BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ` T �� -
, �
Counci esolution 3�
Presented By ` ��'�' � �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED: That application (ID 07 9) for a State Class B Gambling
ticense by The Minnes a olk Festival Inc. at the Ace Box
Bar, 2162 University en e, be and the same is hereby a�ap�.i/
COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
�� In Favor
Rettman '() B
. s�ne;t�i __ Against Y
Ap� — j �9g:� Form Appr ed by City Att ey
Adopted by Council: Date ' -
Certified Pass by C ci Se r By � � �
gl, � �\..
t�ppro Ylavor: Date — �' �g�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
PUBIlS�D N�`�� 1 � 198
. . � � �'�- ���
Lic Enf Aud
Applicant � I hne�p-�'(,(, �p� � ��� C�iome Address
Busines� Name �-� �}C .� }�X �►'"' Home Phone
�usiness Address ��(p a l� yllu-Q.VS��' Type of License(s) �� C�C(SS
Business Phone VYl ���'1 L� S�
Public Hearing Date —'� License I.D. �6 � d� �J�
at 9:00 a.m. in the Counci�Cha bers, [ �
3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �t Iv I,�
llate Notice Sent; � � �� ���/ Dealer 4� �'�"
to Applicant , J �0
rederal Firearms �� � /4
Public Hearing
A proved N roved
Bldg I & D �
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Health Divn. �
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Fire Dept. ' �
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Police Dept.
�-��� � ��-
License Divn. �
3 � �y ; p�.
City F�ttorney �
�t� � � ���
Date Received:
Site Plan ,Q�
To Council Research 31 Z.3� ��
Lease or Letter Date
from Landlord �
T �q-�,�.�
� : �„�..,� ���_. ; �
J. Carr:t�edi
°' ������r� . ,�. o 02���
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�°�*°� 2. Cour�cil Resear�►
F� } � 1 � . .
Appl i c�tion f�r a State Cl ass 8� am 1 i ng Li c�nse. �:��-
Notification �ate: 3-6-89 Hear.iny Date: 4-6-89
� �►t�f�ev�a.{a►)a�N�a(�Y) cot�ae:,. n�on'r: ,
. � � ;:- : � � �. � -. . � . . . OATE qi ":... DATE OI1i� � �� ANi1LY8T � � .�"� � PlIOIrE N0." ' . . .�.
. Pd�All�l10 001M8dON . qVll BERVICE COM�pSSION. - . . . � , . �� ..
ZONItK��OOMM�BION . . ISD R26 BCMOOL BDARD - .. . . . . . .. - � , - - � �
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.� 8TAFf. - _ -- � qi�RTERi00�MM�ION . .. . . 18. _—AOD'l NFO.ADOED� .._ AOO'L M�IFO.�' ' _�C�A00� ,. . .
� D�COUNCL . .. �E�IMN � . . �. . � � . . . . �
� 8l/�PORTS YMi1011 COt 'L-ORIECTVE7 .� .. � � . . - . � . . � . .
: rn�ei�a r�ata�wul�.arv�wltt�rrY�w.wn.�.wn.�!WaMl.wny): .
Alan l.. Kagan, on behalf of the i sota Folk Festival:, Tnc. requests
: City Counci] a�proval of_his atpP ic tion �for a St�ite CJa�ss B Ga�1ing
- - License at the Ace Box B�r, 236� � ersity Auenue. ' Pr"oceeds frt�tt th� -
� pull'ta5 sales wi11 be used to=_pr e. and' preser,.ve �rad;itiarial f��k .
performi�rg arts; comnunity educa io ; showcase tt�cal pe:rforn�rs of :diverse
ethnic and cultura] heritages. _ � .
�taowe.+w��+e�...a�.�>. � ; . . . , , ; . . . : ; . .
All fees and applications have b n ubmitted.
. ,:
_ i �
�i�.-�lUrn..."ie�yMroi�: ' : .._: ,: . . _ _ ,
:I€ CounciT� ap�roval is giver�, th Mi nesota Fa1k Festival Inc. wi11 be
licensed for the sale o� .pulltabs an tipbc�rds, � .
: K�a,M.: � . : . .. . .,�_. c�s �
. Co�, :.�� ����arch Cen�e
� f,IAR � 3 i�$�9
The Class B Gambling License app ic ion shoul�i also be� denied. The organiz�:tion -
may resubmit � State appl'ication f r the �'ire requirefients for t�e loc�tio� are �
met. _ :
. � . . ���39
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Dspa�tn�t of Fl and Man p� t�nie�s
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Cpnp�ny NsnN POIICy NO. MiW1
Co�np�ny Nana . Pale�r Na E.o+a�+on OM�
Minnesota Stste Identiticatton No Social Secwity No
� 3Ni�1 NwnbN
a� �
THI818 NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Yax appllcstion fw 1 witl eitMt bt ptsnted a rtj�ct�d wbj�ct to lIN p�OrMfo�s ot 1M zoMnO
prdi�ane��n0 eon�pl�tipn of tM insp�etions b�►tM hlNlth. r� andfw IiCN�N U�ap�CMh.
_�c.��zQ� �-ll�'�� � � ,��
, �'�- �ia
• � • City of Saint Paul
, . Department of Fin nc and Management Services
� Division of Lice se and Permit Registration
SAINT PAUL (Class B Gambling License in Li uor Establishments - New Application)
1. Full and complete name of organizat on which is applying for license
I a C �?S�d r �
2. Does your organization meet the def ni ion of a "large" organization as outlined in
the November, 1988 revision of Sect on 409.21 of the Legislative Code? �
Attach to this application pertinen f nancial and/or organizational information to �•�
support your answer to this questio . NOTE: Only 5 large organizations will be allow-
ed to open pulltab operations under th revised city ordinance. If more than 5 organi-
zations apply, qualified applicants wi 1 be selected randomly by the City Council.
3. Address where games will be held �� Z VIIIV'��''S�T� i � 'ss��
N ber St eet City Zip
4. Name of manager signing this applic ti n who will conduct, operate and manage
Gambling Games Gt.v`, � � �a- Date of Birth // /S 3z—
(a) Length of time manager has bee me ber of applicant organization /Q t/��
S. Address of Manager 7 U?/' S ' �" • 's ��
Number Street City Zip
6. Day, dates, and hours this applica io is for ���,T �.� ��I � ^ l� r•�
7. Is the applicant or organization o ga zed under the laws of the State of MN? -��
8. Date of incorporation S �� &
9. Date when registered with the Stat o Minnesota s�/9 �7�
10. How long has organization been in xi tence? �14 r5
lI. How long has organization been in xi tence in St. Paul? /D � 2�tY'S
12. What is the purpose of the organiz ti n? �k_ `f" s�i"��t '"�'�'
��-tarriii 0.r 5 ' MvK� ' wca oc.ax. er�or»�2r5
c�i ver'S� v��C.. r Cu�.Q. i �S.
13. Officers of applicant organization
Name 1� 0'�rISCOt� Name Y' �t�. A
I /� �� , �/
Address �, g � Address __1_3��� L^^Y'�S�P.�9G�,�-�VP. 5�'i�et�
Title f'CS~ �B la 3 a Title �►�9tSt�t.f"e`� D�B � �
Name �0 rc�0'K..- Name �
Address �-1y� �QJt�� '�`� `� '�T � '��� Address _
Title��LG• 1� �� DflB g S Title DOB
� 14, uive names of officers, r a � oth r pe sons whoPpaid for services to the
organization. �yt ��
Name Name
Address Address
Title Title
(Attach separat s eet for additional names.)
15. Attached hereto is a list of names a d ddresses of all members of the organization.
16. In whose custody will organization`s re ords be kept?
Name (�
� a Address f 37� �-�`r!5 Pan.S��', �•s���
p1�Y. Ss/l8
I7. List all persons with the authority o ign checks for dispersal of gambling proceeds:
Name Q,�,�, � • i�a �� Name
� �3�(p (�nri�P.�.,sev..�• (�.5� �,KS�/IFl Address
Member of Member of
DOB t� �s 3 Z Organization? DOB Organization?
1 , Cb�-
Name � fi Name �
Address �. J � Address
Member of Member of
Dpg /� 3 .�a Organization? 5 DOB Organization?
18. Have you read and do you thoroughly un erstand the provisions of all laws, ordinances,
and regulations goveming the opera io of Charitable Gambling games? _�,�
19. Will qour organization's pulltab op ra ion be o�eret-a�fmanaged solely by members of
your organization? yes no
20. Has your organization signed, or do s t intend to sign, a consulting agreement or a
managerial agreement with any perso o company to assist your organization with the
pulltab sales and/or recording keep ng yes no �
If answer is yes, give the name and ad ress of the person and/or company contracted.
Name Address
Name Address
If answer is yes, how will such a c ns ltant be paid? (percentage, flat fee, gambling
funds, general funds, etc.) Attach a opy of said contract to this application.
21. Operator of premises where games wi 1 e held:
Name �L'
Business Address � 2 WWt 112 ' r � lV c 1
Home Address � SrS� �3
' . 22. a) Does your organization pay or in en to pay accounting fees out of gambling funds?
yeS no
b) If you do pay accounting fees, t w om will such fees be paid?
Name Address
DOB Member of rg nization?
c) How are the accounting fees cha ge out? (flat fee, hourly, etc.)
d) What do you anticipate will be ou average monthly deduction for accounting fees?
23. Amount of rent paid by applicant or an zation for rent of the hall:
�IOC� c
24. The proceeds of the games will be d sb rsed after deducting prize layout costs and
operating expenses for the followin p rposes and uses:
' er r � � ccr�S � � r 5
r►t.� ' � r
o r �- �
25. Has the premises where the games ar t be held been certified for occupancy by the
City of Saint Paul? •�J
26. Has your organization filed federal fo 990—T? �`o If answer is yes, please attach
a copy with this application. If a sw r is no, explain why:
j Gl�t � i �h C�- t�-
5 re�.c.� � c�e.d /d o ,
Any changes desired by the applicant ass ci tion may be made only with the consent of the
City Council.
i N�,e ct, �5 +!� �+�+u �
Organization Name
Date a' 7 �I By: A. f� � 11
a a er� f gaae
a.r �r�rr
0 nization Presiden or CEO
�� -
. . • � �
. ����tl�ipG .
:.�o,uo��•��.. Charitable Gambling Control Boar FOR BOARD USE ONLY
''•Qa Room N-475 Griggs-Midway Buil ing
_ 1821 University Avenue �'��N�°`
_ St. Paul, Minnesota 5 5 1 04-3383 AMT
- " (6121642-0555
'�� �' CHECK#
: �
A. Type or print in ink. �
B. Take completed application to local governing body,obt in si nature and date on all copies,and leave 1 copy.Applicant keeps 1
copy and sends original to the above address with a cFie k.
C. Incomplete applications will be returned. �
Type of Application:
�Class A— Fee S 100.00(Bingo,Raffles,Paddlewheels, bo rds,Pull-tabsl
�JClass B — Fee S 50.00(Raffles,Paddlewheels,Tipboar ,P II-tabs) ��•veraaeto:
❑Class C — Fee 5 50.00 IBingo only) �w""°'°ta a�an�°c�"'n��°"tro�eo«d
OClass� — Fee S 25.00 IRaffles only)
❑Yes�No 1. Is this application fo�a renewal? If yes,gi e c mplete license number � - 0 - 0
❑Ye�7No 2. If this is not an application for a renewal,h or anization been licensed by the Board before? If yes,give base
license number(middle five digits)
❑Ye No 3. Have Internal Controls been submitted pre ious y?If no,please attach copy.
4. Applicant(Official,legal name of organization) 5. Business Address of Organi ation
n p �
6. City,State,Zi 7. County 8. Business Phone Number
i� � � a_ �6E` �S -�5�r�
9. Type of organization: ❑Fraternal ❑Veterans ❑Reli iou �]Other nonprofit'
•If organization is an"other nonprofit"organization,answer q sti s 10 tlxough 13.If not,go to question 14."Other nonprofit"organizations
must dxument its tax-exempt status. %
�IYes 0 No 10. Is organization incor orated as a nonprofi org nization?If yes,give number assigned to Articles�or page and,,.
' ' ' book number: Att h c y of ceirtificate. : "" " '`t`�"
Yes❑No 11_ Are articles filed with the Secretary of St e? _ `' • ' " " ` �' � 4
❑ No 12. Are articles filed with the County?
�7Yea❑No 13. Is organization exempt from Minnesota or ed al income tax?If yes,'please attach letter from IRS or Department of
Revenue declaring exemptio�or copy of 90 r 990T. -
❑Ye�7No 14. Has license ever been denied,suspended r re okedT If yes,check all that a ly:
❑Denied ❑Suspended ❑Revoke Give date: - -
15. Number of active members 16. Number of year in e istence Note: If less than four years,attach
*,I /' evidence of three years
17. Name of Chief Executive Officer 18. Name of treasurer or person who accounts for other revenues
� , of the organization.
�(' � J'� ��c..fi�� efQ.iC",1n.°_ �a 0.h
Title Title
�l P��C.t e�� �r e4s�t'e � -
Business Phone Number Business Pho�e Number
�, � ,_ ► �,,�� -/— �-� �[,� ► .�2�► —cI � `�.
19. Name of establishment where gambling will be 20. Street address(not P.O.Box Number)
conducte ' ^ --�
ce L"�� o?c ��.r a 16 Z � L(n i�Q�rsi f � ,
21. City,Stste,Zip 22. County(where gambling premises is located)
..�� 1��,P /�'l;�/. S��'l/�{- �.z ;-��� �..
CG-0001-0218/86) White Copy-Board Canary-Applicant 1 Pink-Local Goveming Body
` r _. .
� Gambiing License Application Page 2
Type of Application: ❑Class A J�Class B ❑ as C ❑Class D
Yes❑No 23. Is gambling premises located within city li its.
�9.Yes ONo 24. Are all gambling activities conducted at t e pr mises listed in #19 of this application? If not,complete a separate
application for each premises(except raffl s) a separate license is�equired for each premises.
❑Yes o 25. Does organization own the gambling pre ses If no,attach copy of the lease with te�ms of at least one year.
�Yes Q9No 26. Does the organizatio�lease the entire pre ise If no,attach a sketch of 27. Amount of Mw�thly Rent
the premises indicating what portion is be g I sed.A lease and sketch S��n � �
is not required for Class D applications.
❑Yes�No 28. Do you plan on conducting bingo with this lice se?If yes,give days and times of bingo occasions:
Deys es
�Yes ONo 29. Has the S 10,000 fidelity bond required by Min esota Statutes 349.20 been obtained?Attach copy of bond.
30. Insurance Company Name 31. Bond Number
32. Lessor Nar�e . 33. dre s 34. City,State,Zip
�,r ;-?e ��� r {".�C_:�r.�t.n5 ��� ?rc.. -=< �� � �?H�d'r���' �,t�. <t'. �v� l��'1� S{l(�
35. Ga bljng Manager Namte . 36. A dre s , 37. City,State,ZiR �{
�c % , i�c� �!'1 ;-1 7� �r' !S��r�;_u_ '?1.T-Y .'� . �,'•u.�.Y� i i'��r . �!!�
38. Gambling Manager Business hone 39. Date gam ling anager became
( � �Z � /,�� .�^��3 member o org nization: .. �f7
By my signature below,local law enforcement officers r a ents of the Board are hereby authorized to enter upon the site,
at any time, gambling is being conducted,to observe t e g mbling and to enforce the law for any unauthorized game or
By my signature below,the Board is hereby authorized o in pect the bank records of the General Gambling Bank Account
F�,.., :
whenever necessary to fulfill requirements of current m ling rules and law.
O TH _
� `; I hereby declare that: �'
� ,t. I have read this application and all information sub itt d to the Board; ., -.t. , �, ,
�` ' 2. All information submitted is t�ue,accurate and co ple e; • .
3. All other required information has been fully disclo ed
4. I am the chief executive officer of the organization .
5. I assume full responsibility for the fair and lawful o er ion of all activities to be conducted;
6. I will familiarize myself with the laws of the State o Mi nesota respecting gambling and rules of the Soard and agree,
if licensed,to abide b those laws and rules, inclu in mendments thereto.
40. Official,Legal Name of Organization 41. Signature(must be signed by Chief�xecutive Officer)
\`�i�`�^%r. �ii� ,1- - .-j �i., r1:: .( �-..{ X . ! '�,. i y r . -i.�� ,". e
Tit�e of Signer - `1 . � `� ', Date ` ' ' �
�; ? .' ; , .,,�.. ,0 3 f �
1 hereby acknowledge receipt of a copy of this applica ion By acknowledging receipt, I admit having been served with
: notice that this appGeation will be reviewed by the Ch ita le Gambling Contro� Board and if approved by the board, will
become effective�"days from the date of receipt(not b ow1,unless a resolution of the local governing body is passed
which specif'�c,ally disallows such activity and a copy f t at resolution is received by the Charitable Gambling Control
' Board within�da s of the below noted date.
42. Name of City or Cou�ty(Local Governing Body) If site is located within a township,item 43 must be completed,in
I ' /) , add'Kion to the county signature.
. ; � � t � \J\� 1 !'�{��VV .
Signature of p±ersdn�eceiving application 43. Name of Township
� ,
X . . .,�.....i �1 �..c� Jf�` ,, :�
Title � Date�eceived(30 day period Signature of person receiving application
. begins from this date) ,
� . , r ; �. " �/
� / .��� � ! /.;�f' i � .� A
44. Name of Person delivering application to Local Goveming y Title
CG-0001-02 (8/86) White Copy-Board Canary-Applicant Pink�ocal Goveming Body
. . . � `� - ���
State of Minnesota )
) ss
County of Ramsey )
l.l.0 u� ' Q�^J
being duly swom, say _that is
(are) the petitioner _in th ab ve appli-
cation; that he_has_re t e forego-
ing petition and know the con n thereof;
that the same is true of h o knowledge.
Subscribed and sworn to befor m this
�'� day of ��u- 19 ��
��`MMnrAAA�AAM s
r"'� CHRIS�;;�, : � -
�NOTARY PUBUG—n:.;:,._::i'�
My�ion Expires Aug.15, 199 �
. ^ �
Notary Public, Ramsey County� esota
My commission expires
- � �- �i�
I understand and will uphold Sai t aul Ordinance 409, Sections 409.21
and 409.22 relating to pulltabs nd tipboards in bars.
Further, I understand that my ja ba must meet city standards; that 10�
of the net profit from pulltab s le must be returned to the City-Wide
Youth Fund on a monthly basis; t at monthly financial statements must be
filed with the City; and that 51 o net proceeds must remain in St. Paul
or be used to support St. Paul r si ents.
Si ature - Manager ' �
Signature - ganization Preside t
.--- n��
i n Kes c��� � � � '�'1^rG►^
� � �
rganization ame
��2 Ki�K� . � � s����f
Gamb ing Location
7 �
Please retain the tt ched ordinance for your records.
� A s .� ��}!� . bi,•'�`� jF'i?-; - U'9"£`.,. r•:. ...t. �'t���f �Vli"��S�grdtt�� •, i
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your Minn. Folk Festival's autumn ,danc ^'_ � s „-�� Y �°O�•rt� - i , ����
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� vafiety in�in�ernational dance and'`cor�ce t�v i �'� '�:;����r ' '� f �'
+'X . "music, `rangiiig from Eastern European� t .�� I' _ �'(�'�� � '`,; �.;� " ' �
��i ��'eit-Mea ,�;Vc�cal duets with fiddles: �t�ita jF{�` t��At.�ctr. . ,�._
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