carr�gr�oLmds. The carre�ing va}�� may riented p��aa�}�� toward short term recreational vehicle carr�ing �rovid ng accomrodation for traveling carr�pers while t�ey visit. Each car� site 11 consist of a cleared and leveled area for a vehicle and/or tent, picnic t bl , grill, electrical outlet and water tap. Conrion or shared facilities 11 include restrooms with showers, laLmdry and waste dLe�np station. , and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the pl 11 be amexided by adding a new paragraph to the section titled GO S OBJECTIVES on page 2 with the lla s following ianguag�; It should be so no ed that any capital improvements inc u g sewers� shall be reviewed an approved by the City Coimcil before any e�erzditures"are authorized. , d FINALLY RESOLVzD, that the Di si n of Pa-rks and Recreation is requested to promulgate these suggested chang s �foioosed amenchnents to the Lilydale/Harriet Island P.9as�cer Plan 3. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �.ong [n Fav r Goswitz Rettman ° B sche;n�� _ A gai n s t Y Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date s� JUL 6 Form A y City At rney Certified Pass d b oun .il S retar � /�S �� By /�pprov y lVlavor: Dat _ JUL 7 ��1 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By pqgttSl�D J U L 15198 c,:x v " Members: �'� , ° CITY OF A NT PAUL Janice Rettman, chair �,,,,��„{ Biil Wilson � ���: �f:�� 7J� ,� \. OFFIC� OF T E ITY COIINCIL Bob Long C��y- 7� l Date: July 6, 1989 JANICE RETTMAN Councilperson C O CT�CT�I l e R e p o rt To: Saint Paul City Council � From : Community and Hu a Services Committee Janice Rettman, Ch ir A meeting of the Community and Human Se vi es Committee was held on Wednesday, July 5, 1989. 1. A roval of Minutes of June 21, 198 m eting. . Minutes approved on 3-0 vote. 2. Cit Council A enda 5/4/89, Item No 2 : Resolution - 89-773 - A rovin the Lil dale/Harriet Island Master Plan an authorizin submission to the Metro olitan Council and authorizin o er Cit Officials to execute a reements as necessar to acce t and im leme t e Metro olitan Council rants for said develo ment. (For referral to the o unit and Human Services Committee.) (To be continued June 21, 1989.) ( ai over to Jul 5, 1989.) Recommended for approval on 5-0 vo . To be brought in under Suspension of the Rules at July 6, 1989 City Cou il meeting. 3. Cit Council A en a 89, Item N . First Readin - 89-12 - An ordinance amendin the Le islative Code b a i a new cha ter licensin ersonal ro ert locker facilities. (For referral o e Communit_ and Human Services Committee.) (Laid over to March 1, 1989 for fu th review with Licensin , Health, Cit Attorne , and other a ro ria e taff.) (Laid over to A ril 5, 1989 at Bob Lon `s re uest. Jerr Se al's re ort due March 3, 1989.) (Laid over to June 21, 1989.) (Laid over to Jul 5 1989.) No recommendation made. 4. Cit Council A enda 6/15/89, Item o. 1: First Readin - 89-1081 - An ordinance amendin Cha ter 331 of the Le isl ti e Code ertainin to food licensin b authorizin the rocess of the su ar closin of licensed food establishments, enactin the standards u on which lo in s should take lace, and establishin a hearin and a eal rocess subse ue t to a summary closin . (For referral to the Communit and Human Service C mmittee.) No recommendation made. Public he ri g before the City Council to be held on July 18, 1989. . CITY HALL ROOM NO. 718 AI T PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5289 s •a Community and Human Services Committee COMMITTEE REPORT July 6, 1989 Page Two 5. Library Community Response (discussion item after District Councils' review � of new proposed strategic plan) (Laid over to July S, 1989 at Bill Wilson's request.) Laid over to July 19, 1989. cc: A1 Olson Ed Starr � , . � �-�+�-�-�-vl�R-�t-w WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF S INT PAUL Council /J CANARY - DEPARTMENT � 7� i( BLUE - MAYOR File NO. � ` �� - � Counci esolution �� ��� Presented B ��%�G� R erred To ✓ �� Committee: Date � �� Out of Co ittee By Date WHEREAS, ilydale/Harriet I la d Regional Park, is a recreation resource of majo local and regio al significance, and is in need of development, and WHEREAS, the Divi ion of Pa ks and Recreation has prepared a plan for development of Harriet Is nd, Li yd le and Cherokee Parks, called the Lilydale/Harriet Island Mas r P1 n, and WHEREAS, the Lilydale/Har ' t sland Master Plan was endorsed by the Saint Paul Riverfront Commission arch 31, 1988 and approved by the Saint Paul Planning Commission on Febru r 0, 1989 for consistency with the City's Comprehensive Plan, and WHEREAS, Lilydale/Harriet I la d is signated a Regional Park by the Metropolitan Parks and Open Spac C mission nd is eligible for capital improvement funds from the Metro oli an Counci NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLV D, that the Counci of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve and ado t he Lilydale/Harri t Island Master Plan and authorize its submission to he Metropolitan Counci for approval , and FURTHER RESOLUED, that the ap ropriate City officials re hereby authorized to execute such agree en s as necessary to accept d implement Metropolitan Council grants for il dale/Harriet Island develop ent. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Community Services ��g In Favo coswitz �he1�`� __ Against � Sonnen Wilson Form by City tor Adopted by Council: Date e //� �— Certified Passed by Counc.il Secretary BY � By, Approved by iNavor: Date _ Appro y Mayor for Submiss' t Council =�� By - � . • . ���. z� � � CI TY OF INT PAi.IL RIVERF COMMISSIONRESOLLITION .Ic umlx�r 88-09 ntc March 31. 1988 WHEREAS, Harriet Island Li ydale is Saint Paul's premier riverfro t ark, and an attraction of regional ig ificance, and the renovation of Harriet I la d into an attractive and appealin o en space is a high priority on the part of th Mayor, the Riverfront Commission a d he community; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Di ision of Parks and Recreation has prepared aster Plan for the redesign and reconstruc io of Harriet Island, Lilydale and Ch o ee Parks, which plan incorporates and r i es recommendations of the Riverfront Commis i n's Pre- Development Plan; and WHEREAS, the completion f the Harriet Island/Lilydale Master P a and its approval by the Commission and ad p ion by the Saint Paul Planninq Commission ity Council and Metropolitan Parks and O e Space Commission hasten commencement of e lonq-awaited and much-needed park improve e ts, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE O VED, that the Rfverfront Commission en o se and support the Harriet Island/Lilydale a ter Plan, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, h t the Riverfront Commission urqe the Sain aul City Council and the Metropolitan Par s nd Open Space ' Commission to adopt the a iet Island/Lilydale Master P a at the earliest opportunity. - _�. > �- �-� � �$�'C"�9 s?'�t . . -... �- � - �L �� - . -�..� �.+�_:s r` � 1 ' +3.:.�..-. �'`���4�A� ��.� .� t,�. .-: � � �• �•!� n.� r �. . _ .y S'�� M :1` �i' ���.i� '{ t ����'�`s�.�9r%���� �.F 4;.�7- �:� °� � � . � `7! jy �. _. » _ ; �54. � .t �!. ,'♦. , „��. �. .��f y���i��.?,� '�� C ����� * 3 .-�' }r � 'tS'. r 'y a4�s���� ^.:a�X a. ,�.. ��;.« ���'. ���. ��bOS�C�I ".Y° - '- � _ .r" . . ,- -� . _ .�� . i" ..� ,,.�;��~ �/ - �►� � � .,^ �� ��-'� •�� .-, �*.: �• . -� .. _. .�.,� e .. . .. �. ,. ..P. � _ a - _'-Z" r � �„ � � _...3•'.�,r".tr��i:.' � .1„�'S.:.i"..=' _� J::t�,�'�a�li ,��. ♦ �� �..3 ��Y'�'� ..:t, � ������ � � ^:�, , �,1 P W i.: �,` L� ;' �.Sj ` Z''4�'�� '!Y„ 'J. - Wc�•,�17�G�T:1���r�y.t'}p�'�' +���A.L ti�.k!��Ip'��c�'Y':�!SM�•RN .�= 9�" .�.� .��� . . �,s.c w.a wVAT� .a�irr.a. :i. - - �--...,.r._ . . ., � . (��?73 .�.�- city of saint paul pianning commission re tion f ile number 89-4 �te Februarv 10. 1989 WHEREAS, Lilydale/Harriet Island ar is a recreational attraction of regional significance; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Division f rks and Recreation has prepared a Master Plan for the redesign and reconst c on of Harriet Island, Lilydale and Cherokee Parks� which plan incorp a s and refines recommendations of the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the completion of the Lil da e/Harriet Island Regional Park Development Plan and its adoption y he Saint Paul Planning Commission, City Council and Metropolitan Council st n commencement of the long-awaited and much-needed park improvements; an WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Riverfront Co ission adopted a resolution on March 31, 1988, endorsing the Lilydale H rr et Plan and urging the City Council and Metropolitan Council to adopt the la at the earliest opportunity; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission h s eviewed the Lilydale/Harriet Island Regional Park Development Plan and fo d it to be consistent with the Saint - Paul Comprehensive Plan; NOW� THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED� th t he Saint Paul Planning Commission approves the Lilydale/Harriet Isla d egional Park Development Plan for consistency with the Comprehensive P1 n; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the P an ing Commission reco�ends that the Division of Parks and Recreation: - Continue ta work with the Harri� I land Park Design Advisory Committee; - Continue to examine the feasibil ty of adaptive re-use of the Harriet Island Pavilion; - Study whether limited residentia o commercial use should be allowed to continue on boats in the marina; ( on inued) _ m�V�d � MC DONEL � seconded by TREICHEL in fav�or U-us - agait�.st . .�..�_ �. • �'�t' ' � l.I��� . $ry —� . ��i . Lilydale/Harriet Island Park Page �o - Modify the plan's recommendations re arding trails to state that: a main trail through Harriet Island and il dale should be completed first and then as quickly as funding allows a econd trail should be built to provide separate trails for pedestrians a d icyclists; and access to "less fit" � citizens and bicyclists be provid d o Lilydale from the top of the bluffs; - Continue to work with the Minneso a epartment of Natural Resources on wildlife protection including des gn f the campground and protection of bat caves at Lilydale and also po en ial trail connection to state sites.