89-619 W/11TE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE COU�ICll / CANARV - OEPARTMENT GITY O AINT PAUL • BLUE - MAVOR File NO. _� � � Co nci esolution �� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the proper Ci y Officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute a le s agreement with Zimmerman Realty, 1954 University Avenue, for t rental of approximately 1 , 836 square feet of office space o the benefit of the Division of Public Health, subject to h terms and conditions of said agreement, a copy of which is t be kept on file and on record in the Department of Finance and M nagement Services. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �g. � In Fav r Goswitz Rettman b B sche;be� _ Agains Y Sonnen Wilson APR 1 1 1 Form A oved y Cit A `ine Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Pass d b uncil , ar BY sy R � 2 Appro b Mayor f ub i ion Council t�pproved b �Na or. ��te By� �==� �"�•—� �U�tlS?iED �P R � � 1 8 ��-��� DEPARTMENT/OFFlGE/COl1NdL DATE INITIA D Division of Communit Services 3-27- 9 GREEN SHEET No. 2 0 6 0 CONTACT PERSON R PHONE INRIAL/DATE INITIAUDA7E DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY OOUNCIL Gar Pechmann 292-7718 A�� A�NEY ciTV c��c Nurisan MUBT BE ON COUNdL AOENDA BY(DATE) ROUTIN�i UDOET DII�CTOR PIN.8 MOT.9ERVICEB DIR. NO Rl1Stl MAYOR(OR ASSIBT � TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PA�S (CLIP ALL L TIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION RE(NJEBTED: Council Resolution authorizing city sig tu es on a lease a�eement. MAR 2 8 19 RECOMMENDATIONS:Approw(A)or ReJtct(R) COUNf,yL MM REPORT OPTI NAL _PLANNINO OOMMI8310N _CIVIL 8ERVICE COMMI88�ON ��Y� ����.BVED ��E NO. _CI8�MMIITEE _ , `�' —8TAFF _ COMMENT8: �I�A R e? � ��S J , —DISTRIC'T COURT _ SUPPORT3 WHICH COUNpI OBJECTIVE7 AA r� e ��T� �� �e�����+�}-� �k}�'°' ItlI���.J��J o�`� L' INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPaRTUNITY(Who,Whet,When,Whsre,Why): This is a 2 year continuation of a lease ag eement between the City of St. Paul through its..Division of Public Health and Zimmer an Realty for office space at 1954 University Avenu . The office space is utilized by the Divi io of Public Health, Food Inspection Program. � The space leased consists of 1,836 sq. f , e terms of the lease sha11 be for a 2 year : period commencing April 1, 1989 and endi g arch 31, 1991. The space is leased at a total cost of $5.50 per sq. ft. ADVANTAOES IF APPHOVED: If approved, the Food Program can contin e o remain at this address. DISJIDVANTAOES IF APPROVED: NONE DIBADVANTAQES IF NOT APPROVED: The Food Inspection Program, in the Divis'on of Public Health, would be �aithout office space. The Health Center, 555 Cedar Stre t, does not contain enoug'h room to house the Food Inspection Program. - . ...,�^;; Research Center /�f'R 03 i��s9 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION s10.098.00 per year C08T/REVENUE#UDOETED(qRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINO SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER 0�212 FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) . (,��y� Gi9 TFASF' ���L�' ��,CG^f� ����'J G This PiC�R�TI' is m�de ar�d entered ' to this ��-��ay of ��.. 1989, by ar�d betw�een Zimretm�n Real , 954 University Avenue, Saint Paul, NA1., hereinaf ter referred to as the , and the City of Saint Paul, . Division of Public Health, 555 St t, Saint Paul, NN., he.reinaftPx referred to as the LF�SEE. Lessee does hereby hire arid take f r, �on the teims and subject to the aoryditions hereinaf ter set f a portio� af the pranises situated in the City of Saint Paul, ty of R�y, State of Mir�nesota, to wit: Office Stzites #7, #8 arrl #9 ' Zimne�n Buildirig located at 1954 University Avernue, Sain Pa , MV. 55104, this s�ce oonsisting of 1,836 s�uare f n the secarXl floor. 1. T�Ni OF LFASE, RIlVI'�AL Al� Zn ExI'�i�ID r�� The ternn of lease shall be f r period of twr� years oa�mexicing April l, 1989 and ending 31, 1991, with an q�tion by the Lessee to exterxi the agreamaz these ternns for an acklitional year u�on sixty (60? day r�oti the Iessor. R�tal inca°ease or clecrease under the aption to shall be based on pro rata ir�crease or dscrease in real taxes ar�d utilities cost. The Lessee ooven�-uzts ar�d a �y the Lessor as rent for the said prenises eight hamdr ity on�e c�llars ar�d fifty cents ($841.50) per month c�' il 1, 1989 arxl �ayable in advaryce on the first day of each and tronth duririg the te.rm of this agreanent. _ � " - ���-�i9 -2 2. USE OF PREMISES I�see intP�xls to use the ce or g�x�xal office purposes in the operation of the City of ' t ul, Division of Public H�lth, Food Inspection Program. 3. At�ID M�?�CG Lessee may r�at m3ke inp I ts to the leased rgnises withrxzt the P aonsent of Lessor. Any inp msde by Lessee with Lessor's aons��t shall be made at Les ' expense. Lessor shall p��vic7e faur keys to Le��ee: � for lvck in 1� office spaae and t� for the build�rig �tranr.e sor shall, during the terni of the lease, pravide the follawing , 'ces and �?��nt: A. Will pmvide seven (7) o parl�ng spaces in the a�djoining lot and two space.s in the " ' itors" p3rkirig area Lmtil 9:00 a.m., and or�e s�a�ce ' " visitor's" parking area Lmtil 9:30 a.m. Zf�ae p3rkirig in visitor" area is on a s� available basis. B. Will prr�vide additional on a sp�ce.s as available la�sis in the Qsk].eY la�'king lot. C. Will m�intain t1� � sur�x.uxiitxJ Y�• L��9 lot arid sic�lk, inaludisig of snaw and ice. D. Will nr�intain in proper c� ' omler the windavs, cloors, lights, electrical ci�u.i , ting, water, sewage, gas and elc�ctxica.l services. E. Will pr�-ic�e nxztine jani r' 1 sei.vices (irieluc]ing garbage bags) to tn3ir►t�in the p in a clean arxl sarLitary tn3ruier. F. Will pro�vide ar�d m�.intain, I in wr�rkirig ord,er, windaw a5r aor�ditioning units and cen ra air conditioriing unit. ����-d�% ,-3 G. Will m�intain in good wor ' order the lift to the sec.�arr1 floor and will pr�re it for 'th a 48 haur notice. H. Will provide the services of licensed pes�t control �x�ny an a sani-annual }a3sis (or r� ften as needed) to effectively control Stiii.te #7, #8 and 9. I. Lsssee agrees that it 1: 1. be responsible for tel aosts, including inst-.allation. 2. corr�uct busir�ess in an o ly and professional c�.r. 4. iT�II�ITIES Lessor shall furnish, at its , heat aryd water. Lessee shall be reaponsible or lectrical c�osts. 5. AS5IC3��Tr OF T F'ASR Iessee shall not assic,� or 1 the prgnises withr�ut written aonsent of Lessor. 6. P'LA(..'II�1V� AI�ID C�TSIRUC'�ICIV SI Lessee shall not inst-.all or arYy signs of a pern�r�nt nature witlx�ut cor�.sent of sor 7. INS'URAiV(.'E The kxu den of liability resi 'th Lessee in the event of a personal injury suit b�ht �tron and due to the neglige.r�ce of Lessee, during the nornial of k.rasiness on le3sed pranises. In the ca�e of total or p��t' 1 ruction by fire or any other casualty so that the pr ' 11 beoa� untenable or unfit for oac�aarx,�y in whole or in , sar shall notify I�essee in writing within fifteen (15? ys as provided herein that it interx].s � ' 0���'-G �G -4 II�,S[JRANCE (cont.) to rc�tc�re the pranises, see m�y terminate the la3se by notice to Lessor in writing a reasonable time. The rent to-be p�id he�er per�lirx,� restoration shall be abated in p�rtion to the loss and ' of the use of said prgnises. 8. In the event of a default in �ymerit by Lessee, or in t1� pPxfornr�rr.� by Lesse�e or Les r f arry caven�nts or conditions provided hexein and if the p�rty shall fail to raredy such c�fault within a pPxiod of ixty t 60) days f�xn and after the receipt of writtPn noti the othP_r p�rty ar�d specifY�J such default, then the p3rty in default shall at its election have the right to terminate lease or to t� ariy other action for the enfo�nt af any r gh or rarec�y available to said p3rty. 9. NC7i'ICE A�ID PAYNff�I�Tr OF All natices herein �tted or r�ui.z-ed, given by t,he Lessor to the Lsssee or by the T�ssee L,essor, arid all rentals hexein provided to be �id, shall to have been given or g3id when delivexed to the r iv p3rties personally or when d�sited in the United Sta il with p�t-age ar�d addressed to their principle place of s. 10. Si� OF PRIl�IISES On the first day of the tetm e sh311 be a pre-in..spec,-tion jointly by Lessee and I�ssor of said pranises. On the last day of the tP�m of the lease or soor�er tennination thereaf, � � ���_��q -5 tenant shall peac.�able sur the leased pranises in c,�ood ordex, condition and r�ir f' and other unawidable casualties, reasonable wear arid tear o y . On or before the last day of the term or the sooner ' tion thereof, Lessee shall at its awn eapense rerove all offi ' s arrl equi�tnent frrxn the lea.�ed prenises and any p not r�naved shall be rsroved at Lessee's expen.�e. Lessee 11 n�x�tly surrer�der all keys for the lea�ed pranises to Lessor a place then fixed for pay�rerit of rent. IN WI'IlVESS �D�F, the Lessor and I have sicy��e,d their names ar�d affixed their seals the day ar�d y itten. Flar�ling cbde: OJ212 ZINN�N RFALTY CITY OF SAIl�Tr PAUL 1 o�lo-L-.�. C�� 0�.2.� r Director, Finarice and Ni3r�agarent Services �;�Gr�-- '�9���-- Director, De�rtment of GaYmu�ity Services APPRC7�� AS ZU FC�'1: ��� / Assistant City Attorr�y