89-694 - GTV CLERK
- FINANCE GITY O AINT PAUL Council �//}{/�� //
..NARV - DEPARTMENT � /-� //l�
BLUE - MAYOR File NO. «�
Counc I'l Resolution �� �
Presented By
Referred To � Committee: Date �� � ��
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS , the Saint Paul C ty Council by Sections 409.08(11 )
(e) and 410. 04(g) (5) provic� s that the Council may modify off-
street parking requirements f r businesses authorized to sell
intoxicating and nonintoxi at ng alcoholic beverages on the
premises and that the Cou cil by resolution shall establish
an appropriate fee for tl�e d inistrative processing of' parking
modification applications ; n , therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that tizP p ,oc ssing fee for applications for
modification of parking re u' rements as set forth in Section
409 . 08(11 ) and 410. 04(g) i 335. 00, plus an additional $2. 50
application fee, to be de os ' ted with the office of License
Inspector and further, that i accordance with Section 310. 16 ,
the application fee each y ar shall increase by the percentage
increase in the budget for t e Division of License and Permit
Administration of the Dep r ment of Finance and Management
Services ., and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this poli w' 1 be reviewed prior to adoption of the
1991 budget.
COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
r.ong In F vo
Goswitz (�
Rettman v
Sche�be� __ A gai s t BY
Sonnen �+j "
Wilson - .'� ��'1"
MAY — 9 � Form Approved y i Att y
Adopted by Council: Date �
Certified Yas e unc'1 , eta BY
A►pprove INavor: Date Y Appr ve by or ission to Council
- �.
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2 �Counci l Research
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Establishing fee for parking di ication app1ication.
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PED & Licensing are requesting u i1 approval of ti�e establis#�ent fees fo.r°� .
- parking modifi;cation app'��cat.io . At present there is rio. f�e for �arking
� varianc.es but Chapter 4t19.08 (11 a d �10.a4 �(g) allows: the,Counci? by,
�^esolu:tion to require �rn ac�n�nis ra �ve processing fEe for parking r�di�icatio�.
This is a request to establish t at fee. .
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Modification request will be pro es d by PEQ �he same as Zoning varianEes.
A fee of .$335.00 is charged for a . This fee covers tlie cost of s�aff. . `
tin�e far process�ng the var�ance r� mai l i ng of heari ng noti c�s to th�, , ,.�
District Councils and af€ec�ed n 'g orhoods. � ;=;
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•WHITE - C1TY CLERK /� ///'''
�- Coun i Resolution
Presented B
Referred To •��'��'�+ Committee: Date ������
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the Saint Pau ity Council by Sections 409.08(11) �
(e) and 410.04(g) (5) provi es that the Council may modify off-
street parking requirement or businesses authorized to sell
intoxicating and nonintoxi a ing alcoholic beverages on the
premises and that the Co nc ' 1 by resolution shall establish
an appropriate fee for the a ministrative processing of parking
modification applications ; n w, therefore, be it �
RESOLVED, that the p o essing fee for applications for
modification of parking r qu rements as set forth in Section
409.08(11) and 410. 04(g) i 335.00, plus an additional $2.50
application fee, to be d o ited with the office of License
Inspector and further, tha 'n accordance with Section 310.16 ,
the application fee each y' a shall increase by the percentage
increase in the budget for t e Division of License and Permit
Administration of the �De ar ment of Finance and Management
Services_; arid, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED that this li will be reviewed rior to ado tion of
the 1991 budget.
COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of:
. Yeas Nays
Long In F vor
Rettman B �
Scheibel Ag2i St Y , " '
Sonnen � ����`�" �----^�_,
Wilson - � � `
Form Approved y i Att y
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Seccetary BY �
I�pproved by 1lavor: Date Appr v by or -ubmission to Council
Rv — -
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Com ee Report
Finance Mana em t & Personnel Committee
Y 1 , 1989
1. Approvai of minutes of April 1 m ting. Approved
2. Discussion of Capitai Allocati licy financing Laid over for further
changes. (Laid over April 17) discussion May 8
3. Discussion of 1990 Budget Goal a Policies. Laid over for further
(Laid over April 17) discussion May 8
4. Resolution 89-694 - establishi es for applica- Approved as amended
tions for modifications of par in requirements
pursuant to Sections 409.08( 11 ) (e) and 410.04(g)(5)
of the Legislative Code. (Ref rr from Council
April 20)
5. Resolution 89-591 - amending S ti n 8.A of the Civil Appproved
Service Rules pertaining to ap i tment of employees
when titles are merged. (Refe 're from Councii April 6)
6. Resolution 89-486 - approving nd ratifying 1989-1991 Approved
agreement between the City of `t. aul and the City
Attorney's Professional Associ ti n. (Referred from
Council April 11)
7. Resolution 89-92 - amending th ' T ition Reimbursement Withdrawn
Policy in Section III , H in th S lary Plan and Rates
of Compensation R�solution. ( ef rred from Council
January 19, laid over April 3) (T be withdrawn upon
recommendation by Administrati 'n.)
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DATE: April 7, 1989 ���.,,.�����, S
T0: Gene Schiller, Directo � �Ggg
Finance & Management S rvi ces �� � 1 �'
FROM: Joseph F. Ca rc:,;,�w,,;�� ��-�'r',�':�
License Insp o
RE: Parking Modification F e
Attached is a copy of Chapter 40 .08 whereby the Council may require an
administrative processing fee fo parking modifications. The following
Green Sheet and Resolution is a equest to establish the fee of $335.00.
The fee will be deposited dir ct y in a PED fund, and PED will be pro-
cessing alI parking modificat on . The parking modifications will be
processed the same way a zoni g ariance is processed which also has a
fee of $335.00.
Tom Beach is the person in PE t at is in charge of processing these
requests. I have requested a co er letter from him, and it will be
coming to your attention as s on as possible.
_ : ��y-���� ��
3 409.08 L GIS TIVE CODE
poses, plus twenty-five (25) perc t the event parking problems arise,
any parking shortfall for the exi Lin the council may consider taking �
licensed area. "Parking shortfall" adverse action pursuant to the pra
mean the difference between one pac cedures set forth in Chapter 310 of
for each forty-five t45) square f ' t this Code.Such adverse action may
patron floor area for the existing li include requiring the licensee to �
area minus the number of parking do one or more of the following:
actually provided for that area. ' (i) Provide more off-street parking;
d. "Patron area" shall mean to in lud (ii) Produce the usable floor space;
all areas used by the public, an ex (iii) Reduce patron capacity iseat- �
cludes all areas used exclusively b em ing or bar area).
ployees for work,storage or office s ace (12) When an existing building is converted to
s�` �`�� r=r on-sale intoxicating liquor purposes, exist- �
I' '�� � � ing off-street parking facilities which serve
stt�petrkiitg requirements n the building shall be provided with a vi- �
tained in this section upon pli sual screen where the parking facility ad- �
cation made for that purpose an joins or abuts across an alley any residen-
upon findings made by the co nci tial use or residential zoning district. The
that granting of such modific tio s�een shall be between four and one-half
would not have a substantial det �
rimental impact on the surro d (4�e)and six and one-half(6'fa)feet in height
ing neighborhood. Modificati , i �d of su$icient density to visually sepa-
granted, shall be by resol io rate the parking facility from the adjacent
adopted by at least five (5) ir residential use district.The sci'een may con- f�
mative votes.
sist of various fence materials,earth berms, �
2. The council shall consider th a plant materials or a combination thereof.
plication at a public hearin � fol Access by patrons to the parking facility �
lowing mailed notice thereof to from an adjacent alley should generally be
erty owners within three hun ed prohibited.
fifty (350) feet of the pro li- (Code 1956, § 30823(1)—(10); Ord. No. 17015, ,��
censed premises. The council ay 4-28-83; Ord. No. 17043, 8-9-83; Ord. No. 17173,
require,by resolution,the pa ent 10-23-84; Ord. No. 17321, § 2, 12-31-85: Ord. No.
of an administrative processin fee 17368, § 1,6-2486; Ord. No. I7436, § 1, 2•24-8 i)
for parking modification app ica- {��
tions. Applications and fees s all �• `�•�• ��n��conduct prolubited.
be made to the license inspect r. �e following acts or conduct on licensed prem-
3. In granting any mod�cation, the ises are unlawful and shall be punished as pro- �r�
council may attach reasonable n- �ded by Section 1.05 of the Saint Paul Legisla- {
ditions regarding the location de- tive Code•
sign, character and other feat es + �1�
of the licensed structure and p k- (1) To employ or use any person in the saie or �
ing area deemed necessary for,the service of alcoholic beverages in or upon
protection of the adjacent ne gh- the licensed premises while such person is
borhood. unclothed or in such attire,costume or cloth-
4. Off-street modifications shall ing as to expose to view any portion of the �+
with licensed premises so lon as female breast below the top of the areola or
the characteristics of the lice ed of any portion of the pubic hair, anus,cleft ,
establishment remain unalte In of the buttocks, vulva or genitals. �1
� �
. �