89-644 r
BLV� -MAVOR � Fll@ NO.
• I
� e `�,,J Ordina e N�. L 7�0��
Presented By
� Referred To Committee: Date
�ut of Committee By Date
An ordinance amending Ch pt r 417 of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code pertaining t P rking Lots.
The Council of the City of Sa n Paul Does Ordain:
S c ion 1
That section 417 .02 of e Legislative Code be and is hereby
a amended to read as follows:
417 . 02 . Definitions.
"Parking lot" means and in ludes any premises where ten
( 10 ) or more motor vehi 1 s are parked, stored or
allowed to remain, and h re the owner or person
storing or parking suc v hicle is charged a fee
therefor . "Parking lo " xcludes any parking area that
it is exclusively used by or leased to occupants af a
residence on the same r other premises for use only in
connection with and as a cessory to the occupancy of
such residence.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
�� � [n F vo
Rettman B
�bQ1�� Agai st Y
Form Ap rov d by City A torne
Adopted by Council: Date j
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Appr�e by Mayor for Submission to Council
By BY - �
. - �-�y ���'
. , _ �7���
Se t on 2
That section 417 .05 ( b) f he Saint Paul Legislative Code
is hereby amended to read as ol ows:
(b) Plans; building; z ni g. Applicants for
licenses, including rene al applications, are hereby
required to furnish to t e inspector plans containing a
general description of t e security system to be
provided, the layout sho i g driveways of the proposed
lot and the legal descript on of the property. All
plans for parking lots ha 1 be referred by the
inspector to the planni g ivision of the department of
planning and economic d velopment for "site plan"
review and approval pri r to the issuance of any
license . The plans wil e reviewed for compliance
with Sections 417 . 07 an 2 . 104 of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code as �well s any other applicable City
standards, including t e tructural review requirement
of the Certificate of cc pancy.
S tion 3
That chapter 417 of th aint Paul Legislative Code be and
is hereby amended so as to d the following new section thereto:
417 . 07 . Safety require ents . The operator of par4:ing
lots shall maintain e ch lot in a condition so as not
to constitute a hazar t its patrons or the motor
. vehicles parFced there n, and shall also comply with the
following requirement :
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(1) All open lots shall b 1 t so that all spaces
may be observed from h adjoining public
streets, alleys or wa k ays or, if the open
lot is one that is n bservable from
adjoining public str et , alleys or walkways,
it shall comply with t licensing and safety
requirements for enc o ed parking lots
applicable to that ar icular open lot.
(2) On and after Januar , 1991, the lighting in
every part of all e c osed parking lots or
buildings in which at endants do not park all
vehicles shall be m intained to the
standards containe Horizontal
Illumininances for P rking Facilities, as
adopted by the I1 um nating Engineering
Society Handbook, 19 7 Edition, which is
incorporated here n y reference. The
license holder s 1 provide evidence that
lighting require en s have been met. On and
after January 1, 19 0, interior walls shall
be of a light co o at least 4 feet wide and
•1 foot up from e floor. The license
division may gr nt an extension for
compliance with th's provision to any parking
lot or building f r the minimum period
, . . ,�- �- � ��
� ,����
required to complete re ovations for any
parking lot or build n which began planning
renovations prior to S ptember l, 1989 but
could not complete o e renovations which
include new lightin b January l, 1991.
(3) All enclosed parkin ts or buildings in
which attendants do n t park all of the
vehicles shall be 'n ompliance with the
Minnesota State Fi e ode and Building Code
regulations, and i rticular fire
suppression equip n , and shall include a
phone or push but on or sound activated alarm
on each floor if he parking facility does
not provide escor ervice. Such equipment
will be strategi 1 y located, visibly marked
and accessible t t e handicapped.
(4) All enclosed par in lots or buildings
exceeding three 3) parking levels may
provide escort s ice on an as posted basis.
Escort service ha 1 be by an employee
readily identif ab e as a representative of
the parking lot here a security guard
�system is emplo e , the security guard may
provide the re i ed escort services.
(5) All enclosed p r 'ng lots or buildings which
provide escort s rvice shall post a sign at
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all entrances clear y defining the service
and advise as to w n escort services are
available. All si ns shall be in the shape
of a rectangle and be posted in a conspicuous
location. All sig s shall be made of a
durable substance o avoid allowing vandalism
and weather condi io s to destroy the message
offered by the si n.
(6) Al1 parking lots h 1 post a clearly
readable sign at 1 entrances in a
conspicuous loca io clearly advising
customers of the ty e of security system
which is provide o the premises. Al1
parking lots whi h o not provide escort
services shall p s a sign at all entrances
and in a conspi o s location clearly
advising custom rs that no escort services
are provided on t premises.
(7) All other signs s all be in the shape of a
rectangle and osted in a conspicuous
location. Othe s gns may be posted in
conjunction wi h r separately from escort
(8) All parking lo s shall be maintained in a
clean and san' a y manner, including the
removal of al h zardous and non-hazardous
. . ; . � � � � ��7���
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obstacles, so as to v id the appearance of
(9) The proper maintena ce of a parking lot is
essential to securi y. Therefore management
shall be responsibl or checking for
abandoned vehicles, o the storage of items
such as off season a hine equipment,
construction mater al, crates or other
material, and remo a of these materials.
e tion 4
That Chapter 417 of th S int Paul Legislative Code be is
and is hereby amended to ad e following provision thereto:
417. 08. Advisory Co i tee. There is hereby
established a Parking a ility Advisory Committee
consisting of seven m mb rs who shall be appointed by
the Mayor and approve the City Council. Members
shall serve for a te f three years and shall consist
of representatives f om the Department of Fire and
Safety Services, the Po ice Department, Building and
Inspection and Desig ivision, Division of License and
Permit Administrati , an owner/operator of a parking
facility, a consume , nd a member of the insurance
industry. The Comm tt e shall elect a chair person
from its membership Committee members shall not
receive compensati or serving on the Committee. The
Committee shall, i a dition to other functions imposed
. . : - _ - . . --���- G�/
" /JGS'P
by this Chapter, advise t e Mayor and Council on
matters relating to the se of parking facilities
including but not limite t lighting, painting,
maintenance, security op r ions and signage. The
Committee shall submit t he Mayor and Council an
annual report, which re r shall include compliance
with the terms of this rd nance and any
recommendations for cha ge to the ordinance. The
Committee shall conduct p licy discussions at public
meetings, and notify i e ested parties as to the time
and place of all meeti gs
Se tion 5
The provisions of this o dinance shall apply to all license
applications, including re w 1 applications, submitted from and
after the effective date a e tablished by section 5 below.
BI[UE -MAVOR File �0.
• `r�
nC Ordinance N 0. ���.5 d
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
S ct 'on 6
This ordinance shall tak e fect and be in force thirty days
from and after its passage, a p val and publication.
Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of:
�S' ' (R VO
Scheibel � Aga nst By
Adopted by Council: Date JU� a Form Appro ed y City Att ey
Certified P � Council cr ry , 8 BY
�, ;
By _� -
App by Mayor: Dat — Appr ved �'y Mayor for Submission to Council
PUBLtSN� J UN 17 99
, � ������
Community and Human Services Committee �����
May 3, 1989
Page Two
3. Resolution - 89-505: (Continued)
3.) l. The Advisory Board will cons st of ene e�t��� {�}_�.ee�s e€ ege e� e��e�}
en� e�te �et��l� ��e�t�e� �� �res� e ege} meffi�e� €�em eee� we��; en� €et��
e�-�e�ge meffi�e�s. A �e�e� e � 14 members who will be a�pointed earl .
The Advisory Board will cons st of two ep ople from each ward with an
emphasis on oy uth artici an s.
2. The Division of Parks and R cr tion will assi n one staff inember to
convene the Advisory Board nd to administer the program.
3. The Department of Community Se vices will be authorized to modif
deadlines, guidelines and i 1 ment changes to the program as needed
after initial adoption � t e it Council. The Advisory Board will
make recommendations about he program to the Department as needed.
Major changes in the ro ra w'll be brought to the City Council for
action. (Changes re uirin Co ncil actions include: chan es in the
eligible organizations, u o s of rants or loans, etc.)
4.) 2. Applications � be submit ed at a� time and must be accompanied �
all required supporting ma er als. The Advisory Board will determine
monthly meeting dates for on ideration of proposals.
3. Applications should be sub it ed 3 months in advance of need to ep rmit
time for review and develo me t of a contract.
4.- t�����esa�s €e� �t�a��ag �e � � `a��l��a s ee�er�e�s� mea�� w��� be
eens��e�e� e� ��e ae�� me Ei�'s $ee�� mee��ag.-
5.) Under Evaluation, change the ue date for the Division of Parks and
Recreation annual report to t e ity Council from January 1 to February 1.
.4. Cit Council A enda 2/9/89, Item o. 2: Administrative Order D-10090 - Providin
authorit and rocedures for init'at'on of adverse license roceedin s. (Laid
over to A ril 5, 1989.) (Laid o r o A ril 19, 1989.) (Paul McCloske to work
on administrative ordinance. To e resented Ma , 1989.)
No action required by the City C un il.
. '.
5. Library Community Response (disc ss on item after District Councils` review of
new proposed strategic plan.
Report given. This issue will b a dressed at June 21, 1989 meeting.
:6. Parking Ramp Ordinance.
Amended substitute Ordinance No 8 -644 recommended for approval on 5-0 vote;
Ordinance No. 89-761 withdrawn.
cc: Al Olson
Ed Starr
- . �� ��
, ��'� ' Janice Rettman, chair
= %J ..-�� CI'1`Y OF SAINT PAUL glll WIISOn
`siiisE!'.�I� £
������� Date: May 18, 1989
�o�n��per5o� Committee Report
To: Saint Paui City Councii
From : Community and Human Services Committee
Janice Rettman, Chair
A meeting of the Community and Human Services Committee was held on Wednesday,
May 17, 1989:
1. Approval of Minutes of May 3, 1989 meeting.
Minutes approved on 3-0 vote.
2. City Council Agenda 2/9/89, Item No. 12: Resolution - 89-218 - Authorizing
proper City Officials to execute a hazardous materials response agreement
with the Centennial Fire Protection District. (For Action.) (Laid over to
March 15, 1989 at Gary Olding`s request.) (Laid over to April 5, 1989;
Terry Sullivan to submit legal opinion.) (Laid over to April 19, 1989.)
(Laid over to May 17, 1989. City Attorney`s Office and Local 21 to discuss
� outstanding issues.)
Laid over to June 21, 1989.
3. City Council Agenda 3/23/89, Item No. 31: Resolution - 89-505 - Changing the
rules which govern the Community Festival Revolving Loan Fund. (For referral
to the Community and Human Services Committee.)
Recommended for approval, with amendments, on 3-0 vote. The amendments are:
}-} i���e� �e€�a}��eass �e�eg�egi� � 6ea�e�a}�� 6�et�gs e� A�gBa��e��e�s� s��
e.- P4e� ae� �e e sekee�; e�tc�e�; �e��g�etts e�ge���e��ea e� g���ts�e
�.- P4�s� �s�e e ee� e€ b�-�ews.
1.) Verification of nonprofit status ea� or copy of organizational bylaws
or incorporation �apers.
2.) Under Festivals, add: Are defined as an event which promotes the city
of Saint Paul and/or a Saint Paul neighborhood, of .a cultural, social or
educational nature including but not limited to music, dance, food
dispensing, parades or commemorative activities. The event should be
open to the public free of charge, be local in nature and recognize
specific geographic boundaries.
CITY HALL ROOM NO. 704 SAIN`f PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5289
8+�)s 46
, ec ion 2
That section 417. 05 (b) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code
is hereby amende�l to read as f lows:
(b) Plans; uildinq; o ing. Applicants for
licenses, inclu ing ren w 1 applications, are hereby
required to furni to h inspector plans containing a
general description f h security system to be
provided, the layout s w ng driveways of the proposed
lot and the legal desc i ion of the property. All
plans for parking lots sh 1 be referred by the
inspector to the plann ng di ision of the department of
planning and economic ev lopm nt for "site plan"
review and approval pr or to th issuance of any
license. The plans wi 1 e revie d for compliance
with Sections 417. 07 a d 62. 104 of e Saint Paul
Legislative Code as we 1 as any other applicable City
S ction 3
That chapter 417 of t aint Paul Legisla 've Code be and
is hereby amended so as to ad the following new ection thereto:
417.07. Safety requ're ents. The operator parking
lots •shall maintain e ch lot in a condition so not
to constitute a hazar t its patrons or the moto
vehicles parked there n, and shall also comply wit the
following requirement :
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BLVE - MAVOR File NO. • v �
� 0r Z ��`, Ordinance N 0.
f` 3� �
Presented By ''"
✓Referred To � Committee: Date �a�
Out of Committee By Date
hn ordinance amending Cha t r 417 of the Saint Paul Legisl tiv�
Code pertaining to Parking Lot .
The Council of the City of Sai t Pau1 Does Ordain :
Se tion 1
That secticn 41 ? .02 of t e egislative Cade be an is hereby
amended to read as follaws :
41 ? . 02 . Definitians .
"Parking lot" means and nc udes any pre ses where ten ( 10 )
or more motor vehicles a e arked, sto ed or allowed to
remain, and where the ow e or pers storing or parking
such vehicle is charged ee th efor. "Parking lot"
exclu�es any parking are hat it is exclusively used by or
leased to occupants of r dence cn the same or other
�remises for use only i nnection with and as accessory to
the occupancy of such r si ence.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
�ng In Fa or
Rettman B
�he1�� Again t Y
Form Approv d y City Atto ey
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Approve b Mayor for Submission to Council
. . � � ������7
"Secured" means any access, ' n luding all means of ingress
and egress, which is constan 1 subject to surveillance of
management which may be vie ed at any time or in the
alternative secured by lock
"Verification Device" means a ystem of surveillance whereby
a security person must phys 'c lly view specific areas of a
parking lot and must verify t ese reviews by electronically
activating devices set in ac of these specific areas,
usually at a specific time
"Uniformed security person el " means security officers who
( 1 ) In good physical con it on;
(2 ) Have not been convic ed for committing a felony or
gross misdemeanor;
( 3) Wear a badge and cap a a uniform issued by their
employer; and
(4) Have received traini g which includes but is not
limited to patrol t ch iques, civil and criminal
law with respect to ci izen arrests and restraint
and fire prevention uccessful completion of CPR
and First Aid is op i nal but it is recommended
that one employee p r shift have received such
. . . . ��--[6'i7
S c ion 2
That section 417 .05 ( b) of th Saint Paul Legislative Code is
hereby amended to read as follo s:
(b) Plans; building; zon n . Applicants for licenses,
including renewal applicat 'o s, are hereby required to
furnish to the inspector la s of ther layout showing
driveways of the proposed lo and include the legal
description of the proper y. All plans for parking lots
shall be referred by the n ector to the planning division
of the department of plan i g and economic development for
"site plan" review and ap r val prior to the issuance of any
license. The plans will be reviewed for compliance with
Sections 417 . 07 and 62 . 1 4 f the Saint Paul Legislative
Code as well as any othe plicable City standards. For
parking lots which consi t of a building , a sketch or plan
showing the location and t pes of all television cameras and
monitors and a separate r tten description as to the number
of uniformed security p rs nnel per shift who shall be
employed or retained fo s rveillance provided for in this
chapter shall be submit e as part of the site plan review
process. The plans for t levision cameras, monitors and
security personnel shall e returned to the applicant at the
time of the issuance o t e license.
� � . . � � ���-�`��
Se tion 3
That chapter 417 of the Sai t aul Legislative Code be and is
hereby amended so as to add the ol owing new section thereto:
417 . 07 . Safety requiremen s. The operator of parking lots
shall maintain each lot in c ndition so as not to
constitute a hazard to its a rons or the motor vehicles
parked therein, and shall a s comply with the following
( 1 ) All open lots shall be 1 t so that all spaces may
be observed from the a j ining public streets,
alleys or walkways or, i the open lot is one that
is not observable fro a joining public streets,
alleys or walkways, i s all comply with the
licensing and safety eq irements for enclosed
parking lots applicab e o that particular open
(2 ) There shall be survei 7a ce of all areas of all
enclosed parking lots or buildings in which
attendants do not par 11 of the vehicles for the
entire period that th arking lot is in
operation . Such surv i lance shall include at a
minimum, a televisiom m �itoring system which is
viewed by an employe a all times or uniformed
security personnel t p trol each area of the
parking lot or building at least one time every
. , ��� ��7
hour, as verified by a v rification device or
comparable equipment or e hodology, unless the
employee or security pe o nel is detained for
security reasons, . All t levision cameras,
monitors, and surveilla ce equipment shall be
maintained in good work ng order. No person who
is responsible for coll c ing money or parking
vehicles shall also be e ponsible for
_ surveillance.
( 3) On and after January �l , 1 90 , the lighting in
� �
every part of all encl se parking lots or
buildings in which att nd n�ts do not park all
vehicles shall be a ma nt ined to the standards
. -
contained in Horizonta llumininances for Parking
Facilities, as adopted b the Illuminating
Engineering Society H d ook , 1987 Edition, which .
is incorporated herei b reference. The l�icense
holder shall provide vi ence_ that lighting � ``t ���$�
requirements have bee m t. Interior walls shall .�'° � �� �����``
f ;T,�-,�..�„w��
be of a 1 ight color. T 1 icense division may o�y� fT ��.��
grant an extension fo ompliance to this �c.,om,i 1qh�
provision to any park ' n lot or building for the
minimum period requi d to complete renovations
for any parking lot r uilding which began
planning renovations pr 'or to July 1 , 1989 but
� � . . � � ���_G��
could not complete thos r novations which include �
new lighting by January 1 , 1990.
(4) All access ( including a 1 means of ingress and
egress) to enclosed par i g lots or buildings
shall be through secur d ntrances during all
hours of operation. S ch access may be secured by
alarm and/or lock and ey, or monitored closed
circuit TV , or verifia 1 uniformed security
patrols at a minimum o t least once every hour.
On all areas that are no enclosed and are less
than fifteen ( 15 ) fee i vertical distance above
any street adjacent t t e parking facility there
shall be a fencing ma e ial or decorative iron
work placed over the p n area to prevent entry.
(5 ) All enclosed parking lo s or buildings in which
attendants do not pa k 11 of the vehicles shall
be in compliance wit t e Minnesota State Fire
Code and Building Co e regulations, and in
particular fire supp e sion equipment and
emergency alarms/ph ne which may be located by a
warning system in 11 elevators. Within six
months of the effec iv date of this ordinance and
thereafter, all par i g facilities shall have an
emergency voice act 'v ted or push button activated
system located on al parking levels, or panic
buzzers/alarms zon d o a central station which is
. . ��-��
staffed at all times, or comparable equipment.
Such equipment will b s rategically located,
visibly marked and ac es ible to the handicapped.
(6 ) All enclosed parking o s or buildings exceeding
three ( 3) parking lev 1 shall provide escort
service for all cust e s who request such
( 7 ) Escort service shall be available during all hours
of operation by an e pl yee readily identifiable
as a representative f the parking lot. Where a
security guard syste s employed, the security
guard may provide t e equired escort services.
(8) All enclased parkin 1 ts or buildings which
provide escort servi ce shall post a sign at all
entrances clearly d fining the service and advise
as to when escort s r ices are available. All
signs shall be in e shape of a rectangle and be
posted in a conspi uo s location. All signs shall
be made of a durab e ubstance to avoid allowing
vandalism and weat e conditions to destroy the
message offered by t e sign.
(9 ) All other signs sh 1 be in the shape of a
rectangle and be os ed in a conspicuous location.
Other signs may b p sted in conjunction with or
separately from e co t signs.
- . �.��_���
( 10 ) All parking lots shall e maintained in a clean
and sanitary manner, i 1 ding the removal of all
hazardous and non-haza c!o s obstacles, so as to
avoid the appearance o c utter.
( 11 ) The proper maintenance of a parking lot is
essential to security. T erefore management shall
be responsible for che ki g for abandoned
vehicles, or the stora e of items such as off
season machine equipme t, construction material ,
crates or other materi 1 and removal of these
S c ion 4
That Chapter 417 of the Sa nt Paul Legislative Code be is and is
hereby amended to add the follo in provision thereto:
417 .08. Advisory Committ e. There is hereby established a
Parking Facility Advisory o ittee consisting of seven
members who shall be appoi t d by the Mayor and approved by
the City Council . Members s all serve for a term of three
years and shall consist of r presentatives from the
Department of Fire and Sa t Services, the Police
Department, Building and ns ection and Design Division,
Division of License and P rm 't Administration , an
owner/operator of a parki g acility , a consumer, and a
member of the insurance i du try. The Committee shall elect
a chair person from its m m ership. Committee members shall
not receive compensation o serving on the Committee. The
- _ . . �����
Committee shall , in additio t other functions imposed by
this Chapter, advise the Ma or and Council on matters
relating to the use of park n facilities including but not
limited to lighting, painti g maintenance, security
operations and signage. T e ommittee shall submit to the
Mayor and Council an annua eport, which report shall
include compliance with t erms of this ordinance and any
recommendations for chang s o the ordinance. The Committee
shall conduct policy disc s ions at public meetings, and
notify interested parties a to the time and place of all
S ction 5
The provisions of this o d nance shall apply to all license
applications, including rene al applications, submitted from and
after the effective date as s blished by section 5 below.
r Z GLJZCP, Ordinance N O.
Presented By ""Y
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
S ct on 6
This ordinance shall take e f �t and be in orce thirty days from
and after its passage, approval an publicati n.
i p
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
�ng In avo
s�ne;nei Aga nst BY
Form Appr d by City A or ey
Adopted by Council: Date �� ��
CertiEied Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Approv by Mayor f r Submissio Council
� WHITE - CITV .CLERK . � . . . . .. . . . �
9l.UE �MAVOR File � NO. � �
O� ' nce Ordinance N 0.
, ''�
Presented By :.,-�r; . � j ~ ; ...��.6'f f
Referred To Committee: Date � �
Out of Committee By Date "
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COUNCIL MEMBERS equested by Department of: +
Yeas Nays
�� In Favor
s�t►��t�i Against BY -
F rm Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date �
` Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ` �`�� -
By ,•"
Approved by Mayor: Date A proved by Mayor for Submission to Cout�cil
� . . . � � . . 4 � . . "
By �
. . ��-���
Community and Human Services Committee
April 6, 1989
Page Two
3. Presentation on the status of the C il Care Initiative, as requested by
Kathy Stack, Department of Communit S rvices.
Continuation of discussion on April 19 1989.
4. NAG (Needs Assessment Group Report; Au ust, 1988) . Part II.
Discussion held. Resolutions to b dr fted. User fees issue will be
discussed on June 7, 1989.
5. Progress Report of Development of er ices from Recreation Centers: The
Three-Tiered System, as requested y ob Piram, Superintendent of Parks and
Report given by Jerry Prill.
6. City Council Agenda 1/S/89, Item N . . First Reading - 89-12 - An ordinance
amending the Legislative Code by a di g a new chapter licensing personal
property locker facilities. (For ef rral to the Community and Human Services
Committee.) (Laid over to March , 89 for further review with Licensing,
Health, City Attorney, and other p priate staff.) (Laid over to April 5,
1989 at Bob Long's request. Jerr S gal's report due March 3, 1989.)
Laid over indefinitely at Bob Lon 's request.
7. City Council Agenda 2/9/89, Item o. 12: Resolution - 89-218 - Authorizing
proper City Officials to execute h zardous materials response agreement with
the Centennial Fire Protection Di tr ct. (For action.) (Laid over to March 15,
1989 at Gary Olding's request.) La d over to April S, 1989; Terry Sullivan
to submit written legal opinion.)
Laid over to April 19, 1989.
8. City Council Agenda 2/21/89, Ite N . 23: Resolution - 89-285 - Amending the
1989 budget by transferring $131 58 within the Community Services Library
Division. (For referral to the o unity and Human Services Committee.)
(Laid over to April 5, 1989.) ( ai over to April 19, 1989.)
9. Parking Ramp: Ordinance submitt d mending Chapter 417 of the Legislative
Code regarding parking lots and am s. (This was laid over in Committee
from January 5, 1989 for 60 days wi h caveat that any changes will be
submitted within a 45-day period. his recommendation is made at the request
of Bill Buth, reFresenting some ar ing lot owners.) (Laid over to April 5, 1989
for preparation of new draft.)
Substitute ordinance referred t C ncil with no recommendation. gc�ed�..�
�,ublic hearing for Apri1 25, 19 9.
cc: A1 Olson
Ed Starr
. . . . G�- 0..�
Janice Rettman, chair
Date: April 6, 1989
Counc�persoa Committee Report
To: Saint Paul City Council
From : Community and Human Services Committee
Janice Rettman, Chair
A meeting of the Community and Human Services Committee was held on Wednesday,
April 5, 1989.
1. Approval of Minutes of March 15, 1989 meeting.
Minutes approved on 3-0 vote.
2. Liquor Issues:
A. City Council Agenda 10/20/88, Item No. 3: First Reading - 88-1674 -
An ordinance amending Chapters 409 and 410 revising and updating various
provisions of the Saint Paul Legislative Code regulating the sale of
alcoholic beverages and the conduct of licensed establishments.
(Referred to Community and Human Services Committee.) (Laid over from
December 14, 1988.) (Laid over for four weeks or more, as determined
by Kiki Sonnen.) (Laid over.to April S, 1989.)
Laid over to May 3, 1989. Phil Byrne will develop prototypes of matrix.
B. City Council Agenda 10/27/88, Item No. 5: First Reading - 88-1721 - An
ordinance amending Section 409.26(b) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code
pertaining to presumptive penalties for license violations. (For_ referral
to the Community and Human Services Committee.) (Laid over from
December 14, 1988.) (Laid over for four weeks or more, as determined by
Kiki Sonnen.) (Laid over to April 5, 1989.)
Laid over to May 3, 1989. Phil Byrne will develop prototypes of matrix.
C. City Council Agenda 1/10/89, Item No. 19: Discussion with the Mayor,
the City Attorney, and Department Directors of Finance, Community Services,
and Fire on the Administrative Law Judge hearing process. (Referred to
Comn:unity and Human Services Committee.) (Laid over to April S, 1989.)
Laid over to April 19, 1989.
D. City Council Agenda 2/9/89, Item No. 2: Administrative Order D-10090 -
Providing authority and procedures for initiation of adverse license
proceedings. (Laid over to April 5, 1989.)
Laid over to April 19, 1989.
CIT'Y HALL ROOM NO. 718 SAINT PAUL, MINNFSOTA 55102 612/298-5289
. . . . ��"� �`f 7
� "�
o � �;
,;.m „:.
r��n°,'m>>�"�� 647 City Nall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
April 5 , 1989
Jim Murphy
Council Research
Seventh Floor
City Hall
Re : Parking Ordinance Amendme t .
Our File G-88-0149
Dear Mr. Murphy:
I have made the change to th draft ordinance which you had
requested. The change is f un in clause No. 5 , page 6 , where
the provision requiring co p iance with the Minnesota 5tate
Fire Code was added. That sh uld be the only change. I have
prepared new pages 6 , 7 , 8 9 and 10 and ask that you provide
this to Council Member Rettm ho had requested this change.
If you have any questions , p ea e feel free to contact me.
You very tr ly,
A s ' stant City Attorney
JJS :cg
Encl .
cc : Council Member Roger os itz
. . . . �-�y--����
s.`�,ri o�
zo Y'r•
%� iiii�ilii ii �^
�```r �•^• 647 City Nall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
March 30 , 1989 n��E��c�
fZ �-
�.�4R 3 �2 '989
Council Member Roger Goswitz C��U;�C;L,LiEp,'��R
Seventh Floor F�:Ju�R GvS��lI�Z
City Hall
Re : Parking Lot Ordinance
Dear Council Member Goswitz:
Jim Murphy has provided me wi h all of the changes to the draft
ordinance dealing with park'ng lots which were requested by
you and Council Member Janice Re tman following your last meeting
with Bill Booth. You will fi d attached to this letter two
draft ordinances . The draf ith handwritten markings on it
is intended to show most of t e changes that were made to the
ordinance and I have also pr vi ed you with the redrafted ordi-
nance with the changes inco po ated into this draft. I have
approved the form of that ordi a ce.
I am sending a copy of bo h rdinances to Jim Murphy and to
Council Member Rettman so t a they will have received it at
the same time that you wo ld have received it. Please let
me know whether any additi n 1 changes or corrections should
be made to the ordinance or i y u have any questions .
Your ery truly,
Assi t nt ity Attorney
JJS :cg
Encl .
. . . ��q-���
could not complete tho e enovations which include
new lighting by Januar 1 , 1990 .
(4) All access ( including 1 means of ingress and
egress) to enclosed p rk 'ng lots or buildings
shall be through secu ed entrances during all
hours of operation. u h access may be secured by
alarm and/or lock an k y , or mon ' ored closed
circuit TV, or verif 'ab e unifo ed security
patrols at a minimum of at le t once every hour.
On all areas that ar ot e losed and are less
than fifteen ( 15 ) f t in ertical distance above
any street adjacent to t e parking facility there
shall be a fencing at ial or decorative iron
work placed over th pen area to prevent entry.
(5 ) All enclosed parki ots or buildings in which
attendants do not ar all of the vehicles shall
be in compliance th Building Code regulations,
and in particul r i e suppression equipment and
emergency alar s/ o es which may be located by a
warning syst m i a 1 elevators. Within six
months of th eff c ive date of this ordinance and
thereafter, all p r ing facilities shall have an
emergency oice ct vated or push button activated
system 1 cated n 11 parking levels, or panic
buzzers/alarms z n to a central station which is
staffed at all t 'm s, or comparable equipment.
. . � � ��� ��Y�
Such equipment will be s r tegically located,
visibly marked and acce i le to the handicapped.
(6) All enclosed parking lo s r buildings exceeding
three (3) parking level s all provide esc rt
service for all custome s ho request s ch
( 7 ) Escort service shall be a ailable d ring all hours
of operation by an empl y e readi y identifiable
as a representative of h par ng lot. Where a
security guard system is mpl yed, the security
guard may provide the eq i ed escort services.
(8) All enclosed parking 1 ts or buildings which
provide escort service s 11 post a sign at all
entrances clearly defi i g the service and advise
as to when escort ser 'c s are available. All
signs shall be in t h pe of a rectangle and be
posted in a conspi uo s ocation . All signs shall
be made of a dur le ub tance to avoid allowing
vandalism and w ther co ditions to destroy the
message offere by th sign .
( 9 ) All other sig s shall b in the shape of a
rectangle a d be post d in a conspicuous location.
Other sign may be p t d in conjunction with or
separatel from esco t igns.
( 10) All parking lots sha 1 e maintained in a clean
and sanitary manner, in luding the removal of all
hazardous and non-haza do s obstacles, so as to
avoid the appearance o c utter.
( 11 ) The proper maintenance o a parking lot is
essential to security. herefore management shall
be responsible for ch ck ng for abandoned
vehicles, or the stor ge of items such as f
season machine equipm n , construction terial ,
crates or other mater 'a , and removal of these
e tion 4
That Chapter 417 of the S in Paul gislative Code be is and is
hereby amended to add the foll wing pro ision thereto:
417 .08. Advisory Commi e . Th re is hereby established a
Parking Facility Advisor C mmi tee consisting of seven
members who shall be app in e by the Mayor and approved by
the City Council . Membe s s all serve for a term of three
years and shall consist f representatives from the
Department of Fire and a ty Services, the Police
Department, Building an I spection and Design Division,
Division of License an P rmit Administration, an
owner/operator of a p r i g facility, a consumer, and a
member of the insura c i dustry. The Committee shall elect
a chair person from it m mbership. Committee members shall
not receive compen ati n or serving on the Committee. The
Committee shall , in ad i ion to other functions imposed by
this Chapter, advise e Mayor and Council on matters
_ _
Or i dnce Ordinance N0.
Presented By
Referred To Comm�ttee: Date �`lL���
Out of Committee By Date
rela�ir,g t� the use o; par i� facilitie including but not
limited to lighting, paint ng mainte nce, security
cperations and signage. T e ommit e shall submit to the
Mayor and Council an annua r por , which report shall
include compliance with th t r of this ordinance and any
recommendations for change t the ordinance. The Committee
shall canduct policy discu s ns at public meetings, and
notify interested parties s o the time and place of all
S c ion 5
The prcvisions of thi ord na ce shall apply to all license
applications, including r rewal ap lications , submitted from and
after the effective dat as est bl 'shed by section 5 below.
S c ion 6
This ordinance hall take ff ct and be in force thirty days from
and after its pass e, approval an publication .
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
�� [n Favor
Scheibel A gai n s t gY
Form App ov d by City At ey
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Appro d by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
r Z d'JZCe Ordinance N O.
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
q» �,rdina�ce amen ing Ch�pte 4 7 of th Saint Raul Legislative
Code pertaining to Parkin Lots.
� es Ordain:
The Council of the City of aint a 1
'�, Se t i 1
ction 417 .�2 cf the,, ' slative Code be and is hereby
That se � �
�- \
amended as follows: �
417 .02 . Definitions. `�
"Parking lot" means an in lu es�any premises where ten ( 10)
or more motor vehicle are p rked , �stored or allowed to
�emain , and where t e owne r persan`�storing or parking
such vehicle is c rged a fe therefor :`� "Parking lot'
excludes any par ing area th t it is exc�\ively used bY or
leased to occu nts of a e idence on the §�ame or other
onl in o nection with and as accessory to
premises far use Y
the occupancy of such re id nce.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
�� [n Fa or
RetUnan B
Sc6eibel AgaiR t Y
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
"Secured" means any access, i cluding all means of ingress
and egres , which is const nt y subject to surveillance of
management w ich may be vi we at any time or in the
alternative se ured by loc .
"Verification De 'ce" mean system of surveillance whereby
a security person m st phy i ally view specific areas of a
parking lot and must erif hese reviews by electronically
activating devices set i ea h of these specific areas,
usually at a specific tim
"Uniformed security perso ne " means security officers who
( 1 ) In good physical con i ion;
(2 ) Have not been convic e for c mitting a felony or
gross misdemeanor;
{3) Wear a badge and ca a d a unifor issued by their
employer; and
(4) Have received train n which include but is not
limited to patrol t c niques, civil an criminal
law with respect to c tizen arrests and estraint
and fire preventio . Successful completi n of CPR
and First Aid is o ti nal but it is recommended
that one employee er shift have received such
Se tion 2
That section 417 . 05 (b) of he Saint Paul Legislative Code is
hereby amended to re as follow :
( b) Plans; buil 'ng; zoni g. Applicants for licenses,
including renewal ap licati n , are hereby required to
furnish to the inspecto pl n of th�r layout showing �`
�W�d E r�c�k�f�
driveways�of the propose lo � the legal
description of the propert . All plans for parking lots
shall be referred by the i sp tor to the planning division
of the department of plann ng an economic development for
"site plan" review and app o al pri to the issuance of any
license. The plans will b eviewed f compliance with
Sections 417 .07 and 62 . 104 o the Saint P ul Legislative
Code as well as any other p licable City s ndards. For
parking lots which consis o a building , a sk tch or plan
showing the location and yp s of all television ameras and
monitors and a separate w it en description as to t e number
of uniformed security per o el per shift who shall
employed or retained for u veillance provided for in is
chapter sha ubmitte s art of the site plan revi w
process. The plans for 1 vision cameras, monitors and
security personnel shall be returned to the applicant at the
time of the issuance of he license. .
c ion 3;
�=" .�� �
That chapt 417 of the Sain aul Legislative Code be and is
hereby amended so s to add the f 1 owing new section thereto:
417 . 07 . Safet requiremen . The operator of parking lots
shall maintain eac lot in c ndition so as not to
constitute a hazard o �S at ons �1�ereef� or the motor
vehicles parked therei , an s all also comply with the
following requirements:
( 1 ) All open lots shall be li so that all spaces may be
observed from the adjoining p blic streets, alleys or
walkways or, if the open lo �s one that is not observable
from adjoining public stree s al eys or walkways, it shall
comply with the licensing d safet requirements for
enclosed parking lots applica le to t at particular open
(2 ) There shall be survei la ce of all a eas of all
enclosed parking lots or b il ings in which attendants do
not park all of the vehicl s or the entire p riod that the
parking lot is in operatio . Such surveillance shall
include at a minimum, a te e ision monitoring sy tem which
is viewed by an employee a 11 times or uniformed security
personnel to patrol each re of the parking lot or building
-�,�,,,^`�,��.a� �^ �.�.•�::'-� �t�.u�.w<.✓
at least one me every ou .�� u les the per�en is tained
for security r ied by a verification de ice
or comparable equipment o m thodology� All television
cameras , monitors, and su veillance equipment sha71 be
�uu b.
maintained inAworking ord r. No person who is respansible
�,lS� �
for colle ting money or pa ki g vehicles shall�be �
responsibl for surveillan e.
( 3) On and iter January , 1990, the lighting in every
part of al 1 en 1 osed par ' __in__wk�i r�
-�—��'� ��, � ds
ants do no park all v hicles shall be a maintained to `1�
Lc�`�R�: 4 I�
H ri ontal Illumininances for
ing Facilities, as ad pt d b the I
Engineering Society H ndb ok 1987 Edition, which is
incorporated herein by e er nce. The license holder shall
provide evidence that li ti g requirements have been met.
Interior walls shall be o a light color. The license
division may grant an ext n ion for compliance to this
provision to any parking o r building for the minimum
period required to comple e ren vations for any parking lot
or building which began p a ning renovations prior to July
1 , 1989 but could not co 1 te tho e renovations which
include new lighting by J n ary 1 , 1 90 .
(4) All access ( includi g 11 means f ingress and egress)
to enclosed parking lots or buildings all be through
secured entrances during al hours of op ration. Such
access may be secured by al rm and/or loc and key, or
monitored closed circuit TV, or verifiable uniformed
security patrols at a mi i m of at least o ce every hour.
On all areas that are no nclosed and are 1 ss th n fifteen
( 15 ) feet in tical di t nce above any stre t adjacent to
the parking facility the e shall be a fencing terial or
decorative iron work plac d ver the open area to prevent
(5 ) All e closed parking lo s or buildings in which
attendants dp not park al o the vehicles shall be in
compliance wit�i Building o regulations, and in particular
fire suppressio�equipmen nd emergency alarms/phones which
may be located by warni g system in all elevators.
Within six months o the f ective date of this ordinance
and thereafter, all p king facilities shall have an
emergency voice activate o push button activated system
loca e g eve s, or panic �
buzzers/alarms zoned to c tral station which is staffed
at all times, or compara le eq ipment. Such equipment will
be strategically located isibl marked and accessible to
the handicapped.
(6 ) All enclosed parkin ots or bu ' ldings exceeding three
-o�YK�,,�J �..c.v d (�'
(3) s shall provid scort servi e for all customers
who request such servic .
( 7 ) Escort service sha 1 e available dur 'ng all hours of
operation�by an employ e eadily identifiab e as a
representative of the p rking lot. Where a s urity guard
system is employed, the s urity guard may prov e the
required escort service .
(8) All enclosed parki g lots or buildings which p ovide
escort service shall p t a sign at all entrances cle rly
defining the service a d dvise as to when escort servi ces
6 '
are av ilable. All signs s 1 be in the shape of a
rectangl and be posted in c nspicuous location. All
signs shal be made of a du ab e substance to avoid allowing
vandalism and weather condi i ns to destroy the message
offered by the ign .
(9 ) All other si s shal the shape of a rectangle
--------__ _-
e posted in a c nspic ou location. Other signs may
�� �r�^
posted i n con j unct i on r s pa ate 1 y �ri�t�h escort s i gns.
( 10) All parking lots sh 1 e maintained in a clean and
sanitary manner, including e removal of all hazardous and
non-hazardous obstacles, to avoid the appearance of
( 11 ) The proper maintenan e f a arking lot is essential to
security. Therefore mana e ent sha 1 be responsible for
checking for abandoned ve i les, or t e storage of items
such as off season machi e quipment, c struction material ,
crates or other material a d removal of hese materials.
S ction 4
That Chapter 417 of the aint Paul Legislati Code be is and is
hereby amended to add the follo ing provision there o:
417 . 08. Advisory Committ e. There is hereby e tablished a
Parking Facility Adviso y ommittee consisting of seven
members who shall be ap ointed by the Mayor and ap roved by
the City Council . Memb r shall serve for a term of three
years and shall consis o representatives from the
Department of Fire and Sa ety Services, the Police
Depart nt, Building and Ins e ion and Design Division,
Division of License and Perm 't Administration, an
owner/oper tor of a parking fa ility , a consumer , and a
member of th insurance ind st y. The Committee shall elect
a chair person from its mem er hip. Committee members shall
not receive comp nsation fo erving on the Committee. The
Committee shall , i additi o other functions imposed by
this Chapter, advise he M yo and Council on matters
relating to the use of ar in facilities including but not
limited ta lighting, pain n , maintenance, security
operations and signage. T e Committee shall submit to the
Mayor and Council an annu 1 e ort, which report shall
include compliance with t e erm of this ordinance and any
recommendations for chang s o the rdinance. The Committee
shall conduct policy disc s ions at blic meetings, and
notify interested partie a to the ti and place of all
S ction 5
The provisions of this o dinance shall apply to all license
applications, including rene 1 applications, submi ted from and
after the effective date as st blished by section 5 low.
Or n nce Ordinance N0.
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Sect on 6
his ordinance shall t e eff ct and be in force thirty days from
and after its passage, app
rova ar p blication.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
�� In Favor
Scheibel A gai n s t BY
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
. _ �
Attachment ��1 .
Rp. 14-Z7. Fi�comm,r�Csd Maf Morttontal WumMar�oes 1or ParkMp Feoilit�
(a1�D�++Parklrq iactiitiu
�naal and ho.w+an vrn�o+�UM Ana�
Lw�M d i�a Aw�we► M�nMw�n a� !Wb � �~
kWNy p1 tirMn�el� �� � . �►�� ��M1 VIWOnIMr�lio
y,,� � �YMIM� �IwMfW (Ar�f�:;/Y1M11ytf1)
^'y" � � � �1 �'
��Y11: S Q.B 1:1 t1 � �
L01� Z QZ t:1 6 Q.6 11
- (b) C,o►�nd Patiurr� FaCilftifc
_ ►iyn+
L�t Nrwa� Lac(Me�p� ��—••�^ a�
°n °^ 'µwra�an ' �Wua
14so Awerr� o�h a^►�,r�mrrW Arwr�nV fMi+WR�Minimwn)
O��1t pukir�p �nd
�oesc�ian�rsas bt S S4 6 �1:t
Aris�ps an0 o�Met 110 •64 S 4:1
. �tfttst�Or ar� d�0 6� b i:7
� bC�1S�1�CM!
�+wr�: . , ioa�swoo �ux►
'Ttis waoew�w�0+o�+n r O�wO on t�w�rrr�p MwtY�t any YM M�.M+��M�bir 4+M d
?i�d�Mao1C fqAtlnp�n0 Oq�. ���aow�l�.
�• S i�f�p.1►1.
RF�'RINrr.:'D WI'!�� P�lISSI0I�1 .
TOTAL ►.i3
Illuminating Engineers Sotiety Ha dbook, 1987
, , �g ST,T� ,��,�no s� �3;- �rn �'aY��'`
- � -
_ . _ _ _ _ _ � � �� ��o�-- ���R�-o�-_ _ _
WHITE - CITV CLERK �' � �OR'rM'�Y�'r ,�✓'J������
O��,Z nf,e Ordinance N 0.
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An ordinance amendi C apter 417 of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code pe ta" ing to Parking Lots.
S ct on I
That Section 417.02 of the Le is ative Code be and is hereby amended
so as follows:
417.02. Definitions.
"Parking Facility" means and incl de any premises where fifty (50) or more
motor vehicles are parked, stored or allowed to remain. "Parking lot"
excludes any parking area that is ex lusively used by or leased to
occupants of a residence on the s me or other premises for use only in
connection with and as accessory o he occupancy of such residence.
"Open Lot" means and includes an p king facility where all spaces of the
lot are observable from adjacent st ets.
"Ramps" means and includes any e cl sed parking facility or open lot that
is not observable from adjacent tr ets.
"Secured" access includes all me ns of ingress and egress which are
constantly subject ot surveillan e f management which may be viewed at any
time or in the-alternative, secu ed by lock.
"Uniformed Security Personnel" ea s security officers defined by the
Minnesota State Statute.
COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of:
y� Nays
�� [n Fa r
Goswitz ,
sche,ne� Again t By
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary By
Approved by Mayor. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
, .
, 3ect o 2
Tliat, section 417 .05 of the Sa n Paul Legislative Code be and is
hereby am�nded so as ta add the foll wing new section thereto:
(d) Plans; building. All p �s�i for new parking facilities
shall be referred to the Pla ni b Division of ttie Department
of Planning and Economic Dev lo ment for "site plt�n" review
and approval prior to the is ua ce of any license. 'Phe
plans will be reviewed for c �u iance With section 417 .07
and 62. 104 of the Saii�t Pau1 I��� bislative Code as well as any
other applicable city standa ci. for parking facilities wliich
consist of a buildin�, a ske ct , or plan showing Lhe loca-
tioii anci types of all security measures will be- included as
defined in the following se: ti ns of this ordinance.
(e) Oversight Committee. ��o appointment by the Mayor and
approval by the City Counci , n Oversight Gommittee will be
established to con�municute, co rdinate, t�nd insure that ex-
isl:iiig parkin� facilities c m ly with the security measures
required and do so within t e atipulated time frame. The
Committee shall include a r p esentative from: 3t. Paul
- Fire Department, SL. Paul P 1 'cE� Uepartment, St. Paul
Building Codes Division, ac o ner/operator, a consumer, and
a mc:mber from the insuranc i. dustry.
Section 3
T6at Chapter 417 of the S in Pr�u_L LegislaZive Code be and is
hereby amended so as to add i:h f llowing new �ections thereto:
417 .07 Safety Requiremen s. The operator of a parking fa-
cility stiall maintain eac l. �t in a condition so as not to
constitut.e a hazxrd to LF� • i.rons thereof, and shall also
comply with the following r quiremet►ts:
( 1 ) Lighting levels. Lig t' ng levels shall be maintained to
reflect the recommended i tained HorizonL-al Illumininances
for Parking Facilities, dopted by the Illuminating fingi-
neers Society IlandUook, 98 � 1� . Lighting levels must be
operational 18 months af er the pass�ge, approval, and publi-
cation of this ordinance
(2) Painting. Paintin� f ar.i.ous surfaces witfiin a parking
• fACility with a lit;ht co o paint may be used as an alterna-
tive to establish minimu ight levels called for in section
(3) All parking faeilit' �s shAll be maintaii�ed in a clean
and sanitary manner� in lu ing the removal of all hrsza.rdous
snd non-hazardous obstu le , so as to avoid the appearance
� of clutter.
(1) See Attachment 4�1
, . � r'' / ._ <a7' Y
(4 ) 1'he proper maintenance cf' parking facility is essen-
tial to security. A sound ai tenance and housekeeping
routine will be inviting to pa kin� facility customers.
Therefore, management shall be responsible for checking for
abandoned vehicles, storag f items such as off-season
machine equipment, cunstruc i n material, crates , or other
material, and where necess y these items should be removed
or stored elsewhere.
(5) All non-public areas s pa ated by a door for such pur-
poses as storage or mainte e►n e within ramps n�ust be locked.
(6) Recessed areas must be s cured from public access or
meet minimum lighting stan a ds of interior lobbies as in-
dicated in lighting levels c ntained in item 1.
( �:) Potential access are s o parking ramps that are not en-
closed and are less than 15 feet in vertical distance above
any street adjacent to t e arking ramp shall have a fencing
material or decorative i on ork placed over the open areas
to prevent entry.
( 8) Al1 parking faciliti _s will post in�ormation informing
parkers where fire suppr s ic�n equipment is maintained
during posted hours of e atian.
(`"9') All enclosed parki g amps with three or more floors
shall provide escort se vi e f'or all customers based on the
individual dem�snd of ea h amp. All enclosed parking ran►p�
which provide escort se v' e based on their individual de-
mand will post a sign a he er►trances clearly defining the
service and hours avail b e.
( 10 j The Oversight Co it ee shall secure inforu,ation from
such establishments as th Minnesota Departmerrt of Tranapor-
tation; Standard Inter at onal Highwap and Handicapped Sym-
bols; Minr►esota State ui ding Codes; Minnesota National
Standard for Acceasibl ildings �nd Facili.ties; and the
Uniform I'ederal Access b' lity Stbndard for purposes of
placing uniform, neces a y signage at both interior and ex-
terior locations for 1 parki.ng facilities.
Section 4
This ordinance sh�ll ak eff�ct �ind be in force thiz-ty days from
and after its passage, app o 1, utid publication.
. ���_ � ��
Ordi nce Otdinance N 0.
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An ordinance amendin C apter 417 of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code per ai ing to Parking Lots.
Sct nI
That Section 417.02 of the Le is ative Code be and is hereby amended
so as follows:
417.02. Definitions.
"Parking Facility" means and incl de any premises where fifty (50) or more
motor vehicles are parked, stored or allowed to remain. "Parking lot"
excludes any parking area that is ex lusively used by or leased to
occupants of a residence on the s me or other premises for use only in
connection with and as accessory o he occupancy of such residence.
"Open Lot" means and includes an p king facility where all spaces of the
lot are observable from adjacent st ets.
"Ramps" means and includes any e cl sed parking facility or open lot that
is not observable from adjacent tr ets.
"Secured" access includes all me ns of ingress and egress which are
constantly subject ot surveilla e f management which may be viewed at any
time or in the alternatiee, sec re by lock.
"Uniformed Security Personnel" ea s security officers defined by the
Minnesota State Statute.
COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
�� In Fa or
Goswitz -
Rettman B
�h�;be� Agai t y
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
e ion 2
That. section 417 .05 of th S int �aul Legislative Cade be and is
hereby am�nded so as to add th llowing new section thereto:
(d) Plans; building. A1 p �n� for new Parking facilities
shall be referred to the 1 nin� Division of tl,e Department
of Planning and ficonoraic ev lopment for "site plt�n" review
and approval prior to the i suance of any license. 'fhe
plans will be revie►�ed fo c m�l.iance with section 417 .07
and 62. 104 oP the Saitit P ul Li:bislative Code as well as any
other applicable city sta d cis for parking facilities wliich
consist of a building, a k tct� , or plan showing Lhe loca-
tioii anei typFS of all sec rity measures will be included as
defined i.n the followirig e: tions of this ordinance.
(e) Overaight Committee. ��on appointment by the Mayor and
approval by the City Coun i � an Oversight Committee Will be
established to communicut , •oordinate, xnd inaure that ex-
istiug parkin� facilities c ply with the security measures
required and do so within t stipulated time frame. The
Committee shall include a r presentative from: 3t. Paul
Fire Departmerit, St. Paul P licE� llepartment, St. Pau1
Building Codes llivision, i� oc+ner/operator, a consumer, and
a member from the insuran e industry.
Section 3
That Chapter 417 of the S i t Pr�u:t Legislaf:ive Code be and is
hereby amended so as to add th � ollowing new r�ections thereto:
417 .07 Safety Requiremen :s The operator of a parking fa-
cility shall maintain eac ot in a condition so rss not to
eonsLitut.e a hazard to �1� • al.rons thereof, and sliall also
comply with the following' r quirements:
( 1 ) Lighting levels. Lig t'ng levels shall be muintained to
reflect the recommended m i tained Horizontal Illumir�inances
for Parking Facilities, a dopted by the Illuminuting Engi-
neers Society IiundUook, 1 8 � 1� . Lighting levels must be
operational 18 montha aft r i.he passage, approval, and publi-
cation of this ordinance.
(2) Painting. Paintin� o ar.i.ous surfaces within a parking
facility with a li�ht col r paint may be used as an alterna-
tive to establish minimum 1 '�ht levels called for in section
1 .
(3) Al1 parking facilitie tiall be maintaii�ed in a clean
and sanitary manner, incl d' g the removal of all haza.rdous
and non-hazardous obst�cl s, so as to avoid the appearance
� of clutter.
(1) See Attachment #1
• � � � � � . ;�'`j.. ��; •,!'C�
(4 ) The proper maintenance o ' parking facility is essen-
, tial to security. A sound m i tenance and housekeeping
routine will be inviting to a king facility customers.
Therefore, management shall e responsible for checking for
abandoned vehicles, storag o items such as off-season
machine equipment, cunstruc io material, crates � or other
material, and where necessa y hese items should be removed
or stored elsewhere.
(5) Al1 non-public areas se ar ted by a door for such �ur-
poses as storage or mainten n within ramps must be locked.
(6) Recessed areas must be e ured from public access or
meet minimum lighting stand r s of interior lobbies as in-
dicated in lighting levels o tained in item 1 .
( 7.:� Potential access areas t parking ramps that tj,re not en-
closed and are less than 15 eet in vertical distunc;e above
any street adjacent to th p rking ramp shall have n fencing
material or decorative ir nw rk placed over the open areas
to prevent entry.
(.8) All parking facilitie w' ll post in�ormation informing
parkers where Pire suppre si �n equipment is maintained
during posted hours of op r tion.
' ("9') Al1 enclosed parking r mps with three or more floors
shall provide escart serv' c for all customers bssed on the
individual demr�nd of each r mp. Al1 enclosed parking rampH
which provide escort ser ic based on their individual de-
mand will post ts sign at h entrances clearly defining the
service and hours availa le
( lOj The Oversight Commi te , shall secure inforn;ation from
such establishments as t e innesota Departmer�t of Transpor-
tation; Standard Interna io al Highway and Handicapped Sym-
bols; Minr�esota State Bu 1 ing Codes; Minnesota National
Standard for Accessible uildings atid Facilities; and the
Uniform Federal Accessib 1' ty Standard for purposes of
placing uniform, necessa y signage at botji interior and ex-
terior locations for all p rki.ng facilities.
S ction 4
This ordinance shall ta e ffect and be in force thirty days from
and after its passage, appro al t�r�d publication.
. .
Attachment ��1
l4p. 1�-2T. R+oommrn0rd Matnta! Ixo�! WumManoes fa P�rkMp Fedif�
(�1 GO«+PittcUfQ FiClliliu
ci.�ur ane►�o..e+.n Wr+�o+.up M..�orMn
I�M d Lw A��wm Mw�Nw�n an L�s(Awrap+an µ�r�w� y�won�ry MIa
�'*1' M�^�+9 �� 1 P�v�w++0 Arwn.np (Arre�:Mwnwey
Mp1► 10 0� I1 �
I�c�u�* � ' R6 a:� n 1 �
t,o.r z o� a:� a os •:,
- (b) C,Orrrrd P�furt� facilhifc
Wt(Ar�p� �� ' `��"�� �'
on °" .��+� ''��'�
Arsas .Aw+n+nt1* on h a^�nq tinn�nq (Ar�Wt.'Nw+N�wnq
On+�11 parkinp arq
h0acrian M*as 54 5 S�t 6 4:t
. ,A�rqps an0 ootn�t 1t0 10 '61 S I:t
.�nt�u�t 640 6r b �y
L�a 110�'.at�
�1'�•' . . 10�1'JG'i00 1�1b�0
'TA1�woonwMnO�oon r O�rN a+t!w e�p�Mnr 10 ��r�t airy MM M�nM�tl�i��br�MI of�ghpYM ao�wl
, i������ I�
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111uminating Engineers Society Ha dbook, 1987