89-721 b � �g� City of St.Paul COUTd�'IL FILE NO. /� -/ '—��� ,, � �,,.� ,%. Resolution Ratifying and Confir ing �Y~'�'"`„� ��/�� ' Condemnation and Awards of Da ag 18533E-2 and Assessment Therefor File No. '�°t�x�'� In thz matter of �tara s Conde�ning and taking permanent u ility ease�ents , sub�ect to ease�ent� of record and existing struc u es , under and across the Northwest Quarter of Section 19 , Town h p 29 North , Range 22 West and the Northeast Quarter of Section 4 Township 29 North , Range 23 West , Ramsey County , Minnesota descri e as follows : The East 20 feet of L ts 19 through 25 , Block 4, Rice Street Villas ; Also , that part of ot 26 , Block 4 , Rice Street Villas bounded by the o lowing described line : Beginning at the sou h ast corner of said Lot 26 ; thence west along th outh line of said Lot 26 a distance of 20 . 00 fe t ; thence north and parallel with the east line of a d Lot 26 a distance of 16. 95 feet ; thence northwes er y a distance of 34. 21 feet to a point on the orth line of said Lot 26 a distance of 45. 48 fee est of the northeast corner of said Lot 26 ; thenc ast along the north line of said Lot 26 a dist n e of 29 . 95 feet ; thence southeasterly a dista ce of 20. 87 feet to a point on the east line of said Lo 26 ; thence south along the east line of said Lot 26 to the point of beginning; Also , that part of ot 27 , Block 4 , Rice Street Villas bounded by the fo lowing described line ; Beginning at a point o he south line and 15. 53 feet west of the southeast c rner of said Lot 27 ; thence west along the south i e of said Lot 27 a distance of 29 . 95 feet ; thenc orthwesterly a distance of 59. 41 feet to a point o the north line of said Lot 27 distant 62. 88 feet ea t of the northwest corner of said Lot 27 ; thence east along the north line of said Lot 27 a distance of 9. 5 feet ; thence southeasterly to the point of begin in ; Also , temporary easements as s ow on the map on file in the Division of Valuations and Assessments , D partment of Finance and Management Services. Said temporary ease e ts to expire on December 31 , 1989 , or upon completion of the project , w ichever occurs first. These easements are in conju ct on with the Albemarle/Nebraska Area Storm Sewer Separation Project . NUBGtSti�l ��AY -6 1989 � ► Y .. , ,` . City of St.Paul COLJNCIL FILE NO. � � :�''�_ Report of Director of Finance By on Condemnation of Lands File No. ������""°� g�°�l�t sa�fr i�asd In tha matter of S Condemning and taking permanent u ility easements , subject to ease�ents of record and existing struc u es , under and across the Northwest Quarter of Section 19 , Town hip 29 North , Range 22 West and the Northeast Quarter of Section 4 , Township 29 North , Range 23 West , Ramsey County , Minnesota descri ed as follows : The East 20 feet of Lo s 19 through 25 , Block 4 , Rice Street Villas ; Also , that part of L t 26 , Block 4 , Rice Street Villas bounded by the ol owing described line : Beginning at the sout e st corner of said Lot 26 ; thence west along the s uth line of said Lot 26 a distance of 20 . 00 feet ; thence north and parallel with the east line of ai Lot 26 a distance of 16. 95 feet ; thence northwest r y a distance of 34. 21 feet to a point on the n r h line of said Lot 26 a distance of 45. 48 feet w st of the northeast corner of said Lot 26; thence e st along the north line of said Lot 26 a dista c of 29 . 95 feet ; thence southeasterly a distan e f 20. 87 feet to a point on the east line of said ot 26 ; thence south along the east line of said Lot 6 o the point of beginning; Also , that part of L t 27 , Block 4 , Rice Street Villas bounded by the ol owing described line ; Beginning at a point o t e south line and 15. 53 feet west of the southeast co ner of said Lot 27 ; thence west along the south 1 n of said Lot 27 a distance of 29 . 95 feet ; thence n rthwesterly a distance of 59. 41 feet to a point n the north line of said Lot 27 distant 62. 88 feet as of the northwest corner of said Lot 27 ; thence east long the north line of said Lot 27 a distance of 2 . 9 feet ; thence southeasterly to the point of beginning Also , temporary easements as sh n on the map on file in the Division of Valuations and Assessments , e artment of Finance and Management Services. Said temporary easem n s to expire on December 31 , 1989 , or upon completion of the project , wh chever occurs first. These easements are in conjun ti n with the Albemarle /Nebraska Area Storm Sewer Separation Project. 6 «, ` , i City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE N0. �F ` � Notice of Hearing in Condemn io By Proceedings - File No. 1$'��3��� �'�t`�-��'� ' In the matter of �r.i � Condeaning and taking permanen u ility ease�ents , subject to ea�e�ents of record and existing structu es , under and across the Northwest Quarter of Section 19 , Town h p 29 North , Range 22 West and the Northeast Quarter of Section 4 Township 29 North , Range 23 West , Ramsey County , Minnesota descri e as follows : The East 20 feet of L ts 19 through 25 , Block 4 , Rice Street Villas ; Also , that part of ot 26 , Block 4 , Rice Street Villas bounded by the ol owing described line : Beginning at the southe st corner of said Lot 26 ; thence west along th s uth line of said Lot 26 a distance of 20 . 00 feet ; thence north and parallel with the east line of ai Lot 26 a distance of 16. 95 feet ; thence northwest r y a distance of 34. 21 feet to a point on the n r h line of said Lot 26 a distance of 45. 48 feet w st of the northeast corner of said Lot 26 ; thence e st along the north line of said Lot 26 a dista c of 29 . 95 feet ; thence southeasterly a distan e f 20. 87 feet to a point on the east line of said ot 2b; thence south along the east line of said Lot 26 o the point of beginning; Also , that part of L t 27 , Block 4 , Rice Street Villas bounded by the f 1 owing described line; Beginning at a point on t e south line and 15. 53 feet west of the southeast or er of said Lot 27 ; thence west along the south 1 ne of said Lot 27 a distance of 29 . 95 feet ; thence northwesterly a distance of 59. 41 feet to a point n he north line of said Lot 27 distant 62. 88 feet e st of the northwest corner of said Lot 27 ; thence eas a ong the north line of said Lot 27 a distance of 29 95 feet ; thence southeasterly to the point of beginni g ; Also , temporary easements as sho n n the map on file in the Division of Valuations and Assessments , D p rtment of Finance and Management Services. Said temporary easeme t to expire on December 31 , 1989 , or upon completion of the project , hi hever occurs first. These easements are in conjunc io with the Albemarle /Nebraska Area Storm Sewer Separation Project. � �»,,,�, �._. � � u p v&a 3�sI (d��i' 7,?p w ��� �� . Finance & �Man�gement S��t�ces - 3/�/8 .. ����� �i'1�� 1�. �����O cowtrr� Peter White o�ar�rox+ecron �r;,bnroe+�srw+n N� _ �a�uwnoe+�a�rr�or� �«rr«twr � �� CptT DEPT. �. . . . . ACT � . . . . . . . . . Va3. & Assess. 29$-5�17 a+�� — ,� Must '�e in t� er e o ` later ha noon Monday, 1�arch 13 th. Must be on. Age a 1. Settf.ng hearing date for approva� of acquiring permanent ut�lftq and temporary 31��� g construction easements; � 2. Approve acquisition of permanent i ity and t�t�orar�: :construction easements for the �l.lbemarle/Nebr ka Area Stoi� Sewer Project EFile No. 18533E-2) �cb�■�+►twNS:(Mpws W ar Ael•a(Rl 1 couNC� nEVOac: .. . � . PIANiMIfi CWMAt8SION CML 8ERVICE COMMNBSION OA7E IN �DATE GUT� MMLYBT. - � R1b1E N0. �. . . . . � . �. �ONNO COMMISSION 1!D 876 8f:F1001.BOARD . � . � � � � . � . .. . ..� 6iAFF . . . � CMARTER CO�p�AlS910N : IE � �ADDL NM+D:AOOFII�� . � RETR TOpp��►lI�T. .�-�. . .Q�B1f�FBlf�- � . � .. . �_� . , . . . . _ . . _FOH AODL RIfO. _ _f�Md(/i10�*. � dBTiilCt:C�UNC� _. � . . •DIPUNA . � . . . .. . � . . . &IPAGR'I8 WIiR7.�COUNCk Od1ECi1VE9 � . . . . . . . � . . . . � - � . Ward 5 wru►�a�no�.�,ovroarurrv�w�w.wn�,wr�.vww.,wny►: The construction and future mai te �.nce af the above mentioned storm , s�wer pro�ect requires the ease en s as shown.on the attacfled descxiption , � and maps. . : .IU6i�R�CIf�KM1�.�.Raeulbl: r. . , . These permanent and temporary e se ents will facilitate the building of said:sto�n sewer p�o�ect, re ul ing in �he most effi¢ient and economiG rou,ting of the storm w te run off. - 00lAiGFl�N��.VNbrt��nd To YMWm): . . . , - _ . _. ` .. ' The permanent utility easements wi l be an encumbrance on the affected properties. The temporary cons ru tion easements permit acceas to. affested properties until Dec er 3�, 1989, or completion of � coastructioa, whicheur�� ; .comes i t. ;, use�m�s: . c�s To be determined. _ Co�;;� ! �esearch Center lAR � i��9 , �.�,►�: ��,�� ' This is the normal proced e for easement acquisitions. - - 4� ��,�: C� None- at this time. �'� �� g �c �y-�°� � - Members: � CITY �AINT PAUL Roger J. Goswitz� chair ,����,,,,, Janice Rettman i,i� ��a n. OFI�'IC� O TRI� CITY COUNOIL Tom Dimond f DBte: April 19, 98 Co ittee Report RECEIVED � • ppR 19198g To: Saint Paul City Cou c I ��-�Y ��,��d` . From :Public Works, Uti iti s, and Transportation Committee Roger J. Goswitz C air The Public Works Committee at ts meeting of April 19, 1989 took the following action: 1. Approval of minu es of April 5, 1989. Hearing Date • 2. 4/25/89 RATIFICATION OF WA D OF DAMAGES: Condemning Approved and taking per an nt easements for street 3-0 purposes and for ut lity and drainage purposes in Hazel Park A di ion and Hazel�Park Villas for the� FLAN RA /CASE AREA STORM SEWER PROJECT. 3. 4/25/89 RATIFICATION OF WA OF DAMAGES: Condemning Approved and taking per an nt utility easements in 3-0 , certain parts o R ce Street Villas for the ALBEMARLE/NEBRAS REA STORM SEWER SEPARATION PROJECT. Easeme t equired by the MWCC. 4. 4/25/89 RAT�FICA���ki°�F W 0� D�GES: Condemn�ng Approve . and takfng , 'pe� an nt easements for utility 3-0 purposes in cer ai parcels in Soo Line Plat No. 2 and Rice St eet Villaa. Part of the LBEMARLE/NEBR�k3 EA STORM �EWER PROJEC�'. _ 5. 4/25/89 RATIFICATION OF SS SMENTS: for work started Approved during 1988 con tr tion season. Improving 3-0 ST. CLAIR AV from Cretin Avenue to Snelling Avenue th a lantern style lighting system. 6. 5/2/89 FINAL ORDER: F r constructing a sanitary Approved sewer and sewer on ections in HALL LANE from 3-0 Delos Street to 3 0 feet north of Delos Street. • 7. 5/2/89 FINAL ORDER: F r constructing a sanitary Approved sewer and sewer on ections in MARION STREET 3-0 from Larpenteur A en e to Idaho Avenue. CITY HALL SEVENTH F 00 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 �e � . . . � ��7�� 8. 5/2/89 RATIFICATION OF W OF DAMAGES: For Approved opening, widening an extending EAST SHORE 3-0 DRIVE by taking a ndemning the southerly 610 feet of Govern en Lot 1. 9. 5/2/89 FINAL ORDER: Si ew lk reconstruction with Approved integral curb on t e orth side of W. SEVENTH 3-0 STREET from Smit A enue to Forbes Avenue; East side SMITH AV NU from W. Seventh Street to Forbes Avenue, an West side FORBES AVENUE from Smith Avenue o . Seventh Street. (Laid over in Committee fr 4/5/89) . 10. UPDATE: On const uc ion of IRVINE AVENUE AREA Laid Over In STORM SEWER PRO EC AND STREET PAVING AND Committee LIGHTING PROJECT (Laid over in Committee Indefinitely 3/8/89) . 11. RESOLUTION 89-36 : Authorizing proper City Laid Over In officials to ea e to Naegele Outdoor Committee Advertising, In . operty located at 1060 W. Two Weeks to SEVENTH STREET to display advertising sign. 5-3-89. (Laid over in Co mi tee 3/22/89) . 12. DISCUSSION: Imp ov ments in WHEELOCK PARKWAY Laid Over In from Edgemont St to 100 feet east of Committee Edgemont. Indefinitely 13. RESOLUTION 89- 5: Authorizing approval of Laid Over In Ramsey County p ns to reconstruct LARPENTEUR Committee between 35-E an E gerton, bridge construction Indefinitely over Soo Line R a d right-of-way acquisition. (Laid over in C mm ttee 3/8/89) . 14. RESOLUTION 89- 24 Authorizing proper City Approved officials to e ec te an agreement with Ramsey 3-0 County to provi e or payment of approximately $10,000 from C nt Aid Fund for City's share of sidewalk, ti ties, curb and gutter costs associated w th the reconstruction of MC KNIGHT ROAD nd Minnehaha. (Referred to Committee 3/28 89 . 15. RESOLUTION 89 55 : Amending the 1988 CIB Approved Budget by ad in $373,500 for the MINNEHAHA 3-0 AVENUE PROJEC f om White Bear to McKnight. (Referred to ttee 4/4/89) . 16. RESOLUTION 8 -5 0: Amending 1989 CIB Budget Approved by adding 75 ,550 for MSA contingency. 3-0 (Referred to o ittee 4/4/89) . 2 � . . , . � ��_-�a� 17. RESOLUTION 89-5 1: Amending the 1989 CIB Approved Budget by tr ns erring $96,020 to the 3-0 MISSISSIPPI RIVE B LEVARD PROJECT. (Referred to Committee 4/4 89 . 18. RESOLUTION 89-5 4: Amending the 1989 CIB Approved Budget to provid $ 9,200 for the construction 3-0 work on MISSI SI PI RIVER BOULEVARD at Marshall. (Refer ed to Committee 4/4/89) . 19. RESOLUTION 89-5 2: Amending the 1989 CIB Approved Budget by tra sf rring $100,000 from W. 3-0 Seventh Street id ning to DALE STREET RIGHT- OF-WAY ACQUISIT ON PROJECT. (Referred to Committee 4/4/89 . 20. RESOLUTION 89- 68: Authorizing proper City Already Acted officials to e te an agreemwnt with the on at State Departme t f Transportation for the Council cost, maintena ce and operation of traffic control signal pr ject on llth Street at St. Peter and on 1 th Street at Wabasha and the revision of the ex sting signal on 12th Street at Wabasha. (Re er ed to Committee 4/4/89) . 21. RESOLUTION 89- 73 Authorizing proper City Approved officials to xe ute an agreement with the 3-0 Commissioner o T ansportation detailing the engineering an a ministrative procedures for ' City road or ri ge pro3ects financed with federal funds. 22. RESOLUTION 89- 3: Approving the appointments Approved by the Mayor of CRAIG WRUCK and VICTOR 3-0 ANGERHOFER t rve on the Metropolitan Aircraft Sound Ab tement Council. (Referred to Committee 4/6/ 9) . 23. RESOLUTION 89- 23 Retaining the law firm of Approved Larkin, Hoffm n, Daly and Lindgren, Ltd. as 3-0 special couns 1 o assist in the development of the EIS or the improvement of SHEPARD ROAD. (Referre t Committee 3/30/89) . 24. RESOLUTION 89 42 : Amending C.F. 84-632 Recommended adopted May 17 1 84, and approving St. Paul's Denial -2 -1 ASSESSMENT PO IC regarding construction and Goswitz voting reconstructio o sidewalks. (Laid over in NO Committee to /19 89) . 25. RESOLUTION 8 -4 8: Amending the 1985 CIB Recommended Budget by ra sferring $341,725.71 from Denial- 2-1 Curtice/Mt.Ho e/ ndrew Pro�ect to Residential Goswitz voting Sidewalk Re on truction. (Laid over in NO Committee to /1 /89) . 3 ti / � ( �l/ MOT =ON T� AMEND RES UT =ON C _ F . 89-676 = IT IS HEREBY MOVED THAT RESOLUTI N C. F. 89-676 , FILE N0. S-89-01 , IS HERESY AMENDED SO AS TO ADD THE FO LOWING THERETO: FINALLY RESOLVED, That inasm c as the present owner ( Patrick Carlone) of the property a ja ent to the proposed sidewalk improvements has proposed ta sel he property ta the Salvation Army, the Depar-tment of Public Works 's hereby directed to coordinate the schedule for the commencement of th construction work herein approved with the possible moving of the ex 'sting structure from the adjacent property by the new owner sa as t avoid damaging the reconstructed sidewalk. RECEIVED AP� 2 d i989 . C!1'Y CLERK , �� ,;, 1 �> ,. .. , � _. �.' R T.�.17...'_'-� ;.� ;� � .. a�.: . , �' .�,,. . .'1� .^lk:. .,...: .' .. . it`�.�' L .E"D14:,. .f �'iy�r= /��,. ,s y i . � ;• 4� , ��- �• "� �t , 'S s'3 4 L. ���n :ry]•y ,� ,.;t .t, .. �E��l��P � R�� � �t �:� c s,,wr-�� !� a���'s�4�. , ,.�_` �t� ��, �t� �2.�� � �. =s ;"�1"��''�3L�'�#��_ .��t����. to!?8s �s of"t�Ctqrc} e��_ �,t_ e, `. �>�r�e�r�Seetf d�i 18. Tow�3�si' rth, R�t�?$� 22 : -�n�' : a t ��r t e� of S�ction �4, '1`ov�s�i s�r�r e 23 �st,4�sey��C'o �'�>. ,� n�es9�a,descr�d�t€�.o� Y �W�; ' ,��, �. � �' } �'�,�se'�ast 2(�feet�i��iL`a`ts��.;: 25� �lc�c�c,r R#����,;.�� � a��� , �lsot that parE b��l�ti�� `�.It�e :������ t� ���.,�' ` ;;�C�iq'�ring descrt .r? • ; . `� �`,�i�ng at the`squti��t�t c �' o�s�itd-�CSt.�'6;xh�„vvesC��g�a� � ' s,+�t��tie of said 7,�k Z��di _ a�'2f)'�Cf��'.thence t�vfth and p al�}�i '� � ;�lp€fi�:''E�e east, ' ��Sf �id. 'Efr a°ckis� of 1�.95 f�tgE, #h�e��,s� . � _�a�YMr�terl�r eet f �r t�cucui'th� �rt�i ;.�►i ; `i.cft�6 a�f� - .. af�H��sC co�of � �;��+ea��lt�g :txor�ii'� �ne f-s�si�� 26 � d�is�tnee�f g i��" � �� �� a�� �e e�� , �t�b;t` �, ���crt�i;#�i� . ,;�*�_ ��1� r�+� '' � ��b fi: '.'d t :�. i . :. �' �t'�T! 3 i�iSb,'�L.���',�'E9, +�,��:��kt 3�f11��a�u��l�r�;�k talldwie�+ITesscnbed line; . �.. ,� =r ,s' ���� ;#*�. *. beglnri.�gat �'Intoi�the iiseatscl��3fe�C�qr�t=�#:#�e e��r bf si������� ��w � ���!tl�li�}g.t� T s�� dis�nee o`f 29.9b feet•:�n no ��es�er ':ta�.di � '$��. � ; i poin� on the.-qc�rtt� �e af sai �,ot 27€ ` t:� °.��ea��.�'a , ...i _ north�est eorner of said 2 h��eas� -ti�1�`q�e i�# �= L'ot ?E'! a distanae.of.$9.95 f th�nce eas€e���tp:the pba�lt'of -, , beginiung; • .� : � � � ."' • � <: �- ' PY;�Sb, ���11�U"3'flx�t, B8�11�`15 �O � �'C�1 �('1��3 bZY��E' lYi ��3Q'. =b� �i vA�LI�_lOT�S'�1�SS�$�lE'.F1t,�,� �E!tt�y� $� �''' ,SBtf��eYri��'f��$S$3�1E'Il$8't0' �� �`��,�Qdlt'C�I� � a, �:��J�ts W�IQ�12V@T OCCIiTS f� t. � - �'`' ' ` � '1'he�e easetnent�'a. in_" � ,�'t&�A�lie�tar�e��eb't�,�R A�[�i'idi�``�-,: 5eaver Separa������� �rd���rb��#f��T�, 1�8��Fi�al>:Ordj�r. 9' a�' ; ��Y"�,`�'�`.._ �' '- '' _��6�� "•The D'ir�to'r Qf���a� .�g T mi�t�d l��s `x�t'�;�i tTi��' �d - tt�e amouttt oi�asi�ages at�v�- to the�ks�fn�.of�ie i�u�c�r es ' ` - appropr'rated fOr�he abqr�re�� o�r ent and to whoa�.l�ay.able,and als�e�. ' �- , - , .. . • $iL�IYiltt� �Y13'$��91�t�1�t!�" I�5`�� �i��'�I�O�'�� ��4�� improv�atrie�lf,t�ie�efore be i�= .._'` ` .' -:: . .` °,�� . RESOLVLI};Ttfat�t'he saz� `'s �o�`b�it�}ie�d the�sa�i�`�k�j► �gproved. ' � .. . .,.� . �., . .,,�, . _- s x �,<,._ RESOL�I] F`E7RTHE#�; at ,pu�;l �a�r�'ng be kiad befare,t3ie Counci� upom,said re� port and for a ca i tipri-o�tTrehaward,pf,c�aunages'�rade�#�*.. • Director of Firiaiic�aritl aI� .: e�d�isses`s�ne:�itb��e�a��t� ' 'Gha�ber.in the�Court House tli� itp of`$t.F�'t��- - d cif' at nine o'Clock R.B]�.;�t�t�t t '� ��i�a�e h� is natir,e of said hearfuu,g as piesc 1�ee by the Charter. ^,; �, .�,� �:; -� _.b..s...r - . � l�ile No. f'8533�-2 _ A$q�ted by the Council:M rch 8,1989. . _ ` APPi�ov�,i MarCh 29� 1�: , , '' "� ` '�" �B; ��lj� -.,�k��,x