89-770 . • ��L�.Q�` '� �-��. ' . °�"� WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O A I NT PA U L Council /� CANARV - DEPARTMENT /`�/ BLUE - MAVOR File NO. • ��� Counci esolution �� Presented By � � , � eferred To � -� �� Committee: Date �✓7 d � ��y °° Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Department of Public or s states it wili provide services to the taxpayers of St. �aul as speci ie in the street and alley maintenance assessment: and WHEREAS, the notice of public hear'ng for the ratification of street and aliey maintenance assessment state , 'In the fall streets will be swept and leaves will be picked up;" and WHEREAS, a February 10, 1989, memo fr m� the Director of Public Works to the City Council acknowiedges that 12% or about 95 miles of residentiai streets did not receive sweeping or leaf p ck up in the Fail of 1988; and WHEREAS, the Department of Public or s did not provide $56,000 worth of street cieaning services in 1988, s as budgeted for in FY 1988; and WHEREAS, $28,000 of that amount wa r ceived through assessments against residential property in St. Paul ; NOW, TNEREF�RE, BE IT RESOLVED, th t he City Councii of St. Paui hereby requests that the Mayor direct the De artment of Finance and Management to reduce by $28,U0�0 the 1989 assessm nt against properties which did not receive the promised street cleani g ervices in the Fall of 1988. COUNCIL MEMBERS , Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays " Dimond �� : y ` [n Favor Goswitz � Rettman � s�ne;t�► � , Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY— sy Approved by Mavor. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY , . @,��'�77� DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNqI DATE IN TED GREEN SHEET No. 1 3 6 6 Councilmember Kiki S ���� iNmAwA� COMTACT PER80N d PHONE pEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNGL Molly 0'Rourke 298-5378 � CdTY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNqL AOENDA BY(DATE) BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.d MOT.8ERVICE8 DIR. May 4, 1989 MAVOR(�i A8SISTMITI � TOTAL l�OF SIONATURE PAGES (CLIP AL LO ATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION RE�UESTED: Reduce 1989 street maintenance assessme t evels for residential properties which did not receive promised fall street cleani g ervices. RECOMMENDATIOMS:llpprovs(A)w Re�sct(R) COUNqL ITTEE/REB�EARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLAWNINO COMMISSION _qVll SERVICE COMMIS810N A�YST PHONE NO. _CIB COMMITTEE _ WMME _STAFF _ _�i��RT ,� Councilmember SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE? Neighborhoods �Nm�nNO r�os�E�t,issue,OPPOFlTUNITY(Who,wnae,whs�,wnere,wny>: Fall street cleaning was not completed a l residential streets. �, ADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED: - Increases departmental accountability or �romised budget objectives and program descriptions. DISADVANT/UiEB IF APPROVED: - Reduces assessments received by City i 1 89. DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: - Enhances taxpayer/citizen frustration w th City services. - City Council does not hold departments cc untable for meet'ng proper �equirements. G�ounci( Research Center APR 2 7 i989 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION 28�OOO Cpg REVENUE BUDOETED(GRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDINO 801lRCE street maintenance assessment ACTIYI7Y NUMBER FlNANGAL INFORMATION:(EXPWI� � .._ . _. ,.,,;,,T . ��:. . ,. �, � _ � ��{-�a � � 4. FINAL ORDER: Sidewa k econstruction for the Approved 4-0 following projects o e reconstructed in accordance with the De artment of Public Works recommendations and th Neritage Preservation Commission - Resolu io 89-1 : S-8902 - South sid S MMIT AVENUE from ,� Heather. Drive to Ra se Street; S-8903 - North si e UMMIT AVENUE from Portland Avenue to en Street; S-8904 - North sid S MMIT AVENUE from Selby , Avenue to Western A en e; _� � S-8905 - South sid S MMIT AVENUE from Ramsey `s. Street to approxima el 70 feet east of the ' extended east line f ina Street, and S-8908 - West sid N NA STREET from Summit Avenue to Maiden La e Order on Nina Street to . be amended for work to be done in accordance with the Heritage P es rvation Commission) (Laid over in Commi te 5/3/89) . 5. FINAL ORDER - 89-74 : Constructing sanitary Approved 3-0 sewer and service c nn ctions in HALL LANE from Delos Street t 3 0 feet north of Delos Street. (Referred b ck to Committee 5/11/89) . 6. 6/29/89 . RATIFICATION OF ASS SS ENTS: For the grading Approved 3-0 and paving of the N rt -South/East-West alleys in Block l , King's rc de Park Addition (bounded by Wheeloc , rcade, Sherwood and Walsh) . (Laid ove in Committee 3/22/89). � 7. RESOLUTION 89-821: A nding the 1989 budget Without by adding a545,248 o he Financing and Recotr�nendation Spending Plans for u ic Works Traffic Signal Lighting Maintenan F nd. (Referred to Committee 5/11/89 . 8. REPORT of the Park a Recreation Division on N/A the PIG'S EYE WOOD RE CLING CENTER. 9. UPDATE - Signage, tc. for traffic signal N/A modifications at v ri us locations along I-94 corridor in downto n t. Paul . 10. RESOLUTION 89-770: R questing the Mayor to Denied 3-0 direct the Departm nt of Finance and � Management to redu e �28,000 the 1989 assessment against pr perties which did not receive promised s re t cleaning services in the Fall of 1988. (L id over in Committee 5/17/89) . � . � � � ��- ��D � � 11. RESOLUTION 89-625: Ho ding the State harmless Approved 3-0 for granting a vari nc to allow existence of three utility poles wi hin the two-foot clear zone required by MS s andards on CHESTNUT STREET between W. 7 h nd Smith. (Laid over in Corr�nittee 5/17/89). 12. RESOLUTION 89-323: P1 n to phase out certain Laid over in water systems. (Lai o er in Committee Committee to 5/17/89). 6/7/89 13. RESOLUTION 89-828: E ablish Toxic Chemical Approved 3-0 , Task Force. �; . `-.;� 14. DISCUSSION: Street an Alley Assessment Laid over in Notices. Committee to 6/7/89 15. . DISCUSSION: Solid as e. N/A 16. Other Discussion. _ , ` _ _. . / ��- �'�� / Members: �' � CITY��O AINT PAUL Roger J. Goswitz� chair �ii��um � Janice Rettman i�� �� n . OFFIG� O � CITY COUNfJIL Tom Dimond � � Date: May 31, 1989 � Co m ttee Report � . To: Saint Paul City Coun il � _4 From :Public Works, Utili e , and Transportation . Committee � .:- Roger J. Goswitz, h ir �. , 1. Approval of minutes of May 17, 1989. Hearing Date _ 2. 6/6/89 FINAL ORDER: Acqui it on of a part of Approved 3-0 Lot 1 , Block 19, Be ve Lake Heights. Purpose is to bring ALGONQU N TREET up to MSA standards. 3. 6/13/89 FINAL ORDER: Sidew lk construction and/or _ reconstruction at f 11 wing locations: S-8909 - North side G ND AVENUE from S. Approved 3-0 Fairview to S. Whee er Street; S-8910 - North side UN VERSITY AVENUE from Approved 3-0 Pillsbury to Hampde A enue with integral curb; S-8906 - South sid R ANEY AVENUE from Etna Laid Over to Hazelwood Street a d East side ETNA STREET Indefinitely from Reaney Avenue o ush Avenue; S-8907 - Both sides WI SON AVENUE from White Withdrawn - Bear Avenue to Ruth St eet. CITY HALL SEVENTH F U � SAINT PAUL, MINNFSOTA 55102 �e