89-702 WHITE - CITV CLERK . PINK - FINANCE GITY OF INT PALTL Council BLUERy-MAVORTMENT File NO. ��T�4� � - Ord n nce Ordinance O 1 l/ Presented By ����'�� � eferred To �"� Committee: Date � �-�` � Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance pe t 'ning to the finances and budgets of the c t ; amending Chapter 10 of the Charter of th ity of Saint Paul . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAI T PAUL DOES ORDRIN: Se t ' on 1 . Pursuant to Minnesota Sta u es , Section 410. 12 , subdivision 7 , and upon recommendation of he Charter Commission of the City of Saint Paul , Section 10.02 f the Charter of the City of Saint Paul. is amended to read as fol o s: "Sec. 10. 02. Submission f Budget. Annually, the mayor shal ' s bmit to the council k�s the recommended budgets in a co dance with a budget calendar to be established by ord'na ce. Included with the budgets shall be a recom en ed five-year capital improve- ment program. The propo ed budgets and improvement pro- gram shall then become a pu lic record. In preparing the capital improvement ro ram and budget, the mayor shall utilize the commit ee presently provided for by ordinance adopted pursua t o special law unless other- wise provided by adminis ra ive ordinance adopted after December 31 , 1971 . " a e l . COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� [n Favor ' Goswitz Rettman Scheibel A gai ns t BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approv y City At r e Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY . . . . ��� �G�--��� ees, Jim Sn der CONTACT N " � 298-4140 298-4118 PHONE r `�. �` 12/6/88 �°"t` '; DATE ■ �I �r � ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER: (See r ve se side.) 1 Department Director 3 Mayor (or Assistant) � �� �� _ Finance and Management Services Dire to 4 City Clerk ��',, �� _ Budget Director 2 City Attorney (Jerry Segal) TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: 1 p5 ( li all locations for signature.) WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION 0 T E ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/Rationale) This change to the Cit� Charte� has been s mitted in response to the Charter Commission's request to identify any language clarifi at'ons that may be needed. The pronosEd revisions to sections 10.02, 10.03, 10.06, 10.08 d 0.09 provide for up-to-date definitions, clearer descriptions of existing procedures and ra tices and the removal of a male possesive reference. Section 10.06 will be change to permit compliance with State Laws. The changes to section 10.08 will incorporate the p ic and procedure set by CF 86-1728 (which set the process for reappropriating year end en red balances) into the language of the charter. COST BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL I PA TS ANTICIPATED: There is no cost associated with this c r r language change. FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUM ER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signature not required if under $1 ,000.) Total Amount of Transaction: n/a Activity Number: Funding Source: �li�.:;�:...r r'�,. . ,.,a i�� x s! ki_.�_ti'e� :�1 E.,'.,.itu� ATTACHMENTS: (List and number all attac me ) . ordinance � ,-_ ts,�r��,,-,;-ri-� �.:;;�.�Y ��'�v � � I��J , • _ �1��.!J � �:; � --� ._..�J ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES _Yes _No Rules, Regulations, Pr ce ures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If yes� are they or ti et ble attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW _Yes _No Council resolution requi ed Resolution required? Yes No -, _Yes _No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? Yes No _Yes _No Insurance attached? . ! � . � � � � . . - . ���'���� ., ��7GGy s ction 2. Pursuant to Minnesot tatutes, Section 410. 12, Subd. 7 , and upon recommendation o he Charter Commission of the City of Saint Paul , Section 10. 3 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul is amended to read as o lows: "Sec. 10.03 . Budget c n ent and budget message. The budgets shall be a c plete financial plan and shall include, but not be li it d to: (1 ) The annual operat ng budget ( including the General Fund, the Special Fu ds , the Debt Service Funds and the city' s sh re of the cost of operating any other governmenta e tities) ; (2) The budget for th n xt fiscal year of the five-year long-range capital i provement programs ; and ( 3) The budget of the i y owned utilities , facilities and se��-srzpge���r� - epa���er��s proprietary activities . The budgets shall conta'n such information and be in the form prescribed by admi i trative ordinance and by law. Accompanying the budget en submitted shall be a budget message from the mayor u lining the important features of the budgets with app op iate explanatory comments.�� ec ion 3 . Pursuant to Minnesota S at tes, Section 410. 12 , subdivision 7 , and upon recommendation of t e harter Commission of the City of Saint Paul , section 10.06 of th Charter of the City of Saint Paul is amended to read as follow : "Sec. 10.06 . Council ac i n on budget. The council shall hold a p blic hearing, which may be adjourned from time to t 'm , on the budgets provided for in Section 10.03 at ime and place announced in advance. The council ma evise the budgets recommended by the Mayor but may not e ce the appropriations for debt service for bonds a re dy issued or ar�� for meeting any existing legal oblig ti ns of the city to pay for goods and services alrea y ecieved. Upon completion ag 2. • . . . , . ' ' ���--a�i� C� /7GG � of the hearing or any a 'ournments thereof, and not later than the date p o ' ded by the budget calendar, the council shall by r solution, and ordinance if applicable, adopt the bu gets e�-e�-be€e�e-9e�ebe�-�� and certify tax levie n later than twel_ve days before the date requiring pr pe ty tax levy certification in accordance with state la , for the ensuing fiscal year. Adoption of the budge s hall constitute appropriations of the amounts specif' ed therein as expenditures from the funds indicated. If he council fails to fix the amounts of the budgets for th n xt fiscal year, then the amounts of the operating budg ts for that year shall be the same as the budgets for the y ar in which the failure occurs, except that the budget or debt service shall be adjusted to meet the p y ents required for bonds outstand- ing. The capital budg t shall be set at the amounts identified in the next y ar ' s program year that was included with the current year ' apital budget and the amount of general obligation bon i shall be the amount required to finance said next y a ' s program. " Se tion 4. Pursuant to Minnesota ta utes, 5ection 410. 12 , subdivision 7 , and upon recommendation of he Charter Commission of the City of Saint Paul , section 10. 08 o t e Charter of the City of Saint Paul is amended to read as follo s. "Sec. 10.08 . Lapse of p ropriations. Every appropriation, ex e t an appropriation for the capital improvement bud e et���a3r-e�-�e��-ee��}�e or an appropriation specifica l exempted from this provision by this Charter or stat r federal law, shall lapse at the close of the fiscal y ar to the extent that it has not been expended e�-er•x e�ed.---�13e-€t�r3�s-��ea�-st�e13 �apse�-a���eg��a��e�s-s a� -�e-a��ed-�e-��ie-Qe�e�a�-���d ba�ar3ee.- In those case ere appropriations have been encumbered for goods an s rvices purchased, the encumbered appropriatio s all lapse at year end, and be reappropriated i t e following fiscal year' s budget without action o t e City Council for the same purposes as encumbered t ear end. " ec ion 5. Pursuant to Minnesota St t tes, Section 410. 12 , subdivision 7 , and upon recommendation of th harter Commission of the City of Saint Paul , Section 10.09 of h Charter of the City of Saint Paul is amended to read as follows : a e 3. WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK �- FINANCE COLL[lCll A/� /J CANA�RV -DEPARTMENT GITY O� S INT PAUL /J y / 4LVE +�MAVOR File NO. ✓ / • D� • Or Z �n�,e Ordinance N 0. �?��� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date "10.09. Lapse of approp i tions-Capital improvements. An appropriation for a c p tal improvement shall continue in force until the purp se for which it was made has been accomplished or abandon ; purposes abandoned shall be as determined by council r so ution. When abandoned, the appropriation shall be re ited to a separate contingent reserve account which m e used to finance other capital improvements in lu ed in the capital improvement budgets. " ec ion 6. This Ordinance shall be om effective 90 days after its passage, approval and public ti n, unless the effective date is delayed by the filing of a p ti ion pursuant to Minnesota 5tatutes Section 410. 12, Subd. 7. age 4 COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� [n Favo Goswitz Rettman c� B Scheibel Against ' y Sonnen Wilson ��H 2 9 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas ncil S t BY By � Approv by Mayor: Dat � � 3O Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY v�9t.Gtl�i J U L ' 81989 . � � � ���� %oa i7��y SAINT PAUL R COMMISSION c SAINT PAUL, �.. MINNESOTA 55102 March 27 , 1989 RECEIVED �lAR2 91989 ClTY CI.ERK Albert B. Olson City Clerk 386 City Hall Saint Paul , MN 55102 Dear Mr. Olson: ' Attached for consideration b the City Council is the Charter Commission Resolution recom e ing amendments to certain sections of Chapter 10 of the City Ch rter by ordinance to be passed by the Saint Paul City Council un nimously. Sincerely yours, \ ----' � .,. Raymon Fari y, Chair Saint aul Charter Co "issio _ _��,,�r .. ,_� �.. _�:3't`. ,',�l � �� . ,..�: -`. , .._ : t_."'�l 22 � . . ' � , . . � ' .. . C��,��'_�Q�, R SOLUTION OF THE SAINT PA L HARTER COMMISSION WHEREAS , the Saint P ul City Council by its Resolution of February 16 , 1989 (C .F. N . 89-67) requsted Charter Commission review and consideration o a endments to Saint Paul City Charter Sections 10. 02, 10. 03 , 10. 0 , 10. 08 and 10.09 , pertaining to the City budgeting process ; an WHEREAS , at its meet 'n on March 23, 1989, the Charter Commission reviewed and co s ' dered the aforesaid Charter amend- ments ; now, therefore, be i RESOLVED, that pursuant t Minnesota Statutes Section 410. 12, Subdivision 7, the Saint Pau harter Commission hereby recommends for unanimous Council adop io the proposed amendments attached hereto. �;�.� �'�°� : . . : . . . � • ti . /,,��`�, �o 02 G � 7U�� R SOLUTIOIV OF THE SAINT PA L HARTER COMMISSION WHEREAS , the Saint Pa 1 City Council by its Resolution of February 16, 198g (C,F, N , gg_6�) requsted Charter Commission review and consideration of a endments to Saint Paul City Charter Sections 10. 02, 10.03, 10 0 , 10. 08 and 10. 09, pertaining to the City budgeting process; an WHEREAS, at its meet ng on March 23, 1989, the Charter Commission reviewed and co si ered the aforesaid Charter amend- ments; now, therefore, be it' RESOLVED, that pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 410. 12, Subdivision 7, the Saint Pau C arter Commission hereby recommends for unanimous Council adopt 'o the proposed amendments attached hereto. "'�•, � � . ����� �., � � ;/,-a=,�4�;,,,, � CITY F SAINT PAUL aa� 9i�73, OFFICE F HE CITY COIINCIL .,_.. Members: � Kiki Sonnen,Chair KIKI SONNEN Date: Fr da , May 5, 1989 RogerGoswitz Bob Long • Councilmember MOLLY O'ROURKE Statf: Legislative Aide Donna Sanders,Secretary Jane McPeak,Attorney Committee Repor Rules and Policy mmittee 1. Approval of minutes of the Apr l , 1989 meeting. COMMITTEE APPROVED 2. ORDINANCE �f89-463 - An ordinan e mending Chapter 28 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code entitled "Cam ai n Contributions" to provide for , conformity to state statute as to time limits for filing financial reports prior to primary and g 'ne al elections. (Heard in R & P Committee 4/7/89, and laid ove u til S/S/89) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 3. ORDINANCE �189-557 - An Ordinan e ending the Civil Service Rules by adding a.section authorizing d c line in instances where a supervisor discharges, disciplines, threa ns, otherwise discriminates against, or penalizes an employee who in g d aith; reports a suspected violation of State law or rule; upon req st participates in a public body`s invest�.gation, hearing or inqu y; or refuses an order to perform an action the employee objectivel be ieves violates any state or federal law or regulation and the emplo ee informs the employer that the order , is being refused for that reaso . (Referred to R & P Committee 4/4/89) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED ONE MONTH LA OVER TO JUNE 2, 1989 4. ORDINANCE 4�89-616 - An Administ at ve Ordinance amending Section 41 of the Administrative Code which d al with government employee solicitation by requiring the e ti e City Council to act in designating a person to do solicitation rat er than allowing each individual councilmember to designate soli it tion to city employee. (Referred to R & P Committee 4/11/89) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL F UBSTITUTE ORDINANCE 5. ORDINANCE ��89-701 - An ordinanc ' a ending Sections 2.03, 3.01 & 3.02, 5.01 & 5.03, 6.08, 7.04, 7.06, .0 .4, 8.07 & 8.07.3, 8.07.4, 8.08, 10.02, 10.07.3, 12.10, 12.11.1, , 13 / ;harter of the City of Saint Paul by delet ng ��(,�L(L �'I��1 NU` :es. (Referred to R & P Committee 4/ S/ COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL �C l��J���1� � V � . ORDINANCE �89-702 - An Ordinanc p `� W )�S �� and budgets of the city; amending Chapter 1 0 n � of Saint � Paul. (Ref erred to R & P Commi te IY��N S �t-� ���T�(.� COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL CTTY SEVENTH LOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5378 , 6 .46 r . - : . �j- yo a NOTICE P LIC HEARING ��� (p� ON C T AMENDMENT Notice is hereby given that the City Co cil of the City of Saint Paul, will hold a�public hearing on Jta� 22�-Y a 9;00 R:M. in the Council Chambers in the City Hall and Court House to on ider the approval of an ordinance being Council File 89-702, amending ha ter 10 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul relating to the financ s d budgets of the City. The text of the ordinance is as foll , s: An Ordinance p rt ining to the finances and budgets of the ' t ; amending Chapter 10 of the Charter of t ity of Saint Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAI T PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Se t' n l . Pursuant to Minnesota Sta ut s , Section 410.12, subdivision 7 , and upon recommendation of t e Charter Commission of the City of Saint Paul , Section 10.02 f he Charter of the City of Saint Paul is amended to read as fol ow : "Sec. 10.02. Submission f udget. Annually, the mayor shall u mit to the council �i}s the recommended budgets in acc r ance with a budget calendar to be established by ordin n e. Included with the budgets shall be a recomme d d five-year capital improve- ment program. The propose dgets and improvement pro- gram shall then become a p bl ' c record. In preparing the capital improvement pr gr m and budget, the mayor shall utilize the committe p esently provided for by ordinance adopted pursuant to special law unless other- wise provided by administr ti e ordinance adopted after � December 31 , 1971 . " Pa e . COU IL MEMBERS � Yeas Nays , e uested by artment of: Dim d �ng • I(1 avor Goswitz Rettman Scheibel A gai ns t BY Sonnen Wilson F rm Approv y City At r Adopted by Council: te Certified Passed by Co ncil Sec tary B By Approved by M�y r: Date A roved by Mayor f r Submission to Council � _ . , � �c�y'-��� Sec i n 2. Pursuant to Minnesota S at tes, Section 410. 12, Subd. 7 , and upon recommendation of t e Charter Commission of the City of Saint Paul , Section 10.03 o he Charter of the City of Saint Paul is amended to read as foll w : "Sec. 10.03. Budget conte t and budget message. The budgets shall be a co 1 te financial plan and shall include, but not be limit o: (1) The annual operating u get (including the General Fund, the SpeciaZ Fu ds the Debt Service Funds and the city' s share of the cost of operating any other governmental e 'ti ies) ; (2) The budget for the n xt fiscal year of the five-year long-range capital i pr vement programs; and (3) The budget of the ci y wned utilities, facilities and se��-sugge���r�Q- eg ��x�er��s proprietary activities. The budgets shall contain su h information and be in the form prescribed by admini tr tive ordinance and by law. Accompanying the budgets he submitted shall be a budget message from the mayor ou li ing the important features of the budgets with appro ri te explanatory comments.�� Se ti n 3. Pursuant to Minnesota Sta ut s , Section 410.12, subdivision 7 , and upon recommendation of the Ch rter Commission of the City of Saint Paul , section 10.06 of t e harter of the City of Saint Paul is amended to read as follows : "Sec. 10.06 . Council act o on budget. The council shall hold a ub ic hearing, which may be adjourned from time to ti e, on the budgets provided for in Section 10.03 at a ti e and place announced in advance. The council may r ise the budge�ts recommended by the Mayor but may not r d e the appropriations for debt service for bonds al e dy issued or ar�� for meeting any existing legal obliga i s of the city to pay for goods and services alread ecieved. Upon completion P g 2. ;� : � 1 � .� ��y-��.� ����� of the hearing or any ad ou nments thereof, and not later than the date prov de by the budget calendar, the council shall by a r so ution, and ordinance if applicable, adopt the bu ge s e�-e�-be�e�e-Ae�ebe�-�� and certify tax levies n 1 ter than twelve days before the date requiring prope ty tax levy certification in accordance with state la , or the ensuing fiscal year. Adoption of the budgets s a 1 constitute appropriations of the amounts specified h rein as expenditures from the funds indicated. If the o ncil fails to fix the amounts of the budgets for the ne t fiscal year, then the amounts of the operating budgets o that year shall be the same as the budgets for the ye r in which the failure occurs , except that the bud ets f r debt service shall be adjusted to meet the paym n s required for bonds outstand- ing. The capital budgets s 11 be set at the amounts identified in the next ye r' pro ram year that was included with the current year' s c pi al budget and the amount of eneral obligation bondin s all be the amount required to finance said next year s rogram. " Se ti n 4. Pursuant to Minnesota Sta t s, Section 410. 12, subdivision 7, and upon recommendation of the h rter Commission of the City of Saint Paul , section 10.08 of th harter of the City of Saint Paul is amended to read as follows. "Sec. 10.08 . Lapse of app o riations. Every appropriation, excep appropriation for the capital improvement budget e �a�-e�-deb�-se��}ee or an appropriation specifically e mpted from this provision by this Charter or state o f deral law, shall lapse at the close of the fiscal ye r o the extent that it has not been expended e�-er�e�a e� d.---�l�e-�t�r�ds-€�e�a-s�e�i �a�se�-a���e���a��e�s-s�a� -� -ad�ed-�e-�l�e-ge�e�a�-�t��d �a�ar�ee.- In those cases w er appropriations have been encumbered for oods and s rvi ces purchased, the encumbered appropriation s al lapse at .year end, and be reappropriated in t ollowing fiscal year' s bud et without action of t ity Council' for the same purposes as encumbered at y a end. " Sect' o 5. Pursuant to Minnesota Statu e , Section 410.12, subdivision 7 , and upon recommendation of the C a ter Commission of the City of Saint Paul , Section 10.09 of the C rter of the City of Saint Paul is amended to read as follows : Pag 3. WHITE - CITV CL,�pK ' ' � _ P��K � PINANCE ' G1TY OF AI PAUL Councii CAN,.ARV -tlEPA TMENT DlV E -MAYOR File "�O. � �D� . /� O r �n ,,P, dinance N 0. � 7� �/ � Presented By Ref red To Comm' Date Out of Committee By Date "10.09. Lapse of approp ia ions-Capital improvements. An appropriation for a c i al improvement shall continue in force until the purpo or which it was made has been accomplished or abandone ; urposes abandoned shall be as determined by council res l tion. When abandoned, the appropriation shall be cr d ted to a separate contingent reserve account which may b used to fin�ance other capital improvements incl d d in the capital improvement budgets. " Se ti n 6 . This Ordinance shall beco e ffective 90 days after its passage, approval and publicat' on unless the effective date is delayed by the filing of a pet' ti n pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 410.12, Subd. 7. Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, this Ot day of May, 1989. Albert B. Olson City Clerk (June 3, 1989 a d une 10, 1989) P e 4 COUNCIL MEMBERS Y Nays equested by Depar ent o : Dimond g " -. In Favor �• Go ' Rettma Scheibel A gai n s t BY Sonnen Wilson rm A pr ed by City Attorney � Adopted by Council: Date� Certified Passed by Council S,e'cretar B By Approved by Mayor: Da e � A proved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY