89-771 WNITE - C1TY CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O A I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO• � ~��/ Counci esolution ���� iq Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Department of Community Servic s, Division of Libraries, has received funding from the Minnesota Foundation, Perrie Jones Libr ry Fund for library staff to attend training seminars and the Minnesota Library AssociationJAmeri an Library Association conventions, and WHEREAS, The Department of Community Servic s, Division of Libraries, has also received funding from the Minnesota Foundation, Perrie Jones Li rary Fund for part-time Lfbrary Specialist staff to relieve full-time staff to attend commun ty meetings, visit schools and give presentations on library services to community groups, and WHEREAS, The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10. 7. 1 of the City Charter, does certify that there are available for appropriation revenues in ex ess of those estimated in the 1989 budget for the Perrie Jones Library Fund, and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends the following ch nges to the 1989 Perrie Jones Library Fund budget: COMMUNITY SERVICES - LIBRARIES Cu rent Amended Bu get Changes Budget FINANCING PLAN 350-33424 Perrie Jones Library Fund - 6905 Gifts and Donations $ -0- $6,544.00 $ 6,544.00 - 9890 Fund Balance -0- 1 ,265.79 1 ,265.79 Various codes � 4 ,296.00 -0- 40,296.00 4 , 9 . , . 9 4 , . 9 SPENDING PLAN 350-33424 Perrie Jones Library Fund - 0121 Part-Time Certified $ ,260.00 $4,7�5.00 $ 9,005.00 _�� Transportation ,626.00 87.00 2;713.00 0 Registration fees 650.00 1 ,710.00 2,360.00 ��}- ' - 0369 Supplies -0- � 1 ,075.79 1 ,075.79 - 0439 Fringe Benefits ,561.00 192.00 5,753.00 Various Codes 2 ,199.00 -0- 27,199.00 4 ,296.00 7,809.79 48,105.79 RESOLVED, That the City Council approves th se changes to the 198!� budget. App��ovai R.=commended: COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimoad Commu 't Services - Libraries �� [n Favor so�c� � ��be � Against BY �D � Sonnen Wilson MQY — �t � Form Approv by City Attor y Adopted hy Council: Date Certified Pas e o nc' , a BY ���� B}, ��� � Approve y Mavo : _ MAY — O �� Appro Mayor for Submi t ouncil ��_ ,\ ' Y �" FU���'�l :�,�� 1 :; 198 . (,��'�7�l DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/(�OUNpL DATE INITIA D Communit Services-�ibraries q. 6 GREEN SHEET No. 18 3 4 CONTACT PERSON d PHONE INITIAU DA INITIAUDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR R/y � C� �CITY COUNCIL Gerald W. Steenber - 292-6211 � CITYATTORNEY �GTYCLERK MUBT BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DATE) ROUTINO BUDOET DIF�CTOR �FIN.d MOT.BERVIl�B DIR. A r i 1 20, 1989 M^YaR��►ss�sr TOTAL N OF 81ONATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOC TION8 FOR 81ONATUR� ACTION REf]UESTED: Increase spending authority of 1989 Perr e ones Fund budget to reflect funding received for In������ �R� ����B�R� authority of 1989 er ie Jones Fund Budget to reflect funding received Br�� ���w�ar�°1��8��Q��n��d�a���r�d �Y� 'n RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(Iq a Rs�aCt(Fq COUNCIL M EE/t�SEARCH OPTIONAL _PLANNII�OOMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMM18810N A�Y� RE PHOME NO. _CIB COMMITTEE _ "� REC�tVE —�� — �oMMEN,�: AP R 17 J °� ��ti . . � _DISTRICT COURT _ �~�� APR 0�7198 SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECiIVE? Ch 1 1 d c a re� ' � �� M��i��s o���c� PR 19a9 �hr better nei hborhoods staff trai ��� •-. INITIATIN(�PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whet,Whsn,Whsro.Why): '..�, � r ` . F'� ;' ��_,`.t � The Department of Community Services, Di is'on of Libraries, received'f�ri'`d�i�rl�t�om the Minn- esota Foundation, Perrie Jones Library F nd to send staff to the American Library Associatio and Minnesota Library Association conven io s, and other training seminars as well as fundin for substitute part-time paraprofessiona s llowing staff to do community outreach projects with schools, community groups, day care pr viders, etc. The substitute staff replaces regular staff from public service desk d ti on an as-needed basis. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: This funding will give the library the o o unity to send staff to the library conventions, seminars, and training that would not ha en able to go otherwise. Because of the additional funding for part-time parapro ss'onal staff, the library will be able to have more interaction with the communities th ug visits to schools, day care centers, community groups, and library association . DISADVANTAOE8 IF APPROVED: ' ��PEIVED APR 11 �9$9 BUDGE� �FICE DIBADVANTAOE3 IF NOT APPROVED: Fewer library staff will be able to get a va ced training, attend seminars and library conventions and there will not be the opp rt nity to interact with schools and community groups of al l kinds. �=�'���.: �e���Ych Ce�ti�r l�x,��� 1`1 ��.:�� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION ; COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING80URCE �innesota Foundation/Perrie Jo es ACTMTYNUMBER 350-33424 FlNANGAL IN WRMATION:(EXPLAIN) L i b ra ry F�n d�