89-641 WNITE - CITV CLERK / PINK - FINANCE COUnCII �/.J CANARV - DEPARTMEN T G I TY _O A I NT PA U L BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Y� — Counc 'l Resolution �. �/� � s Presented By �����'��!! Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (I # 5715) for a Gambling Manager's License by Paul Sch ei her DBA Cystic Fi�rosis at Pat McGoverns, 225 th Street, be and the same is hereby approved/ COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �ng [n Fav r Goswitz Rettman d s�ne;t�i _ Agains BY Sonnen Wilson QPR 1 1 Form App oved by Ci Attorney Adopted by Council: Date . Certified Yasse y Co ci Se ar BY '3 By t�pproved Mav : Da �PR � 2 9 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council c By _ — BY PUBliS�9 A P R 2 ? 19 � oRRiN�Ait1lt: � . , :. • . wrE oue oa�rrn �%�_�� s. �archea� ' �i� , �t" �i��" No: 0€}2 51� � - �,�„��, �;���„��, Christine Ra�zek — �:BNM��� 3 �«� . . - �� 2. Connc�l Research Fi nance.� mt. :8-5056 °'� : 1 «e►�� --._ � - � ' . . . � . . � . 7 .. ' ' � . . - . . . .. � Appl�cation fo:r a Gamb1ing Man ge 's :License. ` . � Notification Date: 3-21-89 Hearing te: 4-11-89 _ u�,,,,,.i�>«�c�t nr�o�nT: , " ... .. PLMMIMq CQM�NSBI011 GYN.86iVICE.COM�IISSION DATE M� .DATE 04JT � ..ANIILYST : . .. � PFWt�IE�NO. _ . .. � .. ��.-IDNRq COMMI8810N ISD 6�b�8CliQOI BOARD . . . . . '�� . . � � � . � � � . . .. : . _. . . . . � AS IS ...ADDL�MIFO:AOOEO* � �� --AETD TO�COIR . . .. CdNBT�R7FM . . . STAFi , . C1111R7'�RCAGMI33ION. . _ � _ . . . _��FpRADDLMIFO� _F�BApC�ADO�• . 018TR�T OOIMJqL . - � i � � � _ � � � " � �..� • BUPPORTfi NM1IIGI COUNCIL OBJECTIVE?.� � ..' � � . . � . . . i � . � . . . . , . . . . . .- . - .. � � �� � � � . � � j - � . . � � � ... . . - � . . . . .. , . . � . I . � �. . ' � . � . , _ . . . � . . � . . � �II : _ . . � . . �. : � . . , � ... . . . . � . . �� . . � � ; . . � .. . . . . . . . � . . . '.. . �- . � �� . . I ' � . . .. ��. . . . �. . . .... . . . - . � . . . � . . `�.. _ . .. , � �.. : . � .�,- -. . - �.:. /t11A7M8 PpO�LEMr MMIF OPPORTIMNIY WI1tt.W11ef�.1MMfl:�M1�: • Paul Schleicher. DBA, Cystic Fib s, s Foundation at Pat McGoYerns, 225 W. 7th, �requests Ci�ty Coun i1�� ppr.oval of. .his app�'l�catiora fo.r . . .a Gamb1 i ng Mat�ager's.Li cense. � � , i .. ,�c���oo�ves�ar.�.r�): ; _ ; : . All fees and; applications have be n submitted. ` ;, , EOINl�11Mrf.�MMr�.and 7o�Altnni): ;� . . . - , < .: . ,, <i i If'Councii approval fs given, au1 Sehleicher wi11 mahage pulltab. sales for Cystic Fibrosis at Go rns. � _ , . _ � - ; _ . �: .. �re�rw,nrES: � - .: _ _ _ j I I , ; �ronr�o�rrt's: , _ � , , _ . - , � , �.�: . , esearc Center - ,, r�a� 2 � ��89 . ; . �. � �F�-loyl UiVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMIIV ST TION llATE � / � (a U � INTERDF.PARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn ocessed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant �Q(,�,� SG� �elC/lP Home Address � 3O �Ct.� ��U� l�t�,o15 SS �f03 Rusiness Name C,1�5 �(, � �p hC��e Phone 'C' 1 Business Address aa 5 � �,�- Type af License(s) _(��, � Business Phone � �h 0.G��F �' Public Hearing Date License I.D. 4� �p�7/.5 at 9:00 a.m, in the Counci Ch mbers 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �t �� P" llate Notice Sent: � � I�� /�(oI� Dealer 41 N'f-� to Applicant (, /� I'ederal I'irearms �� IJ�/-�► Public He�.iring DATE INS EC' IUN REVIEW VERFIED ( 0 TER) CUMMENTS A roved ot roved � Bldg I & D � ��+� Health Divn. � , �v(,� � Fire Dept. � ( � �,�,q, � i i s�e�►�, 3��a � Police Dept. f 3 I�{ �/� � License Divn. ' -� l5 ' 4 �.. City Attorney � 3�� � , � 1� Date Received: Site Plan l�.) /�' � ^ p � To Council P.esearch o� O Lease or Letter ` , � ate from Landlord �" . _ .. , ; .. . _ � _ ... . . (S7/S �` ity f Saint Paul Department of Fi n and Management Services �ic G/:�GL�� • � Licens a Permit Division Vl— Q`� 2 City Hatl St. Paul, inn sota 55102-298•5056 APPLIC TI N FOR LICENSE CASH CHECK CIASS NO. Ne Renew � '� 9 19 {s a a , oa�e % Code No. Title of license � �j (,' From I 191.1To -r 19� � -� �, } i%. i'._`�I�I t � �a Yl A Q )�. j� . ' to0 `r Q ct + �C �) ��. I C�1:,� i� ApplfcanUCompany Name , • 100 �— ; • T �1 � �r:. �'� I�V GS 1 5 � �L! �l�7+. 100 Busine Name 100 "�nl � �CI� ��'�C.. �-j0 Ck(�llJ-: Business Address PhOr+a Na 100 1� � �, `7 � � j`�-�/1 �- C 100 Mail toAddress �� `l � ��-1 . � � e��U� � � g�a ^�� r � / � , > 100 '��1 't � �.,� �� t�1 � �U' �:.. ManayerfOwner•Nams 7� 100 �, �� /`�� /! �,� Z�� ;�; t. v ► 100 hlanagerlGwner-Home Addresa Phone No. 4098 Applicatlon Fee . 50 J� ,�' c � �/�'�.l Received the Sum of �Z � 1�0 ��j � � i � -� �-' -� v �> ManayedOwner•Clty,,State 3 ZIp Code 100 T tal 100 \ Ucense Inspector � �� By: � ( Sipnature ot Applican Bond' Company Name Policy No. Expiratlon Dats Insurance• Company Name Policy No. Ezpiration Date Minnesota State Identlfication No Social Security No. Vehicle Information: Serlat Number Plats Numb�r Other. THIS IS A R EI T FOR APPLICATION THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your application for I �en will either be granted or rejected subject to the provisions of the zoning ordinance and comptetion of the inspectiona by the Health, ire, oning and/or License Inspectora. $15.00 CHARGE F R LL RETURNED CHECKS 3,�v�y � �/ ,� . IQJ //� ' Ci y of Saint Paul Department of ina ce and Management Services /�,..,G,r; � . Lice se nd Pe�mit Division (�/`�� �� 03 City Halt St. Pa 1, Mi nesota 55102-298•5056 APPLI A ON FOR LICENSE CASH CHECK CIASS NO. w Renew a c� o ; � ,9 ; � oa�e Code No. Title of License QC� , �..,� From ��, 19,Z!To � 19� � �'�a ) + h , �-� �I�;,�, l r�Q�F J�. •�a � c-, , • ' J 100 QGl � ' �� �� !" � Cll,� l� AppllcanUCompany Name _ . 100 -�- ; � T L U�-{-��:, -�-, i�v���� 5 t'�[r n c;���• 100 BualnesE Name i t00 I t �Ci� LI:_ ���0 C.�j�rU� Business Addreas ' Phon�Na �oo � �. `7 � tJ f`� �1 � � 100 Mail to Addross `,,. ;;�� ; � � ehone No� ` �� � . �./ l.( "� �8�..�.� ^.� , � � ,� �� �t ( ,� -� 1--, - .��: ;�� 9�a ManapeNOwner•Name �T'„ 100 �i �v vGL '=- �� r-�;�� '� ' 100 AtanaqerlGwner-Home Addross P1w��No. 4pgg Applicatlon Fee j Recelved the Sum of 1 ,�?QO J���j /�� i ) �� `lG -�l / �� MansqedOwnar•Cfry,State d 2tp Cod� 100 otal 100 � � / ' UCBnSe In3pACtOf � J v By: � ' Si9nature of Applican BOnd' Compa�y Name Policy No. Expi�atlon Dat� Insurance• Company Name Policy No. Expiratlon Oat� Mfnnesota State Identification No Social Security No. Vehicle Information: SKfal Numbar lat�NumO�r Other THIS IS A R CE PT FOR APPLICATION THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your application for cen e will either be granted or rejected subiect to the provisfons of the zo�ing ordinance and completion ot the inspectiona by the Health, Fire,Zoninp andlor Licenss Inspectora. $15.00 CHARGE F R LL RETURNED CHECKS �, 3-�v � � �/ ,� . ' ' �i y f Saint Paul / � - Department of F na ce and Management Services �C��V�� � , � „ Division of Li en e and Permit Registration INFORMATION REQL'IRED WITH APPLICATION OR PERMIT TO CONDUCT PULLTAB/TIPBOARD SALES IN SAINT PAUL (Class B Gambling License n iquor Establishments - New Application) 1. Full and complete name of organiz ti n which is applying for license � S� 2. Does your organization meet the d fi ition of a "large" organization as outlined in the November, 1988 revision of Se ti n 409.21 of �he Legislative Code? � Attach to this application pertin nt financial and/or organizational info tion to support your answer to this quest on NOTE: Only S large organizations will be allow- ed to open pulltab operations und r he revised city ordinance. If more than 5 organi- zations apply, qualified applican s ill be selected randomly by the City Council. 3. Address where games will be held � , '�'Jl' �-f- -E - / �. Number Street City Zip 4. Name of manager signing this appl ca ion who will conduct, operate and manage Gambling Games � a, �l Q ✓� Date of Birth _� (a) Length of time manager has be n ember of applicant organization ,� � !�y 5. Address of Manager � i �'� $ Number treet C' y Zip 6. Day, dates, and hours this applir ti n is for 5�„ - � �,,,� - /a:3ra•�-/�.'3d G. •r• 7. Is the applicant or organization rg nized ys��r,.,•�h�, laws.of ;Lhe State of i4N? �� ir..... �'� Date of incorporation /VC�1/�n ��vrS �' � ' � -'G�"�. Date when registered with the Sta e f Minnesota �Dt/ °�'Y1�Qr IR�S ��..zA-�' 10. How long has organization been in ex stence? 3� �,�YS ( � 11. How long has organization been in ex stence in St. Paul? �� _ U� j�� J�, �. . � �-��u 12. What is the purpose of the organi at'on? /�/��,.� ;C� apSA�,r,�� Cd�,..p(sv�. C ��.D 13. Officers of applicant organizatio : Name �Y � l0.G n2� Name O �I (/ (h'iN4 TriS�raw� Wa (o��� L.'�r►1�:,c� t;r� Address E ru,.;� � 3ti1. Address Ec4,�.,k: ,,,�i5Sy35 Title �CXi.r[,1 ,�'��✓ , DOB 1 t f Title ��ctr-c/��.G'v►� �.� DOB !J Name �1 Name � �� y��ve�.uouek C,;w,.-F Address u� s�c t � 3� Addr�ss Title �rx;_�v��=�c{� �OB � Title DOB ; , � . . (��-4�� •;�4. • t:ive names of officers, or any oth r ersons who paid for services to the organization. Name , Name Address Address Title Title (Attach sepa t sheet for additional names.) 15. Attached hereto is a list of name a d addresses of all members of the organization. 16. In whose custody will organizatio 's records be kept? � Lo r��.{�«K o ff�s� K I�f� , Name � Address � � �c� ,,�,r.e„ < -/ ' M�l�n e�,pb 1�Y� �v SSyb3 17. List all persons with the authori y o sign checks for. dispersal of gambling proceeds: Name � S.S Name � Ec���y Address ��� ��ols f � j- M�/ Address z Member of 5r'}13�v Member of DOB ��� �`f� Organization? .S DOB Organization? Name Name � Address Address Member of Meaber of DOB Organization? DOB Organization? 18. Have you read and do you thorough y nderstand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and reguiations governing the ope at on of Charitable Gambling games? �i,�s � 19. Will your organization's pulltab pe ation be operated/managed solely by members of your organization? yes no 20. Has your organization signed, or oe it intend to sign, a consulting agreement or a managerial agreement with any per on or company to assist your organizat�on with the pulltab sales and/or recording ke pi g? yes no If answer is yes, give the name a d ddress of the person and/or company contracted. Name Address Name Address If answer is yes, how will such co sultant be paid? (percentage, flat fee, gambling funds, general funds, etc.) Att h copy of said contract to this application. 21. Operator of premises where games i 1 be held: Name � 2 VYl E '� f' Business Address C�5 .1 5 Home Address � Zr r � ✓ � s-s . . � . � . � . _ ���� . ??. �r . Does your organization pay or i te d to pay accounting fees out of gambling funds? yes no b) Zf you do pay accounting fees, o hom will such fees be paid? Name Address DOB Member of Or anization? c) How are the accounting fees ch rg d out? (flat fee, hourly, etc.) d) What do you anticipate will be yo r average monthly deduction for accounting fees? 23. Amount of rent paid by applicant o ga ization for rent of the hall: � 24. The proceeds of the games will be is ursed after deducting prize layout costs and operating expenses for the followi g urposes and uses: � I � 25. Has the premises where the games re o be held been certified for occupan.:y by the City of Saint Paul? 26. Has your organization filed feder 1 orm 990—T? If answer is yes, please attach a copy with this application. If an er is no, explain why: � � o e Any changes desired by the applicant a so iation may be made only with the consent of the City Council. L ��� �` � . Organization Name Date � q �By: *� Manager in charge of game ^ � ���u-o.a - X Organization President or CEO