99-1054ORIGINAL Council File # � - ��5y Green Sheet # (�b 6 RESOLUTION Presented By Refened To Committee: Date 3� RESOLVED, that the Ma1t On Sale and Restaurant (B) license application (License ID number 19990003237) submitted by Hang & Lor, Inc. d/b/a Great Dragon Buffet for the premises located at 945 Rice Street in hereby denied for failure to submit information required for the license, specifically a property lease or purchase agreement for the premises, a copy of the business purchase agreement or Bill of Sa1e, and the Articles of Incorporation for Hang & Lor, Inc.. Said denial shall be effective immediately. . 9 This Resolution and the action taken above aze based upon the facts contained in the September 10 10, 1999 Notice of Violation letter to the licensee, the June 22, 1999 and August 16, 19991etters 11 to the licensee requesting this information, and such azguments as may haue been presented to 12 the Council at the public hearing. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Appz By: CITY OF SA1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA � BY: ��-`..� 4 �� , Form Approved by City Attorney � � � � Sy: � GLf' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Adopted by Council: Date � S-_ �� 9.9 �(9 -los4 GREEN SHEET No 1��? i 6 Robert Ressler TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES u��� u��— ❑ m..,,� ❑ m.� ❑..�.�,��.�. ❑..��.a ❑...��,,.,�.,�, ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Concerning the Restaurant and Malt On-Sale License Applications by Hang & Lor, Inc. dba Great Dragon Buffet, 945-A Rice Street. (Uncontested) : FiEWMMtNIJAl10N AppfoVe �A) Of KeJect i PL4NNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE �, CML SERVICE CAMMISSION ITAGESIFAPPROVED � RAGES IF NOTAPPRQVEl7 AOUNT OF TRANSACTION �URCE NFOrs�wnw+(ocxaN) Has thic PersnJfirm e.er xorked under a caMisct far tltis depaMiml? vFS No F1as tllis O�rm easr been a dlY empbyee7 YE3 NO Doea ihie D�� 0� a sldl not mmnlry'VOCCesced M' anY cunerR cdY emPbYee? YE.�i OIQ Is this P�s��m atargMetl vetWOYI YES " NO dein all res arisv.eis on aeoerate sheet anA aCaeh tn areen aheet COSTIREVENUEBUDQETED(qRCLEON� YES �cTnm xw�sen NO OFFICE OF Tf� CITY ATTORNEY ClaylomM Robrnson, Jr., CityAllorney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nonrs Coleman, M¢yor aq-ios Civr! Division 400 City Ha11 IS West Kellogg Blvd. SaintP¢u� �nnesota 55l02 October 6, 1999 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING Hang & Lor, Inc. Crreat Dragon Buffet 945-A Rice Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55117 Telephone: 651266-8770 Facsimile: 65I 298-5619 G�t:?? ?2�._2,^" ^„nx?� ;...._ . ._ < -�' ; �;t.�� RE: Restaurant and Malt On-Sale License Applications by Hang & Lor, Inc. d/b/a Great ragon et, for the premises at 945-A Rice St. in St. Paul - - . _ ... - License ID No.: 990003237 Our File Number: G99-0319 Deaz Sir/Madam: Please take notice that a hearing concerning the above-named establishment has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, October 27, 1999 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the facts concerning the failure to provide the required information to process your license application has not been denied. You will haue an opportunity at the Council hearing to present orai and/or written remazks as to the penaity, if any, to be imposed. The recommendation of the license office will be for the denial of your license application. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, � � ��� Virginia .��r Assistant City Attorney cc: Hang & Lor, Inc. 706 Clearbrook Lane, Vadnais Heights, MN 55127 .Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Chuck Repke, Community Organizer, District 2 Community Councii, Ave. E., St. Paul, MN 55119 1961 Sherwood UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING � o� _ ,o5u Licensee IVame: Hang & Lor, Inc. d/b/a Great Dragon Buffet Address: 945-A Rice Street Council Hearing Date: October 27, 1999 Viofation: Faiture to Provide Appfication Information Needed to Process License Application Place: Licensed Premises Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of ctient, Office ofi License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Deniat of License Application Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Viofation 3. License Information Report 4. August 16, 1999 letter from LIEP to licensee 5. June 22, 1999 letter from LIEP to licensee 6. License information OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY O S� C(ayfon M. Robiruon, Jr., CityAttorney /f(.� —( CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coteman, Mayor Civi! Division 400 City Hall l5 Fi�est Kellogg Blvd. Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Telephone: 65! 266-8710 Facsimile: 65] 298-5619 September 10, 1999 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Hang & Lor, Inc. Great Dragon Buffet 945-A Rice Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55117 RE: Restaurant and Malt On-Sale License Applications by Hang & Lor, Inc. dJbJa Great Dragon Buffet for the premises at 945-A Rice Street, Saint Paul License ID #: 990003237 Dear SirlMadam: The Office of License, Tnspections and Environniental Protection has recommended denial of your license applications for the premises at 445-A Rice Street in Saint Paul. The basis for the recommendation is set forth below: Your application for a Restaurant and Malt On- Sale license is incomplete. By letter dated August 16,1999, you were notified that the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection still needed a copy of your property lease or purchase agreement for the premises, a copy of the business purchase agreement or Bill of Sale and the Articles of Incorporation for Hang & Lor, Inc. To date, none of the items have been received and your application cannot be processed. If you do not dispute the above facts please send me a letter with a statement to that effect. The matter will then be scheduled for a heazing before the St. Paul City Council to determine the status of your license applications. You will have an opportunity to appear and speak on your own behalf, or to have someone appeaz there for you. Altematively, you can submit Yhe Page 2 Great Dragon Buffet September 10, 1999 documents required to process your Restaurant and Malt On-Sale license application. �� _�o 5� On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, I wi11 schedule an evidentiary heazing before an Administrative Law Judge (AL.n. If you wish to have such a hearing, please send me a letter stating that you aze contesting the facts. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing," so you wili know when and where to appeaz, and what the basis for the hearing will be. In either case, please let me know in writing no later than Tuesday, September 21, 1999, how you would like to proceed. If I have not heard from you by that date, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts. The matter will then be scheduled for the hearing before the St. Paul City Council. If you have any questions, feel free to call me or have your attomey call me at 266-8710. Sincerely, �u� ,��� V 6 cc�v�.�r�� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Hang & Lor, Inc., 706 Cleazbrook Lane, Vadnais Heights, MN 55127 Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Kathy Cole, Executive Director, District 6 Planning Council, 1061 Rice St., St. Paul, N1�i I 55117 a�- i�s�k STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEX AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on September 13, 1999, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named company by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Hang & Lor, Inc. Great Dragon Buffet 945-A Rice Street St. Paul, MN. 55117 Hang & Lor, Inc. 706 Clearbrook Lane Vadnais Heights, MN. 55127 (which is the last known addresses of said company) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in t Uni ed States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. � � � /� / � Subscribed and sworn this 13th of Notary Publi� to before me eDa.bQr, 1999. PETER P. PANGBOR`� N4TAAY �18L4C- M4NNES'� ' py Corttm. E7�ItBaJan.37.2�., �,�-- �°S`� � � 0 a x N W O N o a- � O d U � � J � a � 0 '� O G. � C O :7 N � O Y-� � d N C c�i J N � � N � � C � U � J � N N M Q v I- N N � N C N � U ++ J � � ` m o n r E � � N Z M c o U � J � v N � N � N W 'a U a � r � � � � LL � m Z � N Q � � N � Z Q Q m W � � � U Z m0 Z J C �' o � a ¢ x �U C 3 O U L N 00 � m � d X W p N � c o - N � � O d Q � � Z U W O � a � W C d' N Il.� � � N Q C � � � N Z C Q � � W� U W U J c � � � c � � � � 3 Z N C � O � " N a N N � d� C a 3 LL) m � ❑ N � � N V Q � W U � � V W N O� U � � N -p Oc N (h � M U LS �� N � C C71 A m � C N p N O� E a V C N L y U � C N (p R L � � Q � n- � U O V Q. C O � � p O � U `m = o - N o� � N N J � � p_0 N � � m� rn�c� M� �N� � ao`V 3coC) a�-� � � O a x N W � N O N d O d V N � J m a � 0 � 0 a d a c O � 16 � r .� .�. L d N _ d U 1 � 3 m � � � a�i > U «� J Q C m .�-. N O � N � T m ~ C N �p a m U J d � � ` � � o a < ti � � N Z M U � J � � � m � �� �w v Q�n � � � O�i t�G Lll LL LL � m Z O N Q � � @ 0 Z� m ¢ � W Q.' � U Z m O Z J c ot3 o � a¢ 2 �U C � O U Q � a� m O a x w � � d � E � Z U O a U m � C � N Z c m n c G 0 V N 5 y C d � � 7 Z m C � O � � N d N N � d � c d 7 � m � � N H � N C Q H � W U � � � W y N U � '�6 N - a O e �1 m U Q� �� N N 3 � V C N o._ E Q C (0 L N U N d C N R � O d � nE � O V fl- �L m �o 0 � U L m = �a � o� (p N � hNJ� � � � N rn m a�m �� ��, �n�� i� � � �N¢ mv coU 511iNi P,Aif L � Atl CITY OF SAI��T PALZ :�'arn: Calenicn, Afc.�or august 16, 1999 19990Q03237 Hano & Lor Inc Great Draeon �uffet 945-A Rice S�zet Saint Paul h�'�5117 OPFICH OF LIC[\$E. I\SPECTIO\S A\D E.\'VIROS?7ENTAL 7ROTECT:OV Robert A"crs/er. Direcmr LO�iRYPROFESS/O.C;L BL7LD/NG Suite 3G0 ii0 St Pe�er 51ree� Saim Pn.d, ,l�ir,nesotn .i5/OId 510 Re: Ne��• License Application at 945 Rice Street (Second?�TOtice) Deaz Licensee: : :. a q - �os� Telepl�mte: 651-266-9Q90 Fncsinoile: 657-?66-5059 651-?66-97?4 Afrer extensiie reriew, I hace determined your license application r19990003237 (from 7une, 1999) is 4ti11 incomplete. At this time, your business licer.se record (I.D. '19990003237) for a D4a]t On Sale (3.2) and Restaurant (B) license hzs been inacti��ated unril the folloKina itzm(s) are received: • Copy ofProperty LeaseiPurch2se ?.orzement, Proof of 0«nership or Bill of Sa]e • Cop} of Business Purch2se zgreement or Bill of Sale • Articl�ofIncorporation . . S•� � Federat and State Income Ta� Retums for the past three (3) years 1'our ]icense hES not been issued. If you are conducting a business, you are doing so �ztithout a validCity of Saint Paul license and may be sub}eat to adverse action and penalties. Ifynu �crish to conrinue to operate your business, you must submit the aforementioned requirements by August 30, 1999. Please let us la�ow, in writting, before Aua st 30 whether or not you intend to continue with this applitarion or w�ish to permanenily withdraw. After this date, this office will begin the admiaistrative hearing process to deny your license request. You have the opportunity toappeal the City's decision through this proceeding. If you have anp questions reearding this action, please contact me at (651) 266-9108. Since� �• �� Chrisiine Rozet LIEP Deputy I�irector CAR/cam CITY OF SA�T PAUL A'orno Colen:r.n, d4nror June 22, 1999 19990003237 Han� 8z Lor Inc Great Draeon Buffet 9 +5 :A Rice Street Saint Pau1:�4'v >j117 Re: 'vew License :�pplicztion at 945 Rice Street OFPICE OF LICE�SL•, 1\'SPECTiO\'S A\D E\\9R0::\;EVTTL PROTEC7I0\ �{ '�C� RoArtA'csslc{ Dircr.cr , a 1 � � LONRY P�20FESJOA'.9L Telephone: 651-'66-9090 6ClLDLYG Faesi�rrile: 651-?6E-97:. ?9D Sv Peier Sireet Sui:e 3G0 Scir,(Pcu7,hiL•r,esofn SSIU2 This letter is to form211y norify you of documentation our office ctill requires in order to complete your application. Your lice�ce applicarion for a A1alt On Sa]e (3:1) and Restaurant (B} license ]ocatzd at 945 Rice Street ez�not be processed until our office receices the folloe•ine: • Copy of Property Lezse�Purchzse Agreement, Proof of O�anership or Bill of Sale • Copy of Business Purchase A�reement or Bill of Sale • ArticlesofIncoiporalion • Site Plan • Liquor Liability Insu.�nce • Federa] and State Inc�e Tax Retums for the past (3) years Insurance certificates, Lezse �?reements./Bill of Sale, site plans, Articles of Incorporation and lists can be faxed to our office at (651) 266-912A. RTe must obtain the required papenvork/payment before tice can complete processing your license application. At this time, your license has not been issued; therefoze, you aze not authorized to operate in the City of Saint Paul. You �;�ill �t receice y�our license unril all information and/or payments are receiced in our office. If you have any questions, please contact Corinne at (651j 266-4106. Regazds, (1��� Christine A. Rozek LIEP Deputy Director �"���� CAR/cam ��,�os�1 , $ � •. � Licensee ANG & LOR INL " Pay Pmrc 4uzm � Hitt ';5� � DBA REAT DRAGON BUFFET Lirense I Licensee i Lic Types � Insurence � Bond , Requirements, r Praperty C� Licensee r Unofficisl � P�a�ec[ FaciiRator: MMTENS, CORINNE � SYreet #' 45 Adverse Achon Commetds Street IJame: CE � � Street Type. 5T _ DireMion � ' � UM �nr] �— UnR A � — -_ _. . . _ _. _ � Cdy T PAUL CommerRS. ! Stffie' jIN Zip: _ _ 55777 � '�3-99 $7600refundofproratedMattprocessed 330-2598E5 vVard. � :-Brow%se � j 11759 passed alcohol comphance checK; no Dist CounN. �6 i 'unoffcial" waming-DL � f22t991etter seMto aG p���sM requestmq rcnssnp Licensee: � ANG & LOR MC Commerrts i j OBA: REAT ORAGOM1I BUFFET ' � � Saies Tex Id: 726572 Bus Phone: 657J 489-2256 j 06f0771999 � 05f37R000 I N License #�90003237 Save Changes to History i�8s�e �c... ��c� °-L�` �,�,c�. ��. ��E.:: �E... !�I- t�r... 1` � '� �N.�� 2a ,z.oaPrai �� .`I�J-l�Vl�.1-1-1-1� , ,, _,. �._ _ - _..� _ � � �''r' � ��, �0 , �� �;� I U =f - gb�.-� �; I Licensee NG & LOft INC � rm') Post" Summ DBA REAT012AGONBUfPET License Licensee � Lw.TYPes � Insurartce � Bontl �iteqdremerds� ..� . Licensea Name ANG & LOB INC _ �; 06A' REAT DftAG6N BUFFET SalesTaxld 128572 Non-Profd (� Wolker'sCemp. 6l01R000 .'P��p����"� AA CoMract ftec'd ONON000 AA Training Rec'd ONON0�0_ AA Fee Colleded: �NOf0000 , DiscouM Rec'tl: r �Mail Ucense To. — C•� Mail To Corrtact C' Liceme Address O[her 0&91p99�00NON00�HANG �THAI �PRESIDENTlAF(651)4892256(651–AlaillnvoiceTo � �' Mail To CaMaM - C� License Address �I „ s�s .,� -;y�1 _ . _ -_,_ J; Background CHeck Required r sGOr�[act PropeNies q�� 3237 Save Changee to Nistwy .. _';' '_' _ ._' ' ' i� Start L� Gr... 6° Co. .'` Lie �;Cu � EC.. � EC... U EC :�j�Lic ,' ��j Pr .. `:�. �'' N t..,�- ��'� 2:09 PM . License Group Comments Text Licensee: HANG & LOR INC �BA� GREAT DRAGON BUFFET License#: �ggg0003237 08/31N 999 � _ �D 8-73-99 576.00 refund of prorated Malt processed V330-2598.ES 4/�7/99 passed alcohol compliance check; no "unoffidal" waming-DL 6/27J991etter sent to applicant reques6ng missing required docs. CAM ORIGINAL Council File # � - ��5y Green Sheet # (�b 6 RESOLUTION Presented By Refened To Committee: Date 3� RESOLVED, that the Ma1t On Sale and Restaurant (B) license application (License ID number 19990003237) submitted by Hang & Lor, Inc. d/b/a Great Dragon Buffet for the premises located at 945 Rice Street in hereby denied for failure to submit information required for the license, specifically a property lease or purchase agreement for the premises, a copy of the business purchase agreement or Bill of Sa1e, and the Articles of Incorporation for Hang & Lor, Inc.. Said denial shall be effective immediately. . 9 This Resolution and the action taken above aze based upon the facts contained in the September 10 10, 1999 Notice of Violation letter to the licensee, the June 22, 1999 and August 16, 19991etters 11 to the licensee requesting this information, and such azguments as may haue been presented to 12 the Council at the public hearing. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Appz By: CITY OF SA1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA � BY: ��-`..� 4 �� , Form Approved by City Attorney � � � � Sy: � GLf' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Adopted by Council: Date � S-_ �� 9.9 �(9 -los4 GREEN SHEET No 1��? i 6 Robert Ressler TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES u��� u��— ❑ m..,,� ❑ m.� ❑..�.�,��.�. ❑..��.a ❑...��,,.,�.,�, ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Concerning the Restaurant and Malt On-Sale License Applications by Hang & Lor, Inc. dba Great Dragon Buffet, 945-A Rice Street. (Uncontested) : FiEWMMtNIJAl10N AppfoVe �A) Of KeJect i PL4NNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE �, CML SERVICE CAMMISSION ITAGESIFAPPROVED � RAGES IF NOTAPPRQVEl7 AOUNT OF TRANSACTION �URCE NFOrs�wnw+(ocxaN) Has thic PersnJfirm e.er xorked under a caMisct far tltis depaMiml? vFS No F1as tllis O�rm easr been a dlY empbyee7 YE3 NO Doea ihie D�� 0� a sldl not mmnlry'VOCCesced M' anY cunerR cdY emPbYee? YE.�i OIQ Is this P�s��m atargMetl vetWOYI YES " NO dein all res arisv.eis on aeoerate sheet anA aCaeh tn areen aheet COSTIREVENUEBUDQETED(qRCLEON� YES �cTnm xw�sen NO OFFICE OF Tf� CITY ATTORNEY ClaylomM Robrnson, Jr., CityAllorney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nonrs Coleman, M¢yor aq-ios Civr! Division 400 City Ha11 IS West Kellogg Blvd. SaintP¢u� �nnesota 55l02 October 6, 1999 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING Hang & Lor, Inc. Crreat Dragon Buffet 945-A Rice Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55117 Telephone: 651266-8770 Facsimile: 65I 298-5619 G�t:?? ?2�._2,^" ^„nx?� ;...._ . ._ < -�' ; �;t.�� RE: Restaurant and Malt On-Sale License Applications by Hang & Lor, Inc. d/b/a Great ragon et, for the premises at 945-A Rice St. in St. Paul - - . _ ... - License ID No.: 990003237 Our File Number: G99-0319 Deaz Sir/Madam: Please take notice that a hearing concerning the above-named establishment has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, October 27, 1999 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the facts concerning the failure to provide the required information to process your license application has not been denied. You will haue an opportunity at the Council hearing to present orai and/or written remazks as to the penaity, if any, to be imposed. The recommendation of the license office will be for the denial of your license application. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, � � ��� Virginia .��r Assistant City Attorney cc: Hang & Lor, Inc. 706 Clearbrook Lane, Vadnais Heights, MN 55127 .Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Chuck Repke, Community Organizer, District 2 Community Councii, Ave. E., St. Paul, MN 55119 1961 Sherwood UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING � o� _ ,o5u Licensee IVame: Hang & Lor, Inc. d/b/a Great Dragon Buffet Address: 945-A Rice Street Council Hearing Date: October 27, 1999 Viofation: Faiture to Provide Appfication Information Needed to Process License Application Place: Licensed Premises Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of ctient, Office ofi License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Deniat of License Application Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Viofation 3. License Information Report 4. August 16, 1999 letter from LIEP to licensee 5. June 22, 1999 letter from LIEP to licensee 6. License information OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY O S� C(ayfon M. Robiruon, Jr., CityAttorney /f(.� —( CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coteman, Mayor Civi! Division 400 City Hall l5 Fi�est Kellogg Blvd. Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Telephone: 65! 266-8710 Facsimile: 65] 298-5619 September 10, 1999 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Hang & Lor, Inc. Great Dragon Buffet 945-A Rice Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55117 RE: Restaurant and Malt On-Sale License Applications by Hang & Lor, Inc. dJbJa Great Dragon Buffet for the premises at 945-A Rice Street, Saint Paul License ID #: 990003237 Dear SirlMadam: The Office of License, Tnspections and Environniental Protection has recommended denial of your license applications for the premises at 445-A Rice Street in Saint Paul. The basis for the recommendation is set forth below: Your application for a Restaurant and Malt On- Sale license is incomplete. By letter dated August 16,1999, you were notified that the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection still needed a copy of your property lease or purchase agreement for the premises, a copy of the business purchase agreement or Bill of Sale and the Articles of Incorporation for Hang & Lor, Inc. To date, none of the items have been received and your application cannot be processed. If you do not dispute the above facts please send me a letter with a statement to that effect. The matter will then be scheduled for a heazing before the St. Paul City Council to determine the status of your license applications. You will have an opportunity to appear and speak on your own behalf, or to have someone appeaz there for you. Altematively, you can submit Yhe Page 2 Great Dragon Buffet September 10, 1999 documents required to process your Restaurant and Malt On-Sale license application. �� _�o 5� On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, I wi11 schedule an evidentiary heazing before an Administrative Law Judge (AL.n. If you wish to have such a hearing, please send me a letter stating that you aze contesting the facts. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing," so you wili know when and where to appeaz, and what the basis for the hearing will be. In either case, please let me know in writing no later than Tuesday, September 21, 1999, how you would like to proceed. If I have not heard from you by that date, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts. The matter will then be scheduled for the hearing before the St. Paul City Council. If you have any questions, feel free to call me or have your attomey call me at 266-8710. Sincerely, �u� ,��� V 6 cc�v�.�r�� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Hang & Lor, Inc., 706 Cleazbrook Lane, Vadnais Heights, MN 55127 Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Kathy Cole, Executive Director, District 6 Planning Council, 1061 Rice St., St. Paul, N1�i I 55117 a�- i�s�k STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEX AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on September 13, 1999, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named company by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Hang & Lor, Inc. Great Dragon Buffet 945-A Rice Street St. Paul, MN. 55117 Hang & Lor, Inc. 706 Clearbrook Lane Vadnais Heights, MN. 55127 (which is the last known addresses of said company) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in t Uni ed States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. � � � /� / � Subscribed and sworn this 13th of Notary Publi� to before me eDa.bQr, 1999. PETER P. PANGBOR`� N4TAAY �18L4C- M4NNES'� ' py Corttm. E7�ItBaJan.37.2�., �,�-- �°S`� � � 0 a x N W O N o a- � O d U � � J � a � 0 '� O G. � C O :7 N � O Y-� � d N C c�i J N � � N � � C � U � J � N N M Q v I- N N � N C N � U ++ J � � ` m o n r E � � N Z M c o U � J � v N � N � N W 'a U a � r � � � � LL � m Z � N Q � � N � Z Q Q m W � � � U Z m0 Z J C �' o � a ¢ x �U C 3 O U L N 00 � m � d X W p N � c o - N � � O d Q � � Z U W O � a � W C d' N Il.� � � N Q C � � � N Z C Q � � W� U W U J c � � � c � � � � 3 Z N C � O � " N a N N � d� C a 3 LL) m � ❑ N � � N V Q � W U � � V W N O� U � � N -p Oc N (h � M U LS �� N � C C71 A m � C N p N O� E a V C N L y U � C N (p R L � � Q � n- � U O V Q. C O � � p O � U `m = o - N o� � N N J � � p_0 N � � m� rn�c� M� �N� � ao`V 3coC) a�-� � � O a x N W � N O N d O d V N � J m a � 0 � 0 a d a c O � 16 � r .� .�. L d N _ d U 1 � 3 m � � � a�i > U «� J Q C m .�-. N O � N � T m ~ C N �p a m U J d � � ` � � o a < ti � � N Z M U � J � � � m � �� �w v Q�n � � � O�i t�G Lll LL LL � m Z O N Q � � @ 0 Z� m ¢ � W Q.' � U Z m O Z J c ot3 o � a¢ 2 �U C � O U Q � a� m O a x w � � d � E � Z U O a U m � C � N Z c m n c G 0 V N 5 y C d � � 7 Z m C � O � � N d N N � d � c d 7 � m � � N H � N C Q H � W U � � � W y N U � '�6 N - a O e �1 m U Q� �� N N 3 � V C N o._ E Q C (0 L N U N d C N R � O d � nE � O V fl- �L m �o 0 � U L m = �a � o� (p N � hNJ� � � � N rn m a�m �� ��, �n�� i� � � �N¢ mv coU 511iNi P,Aif L � Atl CITY OF SAI��T PALZ :�'arn: Calenicn, Afc.�or august 16, 1999 19990Q03237 Hano & Lor Inc Great Draeon �uffet 945-A Rice S�zet Saint Paul h�'�5117 OPFICH OF LIC[\$E. I\SPECTIO\S A\D E.\'VIROS?7ENTAL 7ROTECT:OV Robert A"crs/er. Direcmr LO�iRYPROFESS/O.C;L BL7LD/NG Suite 3G0 ii0 St Pe�er 51ree� Saim Pn.d, ,l�ir,nesotn .i5/OId 510 Re: Ne��• License Application at 945 Rice Street (Second?�TOtice) Deaz Licensee: : :. a q - �os� Telepl�mte: 651-266-9Q90 Fncsinoile: 657-?66-5059 651-?66-97?4 Afrer extensiie reriew, I hace determined your license application r19990003237 (from 7une, 1999) is 4ti11 incomplete. At this time, your business licer.se record (I.D. '19990003237) for a D4a]t On Sale (3.2) and Restaurant (B) license hzs been inacti��ated unril the folloKina itzm(s) are received: • Copy ofProperty LeaseiPurch2se ?.orzement, Proof of 0«nership or Bill of Sa]e • Cop} of Business Purch2se zgreement or Bill of Sale • Articl�ofIncorporation . . S•� � Federat and State Income Ta� Retums for the past three (3) years 1'our ]icense hES not been issued. If you are conducting a business, you are doing so �ztithout a validCity of Saint Paul license and may be sub}eat to adverse action and penalties. Ifynu �crish to conrinue to operate your business, you must submit the aforementioned requirements by August 30, 1999. Please let us la�ow, in writting, before Aua st 30 whether or not you intend to continue with this applitarion or w�ish to permanenily withdraw. After this date, this office will begin the admiaistrative hearing process to deny your license request. You have the opportunity toappeal the City's decision through this proceeding. If you have anp questions reearding this action, please contact me at (651) 266-9108. Since� �• �� Chrisiine Rozet LIEP Deputy I�irector CAR/cam CITY OF SA�T PAUL A'orno Colen:r.n, d4nror June 22, 1999 19990003237 Han� 8z Lor Inc Great Draeon Buffet 9 +5 :A Rice Street Saint Pau1:�4'v >j117 Re: 'vew License :�pplicztion at 945 Rice Street OFPICE OF LICE�SL•, 1\'SPECTiO\'S A\D E\\9R0::\;EVTTL PROTEC7I0\ �{ '�C� RoArtA'csslc{ Dircr.cr , a 1 � � LONRY P�20FESJOA'.9L Telephone: 651-'66-9090 6ClLDLYG Faesi�rrile: 651-?6E-97:. ?9D Sv Peier Sireet Sui:e 3G0 Scir,(Pcu7,hiL•r,esofn SSIU2 This letter is to form211y norify you of documentation our office ctill requires in order to complete your application. Your lice�ce applicarion for a A1alt On Sa]e (3:1) and Restaurant (B} license ]ocatzd at 945 Rice Street ez�not be processed until our office receices the folloe•ine: • Copy of Property Lezse�Purchzse Agreement, Proof of O�anership or Bill of Sale • Copy of Business Purchase A�reement or Bill of Sale • ArticlesofIncoiporalion • Site Plan • Liquor Liability Insu.�nce • Federa] and State Inc�e Tax Retums for the past (3) years Insurance certificates, Lezse �?reements./Bill of Sale, site plans, Articles of Incorporation and lists can be faxed to our office at (651) 266-912A. RTe must obtain the required papenvork/payment before tice can complete processing your license application. At this time, your license has not been issued; therefoze, you aze not authorized to operate in the City of Saint Paul. You �;�ill �t receice y�our license unril all information and/or payments are receiced in our office. If you have any questions, please contact Corinne at (651j 266-4106. Regazds, (1��� Christine A. Rozek LIEP Deputy Director �"���� CAR/cam ��,�os�1 , $ � •. � Licensee ANG & LOR INL " Pay Pmrc 4uzm � Hitt ';5� � DBA REAT DRAGON BUFFET Lirense I Licensee i Lic Types � Insurence � Bond , Requirements, r Praperty C� Licensee r Unofficisl � P�a�ec[ FaciiRator: MMTENS, CORINNE � SYreet #' 45 Adverse Achon Commetds Street IJame: CE � � Street Type. 5T _ DireMion � ' � UM �nr] �— UnR A � — -_ _. . . _ _. _ � Cdy T PAUL CommerRS. ! Stffie' jIN Zip: _ _ 55777 � '�3-99 $7600refundofproratedMattprocessed 330-2598E5 vVard. � :-Brow%se � j 11759 passed alcohol comphance checK; no Dist CounN. �6 i 'unoffcial" waming-DL � f22t991etter seMto aG p���sM requestmq rcnssnp Licensee: � ANG & LOR MC Commerrts i j OBA: REAT ORAGOM1I BUFFET ' � � Saies Tex Id: 726572 Bus Phone: 657J 489-2256 j 06f0771999 � 05f37R000 I N License #�90003237 Save Changes to History i�8s�e �c... ��c� °-L�` �,�,c�. ��. ��E.:: �E... !�I- t�r... 1` � '� �N.�� 2a ,z.oaPrai �� .`I�J-l�Vl�.1-1-1-1� , ,, _,. �._ _ - _..� _ � � �''r' � ��, �0 , �� �;� I U =f - gb�.-� �; I Licensee NG & LOft INC � rm') Post" Summ DBA REAT012AGONBUfPET License Licensee � Lw.TYPes � Insurartce � Bontl �iteqdremerds� ..� . Licensea Name ANG & LOB INC _ �; 06A' REAT DftAG6N BUFFET SalesTaxld 128572 Non-Profd (� Wolker'sCemp. 6l01R000 .'P��p����"� AA CoMract ftec'd ONON000 AA Training Rec'd ONON0�0_ AA Fee Colleded: �NOf0000 , DiscouM Rec'tl: r �Mail Ucense To. — C•� Mail To Corrtact C' Liceme Address O[her 0&91p99�00NON00�HANG �THAI �PRESIDENTlAF(651)4892256(651–AlaillnvoiceTo � �' Mail To CaMaM - C� License Address �I „ s�s .,� -;y�1 _ . _ -_,_ J; Background CHeck Required r sGOr�[act PropeNies q�� 3237 Save Changee to Nistwy .. _';' '_' _ ._' ' ' i� Start L� Gr... 6° Co. .'` Lie �;Cu � EC.. � EC... U EC :�j�Lic ,' ��j Pr .. `:�. �'' N t..,�- ��'� 2:09 PM . License Group Comments Text Licensee: HANG & LOR INC �BA� GREAT DRAGON BUFFET License#: �ggg0003237 08/31N 999 � _ �D 8-73-99 576.00 refund of prorated Malt processed V330-2598.ES 4/�7/99 passed alcohol compliance check; no "unoffidal" waming-DL 6/27J991etter sent to applicant reques6ng missing required docs. CAM ORIGINAL Council File # � - ��5y Green Sheet # (�b 6 RESOLUTION Presented By Refened To Committee: Date 3� RESOLVED, that the Ma1t On Sale and Restaurant (B) license application (License ID number 19990003237) submitted by Hang & Lor, Inc. d/b/a Great Dragon Buffet for the premises located at 945 Rice Street in hereby denied for failure to submit information required for the license, specifically a property lease or purchase agreement for the premises, a copy of the business purchase agreement or Bill of Sa1e, and the Articles of Incorporation for Hang & Lor, Inc.. Said denial shall be effective immediately. . 9 This Resolution and the action taken above aze based upon the facts contained in the September 10 10, 1999 Notice of Violation letter to the licensee, the June 22, 1999 and August 16, 19991etters 11 to the licensee requesting this information, and such azguments as may haue been presented to 12 the Council at the public hearing. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Appz By: CITY OF SA1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA � BY: ��-`..� 4 �� , Form Approved by City Attorney � � � � Sy: � GLf' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Adopted by Council: Date � S-_ �� 9.9 �(9 -los4 GREEN SHEET No 1��? i 6 Robert Ressler TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES u��� u��— ❑ m..,,� ❑ m.� ❑..�.�,��.�. ❑..��.a ❑...��,,.,�.,�, ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Concerning the Restaurant and Malt On-Sale License Applications by Hang & Lor, Inc. dba Great Dragon Buffet, 945-A Rice Street. (Uncontested) : FiEWMMtNIJAl10N AppfoVe �A) Of KeJect i PL4NNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE �, CML SERVICE CAMMISSION ITAGESIFAPPROVED � RAGES IF NOTAPPRQVEl7 AOUNT OF TRANSACTION �URCE NFOrs�wnw+(ocxaN) Has thic PersnJfirm e.er xorked under a caMisct far tltis depaMiml? vFS No F1as tllis O�rm easr been a dlY empbyee7 YE3 NO Doea ihie D�� 0� a sldl not mmnlry'VOCCesced M' anY cunerR cdY emPbYee? YE.�i OIQ Is this P�s��m atargMetl vetWOYI YES " NO dein all res arisv.eis on aeoerate sheet anA aCaeh tn areen aheet COSTIREVENUEBUDQETED(qRCLEON� YES �cTnm xw�sen NO OFFICE OF Tf� CITY ATTORNEY ClaylomM Robrnson, Jr., CityAllorney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nonrs Coleman, M¢yor aq-ios Civr! Division 400 City Ha11 IS West Kellogg Blvd. SaintP¢u� �nnesota 55l02 October 6, 1999 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING Hang & Lor, Inc. Crreat Dragon Buffet 945-A Rice Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55117 Telephone: 651266-8770 Facsimile: 65I 298-5619 G�t:?? ?2�._2,^" ^„nx?� ;...._ . ._ < -�' ; �;t.�� RE: Restaurant and Malt On-Sale License Applications by Hang & Lor, Inc. d/b/a Great ragon et, for the premises at 945-A Rice St. in St. Paul - - . _ ... - License ID No.: 990003237 Our File Number: G99-0319 Deaz Sir/Madam: Please take notice that a hearing concerning the above-named establishment has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, October 27, 1999 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the facts concerning the failure to provide the required information to process your license application has not been denied. You will haue an opportunity at the Council hearing to present orai and/or written remazks as to the penaity, if any, to be imposed. The recommendation of the license office will be for the denial of your license application. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, � � ��� Virginia .��r Assistant City Attorney cc: Hang & Lor, Inc. 706 Clearbrook Lane, Vadnais Heights, MN 55127 .Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Chuck Repke, Community Organizer, District 2 Community Councii, Ave. E., St. Paul, MN 55119 1961 Sherwood UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING � o� _ ,o5u Licensee IVame: Hang & Lor, Inc. d/b/a Great Dragon Buffet Address: 945-A Rice Street Council Hearing Date: October 27, 1999 Viofation: Faiture to Provide Appfication Information Needed to Process License Application Place: Licensed Premises Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of ctient, Office ofi License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Deniat of License Application Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Viofation 3. License Information Report 4. August 16, 1999 letter from LIEP to licensee 5. June 22, 1999 letter from LIEP to licensee 6. License information OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY O S� C(ayfon M. Robiruon, Jr., CityAttorney /f(.� —( CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coteman, Mayor Civi! Division 400 City Hall l5 Fi�est Kellogg Blvd. Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Telephone: 65! 266-8710 Facsimile: 65] 298-5619 September 10, 1999 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Hang & Lor, Inc. Great Dragon Buffet 945-A Rice Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55117 RE: Restaurant and Malt On-Sale License Applications by Hang & Lor, Inc. dJbJa Great Dragon Buffet for the premises at 945-A Rice Street, Saint Paul License ID #: 990003237 Dear SirlMadam: The Office of License, Tnspections and Environniental Protection has recommended denial of your license applications for the premises at 445-A Rice Street in Saint Paul. The basis for the recommendation is set forth below: Your application for a Restaurant and Malt On- Sale license is incomplete. By letter dated August 16,1999, you were notified that the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection still needed a copy of your property lease or purchase agreement for the premises, a copy of the business purchase agreement or Bill of Sale and the Articles of Incorporation for Hang & Lor, Inc. To date, none of the items have been received and your application cannot be processed. If you do not dispute the above facts please send me a letter with a statement to that effect. The matter will then be scheduled for a heazing before the St. Paul City Council to determine the status of your license applications. You will have an opportunity to appear and speak on your own behalf, or to have someone appeaz there for you. Altematively, you can submit Yhe Page 2 Great Dragon Buffet September 10, 1999 documents required to process your Restaurant and Malt On-Sale license application. �� _�o 5� On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, I wi11 schedule an evidentiary heazing before an Administrative Law Judge (AL.n. If you wish to have such a hearing, please send me a letter stating that you aze contesting the facts. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing," so you wili know when and where to appeaz, and what the basis for the hearing will be. In either case, please let me know in writing no later than Tuesday, September 21, 1999, how you would like to proceed. If I have not heard from you by that date, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts. The matter will then be scheduled for the hearing before the St. Paul City Council. If you have any questions, feel free to call me or have your attomey call me at 266-8710. Sincerely, �u� ,��� V 6 cc�v�.�r�� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Hang & Lor, Inc., 706 Cleazbrook Lane, Vadnais Heights, MN 55127 Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Kathy Cole, Executive Director, District 6 Planning Council, 1061 Rice St., St. Paul, N1�i I 55117 a�- i�s�k STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEX AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on September 13, 1999, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named company by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Hang & Lor, Inc. Great Dragon Buffet 945-A Rice Street St. Paul, MN. 55117 Hang & Lor, Inc. 706 Clearbrook Lane Vadnais Heights, MN. 55127 (which is the last known addresses of said company) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in t Uni ed States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. � � � /� / � Subscribed and sworn this 13th of Notary Publi� to before me eDa.bQr, 1999. PETER P. PANGBOR`� N4TAAY �18L4C- M4NNES'� ' py Corttm. E7�ItBaJan.37.2�., �,�-- �°S`� � � 0 a x N W O N o a- � O d U � � J � a � 0 '� O G. � C O :7 N � O Y-� � d N C c�i J N � � N � � C � U � J � N N M Q v I- N N � N C N � U ++ J � � ` m o n r E � � N Z M c o U � J � v N � N � N W 'a U a � r � � � � LL � m Z � N Q � � N � Z Q Q m W � � � U Z m0 Z J C �' o � a ¢ x �U C 3 O U L N 00 � m � d X W p N � c o - N � � O d Q � � Z U W O � a � W C d' N Il.� � � N Q C � � � N Z C Q � � W� U W U J c � � � c � � � � 3 Z N C � O � " N a N N � d� C a 3 LL) m � ❑ N � � N V Q � W U � � V W N O� U � � N -p Oc N (h � M U LS �� N � C C71 A m � C N p N O� E a V C N L y U � C N (p R L � � Q � n- � U O V Q. C O � � p O � U `m = o - N o� � N N J � � p_0 N � � m� rn�c� M� �N� � ao`V 3coC) a�-� � � O a x N W � N O N d O d V N � J m a � 0 � 0 a d a c O � 16 � r .� .�. L d N _ d U 1 � 3 m � � � a�i > U «� J Q C m .�-. N O � N � T m ~ C N �p a m U J d � � ` � � o a < ti � � N Z M U � J � � � m � �� �w v Q�n � � � O�i t�G Lll LL LL � m Z O N Q � � @ 0 Z� m ¢ � W Q.' � U Z m O Z J c ot3 o � a¢ 2 �U C � O U Q � a� m O a x w � � d � E � Z U O a U m � C � N Z c m n c G 0 V N 5 y C d � � 7 Z m C � O � � N d N N � d � c d 7 � m � � N H � N C Q H � W U � � � W y N U � '�6 N - a O e �1 m U Q� �� N N 3 � V C N o._ E Q C (0 L N U N d C N R � O d � nE � O V fl- �L m �o 0 � U L m = �a � o� (p N � hNJ� � � � N rn m a�m �� ��, �n�� i� � � �N¢ mv coU 511iNi P,Aif L � Atl CITY OF SAI��T PALZ :�'arn: Calenicn, Afc.�or august 16, 1999 19990Q03237 Hano & Lor Inc Great Draeon �uffet 945-A Rice S�zet Saint Paul h�'�5117 OPFICH OF LIC[\$E. I\SPECTIO\S A\D E.\'VIROS?7ENTAL 7ROTECT:OV Robert A"crs/er. Direcmr LO�iRYPROFESS/O.C;L BL7LD/NG Suite 3G0 ii0 St Pe�er 51ree� Saim Pn.d, ,l�ir,nesotn .i5/OId 510 Re: Ne��• License Application at 945 Rice Street (Second?�TOtice) Deaz Licensee: : :. a q - �os� Telepl�mte: 651-266-9Q90 Fncsinoile: 657-?66-5059 651-?66-97?4 Afrer extensiie reriew, I hace determined your license application r19990003237 (from 7une, 1999) is 4ti11 incomplete. At this time, your business licer.se record (I.D. '19990003237) for a D4a]t On Sale (3.2) and Restaurant (B) license hzs been inacti��ated unril the folloKina itzm(s) are received: • Copy ofProperty LeaseiPurch2se ?.orzement, Proof of 0«nership or Bill of Sa]e • Cop} of Business Purch2se zgreement or Bill of Sale • Articl�ofIncorporation . . S•� � Federat and State Income Ta� Retums for the past three (3) years 1'our ]icense hES not been issued. If you are conducting a business, you are doing so �ztithout a validCity of Saint Paul license and may be sub}eat to adverse action and penalties. Ifynu �crish to conrinue to operate your business, you must submit the aforementioned requirements by August 30, 1999. Please let us la�ow, in writting, before Aua st 30 whether or not you intend to continue with this applitarion or w�ish to permanenily withdraw. After this date, this office will begin the admiaistrative hearing process to deny your license request. You have the opportunity toappeal the City's decision through this proceeding. If you have anp questions reearding this action, please contact me at (651) 266-9108. Since� �• �� Chrisiine Rozet LIEP Deputy I�irector CAR/cam CITY OF SA�T PAUL A'orno Colen:r.n, d4nror June 22, 1999 19990003237 Han� 8z Lor Inc Great Draeon Buffet 9 +5 :A Rice Street Saint Pau1:�4'v >j117 Re: 'vew License :�pplicztion at 945 Rice Street OFPICE OF LICE�SL•, 1\'SPECTiO\'S A\D E\\9R0::\;EVTTL PROTEC7I0\ �{ '�C� RoArtA'csslc{ Dircr.cr , a 1 � � LONRY P�20FESJOA'.9L Telephone: 651-'66-9090 6ClLDLYG Faesi�rrile: 651-?6E-97:. ?9D Sv Peier Sireet Sui:e 3G0 Scir,(Pcu7,hiL•r,esofn SSIU2 This letter is to form211y norify you of documentation our office ctill requires in order to complete your application. Your lice�ce applicarion for a A1alt On Sa]e (3:1) and Restaurant (B} license ]ocatzd at 945 Rice Street ez�not be processed until our office receices the folloe•ine: • Copy of Property Lezse�Purchzse Agreement, Proof of O�anership or Bill of Sale • Copy of Business Purchase A�reement or Bill of Sale • ArticlesofIncoiporalion • Site Plan • Liquor Liability Insu.�nce • Federa] and State Inc�e Tax Retums for the past (3) years Insurance certificates, Lezse �?reements./Bill of Sale, site plans, Articles of Incorporation and lists can be faxed to our office at (651) 266-912A. RTe must obtain the required papenvork/payment before tice can complete processing your license application. At this time, your license has not been issued; therefoze, you aze not authorized to operate in the City of Saint Paul. You �;�ill �t receice y�our license unril all information and/or payments are receiced in our office. If you have any questions, please contact Corinne at (651j 266-4106. Regazds, (1��� Christine A. Rozek LIEP Deputy Director �"���� CAR/cam ��,�os�1 , $ � •. � Licensee ANG & LOR INL " Pay Pmrc 4uzm � Hitt ';5� � DBA REAT DRAGON BUFFET Lirense I Licensee i Lic Types � Insurence � Bond , Requirements, r Praperty C� Licensee r Unofficisl � P�a�ec[ FaciiRator: MMTENS, CORINNE � SYreet #' 45 Adverse Achon Commetds Street IJame: CE � � Street Type. 5T _ DireMion � ' � UM �nr] �— UnR A � — -_ _. . . _ _. _ � Cdy T PAUL CommerRS. ! Stffie' jIN Zip: _ _ 55777 � '�3-99 $7600refundofproratedMattprocessed 330-2598E5 vVard. � :-Brow%se � j 11759 passed alcohol comphance checK; no Dist CounN. �6 i 'unoffcial" waming-DL � f22t991etter seMto aG p���sM requestmq rcnssnp Licensee: � ANG & LOR MC Commerrts i j OBA: REAT ORAGOM1I BUFFET ' � � Saies Tex Id: 726572 Bus Phone: 657J 489-2256 j 06f0771999 � 05f37R000 I N License #�90003237 Save Changes to History i�8s�e �c... ��c� °-L�` �,�,c�. ��. ��E.:: �E... !�I- t�r... 1` � '� �N.�� 2a ,z.oaPrai �� .`I�J-l�Vl�.1-1-1-1� , ,, _,. �._ _ - _..� _ � � �''r' � ��, �0 , �� �;� I U =f - gb�.-� �; I Licensee NG & LOft INC � rm') Post" Summ DBA REAT012AGONBUfPET License Licensee � Lw.TYPes � Insurartce � Bontl �iteqdremerds� ..� . Licensea Name ANG & LOB INC _ �; 06A' REAT DftAG6N BUFFET SalesTaxld 128572 Non-Profd (� Wolker'sCemp. 6l01R000 .'P��p����"� AA CoMract ftec'd ONON000 AA Training Rec'd ONON0�0_ AA Fee Colleded: �NOf0000 , DiscouM Rec'tl: r �Mail Ucense To. — C•� Mail To Corrtact C' Liceme Address O[her 0&91p99�00NON00�HANG �THAI �PRESIDENTlAF(651)4892256(651–AlaillnvoiceTo � �' Mail To CaMaM - C� License Address �I „ s�s .,� -;y�1 _ . _ -_,_ J; Background CHeck Required r sGOr�[act PropeNies q�� 3237 Save Changee to Nistwy .. _';' '_' _ ._' ' ' i� Start L� Gr... 6° Co. .'` Lie �;Cu � EC.. � EC... U EC :�j�Lic ,' ��j Pr .. `:�. �'' N t..,�- ��'� 2:09 PM . License Group Comments Text Licensee: HANG & LOR INC �BA� GREAT DRAGON BUFFET License#: �ggg0003237 08/31N 999 � _ �D 8-73-99 576.00 refund of prorated Malt processed V330-2598.ES 4/�7/99 passed alcohol compliance check; no "unoffidal" waming-DL 6/27J991etter sent to applicant reques6ng missing required docs. CAM