89-745 WHITE - GTV CLERK 4 , � '� � . PIM7[ - i1NANCE GITY F SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - BEPARTMENT �� BLUE - MAYOR File NO. � YCo n i Resolution 'g � ' Presented By � � � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Northern States Power ( SP is required by Minnesota Statute 216B.241, Subdivision 2, to make si ificant investments in and expenditures for energy conversation improvem nt, and WHEREAS, NSP is required annuall t file on or before May 1 a Conservation Improvement Program (CIP) propos 1 ith the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (MPUC) which meets Mi . Stat. 216B.241, Subd. 2 requirements and MPUC Rules 7840.0200 to 7840.140 , nd WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul s n a unique position to assess the energy conservation needs of citizens w th n the City and direct resources to programs and projects which best ad ress those needs, and WHEREAS, the City and NSP entere i to an agreement, dated April 29, 1988, which gives the City responsibil'ty for the development and operation of CIP programs within the City of Sain P ul including the annual City-NSP filing to the MPUC, as designated by Resol ti n No. 88-587 April 28, 1988, and WHEREAS, the NSP-City agreement eq ires NSP to pay a maximum annual amount of $500,000 to the City for the ope at on of CIP programs, subject to MPUC approval, and WHEREAS, the City recognized the ex erience of non-profit community-based energy service organizations in ai t Paul and desires to utilize their • expertise in the delivering of C P- Zded services, and WHEREAS, the City has prepared a co rehensive package of programs to serve • the energy conservation needs of S gas customers within the corporate limits of Saint Paul for the� period to e overed by the 1989-1990 CIP c+rder, and COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by De tme t f: Yeas Nays � �f� Dimond � � �.on$" [n F vor Goswitz � � ��;�� _ Agai st BY , �� Sonnen Wilson Form Ap r City Attorn Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY / By, t#pproved by �Vlavor: Date _ Appro y Mayor for Submi ' n o�oun ' By BY WHITE - C�TV CLERK COIIIICll ,/L. PINK -,FINANCE CANARV - BEPARTMENT GITY O AINT PAUL File NO. ���� - BLUE - MAVOR Counc 'l Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED tha t City supports NSP�s filing with the MPUC of a CIP proposal for 1989 - 90 consisting of the following programs and funding amounts. 1. Technical and informatio re erral service $50,�+06 2. Single family loan pro j e $30,�+9�+ 3. Multifam.ily loan project $16,137 �+. Multifamily audit and co r t management $30,87g project 5. Project insulate $�+6,326 6. Project insulate audit sistance project $131,800 7. MEIS 1-�+ unit energy aud' p o j ect $�+3,200 8. Low income house doctor oj ct $70,000 9. NI�S weatherization/rehab' it tion $�+�+,000 10. Replacement Furnace Gran P ject �31 800 .� 9+�'S',OT2- FURTHER RESOLVED that staff is aut ri ed to negotiate and enter into contracts with the Energy Resource Center, t ighborhood Energy Consortium, Dayton�s Bluff Neighborhood Housing Services a West Side Neighborhood Housi.ng Services substantially in accordance with t p ograms and funding levels described herewith, in the 1989-90 Conservat' n mprovement Program filing and as approved by the Minnesota Public U 'li ies Commission . COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Dimond 1� [n Fav r Goswit� Rettman �p B s�ne;nei _ Agains Y rseaee�r Wilson MQY ' � 1�0 Form Approved by City Attorney � Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas e b Counci Se ry BY — gy, Approved 1 avor: D te �� " � Appro b Mayor for Submi ion o.�ounc' By � _ �e By TU3L�SilG�1 !�'r�fi t 1 � � UJ . . � �� �� oernar�r�rroF�couNae a►� mn o O O� P.E.D. - Hous iti 4 14 s 9 GREEN S� No. °Nm�wAr� CONTACT PERSON 3 PFIONE ��PARTIr1ENT�RE �CITY OOUNpL Allen C rls - m�'�T��' ���� MU8T BE ON WUNpL AOENDA BY(DATE) �BUDQET DIRECTOR �FIN.3 AiK�T.SERVICES aR. 4/2 5/8 9 �MAYOR(OR A8818T TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PAQES (CLIP LL OCATIONS FOR SIQNATUR� 1 ACi10NREf]UE8TED: A�JPY'OV(' Joirit City-N P 'oriservation improvement Program _jC�P) To be submi.tted to the Mis�tiesota Pub ic tilities Comnissiori (MPUC) or� May 1, 1989 aiid authorize staff to et�ter irito cor tr ts with service providers performirig proq� tasks. FtECE��" < RECOMMENDATIONB:MP►ove(A1 a►Rsle�(RI COUN MITTEEI�SEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNIN(i COMM188WN _qVIL SERVICE COMMIS810N ANALY PHONE 1�. {'��7 �+ N _CIB COMMITTEE _ A BTAFF _ COMM . EV�i������ _D18TRICT WURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqI�JECTIVE? �Ieighbonc�x�d INITIATINO PROBLEM.ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When.Whero.Wh»: City NS� ea�tered irito a three year a ee it April 28, 1_988, whereby the City agreed to develop arid opesate CIP Qrograms th n Sai.rit Paul for NSP. NSP agreed to furid the programs in their er�ti.rety up to imum of $500,000 per year upon approval by the 1�1PUC. Approval of the resolution c iveys the message to the MPUC the City's preferetice for eriergy coriservation pr gr • to be provided. This is the 2rid year of ttie cor�tract. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: CIP provides a compreherisive package f �ergy consexvatio�� programs to City residerits with emphasis towards lower iiicome fa ' 1 es ai�d rer�ters. Reducirig the consumption of et�ergy provides cost savings to pr gr m participarits arid beriefits to society. asn�v�rir�aES iF nP�oveo: Noi�e DISADVANTAOE8 IF NOT APPROVED: City would no longer have right to det ie the type of eriergy conservation programs provided to City residerits aiid who wou d eliver the services. G°��'c:1 �ese�rch Center /�PP, 1 g ���u� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION 5 495,�42 (�gT/REVENUE BUD�TED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO �N���� Erier Cot�servation Improvemeri f i����NUMSER 102-36250-3699 FlNANCIAL INFORMA170N:(EXPWI� �, agreemetit NSP futids 10 � of CIP costs. lrr / �--��— /�`-'�I'i �'� op l/� o� o '� CITY OF SAINT PAUL � iiii t 1��i ' ' DEP RT ENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT y hC ♦ �ea• GEORGE LATIMER KENNETH R.JOHNSON, DIRECTOR MAYOR 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-228-3200 DATE: May 14, 1989 T0: Mayor Latimer Council President Sch ibe and Members of the City Council FROM: Kenneth R. Johnson �� ''� ,�`f`" SUBJECT: CITY-NSP CONSERVATION MP OVEMENT PROGRAM ANNUAL FILING The agreement entered into last y r etween the City and NSP requires the City to develop �ointly with NSP co prehensive energy Conservation Improvement Program (CIP) to be f e with the Minnesota Public Utilities Comrnission (MPUC) by May 1, 1989. Attached is a resolution which ou i s and supports the proposed program to be filed by NSP to the MPUC. The es lution also authorizes staff to negotiate and enter into contract wi h the service providers upon approval of the CIP filing by the MPUC. The Program Proposed is a comprehensive progr r addressing energy conservation needs in Saint Paul. Request for Proposals Notification requesting energy co se ation proposals was advertised in the St. Paul Pioneer Press and Dispat . Individual requests for proposals were mailed to each District Community o cil, the Neighborhood Housing Services, and other known non-profit organi at ns which may want to become involved in providing energy conservation. Service Providers Project proposals were submitted e Energy Resource Center (ERC) , the Neighborhood Energy Consortium (N C) , and Dayton's Bluff/West Side Neighborhood Housing Services (NH ) . The City has a history of involve en with these non-profit agencies and is familiar with their capabilities. E h of the three organizations has valuable experience in community ' v lvement, as well as expertise in energy conservation. , \ - : � , ��9-- �� The ERC, created in 1981 as a publ - ivate partnership between the City and NSP, has considerable technical, 1 d" g and professional energy management experience, and has originated ove $ million in energy improvement loans to rental and single family property s since its inception eight years ago. The NEC is a coalition of neighbor oo -based organizations within Saint Paul, which provides energy conservation an recycling programs. More that 12,500 households in Saint Paul have rece ve energy audits from NEC. The NHS integrates energy conservation wit h using rehabilitation work in the West Side and Dayton's Bluff neighborho ds These three organizations are working very closely to coordinate their e fo ts and make use of one another's special expertise. The Projects The 1989-90 CIP-funded conservatio p ogram for the City of Saint Paul will include the following projects: 1. Project Insulate -- to be o er ted by the ERC and NEC. Initiated to improve marketing and delive y f major weatherization improvements to Saint Paul residents and 1-4 un t rental property owners. The program is a four-step process invol in neighborhood workshops, energy audit/consultation, completi n f work by guaranteed contractors, and post-installation inspection . This comprehensive one-stop shop service is effective in motivating p rt cipants to follow through on major energy conservation improvem nt . Objective: 350 pro�ect insu at contracts 2. Technical and Information Re er al Service - to be operated by the ERC. Provides information to resi en s on weatherization products and techniques and available fi nc ng programs, makes referrals to other City and State housing progr s, and provides on-going customer service. 3. Single Family Energy Loan Pr gr - to be operated by the ERC. Provides support for the loan origin io of below market rate MHFA Home Energy Loan Program, MHFA Home Imp ve ent Loan Program, and the CDBG Deferred Loan Program. Ob�ective: originate 450 1 ns 4. Multifamily Loan Program - operated by the ERC. Provides below market financing and techni al services to owners of rental property. Program is designed to over om barriers to conservation investment which exists in the rental ar et. Coordinated with Project Insulate and Multifamily Audit and C ns ruction Management Project. Objective: originate 135 1 an 5. Multifamily Audit and Const uc ion Management Project - to be operated by the ERC. Promotes energ e ficiency improvements in rental properties with five or mor u its. Program consists of workshops, direct mailings, conducting en rgy audits and construction management of energy improvements to be u de taken by rental property owners. Objective: 35 construction ma agement contracts, 85 audits : + � ��._ ��-� 6. Replacement Furnace Grant Pr �e t - to be operated by the ERC. Provides grants to very low income ho eo ers who participate in the NEC's Low Income House Doctor Program, an are in need of a replacement furnace to correct an existing health o s fety problem. Objective: replace 14 furna es 7. Pro�ect Insulate Audit and A si tance Project - to be operated by the NEC. To be performed in coo di ation with ERC's Project Insulate program. NEC does energy au it , assists property owners with contract preparation and conducts pos i stallation inspections. Objective: 1200 audits 8. RCS 1-4 Unit Energy Audit Pr gr m - to be operated by the NEC. Provides energy audits and conservati n ecommendations to property owners of 1-4 unit structures, with specia e phasis for low-cost/no-cost improvement instruction and materials fo 1 w income customers. Ob�ective: 600 audits 9. Low Income "House Doctor" Pr gr m - to be operated by the NEC. Provides check and tune-up of furnace, b ower-door air infiltration testing, concentrated sir tightening ca lking, weather-stripping, pipe insulation) , and post-instal at on testing for very low income households. Program targets po ulations that typically do not qualify for other weatherization or oa programs. Objective: 148 households 10. Weatherization/Rehabilitatio P oject - to be operated jointly by Dayton's Bluff and West Side NH . Provides energy conservation materials to low income hous ho ds in the Dayton's Bluff and West Side neighborhoods who are in the pr cess of rehabilitating their homes. Ob,jective: 40 households Bud�e t The proposed budget by program and pr vider is as follows: Pro ect Provider ER NEC NHS Total Project Insulate 4 ,3 6 46,326 Tech/Info Services 5 ,4 6 50,406 SF Loan Program 3 ,4 4 30,494 Multifamily Loan Program 1 ,1 7 16,137 Multifamily Audits & Contracts 3 ,8 9 30,879 Replacement Furnace 3 ,8 0 31,800 Project Insulate Audits 131,800 131,800 RCS Audits 43,200 43,200 Low Income House Doctor 70,000 70,000 Weatherization/Rehabilitation 44.000 44.000 Total $20 ,0 2 $245,000 $44,000 $495,047 . , - �. ' (..,��--���'' The package of programs proposed or CIP funding is coordinated with other funding sources from the private, st te and local government sectors. Schedule NSP must submit its filing to the MP C by May 1, 1988. While the MPUC is not bound to issue its order within y iven timeframe, past experience indicates that the order should be made in i to begin programs October 1, 1989, the start of the CIP year funding cyc e. The City will develop contracts with the service providers for the deliver o the programs in the interim. I am very excited by the program ro osed for this year's CIP filing. Through your support of the attached reso ut'on, the City will be able to assure a coordinated effort to meet the co se ation needs of the residents of Saint Paul. Thank you for your suppor . KRJ/gh Attachment cc: Mary Tingerthal Allen Carlson