89-754 WHITE - CiTV CIERK CO�1flCI1 �j�/�
BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ��
oun i Resolution �
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED: That application ( D 45937) for a State Class B Gambling
License by The Cat ol c Charities of the Archdiocese of
St. Paul/Minneapol s t Christensen's Bar, 1567 University Avenue,
be and the same is he eby approved/�-.
COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays r
Dimond ,Q
.-�g- [n Fa or
cosw;tz O
Rettman B
s�6e;be� __ A ga i n t Y
Form Appr ed by City ttor y
Adopted by Council: Date —
Certified Pa.s unc' , cr ry By • � � �
�pproved by � vor: ate AY "' 3 �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
gy � By
PU6llS�D �;f E{Y 13 198_
��..,u� � --7,��
, > � `�#���t�� �r��ET No:`� 25 0 3
J. Carchedi
, oEr�urr�r oa�croR µ,irraai+to�w�st�wti
Christine Roze�k '►ss�°" - �s�,���, -�-�,�
. �cr . r�u�eea wn
Rourn+s ��o�R� � Counci 1 Research
. . - —- ' �: cm�rra�v i �
Applicati.on for a State Class 8 1i g License.
Notification Qate: 3-16-89 Nearing Date: 5-2-89
�r�ou►s�oMS:iMa��+t�►i«�(�) co�a� ; . .
%�w+�x�oorwresaN cxvw seav�co�issiori a��r� o our �raT a►�ta.
mr�wo cow�uswa+ �eu exs ea�oo�eoaao _
sr� aaprEa caawsswN corv�� �s �oot�o.,wo�* �v ro carr�r ooHariruerr
. . . - � _ � _FaR IODDL MW. _f�DM�C AGC�• .
D19TAICT CqJ41CIL *EXPUIINTION: . . � . _ � . .
� � �BUPPkXRT8 WHldi COUWCK O&ICCTIVEI . � . . . � . . " �. . � . . . . . � .
NflA7N@ MO�tfM�l�6NE.Cl�CRE{MKI'M(YN70.MYh1d.1A111B�1�WhMl�Why). .
Robert Miller, on behalf of Cath ic Charities of the Archdioc�se af St. Paul/
. _ Mi�neapolis, reguests Council ap ,ov 1 of his appii�cation for a 'State Class B
G�mblinqlicense. This�'license . it the. C�,�".�'��ss t� �e1T
. : � ti�pboa�.rds and/or pulltabs at s.Bar, 156� University .Av:enue.
_ ._ , _ , .. ;
�esrir�►m��n�•��www...N..,�: . . .,
All �ees and applications hav� b en submitted. Catholic Ch�rities is one
- of.the;:fi�e (5) large organizati ns selected �by drawin at �he 3/4/89 Coun�il:
meeting. .
� �
,�u{Mn+.r,wr�,..na�r�o�r+): � - . , ." __ ..
If Council approval is given, C th lic Gfi��^��ies wiTl be licensed for pulltab
. , and/or. tipboard. sales .in St. P 1 . .
- �,�u►�- : co� �
�au.�s: �L'i^�:: �E��?^CC @Cl
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Lic Enf Aud
�o r� M��le�e ` '
Applicant �(,��'�,Q!�C C a Y����.5 Home Address �7� ���,�,_���tlQ(•1
/ /� . �c�an, /"lrt 5�"�Z�
Rus ine s s Name 'C C..h Y�5 h /�5 (�c Home Phone
Business Address j �j�t�/Sl Type of License(s) �� ��SS �
Business Phone ��rl �.Q�1 -C/
Public Hearing Date � � � License I.D. 46 �J��3�
at 9:00 a.m, in the Council Ch mbers, S �aap
3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� � I 7
llate Notice Sent: � I� �� ��Iti) Dealer �l �V (�}'
to Applicant �
I'ederal I'�.rearms 4� N �}-
Pub.lic He�.iring
A proved N t roved
Bldg I & D �
� �
Aealth Divn. '
�,�q- '
Fire Dept. i �
� ��� �
� (
Police Dept.
�j,� � o��
License Divn. '
3 �� �'i ; O�-
City Attorney � �
3I� �, ��
Date Received:
Site Plan rll • p
To Council P.esearch � 3� 0
Lease or Letter Da e
from Landlord
. A ,/
• . Charitable Gambling Control Bo rd FOR BOARD USE ONLY
Room N-475 Griggs-Midway Bu Idi �„N��
1821 University Avenue
St. Paul,Minnesota 55104-338 PAID
(612)642-0555 AMT
A. Type or print in ink.
B. Take completed application to local governing body,o tain ignature and date on all copies,and leave 1 copy.Applicant keeps 1
copy and sends original to the above address with a c ck.
C. Incomplete appfications may be returned.
D. Enclose license fee with applicatio�.
Type of Application:
❑Class A— Fee 8100.00(&ngo,Raffles,Paddlewheels, ip ards,Pull-tabs)
�Class B— Fee 8 50.00 tRaffles,Paddlewheels,Tipbo ds, ull-tabs) Ma�.�dc�nn'"a"t°:
�Class C— Fee 8 50.00(Bingo only) �d'�'�"'��O"�'O��
DClass D— Fee S 25.00 IRaffles only)
Check one: O 1 A. Organization has never been licensed.
�"1 B. New site—Give base license number. �1.�(�.1
O 1C. Renewal of existing license —Give co p{e e license number. � -.� - 0
❑1 D. Change�dass of an existing license— ive omplete license number. 0 - � - 0
�Yss ONo 2. Has organization ever received a Lawful am ling Exemption Permit from the Board? If yes,give complete
permitnumber V��ooO �.F'.t/(/f��NT�u� ,•!/G�.lJ
J�lYss ONo 3. Have Intemal Controls been submitted p vio sly on a form provided by the Board7 If no,please attach copy.
4. Applicant(Official,legal name of rganization) 5. Business Address of Organization
Y6SE ' . - ., , �' � / . � . �,.: ; j
6. City,State,Zp �� • «/�,S/ST�O<'J L-- 7. County 8. Business Phone Number '
i � � /� � / � ?—�.Z� /
9. Type of orgarmzation: ❑Fratemal ❑Veterans e4i ligi us �fOther nonprofit'
• . .
Yes�No 10. Is organization incor orated as a nonpr it o ganization?If yes,give number assigned to Articles or page and
book number: � A copy of csrtificate.
mYes ONo 11. Are articles filed with the Secretary of ate
❑Yes�No 12. Is organization exempt from Minnesota r Fe eral income tax7 If yes,please attach letter from IRS or Department of
Revenue declaring exemption.
❑Yes�No 13. Has license ever been denied,suspend or evoked?If yes,check all that a ly:
❑Denied ❑Suspended ORevo ed Give date: -
14. Number of active members 15. Number of ye s in existence Note: Attach evidence of
three years existence.
16. Name of Chief Executive Officer(Cannot be 17. Name of treasurer or person who accounts for other revenues
Gambling Manager) of the organ' ation(Cannot be Gambling Managerl
�1 4�1 " E
n rtie
l� [.= 7' �DGL��i
Business Phone Number Business Phone Number
� �i�: ) � �<<— �-r?�1 1;//' `.�' 1 C.�',i %4� � i
18. Name of establishment where gambling will be 19. Street address(not P.O.Box Number)
conducted ) ,
,c/ ^�- �f� ' � "r''
J i!� /
20. City,State,Tp 21. County(where gambling pre ises is located) �
,�, � / � �
l± r�lJ �f/• �S ��� ';✓ �'�
CG-0001-0318/881� White Copy-Board Canary-Ap.icant Pink-Local Governing Body
P e1of2
� - � ". . �d�.��-- �,s�
� Ga.mbling License Application
Type of Application: ❑Class A �Class B la s C OClass D
,L1Yes ONo 22. Is gambling premises located within city imit ?
f�'YesONo 23. Are all gambling activities conducted at he remises listed in#18 of this application? If not, complete a separate
application for each premises(except ra les)as a separate license is required for each premises.
❑Yes�'No 24. Does organization own the gambling pr is ?If no,attach copy of the lease with terms of at least one year,and
attach a sketch of the premises indicati g hat portion is being leased. A lease and sketch are not required for
Class D applications.
2 5. Amount of Rent Per 26. Do you plan on conducti bi o with this license?If yes,give days and times of bingo occasions.
Month or Bin o Occasion Day f, ime Day Time Day Time
� � 'J'; � G
❑Yes ONo 27. Has the S 10,000 fidelity bond required by inne ota Statutes 349.20 been obtainedl; -�
28. Insurance Company Name(not agency name) 29. Bond Number
'.� r • ,�r, �.J :,J' 'i /�,� :� " � :! w: '�
30. Lessor Name 31. ddr ss 32. City,State,Zip �
��C 1 � � � .� � '�' 'yc. '+..�`i; % _'�` ��� -a
, 3. Gamb g M�nager Name 34. ddr s .�..��/ 35. City,State,Zip
��!I/'? � r",� iG', i r � � fs Q� _/� _�L�:/�/
�� 36. Gambling Manager Business Phone 37. Date gam ling na r becam�
(,,,.: • � :;;,�, .� �,�;� membero org nization: Month�. Year
OYes�No 38. Has the license termination form been comp ted Attach copy.
�Yes ONo 39. Has the compensation schedule been appro ed b the organization?Attach copy.
40. List the day and time of the regular meeting of the or ion.Day Time � � �"-�'""� �
41. Bank Name 42. Bank dr 43. Bank Account Number -
�Jj C/7z- '� tlJ S ��
By my signature below,local law enforcement officers or ge ts of the Board are hereby authorized to enter upon the site at any��
time gambling is being conducted to observe the gambli an to enforce the law for any unautho�ized game or practice.
By my signature below, the Board is hereby authorized o in pect the bank records of the gambling bank account whenever
necessary to fulfill requirements of current gambling rule an law.
I hereby declare that: ATH
1. I have read this application and all information submi ed o the Board;
2. All information submitted is true,accurate and com ete;
3. All other required information has been fully disclose ;
4. I am the chief executive officer of the organization;
5. I assume full responsibility for the fair and lawful ope ati of all activities to be conducted;
6. I will familiarize myself with the laws of the State o Mi nesota respecting gambling and rules of the Board and agree, if
licensed,to abide by those laws and rules, including me dments thereto;
7. Membershi list of the or anization will be available ith seven da s after it is re uested b the board.
44. Official,Legal Name of Organization �5:�.Sigfi$�hue(must be signed by C,hief Executive Officer)
,�h 'I i!�. �J � ^Y�/L� �r •!S � ��� X � ,i�� _.y �.,..^,.: ..f.� � .
Title of Signer • ��' '�' �Uate r � � +
� � `"� -r "i✓ r�����T":✓r✓ '-' _ ,�i - j" > % r-: ��
� f��i - i� �
1 hereby acknowledge receipt of a copy of this application. y a knowledging receipt,I admit having been served with notice that
this application will be reviewed by the Charitable Gambli g ntrol Board and if approved by the board,will become effective
60 days from the date of receipt (noted below) unless res ution of the local governing body is passed which specifically
disallows such activity and a copy of that resolution is rec iv by the Charitable Gambling Control Board within 60 days of the
below noted dete.
46. Name of City or County(Local Governing Body1 If site is located within a township,item 47 must be completed,in
... addition to the county signature. If township is not organized,
-' county must sign.
Signature of persan receiving application 47. Name of Township
X �, ._ �
Title Date received(60 day period Signature of person receiving application
� begins frorr�this da 1
�..:.,� _ ��_�,�� 1 t� ..r� ��_ � X
48. Name ot person delivering application to Local Goveming y Title
CG-0001-03 (8/88) White Copy-Boerd Canary-Applicant Pink-Local Goveming Body
ag 2 of 2
' � : Cit of Saint Paul C��'I�'���
� Department of Fi nc and Management Services
, , Division of Lice se and Permit Registration
SAINT PAUL (Class B Gambling License in Li uor Establishments - New Application)
1. Full and complete name of organizat on which is applying for license
� 7,`�GS �'1 �.�Gl'i . .
� `
.,t �\ -� .. ,.l�..- � � � �� 1� r^ (� � � � L'C'C ,�
2. Does your organization meet the def ni ion of a "large" organization as outlined in
the November, 1988 revision of Sect on 409.21 of the Legislative Code? �
Attach to this application pertinen f nancial and/or organizational inf rmation to
support your answer to this questio . NOTE: Only 5 large organizations will be allow-
ed to open pulltab operations under th revised city ordinance. If more than 5 organi-
zations apply, qualified applicants wi 1 be selected randomly by the City Council.
3. Address where games will be held D
N ber Stre City Zip
4. Name of manager signing this applic ti who will conduct, operate and manage
Gambling Games �� Date of Birth 1 v`Z 'rj
(a) Length of time manager has been e er of applicant organization
5. Address of Manager -���--�-1- � W � �G� (a
Number t eet i City Zip
6. Day, dates, and hours this applicati n s for
7. Is the applicant or organization org ni ed under the laws of the State of MN? �
8. Date of incorporation �
9. Date when registered with the State f innesota - � I �� i 1g�
10. How Iong has organization been in ex st nce? Ty�� �^��n(7
11. How long has organization been in ex st nce in St. Paul? �-��� � \� ,� .
�y �r�c�e vv u.,vc o��L�Ci.'4-C��v l�c l.t�( F �u�c�
12. What is the purpose of the organizat on ���Gt( �n�� ;� �
13. Officers of applicant organization:
Name 'P� ; r- � 1 �n � Name �t'� �) 1�� l.,� r-�� �
Address o�a S�.{ '-� � - .z� Address 4c^� �. �� c�.'� �rtp�S_ ��
Title ��" -ps�.��;;,� DOB Title � � . �, DOB � 2
r � /' \
Name� � � � �� Name �..�,;r�C'� . � U c;��w=
�� � St. 1'�ctu-� l'�yr�x�w�-e�
Address � ° � �� rn�; Address �,��( ���,�..,- S� 5t �c?ul,
Title ���[c� �c'P.t c c�c'�Cf"DOB Tit1e��S, ,-� �- DOB � �- ! �
. , .,�. ���'-�-��
, 14� uive names of officers, or any other er ons who paid for services to the
� organization.
Name �� Name _��C71l�Y�? ��� l�'G�.v✓_
Address �(�;4 �' S`� � Address
Title �� . � � C>c + .� � ' � Title .C '� - � � �� crc'< !�'�
(Attach separat � s eet for additionai :ames.., �
�15. Attached h reto is a 1 st of names a d ddresses of all members of the organization.
�.'e C��C1�ro cr �c.��ccw ct�L�.
16. In whose custody will organization's re ords be kept?
� k� , �rn�u��slr�lv, I l� `��sf ��' �-E-
Name - Address ��vZ,,�r�,�nj,-_� rn 554C•;�
17. List all persons with the authority o ign checks for dispersal of gambling proceeds:
Name � Name ��-�x�_�-��L1hC,�
Address �S� � �- � Address 1,o�` ��.�c�t �-(��'1S� . �P�S �n�i
Member of Member of
DOB ��.. C�� � —Organization? �� DOB ;�� Organization? '1Q`�
Name Name �--
��. ���
Address �{(o� c5� �'�• Address �o� : � �Y'
Member of Member of
DOB Organization? DOB Organization? �,Q �
18. Have you read and do you thoroughly un erstand the provisions of all laws, ordinances,
and regulations goveming the opera io of Charitable Gambling games? �
19. Will your organization's pulltab op ra ion be operated/managed solely by members of
your organization? yes no
20. Has your organization signed, or do s t intend to sign, a consulting agreement or a
managerial agreement with any perso o company to assist your organization with the
pulltab sales and/or recording keep"ng. yes no ,�_
If answer is yes, give the name an ad ress of the person and/or company contracted.
Name Address
Name Address
If answer is yes, how will such a on ultant be paid? (percentage, flat fee, gambling
funds, general funds, etc.) Attac a copy of said contract to this application.
21. Operator of premises where games w 11 be held:
Business Address �
Home Address • . �����
. ��-���
, 22. a)� Does your organization pay or in en to pay accounting fees out of gambling funds?
" yes no �, I�lCCOuwI-iw �s tilR�UC���� kj�'
�K% ���ti�iv�.0 � 0.:�..�+ 0.CLG�L�n;'�.v�
b) If you do pay accounting fees, t w om will�ch fees be paid? �p$r , ���
Name Address
N O Clnoa;'�
� L ��cL: �t�.r:t t
DOB Member of rg nization? G`ZN,�Vj���;s
� � �
c) How are the accounting fees cha ge out? (flat fee, hourly, etc.) `�L
d) What do you anticipate will be ou average monthly deduction for accounting fees?
�. Amount of rent paid by applicant or n ation for rent of the hall:
li D� t�
24. The proceeds of the games will be di bu sed after deducting prize layout costs and
operating expenses for the following pu poses and uses:
� � ` � c�
r � � S c�o
j s ? f � s �
�" ��(�-�cv..
25. Has the premises where the games are to be held been certified for occupancy by the �
City of Saint Paul?
''t. 26. Has your organization filed federal o ���S If answer is yes, please attach
° a copy with this application. If an we is no, plain why:
Any changes desired b}� the applicant asso ia ion may be made only with the consent of the
City Council.
�'�o��� Chcr��,�. a��,� �1�. a� Sf.�'cul �ni
Organization Name
C.,!���� �C�� (
Date /� / � � By� �. /�(--�_.
Manager in charge f ga:ne
� rgan zation President or CEO
. .. . .. . .. �s���
C y of Saint Paul
� � Depa�tment of ina ce and Management Services ��'�jr�
• Lice se nd Permit Division
203 Ctty Hall
St. Pa 1, M nesota 55102•298-5056
0 0 � 0 �-
Date � •�� 19 "
Code No. Title of License � G � �
From � _19�7To � +�� 19 ��
a�q 3 /� !�l�S U J'fuT� m�^��rNn !`7 �� /�1(, 1 � ` f
_ , � 100 i (,l't"h J� I(� ��.Y i�r�f'S 0't" �`�'�
� L� C!!.r S� t�mp�n �u u 1 l� 1�
- 100 �`✓�Ch di orC..tS�. ��' �' � �
Q f (� h r ►s-�e r,se ns �P,A�.
100 eusin�ss Name
i r�
too �� �0� ���j1 I v P✓S I'�'L �i V'.
BuslMSS ACdqss � Phon�Na
��, . �a �; � , ,.v� ,� ;5i.��
100 Mail to Addnss Phon�No.
,00 � D �.�-Q �` � �. ;�, 1�p2
ManaqsNOwner•Nams %���:i�`
100 L'r� �'
3�� '� ��i�r� �'�� �AJ���,
IOYd ApPlieatio� Fe� 100 AtsnapenGwn�.•MOm��Wdreas � �� ( I Pnons o.
2. �
R�eelved th•s�m or �oo �G y Q►� ,'�1 ,1 �;f��j
� ' :� .�l� Manaqsd •Clb.stst•a 2ip Cod�
100 t81 100 -
Ue�nse InsP�tor �� BY� �� 2 �'�/"�"-�� � Sipn�tu���n�/��G�C
Company Name Policy No. Expiratfon Dab
Company Nam� Pollcy No. ExpiqNon paa
Minneaota State Identification No. Social Security No
Vehicle Informatfon:
S�rlal Numb�r at� umbN
THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE Your application for I cen e will either be granted or rsjacted subjact to the provisions of the zoning
ordinanc�and completion of ths inspectiona by the Health, ire, oni��and/or Licsnse Inspsctors. _
,�' ' ' ' °
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I understand and will uphold Sai t aul Ordinance 409, Sections 409.21
and 409.22 relating to pulltabs nd tipboards in bars.
Further, I understand that my ja ba must meet city standards; that 10�
of the net profit from pulltab s le must be returned to the City-Wide
Youth Fund on a monthly basis; t at monthly financial statements must be
filed with the City; and that 510 o net proceeds must remain in St. Paul
or be used to support St. Paul r si ents.
� . .
Signature - Mana er -
/ i tu - Organization Preside t
� � � ���� �F�.��.0 m��s,
� �
rganization ame
C �- � �
Gambling ocation �� � ��� ` �r�
l�J l.�� ►"LYV ll�°j5 l�
� �
Please retain the t ched ordinance for your records.
�o � �z� �
�� � ���
Writer's Direct Dial Number
March 27, 1989 �CEIVED
�IAR2 91989
City Clerk's Office
St. Paul City Council
City Hall
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
RE: File No. L16395
Gambling license for Catholic Charities
Dear Council Members:
The Ashton Partnership, of which I am the m na ing general partner, owns the building located at
1549 University Avenue. We are in favor of er itting a gambling license for Catholic Charities.
I am knowledgeable of the Catholic Charities rg nization and the extensive services they provide
in St. Paul.
��� � � -
Mark W. Reiling
TOWLE REAL ESTATE COMPANY 330 Sec nd venue South, Minneapolis, MN 55401 (612) 341-4444