89-690 WNITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE C I TY O F � S I NT PA U L Council /y'�/� � CANARV - DEPARTMENT \/�/�� BLUE - MAVOR File NO.�� � Gounci esolution �p� Presented Referred To �- � Committee: Date `� �� �� Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the proper Ci y Officers are authorized and directed to execute, on behalf of the C ty of Saint Pau]., an Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Cit o Minneapolis whereby the City of Saint Paul and the City of Minneapolis a ee to cooperate in the participation with the �ain City Area Urban Corps pr r , and whereby the four page Agreement is made a part hereof by referen d is on file in the office of the City Clerk. Funding - General Government cc nt 09090 APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: � � � Eugene S iller �,�L Director, Finance and Managem nt Services��+�''�� COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� � In Fa or co�;r� �, Rett'nan B scbe;be� _ A gai n t Y Sonnen �.�.Y. Wilson �N — � For pproved y Cit orn Adopted by C�uncil: Date Certified Pa.s d ou cil cr B r —�T� gy, tapprove � avor: ate � App ; by Mayor for Su ss' cil � By �,� ��;� �, 019 9 . : � . . ��i---��� T�P,�T�� ���Na� DATE IN TED GREEN SHEET No. 3 4 8 Personnel/'Urban Co s IN A DATE INITIALIDATE CONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � cirv couac�� Ter �a uez 298-4376 � in'arroRN�r cm c,�.eRK MUST BE ON COUNqL A�ENDA BY(DATE) BUDOET DIRECTOR FIN.8 MOT.SERVICES WR. A�� MAYOR(OR ASSISTAN TOTAL A►OF 81�iNATURE PAGES (CLIP A L ATIONS FOR SIG9NATUR� ACTION REQUE3TED: RECEIVED og RECOMMENDATtON3:Approve(A)or ReJect(R) (�UNCI MITTEE/RESFARCH REPORT OPTIONAL —PLANNINO COMMI3SION _CIViI 3ERVI(�WMMISSION ANALYST PHW�IE NO. —aB oa�M�rr�E _ qYpR'S OFFlCE _STAFF _ COMME -D18TRICT COURT SUPPORTB WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? INfMTINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNffY(Who,Whet,When,Where,Wh�: See attachment APR 71989 OFfICE OF THE DIRE�TpR �EPARTMENT OF FINANCE AIVD M.ANAG�MtNT ��AVlCES � ADVANTAOE8IF APPROVED: See att�e�fiment DISADVANTA(3ES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTA(iES IF NOT APPROVED: �,.��','�,�. t.:� C� ., ��,e�e��ch �,en�er l'�Pi; 12,���J TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTtON = COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE� YES NO flJNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAN� ��y��y� . ��` �,°� �� AGREEMENT FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE IIR ORPS PROGRAM BETWEEN THE CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND TH C Y OF SAINT PAUL THIS AGREEMENT, entered into th s day of � , 19 , by and between the City of Minneapolis (here n alled "Urban Corps") and the City of Saint Paul (herein called "Agency") . WHEREAS, the above named Agency a public organization, desires to participate in the Twin City Area Urb n orps and in consideration for the assignment of Urban Corps student-int rn to the Agency, we do hereby agree to the following terms and conditions: l. The Urban Corps shall have he right to approve or reject requests for student-interns submitted b t is Agency upon forms provided for that purpose by the Urban Corps. 2. The Agency will accept a st de t as an intern by completing and signing the Assignment Section of a st dent's Urban Corps application form. 3. The Agency shall utilize su h tudents as may be assigned to it in accordance with the specifi at ons set forth in its written request to the Urban Corps, and shall mm diately notify the Urban Corps of any change in nature of assigmm �t duties, supervisor or work location. 4. The Agen�y shall provide su h tudents as may be assigned to it with a safe place to work and with ad quate responsible supervision. S. The Urban Corps shall have he right to inspect the work being performed by such students as may be ss gned to the Agency, and shall have the right to interview such st e s and their supervisors. 6. The Urban Corps shall have he right to require such students as may be assigned to the Agency to ' te d such general or special meetings, or to appear at the Urban Corps fi e, individually or as a group, as shall be necessary for the prope f ctions of the program. 7. In accordance with the req ir ents of Federal and State law, work performed by such stu n as may be assigned to the Agency: a. Will be in the public t est; b.� Will not result in the di lacement of employed workers or impair existing contracts for 'se ices; c. Does not involve the c ns ruction, operation or maintenance of so much of any facility a i used, or is to be used, for sectarian instruction or as a pl ce for religious worship; and d. Does not involve any p rt'san or non-partisan political activity " associated with a cand da e, or contending faction or group in an election for public or pa ty office. � . o��-�sa 8. The Agency shall require suc s udents as may be assigned to it to submit time reports and foll w uch other procedures as may be established by the Urban Cor s. 9. The Urban Corps shall have t e ight to remove any students assigned to the Agency from said assigmm �t and from the Agency at any time for any reason without prior notice; an the Urban Corps shall not be obligated to replace said student. 10. The Agency shall have the ri ht to remove any student assigned to said Agency at any time with prio n tice given to the student and the Urban Corps. 11. The Agency warrants that it s n compliance with the provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P. . 8-352, 78 Stat. 252) , Minnesota Statutes Section 181.59 and Minneapol s ode of Ordinance, Chapter 139 and 141. 12. The Agency shall indemnify, ro ect and hold harmless the Urban Corps from all claims, causes or a ti ns which may result from assignment of students to the Agency. 13. The Agency shall obtain at i s wn expense Worker's Compensation insurance (or shall be self- ns red under State Law) for such students as may be assigned to it un r his Agreement. 14. The Agency shall pay to the rb n Corps 20$, or other percentage figure as agreed upon by identifyi e percentage figure on the student's Urban Cosps application fo , o the gross compensation earned by such students assigned and accep d y the Agency under a Federal or State program. The Urban corps w' 1 ill the Agency, in accordance with bi-weekly payroll periods, r 'ts proper share of the compensation of such students as may have b n ssigned to the Agency and performed work during said period. Studen h rly rates are set forth in Section 14(a) and 14(b) of this Agr m t. a. Hourly compensation for tu nts will be set at $5.75 per hour for entering freshmen throug r eipt of a Bachelor's Degree, and $6.75 per hour for graduate st e ts or other agreed upon hourly compensation rates, or o e rates for Urban Corps student interns as established by the City f inneapolis, through a salary ordinance replacing current minim r es. b. A graduate student is de in for purposes of tfiis Agreement as one who has received B. . , B.S. , or equivalent degree or is enrolled in the fifth e of a five year program. . ���'-�r D 15. At the election of.the Ag c , the Urban Corps shall place students to intern under a Stipend pr r . This option will be specified in the Assignment Form which the n rn's Agency supervisor must sign before commencement of the inter hi . The Stipend rate which the Agency shall pay the Urban Corps s 20.00 per week for each week the student works. 16. At the election of the Age cy the Urban Corps shall place interns for whom the agency will pay t e ntern's total compensation. This option will be specified in the si nment Form which the intern's Agency supervisor must sign befor c mmencement of the internship. Agency rates for said option are et forth in Section 16(a) or this Agreement. a. Agency rates for studen s ill be set at $5.75 per hour for entering freshmen through receip o a Bachelor's Degree, and $6.75 per hour for graduate students o o her agreed upon hourly compensation r.ates. b. A graduate student is d fi ed for purposes of this Agreement as one who has received a B.A. B S. , or equivalent degree or is enrolled in the fifth year of a iv year program. 17. To comply with P.L. 99-272, th Agency shall pay to the Urban Corps, for students receiving an hourl s lary according to the rates specified in Section 14(a) and 14(b) , an S ction 16(a) and 16(b) , an additional 1.5� or other percentag� figure s reed upon by identifying the percentage figure op the student's Urb rps application form of the gross compensation earned by such st ents assigned to and accepted by the agency after April 1, 1986. 18. Saint Paul will provide $10 ,61 .00 (one hundred three thousand, six hundred and twelve dollars) o rds the personnel and administrative expense of the Urban Corps og am. 19. Saint Paul will pay to the U ba Corps $24,000 (Twenty-four Thousand Dollars) for adtninistrative xp nses. Saint Paul will pay said amount in quarterly installments to th Urban Corps beginning April 1, 1989. 20. Saint Paul will retain $79,6 2. 0 (seventy-nine thousand, six hundred and twelve dollars) for pers nn 1 and administrative expenses incurred by the Saint Paul - Ramsey C un y Urban Corps office. 21. Performance under this contr ct shall commence on January 1, 1989 and terminate on December 31, 19 9, unless amended in writing as mutually agreed upon by both the Agen y nd the Urban Corps; however, either party may terminate upon nin ty (90) days written notice. Should such right of termination be exer is d, then only the pro-rata portion of such installment coming due er in shall be paid or shall the terminating party be liable or. . ����° , Based upon the statements and affirmat on made by the Agency through the above document, the Urban Corps hereby agree t the assignment of students to said Agency, in accordance with said docume t nd the applicable laws and regulations. THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL THE CITY CF M EAPOLIS sy Mayor a or By t St: ssistant City Clerk � ,Vl���`i�" L ° V'y�� � ��c� o ersigned: Director, Office of Personnel and �4.�{� Labor Relations it Fina e Officer Approved as to Form: pp oved as to Legality: Assistant Ci Attor ey ss stant City Attorney R Directo , Departm nt of Finance andK� Management Services �.�_�,,,�� � , �`f ` +� t �/�--�!���� • • V' AT AC NT 1. Provide students enrolle i post-secondary educational institutions with an opp rt nity to participate firsthand in all aspects of City g ve nment. 2. Provide the City with thl s ills, enthusiasm, motivation, and creativity of the co le e population. 3. Provide students with th o ortunity to earn money to continue their academic ar ers. 4. Attract into City gover en the young talent government requires. 5. Utilize Federal and Stat f ds which provide up to 808 of the student-interns' 1 6. Provide a central admini r ive office to screen in excess of 2,000 students ac year from over 50 colleges. 7. Keep administrative costs to a minimum through the contractual arrangements it Ramsey County and the City of Minneapolis. 8. Display how local units o g vernment can work together in providing services to he communities they serve. . . ��_�9� Members: Bill Wilson, chair < -GITY OF AINT PAUL Tom Dimond °°"�"���� ' Kiki Sonnen OFFICE OF CITY COIINCIL � • Date: May 24, 1989 WILLIAM L. WILSON � CO� i ee Report RGCE�VCD MARK VOERDING CounCilman Leg;slative Aide MAY 2 5 i989 To: Saint Paui City Counci ciT� c�ER�c From : Housing and Econ mic Development Commi�tee Bill Wilson, Chair 1. Approval of Minutes MINUTES of the APRIL 26, 1989, co it ee meeting were APPROVED 2. Resolution approving the reappoint en s by the Mayor of Gerald Beedle, Robert Reistad, Thomas Del.aney and Ja es Yannarely to serve on the Examining Board of Truth-in-Housin E aluators (C.F. 89-602) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 3. Resolution adopting the amended Re re tion Section of the District 14 Plan as part of the St. Paul Comprehens ve Plan (C.F. 89-628) COhiMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 4. Resolution authorizing proper City of icials to execute an agreement with the City of Minneapolis agreeing t c operate in the participation with the Twin City Area Urban Corps Program ( .F. 89-690) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 5. Resolution authorizing proper City ,of icials to execute an agreement with Ramsey County agreeing to cooperat i the participation with the Twin City Area Urban Corps Program and appro ri ting funds to the adninistration of said program (C.F. 89-691) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 6. Resolution adopting the 1988-1991 ou ing Assistance Plan and providing for the development of a new Housing P an lement of the Comprehensive Plan (C.F. 89-708) . - COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, WI NDMENTS (AMENDED PLAN TO BE AVAILABLE BY C N L MEETING FOR APPROVAL) (Continued - 2 Suspen io Items) CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-4646 g <8 Page Two Committee Report - May 24, 1989 HOUSING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Bill Wilson, Chair SUSPENSION ITEMS: Resolution for referral of Highwood Task Force Report to Planning Commission COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Resolution approving Port Authority action on $3,375,000 revenue bond issue for the H.M. Smyth Company, Inc. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL :