99-104Council File � �� �' t0� ORIGINAL Presenten By Referred To Cor,unittee: Date �� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 WHEREAS, in an effort to close out prior yeaz Capital Pmject sewer accounts (Other than CSSP) there is a need for technical adjustments, and WHEREAS, these adjustments consist of additional revenues not included in the original budget as well as some revenue sources that came in lower than anticipated at time of adoption and adjustments to sewer funding sources for 1998 RSVP and Major Sewer Repairs, and WAEREAS, the Department of Public Works is recommending the following changes to resolve these conditions and to allow for the closing of Capital Projects, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Comuuttee, that the Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by thi.s Council is hereby further amended in the following,particulaz: Current Amended Budget Changes Budget FINANCING PLAN Sewer Avail. Credits C91-2T951 Residual Equity 14-f In SPENDING PLAN Sewer Avail. Credits C91-2T951 Intrafund Transfer Out FINANCING PLAN Inflow/Infiltration Con C92-2T670 Sewer Service Fund RESOLIlTION Green Sheet � 32372 ITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 645,275.00 -645,275.00 0.00 648,275.00 -645,275.00 0.00 648,275.00 -648,275.00 0.00 648,275.00 -645,275.00 0.00 490,175.08 -209,519.19 280,655.89 490,175.08 -209,519.19 280,655.89 ORlGINAL 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 SO S1 82 83 S4 85 86 87 SS 89 90 91 92 93 SPENDING PLAN Inflow/Infiltration Corr C92-2T670 Construction 490,175.08 -209,519.19 280,655.89 490,175.OS -209,519.19 250,655.89 FINANCING PLAN Inflow/Infiltration Corr C93-2T671 1993 PIA 36,535.00 36,535.00 Miscellaneous 11,024.86 11,024.56 Sewer Serviee F�nd 1,037,701.00 -1,800.08 1,035,900.92 Assessment 27,966.41 27,966.41 1,113,22727 -1,SOO.OS 1,111,427.19 SPENDING PLAN InflowQnfiltration Corr C93-2T671 Construction 1,113,22727 -1,800.08 1,111,427.19 1,113,227.27 -1,800.08 1,111,427.19 FINANCSNG PLAN InflowQnfiltration Corr C94-2T672 Sewer Service F�nd 907,258.42 -9,290.53 897,997.59 907,285.42 -9,290.53 897,997.89 SPENDING PLAN Inflow/Infiltration Corr C94-2T672 Construction 907,288.42 -9,290.53 897,997.89 907,288.42 -9,290.53 897,997.59 FINANCING PLAN Inflow/Infiltration Corr C95-2T673 1995 PIA 17,130.50 17,130.50 Assessment 2S,3S6.36 -419.95 27,966.41 Sewer Serviee Fund 986,253.00 -33,097.08 953,155.92 1,031,769.56 -33,517.03 998,252.83 SPENDING PLAN Inflow/Infiltration Corr C95-2T673 Construction 1,031,769.56 -33,517.03 998,252.83 1,031,769.86 -33,517.03 998,252.53 aq - to�t 2 OR(GINAL 94 FINANCING PLAN 95 InflowlInfiltration Corr 96 C96-2T674 97 98 State Emergency 99 FEMA 100 University of Minnesota 101 Ramsey County 102 Sewer Service Fund 103 104 105 SPENDING PLAN 106 Inflow/Infiltration Corr 107 C96-2T674 lOS 109 Construction 110 111 112 FINANCING PLAN ll3 Inflow/Infiltration Corr 114 C97-2T675 115 116 Ramsey County 117 City of Maplewood 11S Sewer Service Fund 119 120 121 SPENDING PLAN 122 Inflow/Infiltration Corr 123 C97-2T675 124 125 Construction 126 127 128 129 FINANCING PLAN 130 Sewer Service Conn Rprs 131 C93-2T656 132 133 1997 PIA 134 Assessment 135 136 137 138 SPENDING PLAN 139 Sewer Service Conn Rprs 140 C93-2T656 141 142 Construction 143 2,073.00 2,073.00 10,366.00 10,366.00 82,080.10 82,080.10 27,757.77 27,757.77 1,651,003.79 -7,559.57 1,643,44422 1,773,310.66 -7,559.57 1,765,751.09 1,773,310.66 -7,559.57 1,765,751.09 1,773,310.66 -7,559.57 1,765,751.09 15,656.00 15,656.00 49,370.00 49;370.00 3,671,501.63 261,266.45 3,932;7SS.OS 3,736,527.63 261,266.45 3,997;994.OS 3,736,527.63 261,266.45 3,997,794.08 3,736,527.63 261,266.45 3,997,794.08 0.00 11,565.87 11,865.87 24,902.15 -7,985.72 16,916.43 24,902.15 3,SS0.15 28,782.30 24,902.15 3,880.15 28,782.30 24,902.15 3,580.15 28,782.30 �tq' � 3 ORIGINAL 144 FINANCING PLAN 145 Sewer Service Conn Rprs 146 C95-2T658 147 14S Assessment 44,500.00 -7,19929 37,300.71 149 44,500.00 -7,19929 37,300.71 150 151 SPENDING PLAN 152 Sewer Service Conn Rprs 153 C95-2T658 154 155 Construction 44,500.00 -7,19929 37,300.71 156 44,500.00 -7,19929 37,300.71 157 158 159 FINANCING PLAN 160 Local StreeUAlley/Sewer/Ltg Impr 161 C97-2T695 162 163 Assessments 284,029.50 284,029.50 164 1997 PIA 31,145.40 -11,565.87 19,282.53 165 315,177.90 -11,865.87 303,312.03 166 167 SPENDING PLAN 168 Local StreeUAlley/Sewer/Ltg Impr 169 C97-2T695 - 170 171 Construction 315,177.90 -11,S65.S7 303,312.03 172 315,177.90 -11,865.87 303,312.03 173 174 175 FINANCING PLAN 176 Sewer System Rehab Program 177 C9S-2T920 178 179 PFA 4,714,874.04 -199,675.00 4,515,199.04 1S0 Sewer Gen. Oblig. Bonds 555,125.96 -403,805.33 151,320.63 181 5,300,000.00 -603,480.33 4,696,519.67 182 183 184 1S5 SPENDING PLAN 186 Sewer System Rehab Program 187 C9&2T920 18S 189 Construction 5,30Q000.00 -603,450.33 4,696,519.67 190 5,300,000.00 -603,480.33 4,696,519.67 ag - lo�{ � ORIGINAL 191 FINANCING PLAN 192 Residential Street Paving - 98 193 C98-2T552 194 195 AssessmentBond 196 Assessment 197 City of Falcon Heights 198 Sewer Repair Fund 199 Sewer G.O. Bonds 200 Sewer Service Fund 201 Water Utility 202 Pazks Dept 203 PIA 1998 204 CIB 1998 205 CIB 1995 206 207 SPENDING PLAN 208 Residential Street Paving - 98 209 C9S-2T552 210 211 212 Construction 213 214 215 FIlVANCING PLAN 216 Major Sewer Rprs-97 217 C97-2T631 21S 219 Sewer Repair Fund 220 Assessment 221 222 223 SPENDING PLAN 224 Major Sewer Rprs-97 225 C97-2T631 226 227 Construction 228 229 230 FINANCING PLAN 231 Major Sewer Rprs-96 232 C96-2T619 233 234 Sewer Repair Fund 235 236 237 SPENDING PLAN 238 Major Sewer Rprs-96 239 C96-2T619 240 241 Construction 242 2,530,000.00 2,530,000.00 75,768.67 75,765.67 195,05629 195,05629 762,006.06 -435,800.96 326,205.10 173,505.33 173,505.33 199,675.00 199,675.00 468,32929 468,32929 17,730.00 17,730.00 58,901.15 88,901.15 6,940,000.00 6,940,000.00 497,219.07 497,219.07 11,575,010.53 -62,320.63 11,512,659.90 11,575,010.53 -62,320.63 11,512,689.90 11,575,010.53 -62,320.63 11,512,689.90 1,297,675.00 -177,963.59 1,119,711.41 71,500.00 71,500.00 1,297,675.00 -106,463.59 1,191,211.41 1,297,675.00 -106,463.59 1,191,211.41 1,297,675.00 -106,463.59 1,191,211.41 1,263,404.35 -359,360.74 904,043.61 1,263,404.35 -359,360.74 904,043.61 1,263,404.35 -359,360.74 904,043.61 1,263,404.35 -359,360.74 904,043.61 5 qa-(o4 ORIGINAL 243 FINANCING PLAN 244 Major Sewer Repairs 245 C98-2T632 246 247 Sewer Service F�nd 666,395.78 466,39912 1,132,794.90 24S Sewer Availability Credits 0.00 249 666,395.75 466,399.12 1,132,794.90 250 SPENDING PLAN 251 Major Sewer Repairs 252 C98-2T632 253 254 Construction 666,395.78 466,39912 1,132,794.90 255 666,395.75 466,399.12 1,132,794.90 256 257 FINANCING PLAN 25S Major Sewer Repairs 259 C99-2T633 260 261 Sewer G.O. Bonds 230,000.00 262 Sewer Seryice Fund 1,255,000.00 537,324.33 1,792,324.33 263 Sewer Availability Credits 120,000.00 648,275.00 768,275.00 264 1,375,000.00 1,415,599.33 2,560,599.33 265 SPENDING PLAN 266 Major Sewer Repairs 267 C99-2T633 268 269 Construction 1,375,000.00 1,415,599.33 2,790,599.33 270 _ r eCa^ztal?zf'^='6�'�r'�;� 75,000.00 1,415,599.33 2,790,599.33 ^, �'s. i aul i.ong • rxe�g E?ad.aei i:om ; i.?�° aeceived Yhis xe xu--st �,a I 9 , r -- „_ a�c: asccn.ne°.a_ tASta) Mnr� �• — ,. , . — qq-�oy g;gnad: �"j� ` Approved by: �` tr 1 r of FSnancial Services Requested by Department of: Adopti Certified by Council Secretary By: � d-- � ).te��.a—r - �-�—. Approved }�}�—P4�yor: Date /�//d�` ��� By: E3`a13ab Public Works 12/30/98 gy: Gt/eF.G� C � /�...-�. Form Approved by Ci y Atto n ,,, �.� � Mayor for Submission to Council Adopted by Council: Date �.eQr . T�`1 r�bli� works Ed Warn 266-6142 MUST BE ON COUNQLAGENDA BY (DA"f� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 12/30/98 � ASSIGN NUMBERFOR ROIfiING i / GREEN SHE T �NO �2372 1} IndiaVDa�e IndiaVDate �l � `� • DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR ❑ CITYATTORNEY ❑ FINANCIALSER4 � . -" �� � ��❑CffYCLERK � ❑ FINANCIALS ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REOUESTED Approval of attached Council Resolu[ion amending and/or closing the spending and financing plans for various sewer CSSP). � RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve (A) or Re�ec[ (R) pBCOMMITTEE � CMLSEFVICECOMMISSION PERSONALSERVICECONTRAC7SMU5TANSWERTHEFOLLOWINGQ ESTIONS: 1 1 1. Has this persoNfirtn ever worked under a contract for this departmeni? VES NO 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this personRirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curtent city employee? YES NQ �' �� than � I 4. Is ihis persoNfirtn a iargeted vendoR INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITV (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE. WHI�: YES NO �n a continued effort by Public Works to close out prior yeaz capital projects, this resolution closes out those Sewer Projects older than 1997. Public Works is recommending transfer of resulting surpluses of sewer funding to 1999 Major Sewer Repairs and 1997 Inflow/Infil[ration project (the final year of this program). ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: - These accounts can be closed out and resulting sewex funding surpluses transferred to 1999 Sewer Repairs and 1997 InflowQnfiltration project (the final yeaz of this program). The Public Works capital projects will be moxe current and [he number of open projects will be reduced. RECEIVED DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. None. MAYOR'S OFrfCE DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED' The prior yeaz capital project accounts will remain on the books and surpluses and/or deficits will not be realized or brought forwazd. fOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ $86,49320 FlINDMG SOURCE Asmt, PIA, Sewer Serv Fund, Sew Rev Bnds FINANCIAL INFORMATION (E%PLAIN) COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ON� YES No ACTNffY NUMBER VariOUS CPL PiojeCtS �Ni:?Svei . i::',....u.�l 3 F^a....:. i a i i 5 d�''� .a��sk � � :,a�� Council File � �� �' t0� ORIGINAL Presenten By Referred To Cor,unittee: Date �� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 WHEREAS, in an effort to close out prior yeaz Capital Pmject sewer accounts (Other than CSSP) there is a need for technical adjustments, and WHEREAS, these adjustments consist of additional revenues not included in the original budget as well as some revenue sources that came in lower than anticipated at time of adoption and adjustments to sewer funding sources for 1998 RSVP and Major Sewer Repairs, and WAEREAS, the Department of Public Works is recommending the following changes to resolve these conditions and to allow for the closing of Capital Projects, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Comuuttee, that the Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by thi.s Council is hereby further amended in the following,particulaz: Current Amended Budget Changes Budget FINANCING PLAN Sewer Avail. Credits C91-2T951 Residual Equity 14-f In SPENDING PLAN Sewer Avail. Credits C91-2T951 Intrafund Transfer Out FINANCING PLAN Inflow/Infiltration Con C92-2T670 Sewer Service Fund RESOLIlTION Green Sheet � 32372 ITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 645,275.00 -645,275.00 0.00 648,275.00 -645,275.00 0.00 648,275.00 -648,275.00 0.00 648,275.00 -645,275.00 0.00 490,175.08 -209,519.19 280,655.89 490,175.08 -209,519.19 280,655.89 ORlGINAL 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 SO S1 82 83 S4 85 86 87 SS 89 90 91 92 93 SPENDING PLAN Inflow/Infiltration Corr C92-2T670 Construction 490,175.08 -209,519.19 280,655.89 490,175.OS -209,519.19 250,655.89 FINANCING PLAN Inflow/Infiltration Corr C93-2T671 1993 PIA 36,535.00 36,535.00 Miscellaneous 11,024.86 11,024.56 Sewer Serviee F�nd 1,037,701.00 -1,800.08 1,035,900.92 Assessment 27,966.41 27,966.41 1,113,22727 -1,SOO.OS 1,111,427.19 SPENDING PLAN InflowQnfiltration Corr C93-2T671 Construction 1,113,22727 -1,800.08 1,111,427.19 1,113,227.27 -1,800.08 1,111,427.19 FINANCSNG PLAN InflowQnfiltration Corr C94-2T672 Sewer Service F�nd 907,258.42 -9,290.53 897,997.59 907,285.42 -9,290.53 897,997.89 SPENDING PLAN Inflow/Infiltration Corr C94-2T672 Construction 907,288.42 -9,290.53 897,997.89 907,288.42 -9,290.53 897,997.59 FINANCING PLAN Inflow/Infiltration Corr C95-2T673 1995 PIA 17,130.50 17,130.50 Assessment 2S,3S6.36 -419.95 27,966.41 Sewer Serviee Fund 986,253.00 -33,097.08 953,155.92 1,031,769.56 -33,517.03 998,252.83 SPENDING PLAN Inflow/Infiltration Corr C95-2T673 Construction 1,031,769.56 -33,517.03 998,252.83 1,031,769.86 -33,517.03 998,252.53 aq - to�t 2 OR(GINAL 94 FINANCING PLAN 95 InflowlInfiltration Corr 96 C96-2T674 97 98 State Emergency 99 FEMA 100 University of Minnesota 101 Ramsey County 102 Sewer Service Fund 103 104 105 SPENDING PLAN 106 Inflow/Infiltration Corr 107 C96-2T674 lOS 109 Construction 110 111 112 FINANCING PLAN ll3 Inflow/Infiltration Corr 114 C97-2T675 115 116 Ramsey County 117 City of Maplewood 11S Sewer Service Fund 119 120 121 SPENDING PLAN 122 Inflow/Infiltration Corr 123 C97-2T675 124 125 Construction 126 127 128 129 FINANCING PLAN 130 Sewer Service Conn Rprs 131 C93-2T656 132 133 1997 PIA 134 Assessment 135 136 137 138 SPENDING PLAN 139 Sewer Service Conn Rprs 140 C93-2T656 141 142 Construction 143 2,073.00 2,073.00 10,366.00 10,366.00 82,080.10 82,080.10 27,757.77 27,757.77 1,651,003.79 -7,559.57 1,643,44422 1,773,310.66 -7,559.57 1,765,751.09 1,773,310.66 -7,559.57 1,765,751.09 1,773,310.66 -7,559.57 1,765,751.09 15,656.00 15,656.00 49,370.00 49;370.00 3,671,501.63 261,266.45 3,932;7SS.OS 3,736,527.63 261,266.45 3,997;994.OS 3,736,527.63 261,266.45 3,997,794.08 3,736,527.63 261,266.45 3,997,794.08 0.00 11,565.87 11,865.87 24,902.15 -7,985.72 16,916.43 24,902.15 3,SS0.15 28,782.30 24,902.15 3,880.15 28,782.30 24,902.15 3,580.15 28,782.30 �tq' � 3 ORIGINAL 144 FINANCING PLAN 145 Sewer Service Conn Rprs 146 C95-2T658 147 14S Assessment 44,500.00 -7,19929 37,300.71 149 44,500.00 -7,19929 37,300.71 150 151 SPENDING PLAN 152 Sewer Service Conn Rprs 153 C95-2T658 154 155 Construction 44,500.00 -7,19929 37,300.71 156 44,500.00 -7,19929 37,300.71 157 158 159 FINANCING PLAN 160 Local StreeUAlley/Sewer/Ltg Impr 161 C97-2T695 162 163 Assessments 284,029.50 284,029.50 164 1997 PIA 31,145.40 -11,565.87 19,282.53 165 315,177.90 -11,865.87 303,312.03 166 167 SPENDING PLAN 168 Local StreeUAlley/Sewer/Ltg Impr 169 C97-2T695 - 170 171 Construction 315,177.90 -11,S65.S7 303,312.03 172 315,177.90 -11,865.87 303,312.03 173 174 175 FINANCING PLAN 176 Sewer System Rehab Program 177 C9S-2T920 178 179 PFA 4,714,874.04 -199,675.00 4,515,199.04 1S0 Sewer Gen. Oblig. Bonds 555,125.96 -403,805.33 151,320.63 181 5,300,000.00 -603,480.33 4,696,519.67 182 183 184 1S5 SPENDING PLAN 186 Sewer System Rehab Program 187 C9&2T920 18S 189 Construction 5,30Q000.00 -603,450.33 4,696,519.67 190 5,300,000.00 -603,480.33 4,696,519.67 ag - lo�{ � ORIGINAL 191 FINANCING PLAN 192 Residential Street Paving - 98 193 C98-2T552 194 195 AssessmentBond 196 Assessment 197 City of Falcon Heights 198 Sewer Repair Fund 199 Sewer G.O. Bonds 200 Sewer Service Fund 201 Water Utility 202 Pazks Dept 203 PIA 1998 204 CIB 1998 205 CIB 1995 206 207 SPENDING PLAN 208 Residential Street Paving - 98 209 C9S-2T552 210 211 212 Construction 213 214 215 FIlVANCING PLAN 216 Major Sewer Rprs-97 217 C97-2T631 21S 219 Sewer Repair Fund 220 Assessment 221 222 223 SPENDING PLAN 224 Major Sewer Rprs-97 225 C97-2T631 226 227 Construction 228 229 230 FINANCING PLAN 231 Major Sewer Rprs-96 232 C96-2T619 233 234 Sewer Repair Fund 235 236 237 SPENDING PLAN 238 Major Sewer Rprs-96 239 C96-2T619 240 241 Construction 242 2,530,000.00 2,530,000.00 75,768.67 75,765.67 195,05629 195,05629 762,006.06 -435,800.96 326,205.10 173,505.33 173,505.33 199,675.00 199,675.00 468,32929 468,32929 17,730.00 17,730.00 58,901.15 88,901.15 6,940,000.00 6,940,000.00 497,219.07 497,219.07 11,575,010.53 -62,320.63 11,512,659.90 11,575,010.53 -62,320.63 11,512,689.90 11,575,010.53 -62,320.63 11,512,689.90 1,297,675.00 -177,963.59 1,119,711.41 71,500.00 71,500.00 1,297,675.00 -106,463.59 1,191,211.41 1,297,675.00 -106,463.59 1,191,211.41 1,297,675.00 -106,463.59 1,191,211.41 1,263,404.35 -359,360.74 904,043.61 1,263,404.35 -359,360.74 904,043.61 1,263,404.35 -359,360.74 904,043.61 1,263,404.35 -359,360.74 904,043.61 5 qa-(o4 ORIGINAL 243 FINANCING PLAN 244 Major Sewer Repairs 245 C98-2T632 246 247 Sewer Service F�nd 666,395.78 466,39912 1,132,794.90 24S Sewer Availability Credits 0.00 249 666,395.75 466,399.12 1,132,794.90 250 SPENDING PLAN 251 Major Sewer Repairs 252 C98-2T632 253 254 Construction 666,395.78 466,39912 1,132,794.90 255 666,395.75 466,399.12 1,132,794.90 256 257 FINANCING PLAN 25S Major Sewer Repairs 259 C99-2T633 260 261 Sewer G.O. Bonds 230,000.00 262 Sewer Seryice Fund 1,255,000.00 537,324.33 1,792,324.33 263 Sewer Availability Credits 120,000.00 648,275.00 768,275.00 264 1,375,000.00 1,415,599.33 2,560,599.33 265 SPENDING PLAN 266 Major Sewer Repairs 267 C99-2T633 268 269 Construction 1,375,000.00 1,415,599.33 2,790,599.33 270 _ r eCa^ztal?zf'^='6�'�r'�;� 75,000.00 1,415,599.33 2,790,599.33 ^, �'s. i aul i.ong • rxe�g E?ad.aei i:om ; i.?�° aeceived Yhis xe xu--st �,a I 9 , r -- „_ a�c: asccn.ne°.a_ tASta) Mnr� �• — ,. , . — qq-�oy g;gnad: �"j� ` Approved by: �` tr 1 r of FSnancial Services Requested by Department of: Adopti Certified by Council Secretary By: � d-- � ).te��.a—r - �-�—. Approved }�}�—P4�yor: Date /�//d�` ��� By: E3`a13ab Public Works 12/30/98 gy: Gt/eF.G� C � /�...-�. Form Approved by Ci y Atto n ,,, �.� � Mayor for Submission to Council Adopted by Council: Date �.eQr . T�`1 r�bli� works Ed Warn 266-6142 MUST BE ON COUNQLAGENDA BY (DA"f� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 12/30/98 � ASSIGN NUMBERFOR ROIfiING i / GREEN SHE T �NO �2372 1} IndiaVDa�e IndiaVDate �l � `� • DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR ❑ CITYATTORNEY ❑ FINANCIALSER4 � . -" �� � ��❑CffYCLERK � ❑ FINANCIALS ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REOUESTED Approval of attached Council Resolu[ion amending and/or closing the spending and financing plans for various sewer CSSP). � RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve (A) or Re�ec[ (R) pBCOMMITTEE � CMLSEFVICECOMMISSION PERSONALSERVICECONTRAC7SMU5TANSWERTHEFOLLOWINGQ ESTIONS: 1 1 1. Has this persoNfirtn ever worked under a contract for this departmeni? VES NO 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this personRirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curtent city employee? YES NQ �' �� than � I 4. Is ihis persoNfirtn a iargeted vendoR INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITV (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE. WHI�: YES NO �n a continued effort by Public Works to close out prior yeaz capital projects, this resolution closes out those Sewer Projects older than 1997. Public Works is recommending transfer of resulting surpluses of sewer funding to 1999 Major Sewer Repairs and 1997 Inflow/Infil[ration project (the final year of this program). ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: - These accounts can be closed out and resulting sewex funding surpluses transferred to 1999 Sewer Repairs and 1997 InflowQnfiltration project (the final yeaz of this program). The Public Works capital projects will be moxe current and [he number of open projects will be reduced. RECEIVED DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. None. MAYOR'S OFrfCE DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED' The prior yeaz capital project accounts will remain on the books and surpluses and/or deficits will not be realized or brought forwazd. fOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ $86,49320 FlINDMG SOURCE Asmt, PIA, Sewer Serv Fund, Sew Rev Bnds FINANCIAL INFORMATION (E%PLAIN) COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ON� YES No ACTNffY NUMBER VariOUS CPL PiojeCtS �Ni:?Svei . i::',....u.�l 3 F^a....:. i a i i 5 d�''� .a��sk � � :,a�� Council File � �� �' t0� ORIGINAL Presenten By Referred To Cor,unittee: Date �� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 WHEREAS, in an effort to close out prior yeaz Capital Pmject sewer accounts (Other than CSSP) there is a need for technical adjustments, and WHEREAS, these adjustments consist of additional revenues not included in the original budget as well as some revenue sources that came in lower than anticipated at time of adoption and adjustments to sewer funding sources for 1998 RSVP and Major Sewer Repairs, and WAEREAS, the Department of Public Works is recommending the following changes to resolve these conditions and to allow for the closing of Capital Projects, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Comuuttee, that the Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by thi.s Council is hereby further amended in the following,particulaz: Current Amended Budget Changes Budget FINANCING PLAN Sewer Avail. Credits C91-2T951 Residual Equity 14-f In SPENDING PLAN Sewer Avail. Credits C91-2T951 Intrafund Transfer Out FINANCING PLAN Inflow/Infiltration Con C92-2T670 Sewer Service Fund RESOLIlTION Green Sheet � 32372 ITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 645,275.00 -645,275.00 0.00 648,275.00 -645,275.00 0.00 648,275.00 -648,275.00 0.00 648,275.00 -645,275.00 0.00 490,175.08 -209,519.19 280,655.89 490,175.08 -209,519.19 280,655.89 ORlGINAL 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 SO S1 82 83 S4 85 86 87 SS 89 90 91 92 93 SPENDING PLAN Inflow/Infiltration Corr C92-2T670 Construction 490,175.08 -209,519.19 280,655.89 490,175.OS -209,519.19 250,655.89 FINANCING PLAN Inflow/Infiltration Corr C93-2T671 1993 PIA 36,535.00 36,535.00 Miscellaneous 11,024.86 11,024.56 Sewer Serviee F�nd 1,037,701.00 -1,800.08 1,035,900.92 Assessment 27,966.41 27,966.41 1,113,22727 -1,SOO.OS 1,111,427.19 SPENDING PLAN InflowQnfiltration Corr C93-2T671 Construction 1,113,22727 -1,800.08 1,111,427.19 1,113,227.27 -1,800.08 1,111,427.19 FINANCSNG PLAN InflowQnfiltration Corr C94-2T672 Sewer Service F�nd 907,258.42 -9,290.53 897,997.59 907,285.42 -9,290.53 897,997.89 SPENDING PLAN Inflow/Infiltration Corr C94-2T672 Construction 907,288.42 -9,290.53 897,997.89 907,288.42 -9,290.53 897,997.59 FINANCING PLAN Inflow/Infiltration Corr C95-2T673 1995 PIA 17,130.50 17,130.50 Assessment 2S,3S6.36 -419.95 27,966.41 Sewer Serviee Fund 986,253.00 -33,097.08 953,155.92 1,031,769.56 -33,517.03 998,252.83 SPENDING PLAN Inflow/Infiltration Corr C95-2T673 Construction 1,031,769.56 -33,517.03 998,252.83 1,031,769.86 -33,517.03 998,252.53 aq - to�t 2 OR(GINAL 94 FINANCING PLAN 95 InflowlInfiltration Corr 96 C96-2T674 97 98 State Emergency 99 FEMA 100 University of Minnesota 101 Ramsey County 102 Sewer Service Fund 103 104 105 SPENDING PLAN 106 Inflow/Infiltration Corr 107 C96-2T674 lOS 109 Construction 110 111 112 FINANCING PLAN ll3 Inflow/Infiltration Corr 114 C97-2T675 115 116 Ramsey County 117 City of Maplewood 11S Sewer Service Fund 119 120 121 SPENDING PLAN 122 Inflow/Infiltration Corr 123 C97-2T675 124 125 Construction 126 127 128 129 FINANCING PLAN 130 Sewer Service Conn Rprs 131 C93-2T656 132 133 1997 PIA 134 Assessment 135 136 137 138 SPENDING PLAN 139 Sewer Service Conn Rprs 140 C93-2T656 141 142 Construction 143 2,073.00 2,073.00 10,366.00 10,366.00 82,080.10 82,080.10 27,757.77 27,757.77 1,651,003.79 -7,559.57 1,643,44422 1,773,310.66 -7,559.57 1,765,751.09 1,773,310.66 -7,559.57 1,765,751.09 1,773,310.66 -7,559.57 1,765,751.09 15,656.00 15,656.00 49,370.00 49;370.00 3,671,501.63 261,266.45 3,932;7SS.OS 3,736,527.63 261,266.45 3,997;994.OS 3,736,527.63 261,266.45 3,997,794.08 3,736,527.63 261,266.45 3,997,794.08 0.00 11,565.87 11,865.87 24,902.15 -7,985.72 16,916.43 24,902.15 3,SS0.15 28,782.30 24,902.15 3,880.15 28,782.30 24,902.15 3,580.15 28,782.30 �tq' � 3 ORIGINAL 144 FINANCING PLAN 145 Sewer Service Conn Rprs 146 C95-2T658 147 14S Assessment 44,500.00 -7,19929 37,300.71 149 44,500.00 -7,19929 37,300.71 150 151 SPENDING PLAN 152 Sewer Service Conn Rprs 153 C95-2T658 154 155 Construction 44,500.00 -7,19929 37,300.71 156 44,500.00 -7,19929 37,300.71 157 158 159 FINANCING PLAN 160 Local StreeUAlley/Sewer/Ltg Impr 161 C97-2T695 162 163 Assessments 284,029.50 284,029.50 164 1997 PIA 31,145.40 -11,565.87 19,282.53 165 315,177.90 -11,865.87 303,312.03 166 167 SPENDING PLAN 168 Local StreeUAlley/Sewer/Ltg Impr 169 C97-2T695 - 170 171 Construction 315,177.90 -11,S65.S7 303,312.03 172 315,177.90 -11,865.87 303,312.03 173 174 175 FINANCING PLAN 176 Sewer System Rehab Program 177 C9S-2T920 178 179 PFA 4,714,874.04 -199,675.00 4,515,199.04 1S0 Sewer Gen. Oblig. Bonds 555,125.96 -403,805.33 151,320.63 181 5,300,000.00 -603,480.33 4,696,519.67 182 183 184 1S5 SPENDING PLAN 186 Sewer System Rehab Program 187 C9&2T920 18S 189 Construction 5,30Q000.00 -603,450.33 4,696,519.67 190 5,300,000.00 -603,480.33 4,696,519.67 ag - lo�{ � ORIGINAL 191 FINANCING PLAN 192 Residential Street Paving - 98 193 C98-2T552 194 195 AssessmentBond 196 Assessment 197 City of Falcon Heights 198 Sewer Repair Fund 199 Sewer G.O. Bonds 200 Sewer Service Fund 201 Water Utility 202 Pazks Dept 203 PIA 1998 204 CIB 1998 205 CIB 1995 206 207 SPENDING PLAN 208 Residential Street Paving - 98 209 C9S-2T552 210 211 212 Construction 213 214 215 FIlVANCING PLAN 216 Major Sewer Rprs-97 217 C97-2T631 21S 219 Sewer Repair Fund 220 Assessment 221 222 223 SPENDING PLAN 224 Major Sewer Rprs-97 225 C97-2T631 226 227 Construction 228 229 230 FINANCING PLAN 231 Major Sewer Rprs-96 232 C96-2T619 233 234 Sewer Repair Fund 235 236 237 SPENDING PLAN 238 Major Sewer Rprs-96 239 C96-2T619 240 241 Construction 242 2,530,000.00 2,530,000.00 75,768.67 75,765.67 195,05629 195,05629 762,006.06 -435,800.96 326,205.10 173,505.33 173,505.33 199,675.00 199,675.00 468,32929 468,32929 17,730.00 17,730.00 58,901.15 88,901.15 6,940,000.00 6,940,000.00 497,219.07 497,219.07 11,575,010.53 -62,320.63 11,512,659.90 11,575,010.53 -62,320.63 11,512,689.90 11,575,010.53 -62,320.63 11,512,689.90 1,297,675.00 -177,963.59 1,119,711.41 71,500.00 71,500.00 1,297,675.00 -106,463.59 1,191,211.41 1,297,675.00 -106,463.59 1,191,211.41 1,297,675.00 -106,463.59 1,191,211.41 1,263,404.35 -359,360.74 904,043.61 1,263,404.35 -359,360.74 904,043.61 1,263,404.35 -359,360.74 904,043.61 1,263,404.35 -359,360.74 904,043.61 5 qa-(o4 ORIGINAL 243 FINANCING PLAN 244 Major Sewer Repairs 245 C98-2T632 246 247 Sewer Service F�nd 666,395.78 466,39912 1,132,794.90 24S Sewer Availability Credits 0.00 249 666,395.75 466,399.12 1,132,794.90 250 SPENDING PLAN 251 Major Sewer Repairs 252 C98-2T632 253 254 Construction 666,395.78 466,39912 1,132,794.90 255 666,395.75 466,399.12 1,132,794.90 256 257 FINANCING PLAN 25S Major Sewer Repairs 259 C99-2T633 260 261 Sewer G.O. Bonds 230,000.00 262 Sewer Seryice Fund 1,255,000.00 537,324.33 1,792,324.33 263 Sewer Availability Credits 120,000.00 648,275.00 768,275.00 264 1,375,000.00 1,415,599.33 2,560,599.33 265 SPENDING PLAN 266 Major Sewer Repairs 267 C99-2T633 268 269 Construction 1,375,000.00 1,415,599.33 2,790,599.33 270 _ r eCa^ztal?zf'^='6�'�r'�;� 75,000.00 1,415,599.33 2,790,599.33 ^, �'s. i aul i.ong • rxe�g E?ad.aei i:om ; i.?�° aeceived Yhis xe xu--st �,a I 9 , r -- „_ a�c: asccn.ne°.a_ tASta) Mnr� �• — ,. , . — qq-�oy g;gnad: �"j� ` Approved by: �` tr 1 r of FSnancial Services Requested by Department of: Adopti Certified by Council Secretary By: � d-- � ).te��.a—r - �-�—. Approved }�}�—P4�yor: Date /�//d�` ��� By: E3`a13ab Public Works 12/30/98 gy: Gt/eF.G� C � /�...-�. Form Approved by Ci y Atto n ,,, �.� � Mayor for Submission to Council Adopted by Council: Date �.eQr . T�`1 r�bli� works Ed Warn 266-6142 MUST BE ON COUNQLAGENDA BY (DA"f� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 12/30/98 � ASSIGN NUMBERFOR ROIfiING i / GREEN SHE T �NO �2372 1} IndiaVDa�e IndiaVDate �l � `� • DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR ❑ CITYATTORNEY ❑ FINANCIALSER4 � . -" �� � ��❑CffYCLERK � ❑ FINANCIALS ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REOUESTED Approval of attached Council Resolu[ion amending and/or closing the spending and financing plans for various sewer CSSP). � RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve (A) or Re�ec[ (R) pBCOMMITTEE � CMLSEFVICECOMMISSION PERSONALSERVICECONTRAC7SMU5TANSWERTHEFOLLOWINGQ ESTIONS: 1 1 1. Has this persoNfirtn ever worked under a contract for this departmeni? VES NO 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this personRirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curtent city employee? YES NQ �' �� than � I 4. Is ihis persoNfirtn a iargeted vendoR INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITV (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE. WHI�: YES NO �n a continued effort by Public Works to close out prior yeaz capital projects, this resolution closes out those Sewer Projects older than 1997. Public Works is recommending transfer of resulting surpluses of sewer funding to 1999 Major Sewer Repairs and 1997 Inflow/Infil[ration project (the final year of this program). ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: - These accounts can be closed out and resulting sewex funding surpluses transferred to 1999 Sewer Repairs and 1997 InflowQnfiltration project (the final yeaz of this program). The Public Works capital projects will be moxe current and [he number of open projects will be reduced. RECEIVED DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. None. MAYOR'S OFrfCE DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED' The prior yeaz capital project accounts will remain on the books and surpluses and/or deficits will not be realized or brought forwazd. fOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ $86,49320 FlINDMG SOURCE Asmt, PIA, Sewer Serv Fund, Sew Rev Bnds FINANCIAL INFORMATION (E%PLAIN) COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ON� YES No ACTNffY NUMBER VariOUS CPL PiojeCtS �Ni:?Svei . i::',....u.�l 3 F^a....:. i a i i 5 d�''� .a��sk � � :,a��