89-767 WHITE - GTV CIERK PINK - FINANCE COURCII //�� / CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY O A I NT PAU L y /� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. • �`i � Counc esolution f l5 � �_ Presented By , �� � � � eferred To °P-� Committee: Date `� �� Out of Committee By Date An administrative R so ution amending the Civil Service Rules regar in filling vacancies. RESOLVED, that the Civil Servic R les be amended in Section 8, FILLING VACANCIES, Subsection 8.A.1, so that th third paragraph of said Subsection shall read as follows: 8.A.1 In the absence of an eli bl list for a position requested, the Personnel Office may er ify from higher classes to vacancies occurring in lo er classes,' or from the eligible list of the nearest equal or h gh r graded appropriate list, where the examination reasonably me su es the ability of the eligible to perform the duties in the cl ss to which certification is made. Certification from a rela ed list as described in this paragraph shall be made e��y from e th r an original or a promotional entrance eligible list. i 1� COUNCIL MEMBERS R e y Dep ent of: �.., Yeas �mond Nays ¢��.' � Of ice of Personne d Labor Relations ��g -: � [n Favor coswitz - ' j Rettmsrt t �°'� ' sche�ne� �:�` � � ��— Against BY - Sonnen ,�` ��, �;;. Wilson ' Form Approved y it Attor ey Adopted by Council: Date \ \� � ; � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY gy, A►pproved by Ylavor: Date App;o by Ma f r Sub ' sion to Council By � . .. ! ; . _ . ,�,,... � � _ � . . }��:"r ti�.7r . . � . ' % WHITE = C1-TY 6LER,�C ° -. . . . .. .~ ' \. PINK - FINANCE ■!�� � � COIIflCll �r CANARV - OEPARTMEN7 � tJ j TY O A I NT PAIT L 1 �� ��j' � � BI.UE - MAVOR � '-FIlE NO. . � � �ounc l esolution Presented By � '�- �/ �'. - �eferred To -�-�� -�' ° Committee: Date 1 � , � Out of Commit`tee By Date :;. �.���sl�tratia r�a� �e1� t1Nt CiV11 E�s�ice Eec3aa r�a f 2llia� �teanctsrs. � -�--, -- ',` ._ ',k , �,- � � \ tESOL�, chat tks cs3ii �.r,r les � _� in s�ccto� a, lrlLt.2lc `r � v��C�IiCIEa, S�s�ctsai a.A,i, �s ti� tbir! p�raara*h ef said �bsa�ctio, s6s11 r�ad as t�ll�o�sa . 8.4�.1 In tba a�a�+s of ss •1 3 l� Iiat !or a �ositi�a r�rss�ai, tl�s hrsoe�aei Offic� c ify ltbw bi�6:i els��es to vaca�i�s occ�uti� i� r cl+uas. or lres th� sli�ibla 2ist of tb� assrest �t! er N!. tr stade� ap�rs}ria� list, �ass tht �� �zaiaatioa ruseaati2T ras tb� sbilitjr of e� �l�ibl� to . perfass �S dt�tia i� t • to �i.�tb e�sktit'itstios is saae. Ceztifie�atioa i� a r� t 2ist a�r dtseribs� #a �bis psrssraph -.._ a�ai2 1s �di e� iroa �i r sa ort��iaal ar a g,ra�otio�sl �tr�ce �li�t�l: list. r ��._ �'',,, COUNCIL"MEMBERS R �,�-�y--•�� ment of: , �` Yeas Dimond N�S D�;i�.E! Of Zt!!�! LabAZ �l1�tfON ,-,s� '�'" Long [n Fav r . Gosw;tz n. , __ ... Rettman s���ne� Agains BY. , . ��.>.... Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date : Certified Passed by Council Seccetary By f� � By R Apptoved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Snbmission to Council .. . __ By By �. ��-��� �DEPARTMEMT FlCE/COUNqL DATE INITIA D 0 fice o Personnel & abo Re at�o - GREEN SHEET NO. 9 0 9 CONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE INITIAUDATE DEPARTMENT dRECTOR �dT1f OOUNdI Mark Robertson � ��TMAn�� ��� MUST BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROU7�10 BUDOET DIflECTOR �FlN.6 MOT.8ERV1�8 DIR. MAYOR(OR A8SI8TANn � C 1 V 11 S e rv� 1 �Ori TOTAL N OF 81�iNATURE PAQ�ES L (CLIP L TION8 FOR 81ONATUR� R ACTION REOUESTED: " APR �� 1989 CIT RECOMMENDATION3:MP►�(N a►�I��R) COUNCIL OPTIONAL _PLANNING COMMISSION -CIVIL 8ERVICE COMMISSION ��Y8T PHONE NO. —aB�M� — R 2 � 1°89 —�� _ � -D1�1O7 CO1RT - hAAYOR'S OFFICE SUPPORTS WHICH OOUNpL�JECTIVE4 INRIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,Whsn,Where,Wh�: A new or unplanned promotional vacancy oc ur and manager does not wish to appoint a provisional. No eligible list exists for cu rent position, but an eligible list exists for the next higher position. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: This will result in no cost to the City a d ill result in some potential savings due to less testing. It will increase promotion 1 pportunities for employees and increase flexibility for managers. OISADVANTA(�ES IF APPROVED: DISADVMITAOES IP NOT APPROVED: Cour�ii Research CenteL APR 2 6 i�89 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(qRCLE ONE) YE8 NO FUNDINO SOURCE ACTNITY NUMBER FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPWI�