89-667 ��
, City of St.Paul COiJNCIL FILE NO. �����
By�-- •� -
File No. 18486—A2
Voting In the Matter of acquisition of a pa t f Lot l, Block 19, Beaver Lake Heights
Ward described as follows:
Beginning at the Nort p int of Lot 1 on Algonquin Street
(point A) Thence sout ea terly along a nontangential curve with
a radius of 142.80 fe t nd a length of 66.79 feet to a
point intersecting th e sterly right—of—way line of Lot 1
(point B) and returni g o point of beginning along the easterly
and northerly propert 1 ne of Lot 1, Block 19, Beaver Lake Heights.
under Administrative Order -- approved --
The Council of the City of Saint Paul having 'rece ved the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and
having considered said report, hereby resolves:
1. That the said report and the same is hereb a roved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof
is $ '���-�� . financed b t e Storm Sewer Service Charge.
2. That a public hearing be had on said imp ove ent on the �� day of
��! 1989 at nine X:���(�o'clock a.m., in the Council Chambers of the
City Hail and Court House Building in e C ty of Saint Paul.
3. That notice of said public hearing be given o t e persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the
time and place of hearing, the nature of the ' pr vement and the total cost thereof as estimated.
APR 1 81989
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date
YeasDimond Nays
Goswitz Certified ssed by Cou cil Secretary
Re t tman � In Fa r By
Scheibel �
Sonnen � Again
Wilson R 2 Q '� Mayor
'U���� AP R 2 9 1989