89-624 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUIICII PINK - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF AINT PAUL BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � � • , ounci es ution 7�� Presented By � v/-- Referred To "� 4 = � � Committee: Date �—�� a � Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul has reques ed that the Department of Transportation grant a variance from the State's standards for de ig of urban roadways for the reconstruction of BURLINGTON ROAD from Springside Drive to T te Road; and WHEREAS, The Commissioner of the Departmen o Transportation has by letter notified the City that the request for a variance h s een granted upon condition that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul adopt a es lution indemnifying, saving and holding harmless the State of Minnesota from any c ai s arising out of the granting of this variance; and WHEREAS, The City has no other option avai ab e to it to receive the variance requested unless it complies with the demands of the Co missioner of the Department of Transportation; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That as the sole condition to re ei ing a variance from the provisions of State Aid Rules Section 8820.9g12, the Cou ci of the City of Saint Paul does hereby agree to indemnify, save and hold harmless th State of Minnesota and all of its agents . and employees of and from any and all clai s, demands, actions, or causes of actions of any nature or character arising out of or y eason of, in any manner, the parking of vehicles on M.S.A.S. 260 (Burlington Road) be ween Engineers Stations 4+00 to 11+00, in any other manner than as in accordance it Minnesota Rule 8820.9912 and further agrees to defend at their sole cost and ex en e any action or proceeding commenced for the purpose of asserting any claim of what oe er character arising as a result of the granting of this variance. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond Publ ic Works (PAS) 3-17-$9 �� � [n Favo Goswitz �t� A ainst BY Scheibel � g 9mme+� Wilson MAY 1 ! � Form Ap ov d by City ttor ey Adopted by Council: Date ? Certified Yasse u .il Secr BY `����' "� gy, �•-iV :,, _ �-�'�.__ Approve Havor. Da r'IAY t � Appcov Mayor for Sub i ion to Council By - BY PU�11S�D M � p �9�9 . - � � . . G'��'--�.�� DEPARTMENT/OFFICEIOOUNqL DATE INITIA D Publ i c Works Department 3-17 a9 GREEN SHEET No. 1 2 4 CO �PERSON 3 PIiONE INmw DATE �CITY COUNqL INITIAUDATE Pa u 1 S t. Ma r t i n 292-628d � aTV nTroRN�r �c�v c��uc MUST BE ON CWNCIL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINO BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.8 MOT.SERVICEH DIR. As soon as possible. MAYOR(ORA881ST � TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PA�iES (CLIP ALL LOC TIONS FOR SIGNATURE� ACiION REOUESTED: Hold the State harmless for granting a v ri nce to Municipat State Aid width standards on a portion of BURLINGTON ROAD between Sprin si e Drive and Totem Road. RECOMMENDATIONS:Apprwe W a Relect(R) UNCIL i�PORT OPTfONAL _PLANNINO COMMISSION _GVIL SERVICE COMMI8810N ��Y� _ae ooMMmEe _ RECEOVEU X sr� cor�eNrs: _���,� _ MAR 28 1°89 �a,,� � Q SUPPORT3 WHICH COUNqI OB,IECTIVE? � �9�9 Neighborhoods INIT64TINO PROBLEM�188UE.OPPORTUNITY(Who.What�When�Where�Why): `�d'... The project was approved by the City Cou ci for a 36' width with parking nfi��� side and constructed in 1986. The "No P rk ng" signs have not been installed and we-have not submitted for final payment of State Ai Construction Funds. The Assembly of God Church located at the intersection of Ar in ton and Howard Street has expressed opposition to the parking ban. A varian e or two side parking in the area of the Church was requested and granted. The S at requires a hold harmless resolution for variances. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: Two side parking will be available in th a ea of the Church. DISADVANTAQES IF APPROVED: DI8ADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: Two side parking still not available in th area of the Church. ��'����o t�e�carch Center �ti1�1R 3 0 i�$9 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION a N/A �T/REVENUE BUDQETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES No N/a FUNDINO SOURCE N�A A���y N�� N/A FlNANqAL INFORMATION:(EXPWI� . . , � � �-,� 3�� � , C��`�°2`� � 6• RESOLUTION 89-6 1: Concurring with action Approved taken by the Bo rd of Water Commissioners and 3-0 approving water ' m in easement on property owned by Andrew ea ty Corp, known as SEEGER SQUARE. (Referre t Committee 4/11/89) . �• RESOLUTION 89-62 : Amending C.F. 88-1757 by Laid Over In changing the wi th f construction of PASCAL Committee To from Marshall to on ordia from 44 feet, with 5-17-89 parking on both s de to 36 feet, with parking on one side. R 1 89) . 8• RESOLUTION 89-624• olding the State harmless Approved for granting a va ia ce to MSA width standards 3-0 on a portion f BURLINGTON ROAD between Springside Drive nd Totem Road. (Referred to Committee 4/11/89 . 9. RESOLUTION 89-625 olding the State harmless Laid Over In ' for granting a va ia ce to allow existence of Committee To three utility po es within the two-foot clear 5-17-89 zone required b M A standards on CHESTNUT STREET between W. 7 h and Smith. (Referred to Committee 4/11/89) . 10. RESOLUTION 89-62 : Authorizing proper City Approved officials to pay an City Investment the sum 3-0 of $97,680 for the ac uisition of ponding area _ in connection wi h the STILLWATER/NOKOMIS SEWER PROJECT. ( eferred to Committee 4/11/89) . 11. RESOLUTION 89-627 Authorizing proper City Withdrawn officials to de os t with the Clerk of District Court $3 ,1 0 for easement interest in land owned by A we 1, Inc. in conjunction with the MARSH LL HAMLINE SEWER PROJECT (Referred to Commi te 4/11/89) . 12. RESOLUTION 89-361: uthorizing proper City Denied officials to 1 se to Naegele Outdoor Advertising, Inc. , ro erty located at 1060 W. 7TH STREET to dispi y dvertising sign. (Laid over in Committee 4 19 89) . 13. RESOLUTION 89-693: uthorizing proper City Approved officials to execut a agreement with Ramsey 3-0 County and the cit es of Roseville and Falcon Heights for the c st, maintenance and operation of traff c ignals on LARPENTEUR at Hamline, FERNWOOD DUNLAP and LEXINGTON PARKWAY. (Referred o ommittee 4/20/89) . 14. RESOLUTION 89-323: P an to phase out certain Laid Over In water systems. La over in Committee Committee To 3/8/89) . 5-17-89 15. CABLE ACCESS REPORT. No Action Required 16. _SOLID WASTE UYll2,TE N rlction Required