89-602 WNITE - C�TV CIERK PINK - FINANCE COVnCII � CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY O A I N'� PA U L (/� BLUE - MAVOR File NO• v`�O� � Co ,u c l Resolution �� �9� Presented By � i/ Referred To � ' Committee: Date �� �� Out of Committee By Date RE�OLVED, that the Saint Pa 1 City Council does hereby consent to and approve of the re ppointments, made by the Mayor, of the following-named person t serve on the Examining Board of Truth-In-Housin Evaluator . Gera d eedle Robe t eistad Thom s elaney Jame J. Yannarelly (Staff) All of the above to serve thr e- ear terms which expire March 25, 1992 . COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond ��g In Favo Goswitz � Rettman s�he;ne� __ Against BY Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date ti��j ` Form Approve by i ttor ey Certified Pass d b Co nc.il Sec y BY— By Approved b � avor. at — 5 � Appro d ayor for Sub s' n to Council � gy B p�g��FD �uN l o �9 9 . . C���--�o� DEPARTMENT/OFFlCE/COUNqL DATE IN D � or�s Office 3-za- 9 GREEN SHEET No. 1��7 A.� CONTACT PERSON 6 PHONE pEP/�p'fMENT p�pECTpp CITY COUNdL Ora Lee Patterson/298-4323 N�� c�nrarroru��r qTYCLERK MUBT BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DATE) iqUTINQ BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.Q MOT.SERVICES DIR. �lS SOOIl 13 ossible MAYOR(ORABSISTANn � TOTAL N OF 316NATURE PAGES (CLIP AI. LO TIONS FOR SKiNATURE� ACTION REf�UEBTED: Approval of the following reappointments f embers to the Examining Board of Truth-In- Housing Board of Evaluators. Terms expir M rch 25, 1992 Gerald Beedle, Thomas Delaney, Robert Rei ta and James J. Yannarelly (Staff)/3-year terms. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)w Reject(R) �Q�J� �p�{pEpppT ppT10NAL _PUWNIN�COMMI3310N _CIVIL 8ERVICE COMMISSION ANALYBT PHONE NO. _qB OOMMITTEE _ _STAFF _ COMMENTB: _DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(VVIw,Whet,When,Where,Why): ADVANTAOEB IF APPROVED: DISADVMITAOES IF I�PROVED: DISADVANTAQES IF NOT APPROVED: Council Res�arch Center MAR 2 9 i�89 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION : COST/�iEVENUE SUDOETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE CTIVITY NUMBER FlNANqAL INFORMA770N:(IXPLAIN) • .a _ ' � ', ; �' 4 � r�"� . � +r"�, CI Y F SAINT PAUL C•�'- �'��� INTERDEPA TM NTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Council President J m s Scheibel Members of the Sain aul City Council FROM: Ora Lee Patterson Assistant to the M o DATE: March 28, 1989 RE: REAPPOINTMENTS APPO NTS. 1) Overnight Shelt r oard 2) Metropolitan Ai cr ft Sound Abatement Council 3) Examining Board fo Truth-In-Housing Evaluators Attached are three resoluti ns which appoint/reappoint members to the above-listed co ittees. Overnight Shelter Board Kate Seng appointed to fill th vacancy created by the resignation of Mike Anderso . Kate will fill the remainder of Mike's term. Her term e pi es October 31, 1990. Metro olitan Aircraft Sound tement Council Craig Wruck appointed to fil he slot of Public Representative (formerly hel y Lloyd Wickstrom, who resigned) . Craig served as 1 ernate Representative. His term expires August 16, 1989. Victor Angerhofer appointed o serve as Alternate Representative, filling the e ainder of Craig Wruck's term. This term expires August 16, 1 90. Examinin Board for Truth-In H sin Evaluators The following members are re p inted to the Board. They are: Gerald Beedle Robert Reistad Thomas Delaney James J. Yannarel y (who serves as st ff for the Board) . _ _ � . � ��-�oz Appointments/Reappointmen s March 28, 1989 Page Two Each of the Truth-In-Hous n reappointees shall serve a three-year terms which ex i s March 25, 1992. Per our usual procedure, tt ched are the applications for the new appointees. Mayor Latimer requests yo r onsideration and approval of the these appointments/re pp intments. If you have any questions, please feel fr e o call. OLP:dL"m Attachments cc: City Clerk, For Coun il Agenda Council Research Jim Murphy Joan Vandersloot (MA ' C Staff) Steve Rice (Overnigh S elter Board Staff) James Yannarelly (Ex i ing Board for Tr h In-Housing Staff) . . . ��-�o� Members: �; -�- Biil Wilson, chair ' -GITY OF S INT PAUL Tom Dimond a�i��nn , . � a��; t�� = Kiki Sonnen OF'FICE OF FI CITY COIINCIL - Date: May 24, 1989 WILLIAM L. WILSON � COCY� i ee Report RfC�IVED MARK VOERDING Councilman Legislative Aide MAY 2 51989 To: Saint Paul City Counci CITY CLERI� From : Housing and Econ m c Development Committee Biii Wiison, Chair 1. Approval of Minutes MINUTES of the APRIL 26, 1989, co it ee meeting were APPROVED . Resolution approving the reappoint en s by the Mayor of Gerald Beedle, Robert Reistad, Thomas DeZaney and J es Yannarely to serve on the Examining Board of Truth-in-Housin E aluators (C.F. 89-602) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 3. Resolution adopting the amended Re re tion Section of the District 14 Plan as part of the St. Paul Comprehens ve lan (C.F. 89-628) COMSI�ITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 4. Resolution authorizing proper City of icials to execute an agreement with the City of Minneapolis agreeing t c perate in the participation with the Twin City Area Urban Corps Program ( .F. 89-b90) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 5. Resolution authorizing proper City of icials to execute an agreement with Ramsey County agreeing to cooperat i the participation with the Twin City Area Urban Corps Program and appro i ting funds to ,the ,adninistration of said program (C.F. 89-691) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 6. Resolution adopting the 1988-1991 us 'ng Assistance Plan and providing for the development of a new Housing P n lement of the Comprehensive Plan (C.F. 89-708) -� COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, WI NDMENTS (AMENDED PLAN TO BE AVAILABLE BY C NC L MEETING FOR APPROVAL) (Continued - 2 Suspen io Items) CTfY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-4646 3 46 Page Two Committee Report - May 24, 1989 HOUSING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Bill Wilson, Chair SUSPENSION ITEMS: Resolution for referral of Highwood Task Force Report to Planning Commission COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Resolution approving Port Authority action on $3,375,000 revenue bond issue for the H.M. Smyth Company, Inc. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL ._ _ �