89-636 ` ,.-�\ � City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE N0. — RESOLIJTION RATI FYING ASSESSME T By��f��� / p LAID OVER BY COUNCIL �,� APRIL 11,� 19 9 File No. J89-OlAA Voting Assessment No: 9302 Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cos an expenses for Summary Abatements (Property Clean-Up) from mid-0 to er to Mid-December, 1988 for the following properties: 02-28-23-21-0034 896 D yt n Avenue Legally described as: Lot 2 Block 2, Browns First Addition 20-29-22-44-0118 714 H wt orne Avenue Legally described as: Lot 6, Block 10, Oak Ville Park 30-29-22-33-0124 43 W S ca ore Street Legally described as: Lots 36 and 37 Lyton's Addition QO �ln_ nn ..i __ __ __ ._ .,..,, � et . � B1 . ' 'on Preliminary Order approve� Final Order approve� A public hearing having been had upon the sse ment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having b en onsidered finally satisfactory, therefore,by it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be an th same is hereby in all respecta ratitied. RESOLVED FURTHER,That the said assessme t b and it is hereby determined to be payable in g���T_ equal installments. COUNCILPERSON Adopted by the Council: Date I�PR 1 1 1989 Yeas Dimond Nays Goswitz Certified ssed Council Secretar Long � Rettman In Fav By _ - Scheibel O j,,,�� Sonnen Against Wilson APR 121989 Mayor �BLISN�D �P R 2 2 1989 \ City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. �� t%��' Office of The Director of Finance ; f_ _ By `%.' ,�`; , .,� REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSE S ENT � ' LAID O�E� 87 �(lUNCIL TILL APRIL 11, 19 File No. J89—01M Voting Assessment No. 4342 Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for g�� �tesents (Property Claau�-Op) froa �id to r to Mid-Da�cesber, 1988 for tt� follo�ring properties s 02-28-23-21-0034 896 t Avenue Legally deacribed as: I.ot 2 Block 2, Broims'First Addition � 20-29-22--44-0118 ll�i rne Avenne Legally► deacribed �as Lot 6, Elock 10, Oak �ille Psrk 30-29-22-33-0124 43 �T 3 re Street 3�egally describ�d as; Lota 36 end 37 Lqtvn•s Addition -�4' �t . B B on Preliminary Order approve�l ~ FinalOrder approved.. � To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Director of Finance hereby reports to the C un '1 the following as a statement of the expenditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of th ab ve improvement, viz: Total construction costs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2,275.00 Engineering and Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ Valuation and Assessment Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ . .Cpmmun�z.y. .Ser.v.i,ce . - .$eCh.e.c.$.�harge. . . . . . . . $ 100.00 Abatement Service Charge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 38.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2.413.00 ChargeTo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ Net Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2.413.00 Said Director further reports that he has assesse an levied the total amount as above ascertained, tawit: the sum of $ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improve- ment, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of la d i accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attache , id ntified by the signature of the said Director, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, nd hich is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Dated Directoc of Finance v&A 2/1 /s : ��/�/ , tllrw�u� aae o��e ao�w�_ �r± �+ r 1/ , F�nance & Man�gement �ervices 2/ 4/ 9 . V���"�+7���T NO. Q42��1 ; �cT� oFr�da�cron 1 i�►vo�roa�srnrin ' �, (,1�c . R ` �a rw�o�rr a�owec.�ra+ �arr c�uc � • � euoeET o�crop Valustions b .,�as�s ts. 7Q28 =sx►��rro�r Laid; O,ver 8y,C�otinci t pz t. � Must be ia the' City Clerk's Office Monday noo' 1. . Ratification of Assessments for Su ry March 27th. i, Abatements (Prope�ty-Clean Up) from id October thru �id-D�cember: Originally part of J89-Q1A:Assessment # 9296; Now File NO J89-OlAA �4sses.sme�t #`93fl2 See Uriginal Gree� Sheet 'lto: 00�798 (A tached) '; nowsr��a�•w.a�c >> n�ronr: , . r�M.+r+o ca.�sean enm seav�cona�iss�on n�►�w onrE arr nr�rer wior�r,o. i �r+a oo�esaN �so sa�ac►+oa.eawa �sr� t�uwtEn c�sewr+ �s u _�ooti u�o,a�*i _�A o�".+�r _�+ D1ST�T�'� R He}alth Departme t ' ,�,a,,_ I sur�a�rs wrwa�oa�c�oe�crrv�� . � � � . . . . 1 �k � .. . . . _ - . . . � . I � ��T��.���s���W�V�11C1.�1M1l11�YNIBI@.��� .. . ., . . . . . . . . . . .. . � . � , ,. . .. . . .. ... . . ��� .- �. � . . -. . . . � .: . .. . . . .. I � " - ,.��, : ,. . � � . '. -. � . � . _. . . . � �. . .. - . .. . . �. . � . . . .. . .. . , i . . . .. . , . . .. I i� . . . . . . �, � . . . . . . i . . . . . �. .�����(CiOa/�11���6,�:��� . . ... �. . : . ... . . �.. .. .. . . '. .. . � �. . . ��� �: .. �. . .... .,..� � .. . �. � . . I � . � . . . � . � . . � . � . . . . i. . � . ',I . . . , .. . : . .. . : .. . . . . ' . . '� , . .. . . . . . .. . . . . _ . . . . ' ., . . � � . .... . .. . � . . - � . . . . . . . . . . . �. ...���.��4��TQ��1018�:- � '. . � .. �... ...,. . ... . . _.: .., ..._ . . . ..I : .. .. . .� ..... . .. . . :.. . . ,. � . � � - � - � . . -. � � . . � . ��. �� . . � � . . . �' . . . � . . . . � . . � � . I i .. ...� , . :. ��.� •..� ' .' . . . . � . . � �. .� : .. . : . . . .. .. . . _ . . . . .I . . . .� .. . �-��� . . �� . .;. �. . I1LT■Ipl1'BVEB: I CqIS �I _ e�, ; I I f�`�� �� {°� -,��C�1 C�t1�@f " u;�°.� k�.e�"° Eai iM$TORY/PR�EPYTS: i �, .-,��..; � L1AR ,� �.��J - ; _ . _ ��: . . ; , ,; � � � � � �� � �, ; _ --: _L- � Y� �l/ ` ��w �. ORIGINATON °•� �° °"'�`°'�`�° G R E E N SH EET No. 0 0 2 7 9 8 � �Finarice &,Manag�ement Services 12/ 3/ CONTACT PERSON DFFI1RrMEWr DwECroR MAVOn(OR ASS�SiANT) Roxanna Flink -a$' A�G fl�a�s�c�s o�nECra, �crt,,a�c NUMB R FO I�NTnCTOEPT. LpNT�CTPhpNENO. p�� Q - g��qpE�pq � Council Research (� ''aluations & Assess ents 7028 ORDE - qfy�� n the Cit Clerk's Office no �� ` dJECT/DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT/REOUEST: late t an Monday noon, January 2, 1989. Must be on the � Agen a anuary 3, 1989�. • 1. Setting the hearing date for ratifica io of assessments . .. 2. Ratification of assessments for Summ ry Abatements (Property Clean-Up) from mid-October thru mid-December, 1988 and Boarding-Up f acant buildings from September thru November, 198 - ' - J -01B 294 J 9- 2B 9295 J89-03B 9297. RECOMMENDA?IONS:(Approve(A)a Rejact(R)� COUNCIL ES RCH NEPOFT: PLANNINO COMMI$$pN CML SERVICE COMNSSION OATE IN OATE OUf AN�LY$T PNONE NO. .��J ZONING COMM13310N ISD 82S SCI�OOI BOARO .. �$TAFF CMI1pT¢q CQMYI$gpN PLETE AS IS AODL 111F0.ADOEp+ qETp TO CONTACT CONSTTTUENT - _ _FOR Ap01 INFO.* �FEE08ACK ADOEO� a��*��� A Health Departmen ,�,,,,,,w, . suPaonrs w►ucri wuroc�oaiecrnea Vacant Build].ngs 1, 2 and 3 �- tNI71ATING PHOBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Wtro,YVhat,When,Where,Why): . Who - Property owner or renter What - Health Hazard When - Various times �� . Where - Throughout the City � - Why - Health Hazard r�,' IS:.\ �"` :. �W'TIFlCATION(Cost/8�nefib,Adventagas.Rewlfs�: �-��; -;?�:= Cost recovery program to recover expenses in urred by City for Cleaning-Up garbage, debris, `��`� refuse, cutting tall grass and weeds, sho ei ng snow; sanding icy patches, boarding-up q:�.- doors and windows of vacant buildings .LC.'. �-.�". �'+� CONSECUENCES(VVhat whsn.and To WFwm): :�w:. If Council does not approve these charges G neral Fund would be required to pay the �;�:, assessment. Assessments payable over 1 y ar and collected with the taxes if not paid. -^�:- �;;; �.- ��::`.� -.�- �-.�a. ALTERNATIVES: pg CpNg `i�;:. „� ''� No alternative seen at this time :�"' �;;� .;�:.. _4 HISTORY/PRECEDENTS: -- Routine follows City policy and procedures .•.( IEGAL ISSUES: None at this time. PEAFORMANCE HISTORY OF SPONSORING FIRM/ORGANIZATION/PRINCIPALS: STAKEHOIDERS(List) POSrtWN(�.-.01 � r'Mw hSncv?Iv�NI RATONALE(Summanze M�n MgumNm) � � 164 Summa.ry Abatement . properties ? ? 69 Boarded—Up properties ? ? FINANCIAL IMPACT flnsr��a�s��.► SECOND YEAR No�s: OPERATING BUDGET: � REVENUES GENERATED ............................................................... EXPENSES: ' SalarieslFringe Benefits........................................................ Equipment.............................................................................. Supplies ................................................................................. Contracts for Service............................................................. Other �- PROFIT(LOSS) ................................................................................ • FUNDING SOURCE FOR ANY LOSS(Name and Amount) CAPITAL IMPROYEMENT BUDGET: ... . .. DESIGN COSTS................................................................................ t - � . ACOUISITION COSTS......................................:............:.................. � . CONSTRUCTION COSTS ................................................................ ;..: TOTAL .................................................................................................... SOURCE OF FUNDING(Name and Amount) - = Assessments $59,978.00 , IMPACT ON BUOGET: .. . �,' " ' AMOUNT CUFiHENTLY BUDGETED ............................. � AMOUNT IN EXCESS OF CURRENT BUDGET ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, SOURCE OF AMOUNT OVER BUDGET,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ;,:. , . ; PROPERTY TAXES GENERATED �LOST) ._,,,,,,, Payable with prop ty taxes IMPLEMENTATION RESPONSIBILITY: -� DEPT/OFFICE DIVISION FUNO TITLE � Finance & Mana ement Services Valuations & Assess ents PIR . BUOGET ACTIVITY NUMBER d TIRE . ACTIVITV MANAGER PIR 802-60002-6001-60002 Finance PIR Joan Rutten :��HOW PERFORMANCE WIl1 BE MEASURED?: n .PROGRAM 08JECTIYES: PROGRAM INDICATORS 1ST YR. 2ND YR. � EVALUATION RESPONSIBILITY: PERSON DEPT. PMONE NO. REPORT TO COUNCIL OF DATE f1RST OUARTERLY PERFORMANCE REPORT BY � � '� � ,- � r •, � � .. .� r, ' „ ,. � - -. .. .. .. -. i � , v ~ � .• o i Nc�i i a�° i c�ia � v i o i i o i i .. i i .. i = o i " i N° i n° i n° { �i � � ri i W J I 1 1 I I 1 I 1 Q .+ ! � v in in in �ii io a i a a icv io io c� i ~ � i a � ° ? a � r� c� i : z►- i ��°no°u°� i o°v°�$�i i $°n°on ! g $°n i ; oz i oo�via i oa�riv i aari.o f ri �� i P o F-� I �t lY h 1 �0 fY O� 1 f9 N�0 V N P 1 ? O 1 Q L I N N i O O 1 h f� � lY N I 1 I u.a i i i � i ° � { : � J ppJppJ � fA 1 O J ' g O O` ' �O O` 1 O P` I 1 � � W� � BgoF � . .� � � -� ! � �o � � o f . m z i o�..o � o....o � ....� '.. �S� ic`�v ~ _ � ~ i � ln ~ i � o i Z� i * i ~ � � � � * i � � i000 i000 io op io i � i W~ 1 O O O 1 8�Q 1 Q�Q I Q � 1 h 1 o a� i $°n°o iS 8 ► BxS � S 8 IP � I . Cl �� 1 . 1 . 1 . I . 1 � O I ? � W 1 �+6-Y� I '+R rf 1 .+0�Yf' .+ �n I O � Z n. � n = n i a a = � . � iz > i � � i > > _ � � � � ��1�� � ��� ' ��q� � � ". 8 = N � I �i� 1 aa0�� � �S� p4� � 1 � � � . Q' O� � QV V � QVt7 � QUU < t� � V ; C7Q I YWY ' 1 YWY � YWY Y Y I a I K QZ I �t7c) 1 CCUt) I CVt1 V 1 4. t � � �� � � �W W I �W W 1 ��W � W 1 P O I tA 1 UIfpLL 1 tAUI¢ 1 wK N � 1 1 I � J� 1 I 1 � 1 � � j . . . Z� s i i ; ; Q i ., �� i �aa i i � i � i M � � N a(Q � ' � � I � �' Q � . M y� 1 Q�� � � `� O � f � � � . � , - O F F� 1 � ►r � 1 iC O � O � �i Cl 1 (� 1 �M 1 ��S 1 � I Mqy �. �' ' 1 � � � �. K � I «�+hy- J I � J 1 C� J J 1 �p,� �� 1 4.►•O O�I I y� t0 1 S �m � 00 1 !9 � E d W 1 Ct t� 1 J 1 1 P S 1 `+ O 1 WW fY 1 J �0 1 ���0 1� = W I 1 � « � ZFW � � ; Zd�,�� K 1 � O 1 � i �k� 9 � I � 9 � 1 ��99 � � 9 � � � i n oi ano � i ' v n i �° nio�- g° i i, Z � � i i � i ; n � � � �ji ' ' ' , i ; r .. � � .. � � g � � g ! � � n i n ! n � � n { � � i i '' i � , � ,' � ` i � , p ' $� j = s • ; ' { I � 1 ' �� � 8� � � I i � � � � � � � ; � , I �� i l�9 � � � yw�� � � �� � i � � � � �w � i � i y� w `O � � 1~0M N 1 Op� � �f I 41 � � y,x t � Z � y� � = I ' 1 1 �� 01s- � � Z <� � � 1�! Z� ; � � � �� t� � �I�y fc ao i � �� � Y� 1 � ' tY ; � ' W I � �� s = � �� � � � � o � �� � �� 1 '` � ; � �& � � � g����r � � �� �i { �� ~ i � � ~ I �� � � �d � !� 8��: � � g�:: { � 8~�� I � ��� � �� I �o � � . . � , , . , � . � ,. ,- _ _ ,� ,. ,� ^ ^�; ; ^ � _ .. ,. .. _ -. - - - ���-�,�� CITY OA � saint P city Courtcil � �� � a ' ' � � �;;�ll�IIiI a Public H otice a�nd invoice � ^ Itati�icati n of ent �aa+ OWNER OR TAXPAYER CTTY COUNCIL DISTRICf# �� TO T A L P R I N T E D 0 00 0 4 DISTRICT PI.ANNING COUNCIL te FILE+� J89-OlAA ASSESSMENT# 93 02 PROPERTY ADDRESS RECEIVED PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION � O 1�p� MAR � o CITY CLE�K PURPOSE To consider ratification of the ss ssment tor SUI�Il�IARY ABATEMENT (PROPERTY CLEAN-UP) FROM MID-OGT BE THRU MID-DECEMBER, 1988. THE TIME:TUESDAY. APRIL 1 . 19 �9 AT 4: 00 A.M. PUBLIC HEARING PLACE: City Council Chambe . 3 Floor, City Hall-Court House. Written or oral statements by ny wner will be considered by the Council at this hearing. ASSESSMENT The proposed assessment for e bove property is S Your final assessment will INFORMATION be the amount ratified by the i Council at the public heanng.The amount showing on this notice is the amount that i be ng recommended to the City Council for ratification.The proposed assessment roll for t is oject is avcsilable for review in the Finance Dept Room 218, City Hall PAYMEN'T NOTE:This notice is your inv ic wi-�ich becomes due and payable upon approval ot the INFORMATION assessmenl by the City Counc Y may pery your final assessment without interest to the Department of Finance and an gement Services. Room 218. Ciry Hall-Court House within 30 dcr,�s of the City Council"s a pr val After 30 days any unpaid assessment will be certified ior collection in 1 equal inst llments with the real estate taxes beginning in 1990 with ir.terest at the rate of 9, Q per annum on the unpaid assessment balance CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE 3/2 4/8 9