89-700 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COURCIl {//� BLUERV - MAYORTMENT GITY O AINT PAUL File NO. `+ � �D� Counc 'l Resolution �� ; �__ ._� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (I #4 179) for an Off Sale 3.2 Malt Beverage License by al reen Co. DBA Walgreens at 522 So. Snelling Ave ue, be and the same is hereby approved. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: Dimond �� [n Fav r Goswitz Rettman q B �hQ1�� _ Agains Y r-3eemn.. Wilson APR 2 019 9 Form App ved by Cit Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — - Certified P� • Counci ct ry By � � By� tappr v y , avor: Dat ��R 2 � �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By Pl1B1tSNE9 �t�t� , :J ��U:7 . . . ��I- 70 0 DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT AI)MI IS TION DATE c. / 'Z INTERDF.PARTMFNTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant �_� � _ Home Address �7j�pCp� �-F0.YYYl6nU � 4aa �z� Rusiness Name Home Phone ���(p-�� (p� �usiness Address Type of License(s) � ����t. Business Phone �j Public Hearing Date — � � License I.D. # L��`'1� at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers �-) 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 4� u (p(9 S (DXX llate ATUtice Sent; Dealer �� n�/� to Applicant � � � �� Federal Firearms �� ��K- Public Hearing DATE INS EC IUN REVIEW VERFIED ( 0 UTER) CONIMENTS Approved ot A roved Bldg I & D � 3� ' � o �, Health Divn. .� ' � � I , � , o � _ ; Fire Dept. i �� ' � � � O � � Police Dept. �a'a I � �� License Divn. � � 1 � � �k City Attorney 3 � � � , Q � Date Received: Site Plan o�- Il.¢ �! To Council Research ��j� 1�'�j Lease or Letter Date from Landlord a, /Ir . ��yy��° , , . . C 0 ST. PAUL DEPARTl�IR OF F ARD MAIiACF� 3ffitVICES LICEl�S$ DIVZSIO�A T�ese statewent fortns arc issued in d i te. Pleue ansver all questiaos ltiLtly and complete�y. This application ia thor c�cked. Ar�y falsilication �rill be c�use for deaial. te 1/17/89 19 1. Application Por Off Sale Mal 3 2 Beer (License) (Persit) 2. Naiee o! applicsnt Wal reen Co. BA: Walgreens �,Ichn r-T-CCn 3. If applicsnt is/has been a married fe e, list msidea naee b. Dste of birth _.�� ,S/ Place o! birtti f,.l,St.'��ivs�:� 5. �Are you s citizea of the United St e ��S Fatin�e —,�—Paturalized __ � ` � ,,/ 6. Are yo�u a registered voter � Where � � /�'n� �C' �1 . f�?/v T. Aooe addresa � , � �� �_I/a y'� a. Preaem busineas addreaa � � , �W Hnaiaess tslap600e �� 9. Including your preaent businesa/emp , vhat bnsiaess/�loyoeat 6aTe y6a Pollo�+�ed for the past five years. Busit�ess/E�playment Address ' N �TO •✓` �C, i tJ i � �"S � � 10. Married u es If ansver is "yes", li a�e and addreu o! spouse /� J- ,[� � [ /,2NhJn. � N`�R`T/,/ /U. ��? • (�f 11. ?iave yau ever been arrested for an fe e that �as resulted ia a caanrictionl�j I! ans�+er ia yes", list dates o! s s, rhere, c6argei, convictioo� and sentences. Date of arrest lg_ CBARCE CONVICTION gffi�CE Date �. arrest 19 er CHARGr CONVIt:TZOiJ g�� . . � 12. List the names and addresses (it married, aame o! spouse also) of all perso�s, corporations, partnerships, associstions or organl�ations which 3n auy �+�y have: a. A mortgage interest in the ].icenaed premise, N/A b. A security interest in the licensed premises, licenae, or l�rnishings of the licensed premise, None c. A pramissory note for ft�nds loaaed for the aperation ot the licenaed premiae or the pnrchase ot 'the license, None d. Financially contributed to the purchaee oS the premise or the license it- se1F None e. Ar�y other interest either direct or indirect, either financial or otherwise in the ;.fcenaed �remise o: the license itself, None Attach a copy hereto of an,y and all documents reterred to in this alYidsvit. �ir���f.�� '�_' • ���'�r*� 1?. Give names ac� addsesses of two persoas, resideata of St. Paul, Miimesats, vho can give information concerning you. I(AI� � L � �r,�� �/,�.o B�,-�,� � ,. � �.�9 st/�,���.�� lk. Addreas of praaises for whSch Licease or Permit is made Address 522 Snelline. St. Paul. MN Zone clsssificstion 15. BetWeen rrhat cross streets See Attached Whi:h side of street 16. Pame un�ler Which this business W'ill be conducted Walgreens 17. Buaiuess Lelephot�e ntanber pending installation 1�. Attach to thia application, a detailed description of the design, location, aad aquare Pootage of the premises to be licensed 19. �.re premises no�+ occupied ���_what business Hoa► long , - . . ���-�� 20. List license which you cu.Trentl h ld, or former�y held, or ms�y have an intere i�y Off Sale 3.2 Beer 1367 Magnolis St. Paul, rIlV 55106 � - 2T. Have a�r of the licenses listed y ou in No. 20 ever been sevoked. Yes 16o X . If anarer is "yes", ia dstes and reasoaa: - 22. Do you have an intereat of ar�}r t in srnr otlur buainesa or busineas premises. I.• answer is "yes", list busines , b iness address aad telephone number.�s 1367 Ma nolis St. Paul MN 61 774-5981 23. 2f business is incorporated, give da of inccrporation 2/15 19 09 and attach caQy o! Articles of Zn o oration at�d ffinutes of first meeting. 24. List all officers of tbe corporat on fving their names, office held, hame sddress, and home and buainess te p ne numbera: See Rider _�_ , 25. If business is partnership, liat r(s) address and telephone a�bers; �� d ss �el.l�o. - 26. Ia there a�rone else who will have rest in this buaineas os premiaes4 If answer is "yes", give nsme, home es, telepho�e n�bers and in Mhat manner is tl�eir interest: No 27. Are you goinq to operabe this busirie s rsonally � it not xho xill it: ' �� Aame � f addresa ����v9/�m�+�.: �( Te1.Ao.Y�'//�y � �,,�,�� • . Are you going to have a t�iana.ger or assistant in this business? IP answer is "yes", give name and ho:ae address and home telephone mimber: Name Home address Z�e1.No. 29. Has a�yone you have named in questions 22 throu�h 26 ever been srrested? Zf answer is "yes", list namt ot person, dates of arrest, where, charges, comic- tions and sentence No 30. I understaad this premise me�y be in- spe�t by the pol ce, fi , health and other city officials at a�r and all ti � when the business i n operation. _ State of �[innesota) )SS County of Ramsey ) ,_.Jc,`�����'_�� being Yirst duly swora, deposes and seya upon oath that he has read Poregoing statem�ent bearing his sigaature and lmars the contents thereoP, and that the as� is true of his own lmv�ledge excrpt as to those matters therein atated upon inPormation and belieP and as to those matters he be- lieves th�m to be true. � Subscribed and svorn to bePor.e me `� � Signature of pplicaat this � �e day of `�.�_h 1?� ` �M�--✓ � -�G-•�� ��.;:�-� KRISTINA L.VAN HORN � No e Minne,sota '� NOTARY PUBLIC—M�NNESOTA � tary Public, � �' County, � �JO�.IW�-cr— � - DAKOtA COUNTY !�Ey co�nission expins � a ��! My Commission Ezpues Jan.2.1992 � vvV'vWW�^M^ ��-7� ��yv.�u �����T' �- CITY OF SAINT PAUL �'�• �:� �; =r� OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY '��,� ~� �,i 1► ����'����'�� C y �;.. EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY ',,, �'"rtu„nQ',�fi�°'�+_ 647 City Hall, Saint Paul.Minnesota 55102 612-298-512� GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR March 31, 1989 Mr. Richard Ward Ward Property Management, I c . dba Payne Reliever 899 Payne Avenue St. Paul, Mn. 551R14 RE: Ward Property Managemen , Inc . dba Payne Reliever Dear Mr . Ward : Please take notice that a hearing on the report of the Administrative Law Judge c ncerning the above=mentioned establishment has been sched le for 9:�0 o'clock a.m., April 2P1, 1989, in the City Council Ch m ers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ram sey County Courth u e. You have the opportunity to i e exceptions to the report with the City Clerk at any tim e uring normal business hours. You may also present oral or wri te argument to the Council at the hearing. No new evidence wil e received or testimony taken at this hearing. The Council will base its decision on the record of the proceedings before the d inistrative La w Judge and on the arguments made and exceptio s iled, but may depart from the recomm endations of such Judge s permitted by law in the exercise of its judgment and discretion Sincerely, THOMAS J. WEYANDT Assistant City Attorney cc: Joseph F. Carchedi License Inspector Lt. Donald S . Wing2r Vice Unit Albert B. O1 son City Clerk S. Mark Vaught Attorney at Law ���V�D p,PR 0 31989 CITY CLERK . @�-�-�� �������o GITY F SAINT PAUL "'� �� OFFICE F HE CITY COUNCIL 8OB LONG MARY ANN HECHT Counci7member �Y'C 3� 1989 LegislativeAide T0: AL OLSON RECEIVED �z� �� I�AR� �1989 JOE CARCHID LICENSING D VI ION ���� C�-��� FROM: COUNCILr� B LONG �� RE: WAI,GREENS PL CATION FOR BEIIt SALES TYi'e District 15 Comaminity Co cil has requested a delay in the public hearing scheduled or the application made by the Walgreens located at 522 S. Snelli g r a license to sell beer. The date set for City Council publ'c aring is April 13, 1989. The District Council would like the op r ity to consider this matter at their next meeting, which is pril 13, and therefore is asking for this matter to be res e ed for April 20, 1989. If there is a problem acco o ating this request, please let me l�ow. /mah cc: Ms. Michelle Lichtig CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-4473 s aa . . C?,���-7°� s��.�fi ��_u ��►�Y �o u��cl�. gtTB�l� � � R±.i�TC= i�0 LT�E -- , . ��C1�+�� p� LT�A�Z�L`t RECEIVED .MAR 1s1989 � CITY CLE�K � �. • _ � � � � District 15 L 44179 : , , ti . Application r n Off Sale 3.2 Malt Beve�rage License PUZ O S� ��Fr�(,'c�� Walgreen Co db W lgreen . , � . ���'�—�a� 522 So Snel l'ng ve. f._.� —, Apri 1 3, 1989 9:'JO a.:.. � , �,�� �.�.`TC C+c7 Cauac:L ' ers, 3r� �"Ioor Cic7 raL� - C.:u:-_ :ausa 3y L:c�sa c Di�_s+oa, De�ar�-.�=c a= :s-�R • a�.: � -- Laaag�eat S . 3ao� 203 Cic; ca.L: - Conr ?.�usa, �Q —!�'� S�� Sait ?3c.L, oca ��8-��50 � • 2'h� daca �ap be c�an�ed. cr;.t�o t he cansaat �/or �.a�?e�g_ ez c:te I.�c_ns a �� °s��: �i�r*��on. _ su�;=s t=� ��a= pau c—j ' t�e C:� Ciz:�� 5 OL==C= 2C ?0��:+LrT � • t2 *,T'i5u C�B=���=OL�. TOi1 �. , ,. . . . . .DA7E DATE COINLlIE4 . . . ��`�� . J. Carchedi �7 ���� ���T �i. O Q3�6� carr�cr�or� o�r�rn�r a� w►wn ca+,�sr�n _ Kris V�nHorn _ `- ����� ���. ��. _ �: — ���, 2 Caunci.l Resea rch , Finance �;. , t. 298�5056 ' � «,�R�� � . Req�est fo� an Off Sale 3.2 Ma t everage l�cen��. . . . � 0 Notif i cati on Date: 3-14�89 Heari ng Date: 4;,i�89 � �:1�pP�'c+w WU a�4R)) REPORT: _ . PuNNR�f�c�810N CML SERV�E C�nSSroN � DATE MI DATE OUT . ANi1LY6T � . . , PFIONE 1�. � � . DDNN�10 OOMMI8810N . � IBD 82b 8qi001 B�ARD . . � . . - . - . . . . � � ,' STAFF ��� . . � CIIIIRTFA COAAAN3810N � . � E AS IB —ADDL iNFO:AD4ED+ _W�R A 6�� ��F��BAmCK�A00� . t . DIS'TAICT COUNCIL * T � . � -� BUPPOR'fS WMICFI COUNCL OalEC11VE7 � � - .� � . . . � . . . . _ . � . .. . � . . � : . . . . . - � / � -..-��� -— . � � � . NilA7�la�i�3PPORTI��.WhAt�WhM.Whs1l.�NhY): Walgreen Co. D8A Walgreens ,(Jo n artung, FTgr.) at 52Z So. Snel1ing Avenue requests Cou�cil approval of t e ppl�icat��i1 for �an Off',Sate 3.2 Malt BeVerage ` . License. _ . - � _ �us�+en�tcoaieer�e:adrs�m�:�ar�: _ . - . - All applicati.ons and fees have be n submitted. .A11 required depa�nts , have revie.wed and -approved; �hi a plfication. . . . : : �S(INhst.WMn�vr!TolARioe►y. � ' .. - . If Council approval is not rec itr d, Walgr�eerts will not se11 3.2 malt. . u�. � ` �. frsTOmrn�necEO�rs: . �IAR l� ���9 ►.�.�: