89-603 wNITE - CiTr CLERK COU[iC1I PINK - FINANCE GITY OF AINT PAUL CANARY - DEPARTMENT � D3 BLUE - MAVOR File NO• unci esolution �g, �� ��, Presented By �ferred To - Committee: Date T[d�� Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Saint P ul City Council does hereby consent to and approve of the a pointments, made by the Mayor, of the following persons to s r e on the Metropolitan Aircraft Sound Abatement Council (MASA ) . Public Representative Craig Wruck, formerly an Alte n te, to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of L oyd Wickstrom who served as a Public Representative. Mr. W uck will serve the remainder of Lloyd Wickstrom' s term whi h expires August 16 , 1989. Alternate Representative Victor Angerhofer to fill the r mainder of Craig Wruck' s term as an Alternate Represen a ive. This term shall expire August 16, 1990. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond ��g In Fav r coswitz Rettman �he1�� Against BY Sonnen Wilson �"R 2 7 Form Appr ved ity,A r Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa_-e y Council cretary BY gy, tapproved b Mav Da — /iJ"R i � Approv Mayor for Sub ' s o�to Council By PUBI�S�D r,��aY -� v 98 . . � . . ��y'-�03 DEPARTMENT/OFFlCE/COUNqL DATE INITIA Mayor's Office 3-ZS-s GREEN SHEET Na 12 8 CONTACT PERSOM A PHONE �NITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR CITY COUNqL Ora Lee Patterson - 298-4323 �+ ciT,Ano�N�: cmrc�c NUMBER MUBT BE ON OOUNpL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINO BUD(iET DIRECTOR �FIN.3 AiKiT.8EFlHICEB DIR. ASAP M,�►voR��s�sT,+rm � TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PAQE8 (CLIP ALL OC TIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACT10N REQUESTED: Approval of appointment of Craig Wruck to se e as Public Representative on Metropolitan Aircraft Sound Abatement Council (MASAC) . C ig Wruck formerly served as Alternate, will fill Lloyd Wickstram's slot. Victor Ange o er appointed to serve as Alternate Representativ . RECOMMENDATIONB:Approve(A)or RsJsct(F� �N(�6 M f�BEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL —PLANNING COMMISSION _qVll SERVICE COMMISSION A�Y� PHONE NO. _CIB COMMITTEE _ _STAFF _ �MENTB: —DISTRICT OOURT _ BUPPORT3 WNICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE4 INITIATINCi PROBLEM,133UE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whaf,When,Whsro,Why): Craig Wruck to fill remainder of Lloyd Wi ks rom's term. Term expires August 16, 1989. Victor Angerhofer to fill remainder of Cr ig ruck's term. as Alternate Representative. Term expires August 16, 1990. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: D18ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAQEB IF t�T APPROVED: Courcpl Research Center MAR 2 9 i�'89 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION s C08T/REVENUE BUD�TED(CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING 80URCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPWI� . . � �d�� 17. RESOLUTION 8 561: Amending the 1989 CIB Approved Budget by ra sferring $96,020 to the 3-0 MISSISSIPPI RI ER BOULEVARD PROJECT. (Referred to Committee 4 4/ 9) . 18. RESOLUTION 89 56 : Amending the 1989 CIB Approved Budget to prov de $39,200 for the construction 3-0 work on MIS IS IPPI RIVER BOULEVARD at Marshall. (Ref rr d to Committee 4/4/89) . 19. RESOLUTION 89 56 : Amending the 1989 CIB Approved Budget by t an ferring $100,000 from W. 3-0 Seventh Stree w dening to DALE STREET RIGHT- OF-WAY ACQUIS TI N PROJECT. (Referred to Committee 4/4/ 9) . 20. RESOLUTION 89 56 : Authorizing proper City Already Acted officials to ex ute an agreemwnt with the on at State Departm t of Transportation for the Council cost, mainten ce and operation of traffic control signal pr ject on llth Street at St. � Peter and on 1 th Street at Wabasha and the revision of the ex sting signal on 12th Street at Wabasha. (Re er ed to Committee 4/4/89) . 21. RESOLUTION 89- 73 Authorizing proper City Approved officials to xe ute an agreement with the 3-0 Commissioner o T ansportation detailing the engineering an a ministrative procedures for " City road or ri ge pro�ects financed with federal funds. �----°-�°- ...a,�__�_.._--__-��.,_..,�.._r��.�..e.....,� ...�,. r....�,.�_n..A....�.___-�__�.�........�...s...��...�....�.._,..__._.____„� 22. RESOLUTION 89-6 3: Approving the appointments Approved'"''��.�\ by the Mayor of CRAIG WRUCK and VICTOR 3-0 � ANGERHOFER to s rve on the Metropolitan Aircraft Sound ba ement Council. (Referred to Committee 4/6/8 ) . 23. RESOLUTION 89-5 3: Retaining the law firm of Approved Larkin, Hoffma , aly and Lindgren, Ltd. as 3-0 special counsel to assist in the development of the EIS fo t e improvement of SHEPARD ROAD. (Referred o ommittee 3/30/89) . 24. RESOLUTION 89-4 9: Amending C.F. 84-632 Recommended adopted May 17, 98 , and approving St. Paul's Denial -2 -1 ASSESSMENT POLI Y egarding construction and Goswitz voting reconstruction f idewalks. (Laid over in NO Committee to 4/1 /8 ) . 25. RESOLUTION 89-4 8: Amending the 1985 CIB Recommended Budget by tra sf rring $341,725.71 from Denial- 2-1 Curtice/Mt.Hope/ nd ew Pro�ect to Residential Goswitz voting Sidewalk Recon tr ction. (Laid over in NO Committee to 4/1 /8 ) . 3 . � � ��'��..3 Members: � CITY i�AINT PAUL Roger J. Goswitz� chair Janice Rettman _,�jri�: � OFI�`IO� F TRI� CITY COQNOIL Tom Dimond f Date: April 19, 1 89 Co ittee Report �CEIVED � • qpR 191989 To: Saint Paul City Cou ci ���'Y CLER,: From :Public Works, Util ti s, and Transportation Committee . Roger J. Goswitz, C air The Public Works Committee at ts eeting of April 19, 1989 took the following action: 1. Approval of minu ' s f April 5, 1989. Hearing Date � 2. 4/25/89 RATIFICATION OF A OF DAMAGES: Condemning Approved and taking per ne t easements for street 3-0 purposes and for ti ity and drainage purposes in Hazel Park Ad it on and Hazel�Park Villas for the� FLAND U CASE AREA STORM SEWER PROJECT. 3. 4/25/89 RATIFICATION OF A OF DAMAGES: Condemning Approved and taking perm ne t utility easements in 3-0 , certain parts of Ri e Street Villas for the ALBEMARLE/NEBRAS EA STORM SEWER SEPARATION PROJECT. Easemen r quired by the MWCC. 4. 4/25/89 RATIFICATION OF A OF DAMAGES: Condemning Approved . and taking perm ne t easements for utility 3-0 purposes in cert in parcels in Soo Line Plat No. 2 and Rice tr et Villas. Part of the ALBEMARLE/NEBRAS A EA STORM SEWER PROJECT. _ 5. 4/25/89 RATIFICATION OF A SE SMENTS: for work started Approved during 1988 cons ru tion season. Improving 3-0 ST. CLAIR AVE E from Cretin Avenue to Snelling Avenue w th lantern style lighting system. 6. 5/2/89 FINAL ORDER: Fo onstructing a sanitary Approved sewer and sewer c nn ctions in HALL LANE from 3-0 Delos Street to 35 feet north of Delos Street. • 7. 5/2/89 FINAL ORDER: Fo onstruct3ng a sanitary Approved sewer and sewer c nn ctions in MARION STREET 3-0 from Larpenteur Av nu to Idaho Avenue. C1TY HALL SBVENTH FL OR SAINT PAU1.� MINNESOTA 55102 �e � . . � ��aF�°� 8. 5/2/89 RATIFICATION 0 WARD OF DAMAGES: For Approved opening, wideni g and extending EAST SHORE 3-0 DRIVE by taking an condemning the southerly 610 feet of Gove mm �t Lot l. 9. 5/2/89 FINAL ORDER: id walk reconstruction with Approved integral curb on th North side of W. SEVENTH 3-0 STREET from Sm th Avenue to Forbes Avenue; East side SMITH VE UE from W. Seventh Street to Forbes Avenue nd West side FORBES AVENUE from Smith Avenu t W. Seventh Street. (Laid over in Committe f om 4/5/89) . 10. UPDATE: On cons ru tion of IRVINE AVENUE AREA Laid Over In STORM SEWER PR JE T AND STREET PAVING AND Committee LIGHTING PROJEC . (Laid over in Committee Indefinitely 3/8/89) . 11. RESOLUTION 89-3 1: Authorizing proper City Laid Over In officials to le e to Naegele Outdoor Committee Advertising, In . operty located at 1060 W. Two Weeks to SEVENTH STREET to isplay advertising sign. 5-3-89. (Laid over in Co it ee 3/22/89) . 12. DISCUSSION: Impr ve ents in WHEELOCK PARKWAY Laid Over In from Edgemont t. to 100 feet east of Committee Edgemont. Indefinitely 13. RESOLUTION 89-23 : Authorizing approval of Laid Over In Ramsey County pla s o reconstruct LARPENTEUR Committee between 35-E and dg rton, bridge construction Indefinitely over Soo Line RR nd right-of-way acquisition. � (Laid over in Co it ee 3/8/89) . 14. RESOLUTION 89-52 : Authorizing proper City Approved officials to exe ut an agreement with Ramsey 3-0 County to provide fo payment of approximately $10,000 from Coun y id Fund for City's share of sidewalk, uti it es, curb and gutter costs associated with t e reconstruction of MC KNIGHT ROAD and M nnehaha. (Referred to Committee 3/28/89 . 15. RESOLUTION 89-55 : Amending the 1988 CIB Approved Budget by addin $ 73,500 for the MINNEHAHA 3-0 AVENUE PROJECT f om White Bear to McKnight. (Referred to Comm tt e 4/4/89) . 16. RESOLUTION 89-56 : Amending 1989 CIB Budget Approved by adding $755 55 for MSA contingency. 3-0 (Referred to Comm tt e 4/4/89) .