89-744 WHITE - C�TV CLERK COUIICIl }/ PINK - FINANCE /�. CANARV - OEPARTMENT G I TY F SA I NT PA U L File NO. I � �� BLUE - MAVOR � Coun i Resolution ��{�; Presented B r �/� Referred To Committee: Date U�g/�� �J°�� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS,The Mayor pursuant to Sectio 10. 7.1 of the Charter of the Ciry of Saint Paul,does certify that there are available for apprapriation total ve ues in excess of those esGimated inthe 1989 bndget;and WHEREAS,Councit File 277510,adopted er 1, 1981,did establish ce�tain Special Fund Policies;and WHEQEAS,The Mayor recommends that th fo awing additions be made to the 1989 budget: Financi� Plan Bud et � Revised Bud�et 250 Public W�ks Equipment Fund � 12202 EquipmentServices Sec�ian 9910 Um�eserved Fund Balance 0.00 1,425.84 1,425.84 AllotherFinancingtheSame 4 7 .00 Q�QO 4,707.494.00 Total 4 07 94.00 1,425.84 4,708,919.84 S�en�pdi g Plan t Bnd et Cha�n e Revised Bud�et 250-12202-0832 GarageEquipment 66 0�.00 1,425.84 167,425.84 Now,therefore,beit RESOLVED,that the Ciry Council adopts th ab ve additions to the 1989 budget. APPROVED: . � r; � Bud , Directa inanceand anagement i a� , y-,.a-��i COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimoad �� [n Fa or .� � . Rettman B Scheibel � A ga i n t Y Sonnen Wilson �Y 2 5 Form Approv d by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified � sed by Counc�l Secreta By � v gy, A►pprov d Ylav • e _ MAY 2 Approv y Mayor for Submi n Council B� � ��� PUBtt�HEB J UN _ - 1g �. . " ' � �i � r � ��/� ��� DEPARTMENTlOFFICEJOOUNCIL DATE INI TED GREEN SHEET NO. 14 � � pub�.i.c T�Tor�s,s INI'TIAU DA INITIAUDATE CONTACT PE N 8 PHONE x L�L���ry.OQUNpI 'Ron *�iundafil 8-Sa 8 � aTMATra�N�r ��-�'-� MUST BE ON OOUNdL AOENDA BY(DAT� BUDOET DIRECTOR F�N.6 M0��1� � f GCi MAYOR(OR A8818T �. �� F''l Il Z 't p e Y' (�'O� TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PAOES � (CLIP A L ATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ��; �9 � ACTION REQUESTED: " Rn�nrove additional f.undinq of ?? bl'c l�lorks �aui�ment truck st�c���"�����qe retro�it nro-ject, contract cfian e umber 2, bv fund balance.. R�E► RECOMMENDATIONS:Approvs(N o►�1�(AI COUNCIL ITTEE/RESEARCFI REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMMI3SION _GVIL SERVICE OOMMISSI�1 ��� PHONE NO. —cis coMM� — : , � E COMMEN : —�T'`� — Co�i s f City Contract Change Order and Contrac or _o��cT couRr — chan e ttached. SUPPORTBWHICHCOUNqLOBJEC11VE7 See 1s greensheet number laQ9 to increase cont ac• 5 INITIATINO PROBLEM,188UE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whet,VVhsn,Whsn,Wh�: The plans and sAecifications fo c ntract G5290 did not include estirtates �or electrical work which becam n cessary durinc� execution, The public Works Ecruipment Truc� S oraqe Garage is located at 891 No. Dale . t. The contractor dod not anticix�a e hese costs and under the current contrac would not be comnensated .for hi s rvices. ADVANTA(iE8 IF APPROVED: puhlic [�lorks Equinment will be 11 wed to make x�ayment �or serv�ces necessar�� for �roner comx�letion of pro�ect. RECEIVED DISADVANTA�ES IF APPROVED: N�A pPR 1]� 1989 BUDGE� �'���E DI8ADVANTAOES IF 1�T APPROVED: Pavment will not be clearlv iden i ied with the majoritv of the contract; Pavment wi11 be delayed� the cit i11 be in arrears on� its account with David N. Volkmann Construction, n . C`J,�,.^�.i ,: r� �r A ��e:,��, ..a� Center 1',P�; ? � '�'�:�� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION � �2 5• $4 COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES 10-, �uNa�o sou� 2 5 0-12 2�2-9 91 Q ACTIVITY NUMSER 12 2 0 2 FlWWpALINF�iMATpN:(IXPWt� Fund 25Q has suff 'c' nt f.und balance to increase the budget in 25�-12202-0832 f r this �increase. . r' . { . . , . , ' ' ���� ��� �. _��� n� � . . Ci �iW�i� � i►. ,m DATE: March 9, 1989 � PLACB: St. Petul, Minnesota - bl c Yorks Depart�ent FIL� NO: 21120 �� PROJSCTs Truck Storage Garsge Re ra it Project . CONTRACTOR: David N. Volkmaim Const , nc., P.O. Boz 126. Circle Piaee, MN SS014 CHAliCS ORDI��t AO s 2 DSSCRIPT 0� N OF WORKs ?eraoinate existing circuits and proaide add ti nal caspaaents aot included ia the plans and � specifications as follo�r: 1. Reconnect tMO sziatiag circuits rbich f ed receptacles alon►g the wa11o. ' 2. Heccmnect oas ezisting circuit for ligh ia aad reeaove xiring �or tvo �zlstiag circuits . �hich serve the etorage raom. � 3. Reconnect exieting, ci.rcuit Nhich serves th outside lighting caIItrol pansl. , 4. Provide duplas receptacl• far Mat*r met r it heat trscing cabla. ' S. xeconnect e:fsting fiuorescent fixtuze ea storage rooa� and �splace existi�ag svitch. � 6. Provide porcalain laapholdar, vall s�it d duplex receptacle above storage room and : near the hesting ut�it. Tl�e coet breakdara for the eztra �rork i as follors: Bst'd To,t 1 Chanf[e Order Item Unit Price ua it Amount Labor Hoar 34.50 28 $966.00 . Material 196.38 196.38 Pe rplit 16.00 16.00 SUB - TOTAI. $l,1i8.38 Subcontractor overhead 6 Profit ( 0! 117.84 Sub Total $1,296.22 Geaeral Ca�tractor overhead & Pro it (lOZ) 129.62 TOTAL CHANt3B ORDSR N0. Z - [1DD $1�425.84 P ge l. . r . . . ''� �� ' ' > � «�y,����. J - � � o��� DATE: Mar�h 9, 1989 PLACE: St. Paul, Minnesota - b ic tiorks Departaent FILE N0: 21120 PROJECT: Truck Storage Garage x tr fit Project � CON?RACTOR: David N. Volkmann Cons ., Inc.� F.O. Bax 126. Circle Pities, ISN 55024 CHAIiGB ORDEB N0: 2 Ox2GINAL CONTRACT AtiOUNT $6�►.2�0.00 � P�tSVIOUS CHANGE �RDP.'�tS 1,128.46 THIS CHANGE ORDEx N0.2 - ADD 1.423.84 RSVISED CONTRNCT AMOUNT $66,75�.30 x c nded for Approval by: 8 1V� Tx00, ROSENB. ANDBRLIK & A SOCIATES, NC. Bq A pr ed by: David N. Volkvaan Con�t ction, Iac. By��--� ' Approved bya St. Paul Public Works Departm nt Minnesota By , Mayor By , Clerk Dates � Dietribution 1 - City 2 - Contractor 1 - Engitteer CO21120 . ... _ .. _ .. . ... . . . - - . . .. . _ . ._:..... . ... ....._.�_..... .....�....�_.w..__...,,_.�.�..� � ' � � � ' ���� ��� /1— r' C'iITY OF ►.� INT PAUL j�,�Z���� . ' . . .. t=`=f 4 s`��• -�� OFFICE OF ' H CITY COUNCIL , Comm tt e Report Finance Mana eme t Personnel Committee MAY 1 , 989 1 . Approval of minutes of May 1, 1989 me ting. Approved 3-0 2. Completion of discussion regarding Ca ital Resolution A�ilocation Financing Policies, 199 -1 94. Approved 3-0 3. Completion of discussion regarding 19 0 Resolution Budget Goais and Policies. Approved 3-0 4. Discussion of Mayor's mid-year bud t upplement Information only recommendations including the foll wi no action required A. Resolution 89-400 - amending t 1 89 budget Approved 3-0 � by adding $45,071 to the Finan in and Spending ! Plans for Community Services De ar ment Parks and Recreation Building Maintenanc . (Referred from Council March 9) B. Resolution 89-493 - amendin t e 1989 budget Approved 3-0 by transferring $5,000 from Con in ent Reserve to Executive Administration Person el Office Labor Relations. (Referred from Coun il March 23) C. Resolution 89-495 and 89-49 - amending the 1989 Approved 3-0 budget by adding $30,000 to the Fi ancing and Spending Plans from General Fund to Exec ti e Administration for the five-year implementation pl n hanging to a two-year , budgeting process. (Referred f om Council March 23, laid over April 3) D. Resolution 89-831 - amendin t e 1989 budget by Approved 3-0 adding' $19,215 to the Financing 8 pending Plans ' for PED Data Processing Hardwar f nd to replace . and add equipment. (Referred f om Council May 9) 5. Resolution 89-744 - amending the 19 9 udget by Approved 3-0 addding $1,425.84 to the Financing S ending Plans for Public Works Equipment Services Referred from Council May 2) - CTTY HALL SEVEN EI LOOR SAINT PAUL„ MINNESOTA 55102 6 46 6. Resolution 89-829 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved 3-0 adding $50,500 to the Financing 8 Spending Plans for Community Services Oivision of Libraries for supply and storage closet in auditorium of St. Anthony Park Branch Library. (Referred from Council May 9� 7. Resolution 89-832 - amending the 1989 budget by � Approved 3-0 adding $16,448 to the Financing 8 Spending Plans for Police Special Investigations, Narcotics Control Surveillance Program. (Referred from Council May 9) 8. Resolution 89-833 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved 3-0 adding $11,200 to the Financing 8 Spendi�g Pians for Police Special Investigations for the purchase of certain investigative equipment. (Referred from Council May 9) � 9. Resolution 89-816 - authorizing severance pay in Approved 3-0 the amount of $4,000 to the estate of Sergeant Michael D. Msrkuson. (Referred from Councii May 4) 10. Resolution 89-764 - approving and ratifying Memorandum Approved 3-0 of Agreement between the Professional Empioyees Associ- ation. (Referred from Council May 4) I1. Resolution 89-767 - amending Section 8.A. 1 of the Laid over Civil Service Rules pertaining to filling vacancies. indefinitely (Referred from Council May 4) 12. Resolution XX-XXXX - supporting repeal of Section 89, Approved 3-0 Tax Reform Act of 1986. Additional item Reports on budgeted administrative orders were distributed. . �� ` 4