89-628 WH17E - C�TV CLERK COIIRC11 /�/���/ PINK - FINANCE G I TY O A I NT PAU L � /� 7 �� 9LUERV - MAVORTMENT File NO• �+ � + � • Counc l Reso ution i 3���. �____.� Presented By ls Referred To ' �-� 1� � Committee: Date ��� �� Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE A ND D RECREATION SECTION OF THE DISTRICT 14 PLAN AS PART OF HE SAINT PAUL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN WHEREAS, the City of Saint P ul is authorized under Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.353, to carry o co prehensive municipal planning activities for guiding the future developm t nd improvement of the City; and WHEREAS, the Council of the it of Saint Paul is authorized under Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.355, t a opt or amend a Comprehensive Plan or portion thereof after a recommendati n y the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, a recreation planni g ommittee of the District 14 Community Council , drafted an amended Recreati s ction for the District 14 Plan, which is an update of the Recreation se i in the original District 14 Plan approved by the City Council in 1979 as pa of the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the District 14 Co un'ty Council , after considering comments from citizens and city departmen , pproved the amended Recreation section of the District 14 Plan and submit d 't to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commi si has reviewed and added a comment to the amended District 14 Recreation lan, and, after public hearing, has by resolution on March 10, 198 r ommended its adoption by the City Council as part of the City's Comprehe si Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL ED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby adopts the amended Dist ict 14 Recreation Plan, except for its recommendation concerning t e ossibility of property acquisition on Summit Avenue near Ramsey Junior High School as recommended by the Planning Commission, to be incorpora ed into the City's Comprehensive Plan subject to such review by the Metropolita Council as may be required by law. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond � Plannin and Economic Develo ment �ng In Fav r Goswitz Rettman 4 B sche;n�� _ Agains Y ` Sonnen ���,���� � � Wilson '� c' � _ Form App ed by City tor y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas uncil , et BY gy, Approved •� avor. at _ a1U — � Appro e by Mayor for Subm' io to C�auncil BY -- — B �U�ttSI�D JIJN 10198 , . .,� . ��r=�,�� , DEPARTM /OFFICEICOUNpL DATE INI TED �O� PED - Plannin 3/ � 89 GREEN S NO. OONTACT PER30P1�PFIONE 1 � INITIAUDATE DEPARiMENT DIRECTOR �CRY OOUNCIL Donna Drummond 228-3365 � cmn,-roR�r�,r �cr�vc��ac MU8T BE ON COUNCIL A�ENDA BY(DAT� BUD(3ET DIRECTOR �FlN. MOT.SERVICE8 DIR. No s ecific date, but A.S.A.P. �►Y�+c�� ei TOTAL#�OF SIONATURE PAOE8 2 (CLIP A L ATIONS FOR 81QNATUR� ACT10N REGUESTED: Approval by Mayor and City Council of an up ate of the Recreation section of the District 14 Plan as part of the St. Paul Comprehensi e lan. The plan update has been certified by the Pranning Comrpiisjon for a� rsea� �nihrtH � �e�ti�n of one recommendation regarding possible RECOMMENDATIONB:MP►ove(N a Relect(F�I COUNCIL COM ITTEE/RESEARCH i�PORT OPTIONAL A PWVNINO COMMI8810N _GVIL SERVICE COMMISBION ��Y� RECEIVED ���� �\ / _q8 COMMITTEE _ \/ —�� — �MENT : �IAf� 2 9 1°89 � , ,�. , —����� — ��:- MAR 2 8 1989 SUPPORTB WMICH COUNqL OB,IECTIVE9 A�OR°S OFFICE � � INfMT1N0 PF�BLEM,133UE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What.When,Whers.Why): The District 14 Community Council update t e Recreation section of the District 14 Plan, which was originally adopted by the City Co ncil in 1979. P4ost of the changes in the plan are housekeeping in nature, but there is on significant addition regarding e�cpansion of the joint use agreement at Groveland School o hat ballfields for use by the city's Parks and Recreation Division can be developed. A C. .Q. request has been submitted by District 14 and these plan revisions need to be adop ed if possible, by the time C. I.B, rankings are done (early May). ADVMITA(iE8 IF APPROVED: Will facilitate District 14' s CIB propsa , nd generally improve recreation planning in the district. DISADVANTACiEB IF APPROVED: No disadvantages apparent if approved. DIBADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: DistriEt 14' s CIB proposal would not rec iv CIB points for Comprehensive Plan compliance. More generally, as plans become older, t y ecome less useful and relevant (the current Recreation section of the plan is 10 yea o d). COLtt;�;J (�e�e�rch Cen�er I.1i�R � 1 i��� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION : � COST/REVENUE BUDQETED(CIRq.E ONE) YES NO FUNDING 80URCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANqAL INFORMATION:(EXPWI� NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO. 298-4225). . ROUTING ORDER: Below are preferred routings br the fi�re most frequent types of documents: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized COUNGL RESOLUTION (Amend, BdgtsJ budget exists) Accept. Grents) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director 2. Initiating Department 2. Budget Director 3. City Attorney 3. Ctty Attorney 4. Mayor 4. Mayor/AsaiataM 5. Finance&Mgmt Svcs. Director 5. Gty CouncU 6. Finance AccouMing 6. Chief AccouMant, Fin&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating DepaRment Director 2. Department Accountant 2. Ciry Attorney 3. Department Director 3. MayoN/�►ssistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Council 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Fin 8�Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Initiating Department 2. City Attomey 3. MayoNAssistant 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate the#of pages on which signatures are required and paperclip each of these pages. ACTION REQUESTED Describe what the project/request seeks to accomplish in either chronologi- cal order or order of importance,whichever is most appropriate for the issue.Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the iss�e in question has been preseMed before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objective(s)your projecUrequest supports by listing the key word(s)(HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIC3HBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REQUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditions that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procc�dure required by law/ chaner or whether there are specific wa in which the City of 3aint Paul and its citizens will beneHt from this pro��t/action. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or maJor changes to existing or past processes might this projecUrequest produce if it is paeaed(e.g.,traffic delays, noise, tax increases or assessments)?To Whom?When? For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What wili be the negative consequences if the promised action is not approved7 Inability to deliver service7 Continued high traffic, noise, accident rate? Loss M revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT ARhough you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it going to cost?Who is going to pay? . . . ��-���' .�: CI Y F SAINT PAUL INTERDEPA TM NTAL MEMORANDUM MEMORANDUM DATE: March 23, 1989 T0: Mayor Latimer FROM: Peggy Reichert �� � , � RE: District 14 Recreation P1 n Update: Planning Commission Action Introduction The Planning Commission has cer if ed for approval by the Mayor and City Council an update of the Recrea io section of the District 14 Plan, submitted by the District 14 Community Co nc 1 (attached) . This memo describes the basic nature of the plan revisi ns key plan issues, and the Planning Commission's decision to add a ox d comment regarding possible property acquisition near Ramsey Junior ig School. Summary and Key Plan Issues Most of the changes in the plan ar housekeeping in nature. Wording that has been deleted (dashed through) i o tdated or refers to things that have been accomplished. What has been ac om lished from the original plan is impressive and worth noting. These accomp is ments include: 1) acquisition of Mattocks School for a neighborhood park; 2) development of Edgcumbe playground into a community recreation center; 3) co struction of a new joint use gymnasium at Groveland School; and 4) develo me t of the Mississippi River Boulevard parkway, including paths and pa ki g areas. Wording that has been added to he lan (underlined) updates and refines existing plan policies and reco e dations, for the most part. There is one significant addition to the pla , ich addresses the existing agreement between the City and School Dis ri t for joint use of Groveland school and recreation center (see p. 2, th'rd aragraph) . This statement recommends that e 'oint use agreement with the School District be expanded to include al fields west of the school. The District 14 Council's intention with this re ommendation is to alleviate the critical lack of ballfield space in the 'st ict by adding more in the area west of Groveland school, which is now a phalt covered play area. This would require that the asphalt be remo ed and ballfields developed. . . . ��_��� Mayor Latimer March 23, 1989 Page Two An important impetus for doing th R creation plan update at this time was the District 14 Council's desire to s bm t the Groveland ballfield pro�ject as a C.I.B. proposal for the 1990-1991 fu ding cycle. Conformance with the comprehensive plan is one criteri n y which proposals are ranked. The Parks and Recreation Divisio st ff have reviewed this plan update. They have no ob�ections to anything co ta'ned in it. Regarding Groveland school, they agree that the site west of he school should be developed for ballfield space through expansion of the j 'nt use agreement with the School District. However, they would like to see re specific wording in the plan stating that the ballfields should be designe fo children 11 and under (because of the limited space available) and tha s ety issues should be addressed through the design of the ballfields (be us of the location near the busy intersection of St. Clair and C1 e nd) . District 14 is in complete agree en with the Parks and Recreation staff on these issues. In fact, the C.I. . roposal for the ballfield project, which was submitted on Friday, Februar 1 th (attached) , states that the ballfields would be designed for children 1 a d under and describes in detail the specific safety design features ha have been recommended by the Parks and Recreation Division. However, K th"e Tarnowski, the District 14 Community Organizer, feels that the Distri t ouncil would consider this level of specificity in the plan as unnec ss ry, and would prefer to leave the wording as is. Since the C.I.B. proposa a dresses the design and safety concerns of the Parks and Recreation Divisio , he Planning Commission agreed that adding this additional wording to the p an was unnecessary. In addition, nothing in the plan up ate appears to be in conflict with the city-wide Parks and Recreation P an adopted in 1985. There was a Planning Commission boxed comment in the ri inal plan regarding acquisition of additional property around Ramse J nior High if it became a recreation center through a joint use agreement wi h he School District. However, the updated plan eliminates the specific rec mm ndations regarding property acquisition, and softens the wording of the g ne al statement regarding the possibility of property acquisition. Even with th se changes, the Planning Commission voted to add a new "boxed comment" tha i dicates the Commission's opposition to property acquisition on Summit A en e, since this conflicts with the Summit Avenue Plan. (This comment has ee added to the plan draft attached. ) . . G��`�•��� Mayor Latimer March 23, 1989 Page Three Action RecLuested A letter from you to the City Co nc 1 is attached, which would transmit the District 14 Recreation Plan upda e nd the Planning Commission's action for the Council's consideration and pp oval. Attachments. cc: Ken Johnson � • � � p�/w4�� 0 � Di trict 14 Plan• Maca este -G el nd (Update of Recrea io section of plan. Original plan adopted in 197 b the St. Paul City Council.) RE6REA��AN PARKS AND RECREATION Recommendations The District 14 Planning Committe r viewed the Parks and Recreation Plan for St. Paul, produced by St. Paul Ci y lanning. This document supports the need/problem statements identifie b the community;-espee�a��y-wf�k-�egard-�e �ke-ee���a�-�e���ea-e€-�ke-d�s��� �, The following recommendations support the concepts and suggestions of the c t ide plan. Support the recommendation that y Junior High School be used as a eeaur��x}�y recreation center on a oi t use basis with the School District. Desired elements of the eeauflxx3Ey re reation center include: weekend use; space for non-sports recreational ac ivity (card room, meeting rooms) in addition to sports (active) space n ighborhood library room and/or space for frequent visits by the bookmobile d space for senior citizens activities. As part of the implementation of he joint use of Ramsey, it is recommended that the acauisition of additiona 1 d around Ramsey be eeqx��e� considered as it becomes available. �'ke-€e�.�ew xg ess�b��}�3es-sket���-Be-exp�e�e�-by-�l�e 6ea�xx��y-Ser�v3ees-Beper��alex�=--f �- eeaEe-Eke-€�er�Eege-r�ea�-Be�eex-Rsffisey Se�iee�-ex�-S�3E-Avext�e-Ee-p�ev4 e- dd3�ieae�-g�eexi-spaee;-f2�-Aeqe���e-El�e prepe�E�es-WesE-e€-Rea�sey-�e-Wl�ee e�- Er�eeE-Ee-ex�axd-Ba��-�3ea�eads;-pess�b�y bx��d-Eexx}s-eer��Es;-exd-f3�-Vaee e- ����ge-S�r�ee�-ead-eeqx��e-pr�e�er��}es-�e a��ey-���se-e�-b�eek-eas�-e€-Remse : PLANNING COMMISSION STATEMENT ON R ERTY ACQUISITION NEAR RAMSEY JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL (MARCH 1989) The Planning Commission supports he recommendation for joint use of Ramsey Junior High as a recreation cent , ut does not support the acquisition of any Summit Avenue houses for e s recreation center playing fields. This conflicts with the Summit A nu Plan, which seeks to preserve the residential character of Summit en e. - ��-�s-�eeega�ae�-�ka�-eaek-e€-�t�es -a �e�aa�ives-�ave�ves-ees�-aad-�ess�b�e �e�eea�}eA-e€-�eeg�e:--��-�s-s�res e� �ka�-asy-e€-�kese-a��e�xa��ves-be-p�asae� Wi�k-a€€ee�ed-g�ege��y-ewae�s:--'£k -� eega���ea-e€-�ke-P�saa�ag-6e�i��ee-�s �ka�-�ke-��esea�-Ra�sey-si�e-�s-�e -s a��-�e-adeqtia�e�y-€x�€���-��ie-spaee-xeeds e€-a-eeauat�siEy-�ee�ea£�e�-eeaEe�: Support the �e-xse maintenance of he Mattocks Sekee� Park site as a neighborhood parkj�ee�eaE�ea-eex�e -3 -��-�eee�aes-awa��ab�e. As-s�s�ed-abeve; � �t��s-a�ea-}s-sa��y-de€�e�eA�-��►-�e �e ��ea-€ae�}��3es:�-Ft���ke�-��aaa�ag-aeeds �e-be-�eae-ea-��eg�aa�ixg-aa�-e�ea� a� -e€-�ke-P4a��eeks-�e-tise: 1 . � . - . . ����,�,��' S�pger�-�l�e-p�esea�-e€€e��-Ea-exp r�d Edget�be-P�ayg�enad-El��engk-p��et�ase-axd develep�ea�-e€-�sa�-€e��e��y-e�e -b -Pa�k-Nx�se�ies:--�E-#.'-reees�ended-�ka� �We-E2�-ae�es-e€-�ke-s��e-be-xsed €e -ae��ve-�eerea��ea;-exgaad�Ag-ba}} diaeaesds;-e�e:;-asd-�ka�-as-ad�i� ea �-€ive-f��-ae�es-be-deve�epe�-as-a pass�ve;-se�gkbe�keed-pa�k-€e�-�� A� �C�Ag;-wa}k�ag;-e�e: To maintain the Edgcumbe Recreation Center Recognizing the continued shortag o funds for new construction of recreational facilities, especial y wimming pools, tennis courts, handball/racquetball courts, it i r commended that ,joint use agreements be developed between the city and pr va e institutions in the district (such as St. Paul Seminary, St. Thomas Col eg , Macalester College and St. Catherines College Nativit IHM Hol S rit S A) for part-time community use of these facilities. Sxppe��-�ke-eeas��xe��ea-s€ Maint in the new �oint use gymnasium for Groveland School and Playground. x and ' int use a eeme t to n ude the ballfields west of the school �a-ea-a��e�p�-�e-ffiake-�ke-��ve�-g �g -ffie�e-aeeess�b�e-��-�s-�eee�eAded-�ka� �ke�e-be-a-paved-Eb�aek-�eg�-Wa�k' g- a��i-a�eag-��e-b�t�€€-w�e�e-€eeE-pa��is p�eseaE�y-ex�s�:--S�eps-e�-gaved- a� -sket��d-�ea�-€�e�-S���-Aveaxe-asd-S�: 6�a#�-�e-�t�e-Rfve�: Where it is impossible (or imprac ic ) to acquire large parcels of land for recreational use, sae�i-as-�ke-a�e -b aded-by-St�ai�;-Sae���ag;-S�:-6�ai�-aA� fl�e-Ske�'�-��ae; it is suggested t t mall parcels (one and two single family lots and commercial property) be q red and used as green space or as tot lots. Maintenance could be a joi e fort between the city Co�unity Services Department and the existing neigh r od organization. To expand tot lots Problems and Issues Identified FACILITIES AND SPACE Existing buildings (Edgcumbe and G ov land) need to be open longer hours and need additional personnel for prog a ing. There is a critical lack of park a d layground space in �Y�e-eeaE�a�-�e���ea-e€ the district;-bexaded-by-St���-Av AH ;-Fg}Zry;eW;-RgR�6���1-8A�-SR2���Ag. �e�e-�s-a-�aek-e€-�aa�-e��aeea�-� -� ayg�e�ads-€e�-�e�-�e�s-aR�-gass}ve �ee�ea�iea: There is a ack f a k nd recreation s ac fo assive u e ballfields soccer fields bike tr il and tot lots Ex�s��ag-�a��-d�a�aea�s-a�-Edget�be P� yg�exa�-a�e-�ee-sffie��. Existing ballfields at Groveland Recreation Ce ter are inade uate Both Edgcumbe and Groveland Playgr un s have inadequate equipment: balls, bats, etc. Ade uate maintenance m st be rovided in ex anded and or 'oint use facilities. Space is needed for non-ae�ive ath et c recreation activities at the neighborhood level: craft rooms, ee ing rooms, etc. 2 � . �. .� . ��-b�� There is need for additional non- pe �s athletic programming for a�x�fs-aa� �eeas all a�e groups, for discuss on groups, crafts, etc. Activity space is needed for seni r itizens, so that programs could be consistently run out of one or tw n ghborhood facilities. S ace is needed for da ca e e s a need fo reschoo o anize activities and ro rammin both hl tic and non-at letic Goals and Ob3ectives To increase opportunities for acti e ecreation. To increase opportunities for pass ve recreation. To minimize the conflicts resultin f om children and adults using the same recreation facilities at the same im . For children, to e�ea�e-aa-add���e a� maintain a neighborhood recreation eer��e� s ace in the central portion of th d strict. For adults, to develop a community re reation center which would serve the entire district. �e-�ake-�ke-��ve�-ge�ge-sa€e�-a�d- e� -aeeessfb�e: To maintain the green space along it Avenue. To clarify the circumstances under wh'ch the community may use the open space and recreational facilities owned y acalester, St. Paul Seminary, St. Thomas College, and St. Catherine's Colle e. To create recreational open space ro public land presently used for other purposes such as traffic triangles n street rights-of-way. Background/Discussion/Rationale In reviewing the city's Park and Re re tion Plan, the District 14 Planning Committee met with staff from the P rk Department, the Planning Division, members of the Groveland Boosters C ub and the Highland-Groveland Recreation Association (HGRA) . The above reco e dations are a result of these meetings and the comments and suggestions wh ch surfaced after the preliminary plan draft. The addition of new park/pl yg ound space as it becomes available in the Snelling-Fairview corridor was ee by the community as a high priority recommendation evolving from the pl nn ng process. Expansion of existing facilities at Edgcumbe and Grovelan P aygrounds were also considered important goals, Recreation is a pastime, diversion, ex rcise, or other resource affording relaxation and enjoyment. It inclu es passive activities such as strolling along the river or Summit Avenue, a w 11 as active sports, e.g. , tennis and softball. Of primary concern in Di tr'ct 14 is the lack of park, playground and open space land. At present, M tt ks Edgcumbe and Groveland are the only playgrounds. There are no parks wi i the district, although Summit Avenue and the Mississippi River bluff pro id some visual relief and welcome green . . . . _ . ������� space. �ke-area-�es�-�aek�ng-ia-Ae gk e�keed-�a�k-aad-p�ayg�et�ad-spaee-is bet�aded-by-Fa��vieW;-St�ai�;-Sae��i g- A�-R8R�9���'i:--��s-eea��a�-pa��-e€-�ke dis���e�-is-gresea��y-ae�-se�ved-by a- eigkbe�t�sed-�ee�ea��ea-eeaEe�;-�ka�-�s; a-€ae��f�y-desfgaed-fe-p�evfde-befk et� �t��a�-aad-a�1��eE#e-aeE�vf��es;-p�f�a�i�y €e�-p�e-�eesage-ekf�d�es: � In 1988 we find this to be a recre ti n oor area. Due to lack of s ace the Groveland facilit should be anal z d or recreation s ace use 4 �� • CI 1r,�F�AINT RAUL 1990/1991�UNIFIED CAPITAL IMPROVE PROCRAM ANO BUOGET PROF�OSAL FORM PROJECTTITLE West 6roveland Ballf el 5 PROPOSER (agency o�groupJ Di stri ct 4 onmuni ty Counci 1 ADDRESS 320 South Griggs Street Z�p 55105 CONTACT PERSON K PHONE NUMBER (day) _ (evening) A I Address and cross streets Boundaries Citizen Participation District(s) Material�equi�ed by Policy PS is attached (see lnstnuctloris) . will be submitted by March 30, 1989 PROPOSAI DESCRIPTION (be speciJic abou the details o/the proposal, induding dimensions, type ol construction, special/eatures, etc.) Development of ballfields for child n 1 years of age and under. This proposal includes reiaoval of the existing as al {which is in hazardous condition), sodding, ten foot high hooded backstops, & . 1 'gh ing. The fields should be oriented to the northwest and southeast corners, awa f om the intersection, withfence openings away from where play will be concentrated so that kids will slow down and look for traffic should they be attempting to retreiv a ball from the street. PROPOSAI JUSTIFlCATION (be Speci/ic but Con 'se 'n exp/aining why the poposed pro%ect is needed) Service Area 6 has the least recreat on acreage per capita of any recreation service area in the city. Between the recreation en rs and the Highland Groveland Recreation Association, all the available ballfi ld are always scheduled. This field could be used for youth T-ball, baseball , and c r if the field were not in such poor condition. Improving this field wo ld elp alleviate the serious needs for ballfield space in the-Macalester-Groveland area. " The field is owned by the St. Paul Sch ol . If a study �rhich is going on now does not result in a decision to build an addit'on on to Groveland Elementary School , the St. Paul Schools wou]d be amenable to expansion of the existing joint use agreenent to include the field west of the school. BUDGET OFFlCE USE Date recei�al.• ACT CODE to task torce; . to department: ed to d�strict(s): - - ' P ECT NUMBER . . � . . ������ . ��t'�. GITY O AINT PAUL �+ ; o s OFFI E F THE MAYOR � i�=�'i t 1° s' a +• �o ,.., 47 ITY HALL SAINT P UL MINNESOTA 55102 GEORGELAT'IMER (61 ) 298-4323 MAYOR March 27, 1989 Council President James Scheibel and Members of the City Council City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Amended Recreation Section f he District 14 Plan Dear President Scheibel and Memb rs of the City Council: Attached is a copy of the amende R creation section of the District 14 Plan, submitted by the District 14 Co un ty Council. The original District 14 Plan was approved by the City Council in 1979 as part of the City's Comprehensive Plan. Most of the changes in the plan re housekeeping in nature. Wording that has been deleted (dashed through) is ou dated or refers to things that have been accomplished. What has been acc p ished from the original plan is impressive and worth noting. These accompl'sh ents include: 1) acquisition of Mattocks School for a neighborhood park; ) velopment of Edgcumbe playground into a community recreation center; 3) ns ruction of a new joint use gynmasium at Groveland School; and 4) develop nt of the Mississippi River Boulevard parkway. Wording that has been added to th p an (underlined) updates and refines existing plan policies and recomm nd tions, for the most part. There is one significant addition to the plan, wh ch addresses the existing agreement between the City and School Distr ct for joint use of Groveland school and recreation center (see p. 2, thir p ragraph) . This statement recommends that th j int use agreement with the School District be expanded to include b 11 ields west of the school. The District 14 Council's intention with this ec mmendation is to alleviate the critical lack of ballfield space in the di tr ct by adding more in the area west of Groveland School, which is now an as halt covered play area. District 14 has submitted a C.I.B. request this f nd ng cycle for construction of these ballfields. The Planning Commission has revie ed the amended plan and after a public hearing, certified the plan for a op ion by the City Council as part of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The P an ing Commission resolution is attached. There is one recommendation in th p an, regarding the possible acquisition of property near Ramsey Junior High ch ol, that the Planning Commission did not fully agree with and to which it as added a comment (inserted in plan draft) . As it has done with district plan i the past, the Planning Commission recom- .a . . ����z� Council President Scheibel and Mem er of the City Council March 27, 1989 Page Two mends that the Council adopt the p an with this "boxed comment" inserted. In this way, District 14's recommenda io is shown in the plan but it will not be adopted as a policy in the City's om rehensive Plan. I commend the District 14 Communit C uncil on its efforts to update the Recreation section of the District 14 Plan. I am pleased to transmit the plan, as certified by the Planning Co ission, and a proposed Council resolution adopting the plan, for ou considertation. Very truly yours, � Geo e Latimer May GL/dd Attachments cc: Peggy Reichert, Planning Div' io Robert Piram, Parks and Recr ti n Division Tom Kayser, President, Distr" t 4 Community Council +:<<,. -,: i ct 14 an• Mac este -Gro 1 d (Update of Recreat on section of plan. Original plan adopted in 197 b the St. Paul City Council.) RE6REA��AN PARKS AND RECREATION Recommendations The District 14 Planning Committee re iewed the Parks and Recreation Plan for St. Paul, produced by St. Paul Cit P anning. This document supports the need/problem statements identified by the community;-esgee#a��y-W��k-�ega�d-�e �ke-eea��a�-ge��iea-e€-�ke-d�s��ie . The following recommendations support the concepts and suggestions of the ci yw de plan. Support the recommendation that se Junior High School be used as a ee�r�x��y recreation center on a j in use basis with the School District. Desired elements of the ee�ttx��y ec eation center include: weekend use; space for non-sports recreational ct vity (card room, meeting rooms) in addition to sports (active) space; ne ghborhood library room and/or space for frequent visits by the bookmobile; an space for senior citizens activities. As part of the implementation of t e oint use of Ramsey, it is recommended that the acquisition of additional Z d around Ramsey be aeqe���ed considered as it becomes available. �'l�e-€e��ew� - ss}b}�3�3es-s1�ex�d-8e-exp�e�e�-by-�ke 6e��s3�y-Se�v�ees-Bepe��atex�=--f� -V a�e-El�e-€�eaEege-r�esd-BeEWeer�-Raaisey Sekee�-ax�-S��E-Avex�e-Ee-��ev�d _e ��}eae�-g�eex-s�aee�-E2�-Aeqx}�e-�ke ��e�e�E�es-r.►esE-s€-Raaesey-£e-W�iee� - �ee�-Ee-expertd-�a�.�-��ea�ex�s;-pess�b�y bt���d-�exx}s-eer�r�s;-ax�-E3j-Veee� -6 b�}�ge-SEr�eeE-aad-aeqx�re-pr�e�er�6�es-Ee a��ey-��r�e-ea-B�eek-eas�-e€-Raalsey: PLANNING COMMISSION STATEMENT ON P OP RTY ACQUISITION NEAR RAMSEY JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL (MARCH 1989) The Planning Commission supports t e ecommendation for joint use of Ramsey Junior High as a recreation center b t does not support the acquisition of any Summit Avenue houses for us a recreation center playing fields. This conflicts with the Summit Ave ue Plan, which seeks to preserve the residential character of Summit Av nu . ��-�s-�eeegxise�-�ka�-eaek-e€-�kese a� e�aa��ves-3ave�ves-eesE-aad-pessib}e �e�eea��ea-e€-geeg�e:--��-�s_s��ess �- ka�-aay-e€-�Y�ese-a3.�e�ga��ves-be-p�aase� W��k-a€€ee�e�-g�ege��y-ewae�s:--'£ke �e eg����ea-e€-�ke-P�a�s}ag-6e����ee-is �ka�-�ke-g�esea�-Ra�sey-s��e-�s-�ee sffi ��-�e-a�eqxa�e�y-€x�€}��-�ke-sgaee-aeeds e€-a-eea�xxi�y-�ee�ea��ea-eea�e�: Support the �e-t�se maintenance of t e attocks Sekee� Park site as a neighborhood parkf�ee�ea�fea-eea�e�' �€ ��-�eeeffies-avai�ab�e. As-s�aEed-abeve; �l�is-a�ea-�s-sad�y-�e€�e�ea�-�a-�ee ea �ex-€ae�����es:--Ft���ke�-��aaaiag-aee�s �e-�e-deae-ea-g�eg�as��r�g-aad-e�e�e �s e€-�ke-Ma��eeks-�e-t�se: Sxppe��-�ke-p�eseA�-e€€eFE-Ee-exg d Edget�be-P�ayg�e�ad-�k�eag�-gn�e�ase-eAd deve�egmex�•e€-�aad-€e�me��y-e�e -b -Pa�k-�n�se��es:--�E-fs-�eee�eaded-��aE �ve-E2�-ae�es-e€-��e-s��e-be-xsed-€e -ae��ve-ree�ea��ea;-expaRd�ag-ba}} dia�eads;-eEe:;-and-EkaE-aa-ad�i� a �-€ive-E��-ae�es-be-deve�eged-as-a passfve;-ae#g�be��eed-pa�k-€e�-p# � �ag;-Wa}k#ag;-e�e; To maintain the Edecumbe Recreation Center Recognizing the continued shortag o funds for new construction of recreational facilities, especiall s imming pools, tennis courts, handball/racquetball courts, it is re ommended that joint use agreements be developed between the city and pri at institutions in the district (such as St. Paul Seminary, St. Thomas Coll ge, Macalester College and St. Catherines College Nativit IHM Hol S rit SP ) for part-time community use of these facilities. S�pge��-��e-eeAS���e��ea-s€ Mainta n he new �oint use gymnasiwn for Groveland School and Playground. x and the o nt use a reeme t t inc ude the ballfields west of the school �A-aa-a��e���-�e-ffiake-�ke-�#ve�-ge ge �e�e-aeeess���e-��-fs-�eee�eade�-�ka� ��e�e-be-a-�ave�-f��sek-�eg�-Wa�k� g- a��-a�eag-��e-b��€€-W�e�e-€ee�-ga��s g�esea��y-exis�:--S�eps-e�-�ave�-g �� -s�e���-�ead-€�effi-St���-Avea�e-aad-S�: 6�a��-�e-��e-R�ve�: Where it is impossible (or impract ca ) to acquire large parcels of land for recreational use, sxe�-as-��e-a�ea be a�e�-by-S���;-Sae���ag;-S�:-6�ai�-aa� �ke-S�e��-�iae; it is suggested th t mall parcels (one and two single family lots and commercial property) be a qu red and used as green space or as tot lots. Maintenance could be a join e fort between the city Community Services Department and the existing neighb rh od organization. To expand tot lots Problems and Issues Identified FACILITIES AND SPACE Existing buildings (Edgcumbe and Gr ve and) need to be open longer hours and need additional personnel for progr mm'ng. There is a critical lack of park an p ayground space in ��e-eeaE�a�-�e�E�ea-e€ �he district;-�e�a�e�-�y-St���-Ave �e -Fa��v�eW;-Ra��e�p�-aa�-Sae}}��g, �ke�e-is-a-�aek-e€-�aa�-e��aeea�-�e p� yg�exads-€e�-�e�-�e�s-aa�-gass�ve �ee�ea��ea: There 's a lack o a a d ecreat'on ace for assive use ballfields soccer fields bike tra ls and tot lots. Ex�s��ag_�a}}_���ea�s-a�-E�get�e�e- �a g�exa�-a�e-�se-sffia��. Existine ballfields at Groveland Recreation en er are inade uate. Both Edgcumbe and Groveland Playgro nd have inadequate equipment: balls, bats, etc. Ade uate maintenance mu t e rovided in ex anded and or 'oint use facilities. Space is needed for non-ae�ive athl ti recreation activities at the neighborhood level: craft rooms, m et ng rooms, etc. 2 There is need for additional non-sg �f athletic programming for ad���s-aad �eeAS all age �roups, for discussio g oups, crafts, etc. Activity space is needed for senior ci izens, so that programs could be consistently run out of one or two ei hborhood facilities. ace s needed or da care Ther i a need fo e c o0 or anized activities and ro rammin both at le ic and non-athletic Goals and Objectives To increase opportunities for activ r creation. To increase opportunities for passi e ecreation. To minimize the conflicts resulting fr m children and adults using the same recreation facilities at the same t me For children, to e�ea�e-as-ad����ea � aintain a neighborhood recreation eex�e� space in the central portion of the di trict. For adults, to develop a coaumunity ec eation center which would serve the entire district. �e-�ake-�ke-�fve�-ge�ge-sa€e�-a��-ffi �e aeeess#b�e: To maintain the green space along S t Avenue. To clarify the circumstances under hi h the community may use the open space and recreational facilities owned b M calester, St. Paul Seminary, St. Thomas College, and St. Catherine's Colleg . To create recreational open space f om public land presently used for other purposes such as traffic triangles nd street rights-of-way, Background/Discussion/Rationale In reviewing the city's Park and Re re tion Plan, the District 14 Planning Committee met with staff from the P rk Department, the Planning Division, members of the Groveland Boosters C ub and the Highland-Groveland Recreation Association (HGRA) . The above reco e dations are a result of these meetings and the comments and suggestions wh ch surfaced after the preliminary plan draft. The addition of new park/pl yg ound space as it becomes available in the Snelling-Fairview corridor was ee by the community as a high priority recommendation evolving from the pl nn' g process. Expansion of existing facilities at Edgcwnbe and Grovelan P aygrounds were also considered important goals. Recreation is a pastime, diversion, ex cise, or other resource affording relaxation and enjoyment. It inclu es assive activities such as strolling along the river or Summit Avenue, a w 11 as active sports, e.g. , tennis and softball. Of primary concern in Di tr t 14 is the lack of park, playground and open space land. At present, M tt ks Edgcumbe and Groveland are the only playgrounds. There are no parks wi i the district, although Summit Avenue and the Mississippi River bluff pro ide some visual relief and welcome green space. �ke-e�ea-aes�-�aek#�g-�a-Ae g� e��eed-pa�k-aad-p�ayg�e�Rd-s�aee-3s be�aded-by-Fa��vieW;-St���;-Sae��i g- A�-RaR�9���:--�►�s-eea��a�-pa��-e€-Eke disE�#ef-�s-��esea��y-se�-se�ved-by a- eig�be��eed-�eerea�#ea-eea�e�;-��a�-�s; a-€ae��f�y-desigaed-�e-g�ev�de-be�k e� ���s�-aad-a�k�e��e-ae��v���es;-p���a�#�y €e�-p�e-�eeaage-e���d�ea: n 1988 we find this to be a recre ti n oor area Due to lack of s ace the Groveland facilit should be anal z d or rec eation s ace use ► city of saint paul planr�ng comrnission r lution file number 89-12 �te March 10. 1989 WHEREAS, the District 14 Comm ni y Council has submitted to the Planning Commission for its considerat on an amended version of the Recreation section of the District 14 Plan, whic w s originally approved by the City Council in 1979 as part of the City's Co pr hensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the updated Recreati lan as submitted is based on recommendations of the Area B Recreation Advi Committee, which is a citizen committee advisory to the City's Parks d ecreation Division, and whose boundaries (Area B) are nearly identical o hose of District 14; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commissi n eld a public hearing on the amended Recreation section of the plan on March 10, 1989; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commissi n as reviewed the Recreation plan amendments in light of citywide plans and co ents from people who spoke at the Planning Commission public hearing; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commissio s pports the Recreation plan amendments as submitted, except for the reco en ation concerning possible acquisition of property on Summit Avenue near am ey Junior High School for use as recreation center playing fields (paragrap 3 of amended plan) ; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, th t the Planning Commission certifies the amended Recreation section of t e istrict 14 Plan, and recommends its adoption by the City Council as a of the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Saint Paul, with the provision at the Planning Commission's attached comment on the above matter be inserted n he amended version of the District 14 Recreation Plan. moved by ZIEMAN �►«'�]d � HIRTE in favor- against- � � , Planning Commission Resolutio N . 89-12 (Attachment) The Planning Commission sup or s the recommendation for joint use of Ramsey Junior High Schoo a a recreation center, but does not support the acquisition of ny Summit Avenue houses for use as recreation center playing fields. Thi c nflicts with the Summit Avenue Plan, which seeks to preserve the re idential character of Summit Avenue. .-. Members: (i���—�°°Z� .��u�- . Bill Wilson, chair � F �CITY OF INT PAUL Tom Dimond �`������ � 1 � Kiki Sonnen � e�� r:a f r OFFICE OF FI CITY COIINCIL - Date: May 24, 1989 WILLIAM L. WILSON ' Committ e Report ��E�VED MARK VOERDING COUnCilman Legislative Aide MAY 2 5 i989 To: Saint Paul City Council CITY CLERK From : Housing and Econo i Development Committee Biil Wilson, Chair 1. Approval of Minutes MINUTES of the APRIL 26, 1989, comm' te meeting were APPROVED 2. Resolution approving the reappointme ts by the Mayor of Gerald Beedle, Robert Reistad, Thomas Delaney and J me Yannarely to serve on the Examining Board of Truth-in-Housing va uators (C.F. 89-602) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 3. Resolution adopting the amended Recr at on Section of the District 14 Plan as part of the St. Paul Comprehensiv P an (C.F. 89-628) CO�ITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 4. Resolution authorizing proper City o fi ials to execute an agreement with the City of Minneapolis agreeing to 0o erate in the participation with the Twin City Area Urban Corps Program C. . 89-690) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 5. Resolution authorizing proper City o fi ials to execute an agreement with Ramsey County agreeing to cooperate n he participation with the Twin City Area Urban Corps Program and appropr at ng funds to the adninistration of said program (C.F. 89-691) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 6. Resolution adopting the 1988-1991 Ho si g Assistance Plan and providing for the development of a new Housing Pla e ement of the Comprehensive Plan (C.F. 89-708) . - COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, WITH DMENTS (AMENDED PLAN TO BE AVAILABLE BY COU CI MEETING FOR APPROVAL) (Continued - 2 Suspensi n tems) CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR S NT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-4645 s as Page Two Committee Report - May 24, 1989 HOUSING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Bill Wilson, Chair SUSPENSION ITEMS: Resolution for referral of Highwood Task Force Report to Planning Commission COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Resolution approving Port Authority action on $3,375,000 revenue bond issue for the H.M. Smyth Company, Inc. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL . -�