89-665 WNITE - CITV CLERK COU�1C11 PINK - FINANCE GITY O AINT PAUL �-f�� CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � Coun 'l Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The City of St. Pau__ esires to enter into an agreement with the Minnesota Department of Trans �r ation for the insta].l.ation of traffic: control signals on Trunk Highway . 3 East an� West Frontage Roads at Plato Boulevard. RESOLVED, That the �roper Ci y officials be authorized and directed to execute, on behalf of the Ci.ty of St Paul, Agreement No. 65946, between the City of St. Paul and the Minn so a Department of Transportation; explaining the responsibilities for cost, maint nance and operation of traffic control signa].s to be installed on 7.'runk a_g way No. 3 East and 6°�est Frontage Roads at P].ato Boulevard. COUNCIL MEMBERS (P T K 4-•4) Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: �nSnd � [n Fav r Public 'rlorks-Traffic-Donald E. Sobania ��,� � Rettman B s�ne�be� � __ A ga i n s Y Sonnen Wilson 1�ft� � � Form App v d by City At rney Adopted hy Council: Date � Certified Passed b u ci Se ar BY sy �� � Appr by �Navor: Date Appro by Mayor for ' mi sien to Council �g� hP R 2 9 1989 ' - � ���� DEPARTMENT/OFFlCEJOOUNdL DATE IN ATE 19 4 3 Publ i� w�L�rks - Traf f ic 4-4 9 GREEN SHEET No. OONTA PERSON 6 PHONE INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE Q�lRIl1�111l117�91MEI�R �CITY COUNCII P a u 1 7.'. K u r t z 2 9 2-7 4 51 NA�� � �Cm'A1TOFINEY �CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNqL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROUTI �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.6 MOT.BERVICEB DIR. A S A P �"""v°a�°R nssisr � TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PA�iES (CLIP L L ATIONS FOR SIGNAT ACTION REfiUESTED: Approve agreement between Mn � DOT n the City of St. Paul , covering the cost, maintenance and operation of new tr ffic signals to be installed on the Lafayette Frontage Roads (T.H. 3) a Plato Blvd. RECOMMENDATION8:Approvs(A)a R�ject(R) COUNCd CO MITTEE/RESEAF�H REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMMISSION _pVll SERVICE COMMISSION ��Y PHONE 1�. _CI8 COMMITTEE _ WMME 8: _BTAFF — _DIST'RICT COURT — SUPPORTS WHICH OOUNCIL OBJECTIVE? INfTIATIN(i PROBLEM�IS8UE.OPPORTUNITY(1Nho.What�Whsn�Whsre,WhY): An investigation has shown that ra fic signals are warranted for the Lafayette Frontage Roads (T.H. 3) a Plato Bl.vd. The continued development along P].ato Blvd. has increased he traffic volumes and hence, the need for traffic signals. The traffic si na s will improve the flow of vehicle traffic at these intersections. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: Approving this agreement will se ur Trunk Highway funding for this traffic signal pro�ect. OISADVANTAOE8 IF APPROVED: To be determined. DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: The closing of the Robert Street Br dge and the continued development of the area will result in an incre se of traffic vo_lumes and further congestion and de.lays at the intersections. �� �_.,.,_. E:.:' ..`''��; i.E;:l��4' (,;-� _. � �:�:'v� � :, .� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S 1 '�F,, 1 R A_7� COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(qRCLE ONE) Q NO �Np�NO gpuq(� — ACTIVITI/NUMBER N O t y@ t d e t e r m i n e d flNANC1AL INFORMATION:(D(PWN) M S A - tiS G F)i��0.�� PIA - $ 8, 900.00 � . �� ��� MINNESOTA TRA S ORTATION DEPARTMENT TRAFFI C NTROL SIGNAL AGREF E T N0. 65946 B TWEEN THE STATE OF MINNESOT , EPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND THE C TY OF ST. PAUL TO Install new Traffic Control Si nals with Street Lights , Interconnect and Emergency eh cle Pre-emption on Trunk Highway No . 3 East and West Frontag R ads at East Plato Boulevard in St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnes ta S .A.P. 164-245-04 C.P. T-1236 Prepared by Traffic Enginee in ESTIr4ATED AMOUNT RECEIVABLE AMOUNT ENCUMBERED None $61 , 289 . 73 C� � ���-��� THIS AGREEMENT mad nd entered into by and between the State of Minnesota, Departme t of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as the "State" , n the City of St. Paul , hereinafter referred to as the "City" , W T SSETH: WHEREAS , it is jus if ' ed and considered mutually desirable to install new tra fi control signals with street lights , interconnect and eme ge cy vehicle pre-emption on Trunk Highway No . 3 East and West ro tage Roads at East Plato Boulevard; and WHEREAS , the City il furnish to the project two (2) new traffic signal control e s and cabinets with emergency vehicle pre-emption control a d interface equipment to operate said traffic control signals . WHEREAS , the City a d State wi.11 share in the cost, maintenance and operation of he traffic contr�l signals with , street lights , interconnect a d mergency vehicle pre-emption as hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, IT S GREED AS FOLLOP7S: l . The City shall r pare the necessary plan, specifications and proposal an hall perform the engineering and inspection required to complet he items of work hereinafter s�t forth. Such work as described i mediately above shall constitute 59 5 -1 �_____ � , . �����D� "Engineering and Inspection ' n� shall be so referred to hereinafter . 2 . The contract co t of the traffic control s�ignal work or , if the work is not co tracted , the cost of all labor , materials , and equipment re ta required to complete the work , except the cost of providing t e power supply to the service pads or poles, shall constitute t e actual "Construction Cost" an� shall be so referred to here n fter . 3 . The City will furnish the traffic control signal cabinets and control equipme t hich shall be installed under State Aid Project No . 164-24 -0 and City Project No . T-1236 . Such materials as described ' m diately above shall be hereinafter referred to as "Cit furnished materials" . 4 . The City with ' t own forces and equipment or by contract shall perform the tr f ic control signal work provided for under State Aid Project N . 164-245-04 and City Project No . T-1236 with the Construction os s shared as follows : a) Trunk Hig wa No . 3 West Frontage Roads at ��I East Plat B ulevard . System "A" . I (1) Install a new traffic control signal � with t eet lights and interconnect . Estim t d Construction Cost is $5? ,1 8 . 00 which includes $8 , 200 . 00 for 59 6 _2 ! ; � � �� � __ _ ___ ----- . . ��V�� Ci y furnished materials (excludes em r ency vehicle pre-emption control an nterface equipment) . State�' s share is 5 percent . City' s sharP is 50 pe c nt. 2) In t 11 emergency vehicle pre-emption. Es i ated Construction Cost is $5 ,455 .00 wh"c includes $3 , 800 . 00 for City fu n ' shed materials (emergency vehicle pr - mption contro� an�? interface eq i ent) . City' s share is I00 pe c nt . b) Trunk H g way PIo . 3 East Frontag� Roads at East Pl t Boulevard . System "B" . (1) In t 11 a new traffic control signal wi h street lights and interconnect . Es imated Construction Cost is $5 ,483 . 00 which includes $8 , 200 .00 for Ci y furnished materials (excludes em rg ncy vehicle pre-emption control an i terface equipment) . State' s share is 50 percent. City' s share is 50 pe ce t . 59!�5 -3- i . . ��~��� (2) In t 11 emergency vehicle pre-emption. Es i ated Construction Cost is $5 ,455. 00 wh 'c includes $3 , 800 . 00 for City fu n ' shed materials (emergency vehicle pr - mption control and interface eq i ment) . City' s share is 100 pe c nt . 5 . Payment to t e City will be made by the State for 50 percent of the actual co t for the City furnished materials provided for in Paragraph 4 ( ) and 4b (1) [new traffic control signal cabinets and control e uipment (estimated cost $16 , 400 .00) - excludes emergency vehicl re-emption control and interface equipment] , plus six (6) pe c nt of its share for the cost of Engineering and Inspection. ' he City shall submit an invoice in quintuplicate to the State ' istrict Engineer at Oakdale itemizing the costs and cer i ied by a responsible City Official that said materials have be n furnished under the terms of this agreement . The invoice and s pporting records are subject to audit by State ' s representa i e . 6 . Upon complet o of the work provided for in Paragraph 4a (1) and 4b (1) h r f to the satisfaction of the State ' s District Engineer a akdale , the State shall pay to the City the State ' s share of t e actual Construction Cost for the 65946 -4- , � ' ��'��� contract work plus six (6) er ent of its share for the cost of Engineering and Inspection. 7 . The amount t b encumbered for payment to the City from Trunk Highway Funds or the work and materials provided under this agreement is $61 , 28 .73 which is the State ' s share of the estimated Construction C s for the contra�t work plus Engineering and Inspection C s s and the estimated Construction Cost for the City furnished a erials plus Engineering and Inspections Costs . In the e ent that at any time it appears that such reimbursement will exce d aid sum, the City shall promptly notify the State ' s District ng ' neer at Oakdale or his duly authorized representative in wr ' ting of the reason for the increase in cost and the amo nt of additional funds ne�essary to complete the project. If ap ro ed by the State' s District Engineer at Oakdale or his du y authorized representative , additional funds shall be enc m ered by the State and notice by , the State' s District Engineer a Oakdale or his duly authorized � representative to the City of t at additional encumbrance will permit the City to complete t i project. 8. Payment to the City will be made by the State for such contract work which is c mp ete and approved and upon submission by the City of an nv ice in quintuplicate itemizing the actual Construction Cost nd certified by a responsible City 65 46 . . .. �/(/- '' " ��� A�� �-� . r official that said contract w rk has been completed under the terms of this agreement. T e invoice and supporting records are subject to audit by the Sta e ' s representative at the direction of the State . � 9 . The City sha 1 submit to the State a certified copy of the low bid receive nd an abstract of all bids received by the City, together with he City' s request for concurrence by the State in the award of a co struction contract. Award of the contract shall not be made ntil the State advises the City in writing of its concurrence. 10 . The construc io work provided for herein shall be under the direction and sup rv ' sion of the City. It is agreed , however , that the State sha 1 ave the right to periodically inspect said cost sharing c ns ruction work . 11 . The City s�a 1 rovide an adequate electrical power supply to the service pa s or poles , and upon completion of said traffic control signals w th street lights installations shall provide necessary electr cal power for their operation at the cost and expense of the i y. I 12 . Upon completi n of the work contemplated in '�I Paragraph 4 hereof , it shall b the City' s responsibility, at its 'I cost and expense, to maintai nd keep in repair said traffic I I � 65946 -6- � , • • �� -�t-�p�J control signals with stree 1 ghts, inter�onnect and emergency vehicle pre-emption . 13 . Any and all e sons engaged in the aforesaid work to be performed by the City s all not be considered employees of the State and any and all c a ' s that may or might arise under the Worker ' s Compensation A t f this State on behalf of said employees while so engaged , ' an any and all claims made by any third party as a consequenc o any act or omission on the part of said employees while so ng ged on any of the work contemplated herein shall n t e the obligation and responsibility of the State .' he City shall not be responsible under the Worker ' s Compensat 'o Act for any employees of the State . 14 . Timing of the tr ffic control signals provided for herein shall be initially de er ined by the City' s Traffic Engineer . Adjustments of sa d ignal timing may be determined by the State , through its Commi si ner of Transportation, and no changes shall be made therea te except with the approval of the State. 65 46 lJ" � I, � . ._ � . � . - - ���-��.� I Y OF ST. PAUL � RECOMMEND FOR APPROVAL: By Mayo (City Seal) Director of Public Works APPROVED AS TO EXECUTION: By Director of Finance and Management Service Assistant City Attorney S AT OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIO RECOriP�ENDED FOR APPROVAL: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIOrI By District Engineer Assistant Commissioner Operations Division Dated ', �i I APPROVED AS TO FORM AND EXE UT ON: I DEPARTMENT OF ADP�IINISTRATION I By Special Assistant Attorney General-State of Minnesota Dated ' 5946 -8- ' I