89-704 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COIlIICIl CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF S I NT PAU L BL�'JE - MAVOR File NO. � � ounci esolution ���� . � � Presented By � ` Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul nt red into an Agreement with the Fort Road/West Seventh Street Federat'on for the expenditure of Neighborhood Partnership funds on January 10, 1987; a d WHEREAS, The Fort Road/West Seve th Street Federation has, to date, earned $45,713.91 as a result of the ct'vities carried out under their Agreement with the City; and WHEREAS, under the terms and co 'di ions of the City of Saint Paul-Fort Road/ West Seventh Street Federation Agree nt program income earned will be returned to the Fort Road/West Seventh Street ed ration for the purpose of providing additional neighborhood Rehabilitatio ; o,w, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that upon the recommen at on of the Mayor and the Council Committee on Finance, Management and er onnel, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the fo lo ing increase to the Fort Road/West Seventh Street Federation NPP Project Bu get: FINAN IN PLAN INCREASE REVISED CD CODE TITLE B GET (DECREASE) BUDGET P6-100-39000-6999 Fort Road/West $6 ,500. $45,713.91 $113,213.91 Seventh Street Federation NPP Project COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by D rtme t of: Yeas Nays � Dimond �ng In Favor � Gosw;tz _� ' sce�be� A gai n s t By ` '"�-�"�� Sonnen � ' Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY- � '� sy A►pproved by Ylavor: Date _ Appro y for mission to Council B � �"� Y WHITE - CITV CLERK COUIICIl ///��� ,l/ PINK - FINANCE GITY OF S INT PAUL O CANARY - DEPARTMENT ��� T BLUE. -�1AVOR File NO• Counci esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date SPE IN PLAN (continued) INCREASE REVISED CD CODE TITLE B GET (DECREASE) BUDGET P6-100-39212-0547- Fort Road/West 61268 Seventh Street Federation NPP Project $6 ,500. $45,713.91 $113,213.91 � l� r\ � � 7 �� � �� Eugene Sch'ller, irector Gregory B e Dept. of Finance and Management Serv es Budget Director COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Departq�ent. • Yeas Nays Dimond � I.ong � [n Favor cosw;tz �� Rettman ,�� � _ Against BY � �en Wilson �pR 2 5 1989 Form Appro y City Att ney Adopted by Council: Date �����qls / Certified Pa s b Counc� Sec BY— By `pD A►pproved b � avor: te _ ~rR Z 5 "�+� Approv Ma o or Subm' sion to Cou cil By � „� , -y Pl�Bt� ��i,�Y �� +� 19$ ��y�o � o�na��Nrro�c�ioouaa� �A��N �° GREEN SH No. 8� 1 PED - Housing � ���� CONTACT�RSON 6 PHONE DEPARTMENT DIF�CTOR CITY COUNCIL Tom SanChez X3355 � GTY AITORNEY g CITY d.ERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY(DAT� ROUTNI(i , BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.d MOT.8�IICEB DIR. ASAP M�voA co��sisT�wn TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PAOES � (C�IP AL L ATIONS FQR SIQNATUR� ACTION REOUESTED: Increase Fort Road/West Seventh Street ed ration budget for NPP Program by allowing the use of program income funds earned thro gh implementation of their program. RECOMMENDAT10N8:Approve(/q w Re�ect(R) COUNCIL EE/RESEARCH�T OPTIONAL _PUWNINO C06AMISSION —CIVIL BERVICE COMMI3SION ��Y� PNONE NO. _GB COMMITTEE _ �Q v�+ _STAFF _ WMMENT3: —o�icr couRT — I�AAYGfd`S t��F�ICE SUPPORTB WHICH OOUNCIL OBJECTIVET INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whet,When,Whsre,Why): Amends the program budget and allows pr r income earned to be revolved back into the program budget. An additional vacant h se will be acquire�EC�IVEDitated and sold ta a lo�t/moderate income family. APR 121989 aFFICE 4�'THE DiREC70R ��,�r�°ES�F�R°v�°: AND MANAGEM N S Continues the development of affordable ou ing for low income �am�l-eRVICES DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTA(iES IF NOT APPROVED: Discontinues the NPP program for this par o West Seventh Area. Ca:,�^c;� Research Center /��? 1� �i��� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = �5�7�3.91 T/REVENUE BUDOETED(GRCLE ON� YES NO �uNa�o sour� D G Pro ram I nCOme A IVITY NUMBER P�-i nn-39�0�-699 FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) P6-100-39212-0547-612FF � �����