89-769 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY O AINT PAUL Council /�/�yy/� 7/A CANARV - DEPAATMENT ! �'///�/ BLUE - MAY�OR File NO. �� � �� • � � Counc eso ution �`; Presented B �___.,� V Referred To -GL�� Committee: Date � `� �� Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, By the Council of the Ci y f Saint Paul , upon recommendation by the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capit 1 mprovement Budget Committee that the Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopte a d amended by this Council , is hereby further amended in the following particulars. CURRENT AMENDED YEAR FUND LOG N0. PROJECT APPROPRIATION CHANGE APPROPRIATION 1984 CIB S-0000 JOHNSON PARKWAY/ 1 ,720.57 - 1 ,720.57 - 0 - EAST SHORE DRIVE P-1o27 t986 MSA 5-0000 JOHNSON PARKWAY/ 45,000.00 -45,000.00 - 0 - EAST SHORE DRIVE P-1027 � � 1987 PIA 5-6606 JOHNSON PARKWAY/ 11 ,814.36 -t1 ,814.36 S-�0 � EAST SHORE DRIVE � � o �� P-1027 � �, ,��, � '" �, -o 1984 CIB S-0501A EAST SHORE DRIVE - 0 - + 1 ,720.57 :�,.�20�57 � Johnson Parkway o �� � ' Larpenteur Avenu V � � P-t052 A� � �' � 1986 MSA 5-0501A EAST SHORE DRIVE - 0 - +45,000.00 4�00 Johnson Parkway � � � � Larpenteur Avenu '� � � J , P-1052 � o � � aU � � :i 1987 PIA 5-0501A EAST SHORE DRIVE - 0 - +11 ,814.36 1 �8°t�4� Johnson Parkway ��� .� Larpenteur Avenu APPROVED AS TO FUNDII� ���,� P-10 2 FINANCE DIRECTOR: � COUNCIL MEMBERS BUDGET D I RECTOR: °� � Yeas Nays Requested by Departm . Dimond Publ i c Works (PAS) 2-8-$9 ��g � In Favor � � � A ainst BY �"��"'"``"" � Renman Scheibel g � Wilson MAY ? 5 � Form Appro e by Cit ttor y Adopted by Council: Date � Certified P ssed by Council Secr tary By ! By, Approv Mav • te _ Z 6 Appr y Mayor for Sub 's n`to Council B�`-������ � -a.����': ��';:°� ;� 9E� ����_r�y� � C��7�9' atio��r�onc Works Depar.tment . �►2-8 89 ��� ��'���� g�"�� I�iC. V�5 3"G 7 � ��� � ' :,. . : � MI1`f�RroRA�T. �� � Pa u 1 S t. Ma r L i n �" �a,,wuoa�+��s o�c,;o� �cm,p�wc `Qt� �o�oR `� Dan C}u�ford •l�� Pub 1 i c, ��ot-ks 292-b�$0 — CItY AT10NF�Y .� . . ' . . . . . . Arnend the Capital lmprove.ment Budget to ra sfer funds frdn JOHNSON PARKWAY/EAST SHflRE DRIV� PROJECT (P-tU27) ta EAST SHORE DRt E rom Joh�son`'Parkway t� Larpent����j�gcD (Pro ect No. P-1052) . CI YG xows:U►avm�.cw«�el.«t�>> ca�. �ronr: �,� ����� �„�� fl��� „�� CITY q��j�� �� ���.� �-�,� �� � ,�ti�.,�. ���,� � - -�,�,.�. -�,�. °��. _�„ . _ REC�tVE� �c�° ����z MAR 14 i98 APR N� 1�a9 9 Budget. OFFfC€OF.TFIE DIRECTpR MAYOi�s 4FFtCE DEPq�Tp��N�OF FINANCE ND MANA sm►�a n�o�t�,re�.o�o�ru►nr�wno.wrua,wr�,wnere,wnr): . � , The .lohnson Parkway/East Shore Drive Pro c was planned for 1987 construction. The project was approved by the City Councit and a c t ct awarded in late 19$7. At this same time, the proposal for the extension of. Lake P l to the South was "initiated. An exterfsion of the "; Lake wou�d nec�ssi�ate extensive design a es at this Intersection, so the contratt was � termtnated. The proposal for extension f ke Phalen has been withdrawn, so canstruction can proceed. . - ,NS�wc�►��owe.�w�,aar.�w�es,A..u�q: __ Tfie Johnson Parkt�ay/East Shore Drive (P- 2 ) Project will be done as part of the proposed improvement of E�st Shore Drive fram Joh so Parkway to Larpenteur Avenue: The resoiutiort . wi11 transfer the remaining funding from th Johnson Parkway/East Shore Urive ProJect (P-1427) to #he East Shore Drive Project (P 1052) . . �Fwhrt,W�w�ana To vVhom): .. �LI•�V _ �E6 �11989 BUQf��{�F�tCE �.,�►,�: - . � _ Msron,►�: ��: � es�arch eenter APR 21 i��89 . . . ����- 7�9 8. 5/30/89 FINAL ORDER: Impr vi g SELBY AVENUE between Approved Howell and Fairv ew, as part of the 4-0 CLEVELAND/PORTLAND SS PROJECT by grading and paving and instali ng a green lantern street lighting system. A so connections if requested by property owners. 9. 5/30/89 FINAL ORDER: Impr vi g LYTON PLACE from Rice Approved Street to Sylvan S re t, Atwater Street from 3-0 Rice Street to Sylva S reet, Hardenbergh Place w/amend.to from Lyton Place to At ater Street and Stellar delete Street from Lyton la e to Atwater Street as Lyton P1. part of the SYLVAN/ CK R AREA CSSP PROJECT by frvm F.O. grading and paving an constructing a street lighting system. A so constructing connections if requested by prop rt owners. 10. RATIFICATION OF AWA F DAMAGES: (Amended) - Approved For the MARSHALL INE SEWER SEPARATION 4-0 PROJECT in the vicin ty of Pascal and the Midway Shopping Center. 11. RESOLUTION 89-706: Ac epting the report of the Approved St. Paul Citizens ol d Waste Task Force and 4-0 endorsing the gene al concept of developing a comprehensive solid as e management system and expressing apprecia io and commending of the task force for thei h rd work. (Referred to Committee 4/25/89) . 12. RESOLUTION 89-731: Au horizing the proper City Approved � officials to execute an agreement with the State 4-0 Department of Trans or ation authorizing Trunk Highway funds to b used for temporary construction or rev si of traffic signals at various locations a ong I-94 corridor in downtown St. Paul (Referred to Committee 4/27/89) . 13. RESOLUTION 89-769: Am ding the 1984, 1986 and Approved 1987 CIB budget b ransferring funds from 4-0 Johnson Parkway/Eas S ore Drive to EAST SHORE DRIVE from Johnson P rkway-Larpenteur Avenue project. (Referred t C ittee 5/4/89) . 14. RESOLUTION 89-770: R questing the Mayor to Laid Over In direct the Departmen o Finance and Management Committee to to reduce by $28,000 th 1989 assessment against 5-31-89 properties which did no receive promised street cleaning services i the Fall of 1988. (Referred to Committ e /4/89) . 2 , . . �-�,-��� 15. RESOLUTION 89-772: ending 1989 CIB budget by Sent Back To transferring $150,0 0 unds for paving of PASCAL Committee from Marshall to Co cordia. (Referred to without Committee 5/4/89) . Recommend. 16. RESOLUTION 89-623: ending C.F. 88-1757 by Sent Back to changing the widt o construction of PASCAL Council w/o. from Marshall to C nc rdia from 44 feet, with Recommend. parking on both si es to 36 feet, with parking w/amendments on one side. (Laid ov r in Committee 5/3/89) 17. RESOLUTION 89-625: olding the State harmless Laid Over In for granting a va ia ce to allow existence of Committee to three utility pole w thin the two-foot clear 5-31-89 zone required by MS standards on CHESTNUT STREET between W. th and Smith. (Laid over in Committee 5/3/89) . 18. RESOLUTION 89-323: lan to phase out certain Laid Over In water systems. (Lai o er in Committee 5/3/89) . Committee to 5-31-89 19. RESOLUTION 89-786: stablish Toxic Chemical Laid Over In Task Force. Committee to 5-31-89 20. REQUEST of Gary as er for a waiver to the Denied street improvement re irement for development 3-0 . of property on SKYW Y RIVE south of Highwood. 21. Other Business. 3 , J ' Members: �� r�� CITY F �3AINT PAUL Roger J. Goswitz� chair ���,,;,, Janice Rettman .I{� ��tn OB'FIOB3 F HI� CITY COQNUIL Tom Dimond Date: May 17, 19 9 RECEIVED Co ittee Report MaY 1� 19a9 To: Saint Paul City Cou ci • CITY �LER� From :Public Works, Util ti s, and Transportation Committee Roger J. Goswitz, C air 1. Approval of minutes f ay 3, 1989. Hearing Date 2. 6/1/89 RATIFICATION OF ASS SS ENTS: For construction Approved of storm sewer syste c nnections incidental to 4-0 the CLEVELAND/ST. C AIR AREA STORM SEWER PROJECT. Work co pleted during 1988 construction season. 3. 6/1/89 FINAL ORDER: . For ak ng a temporary easement Approved under and across t e est 20 feet of Lots 10 4-0 thru 20, Block 8, M rr 11's Subdivision of Rice � Street Villas for he LBEMARLE/NEBRASKA AREA � . STORM SEWER PROJECT. 4. 6/1/89 FINAL ORDER: . Rem ve existing structurally Approved deficient trestle an retaining walls over 3-0 Bridge No. 90386, oc ted on E. SEVENTH STREET . between Payne Aven e d Mounds Blvd. Also � remove walks, raii ng and street lighting. - Reconstruct retainin w lls, walks, railings and street lighting for ri ge ��90386. 5. 5/23/89 RATIFICATION OF ASSE SM NTS: For construction Approved . of sanitary sewer a d ater service connections 4-0 incidental to the AL /HOYT AREA STORM SEWER PROJECT. Work co pleted during 1988 construction season. 6. 5/23/89 RATIFICATION OF ASSE SM NTS: For construction Approved of storm sewer s rvi ce and water service 4-0 . connections incident 1 o the SEVENTH/FRANK AREA SEWER PROJECT. , W rk completed during 1988 construction season. 7. 5/30/89 FINAL ORDER: Impr vi g SARGENT AVENUE betweet� Approved Snelling and Pas al, as part of the 4-0 SYNDICATE/FAIRMOUNT SS PROJECT, by grading and • paving and instali ng a green lantern style street lighting sy te . Also connections if requested by propert o er. CIT'Y HALL SEVENTH LO R SAINT PAUI.�MINNESOTA 55102 �s