89-734 WHITE — C�TV CLERK COUflCII PINK — FINANCE GITY OF S INT PALTL CfcNARV — DEPARTMENT File NO. ��_ �� BLUE —�'MAVOR — Co nci esolution 35 � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , homeownership is r c gnized to be a factor in maintaining community stabi i y and property values, particularly in very low in o e neighborhoods , and WHEREAS, very low income f i ies are most in need of assistance in order to own h ir own homes ; and WHEREAS , Representative Daw i s has introduced H. F. 140 which contains the following elem n s: * creates a demonstra i n program through which cities and non-profit orga i ations can apply for state funds to operate a progra o provide homeownership opportunities for v r low income households * allows the City or h non-profit to purchase houses , rehabilitate them a d sell them to low income households on contr e s for deed, making it possible to maintain very lo onthly payments * provides for a very d tailed process for neighborhood participation in wo k' ng with these households to assist them in bein uccessful homeowners WHEREAS , this bill has been a proved by the Housing Division of the House Committee on F' n ncial Institutions and Housing; and COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department oE: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo�g In Favor Gosw;tz Rettman B sc6e;be� __ Against Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ,/�,� � Certified Passed by Council Secretary By�u'�`�'" �' ~��'��:�'�K.-eC-. �—�7�1 By� Approved by iVlavor: Date Approve y May f ission to Council �-�,g,,��.--� By WMITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUflCll G� QANARV - DEPARTMENT C I TY O A I NT PAIT L __-__- /� 7 J���` BLUE � MAVOR File NO. ..jL�L Counci esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , H. F. 140 places a 50 000 limit on the total for acquisition and rehabilitat on which staff believes will severely restrict the numbe o properties which will fit the program; BE IT RESOLVED that the Cit o Saint Paul supports H. F. 140 , which encourages homeowners ip for low income households . COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Long [n Favor Goswitz Rettman ,(� �be;�� Against BY Sonnen Wilson .D p y� A1"R 2 7 It�9 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas- b ouncil ret BY `��°� �' ����` �T � -�� g�. APR 2 Approved b Mayor Sub sion to Council �pproved Mav a ` n \ gy �-- BY v�-�t�- PUBIISN�A M AY � U � $ DEPARiIiAENT/OFFlCFJCOUNqL DATE INITIA ��`��� Ma or� s Of f ice 4 14 s GREEN SHEET No. 1�3 6 � OONTACT PER80N&PHONE DEPARTMENT'DIRECTOR �qTY OOUNqL S eve Proe ch 1 2 8-4 32 3 ��F ciTM ATro�N�' �anr c�RK MU8T BE ON COUNqI AOENDA BY(D/1TE) ROUTNiG BUDQET DIRECTOR �FIN.3 MOT.SEHVICES DIR. a s ap °� MAYOR(Oli ASSISTMIT) � TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PAGIE8 2 (CLIP ALL OC IONS FOR 81(�IATUR� ACTION REGUEBTED: Sign council resolution. City support of H.F. 140 , which en o rages homeownership for low-income households. RECOMMENDATIONB:/Ipprove(l�a Rejeat(F'� COUNCIL REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINQ COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ANALYBT PHOPIE NO. _pe coMMirree � Counc i 1 Lea. —sTn� _ Com. COMMEM'8: -°'�"���RT - APR 1 � �°89 APR 17 1989 SUPPORTS WHICH OOUNqL OBJECTIVE9 INITIATIN(i PROBLEM,ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(Who�Whet�Whsn�Whero�Why): r �1�i � �,/ t, � : �V :'1 A Housing for low-income persons. ADVANTA(iE8 IF APPROVED: Creates a demonstration program th ou h which cities and non-profit organizations can apply for state un s to provide home ownership. Allows the City or the non-profit o urchase houses, rehabilitate them and sell them to low-income househ ld . Provides for a very detailed proce s or neighborhood participation. DI8ADVANTA(iE3 IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: �C�;�s^r,1 �f�tC�,-,f?'.;l�il li�nl,P.r r°��� � V 1:i�iJ � � 1�,6"i�� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION s C�T/REVENUE BUDQETED(CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNOING SOURCE ACTIVITIf NUMBER Flnuwa�u�Nr-oAtiu►now:�exPwrq . . ��-7.�� BRIEFING P�PER: . IN ESOTA RURAL AND URBAN HOMEST D NG PROGRAM BACkGROUND H . F. 140 creates a demonstra i n program through which cities and non-profit organizations c n applv for state funds to operate a pro�ram to provide h meownership opportunities for verv low income households . T e program would allow the citv or the non-profit to purchas ouses , rehabilitate them and sell them to low income hous h lds on contracts for deed. Bv using a contract for deed, i ill be possible to keep the monthlv payments for the hou e old at a verv low level . The bill also provides for a ver etailed process for neighborhood participation i orking with these households to assist them in being success u homeowners . STATUS The bill has been introduced b Representative Dawkins as H. F. 140 and has been approv d v the Housing Subcommittee of the Financial Institutions a d ousing Committee . There is currentlY no companion bill n he Senate . SAINT PAUL ' S POSITION The City of Saint Paul suppo ts H. F. 1�0 , and amendments to increase the $50 , 000 limits or acquisition and rehabilitation. . C�_�`�� Members: James Scheibel, Chair ��������q CITY OF AIN'1` PAUL Committee-af-ihe-whole ���� �� OFFICF. OF CITY COIINCIL JAMES SCHEIBEL D3t : April 10, 1989 RfCEIVED Council President Co ittee Report APR 121989 ClTY CLERE� To: St. Paul City Council , From: City Council Legisl ti n Committee _ 1. Approval of Minutes March 27 1 89 COMMITTEE RECOMME�TDED APPROVAL 2. Legislative Update NO COMMITTEE ACTION REQUIRED 3. H.F. 140 - Authorizing non-pro it neighborhood corporations to buy, rehab, and sell housing to mem er of the community. (Rental to Homeownership Conve si n Program) COMMITTEE RECOMME:�]DED APPROV , ITH AMENDMENT to allow additional non-state so rces of money above $50,000 where needed to meet he eeds of the program. (Minnesota Rural and Urban Hom st ding Program) COMMITTEE RECOI�R�E:tDED APPROV C1TY HALL SEVBNTH FLOOR SA T PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5679 � 48 � ~ BRIEFING PAPER: MI NE OTA RURAL AND URBAN J '- � � , C�� � �` � HOMESTEA I PROGRAM ! BACkGROUND H. F. 140 creates a demonstrat on program through which cities and non-profit organizations an apply for state funds to operate a program to provide om ownership opportunities for very low income households . he program would allow the city � or the non-profit to purchase ho ses , rehabilitate them and � sell them to low income hotise ol s on contracts for deed. By � using a contract for deed, it wi 1 be possible to keep the � monthlv pavments for the hous ho d at a ver,y low level . The bill also provides for a very de ailed process for � neighborhood participation in wo king with these households to ' assist them in being successf 1 omeowners . STATliS The bill has been introduced y epresentative Dawkins as H. F. 140 and has been approve b the Housing Subcommittee of the Financial Institutions an H using Committee. There is curre:�tly no companion bill i t e Senate . SAINT PAUL'S POSITION The City of Saint Paul supports . F. 140 , and amendments to increase the $50 , 000 limits for cquisition and rehabilitation. \ ��-7�� WHEREAS , homeownership is re og ized to be a factor in maintaining community stabil ' t,y and property values ; and WHEREAS, the House of Represe t tives. has introduced an amendment to the omnibus housin bill that would: * allow cities to apply t the MHFA for grant funds which can be used to s ablish a homeownership conversion * provides broad flexib 1 ' ty to use funds for acquisition and rehab 1 ' tation, as well as for training programs for h meownership and emer�ency assistance t * allows the City to co t ct with non-profit organizations to perf r some or all of the administration of the pr gram * allows the expenditur o up to $60 , 000 in siate grant funds on any one unit o which a minimum of $45 , 000 must be recaptured up n ale of the propertv WHEREAS , this amendment was s cc ssfully attached to the omnibus housing bill (H.F. 53 ) n the House Committee on Financial Institutions and Ho si g recently; and WHEREAS , this language does n t et appear on the Senate version of the omnibus housin b 11 ( S . F. 522 ) ; BE IT RESOLVED that the Cit� f aint Paul supports the rental to homeownership conversion p g am. �