89-759 WHITE - C�TV CLERK COIlflCll ////// PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F S I NT PA U L % _/ CANARV - OEPARTMENT 1 BI.UE - MAYOR File NO• ' �`-�,�� Council eso,lution !��� , Presented By � ��—� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #9 71 ) for a Parking Lot License (over 150c) by Estes Development Co D A Count International at 2550 W. University Avenue, be and the same is hereby approved. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond t.ong [n Fa or Goswitz Rettman Scheibel � Again t By Sonnen Wilson MAY ' r 9 Form App ved by Cit Att ey Adopted by CounciL Date ' ' Certified Pa_s y Cou cil cr a BY , � By, � A►pproved b � vor: Dat 1'�� " 3 � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council g �= �'" gY Y Pe'jL���.� ::i ``�` 1 1 89 � - _ m►.e iwtu,eo ,e�e,ep y��� . � �,• _.�,:. .' .�. . .... .:. 7D . . " : �w1 ���"`�' r�w.�tl Q2 5 f� : � � 3. Carc�ted� � ���� �►,�t��� . Ghristine Roze�C "ss�°" ` �..��� ��� MUMBEii , . Ram� �� � �ounci� Resedr�h o�: _ `:._ F�nance $ . .�l�5t6 :'. cm�Tmw+er ApproYal :of an a�plic��ion for a Pa i Lot L�c�r�e (oVer 1�OC). Notifica�f�n Baite: 4-13-89 Hearing �Date: 5-2-84 nora:tM+�c�i a�C(A)) cat�+ci - r��w�o oorweeaN ,:a�.e��saN w�M rE art aw�vsr wa�Ho. norrrw aor�rssa�+ `�eo ezs ec�aa eouvo ss� awsen cor�ee�a+ �s `n°°'�wFa�oo�` _��oT°oi°r�� .—A�iia�* oisrnicr cou+c� +o�u�urioN: �� eurroma vKacr��oe.�nr�r M�iu17�q PAOOLl��11E.OrP01RtllATY(YV�YrM►.Nmrt.where.wh�:' ` . . . . .� br,• . . - . . . . . . Estes Dev lopmer�t Co. {Thomas E. Fo r -Mgr. ) f�3A Court Interr�atiot�al a,t �2�"50� tiniver ' ty �ive,nue requests Ci:t C ut�ci 1 �ipproY�l pf its appl i�atitln �or a parka lat license (over 150 ). . : �- .iu�.tr,c���..�aw�.s.A.�aat: ,. . . , _, . .. ., - � :-. . All fees and applications have been su itted. A let�er describing security at, the -r.amp i s attached. AJ}, :requ i ed di vi si Ons, - .Zoni ng, Pol i ce ar�d L�cEnse have given their approyals. ' � ��MM.WMA:+wd.Ta MO�ona'. . , . ,;: If Counc�l approval is given, �stes De elo{�mment Co. will. operate a licensed parki r�g, ,ramp at 2550 W. Uni ver�i ty ve ' . , „ �uew+►,h� . �oNg- . _ �a�trn�r's: t��ues: . APR"� $1°89 .. . . �����y � UIVISION OF LICENSE ANI) P�:RMIT ADMINIS RA ION DATE °� "oZ7 / � � INT�,RPF.PARTMFNTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn roc ssed/Rec iv by Lic Enf Aud Applicant �S"C�`� lJ2 V�O�Vy�n� � Home Acldress � � � D �- '(�,y��y� �U�S� Rusiness Iv'ame l�(,t�L �n�Q�►�(oh l Home Phone $a3— �5 �oa-- Business Address �.55U w- �, y� �Type of License(s) a,rl�.� n + �F� I `� a-(O Business Phone — � t) -Q r l 5o G Public Hearing Date � License I.D. 4{ � a�/� at 9:00 a.m. in the Council .ha bers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �t ��05 � �7 � 2- llate Nutice Sent; � !„ ��O Dealer 4� N �' to Applicant �� v� Pederal P�_rearms �� N l �" Pub.lic Ne�.iring DATE INSPE 'TI N REVIEW VERFIED (CO U ER) CUMMENTS A roved No A roved � Bldg I & D � ��y �j; � �_- _ Health Divn. N � n ' t'T � � i Fire Dept. � � i i N �' I 15��►� � 8' 8 Police Dept. �� �j � � K License Divn. ; 313 �i � oK City �ttorney � �I�� � ' � �� l Date Received: Site Plan � � 017 0 � c / /G �5 To Council P.esearch ��- l � Lease or Letter Date f rom Landlord (,c�Yl ✓� � � � '' �i� . . � � , Cit of aint Paul - � • Depanment of Fina e nd Management Services ���—75� License d ermit Division 3 C ty Hall St. Paul, Mi es a 55102•298-5056 APPLICATI N FOR LICENSE CASH CHECK CIASS NO. N Renew ao - � �� �� oate � � � ,s Code No. Title of License From � �� 1 To � � f .� ,� 7 �g i�[) �a3� a� l�.;r - ��� "F � v � � , o ° 6'�-C'1� �_`�� 5-�-e 5 2�e!�d,-►-,��� �-O . / / C ApplieanUCompany Name 10 p ��rLl � .Zn-��r�t���un�.I .L� I d�, , 1 0 eusfness Name (9��5 —%�Q 1 0 � ..:��^� �:LJ. [it 11 1�t��:����( /�"U'2J Business Addresa � � Phone No. � i�it�' �./0lJ �. � J � ��(L� I �� i"1 ...��.J ��' L 1 0 Mail to Address Phone No. � o ��,��rrl ��:�� �. 7�o;t,r►'2� $ �3 � ManagerlOwner•Name 1��, Z 10 � � g � r �����;:,,. A-��z � 1 0 AtanagerlGwner•Home Addreas Phone No. 4098 Application Fee 2 Q — �� 7` � Recefved the Sum of G� 1 0 /Ll � I J� ;L1 � � y � � � � Manager Owner•Cfry,State 8 Zip Code 100 Totai 1 0 Llcense I�spector �-�� � By: ��I� Sfgnature of Applicanl Bond: Company Name Policy No. Expiratan Date Insurance: Company Name Poliey No. Expiatia►Date Minnesota State Identificat(on No Social Security No. Vehicie Information: Sarial Number at�Numb�r Other THIS IS A RECE PT OR APPLICATION THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your application for Ucen e wi 1 either be granted or rejected subject to the provisbns of the zoning ordinance and completion of the inspections by the Health, Fire,Zon g and/or license Inspectora. $15.00 CHARGE FOR LL RETURNED CHECKS ���� �t�c-la p�..e��- o c.�s �►�{�2� �Z�-�-�i� 3���"� �' � / �� � . . � ���,`rs9 �`_;, t �.• �_ .. . � r CITY OF AI T PAUL �. . �.�, � " � � . License Division, 0 203 City Hall St. Paul , Mi ne ota 55102 APPLICATION FOR PARKING LOT/RAMP LICENSE NAME OF LICENSEE Estes Develo ment Co. TELEPHONE 645-8481 Name of corporation�partn rs ip, sole owner TRADE NAME OF LOT/RAMP Court Internatio a Building ADDRESS OF LOT/RAMP TO BE LICENSED No. 2 5 Street University Ave W NAME OF APPLICANT Estes Development C . DATE OF BIRTH 1010 N. Finance C n r Drive ADDRESS OF APPLICANT Tucson AZ 85710 Zip HOME PHONE 602-886-2581 NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES covered-216 b s ent-205 LIST ALL� PARTNERS/OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATI N, GIVING THEIR NAMES, TITLES, RESIDENCE ADDRESSES, AND DATES OF BIRTH: Name Title Residence Address Date of Birth �. Thomas E. Fourre � Vf'1U�' 4248� Aldrid e Ave S 6 2P 60 �Sc�P� C�-I-�aUn�� -� . � — � : � , I Signature of Applticant , ' , � ���i��� Estes Development C M Arizona Limited Pdr �:, c-� �,, � rr: C' Cr� Catherine, :� The following are officers he Estes Development Co. . :`: 0 William Estes Jr. , Presiden p /a-,�3-38 Suite 100 1010 N. Finance Center Driv Tucson AZ Lee Handley, Division Presi en �-�5-�( 15600 N. Black Canyon Hwy. . � Phoenix AZ Dwight Thomas, Regional Vic P esident ra-3�s"a- � Suite 100 1010 N. Finance Center Driv Tucson AZ Please call if you have any ot er questions. Thank you. COU NT NATIONAL NORTH 2550 UniversityAvenx West• 'e 0•SL PauUMinneapolis,Minnesota 55114-I052 (61 J 645-8481 � " ���' �� _� y a � • � Writer's Direct Dia!Nu»:ber (612)645-4957 Court International 2550 University Avenue Suite 210 North St. Paul, Minnesota 55114 March 3 , 1989 Christine A. Rozek Deputy License Inspector City of St. Paul Room 203 , City Hall St. Paul MN 55102 Dear Christine Per your request to process ou p rking permits enclosed is the information you request n your letter of March 1 , 1989. Court International has two ph e and thus two identification numbers. Phase II of Court Int r ational owns the basement enclosed portion of the ramp a he covered part is owned half by Phase I and half by Pha e II. Phase I no. 86-051 -4712 , Phase II no. 86-053-4592. Both portions of our parking is s cured with a card key system that allows only authori e personel access to the parking and/or the building. The card key system is by Pro Tech. The security s s em for parking is in place 24 hours a day. We have o fences in connection with either area. One area is o ally secured beneath the building. Security lightin s on 24 hours a day with additional business hours i hting which is on from G ar► to 10 pm. we also have se u ity guards available to tenants afterhours on indivi u 1 request basis. The birthdays of the corporate f icers are as follows: Dwight Thomas-12/31/52, Lee Han e -8/25/41 , and William Estes-10/23/38. Sincerely � �JY/"�0�--� ;��.�_:� Sharon Smit v �: TOWLE REAL ESTATE COMPANY 330 Second ve ue South, Minneapolis, MN 55401 (612)341-4444 � � �.st � '.�.'�, ` `2� , .�5"- I��� 9 � i � / 3rd Adopted .�=-�-�� _ �.�.... � /_-�__r� _ _� � . '�_7�,� Yeas �p--�j- � • , �, _ ys8 025' d Dzr�rm ��� - 7 �° GUSWITZ , . :LONG .. �. �� �� �-�lv�� �� WILSON � . PRESIDII�IT� SCHEIBEL � WMIYE •- CITV CLERK , PINK -�FINANCE , GITY OF S I T PALT COUIICII CJNARV -DEPARTMENT ��� - . 9LUE - MAYOR � City Attny/JTH (� File N0. : �' Ordi C� � , Ordinan e N 0. � �� �� Presented By � ` Referred To C mmittee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrati e rdinance enacting a replacement housi g olicy and providing procedures for it i plementation. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAIN UL DOES ORDAIN: S c ion 1 . Section 93 .01 Intent. T ity of Saint Paul finds that it is in the public interest to p om te the production and preservation of an adequate supply of decen , anitary, safe and affordable rental housing for low income residen s . The City desires to effect a policy and procedure whereby t e otential loss of such rental housing due to a City assisted de elopment project will be reviewed in relation to the overall sup ly of affordable rental housing in the City; and, where appropriate, as d upon the determination of the City Council of the City of Sa nt Paul a plan will be developed to replace lost rental housing wi h ousing that meets the current needs of the City' s low income r sidents . e tion 2 . Section 93 . 02 Definitio s . (a) Affordable Ren al Housing. Residential rental housing units hi h: (1) have not been vacant for more than wo years ; (2) are a legal zoning use; and (3) h ve gross rents now or at any time in the previou t elve months which are not more COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond ��g `'`-J [n Favor Goswitz Rettman s�ne;beo Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approved City Atto e - Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � " � 7_ ��-a By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved y Mayor for Submission to Council By BY , , � � � . � . . ��_760 �76 7/ 2- than 30 percent o percent of the metropol- itan statistical r a median as such income may be reported by t .S . Department of Housing and Urban Develop e t ("P�SA Median Income") , adjusted for fam' y size. (Please see Exhibit A for 1989 rent r sholds . ) (b) Affordable Rents . rass rents which are not more than 30 per en of -6$ percent of the MSA Median Income . -�6- .�S- (c) Agency. Any dep rt ent or division of the City of Saint Paul; � e e�� At��ke���� e� �k.e 6��y e� Sa��.� Fat��; e� � e et�9�xg a�d Rede�*e�eg�er�� At��ke���� . (d) City Assisted Pr je t. A housing, commercial , office or indust ia real estate development pro j ect in which th City; HRA e� �a��.� Fa.t�� Fe�� At���.e�}�y p ov des financial assistance or aid in securi g ublic financial assistance including any fe er 1 grant administered by the City, e� any age e� e� bed� t��.de� ��e eex��e�; City revenue bon f'nancing, tax increment finan- cing, tax levies f nds or revenues controlled by the Sa��.� Fat�� F �� At��ke���� e� �ke City, e� �l�e }9st3.aaee e� a�� eb eb��ga�}er� e� seet�.���� b� a�.� ager�e� e� be � e�.��e��ed by �ke 6���; except, however, project ich e��ke�: (1) have a value of less than $l , 0 , 000; or (2) result in a loss of five or fewer A fordable Rental Housing units ; or (3) are rovi e to individual`s for urchase, remodelin , or r n vation o sin e ami we in s ; shall not be con i ered City Assisted Pro�ects for the purposes o this ordinance. (e) Director. Direc o means the Director , Department of Planning and c nomic Development . . . � � � � . � � . . G,��-�6° I 7G 7/ -3- (f) Publicl Assist d Pro ' ect . A housin commer- cial , office or i dustrial real estate deve o - ment ro 'ect i w ich the Saint Paul Housin and Redevelo me t Authorit , Port Authorit or Pu ic Housin nc rovides inancia assis- tance includin a revenue bon inancin , tax increment inan i , tax e or revenues con- tro le b the u orit or A enc ; or an ro ect which i ot a Cit Assiste Pro 'ect ursuant to Sec i n .0 or , a ove . Financi l assistance rovide to in- ivi ua s or r ase, remo e in , or reno- vation o sin l amil dwe lin s sha 1 not e consi ere u ic ssiste Pro,7ects or the ur ose this or inance. e tion 3 . Section 93 . 03 Procedure o an Affordable Rental Housing Analysis . (a) Preparation of n ffordable Rental Housing Analysis . Prio t action by the Council of the City of Sai t aul (the "City Council") to approve fina ci 1 assistance to a City Assisted Projec ich includes either the demolition or t e onversion of Affordable Rental Housing, th re shall be prepared by the agency prop si g the project , an Afford- able Rental Hou in Analysis (the "Analysis") . The Analysis sh 11 include : (1) A descript on of the number of total rental uni s , including Affordable Rental Hou in units , to be demolished or convert d o a different use in- cluding th f llowing information: �i) nu be of bedrooms (ii) cu re t een��ae� �r�oss rent (iii) un' t ize (square�eet) . . �� ��6 . /7�O 7/ -4- (2) A statemen o current vacancy rates and market re ts for rental units of similar si e 'n the City of Saint Paul . (3) A statemen o the number of Affordable Rental Hou in units produced in the City of Sa nt Paul from January 1 , �988 1989, thro gh the date of the Analysis . (4) A statemen o the number of Affordable Rental Hou in units lost in the City of Saint P ul as a result of City Assisted d Publicl Assisted Projects from Janua , 9 19 9 , through the date of th A alysis . (5) A statement o the net gain or loss of Affordable e tal Housing units , based upon items ber 3 and 4 above . (6) A statement r garding whether the proposed City Assist d Project is consistent with the Saint P u Comprehensive Plan. (b) Review of the Af o da ble Rental Housing Analysis . The Analysis in e tion 93 . 03 (a) shall be reviewed by the Director n order to ensure that the items are addressed. h Director' s review shall also include , but not b limited to : (1) a summary o e recent progress made by the City in 'm ting its current goals for the pro uc ion and preservation of Affordable e al Housing as such goals are set for h ithin the annual housing production la filed with the City Clerk by the Dire to by, or not later than, January 31 f ach year, and such other policies as ma from time to time be adopted by he City ; and . � � � � . � � . . ��`�'-��° � �7��i -5- (2) an assessme t of current market conditions as they may r late to the cost of developing additional f rdable Rental Housing. The annual housin r d tion lan, to the extent readil ascertairiable ' ll include the net rium er o A ordab e Rental o in units ained or ost y private action. (c) Recommendation f r ffordable Housing Plan. The Director shall t en make a recommendation to the City Council reg rd'ng how the potential loss of Affordable Renta H using due to the City Assisted Project relates o he overall supply of and demand for Affor ab e Rental Housing in the City. If it is determi ed that the Affordable Rental Housing to be lo t hould be replaced, the Direc- tor shall so sta e nd shall further identify the type of Affo da le Rental Housing which should be developed (si e f unit , number of units , target market, time per'od for development , which in no event shall be 1 ng r than three years after the commencement of em lition or conversion of the Affordable Renta H using units to be lost due to the City Assiste P oject) . The Director shall make a recommend ti n to replace units to be lost due to a City As is ed Project when any of the following circumsta ces are present : (1) If the Affo da le Rental Housing Analysis shows that e e has been a net loss of Affordable n al Housing units ; or (2) If (i) the t p of Affordable Rental Housing units relate o the proposed City Assisted Project are u rently the type of units which the City has d termined, through its housing production a d preservation goals , to be needed in th ity; and (ii) the number of units to be o t due to the proposed City Assisted Pro'e t equals or exceeds twenty units ; or . � � - . � � � � � �.��-�6� , -,��� -6- (3) If Affo da le Rental Housing is lost due to an a ti ity which is directly funded from: i) the Community Development Block Grant E i lement Pro�ram; or (ii) the Section 0 Loan Guarantee Program; or (iii) th rban Development Action Grant Program, o or after September 30 , 1988 . The Director a recommend an Affordable Housin Plan for a Ci ssisted Pro'ect in circumstances other t ari th se recite in , or a ove, j� in his her de e ination other circumstances re atin to t e it Assiste ro'ect exist which in icate that n A ordable Housin Plan should e consi ere 'n connection wit t e ro�ect . (d) Affordable Hou i g Requirements . In recommending a PLan to repl c Affordable Rental Housing units to be lost due to a City Assisted Project, the Director shall pr p ose means by which the replace- ment housing w 11 be: ��3 �eea ed va��k}x �l�e 6��� e� Sa��.� Fat�� e� B s� P4e��e Reg�er� �r� a xiaaxe� eexs} � a� �a}�k �ke 6���=s adep�e� Hexs} g As9�s�a�.ee F�a� aa�. r�e�gkbe�- �.eed e e�e�eg�e�� g�a�s- (� 1) suff ci nt in number and size (number of be ro ms) to house at least the same numbe o occupants as could have been, under lo al codes , housed in Affordable Renta H using units which will be lost ; (3 2) provi e in standard condition, including compli n e with all applicable housing and bu' 1 ing codes ; (4 3) Affor a le Rental Housing units for at least en (10) years from the date of initia o cupancy; (� 4) eithe n wly constructed or rehabilitated. - . - � � � . � � � - ��-��� , ,� �� _�_ The Director h 11 further set forth estimates of the total o t to develop the replacement housing which i being recommended and any subsidy cost . bsidy cost is defined as total replacement h us 'ng develogment and operating cost minus co ts which can be financed by an amortizing lo n nd/or costs which can be paid by private eq it dollars . S ction 4. Section 93 . 04 Approval f Replacement Housing Plan. The City Council sh.all have the final e ponsibility for approving, amending, or rejecting the Director' s r c endations . If the City Council dete i es that the Affordable Rental Housing units to be lost should be re la ed, adequate funds to pay for the total development cost, inclu in any subsidy cost of the replacement units , shall be identified an a proved by the Agency proposing the City Assisted Project prior t C ty Council action approving the project. e tion 5 . Section 93 .05 Implementa io of Replacement Housing Plan. Upon approval of both a plan a d inancing for replacement housing units , the Director shall over ee and monitor the implementation of the plan. Sec ion 6. Section 93 . 06 Sur lus Pro u tion; Sus ension of Ordinance Re uirements . In an ear in w i h t e annua ousin roduction an re erre to in Section 9 . 3 b hereo indicates that t ere are su icient units o A orda 1 Rental Housin o a t es , then t e rovision:s o t is or na ce s a e sus en e unti the submission o the subse uent an ua housin roduction an under Section