89-625 r WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O A I NT PA LT L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAVOR File NO• - �C unc 'l Resolution � � � Presented By eferred To —C����� > Committee: Date � ���� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul has req es ed that the Department of Transportation grant a variance from the State's standards fo de ign of urban roadways to permit the existence of three fixed objects with the required o oot clear zone on CHESTNUT STREET between West Seventh Street and Smith Avenue; and WHEREAS, The Commissioner of the Depar e t of Transportation has by letter notified the City that the request for a variance h s en granted upon condition that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul adopt a resoluti n indemnifying, saving and holding harmless the State of Minnesota from any claims ari in out of the granting of this variance; and WHEREAS, The City has no other option vailable to it to receive the variance requested unless it complies with the demands of th Commissioner of the Department of Transportation; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That as the sole condition t r ceiving a variance from the provisions of State Aid Rules Section 8820.9912, the Counc 1 f the City of Saint Paul does hereby agree to indemnify, save and hold harmless the ta e of Minnesota and all of its agents and employees of and from any and all claims, demand , ctions, or causes of actions of any nature or character arising out of or by reason f, in any manner, the construction project on M.S.A.S. 126 (Chestnut Street) between We t Seventh Street and Smith Avenue, in any other manner than as in accordance with Minn so a Rule 8820.9912, and further agrees to defend at their sole cost and expense any action or proceeding commenced for the purpose of asserting any claim of whatsoever character aris ng as a result of the granting of this variance. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond `jJ Publ i c WOrks �PAS) 3-13-89 �ng y In F vor Gosw;tz Rettman �p B Sche�be� _ Agai st Y Sonnen Wilson JUN — �y 9 Form Appr d by Cit Attor ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas•e�, y nc'1 S t BY i By� - A►ppr by iVlavor: Date JU — 9 Appr by Mayor for Sub ' si +�a Council PUBLtSf�9 JUN 17 198 . • . � C�/��.ZcS DEPARTMENT/OFFlCEICOUNGL DATE ITIA D � ��O P�b� t� Works 3- 3- 9 GREEN SHEET No. CONTACT PERSON 6 PHOPIE �NRIAU DATE INITIAUDATE �� II� �CITY COUNpL Pau 1` St. Mar t i n (292-6280) N� �CITY ATTORNEY �cm c��uc MUST BE ON COUNqL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROU NO BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.&MOT.SEFiV1�8 DIR. As Soon As Po s s i b 1 e �MAYOA(OR ABSIST � TOTAL�i OF SIGNATURE PAQES (C.LIP LL OCATION8 FOR SIQiNATURE� ACTION REOUESTED: Hold the State harmless for granting a va iance to allow existence of three fixed obJects (utility poles) within the two foot cl r one required by Municipal State Aid (MSA) standards on CHESTNUT STREET betwecn W st Seventh Street and Smith Avenue. RECOMMENDA710N8:Approve(ly a Re�ea(F� COUN IL C MMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTtONAI _PLANNINO COMMISSION _pVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ��Y PHONE NO. _dB COMMfREE _ �STAFF _ �M —����«,� — MA(� 2 9 1°89 8UPPORTB WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVET Nei �hborhoods INITIATINO PR08LEM.188UE.OPPOR7LNITY(Who,What,When,Whsro,Why): The Municipal State Aid office has reJe te the request for final payment of State Aid Construction Funds for this proJect bec us of the existence of three fixed obJects (utility poles) within the two foot clear zone. ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED: Final payment of State Aid Funds for th s roject will be received � � ��j�� �� MAR 2 8 i9�� CITY AT������ DISADVANTAOEB IF APPROVED: None� DISADVANTAfiES IF NOT APPROVED: Ftnal payment of State Aid Funds will n b received� �o��:�r� Re�c�rch Cen�er [.l�?R 3 1 �;:,��sJ TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION N/A COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ON� YE8 NO N/A FuNOt�sour� N/A ACTIVITY NUMBER N/A FlNANCIAL INFORMATtON:(EXPLAIN) �� /J _ N .� � �O�S i 11. RESOLUTION 89-625: H lding the State harmless Approved 3-0 for granting a var an e to allow existence of three utility pole w thin the two-foot clear zone required by M A tandards on CHESTNUT STREET between W. th and Smith. (Laid over in Committee 5/1T/89) 12. RESOLUTION 89-323: P an to phase out certain Laid over in water systems. (L 'd ver in Committee Committee to 5/17/89). 6/7/89 13. RESOLUTION 89-828• stablish Toxic Chemical Approved 3-0 . Task Force. � � � . �,:. 14. DISCUSSION: Stree a d Al1ey Assessment Laid over in Notices. Committee to 6/7/89 15. . DISCUSSION: Solid Wa te. N/A 16. Other Discussion. . - �����s � Member CIT O �AINT PAUL Roger J. Goswitz� chair �1,,,,� Janice Rettman 1�� �� n OFFIC O THE CITY COQNCJIL T0111 DI�YlOf1C) � � Date: May 31, 1 89 � C m ittee Report � . . To: Saint Paul City Co n il � . From :Public Works, U ilit es, and Transportation Committee � :�- Roger J. Goswi , hair _; , � 1. Approval of minu es of May 17, 1989. Hearing Date _ 2. 6/6/8�3 FINAL ORDER: Ac ui ition of a part of Approved 3-0 Lot l , Block 19, Be ver Lake Heights. Purpose is to bring ALGO QU N STREET up to MSA standards. 3. 6/13/89 FINAL ORDER: Si ew lk construction and/or _ reconstruction a f llowing locations: S-8909 - North s de GRAND AVENUE from S. Approved 3-0 Fairview to S. W ee er Street� S-8910 - North s de UNIVERSITY AVENUE from Approved 3-0 Pillsbury to Ham de Avenue with integrai curb; S-8906 - South id REANEY AVENUE from Etna Laid Over to Nazelwood Str et and East side ETNA STREET Indefinitely from Reaney Aven e o Bush Avenue; S-8907 - Both si es WILSON AVENUE from White Withdrawn - Bear Avenue to R th Street. CIT'Y HALL SEVENTH FL UR . SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 ��e . . � - � �� � C� �� � , 4. FINAL ORDER: Sidewalk re onstruction for the Approved 4-0 following pro�ects to be reconstructed in accordance with the D pa tment of Public Works recommendations and e eritage Preservation Commission - Resolution 9-1 : S-8902 - South side SU MIT AVENUE from Heather. Drive to Ram ey Street; S-8903 - North sid S MMIT AVENUE from Portland Avenue to nt Street; S-8904 - North sid S MIT AVENUE from Selby . Avenue to Western A en e; .' „ � S-8905 - South sid S MMIT AVENUE from Ramsey �:.� Street to approxima el 70 feet east of the � extended east line f ina Street, and S-8908 - West si N NA STREET from Summit Avenue to Maiden L ne (Order on Nina Street to . be amended for wor t be done in accordance with the Heritage re ervation Commission) (Laid over in Comm tt e 5/3/89). 5. FINAL ORDER - 89-7 6: Constructing sanitary Approved 3-0 sewer and service co ections in HALL LANE from Delos Street to 350 feet north of Delos Street. (Referred ba k to Committee 5/11/89) . 6. 6/29/89 . RATIFICATION OF A SE SMENTS: For the grading Approved 3-0 and paving of th No th-South/East-West alleys in Block 1 , King's cade Park Addition (bounded by Whee oc , Arcade, Sherwood and Walsh). (Laid o er in Committee 3/22/89) . 7. RESOLUTION 89-82 : Amending the 1989 budget Nithout by adding �545, 8 o the Financing and Recomnendation Spending Plans or Public Works Traffic Signal Lighting Mainte an e Fund. (Referred to Committee 5/11/ 9) � 8. REPORT of the P rk and Recreation Division on N/A the PIG'S EYE 0 RECYCLING CENTER. 9. UPDATE - Signa e, etc. for traffic signal N/A modifications t arious locations along I-94 corridor in do nt wn St. Paul . 10. RESOLUTION 89 7 : Requesting the Mayor to Denied 3-0 direct the De ar ent of Finance and � Management to re uce by 528,000 the 1989 assessment ag in t properties which did not receive promi ed street cleaning services in the Fall of 1 88 (Laid over in Committee 5/17/89).