89-760 WHITE -�-'CITV CLERK . PWK - FINANCE GITY OF' S I T PAUL Council /j /'') BIUERr-MAYORTMENT File NO. �` ` • �O • / Or Z Ce Ordinance N 0. � �(v �� �- _ Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -8- ec ion 7 . This ordinance shall take f ect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, pproval and publication. City Assisted Projects which have b n approved by the City Council prior to its effective date shall no b subject to the provisions of this ordinance. EXHIBIT A. AFFORDA LE RENTS BY BEDROOM SIZE : 1989 Maximum Bedroom Size Monthly Gross Rent SRO $332 EFF 444 1 BR 444 2 BR 507 3 BR 571 4 BR 634 COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� [n Favo Goswitz Rettman p g Scheibel A gai ns t Y Sonnen —i�ilcu�. v1J�. 2 5 Form Approved by City Atf ney Adopted by Council: Date � / B p l �!O° Certified Pa s Council S reta Y By Appr y Mayor: Date �u� 2 8 Approved y Mayor for Submission to Council .� By p�g�� AU G -5 19 9 . � �_ ��U � �� �� GITY O AINT PAUL OFFICE O T E CITY COUNCIL WILLIAM L. WILSON MARK VOERDING Councilman Legislative Aide M M RANDUM To: City Council President Jim h bel and Members of the City Council From: Councilmember Bill Wilso � . Qu Subject: Committee Recommendatio o Housing Replacement Ordinance Date: July 10, 1989 The ordinance language which was pr e ed to Council as amendments recommended by the Housing and Economic Develo m t Committee accurately reflected the outcome of the committee discussion. ta drafted the language and circulated it to committee members before senciing th a endments to the City Clerk's office. The consensus was that the draft was acce ab e; however, Councilmember Sonnen indicated to staff that there were additional ame d ents she planned to introduce before Council. I will not be able to be at tomorrow's o ncil meeting, but I encourage you to adopt this version as the committee recomm nd tion and then consider any further amendments to be brought forward by an Councilmembers. CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-4646 9 46 ------- • - - —_..-- !M/MITE - CITV GLERK � - ---' PINK � F�NANCE ��. . .- . CANARV -OEPARTMENT BLUE - Mq�rOR CITY OF City Attny/JTH INT PAUL �O��i1 p �� File N 0. O � ��� Presen � Ce ted�By � Ordinance N O. � /iP�eferred To`` ' � �� ` Out of Committee gy Committee: Date �-��-�f p� d ! Date An administrati e ordinance enacti �eplacement housi ng a p�`ocedures for it g P°licy and providing \ ' plementation, �t THE CO�TN(;IL OF THE C� �Y OF SAINT A DOES ORDAIN; � �� Sec io 1 , , Section A� �1 Inte t. is in the public interest The i y of Saint Paul finds that ' of an adequate su ° promo e the it rental housin p�ly of de ent Production and . g for low-incom ' S ni ary, safe and affordableVation �;C effect a polic resi en s . The Cit � x'� � rental housin y and roced r wher b Y desires to g due to a Cit Y the potential loss of such y► � � '{ reviewed in relation to y a sis d develo ment b housin the ove all s p ProJect will be �,p� , g in the City; and, where �°p1Y of affordable rental mination of the Cit P� o riate, be developed to re la��uncil of t e Cit based upon the deter- �� �'� the current needs of e lost renta y °f St • Pau1V'a plan will ti�� the Cit ' ho sing with housin 1 y s low in ome residents , g that meets � g� Sectio ,s� Section 93 . p2 Definitions . $� . �a) Affordable Rental Housin ,� units w ic : �e�idential rental a have no b er� vacant for housing two years : (b) are a le a more than gross rents now or g Z ni use; and � months which are nottmore 1 e 1 the previous twelve h n 30'�percent of 60 � percent COUNCIL MEMBERS �� \\ Yeas Nays ' Dimond Req est d by Departr�ent of: Long G°S"''r� —� In Favor Rettman Scheibel '+ Sonnen --� Against ` Wilson BY � Adopted by Council: �`ti Date Form pp ved b ' Certified Passed b Y City Atto; ey y Council Secretary By BY v �il Approved by Mayor: Date By Approv Mayor for Submission to Council By � , S�o��° ate SpQ�y°o � �e��c9 b9 �vnG,,• �c,1 Sec \\ CP �. � Q�� ��gea�dy � � , ,.� ��E�ea 4 O9te o�: 8`I a�Ma`J o�e PQQc 8y . . �� . � � . �, � � ;� � ����-��v ��� -z- :,� �� �. ty' 4t of the metrop litan st tistical area median as such income may be por ed by the U.S . Department of Housing and Urba D ve opment ("MSA Median Income") , adjusted for fami. si e. (Please see Exhibit A for 1989 rent threshol . ) (b) Affordable Rents . r s rents which are not more than 30 percent o 60 pe ce of the MSA Median Income. -(c) Agency. Any depart en o division of the City of Saint Paul, the Por A tho ' ty of the City of Saint Paul, or the Housin a d Re velopment Authority. (d) Cit Assisted Pro' e t. A hous g, commercial , office or in ustria real st te devel ment project in which the City provides f n cial assi ance or aid in securing public fin n 'al assistan e including federal grant administered y the City, an City revenue bond financing, tax incr m t financing, ax levy, or revenues controlled b the City, exce t , however , projects which eith r: (a) have a valu� of less than $1, 000, 000, or (b) e ults in a loss o five or fewer Affordable Rental H u ing units shall no e con- sidered "City Assis e Projects" for the �urposes of this ordinance . '0, , : (e) Director. Director m ans the Director, Depar�ment of Planning and Econo ' c Development . � ``� � S ction 3 . Section 93 . 03 Procedur f r an Affordable Rental Housin `'•, Analysis . ` (a) Pre aration of an ff rdable Rental �Iousin Anal sis . Prior to action y t Counci o t e City o Saint Paul (the "City Co nc 1") to approve financial assistance . . � � ; � � . . . � �.�i 7foo -3- � to a City Assisted P oj ct, which includes either ��, the demolition or th nversion of Affordable Rental Housing, the e shall be prepared by the `, agency proposing the Pr ject , an Affordable Rental '`•Housing Analysis (th " nalysis") . The Analysis shall include: (1) . A description o t e number of total rental ' units , includin fordable Rental Housing units , to be de ol' shed or converted to a different use i cl ding the following in�ormation: (i) number o b drooms (ii) ', current on ract rent (iii) '�init siz ( quare feet) (2) A statemei^l,t of ur ent vacancy rates and market rents for �:enta u its of similar size in the City of Sair'iRt P ul . (3) A statement o��; he number of Affordable Rental Housing units p od ced in the City of Saint Paul from Janua � , 198$ , through the date of the Analysis . (4) A statement of he ��umber of Affordable Rental Housing units 1 st 'i� the City of Saint Paul as a result of it A�sisted Projects from January l , 1988 th oug�� the date of the Analysis . °� (5) A statement of he net g�;in or loss of Afford- able Rental Hou in units�. based upon items Number 3 and 4 bo e . `"� (6) A statement reg rd ng whether the proposed City Assisted Projec i consisten't with the Saint Paul Comprehens 've Plan. '` . , . : ��, 7�a -4- � '\�(b) Review of the Afford bl Rental Housin Anal sis . � T e Ana ysis s a b r viewed by the Director in ��., Section 93 . 03(a) in rd r to ensure that the items �';, are addressed. The ir ctor`s review shall also '�include, but not be im ted to : (1) a summary of the recent progress ad by the City in meeting �,ts current goals fo t e production and preser- v�.tion of Affordable Re tal Housing as such goals ar`� set forth within th annual housing production plai�; filed with the it Clerk by the Director by, or na:t later than, J nu ry 31 of each year, and such ather nolicies s ay from time to time be adopte�,, by the City; an (2) an assessment of current '`��narket condi io s as they may relate to the cost `'�of developi g dditional Affordable Rental Ho�ising. (c) Recommendati'e�n for A fo dable Housin Plan. The � �Director s a t en a a recommen ation to the City Council/�r��;gardi g ow the potential loss of Affordable Rent�,l Ho si g due to the City Assisted Project relates �o t e verall supply of and demand for Affordable Reri�a H using in the City. If it is determined that '� e ffordable Rental Housing to be lost should be re" la ed, the/�Di:rector shall so state and shall furt A�� identify the type of Affordable Rental Ho s�= g which should be developed (size of unit, numbe o F:, units , target market , time period for developme t, �hich in no event shall be longer than three ye rs a��er the commencment of demolition or conver io o�`�.�the Affordable Rental Housing units to be os due`�,to the City Assisted Proj ect) . The°1Direc or shall'��make a recommendation to replace units to e ost du� to a City Assisted Proj ect when any of he followii'�g circumstances are present: ��• ��� (1) If the Affordab e ental Hous��ng Analysis shows that ther h s been a ne'� loss of Affordable Rent l ousing units``�, or (2) If (i) the type of Affordable Reri�al Housing units related t t e proposed Cit�., Assisted Project are cur en ly the type of units �ahich the City has de er ined, through it's housing . ., . � . . . . ���'`7�'� -5- production and r servation goals , to be needed in the C t ; and (ii) the number of units to be os due to the proposed City Assisted P oj ct equals or exceeds ``� twenty units ; o (��� If Affordable R nt l Housing is lost due to an activity whi h ' s directly funded from: �`�. (i) the Communi y evelopment Block Grant $ntitlement Pro r,a ; or (ii) the Section 1`b,8 Loan Guaran ee Program; or (iii) the Url�n Developme t ction Grant Program, on or a���ter Septem er 30, 1988 . (d) Affordable' ousin R u rements . In recommending a plan ( to replace A ordabl R ntal Housing units to be lost due to a City Assi�ted P oj ct, the Director shall propose means by which �`�he r pl cement housing will be : �, (1) located �aith�,n he City of Saint Paul or East Metro Region i�. a anner consistent with the City' s adopted ' ou ing Assistance Plan and nei�hborhood re v lopment plans . �, (2) sufficient in n b and size (number of bedrooms) to ho se a�� least the same number of occupants as co lc�n�,have been, under local codes , housed i A fordable Rental Housing units which will b los'�,; , (3) provided in sta a d cond�tion, including com- pliance with all a plicabl�, housing and building codes ; �'�, ''f� (4) affordable renta ousing uni�� for at least ten (10) years from h date of inY,tial occupancy; (5) either newly con t ucted or reha�;ilitated. The�[Director shall fu t er set forth estimates of the total cost to develop t e replacement housing which is being recommended and a y subsidy cost . Subsidy cost . . . . . � � � ��7�° -6- , is defined as total r acement housi development ��. and o P �r;r� cost m' u costs which can be financed by an amortizing loa a d/or costs which can be paid '` by private equity do la s . Se tion 4. Section 93__._04 A roval o R lacement Housin Plan.. The City Counci711sha11 have t e i a responsi i ity or approving, amending, or rejecting the/lDir ct r' s recommendations . If the City Council�ldeter in s that the Affordable Rental Housing units to be `].ost shoul b replaced, adequate funds to pay for the total 'developme t ost, including any subsidy cost of the replacement units , sh 11 be identified and approved by the Agency proposing''the Ci y ssisted Project prior to City Councilnaction approving''=the p oj ct . S tion 5 . Section 93. 05 Im lementa -i of Re lacement Housin Plan. Upon approval of both a plan a c1 inancing or replacement housing units , the Director sh 1 , oversee and monitor the implementation of the plan. /` S c t i�an 6 . This ordinance shall take e fect ar�.d be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passag , approva� and publication. City WHITE �- CITV CIERK COIl(1C11 /�, PINK - FINANCE / CANARV -OEPARTMENT GITY OF INT PAiTL K/D BIUE -MAVOR File NO. �- � • Or n nce Ordinance N0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of,Committee By Date -7- assisted projects which have b e approved by the City Council prior to its �effective date sh 11 not be subject to the provisions of this ordinance . , `� COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond ��g In Favor Goswitz Rettman �he;beQ Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approv City Attor y Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY . . _ . ,_ _ _ ,., . - . ,�' _ .. wr��Te��:- c�Tr. cLEftK . . . . . . � � � � ,:k , PINW � CIJNARV -DEP RCTMENT �� � . . :. . � . . � :...� �.� CO1l1IC1L t �r-^ }r� � .BLUE -MAVOR G�ITY OF IN��PAUL ` � File NO. �� � �` �� . , . � � Or i dnce � �inance N O. . � �cesent�d By : � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ; � __ . , .._ .._ _ ,. -� � "�'�' , t ;1 � � � � '. r 'i j �s�L'#t� �.���l� #� 1lJ�'IA �"�Z�O^I/� �?'�t "t�i! C3.�jr �� ; p�iar t�o '�1�s +a!`f�ctiv�s dste _ �at be s+�b�s�*t to t�a pst;s3a��aas . ;� ,s of �his . :, ,, . _ � . ,.. �s �� ,�. �r. � � , - . . . � . . � ' . �f�. . .. . . . . . l;� . ` . . . . . . . ' `. . � � . .. � � . :5 . .. . . ... � , . . { �-. } :'. i', '-:1 . y-' . COUNCIL �IEMBERS = � ° : " " Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: # Dimond _ �08 �[1 e'aVOi Goswitz _ Itettman ' • . ;` s�n�ne� Against By ,' sonnen Wilson � orm Approved by City Attorney . �opted by Council: Date . '¢ � �X`,� � Certified Passed by Councal Secretary BY ��" ' By Approved by Mayor: Date pproved by�Mayor for Submission to Council _,�,,. . . By ' � � • �l �` 7cO U . • ' � . � . . . � � �-,,,�,L� ,a.�.,e.,,,.,-�-� V�2 C.o l.�w�GkIX e-G� a�-k 5' �IDI �� I� �� Cfo u.�.w�,1}-e e._ wc-c.�-� ' � An administr.ative o di ance enacting a ''�, replacement housing o 'cy and providing `�., procedures for its ' p mentation. � THE COUNCIL OF�'T�HE CITY OF SAINT PAUL OE ORDAIN: `�. �`� Sect on 1. Section 93.01 I�tent. The City f aint Paul finds that it � is in the public intere�t to promote t e roduction and preservation of an adequate suppl,;y of decei�t, sanitary, af and affordable rental housing for low�income residents. The City de ir s to effect a policy and procedure whereby the potential loss c�� such ren al housing due to a City assisted development project will be r�piewed i r lation to the overall supply of affordable rental housing in th�`e� City; an , where appropriate, based upon the determination of the City Coii�cil f he City of Saint Paul a plan will be developed to replace lost renta�,, ho si g with housing that meets the current needs of the City's low inc� re idents. Sec iQ 2. �� Section 93.02 Definitions. � (a) Affordable Reatal Hous ng Re�idential rental housing units which: (1) have no been'�vacant for more than two years; (2) are a legal zo ing use��; and (3) have gross rents now or at any t' e n the pi�vious twelve months which are not more tha 3 percent � 60 percent of the � I� ' .� . � � - . �- � ���- 7l� metro litan statistic 1 rea median as such income may be repo ted by the U. , epartment of Housing and Urban De lopment ("MS M dian Income") , adjusted for family size. (Ple se see Exhibit A for 1989 rent thresholds. v (b) Affordable Ren'ts. Gro s ents which are not more than 30 percent of 6�, perce t f the MSA Median Income. (c) Agency. Any departmen o division of the City of Saint Paul; t�te i�er� t}��}���� � � �}�e 6��� e€ 6s��� gg�}; er ��te �Fe�s�ag sae� �e�e�e�e�ffi a� ��i�e����. (d) City Assisted Project. A ousing, commercial, office or industrial real estate de lopment project in which the City; �F�A e� Se#a� �a�} �er� e3 e�g�� provides financial assistance or aid in securing pub ic inancial assistance including any federal grant a�in,�'st ed by the City, er any egeae�* er �e�� esa�e� ��s eea���,''*Cit re e�ue bond financing, tax increment financing, tax levies, un s''�r revenues controlled by the Se�a� - g$�� ge�� ����e����* e� i�e Ci,ty, e� �}�e �sse�er�es e€ ea�r �e�� eb��gs��ea e� seer����� � �� e.�eae� e� �e��► ee��re��e� ��* �i�e 6���; except, however, ro ects'which e��i�e�: (1) have a value of Iess than $1,000,000 0 (2) esult in a loss of five or fewer Affordable Rental Ho sing u its; or (3) are provided to individuals fo urcha e, remodeling, or renovation of single fa il dwellin s; shall not be considered "City Assisted Projects ' f r the pur oses of this ordinance. (e) Director. Director mea s he Directo Department of Planning and Economic D ve opment. (f) Publicly Assisted Pro'e t. A housing, c ercial, office or industrial real esta e_ evelo ment ro ect in which the Saint Paul Housing nd Redevelo ment A thorit , Port Authoritv or Public. Hou in A enc provide financial assistance including an r enue bond finan in , tax increment financing, ta 1 or revenues co trolled � the Authority or A enc , o � ro'ect which is not a City Assisted Pro'ect rs nt to Section 93.02 (d) (1) or (d) (2) , above. Fin c' 1 assistance provided to individuals for urchas , r modelin , or renovation of sin le family dwellings ha 1 not be considered "Publicly Assisted Projects" for e ur oses of this ordinance. Secti n . Section 93.03 Procedure for an Af or able Rental Housing Analysis. (a) Preparation of an Afford bl Rental Housing Analysis. Prior to action by the C un il of the City of Saint Paul (the "City Council" t approve financial assistance . '� �� _� . .� , � , � . : ��-�� 7� �� a City Assisted Pro'ec �which includes either the� emolition or the on ersion of Affordable - Renta Housing, there ha 1 be prepared by the � agency oposing the oj ct, an Affordable Rental Housing A lysis (the An lysis") . . The Analysis shall inclu (1) A descript'on of he umber of total rental units, incl ing ff rdable Rental Housing units, to be emo is d or converted to a different use c ud' g the following inf o rma t'_on: �i) aumber of ed ooms (ii) current e e� ross rent (iii) unit size (sq ,,are feet) ,,� (2) A statement of cu en `�acancy rates and market rents for rental u it of, similar size in the City of Saint Paul (3) A statement of the nu ber of',tAffordable Rental Housing units prod ce in the ,City of Saint Paul froa January , 188 1989;. through the date of the Analysis. '.� � (4) A statement of the nu ber of Affordable Rental Housing units Iost in the City of Saint Paul as a result of Cit A isted and Pub�icly Assisted Projects ro January 1, ��38&., 1989, through the date o t Analysis. � ,`l (5) A statement of the et gain or loss of Afi�ordable Rental Housing uni , ased upon items Num�r 3 and 4 above. �;� (6) A statement regardi g hether the proposed Cit� Assisted Project is co sistent with the Saint �� Paul Comprehensive la . `� � (b) Review of the �ffordable Re tal Housing Analysis. `�• The Analysis in Section 3. 3 (a) shall be reviewed by tH�e Director in order to ens re that the items are addressed. `�, The Director's review shall ls include, but not be limited ta: (1) a summar� of the re en progress made by the % City in meeting its cu ent goals for the production and preservation of Af rdable Rental Housing as such goals are set or within the annual housing production plan fil 'th the City Clerk by the Director by, or not at r than, January 31 of each year, and such othe po icies as may from time to ti.me be adopted by t e ity; and , • • - � .� . _ � . • , � ��y� ��d (2) an assessment of ur ent market conditions as they may relate to the co t of developing additional Affordable Rental Ho sing. tThe annual housing r du tion lan, to the extent �-readily ascertainable w 11 include the net number of tAffordable Rental Hou in units ained or lost � rprivate action. (c) Recommendati for Aff rd ble Housing Plan. The Director shall hen ma e recommendation to the City Council rega ding ho the potential loss of Affordable Rental us'ng due to the City Assisted Project relates to t ov rall supply of and demand for Affordable Rental u ing in the City. If it is determined that the A ordable Rental Housing to be lost should be repl ce the Director shall so state and shall furthe i e tify the type of Affordable Rental Hous'ng wh h should be developed (size of unit, number f nits target ma.rket, time period for development, w ich i no event shall be longer than three year a ter th commencment of demolition or convers' n f the A ordable Rental Housing units to be lo t ue to the City Assisted Project) . The Directo s all make a recommendation to replace unis to be os due to a C y Assisted Project when anp of t f llowing cire stances are present: �1) If the Affordable Re tal Housing Anal�sis shows that there as been a net loss of,, Affordable Renta Ho sing units; or �'`, � (2) If (i) the type A fordable Rental Housing units related to he proposed City Assisted Project are curr tl the type of units which the City has det i ed, through its housing production and p se vation goals, to be . - ` needed in the Ci ; nd (ii) the number of units to be 1 t ue to the proposed City Assisted Pr 'ec equals or exceeds twenty units; or (3) If Affordaole Re tal Housing is lost due to '',� an activitp whic is directly funded from: (i) the Communit De elopment Block Grant ``� Entitlement Prog m; or (ii) the Section 108 Loan Guarant e ogram; or (iii) the Urban Developmen A ion Grant Program, on or after Septemb r 3 , 1988. The Director mav reco e an Affordable Housing Plan for a City Assisted P o ' t in circumstances other than those recited in (1) , (2) or (3) above, if, in his/her determination other c're stances relating to the City - '� � - . . _ � . . : : �%���� y�d � - - Assisted Pro'ect exist hi h indicate that an Affordable Housing Plan should be on idered in connection with the project. — — �d) Affordable Housing Requ re ents. In recommending a plan to replace Affordable R nt 1 Housing units to be lost due a City Assisted Proj ct the Director shall propose me s by which the repl ce ent housing will be: ��} } s�e� w��i��s ��e 6� � e€ 8e�rc� �s�s� e� �ss� P4e��a �eg�ea '�� sa � eeas�s�ea� #� �i�e 6���*'e a�eg�e� He�s#ag As� snee �sn ane ae� i�� i�ee� �e�e�e�e�mer�� ��sas- (� 1) suffici t in nu e and size (number of bedrooms) house t east the same number of occupants'�s co d ave been, under local codes, housed�Af or able Rental Housing units which wil be lo t; 4 `j �3 2) provided in stan rd condition, including com— pliance with all ap �li able housing and building codes; � (4 3) Affordable Rental Ho s.ing units for at least ten (10) years from the da e 'of initial occupancy; (3 4) either newly cons ru ted `or rehabilitated. The Director shal.l furth r et forth estimates of the total cost to develop th r placemet�t housing which is being recommended and an s bsidy co�t. Subsidy cost is defined as total repl ce ent housing development and operating cost minus co ts which c�n be financed ' by an amortizing loan an /o costs whicti., can be paid by private equitp dollar . Secti 4. ''�, :� Section 93.04 Approval of Replace nt Housing Plan. The City Council shall have the final responsibi 'ty for approving, ameilding, or rejecting the Director's reco�endati ns `; If the City Council. determines that th Affordable Rental Hoi�sing units to be lost should be replaced, ade ua e funds to pay for the �total development cost, including any subsidy os of the replacement unit�, shall be identified and approved bv the ge cy proposing the City \ Assisted Project prior to City Council a ti n approving the project. � � Sectio 5 � Section 93.05 Implementation of Re la ement Housing Plan. Upon approval of both a plan and financi g or replacement housing units, the Director shall overs2e and mo it r the implementation of the • � ' - - � . " . � • . ' , � ' ' � ��''�` 7�od Sec io 6. Section 93.06 Sur lus Production; us ension of Ordinance Requirements. In � ear in which the annual hou in production lan referred to in Section 93.03 (b) hereof indicates ha there are sufficient units of Affordable Rental Housing of all t es, then the provisions of this ordinance shall be suspended until he ubmission of the subsequent annual housing production lan under Secti 9 .03 (b) . Se ti n 7. This ordinance shall ta,ke effec a d be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval an publication. City Assisted Projects which have been appro�d by th City Council prior to its effective date shall not be subj�a�ct o he provisions of this ordinance. °�� EXHIBIT A. AFFORDABLE S BY BEDROOM SIZE: 1989 Maximum Bedroom Size Monthly Gross Rent SRO � �,� $332 EFF ��� 444 1BR 444 2BR 507 3BR �;, 571 4BR �'� 634 �, ,y� ,� � � . - � . - � � � � �-�i-7(v ' _ - , ' " � Members: � ,--. .'� Biil Wiison, chair ' GITY OF NT PAUL Tom Dimond � �x`"""'"' ` . Kiki Sonnen � �� s�3� ; OFFICE OF TFI ITY COIINCIL . Date: May 10, 1989 WILLIAM L. WILSON � Commi e Report MARK VOERDING COUnCilmaII Legislative Aide To: Saint Paul City Councii From : Housing and Econo ic Development Committee Bili Wilson, Chair 1. Approval of Minutes Minutes of APRIL 12, 1989, meeting er APPROVED. 2. Ordinance amending the Legislative od by adding a new chapter pertaining to replacement housing (C.F. 89-54 ) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED WITHDRAWAL 0 TA ORDINANCE 3. Resolution establishing policy stat me t pertaining to replacement housing � (C.F. 89-662) COirIl�'IITTEE RECOMMENDED WITHDRAWAL OF TH RESOLUTION . Administrative Ordinance enacting a re lacement housing policy and � providing procedures for its implem nt tion (C.F. 89-760) CUIrHriiTTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, WI NDMENTS (amended ord�nance attached) SUSPENSION ITEM: Resolution asking the HRA and Port ut ority to consider adopting replacement housing policies and pr ce ures COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL (original resolution and green shee a tached) � 5. Resolution amending the 1989 budget by adding $9,000 to the Financing & Spending Plans for PED to hire cons lt nt to conduct intensive survey of the Lower Bluff and Swede Hollow ar as to determine eligibility for possible national regist2r and/.or 1 ca heritage preservation district ' designation. (C.F. 89-498) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL - CONTNUD - CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR AI T PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612l298-4646 g 6 � � � . � �� ��� COMMITTEE REPORT - Housing and Economic Development Committee May 10, 1989 Page Two 6. Resolution supporting the location of future state office expansion to be in and near the Capitol area and central core, requesting City administration work with state officials to foster said expansion into the targeted area and requesting the State to formally establish policy giving priority consideration to locating state offices in the target area (C.F. 89-572) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED LAYOVER 7. Resolution amending the CDBG Years XI and XII programs by transferring $288,000 from Year XII Rental Rehabilitation to Year XI Housing Development Opportunity for the acquisition of property for low income rental housing (C.F. 89-664) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 8. Approval of Revenue Bond Issue for General Pump/U.S. Inc. Referred by Port Authority 4/26/89 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL (original resolution attached) _ . � . . , � _ ���`��a COMMITTEE REPORT Page Two Housing and Economic Development Co it e Meeting Date: June 28, 1989 the St. Paul Civic Center for hl tic events, and requesting the Mayo'r to form an ad hoc committee of ep esentatives as listed to study the feasibility of cooperation with th U of M to host hockey games (C.F. 89-946) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 7. Hearing to consider the Appeal f aurel Ann March to a Summary Abatement Order for property lo te at 230-240 Dale COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED TO DENY T E PPEAL AND TO PROCEED WITH THE ASSESSMENT 8. Appeal of Charles Rafferty to a de ision of the Heritage Preservation Commission regarding the west w ng of Gillette Hospital located at 1003 E. Ivy Street COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED THE APPEA B LAID OVER IN COMMITTEE UNTIL AFTER AUGUST 31, 1989, AND THAT IT AL 0 E REFERRED TO THE HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION FOR FUR HE ACTION 9. Resolution requesting the HRA a d ort Authority consider and adopt replacement housing policies si il r to St. Paul' s (C.F. 89-867) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL __ - _. ______ _ _. ___ -- 10. Ordinance enacting the replacem t ousing policy and providing procedures for its implementati (C.F. 89-760) CO1�Il�IITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL ________..-_...____�_ .»______---.__,..____---- 11. Resolution to bring city to comp ia ce with the new state law on replacement housing (C.F. 89-1 38 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED WITHDRAWA OF THE RESOLUTION 12. Ordinance amending Section 189.0 ( ) of the Legislative Code pertaining to Truth in Housing forms and re ui ing a zoning classification (C.F. 89-1045) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED AN INDEFIN TE LAYOVER IN COMMITTEE, PENDING A STAFF RECOMMENDATION , . r , ' �����d •Mem6ers: - CITY OF SAINT PAUL Bili Wiison, chair �����► ��n Tom Dimond ��� �� � OFFICF OF THE CITY COIINCIL Kiki Sonnen Date: WILLIAM L. WILSON Committee Repor� RECEIVED MARK VOERDING COUnCiiman Legisiative Aide JUN 2 91989 � To: Saint Paul City Council ci�rY c�EK�c � From : Housing and Eco o ' Development Committee Bill Wilson, Chair l. Approval of Minutes MINUTES of the MAY 10, 1989, committee meeting were APPROVED. 2. Consent to issuance of $2,890,000 tax exempt Port Authority revenue bonds for Source, Inc. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL OF PROPOSED RESOLUTION (original resolution and green sheet attached) 3. Summary presentation on Economic Development Strategy COMMITTEE RECOrSMENDED APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED REVIEW PROCESS (no Council action required) 4. Approval of bonds for COPCO, sublease to Colder Products Company COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL OF PROPOSED RESOLUTION (original resolution and green sheet attached) 5. Resolution accepting the Near East Side Neighborhood Improvement Strategy, requesting the shorter list of priority strategies be incorporated into the City' s Administration' s work program, requesting said Strategy be used as background information for updating the Comprehensive Plan and to evaluate private development proposals to guide city and neighborhood action and investments on the Near East Side (C.F. 89-844) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, AS AMENDED (map clarifications listed on attached sheet) 6. Resolution supporting the position of Governor Perpich pertaining to the U of M sports facilities, encouraging the continued and expanded use of CI'TY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 � 612/298-4646 9�48 t - ... .. . .. _ .. _ . -:. _ . , ��. :.; .... - �.:. .A . .. . . : . . .:: ' _ . - " - _ - '1 . a _ - �1st 7 �y� � _ . _ .. . _ �2nd -,. 3rd ' Adopted , _ � Yeas �- ' D� Nays y_ t �..� j V/ O � 7W / - _ { -; Nxcos2A X ?` � xE���v , � SCHEIBEL - � S ON\TEN _ 5-;� . _ ; � WILSO�T # t - - �a 4r�IpA - - - ` RSIDENT: ' � �� ��` � r;=, ( - fY _ - . _ .. �. ., -: ...,. . . !.•.. l. .� , -' :. J'. . �". . �'.'. - _ - _ l