89-622 WHITE - C�TY CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF INT PAUL Council �/� /� CANARY - DEPARTMENT /��/(7� //� BI.UE - MAYOR File �O.�L� - �" ' C uncil esolution 3� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , Chapter 293 of t e 5aint Paul Legislative Code entitled "Noise Regulations" pr vides for the granting of a variance from the limitations s t orth therein; and WHEREAS , a corporation n m d Big Four Productions , Inc . has requested a variance fr m the noise source limitations as part of its presentation of an event called the "World Series of Ribs" to be held May 25th hr ugh May 29th, 1989 at Harriet Island in Saint Paul ; and WHEREAS , the City Counci onducted a public hearing on said variance on February 23 , 1 89 now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council , ursuant to Chapter 293 , hereby grants a variance to Big Fo r Productions , Inc. , providing that at all times for the durat ' o of said event that it conform to the recommendations set fo th in Peter Kishel ' s memorandum of January 30, 1989 to Frank Sta f nson; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that Bi F ur is requested to undertake such public relations efforts wi h the West Side area to publicize Big Four ' s compliance with the a iance and is further requested to consider a grant of money to t e City in partial underwriting of the City' s cost of noise in itoring of said event ; and, be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the D vision of Public Health shall serve a copy of this resoluti n and said Kishel ' s memorandum upon Big Four Productions , In . ; said memorandum incorporated herein by reference. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� [n Favor Goswitz Rettmsu f� B � scne�net _ A gai n s t Y Sonnen Wilson Adopted hy Council: Date APR 1 g 1989 Form A by City Attprney Certified Passe C ncil Secr ry BY �� � 3 3�- gy, �„'_- � Approv y Ylavor: Dat � _ Appro by Mayoc for Sub sio to Council �al� ��� � � ���� ���zz DEPARTMENT/OFFlCEIOOUNqL DATE INITIA �O�� Communit Services - Public Health 3-27- 9 GREEN SI�EET NO. iNi��� CONTACT PERSON R PHONE EPARTMENT DIRECTOR �� Q CITY COUNqL Peter T. Kishel 292-7718 u�� � m'ATiORNEY �CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNGL A(iENDA BY(DAT� ROUTNI�i � UDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MOT.SERVICES DIR. ASAP � YOH(OR A8SI8TAN � TOTAL�OF 814�NATURE PAQES (CLIP ALL L CA ION8 FOR SIGNATUR� ACT10N RC-0UESTED: REC�1 Council Resolution ratifying a variance to Ch pter 293 (St. Paul Noise Ordinance) . D MAR 2 9 9 RECOnAMENDAT10N8:Apprare(A)a Ryect(i� COUNCIL CO M EE/RESEARCH OPTIONAL _PLANNII�Ki COIiAM18810N _CIVII BERVICE COMMISSION �Y� ��p(� PHONE NO. �� � �IAR 3 0 �� _CIB COMMRTEE _ COMMENTB: _STAFF — _ois,Aicr couAr — 61AAY012'5 OFFICE BUPPORT8 WNICN OOUNqL OBJECTIVEI INRIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPOR7UNITY(Who.What,When.WMro.Why): The variance will allow sound levels in ex es of those '.in Chapter 293 '(S�.-Pau�. �T.tiise Ordinance) for the World Series of Ribs to be held May 25-29,. 1989 at Harriet Island in St. Paul. The variance provides that at a 1 imes through the duration of said event, that it comforms to the recommendation set fo th in Peter Kishelts memo of January 30, 1989. A public hearing was held on February 23, 98 . ADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED: The World Series of Ribs will be able to p ov de entertainment that produces sound 1evels exceeding the limits set in Chapter 293 (S . au1 Noise Ordinance) . asnov�rirnaes iF,��o: See Financial Information below. as�wv�rrr�oes iF rior�►a�ROVeo: The World Series of Ribs would be unable t p ovide entertainment such as live music, that would meet the sound level limits as et in Chapter 293 (St. Pau1 Noise Ordinance) . Co�;;-;c:f Res�arch Center ;a : ,.-. /'P? � �::u� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION N A CosTn�eveNU�euoG�(c���e) YES Q FUNDINO SOURCE N A ACTIVITY NUMBER 33262 FiNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) A budget amendment for overtime to cov�r ct vities such as noise enforcement has been submitted. Approval is required to ensur e forcement of this variance ($4,000 est.) . NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO. 298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are preferred rouNngs for the five most frequent types of dxuments: CONTRACTS (assum�authorized COUNqL RESOLUTION (Amend, Bdgts./ budget exists) Axept. praMs) 1. Outside Agency 1. Depertment Director 2. Initiating Department 2. Budget Director 3. Ciry Attorney 3. City Attomey 4. Mayor 4. MayoNAssistant 5. Finance&Mgmt Svcs. Director 5. City Council 6. Finance Accounting 6. Chief Accountant, Fin 8 Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating Department Director 2. Department Accountent 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. MayoNAssistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Council 5. CIty Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Fin&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. IMtiating DepartmeM 2. Gry Attomey 3. Mayor/Assistent 4. Ciry Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIC3NATURE PAGES Indicate the#of pages on which signatures are required and reli each of these pages. ACTION REQUESTED Describe what the project/request seeks to accomplish in either chronobgi- cal order or order of importance,whichever is m�t appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete seMences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in question has been presented before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objective(s)your project/request supports by listing the key word(s)(HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REQUESTED BY COUNCtL INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situatbn or c�ndftions that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annuai budget procedure requfred by law/ charter or whether there are specific ways in which the Gty of Saint Paul and its citizens will beneflt from this projecUaction. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past prxesses might this projecUrequest produce if it is passed(e.g.,traffic delays, noise, tax increases or assessments)?To Whom?When? For how long? DISADVANTA(3ES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequences if the promised action is not approved? Inability to deliver service?Continued high traffic, noise, accident rate? �oss of revenue? FINANGAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it going to cost?Who is going to pay? ''� 3 DEPARTMENT OF 0 MUNITY SERVICES DIVISION OF PU LIC HEALTH ��'y'` �'��' CITY OF S iNT PAUL lN7FR-OFFIC CO MUNIG1T10N RECEiVED FEB 0'71989 CITY CLES�K _ January 30, 1989 TO: Frank A. Staffenson FROM: Peter Kishel��"//` SUBJECT: WORLD SERIES OF RIBS SO D LEVEL VARIANCE I have completed my review of h sound level variance application and the additional i ormation provided by Mr. LoPresti. My recommendations s o the restrictions that should be made a part of this varianc e listed below. 1. The Main Stage will be lo a d and constructed as indicated in application. In addit o the sound barriers behind the speaker wings shall exten minimum of three (3) feet above the highest speaker and a m' imum of three (3) feet beyond the outermost speaker. 2 . A 100 dBA sound level lim t for the Main Stage for the hours of 12 noon to 11: 00 p.m. n 65 dBA for the hours of 11: 01 p.m. to 12 midnight. Sou d levels will be measured at the sound tower located 100 f e to the front and center of the Main Stage and at a heigh at is at least three (3) feet above the audience. 3 . A 90 dBA sound level limi or the children stage. Sound levels will be measured a e sound tower located 100 feet to the front and center o he stage and at a height that is at least three (3) feet a o e the audience. 4 . A 90 dBA sound level limi easured 50 feet from, and to the front of, the entertainme t amplifiers and/or speakers for the May 25, Rib Affaire C a ity Dinner. 5. Noise source date and tim f operation: Charity Dinner May 25, 1989 6:20 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. Main Stacte May 26 - 29, 1989 Local Acts Noon - 8: 00 p.m. ti' � ��-���. World Series of Ribs -2- January 30, 1989 Main Acts 8: 00 p.m. - 11: 00 p.m. Soft Music 11:00 p.m. - Midnight Kids Staae Noon - 7: 00 p.m. Racinq Pigs Noon - 7:00 p.m. Fireworks May 27 or 28, 1989 10: 00 p.m. - 10:45 p.m. These recommendations are base n the information on the original variance application, t e response from Mr. LoPresti to my questions, the Riverfest 19 7 oise Analysis prepared by David Braslau Associates, Inc. and o r ast experiences with this type of event. PK:jm - C: Judy Barr ; ,;�P � �'��+6�z ��: ��_� � CIT OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPART E TAL MEMORANDUM RECEIVED FEB 0 71989 February 3, 1989 CITY CLEf2K TO: A1 Olson, City Cler FROM: Peter Kishel ,��j� SUBJECT: SOUND LEVEL VARIANC F R "THE WORLD SERIES OF RIBS" Attached is a variance applica i n from Big Four Productions Inc. for "The World Series of Ribs' t be held at Harriet Island. Also attached is a copy of h Public Hearing Notice sent to property owners within 200 fe t f Harriet Island. Please have this item placed o t e Council agenda for February 23, 1989. If you have any questi ns feel free to contact me at 292- 7705. PK:jm t " I C-'� �� �� f � � � � (�M - J ^ � n r�,.,1,1, r ,, P�, � . � � - � � �� � ✓" � ,`w� ; ����� Property Owners With' 00 Feet of Harriet Island N i ed For World Series f ibs Public Hearing Febr a 3, 1989 Gross Given Mfg Co. R.R.L. H d nbergh Co. Inc. Neal McPhillips 75 Plato Blvd W 174 Wate S reet West 207 Water Street West St. Paul, NII�T 55107 St. Paul, 55107 St. Paul, MN 55107 Helen A. Krawczewski Irvin A1 n abrics Inc. C St P M and O Ry Co 935 Hwy 96 E. 174 Wate S reet West 275 4th Street East St. Paul, NII�i 55127 St. Paul 55107 St. Paul, I�IIJ 55101 Kent & Marlene Hinshaw Villaume Bo and Lumber Richard Kuehlwein 140 Prospect Blvd 2926 Lon O k Circle 1817 Evergreen Drive St. Paul, MN 55107 St. Paul 55121 Woodbury, MN 55125 Sandco International Inc. Jean & T o s Krawczewski Lyle V Busch 24 4th Street East 44 Acker S eet 51 Water Street West St. Paul, MN 55101 St. Paul 55117 St. Paul, MN 55107 George Albers Port Aut o ity St. Paul American Crane Nationa 200 Plato Blvd West 1900 Amh i t Tower 75 Bidwell St Suite 10 St. Paul, MN 55107 345 St. e er Street St. Paul, NIN 55107 St. Paul, 55102 ��y��� ,��••�. CITY OF SAINT PAUL "� ' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES � � ; ��• ' °� i DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH .... S55 Cedar Strcet,Saint Paui,Minnesota 55101 George Latimer (612)292-7741 Mayor February s, 1989 RECEIVED FEB 0 71989 Frank LoPresti vice President CITY CLERK Big Four Productions Inc. 3601 Park Center Boulevard Su t 306 St. Louis Park, l�i 55416 Dear Mr. LoPresti: Your application for variance r m the noise source limitations as indicated in the St. Paul Noi e rdinance (Chapter 293 of the St. Paul Legislative Code) has be n rocessed. A public hearing before the C ty Council will be held on February 23, 1989 at 9:00 a.m. , third lo r City Hall Council Chambers. After the public hearing the C un il may by resolution grant, deny, modify or revoke the variance re uest. I have enclosed a copy of our re ommendations to the City Council members regarding your varian e pplication. If you have any questions, ple s feel free to call me at 292-7705 or Frank Staffenson at 292-77 7. Yours truly, �� -�! � ;`/^ , Pet C Rishe Occupational Safety and Healt alyst PTK:jm C� ��'� N ews Release Saint Poul ���>; � � Division of Public Health Department of Commun�ty SeMces RECEIVED��T� �� �h� 292-7705 FEB 0 71989 FOR IMD�DIATE RELFASE �rTY CLEKK February 3, 1989 NOISE VARIANC_ �,IC [�'�ARINiG SFT The Saint Paul nivision of Public N th anr�unced tr�day that a public hearirig will be held by the Saint Pa City Council on February 23rd at 9 a.m, tA discuss a variance frc�n ise ardinance sound level restrictions for the everit "'.trie rl Seri�s of Ribs". This everit is scheduled to be held at Harriet I Park May 25 through May 29, 1989. The "Warld Series of Ribs" will f re barbecue restaurants fran across the country and entertainment. tertainment I�y 26 thrdugh May 29, 1989, will include local and nati music acts at a main stage fran noon to 11 p.m. Frcm 11 p.m. until mi i t the m�sic will be provid�d by F�XI 93.7 �i. There will be a smaller nd stage with entertainment for children fran noon until 7 p.m. On Thursday, May 25, 1989 the "Wc►r d eries of Ribs" everit will be "A Rib Affaire" Charity Extravaganza to i funds for the Minnesota Fbod Shelf. This everit will be held fran 6:30 . . until 11 p.m. in' a large terit on Harriet Island. Ali i nteres ted per sons are encoura ed tr� atte nd the publi c heari ng to be held: F�bruary 23r 1 89 9 a.m. Ci'ty Ccxincil s 3rd Fl.c�or, Ci 1 _ p 555 Cedar Street,Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 � `�_ �,� � ��• •'F �� CITY F AINT PAUL INTERDEPART EN AL MEMORANDUM DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH RECEIVED February 3, 1989 FEB 0�71989 CITY CLERK TO: James Scheibel Council President Members of the Coun il Thomas Dimond Roger Goswitz Robert Long Janice Rettman Kiki Sonnen � William Wilson � J� FROM: Frank A. Staf f enson :,_; �, � Environmental Healt D rector SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR SOUND L E VARIANCE To The World Series f Ribs A Public Hearing to permit var'a ce from the sound level restrictions of Chapter 293 of t e City of Saint Paul Legislative Code, is scheduled for Februa y 23, 1989 for World Series of Ribs. We would recommend the varianc e granted with the inclusion of guidelines as presented in the a tached Memorandum from Mr. Kishel of January 30, 1989. The details of the application a other information are also attached. Should you have an questions c nc rning this variance request, please contact myself or Mr. K sh 1 at 292-7718. FAS:jm C: Peter Kishel Kathy Stack Frank LoPresti Robert Piram Attachments DEPARTMENT OF CO MUNITY SERVICES C��i� �,��` DIVISION OF P BLIC HEALTH CffY O S INT PAUL INTERAFfI E C MMUNIG1TiON RECEIVED FEB 0'71989 CITY CLERK January 30, 1989 TO: Frank A. Staffenson FROM: Peter Kishel���`/` SUBJECT: WORLD SERIES OF RIBS S UND LEVEL VARIANCE I have completed my review of h sound level variance application and the additional i formation provided by Mr. LoPresti. My recommendations s to the restrictions that should be made a part of this varianc re listed below. 1. The Main Stage will be lo a ed and constructed as indicated in application. In addit o the sound barriers behind the speaker wings shall exten minimum of three (3) feet above the highest speaker and a m'nimum of three (3) feet beyond the outermost speaker. 2. A 100 dBA sound level lim t for the Main Stage for the hours of 12 noon to 11:00 p.m. n 65 dBA for the hours of 11: 01 p.m. to 12 midnight. Sou d levels will be measured at the sound tower located 100 f e to the front and center of the Main Stage and at a heigh at is at least three (3) feet above the audience. 3. A 90 dBA sound level limi or the children stage. Sound levels will be measured a e sound tower located 100 feet to the front and center o e stage and at a height that is at least three (3) feet a o the audience. 4. A 90 dBA sound level limi asured 50 feet from, and to the front of, the entertainme t mplifiers and/or speakers for the May 25, Rib Affaire C a 'ty Dinner. 5. Noise source date and tim operation: Charity Dinner May 25, 1989 6:20 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. �Iain Staqe May 26 - 29, 1989 Local Acts Noon - 8:00 p.m. ������� World Series of Ribs -2- January 30, 1989 Main Acts 8:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. Soft Music 11:00 p.m. - Midnight Kids Staae Noon - 7:00 p.m. Racing Pigs Noon - 7:00 p.m. Fireworks May 27 or 28, 1989 10:00 p.m. - 10:45 p.m. These recommendations are bas d n the infornaation on the original variance application t e response from Mr. LoPresti to my questions, the Riverfest 1 87 Noise Analysis prepared by David Braslau Associates, Inc. and ur past experiences with this type of event. PK:jm C: Judy Barr � � ����z � Do o � F� � RECEIVED FEB 0 71989 CITY CLERK January 13, 1989 Health Department 555 Cedar Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Dear Pete, Please find enclosed the compl te application for Variance and the fee for $150.00. " The information submi.tted is to th best of our knowledge at this point in time. We are sti 1 egotiating with national and local musicians. We will have 11 of our musical acts booked by April 1, 1989. If you have any further questio s, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, ✓ . � " Frank C. LoPresti Vice President BIG FOUR PRODUCTIONS, INC. •3601 Park Center Bouleva • uite 306• St. Louis Park, Minnesota 55416•(612) 926-8866 �:,� � ����;=. � ��-�� ,.� :, :�;:: �� �;.` STATE OF I T1VEB0'TA : h �_^�: . ����..: ��, , ;�.,�... , , O�x�oF G tt �.. :••.,`.,L j�gy�,,,r' ST. PAU 155 RUDY PERPlCH uc�vete�oK November 2, 1988 Thomas Millard Chief Executive Officer World Ser.ies of Ribs 3601 Park Ce�iter Boulevard � Suite 306 St. Louis Park, Minnesota 5541 Dear Tom: . I am delighted to lend my supp r to the World Series of Ribs • Barbeque Cook-Off Rib Affaire h rity Extravaganza in support . of the Minriesota Food Shelves. We in Minnes�ta have always t ke great pride in caring for our fe�llow citizens . That our bu in ss leaders have always been in the forefront of helping Minn so ans in need, is a source� of great pride to me. i would like to take the oppo tu ity to commend you for taking this initiative to organize t is rib cook-ofF to support Minnesota's food shelves, and pr vide assistance to people throuyho�it the state. That i t e kincl of community spirit I like �o see. Fiease accept my best wishes or a very successful and enjoyable World Series of Rib arity Eatravaganza. Sincerely, � .Gt.� •Gf`���� RUDY PERPICH Governor AN EQUAL OPPO T ITY EMPLOYER s• •�s ����_ �z� � � o � F� � I. THE "WORLD SERIES OF RI S" COOK-OFF A. Purpose The World Series of Ribs (the 'S ies") proposes to stage an event allowing the people of Minnes a he opp�rtunity tu taste and to � vote, among competinR nationa r' restauratetirs, the "best• tasting" - ribs in the World. The Serie i intended as a familp-oriented four day event providing food, e ertainment and fun for all ages. The Series �ntends to a�proae� �I 1 and national sponsorship for the event, inciuding major refres e ; media and other interested parties. B. Date and Place Me�orial Day weekend May 26 - 29, 1989 at the Harriet Island Site, St. Pau1, Minnesota. C. Participants The Series will invite approx'ma ely 30 of the 1Pading rib restau- rants in the food service ind st y to. participate for a cash purse of $50,000.00. The restaura ur �t-ill have the opportunity to sell their products to the general u lic. The Series will also encourage local vendors and caterers to pa ticipate in selling cor�cessions such as corn on the cob, french fr'es, onion rings, and ice cream. The Series expects to attract bet ee 100,000 and 150,000 people during the four day event. II. DESCRIPTION OF THE S IE The Wurld Series of Ribs is a co unity event whic� encompasses fam�ly fun for all. :'he seri s ill be professionally managed and operated by an experience t a� of individuals in the special event industry. The followin i a brief outline of the major attractions the Series will p ov de during the four day event. BIG FOUR PRODUCTIONS, INC. •3601 Park Center Bo lev rd • Suite 306• St. Louis Park, Minnesota 55416• (612) 926-8866 �, �� . � a � A. "Rib Affaire" Char ty Extravaganza The Rib Affaire Extravaganza is rbeque fundraiser held the evening before the World Series f 'bs. The purpose of the Rib Affaire is to raise funds for th 'nnesota FoodShelf. The competing restaurateurs will as ist in catering the charity dinner. The Series will also wo k loselp with its sponsorship, elected officials and the media o nsure that this fundraiser �is a great success. B. Entertainment The Series will make a concerted ef ort to attract well-known local and national music artists, as w 11 s provide daily entertainaent such as magicians and racing pig . n addition, a fabulous fire- works display will be provided o t last evening of the event. � � C. Children's Area The Series will also provide an a ea where children can be entertained by face painters, live performanc s nd clowns. • D. Media lnvolvement The Series intends to approach th jor Twin Cities print, radio ansl television media for their suppor i promoting this event. III . CONCLUSION The Company is prepared to work w' h he City of St. Paul to insure that all public health, sanitation, s curity measures and insurance requirements are fully and satisfa to ily complied with before, during and after the event. V(,,�- �'�i��2 z "THE WORLD RIES OF RIBS" This is the ultimate rib competition in t e orld, featuring thirty area barbecue restaurants from across the country and co tin ous entertainment. Where: Harriet Island. St. Paul, Mi nesota on the Mississippi Rive Hotel information can b o tained from St. Paul Convention and Visitor B reau at: 1-800-328-8322 ext. 98 612-927-6985 When: May 26 through May 29 riday - Monday 12 Noon to 12 Midnight riday - Sunday � 12 Noon to 10 PM onday - Memorial Day Admissfon: $2.00 • 12 Noon - 3: Friday Lunch $5.00 • 3:00 PM - Mi ni ht Friday Night $5.00 • 12 Noon - Mi ni ht Saturday & Sunday . $5.00 • 12 Noon - 10 M Monday, Memorial Day FREE • Children Und r 1 FREE • Senior Citize s ( ver 62) ADMISSION INCLUDES LL ENTERTAINMENT ����� •� City oi Saint Paul Offlce Use Oniy Department of Community Servlces Date Rec'd Reviewed � Division of Public Health • Environmental Health Sectton Date Public Notice Reterred to ❑ 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, MN 55101' Sent Council 292"���� Requires Noise Impact Statement � app0 �c��a��o� �OU V W�� ° � � Sound Level Restrictions . City of Saint Paul Noise Ordinance Chapter 293 of the Saint Paul Legisiative Code 1 . Organization or Person Seeking Varia ce BIG FOUR PRODUCTIONS, zxc. 2. Address 3601 PARK CENTER BLVD. #306 ST. LOUIS PARR, MN 554 6 3. Responsible Person FRANK C. LOPRE TI 4. POSItiOn �ICE PRESIDENT 5. Telephone 926 - ss66 6. Briefly Describe the Noise Source and q ipment Involved 7. Address or Legal Description of Noise o rce SEE ATTACHED 8. Noise Source Time of Operation SEE A CHED 9. Briefly Describe the Steps taken to Min mi e Noise Level from Source. SEE ATTACHED 10. Briefiy State Reasons for Seeking Varia C SEE ATTACHED 11 • Dates during which the Variance is Req e ed 2 _ 2 � Slgnature of Responslbls Person • Date Return Completed Appllcatlon and =150.00 fee to: Environmental Health Section, 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, N 55101 Make Checks Payable to the "City of Saint Paul" N-1 5/87 . , �- � ��� � b. BRIEFLY DESCRIBE THE NOISE E AND EQUIPMENT INVOLVED: Re Amplification of Entertai me t Stages Using: PRO-AUDIO Counsoles, Amplifi rs and Speaker on Scafolding Sound Wings MAIN STAGE 60 X 40 STAGE 6 FEET OFF TH G UND SOIJND WINGS 6 FEET.OFF THE GROUND 24 FEET LONG 10 FEET HIGH 24 SPEAKERS ON EACH SIDE (S FOOT HIGH EACH) MIX TOWER 4 — 6 FEET OFF THE GROUN 40 CHANNEL SOUND BOARD KIDS STAGE CITY SHOWMOBILE T�dO (2) THOUSAND WATT SYSTEM � � ROBINSON'S RACING PIGS , SMALL SELF CONTAINED PUBLIC ADD FS SYSTEM KLXK 93.7 "LIVE" REMOTES AND POSSIBLE FIR 0 KS SIMULCAST OVER MAIN STAGE PRO—AUDIO SOUND SYSTEM FIREWORKS WILL PRESENT A FIREWORKS SHOW 0 SA DAY OR SUNDAY EVENING AFTER A MAIN STAGE AGT, POSSIBILITY OF S CAST WITH STATION KLXK OVER THE MAIN STAGE PRO—AUDIO SOUND SYSTEM. � RIB AFFAIRE CHARITY DINNER TO BE HELD BY THE MINNESOTA FOOD NETWORK TO BENIFIT FOODSHELVES IN MINNESOTA ON THURSDAY NIGHT UNDER A RGE TENT ON THE EVENT SITE. POSSIBILITY OF 1,000 PEOPLE IN A EN ANCE. THERE WILL BE MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT. . , ��_��� � 7. ADDRESS OR LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF NOISE SOURCE: PRO-AUDIO SOUND SYSTEM: 48 T SOUND �TMS 3 SPEAKERS (48000 WATTS) . SOUND PRESSURE LEVEL (SPL) 1 5 B 1 WATT/ 1 METER D�IPLEMENTED BY: EIGHT DAY SOUND 2104 SUPERIOR AVENUE CLEVELAND, OH 44144 TOM ARKO, PRESIDENT CHERYL HOOVER� ASSISTANT 1 216 566-7303 8. NOISE SOURCE TIME OF OPERATI N: MAY 25 - 29, 1989 MAIN STAGE 12 - 8 LOC A S 8 - 11 MAI AC 11 - 12 SO MU IC KIDS STAGE 12 - 7 HOU Y TERTAINMENT RACING PIGS 12 - 7 HOU Y TERTAINMENT KLXK 93.7 12 -12 AMBI NT MUSIC FILL WITHOUT ACTS PERFORMING FIREWORKS 10:00 pm SA AY MAY 27 or SUNDAY MAY 28 9. BRIEFLY DESCRIBE THE STEPS T TO MINIMIZE NOISE LEVII, FROM SOURCE; -BROOK SIREN CROSSOVERS WITH IM TORS ON EACH BAND AND WIDTH -FACE THE MAIN STAGE DOWN THE "M DWAY" (SEE MAP) -INCLUDE IN CONTRACTS WITH PE FO RS A CLAUSE STIPULATING ADHERENCE TO DB LEVELS SET BY THE CITY OF ST PAUL IN THEIR CONTRACT WITH US, (BIG FOUR PRODUCTIONS, INC.) UNDE # SECTION 03. 10. BRIEFLY STATE REASONS FOR SE I VARIANCE: DUE TO THE AMOUNT OF PEOPLE PE TO DRAW TO THIS EVENT, NOISE WILL BE GENERATED FROM CROWDS, I A ITION TO THIS, WE WILL SUPPLY ENTERTAINMENT TO BE ENJOYED BY ALL AND WI N D TO HAVE AMPLIFICATIOPI F,NOUGH SO THIS ENTERTAINMENT CAN BE APPRECI BY THE PUBLIC. ������ WEST PU L SHING CO- S RI � ER . - � � � � � � � � _ � � � CHILDREN' � � , � AREA � � � � . � �� � , .RFSTAURA_NTS W U Z Q � � BEVERAGES �-W- z W Z Q ' � RESTAURANTS � � ... ..� ... � �'�" .� � ,.. �' "' - .� .. a— •.- � � -� �"' �. �. .�.• � . ����� ������ FIREWOR: PARKING LOT DISPLAI AREA . MISSI SSjppl � � � � � � �� � � � � PAVI LIO . � � � � � � - .� '� '� """ V I P A E - -�- -- � � _ � � �� (/� .. RESTAURANI ♦ �1 � �` BEVERAGE ' 1 � , � .���: R ESTAURA� ..� .... ... .� �. .. ... . �.��_�v��. .��•�•. CITY OF SAINT PAUL `� ' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES . . ,,'•�' DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH '••• 555 Cedar Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 (612)292-7711 George Latimer Marot Febr�xarv 2. 2489 Frank LoPresti Vice President/General Manager Big Four Productions Inc. 3601 Park center Boulevard Suite 306 St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Dear Mr. LoPresti: I have reviewed your sound level vari c application and would like additional information and/or clarifi ti n relating to the folloc�ing areas. Main Stage Will there be any type of backdrop or ou d barrier behind or to the sides of the stage and sound wings? Please grovide a drawing of the main s ag (front and top views) showing the speakers, backdrops or barriers if any d the appropriate dimensions. Mix Tower Please provide the location of the mix to er and distance from the main stage. Kids 5tage Will there be a dB restriction on this st e, and if so, where will it be measured. Fireworks HoW long Will they last including the K XI simulcast? Rib Affaire Charity Dinaer What are the hours of this event and wi 1 here be entertainment? Include the type of entertainment, hours, and locat on on the event si�e. (,��9-��� .��•••• CITY OF SAINT PAUL ~� �� DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES : � �• �' DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH '••' S55 Cedar Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 George latM�e► (612)292-7711 �Ya dB Levels What sound level meter measureme t ale will be used? Will the World Series of Ribs mo 'to sound levels to ensure compliance? For enforcement purposes, who wil the onsite person responsible for compliance With any variance rest ic ions? Main Stage Acts Are the ti�aes p.m. for noise sour e ime of operation? What type of local and main acts il be performing? Describe "soft music". A public hearing date �ill not be se until this information is received. I aill iaform you at that time of t e te and time of the public hearing. If you have any questions feel fr contact me at 292-7705. Sincer �'�/'� � / J � Pe er T. Kishel Occupational Safety and 8eaith Ana ys c: Judith Barr Robert Piram . ����a� p ° � ° o � � = 4 _ _ _ .,� - � � - _ = � _. , � �,;; •�,-~ -; __ ��� �'4� � � �� `` _ C Jl �_� January 27, 1989 Environmental Health Depar me t 555 Cedar Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Dear Pete, Please find enclosed the i or ation pertaining to the additional questions yo h d for the 1989 WORLD SERIES OF RIBS. If you have any further inq ir es, please call me at: 926-8866. Sincerely, i'�� /�G�'�L� � ( � Frank C. LoPresti Vice President BIG FOUR PRODUCTIONS, INC. •3601 Park Center Boulevard•S ite 306•St. Louis Park, Minnesota 55416•(612) 926-8866 - C�0�vG�� .��,�5-� �� .�, NOISE V RI NCE INFORMATION 1��' ���� �� ? l�i c�, �'?��ti� `�� -f� � z� �.,� — �• _ - 1. MAIN STAGE (see draw ng � � - _ _� _. _, - Staoe will be an le away from residential area �"✓- �" � - Big Four Product'on , Inc, will be renting the soun�:!- barriers and bac r curtain from Festival Events, Inc. 2. MIX TOWER (see draw:i ) - Tower will be loc te center stage, 100 feet from the front of the Main St ge. 3. CHILDREN'S STAGE _ There will be a d r striction (100 dB) and it will be measured 100 feet fr m the front of the city stage. 4. FIREWORKS - Depending on whet er Big Four Productions, Inc, will secure the sponso ed show by Wisk, this show is approximatly 20 - 30 minutes long. 5. RIB AFFAIRE CHARITY DI NE - Hours of Operatio 6: 0 - 11:30 Thursday May 25, 1989. - Entertainment wil b Dinner and Dance music. At this time performers h e ot been contracted. - Location of the Di n will be on Harriet Island under a large tent. 6. dB LEVELS - Yes, we will monit r ound levels to ensure compliance. - The sound level in tr ment to be used will be a weighted scale on a clerber te Clark - Tenic #D-60, Real Time Analyzer located a t e house mix position (mix tower) . - For enforcement pu po es the person responsible will be the system enginee f r Eight Day Sound who will be located at both ho se mixes, (both main stage and children's stage mix towers) hr ughout the engagement. 7. MAIN STAGE ACTS All times will be M or the noise source time of operation - The type of local ct and main acts performing wi.11 be: pop artist, countr a tist and children's artists. At this time, perf rm s have not been contracted. - Soft music will be pl ed between 11 PM and midnight as the event is closi wn. - Soft Music will be th playing of radio station 93.7 FM adult contemporary, t ough the Main Stage speakers at a reduced or quiet " uz " level. N � �9 , � � � � � � � 4� � 3 � 3 A � � � � � . . �-� � � � � .t � �` !`'0^J � 4��, Y' � � � \ 1 � � 1 � � � • . � � � ' � � � . � � � , � �"' � � � , � 'ti •,. ' � • • . d � . � �� �. v� �-�--� � � �� . . n � ,�ag1011����1 � ` � 3 c� � s�is ��, ..� . M `� a'��y '� �,� . N � M � ����v�`!9 �� . � . r+- . �' k yb v�`�'�S �; . 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