� B4UE -MAYOR File �0.
� O/ i dnce Ordinance !7���
Presented �/����°i�� `7 �
Referred To °� Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An ordinance am n ing Sections 2. 03 ,
3.01�3. 02, 5.01d=5. 03 .08, 7. 04, 7.06,
8. 02. 4, 8. Q17�8. 07. 3, 8 07.4, 8. QJ8, 1Q1. 412,.
10.07. 3, 12.1R1, 12.1 . , 13. 03. 5, and 17.05 `
of the Charter of t ity of Saint Paul by
deleting gender spe if c references.
Se ti n 1.
That pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 41�J.12, Subd. 7,
and upon recommendation of t harter Commission of the City of
Saint Paul, Section 2.03 of t e Charter of the City of Saint Paul
be and the same hereby is ame d d to read as follows :
"Sec . 2. 013. Time devot o duties.
No employee or offic r f the city shall, during the
hours of ��� em ployment erform any service or do any
work except for the cit , nd shall, during such hours,
devote all ��� efforts n time to said city."
S c ion 2.
That pursuant to Minne ot Statutes Section 41A.12, Subd. 7,
and upon recomrnendation of t e Charter Commission of the City
of Saint Paul , Sections .4! , 3.�l1.1 , 3.01.2, 3.01.3, 3.411.4,
3.01.5, 3.01.6, 3.01.7 and 3 0 .8 of the Charter of the City of
Saint Paul be and the same h r by are amended to read as follows :
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
�� [n Fa ar
Scheibel A gai n t BY
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
� y�� � /� �
Certified Passed by Council Secretary By '0��-e-" ' � I/u�.,',I►"(-!�t-�-- � -r�7 -�
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
. � . , . . � , .. ��'. -�o�
"Sec . 3. Q11. Powers and d ti s.
The executive power ha 1 be vested in the mayor.
5ubject to the provisi ns of this Charter and the
ordinances, 1�� the mayor s all control and direct the
administration of the cit ' affairs. Without limiting
the generality of the f r going, l�e the mayor shall
have the following powers a d duties:
Sec. 3.01 .1 .
He The ma or shall s e that this Charter and the
laws and ordinances are nf rced.
Sec . 3. 01 . 2.
I�e The mayor shall a e the right to attend and
participaterin council m e ings with the right to take
part in the discussion, b t shall not vote except as
otherwise provided her in �e The mayor shall make
recom m endations to the ou cil and deliver m essages to
the council and the peo le including a comprehensive
message on the state o he city as soon after the
beginning of l��s the may r 1 term as practicable.
Sec. 3. 01. 3.
I�e The mayor shall p oint, with the advice and
consent of the counci , to the positions of city
attorney, city clerk a d all heads of executive
departments, which app i tees shall serve at ��s the
mayor's pleasure, excep a provided otherwise in this
Sec . 3. 4J1.4.
He The ma�or shall direct and supervise the
administration of al epartments , offices , and
agencies of the city, ex ept as otherwise expressly
provided herein.
Sec. 3. 01 . 5.
I�e The ma�or shall p epare and recommend to the
council the budgets as r ided in Section 10. 03.
� . . . . �. . � , ��q_�D/
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Sec. 3.�J1. 6.
�� The mayor shall a point, with the advice and
consent of the cou c 1 , a secretary and such
professional assistants a the council may provide, and
all such em ployees s a 1 serve at ��s the mayor's
pleasure; and �� the m yor shall appoint and may
rem ove, subject to app ic ble civil service provisions,
such other employees i the mayor' s office as are
provided for by the cou c 1 .
Sec . 3. 411.7.
H� The mayor shall ap rove or veto ordinances and
resolutions as provided h rein.
Sec. 3. 01 .8.
He The mayor shall , wi h the advice and consent of
the council, appoint m mb rs of boards and commissions
and such advisory comi t es as are established by �i��
the m=ayor or by the co nc 1, who shall be rem ovable as
provided in the instr m nt establishing such board ,
commission or committee."
S c ion 3.
That pursuant to Minne ot Statutes Section 4101.12, Subd. 7,
and upon recommendation of he Charter Commission of the City of
Saint Paul , Sections 5.Pl1 , . 2, and 5.�J3 of the Charter of the
City of Saint Paul be and t e ame hereby are amended to read as
"Sec . S. P11 . Appointmen nd qualifications.
The city attorney s al be appointed and rem oved as
provided in Section 3. 1. . Prior to t��s appointment,
He the city attorney h 11 be admitted to practice
before the Supreme Cour f the State of Minnesota .
Sec. 5. PJ2. Powers and u ies.
The city attorney s a 1 represent the city in all
causes in which the ci y is interested and shall have
full and complete char e of the legal business of the
city. No officer of he city may retain or fee any
other attorney; provid d that in any case of special
or unusual circumstance r in any case where the city
attorney by reason of i terest cannot represent the
city, the council , po the request of the city
. . � . � . � �. � . - � . C��--?��
/ 7����
_ _ . . . .
attorney, may by resoluti n ppoint �$ee��� e�t�ase� and
fix ��s special counsel' s co pensation.
Sec . 5. 413 . Staff .
The city attorney a appoint two (2 ) deputy
assistants and such other a sistants as in H�s the city
attorney' s judgm ent are ne ded to carry on the legal
business of the city. T e eputy assistants and other
assistants shall be in t e unclassified service. The
deputy assistants shall ol office at the pleasure of
the city attorney, and he other assistants shall be
rem ovable at pleasure du ing their first year of
service, but shall not t e eafter be discharged except
in the manner provided b dministrative ordinance for
employees in the classif' ed service."
Se ti n 4.
That pursuant to Minnesota 5tatutes Section 41QJ.12, Subd. 7,
and upon recommendation of t harter Commission of the City of
Saint Paul, Section 6.08 of t e Charter of the City of Saint Paul
be and the same hereby is ame d d to read as follows :
"Sec . 6. 4J8. Signing , fi i g , presentation to mayor .
Every ordinance or r so ution adopted by the council
shall be presented to t e ayor as soon as practicable,
but not later than fi e 5) business days after its
passage, for k�s the a or's approval or rejection.
Within five (5) busine s ays after presentation, the
mayor shall either sig t e measure or return it to the
council with a communic t on in writing stating 1��� the
disapproval and the re so s therefor. If �� the mayor
neither signs nor vet es the measure within five (5)
business days , it shall b deemed approved ."
S c ion 5.
That pursuant to Minne o Statutes Section 410.12, Subd. 7,
and upon recomm endation of t e Charter Commission of the City
of Saint Paul , Sections 7. 4 nd 7.�6 of the Charter of the City
of Saint Paul be and the a e hereby are amended to read as
follows :
"Sec . 7. �4 . Name on p i ary ballot.
Not later than six (6) weeks nor more than eight (8)
weeks before the prim ry election, any person eligible
may, by filing an ff davit and payment of fifty
. . � � � � � . ���' ���
i 7G Gs'
dollars ($50.0f�) to t e ity clerk, have his or her
name placed on the p i ary election ballot. Each
person desiring to hav h s or her nam e placed on the
primary ballot for coun i member shall state in ��'s the
affidavit of candidacy h district for which he or she
is a candidate." �
"Sec. 7. P16. City elect o candidates.
If the law prescribe t at the election of mayor and
councilmember be by party designation, the candidate of
each party receiving th highest number of votes in the
primary election for t ffice of mayor or the office
of councilmember in an d ' strict shall be declared the
nominee of his party or the office at the next city
election and 1��8 the c ndidate's name shall be placed
on the municipal electi n allot together with the nam e
of any candidate for t e ffice nominated by petition
in accordance with t e law. If the law does not
provide for election by p rty designation, the two (2)
candidates for mayor r ce 'ving the highest number of
votes in the primary e e tion for the office, and the
two (2) candidates fo t e council in each district
receiving the highest u ber of votes for council in
that district shall be d clared the nominees and the
only nominees for the e pective offices at the next
city election."
S ct' on 6.
That pursuant to Minnes t Statutes Section 4141.12, Subd. 7,
and upon recom m endation of th Charter Com mission of the City
of Saint Paul, Sections 8 012 2, 8.02.4, 8.012, 8.07.1 , 8.07.2,
8.f�7.4, and 8.08 of the Char er of the City of Saint Paul be and
the same hereby are amended o ead as follows :
"Sec . 8. 02 . 2.
Each signer of the p t' tion shall write thereon k�B
the petitioner' s nam nd the street number and
election ward or legi 1 tive district and precinct
designation of la�s the et ' tioner ' s residence."
"Sec . 8. P12 . 4.
Any person whose n m appears on a petition may
withdraw his or her n m by a statement in writing
filed with the city cle k before the clerk advises the
council as to the suf ic ency of the petition. Any
name appearing on any e ition which does not comply
, : � . . . . . , . ���°�
with the foregoing re ui ements, except as to ward or
legislative district a d recinct designation, shall be
stricken, and no names sh 11 be counted which have not
been verified."
"Sec . 8. 07. Recall .
Any person holding lective office, other than an
office created by sp cial law, may be removed by
recall. The petition h 11 state at the head of each
page a demand for th emoval of the officer, the
office �� k���e held, an a brief description of the
grounds for k�� recall . '
"Sec . 8. 07.1 .
If the council fi d a recall petition to be
sufficient, it shall n t fy the officer involved and
announce the sam e at i s ext m eeting. Any officer so
named may resign with n ive (5) calendar days after
being notified as to t e ufficiency of the petition.
If fae the officer does n t resign, a recall election
shall be held ."
"Sec. 8.07. 2.
Within ten (10) days af er the council has found the
petition to be suffici n , it shall order a special
election to be held wit in sixty (60�) days to determine
whether the officer sha 1 e removed. If a majority of
those voting on the que ti n shall vote in favor of H��
removal , Y��s the offi e shall be deemed vacant and
filled as provided in t is Charter ."
"Sec. 8. �7. 4 .
No recall petition s all be filed against any
officer during the firs r the last six (6) months of
k�s the officer' s term."
"Sec . 8. 08. Disposition o insufficient petitions.
If the council det rmines that the petition is
insufficient or irregula , the city clerk shall deliver
a copy of the petition t he person or persons therein
named to receive it, to et er with a written statement
of its defects. The pe so s circulating the petition
shall be given thirty ( �!) days in which to file
additional signature pap r and to correct the petition
in all other particulars If at the end of that period
+ . .
' . . , . . ' �/7 ���Di'
i 7�OGs'
the council finds ha the petition is still
insufficient or irregu a , the city clerk shall file
the petition in k�s the c erk's office and notify the
persons previously noti i of the defects. The final
finding of insufficie c or irregularity shall not
prejudice the filing of new petition for the same
purpose nor , in the ca e of an initiated or referred
ordinance or resolutio , hall it prevent the council
from referring the o di ance or resolution to the
voters at the next reg la or special election at its
S c ion 7.
That pursuant to Minne ot Statutes Section 41�1.12, Subd. 7,
and upon recommendation of he Charter Commission of the City of
Saint Paul, Sections 1P1.02 a d 10.07.3 of the Charter of the City
of Saint Paul be and the a e hereby are amended to read as
"Sec . 1�. f�2 . Submissio f budget.
, Annually, the mayor sh 11 submit to the council his
�`�+� or her recommended bud et in accordance with a budget
�ti calendar to be establis e by ordinance. Included with
� ,�., the budgets shall be a r commended five=year capital
�; �� improvement program The proposed budgets and
�:: improvement program sh 1 then become a public record.
'��.r' �, In preparing the cap ' t 1 improvement program and
budget, the m ayor shall u ilize the committee presently
, �"�� � ' provided for by ordina c ado ted
' "` � `�"' p pursuant to special
� law un less o t herwis rovided by administrative
.n :;
Ys` ordinance adopted after D cember 31 , 1971 ."
"Sec. 1�. �7. 3. Reduction of appropriations.
If at any time dur ' n the fiscal year it appears
probable to the mayor h t the revenue available will
be insufficient to mee t e amount appropriated, �ie the
ma or shall report o the council without delay,
indicating the estima e amount of the deficit, and
��s recommendations a o any steps to be taken. The
council shall take suc a tion as it deems necessary to
prevent or minimize an eficit and for that purpose it
may reduce by resoluti n ne or more appropriations ."
. _ . _ . �- . � ��-- ?ai
e tion 8.
That pursuant to Minn so a Statutes Section 410.12, Subd. 7,
and upon recommendation of th Charter Commission of the City of
Saint Paul, Sections 12.10 n 12.11.1 of the Charter of the City
of Saint Paul be and the sa e hereby are amended to read as
follows :
"Sec , 12,10. Incapaci a d employees .
Any firefighter or o ice officer injured in actual
service and thereby r n ered incapable of performing
his or her duty shal eceive full pay during the
period ofincapacity ot exceeding twelve (12) months.
In the case of disabi i y through injury or sickness
other than as hereinbe o e m entioned, such firefighter
or Qolice officer shal , otwithstanding such injury or
sickness , receive his o her salary for a period not
exceeding six (6) m n hs. The city council may
increase the benefits he eunder by appropriate action
through administrative or inance.
Employees injured o i capacitated by illness in the
line of duty shall be ntitled to reinstatement at any
time within five (5) y a s from the date of injury or
incapacity, if physic 1 y capable of resuming their
"Sec . 12.11 .1 . Discrim 'n tion.
No person in the cl s ified service of the city or
seeking admission there o shall be appointed, prom oted,
reduced, removed or in n way favored or discriminated
against because of his or her race, color, creed , age,
sex , religion , handica , ational origin or political
opinions or affiliation ."
S ct' on 9.
That pursuant to Minnes t Statutes Section 410.12, Subd. 7,
and upon recommendation of he Charter Commission of the City of
Saint Paul , Section 13.03.5 f the Charter of the City of Saint
Paul be and the same hereby s mended to read as follows :
"Sec. 13. P13. 5. Appeals
(1) Any person whose ' n erest in property has been
condemned or taken m y appeal , or an appeal may be
taken on his or he ehalf, from the ratification
and confirmation o he condemnation or from the
. . . . . �� �°,
award of damages o both. A written notice of
appeal shall be f le with the city clerk within
forty (4�) days o t e ratification, confirmation
and award of damag s
(2) The written noti e f appeal shall specify the
name of the app llant , a description of the
property in which � ' the appellant has or claims
an interest, the n ture of ��s the apellant's
interest, and the ob ections l�e the appellant has
to the condemnatio , r award, or both.
(3) Within ten (16) d y after the notice of appeal
has been filed wi h he city clerk, the notice of
appeal shall be fi ed with the clerk of the
district court.
(4 ) A person who does no file with the city clerk a
written notice f appeal within the time
specified , or doe ot file the notice of apeal
with the clerk of th district court within the
tim e specified , h 11 be forever barred from
proceeding with an ap eal and trial in that court,
and the condemnati n nd award shall be final ."
S ct on 1�.
That pursuant to Minnes ta Statutes Section 410.12, Subd. 7,
and upon recommendation of t e harter Commission of the City of
Saint Paul , Section 17.(d5 o he Charter of the City of Saint
Paul be and the same hereby i mended to read as follows :
"Sec . 17 . 05. Official b n s.
The mayor and such oth r officers or em ployees of
the city as may be requi e by administrative ordinance
shall each, before ente i g upon the duties of his or
her respective office or em loym ent, give a bond to the
c ty as security for the f ithful performance of his or
her official duties a d the safekeeping of public
funds. The bonds shall b in such form and amount as
may be fixed by the council and may be either
individual or blanket on s at the discretion of the
council . They shall e approved by the council ,
approved as to form by t e city attorney, and filed
with the city clerk. Th remiums on such bonds shall
be paid by the city."
ndnce Ordinance N 0. `�v�_
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Se ti n 11 .
This ordinance shall tak e fect and be in force ninety (90)
days from and after its passa e, approval and publication.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
�� In Fav
Rettman � B
Scheibel A gai n s t Y
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date !� ,,�� -/
Certified Pass d b ncil S a By\/�-'I��'� ��/ ' � /��-�-- 7 —�G '�-�j
Appro y Mayor: _ �0 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
PUflliSff� J U L - 8 � 89
. �� ���
" � ' REGEtVED
MAR 2 ��1989
March 23 , 1989 CITY CL�.K�
Albert B. Olson i
City Clerk I
386 City Hall
Saint Paul , MN 55102
Dear Mr. Olson: I
Enclosed please find a es lution adopted by the Saint Paul
Charter Commission at its e ting today and which proposes amend-
ments to Saint Paul City h rter Sections 2. 03 ; 3 .01-3 . 02 ; 5 . 01-
5. 03 ; 6 .08 . 7 . 04 ; 7 . 06 ; 8 . 2 . 2 , .4; 8 . 07-8 .07 . 3 ; 8 . 07 .4; 8 .08 ;
10. 02 ; 10.07 . 3 ; 12 . 10 ; 12. 1 l ; 13. 03 . 5 ; and 17 . 05. P1_ease place
it on the next available C un il agenda. Thank you.
Yours truly,
� ��
Raymond . Faricy, Jr. , Pr ' d nt
Saint Paul Charter Commiss ' o
RWF : j r j
Encs . I
� rr �
, `.�E: _ .., ,.�i`
� �. � . �;/
. . . . . . ���_�o�
WHEREAS , during its rev e in 1988 of the Charter of the
City of Saint Paul , the Char e Commission of the City of Saint
Paul discovered a number of g nd r specific references; and
WHEREAS, at its meeti g on March 23, 1989 the Charter
Commission reviewed and consi e ed amendments to Charter Sections
2.03 , 3.01-3.02, 5.01-5.03 , . 8 , 7 . 04, 7.06 , 8.02. 2, . 4, 8.07-
8.07 . 3 , 8 .07 .4, 8 .08 , 10.02', 0.07 . 3 , 12. 10, 12. 11 . 1 , 13. 03. 5
and 17.05 to remove gender p ific references; now, therefore,
be it
RESOLVED, that pursuant o Minnesota Statutes Section 410. 12,
Subd. 7, the Saint Paul C a ter Commission hereby recommends
for unanimous Council adopt on the proposed amendments attached
, ,, . . . (J��j-��l
An ord inance ame d i g Sections 2. PJ3,
3.A1-3. g2, 5.01 �-5. P13, 6. 08, 7. 04, 7. 06,
8. 02. 4, 8. 07�8.07. 3, . 7. 4, 8. 08, lf�. �2,
1P1.�7. 3 , 12. 1QJ, 12.11 1 , 13. 03. 5, and 17. 05
of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul by
deleting gender speci i references .
Sect 'o l.
That pursuant to Minnesot S atutes Section 410.12, Subd. 7,
and upon recommendation of the Ch rter Commission of the City of
Saint Paul, Section 2.f�3 of the C arter of the City of Saint Paul
be and the same hereby is amend to read as follows :
"Sec . 2. �3 . Time devoted o duties.
No employee or officer of the city shall, during the
hours of ��s employment, e form any service or do any
work except for the city, an shall, during such hours,
devote all ��s efforts an t me to said city."
Sec io 2.
That pursuant to Minnesot tatutes Section 41RJ.12, Subd. 7,
and upon recommendation of t harter Commission of the City
of Saint Paul , Sections 3.0 , 3.01.1 , 3.01.2, 3.01.3, 3.911.4,
3.01.5, 3.011.6, 3.01.7 and 3.01.8 of the Charter of the City of
Saint Paul be and the same her by are amended to read as follows :
. _ . . ���-���
"Sec. 3. �J1. Powers and d ti s .
The executive power s a 1 be vested in the mayor.
Subject to the provisio s of this Charter and the
ord inances, �� the mayor sh 11 control and d irect the
administration of the cit 's affairs. Without limiting
the general�ity of the f re oing , �e the mayor shall
have the followinq powers an d uties :
Sec . 3. �1 .1 .
He The mayor shall s e that this Charter and the
laws and ordinances are e f rced.
Sec . 3. �1 .2.
I�e The mayor shall av the right to attend and
participate in council m et ngs with the right to take
part in the discussion, bu shall not vote except as
other wi se prov ided here n. F�e The mayor shall make
recomm endations to the c un il and deliver messages to
the council and the peop e, including a comprehensive
m essage on the state o t e city as soon after the
beginning of l��s the ma o a term as practicable.
Sec . 3. 01 . 3.
He The mayor shall op int, with the advice and
consent of the council � to the positions of city
attorney, city clerk n all heads of executive
deoartments, which appoin ees shall serve at t��s the
mayor's pleasure, except as provided. otherwise in this
Sec . 3. 4J1 .4.
F�e The mayor snal irect and supervise the
administration^of all d partments , offices , and
agencies of the city, xc pt as otherwise expressly
provided herein.
Sec . 3. 01 . 5.
He The mayor shall r pare and recommend to the
council the budgets as p ovided in Section 10. 03 .
,. . . . . . . ���-��i
Sec. 3. 01. 6. -
I�e The mayor shall ap o nt , with the advice and
consent of the counci , a secretary and such
professional assistants as th council may provide, and
all such employees shal erve at t��s the mayor's
pleasure; and t�e the ma o shall appoint and may
remove, subject to applica 1 civil service provisions,
such other employees in t e mayor' s office as are
provided for by the counci .
Sec . 3. (�1 . 7.
H� The mayor shal l ap ro e or veto ord inances and
resolut oi ns as provided he e 'n.
Sec . 3. 411 .8.
He The Tayor shall , wi h the advice and consent of
the council, appoint memb rs of boards and commissions
and such advisory comitt es as are established by k��
the m�ayor or by the counc ' 1, who shall be removable as
provided in the instrum nt establishing such board ,
commission or committee."
Sec io 3.
That pursuant to Minnesot tatutes Section 410.12, Subd. 7,
and upon recomm endation of the C arter Commission of the City of
Saint Paul, Sections 5.P11 , 5. 2 , and 5.03 of the Charter of the
City of Saint Paul be and the a e hereby are amended to read as
"Sec . 5. (�l . Appointment nd qualifications.
The city attorney shal e appointed and removed as
provided in Section 3.9J1. . Prior to ��s aopointment,
ke the city attorney sh 1 be admitted to practice
before the 5upreme Court f he State of Minnesota .
Gec. 5. �2. Powers and du i s.
The city attorney sh 11 represent the city in all
causes in which the city is interested and shall have
full and complete charg o the legal business of the
city. No officer of th city may retain or fee any
otner attorney; provide , hat in any case of special
or unusual circumstances or in any case wY�ere the city
attorney by reason of i t rest cannot represent the
city, the council , up n the request of the city
. .. . . . . ��-?��
. .
attorney, may by resolutio a point sgee�a� e6a�se� and
fix t��s special counsel' s om ensation.
Sec . 5. P13. Staff .
The city attorney m y appoint two ( 2 ) deputy
assistants and such other ss stants as in l��s the city
attorney' s judgm ent are n e ed to carry on the legal
business of the city. The � d puty assistants and other
assistants shall be in th u classified service. The
deputy assistants shall ho d office at the pleasure of
the city attorney, and th ther assistants shall be
removable at pleasure d r ng their first year of
service, but shall not th re fter be discharged except
in the m anner provided by d inistrative ordinance for
employees in the classifie s rvice."
Sect on 4.
That pursuant to Minnesota 5 atutes Section 410.12, Subd. 7,
and upon recommendation of the h rter Commission of the City of
Saint Paul, Section 6.418 of the Ch rter of the City of Saint Paul
be and the same hereby is amend o read as follows :
"Sec . 6. fd8. Signing , fili g , presentation to mayor .
Every ordinance or reso ution adopted by the council
shall be presented to the a or as soon as practicable,
but not later than five 5} business days after its
passage, for ��s the may r s approval or rejection.
Within five (5) business ay after presentation , the
mayor shall either sign th easure or return it to the
council with a communicati n in writing stating �}s the
disapproval and the reaso s herefor. If l�e the mayor
neither signs nor vetoes h measure within five (5)
business days , it shall be d med approved ."
Sect o 5.
That pursuant to Minnesota S atutes Section 410.12, Subd. 7,
and upon recommendation of th harter Commission of the City
of Saint Paul , Sections 7.04 a d .416 of the Charter of the City
of Sa int Paul be and the sam ereby are amended to read as
follows :
"Sec . 7. 414 . Name on prima y allot.
Not later than six (6) ee s nor more than eight (8)
weeks before the primary le tion, any person zligible
may, by filing an affi av ' t and paym ent of fifty
. . . ������
dollars ($50.0101) to the it clerk, have his or her
name placed on the prim r election ballot. Each
person desiring to have hi r her name placed on the
prim ary ballot for council e ber shall state in ��s the
affidavit of candidacy the d ' strict for which he or she
is a candidate."
"Sec . 7. 0�6. City election c ndidates.
If the law prescribes t a the election of mayor and
councilm ember be by party de ignation, the candidate of
each party receiving the ig est number of votes in the
primary election for the f ice of mayor or the office
of councilm ember in any is rict shall be declared the
nominee of his party fo t e office at the next city
election and �}e the can idate's name shall be placed
on the m unicipal election ba lot together with the nam e
of any candidate for the of ice nominated by petition
in accordance with the 1 w. If the law does not
provide for election by ar y designation, the two (2)
candidates for mayor rec i ing the highest number of
votes in the primary ele t on for the office, and the
two (2) candidates fon c �ouncil in each district
receiving the highest n m er of votes for council in
that district shall be ec ared the nominees and the
only nominees for the r s ective offices at the next
city elec tion."
Se ti n 6.
That pursuant to Minneso a Statutes Section 410.12, Subd. 7,
and upon recommendation of h Charter Commission of the City
of Saint Paul, Sections 8. 2. ;� ' 8.412.4, 8.02, 8.U7.1, 8.07.2,
8.07.4, and 8.08 of the Chart r of the City of Saint Paul be and
the same hereby are amended t ead as follows :
"Sec . 8. 412 . 2.
Each signer of the p ti ion shall write thereon ��s
the petitioner' s nam nd the street number and
election ward or legi 1 tive district and precinct
designation of k��s the et tioner' s residence ."
"Sec . 8. 02 . 4.
Any person whose n m appears on a petition may
withdraw his or her n m by a statement in writing
filed with the city cl rk before the clerk advises the
council as to the suf i iency of the petition. Any
name appearing on any e ition which does not comply
� , . . - . .. ���'��dl
/ �(.�G5
with the foregoing req ir ments , except as to ward or
legislative �istrict and p ecinct dzsignation, shall be
stricken, and no names ha 1 be counted which have not
been verified."
"Sec . 8. G17. Recall .
Any person holding an elective office, other than an
office created by spe ia law , may be removed by
recall. The petition s a 1 state at the head of each
page a demand for the re oval of the officer , the
office �ie t�e�ds held, a d a brief description of the
grounds for l��s recall ."
"Sec . 8. g7. 1 .
If the council fin s a recall petition to be
sufficient, it shall no if the officer involved and
announce the sam e at its ne t m eeting. Any officer so
named may resign within f ' ve (5) calendar days after
being notified as to the s fficiency of the petition.
If ke the officer does n t resign, a recall election
shall be held ."
"Sec. 8. RJ7. 2.
Within ten (10) days a te the council has found the
petition to be sufficie t, it shall order a special
election to be held withi sixty (6�) days to determine
whether the officer shall be removed. If a majority of
those voting on the quest ' on shall vote in favor of k�s
removal , ��s the office s all be deemed vacant and
filled as provided in thi harter ."
"Sec. 8. �7. 4 .
No recall petition ha 1 be filed against any
officer during the first r he last six (6) months of
l��s the officer' s term."
"Sec . 8. 08. Disposition o i sufficient petitions.
If the council determin s that the petition is
insufficient or irregular , th city clerk shall deliver
a copy of the netition to he person or persons therein
named to receive it, toget e with a written statement
of its defects. The perso s circulating the petition
shall be given thirty ( 0 ) days in wh.ich to file
additional signature paper a d to correct the petition
in all other particulars. If at the end of that period
. . . . . ���--���
the council finds t at the petition is still
insufficient or irregul r the city clerk shall file
the petition in k�s the le k's office and notify the
persons previously notif ed of the defects. The final
finding of insufficien y r irregularity shall not
prejudice the filing of a new petition for the same
purpose nor , in the cas o an initiated or referred
ordinance or resolution , s all it prevent the council
from referring the ord n nce or resolution to the
voters at the next regul r r special election at its
Sec io 7 .
That pursuant to Minnesot tatutes Section 410.12, 5ubd. 7,
and upon recom m endation of the C arter Com mission of the City of
Saint Paul, Sections 1�.�2 and 10 P17.3 of the Charter of the City
of Saint Paul be and the sam ereby are amended to read as
"Sec . 10. 02 . Submission o udget.
Annually, the mayor sha 1 submit to the council his
or her recominended budgets i accordance with a budget
calendar to be established by ordinance. Included with
the budqets shall be a r2 om ended five=year capital
improvement program. h proposed budgets and
improvement program shall h n become a public record.
In preparing the capita ' m provement program and
budget, the m ayor shall uti i e the com mittee presently
provided for by ordinance d pted pursuant to special
law unless otherwise pr v ded by administrative
ordinance adopted after Dec m er 31 , 1971 ."
"Sec . 1P1. �J7. 3. Reduction o a propriations .
If at any time during he fiscal year it appears
probable to the mayor that h revenue available will
be insufficient to mezt the m unt appropriated, �e the
mayor shall report to th ouncil without delay,
indicating the estimated a o nt of the deficit, and
la�s recommendations as to n steps to be taken. The
council shall take such acti n as it deems necessary to
prevent or minimize any defi i and for that purpose it
may reduce by resolution one o more appropriations ."
. . . . . ��i'-��!
i 7GGs`
Sect 'on 8.
That pursuant to Minnesota St tutes Section 410.12, Subd. 7,
and upon recommendation of the ha ter Commission of the City of
Saint Paul, Sections 12.10 and 2. 1.1 of the Charter of the City
of Saint Paul be and the same h reby are amended to read as
follows :
"Sec . 12. 10. Incapacitated e ployees .
Any f irefighter or pol i e f f icer inj ured in actual
service and thereby rende ed incapable of performing
his or her duty shall re e ve full pay during the
period of incapacity not e ce ding twelve (12) months.
In the case of disability h ough injury or sickness
other than as hereinbefore m e tioned, such firefighter
or police officer shall, no withstanding such injury or
sickness , receive his or er salary for a period not
exceeding six (6) month . The city council may
increase the benefits her� nd r by appropriate action
through administratiue ordi a ce.
Em ployees injured or inc pa itated by illness in the
line of duty shall be entit e to reinstatement at any
time within five (5) years fr m the date of injury or
incapacity, if physically ca able of resuming their
"Sec . 12 . 11 .1 . Discrimination
No person in the classi ie service of the city or
seeking admission thereto s al be appointed, prom oted,
reduced, removed or in any y favored or discriminated
against because of his or h r ace , color , creed , age,
sex , rel ig ion , hand icap, na i nal or ig in or pol i t ical
opinions or affiliations."
That pursuant to Minnesota ta utes Section 410.12, Subd. 7,
and upon recom m endation of the C ar er Com mission of the City of
Saint Paul , Section 13.P13.5 of t e harter of the City of Saint
Paul be and the same hereby is am n ed to read as follows :
"Sec . 13. 03. 5. Appeals .
( 1) Any person whose inte e. t in property has been
condemned or taken may p eal , or an appeal may be
taken on his or her beh l , from the ratification
and confirmation of th c ndemnation or from the
f . . . ���_��,
award of damages or ' b th. A written notice of
appeal shall be file ith the city clerk within
forty (4P1) days of t e atification, confirmation
and award of damages.
(2) The written notice f appeal shall specify the
� name of the appellan , a description of the
property in which 1� t e appellant has or claims
an interest, the n tu e of ��s the apellant's
interest, and the ob ections l�e the appellant has
to the condemnation , or award , or both.
(3) Within ten (10) day a ter the notice of appeal
has been filed with h city clerk, the notice of
appeal shall be fi'le with the clerk of the
district court.
(4) A person who does n t ile with the city clerk a
written notice of ppeal within the time
specified , or does o file the notice of apeal
with the clerk of t e istrict court within the
tim e specified , sh l be forever barred from
proceeding with an a pe 1 and trial in that court,
and the condemnation an award shall be final ."
Sec io 10.
That pursuant to Minnesot tatutes Section 41P1.12, Subd. 7,
and upon recommendation of the C arter Commission of the City of
Saint Paul , Section 17.05 of th Charter of the City of Saint
Paul be and the same hereby is am nded to read as follows :
"Sec . 17 . �5. Official bo ds .
The mayor and such ot e officers or employees of
the city as may be requir d y administrative ordinance
shall each, before enter n upon the duties of his or
her respective office or mp oyment, give a bond to the
c ty as security for the ai hful perform ance of his or
her official duties and t e safekeeping of public
funds. The bonds shall 'e ' n such form and amount as
may be fixed by the o ncil and may be either
individual or blanket bond at the discretion of the
council . They shall b pproved by the council ,
approved as to form by h city attorney, and filed
with the city clerk. The p emiums on such bonds shall
be paid by the city."
. . �� -�o'
':;,,,4�'� CITY O vAINT PAUL
< s�a� i€�
.... Members:
� Kki Sonnen,Chair
KIKI SONNEN Date: Fri ay May 5, 1989 RogerGoswitz
Bob Long
• Councilmember
Legislative Aide Donna Sanders,Secretary
Jane McPeak,Attorney
Committee Report
Rules and Policy ommittee
1. Approval of minutes of the Apri 7 1989 meeting.
2. ORDINANCE �i89-463 - An ordinanc a ending Chapter 28 of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code entitled "Camp ig Contributions" to provide for
, conformity to state statute as o ime limits for filing financial
reports prior to primary and ge er 1 elections. (Heard in R & P
Committee 4/7/89, and laid over un il S/5/89)
3. ORDINANCE 4P89-557 - An Ordinanc a ending the Civil Service Rules by
adding a.section authorizing di ci line in instances where a supervisor
discharges, disciplines, threat ns otherwise discriminates against, or
penalizes an employee who in go d aith; reports a suspected violation
of State law or rule; upon requ st participates in a public body's
investfgation, hearing or inqui y; or refuses an order to perform an
action the employee objectively be ieves violates any state or federal
law or regulation and the emplo ee informs the employer that the order .
is being refused for that reaso . (Referred to R & P Committee 4/4/89)
4. ORDINANCE ��89-616 - An Administ at ve Ordinance amending Section 41 of
the Administrative Code which d al with government employee
solicitation by requiring the e ti e City Council to act in designating
a person to do solicitation rat er than allowing each individual
councilmember to designate soli it tion to city employee. (Referred
to R & P Committee 4/11/89)
5. ORDINANCE �89-701 - An ordinanc a ending Sections 2.03, 3.01 & 3.02,
5.01 & 5.03, 6.08, 7.04, 7.06, .0 .4, 8.07 & 8.07.3, 8.07.4, 8.08,
10.02, 10.07.3, 12.10, 12.11.1, 13.03.5, and 1Z-c1S�` -`�- Charter of
� r-
the City of Saint Paul by delet ng �1 ces.
(Referred to R & P Committee 4/ 5/� ���L��- ���N�
6. ORDINANCE 1t89-702 - An Ordinanc , pe w �s � � ; and budgets
of the city; amending Chapter 1 of � � of Saint
� Paul. (Referred to R & P Committee �v��s� /�/�jL�
CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR . _.__....,:��i A 55102 612/298-5378 ,
B 46 �
. �.7�o(r.r
Notice is hereby given that the City il of the City of Saint Paul will
hold a public hearing on Juc� �� 1 � 9:00 A.�M. in the Council Chambers
in the City Hall and Court House to c si er the approval of an ordinance
being Council File 89-701, amending S ti ns 2.03, 3.01, 3.02, 5.01, 5.03,
6.08, 7.04, 7.06, 8.02.4, 8.07., 8.07. , .07.4, 8.08, 10.02, 10.07.3, 12.10,
12.11.1, 13.03.5 and 17.05 of the Char er of the City of Saint Paul relating
to deleting gender specific references
The text of the ordinance is as follow :
" An ordinance amen i g Sections 2. 03 ,
3.01�3. 4J2, 5.01�5. f63, . 8, 7.04, 7.4l6,
8. 02 . 4, 8. �17�8 . 07. 3, 8 0 . 4, 8. Q18, 10. 02,
1�J.4l7. 3, 12.191, 12.11 . , 13. P13. 5, and 17.05
of the Charter of the i y of Saint Paul by
deleting gender specif c references .
Secti n .
That pursuant to Minnesota t tutes Section 410.12, Subd. 7,
and upon recommendation of the C a ter Commission of the City of
Saint Paul, Section 2.�3 of the ha ter of the City of Saint Paul
be and the same hereby is amende t read as follows :
"Sec. 2. 4J3. Time devotec3 t d ties.
No employee or officer o t e city shall, during the
hours of ��� employment, pe f rm any service or do any
work except for the city, a d hall, during such hours,
devote all ��b efforts and i e to said city."
Secti 'n .
That pursuant to Minnesota tatutes Section 410.12, Subd. 7,
and upon recommendation of the h rter Commission of the City
of Saint Paul , Sections 3.91, 3. 1.1 , 3.01.2, 3.4J1.3, 3.�l1.4,
3.01.5, 3.01.6, 3.fd1.7 and 3.01.8 o the Charter of the City of
Saint Paul be and the same hereb a e amended to read as follows :
COUNCIL MEMBERS equested Department of:
yeas Na
Dimond �
�� - In Favor
Goswitz '
Rettman B
Scheibel A gai ns t Y
orm Approved by City Atto ey
Adopted by Council: Date -
Certified Passed by Council Se retary BY
� !�. `�il(.� �-10 -8
Approved by Mayor• Date proved by Mayor for Submission to Council
. . . . . �=�'-7°;
� �7���
award of damaqes or o h. A written notice of
appeal shall be filed w ' th the city clerk within
forty (4P!) days of th r tification, confirmation
and award of damages.
(2) The written notice o ppeal shall specify the
name of the appella t a description of the
property in which �8 h appellant has or claims
an interest, the nat r of �i�s the apellant's
interest, and the obj ct ons ke the appellant has
to the condemnation, o a ard , or both.
(3) Within ten (14!) days f er the notice of appeal
has been filed with t e ity clerk, the notice of
appeal shall be fil d with the clerk of the
district court.
(4) A person who does not fi e with the city clerk a
written notice of p eal within the time
specified , or does no ile the notice of apeal
with the clerk of the di trict court within the
time specified , shal e forever barred from
proceeding with an app al and trial in that court,
and the conde:nnation an ward shall be final ."
Sectio �1.
That pursuant to Minnesota ta utes Section 410.12, Subd. 7,
and upon recommendation of the C ar er Commission of the City of
Saint Paul , Section 17.05 of th harter of the City of Saint
Paul be and the same hereby is am n ed to read as follows :
"Sec . 17. �5. Official bonds
The mayor and such other o ficers or em ployees of
the city as may be required y clministrative ordinance
shall each, before entering u on the duties of his or
her respective office or emp oy ent, give a bond to the
ic ty as security for the fai hf 1 performance of his or
her official duties and t e safekeeping of public
funds. The bonds shall be ' n uch form and amount as
may be fixed by the cou c 1 and may be either
individ ual or blanket bonds a the discretion of the
couricil. They shall be a p oved by the council ,
approved as to form by the city attorney, and filed
with the city clerk. The pr miums on such bonds shall
be paid by the city."
, . � . . . , ��1�-74/
"Sec. 3. 01. Powers and d ti s .
The executive power s a 1 be vested in the mayor.
Subject to the provisio s of this Charter and the
ordinances, �� the ma or h 11 control and direct the
administration of the cit 's affairs. Without limiting
the generality of the fo e oing, ke the mayor shall
have the following powers n duties: `
Sec. 3.01 .1 .
He The mayor shall se hat this Charter and the
laws and ordinances are en or ed.
Sec. 3. 01.2.
He The ma or shall ha e the right to attend and
participate in council mee in s with the right to take
part in the discussion, b t shall not vote except as
otherwise provided herein I�e The mayor shall make
� recommendations to the cou ci and deliver messages to
the council and the people i cluding a comprehensive
message on the state of he city as soon after the
beginning of I��s the mayora erm as practicable.
Sec . 3. fdl.3.
He The mayor shall app i t, with the advice and
consent of the council, o the positions of city
attorney, city clerk an 11 heads of executive
departments , which appoint e shall serve at ��s the
mayor's pleasure, except as pr vided otherwise in this
Sec. 3. g1.4.
He The ma�or shall dire t and supervise the
administration of all de a tments , offices , and
agencies of the city, exce t as otherwise expressly
provided herein.
Sec . 3. 01.5.
He The "mayor shall prep re and recommend to the
council the budgets as provid d in Section 1Pl. 03.
. . . . . ��._ �o�
Sec. 3.PJ1. 6.
�e The mayor shall app in , with the advice and
consent of the council , secretary and such
professional assistants as t e council may provide, and
all such employees shall e ve at k�s the mayor's
pleasure; and �e the ma r shall appoint and may
rem ove, subject to applicabl ivil service provisions,
such other employees in t e mayor' s office as are
provided for by the council . '
Sec. 3. �1 .7.
H� The mayor shall appro e or veto ordinances and
resolutions as provided here n.
Sec. 3. g1 .8.
He The mayor shall , with h advice and consent of
the council, appoint members o boards and commissions
and such adv isory com ittees as are establ ished by ��x�
the mayor or by the council, w o shall be rem ovable as
provided in the instrument e tablishing such board ,
commission or committee."
Sectio 3
That pursuant to Minnesota S at tes Section 410.12, Subd. 7,
and upon recom mendation of the Ch r r Commission of the City of
Saint Paul, Sections 5.4l1 , 5.02, n 5.(d3 of the Charter of the
City of Saint Paul be and the sam ereby are amended to read as
"Sec . 5. 01 . Appointment and u lifications.
The city attorney shall b a pointed and removed as
provided in Section 3.01.3. r or to l��s appointment,
l�e the city attorney shall be admitted to practice
before the Supreme Court of t e State of Minnesota .
Sec. 5. f62. Powers and duties
The city attorney shall ep esent the city in all
causes in which the city is nt rested and shall have
full and complete charge of h legal business of the
city. No officer of the ci y ay retain or fee any
other attorney; provided , th t in any case of special
or unusual circumstances or i ny case wh�re the city
attorney by reason of inter s cannot represent the
city, the council , upon t e request of the city
. . . . . ��-���
attorney, may by resolutio ppoint �pee}a� e��ASe� and
fix k�s special counsel' s o pensation.
Sec . 5. P13 . Staff.
The city attorney m y appoint two (2 ) deputy
assistants and such other ssistants as in ��s the city
attorney' s judgm ent are ee ed to carry on the legal
business of the city. The d puty assistants and other
assistants shall be in th u classified service. The
deputy assistants shall ho d ffice at the pleasure of
the city attorney, and th ther assistants shall be
removable at pleasure d ring their first year of
service, but shall not the e fter be discharged except
in the manner provided by d inistrative ordinance for
employees in the classified s rvice."
Secti n 4.
That pursuant to Minnesota St tutes Section 410.12, Subd. 7,
and upon recommendation of the C a ter Commission of the City of
Saint Paul, Section 6.�8 of the ha ter of the City of Saint Paul
be and the same hereby is amende t read as follows :
"Sec. 6. Q18. Signing , filin , resentation to mayor .
Every ordinance or resol ti n adopted by the council
shall be presented to the m yo as soon as practicable,
but not later than five (5 usiness days after its
passage, for H�� the ma o 's approval or rejection.
Within five (5) business da s after presentation, the
mayor shall either sign the e sure or return it to the
council with a comm unicatio i writing stating k�� the
disapproval and the reasons th refor. If I�e the mayor
neither signs nor vetoes t e easure within five (5)
business days , it shall be d e ed approved ."
Sectio 5.
That pursuant to Minnesota S a utes Section 410.12, Subd. 7,
and upon recom mendation of the ha ter Com mission of the City
of Saint Paul , Sections 7.04 and 7. 6 of the Charter of the City
of Saint Paul be and the same er by are amended to read as
follows : - •,
"Sec. 7. 04 . Name on primary a lot.
Not later than six (6) wee s nor more than eight (8)
weeks before the primary ele ti n, any person eligible
may, by filing an affidav t and payment of fifty
. � � . . . . ����/' _��!
dollars ($50.410) to the i y clerk, have his or her
name placed on the prim r election ballot. Each
person desiring to have hi r her nam e placed on the
prim ary ballot for council e ber shall state in ��s the
affidavit of candidacy the di trict for which he or she
is a candidate." �
"Sec. 7. 06. City election ca didates.
If the law prescribes t t the election of mayor and
councilmember be by party es ' gnation, the candidate of
each party receiving the hi h st number of votes in the
primary election for the o fi e of mayor or the office
of councilmember in any di t ict shall be declared the
nominee of his party for h office at the next city
election and k�8 the candi a e's name shall be placed
on the municipal election b 1 ot together with the name
of any candidate for the o fi e nominated by petition
in accordance with the law If the law does not
provide for election by party designation, the two (2)
candidates for mayor recei in the highest number of
votes in the primary elect o for the office, and the
two (2) candidates for th c uncil in each district
receiving the highest number of votes for council in
that district shall be dec a ed the nominees and the
only nominees for the resp c ive offices at the next
city election."
That pursuant to Minnesota ta utes Section 414J.12, Subd. 7,
and upon recommendation of the h rter Commission of the City
of Saint Paul, Sections 8.02.2 .02.4, 8.02, 8.017.1 , 8.07.2,
8.4J7.4, and 8.08 of the Charter o he City of Saint Paul be and
the same hereby are amended to re d as follows :
"Sec . 8. �J2 . 2.
Each signer of the petiti n shall write thereon l��s
the petitioner ' s name an he street number an3
election ward or legislati e district and precinct
designation of k�s the etit ' on r ' s residence."
"Sec : 8. �J2. 4. •
Any person whose name a p ars on a petition may
withdraw his or her name b statement in writing
filed with the city clerk be or the clerk advises the
council as to the sufficien y of the petition. Any
name appearing on any petit o which does not comply
. � � . . . ���'�o�
with the foregoing requir m nts , except as to ward or
legislative district and p c nct designation, shall be
stricken, and no nam es sha 1 e counted which have not
been verified."
"Sec . 8. 07. Recall .
Any person holding an el c ive office, other than an
office created by specia aw, may be removed by
recall. The petition shal tate at the head of each
page a demand for the re o al of the officer , the
office �� �i���s held, and a rief description of the
grounds for �i�s recall ."
"Sec . 8. 417.1 .
If the council finds a recall petition to be
sufficient, it shall notif he officer involved and
announce the same at its ne t m eeting. Any officer so
named may resign within fi e (5) calendar days after
being notified as to the su f ciency of the petition.
If ke the officer does not re ign, a recall election
shall be held ."
"Sec. 8. 07. 2.
Within ten (10) days afte he council has found the
petition to be sufficient, i shall order a special
election to be held within s x y (641) days to determine
whether the officer shall be re oved. If a majority of
those voting on the question sh 11 vote in favor of ��'s
removal , l��s the office shal be deemed vacant and
filled as provided in this ha ter ."
"Sec. 8. 07. 4 .
No recall petition sha 1 be filed against any
officer during the first or h last six (6) months of
�i}s the officer' s term."
"Sec . 8. 08. Disposition of i s fficient petitions.
If the council determin s that the� petition is
insufficient or irregular, th ity clerk �"s�hall deliver
a copy of the petition to the p rson or persons therein
named to receive it, togethe w ' th a written statement
of its defects. The persons ci culating the petition
shall be given thirty ( 30 days in which to file
additional signature papers a d to correct the petition
in all other particulars. If a the end of that period
. . . . ��=���
the council finds tha he petition is still
insufficient or irregular he city clerk shall file
the petition in k�s the cl rk s office and notify the
persons previously notifie o the defects. The final
finding of insufficiency or irregularity shall not
prejudice the filing of a n w petition for the same
purpose nor , in the case f n initiated or referred
ordinance or resolution, s a 1 it prevent the council
from referring the ordin n e or resolution to the
voters at the next regular or special election at its
Secti n .
That pursuant to Minnesota t tutes Section 410.12, Subd. 7,
and upon recomm endation of the C a ter Commission of the City of
Saint Paul, Sections 1�.02 and 1 .�1 .3 of the Charter of the City
of Saint Paul be and the same he eby are amended to read as
"Sec. 10. Q12. Submission of u get.
Annually, the mayor shal s bmit to the council his
or her recommended budgets n accordance with a budget
calendar to be established b rdinance. Included with
the budgets shall be a reco m nded five=year capital
im provement program. T e proposed budgets and
improvement program shall t en become a public record.
In preparing the capital i provement program and
budqet, the m ayor shall util ze the committee presently
provided for by ordinance a o ted pursuant to special
law unless otherwise pro i ed by administrative
ordinance adopted after Dece be 31 , 1971 ."
"Sec . lg. �17. 3. Reduction of ap ropriations.
If at any time during t e fiscal year it appears
probable to the mayor that t e revenue available will
be insufficient to meet the a o nt appropriated, �e the
ma or shall report to the council without delay,
indicating the estimated am u t of the deficit, and
��s recommendations as to a y steps to be taken. The
council shall take such actio s it deems necessary to
prevent or minimize any defi it and for that purpose it
may reduce by resolution one r more appropriations ."
. . ��-- ��i
sec io s:
That pursuant to Minnesot tatutes Section 410.12, Subd. 7,
and upon recommendation of the Ch rter Commission of the City of
Saint Paul, Sections 12.10 and 12 11.1 of the Charter of the City
of Saint Paul be and the sam ereby are amended to read as
follows :
"Sec. 12.10. Incapacitate mployees.
Any firefighter or poli e officer injured in actual
service and thereby rende e incapable of performing
his or her duty shall r ceive full pay during the
period of incapacity not xc eding twelve (12) months.
In the case of disability t rough injury or sickness
other than as hereinbefore m ntioned, such firefighter
or police officer shall, no w thstanding such injury or
sickness , receive his or e salary for a period not
exceeding six (6) month . The city council may
increase the benefits here n er by appropriate action
through administrative ord 'na ce.
Em ployees injured or inc p citated by illness in the
line of duty shall be enti le to reinstatement at any
time within five (5) years from the date of injury or
incapacity, if physically ca able of resuming their
"Sec. 12.11 .1 . Discriminat' on
No person in the classi ie service of the city or
seeking admission thereto s al be appointed, prom oted,
reduced, removed or in any w y favored or discriminated
against because of his or h r ace, color , creed , age,
sex , rel ig ion, hand icap,, na i nal or ig in or pol i tical
opinions or affiliations."
Sectio 9.
That pursuant to Minnesota S a utes Section 41H.12, Subd. 7,
and upon recomm endation of the Ch r er Com mission of the City of
Saint Paul , Section 13.03.5 of t harter of_,the City of Saint
Paul be and the same hereby is am nd d to read as follows :
"Sec. 13. 03. 5. Appeals. y
(1) Any person whose inter s in property has been
condemned or taken may pp al , or an appeal may be
taken on his or her beh lf from the ratification
and confirmation of the c ndemnation or from the
ewe �Mwroa
� �nCP, Ordinance 0.
Present d By
Referred To mittee: Date
Out of Committ D e
Sect on 11 .
This ordinance shall take ff ct and be in force ninety (90)
days from and after its passage, a proval and publication.
Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, this t day of May, 1989.
Albert B. Olson
City Clerk
. (June 3, 1989 d June 10, 1989)
Yeas Nays equested by Department of:
��g In Favor
Gosw;tz - ,
Scheibel Against BY
F rm Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
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Approved by Mayor• Date A proved by Mayor for Submission to Council
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