89-598 wHI7E - Cirr CLERK COI1f1C1I �+ PINK - FINANCE �,+�, BI.UERV - MAVORTMENT GITY O AINT PALTL File NO. .l'7"�7 . Counc esolution �� Presented By ���r�%�fi' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , the federal govern n ' s fiscal responsibility to adequately fund refu�ee res tt ement programs and reimbursement to state and c 1 governments has steadily decreased in the past five ea s . WHEREAS, the City of Saint au has had to increasingly absorb the federal budget cutbacks fo refugee resettlement, is an importaant stakeholder in t e uccessful resettlement of refugees and provider of ke s rvices to assist our Southeast Asian-American residents in th ir transition to a new life in our community. WHEREAS , the City of Saint au has the fifth largest concentration of Southeast si n refugees in the U.S . and is expected to receive an addi io al 5 , 200 refugees over the next two years through new arriv ls and secondary migration. WHEREAS, it is agreed by va io s staff from the Mayor' s Administration and City dep rt ents such as Community Services and Planning and Economic D ve opment that the proposed 1989 State Refugee Initiative wi 1 reatly enhance the City' s capacity to provide effecti e nd culturally appropriate services to its Southeast A ia -American residents and support our newest Americans seekin a improved quality of life and self-sufficiency. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, h the Council of the City of Saint Paul requests the May r' s Administration to lobby on its behalf to the State Legisla u for its full support of the proposed Minnesota Departme t 1989 State Refugee Initiative. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond I.ong �_ In Fa r Goswitz Rettma° � B Scheibel A ga i n Y Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date APR — � �9� Form Approv y City Attor Certified Pass b unc'I Se _ ar By By Approve Mavor: Date � �PR ' 7 �� Appro d b Mayor for S is on tqEouncil g B P��"►ct.� �F R. 1 � 19 9 V �' � � L� �v � � �-�c�-� � � - 3 - � � NiN17E - CITV GIERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF � S INT PAUL .%` CANARV - DEPARTMENT F le ci1N0. ��-�/ �� BLUE - MAVOR Counci esolution Presented By �����'-���'�%'' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , the federal governme t' fiscal responsibility to adequately fund refugee reset le ent programs and reimbursement to state and lo al governments has steadily decreased in the past five ye rs . WHEREAS, the City of Saint Pa 1 as had to increasingly absorb the federal budget cutbacks f r efugee resettlement, is an importaant stakeholder in the su cessful resettlement of refugees and provider of key er ices to assist our Southeast , Asian-American residents in t ei transition to a new life in our community. WHEREAS , the City of Saint Pa 1 as the fifth largest concentration of Southeast As ' an refugees in the U. S. and is expected to receive an additi na 5 , 200 refugees over the next two years through new arrival a d secondary migration. WHEREAS, it is agreed by vari us staff from the Mayor' s Administration and City depar me ts such as Community Services and Planning and Economic Dev lo ment that the proposed 1989 State Refugee Initiative will gr atly enhance the Cit�r' s capacity to provide effective an culturally appropriate services to its Southeast Asi n- merican residents and support - ' our newest Americans seeking n mproved quality of life and self-sufficiency. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, th t he Council of the City of Saint Paul requests the Mayor' s dministration to lobby on its behalf to the State Legislatu or its full support of the proposed Minnesota Department 19 9 State Refugee Initiative . COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimund LO"g In Favor Goswitz Rettman scne�ne� _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approv d y City Attor Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY BS' Approved by 17avor: Date _ Appro�d by Mayor for Suj�iss on to�ouncil r—r •-�� . , , B�.l���l�u �:�r��.i1 : ��� _ �-r:��_r��_c.:� °•�i ���;ES01:, . ���_��� • ' � f�LF`::�1L I �I'II:�'I'I� E . B�iclt�rotin�i Sic�ce 19 i � , nearl,Y 38 ,000 re u� es , predominantl;r 1'rom Southeast asia, have resettl d in Minnesota. Duri►ig this time , si�r�ificant accomplish �P ts have earned them respect and acceptance . However , some r fu�ees continue to experience lon� term barriers to succes fil resettlement due to traumatic escapes , long stavs in refug e camps , interrupted edtications , nori-transi'erable job sl:ills , f mily size and continuing cultural practices . Ramsey Co�.int-v which has 4�0 , 0 residents in total , has appro�;imatelv 15 , 000 Southea t Asian refugees . Of these there are : 9 , 50U Hmong 2 , 500 Cambodians 2 , U00 Vietnamese 6U0 Ethnic Lao riinnes'ota is one of the majo reas of the U. S . for settlement of Southeast Asian refugees . ' aint Paul has the fifth largest concentration of refugees in t e country. Sotitheast :�sian refugees co rom a common geographic region which includes Vietnam, Camb d a and Laos . Each ethnic group has its distinctive cultural p tterns , language , and historial elperience . �lso , different r fugees arrive with different le�-els of education, differ nt familiarity with urban ways of life and proficienc5� in En�lis language . Southeast Asians are the fa te t growing minorit,y �roup amon� persons under age 25 in Ram ey County. Seventy-si� percent of the famil�- housin� units of th City' s Public Housing Agency are occupied by Southeast A ia s. Approximatel,Y 90% of the Hmong population in Saint P ul is either housed in public housino or on the waiting 1 "st for public housin� . Over 44% of the familv resident popu at on in Saint Paul public housing is comprised of children ag t n and under. And for the first time in the history of Sain P ul Public Schools, Asian-Americans comprise th 1 rgest group of students of color enrolled. For �the past 13 years , fede al funds have been the major source of support for refug e ervices . Federal funding has been based on the number of re ugees who have arrived in the preceding three fiscal year ( ime eligible ) and has been restricted to employment fo us d services . In Minnesota, over 75% of the population is "t me expired" and receives only limited social service supp rt from the federal government . The employment focus of the fe eral dollars is inadequate to address the long term needs of our newest neighbors. TB�apa� aa�n3as o� a p papun� �Ta�snbap�ui a�B sa�in�as �uassn� 'uoiTTaqa� u uozssasdap 'ssaussaTadoy a��as� sa�uasa��tp Tg1n�Tn� �q a assoM ��zT�uoo T�uoi�BSauaBsa�ut �uoi�Bnisdap T�uoz���npa R sanod 8ui�uai�adxa ' gT a�B �apun azE a�u��szssB �zTqnd u u�isy �s�aq�nog �o �ua�sad ��xzg paaN 000 ` OOb$ T66T 000 ` 8TT� 066T :uoz�Bpuaw�o�ag s ��ousano� �no� u�isy so� a���TaM PT?u� • saa�n�as o� sa�in�as �u � nCp� T�z�os TBn�uiTijq �uiptnosd uz a�uaisadxa ansq o M zapzno�d a�Zn�as �q pa�a�siuiwp� - asE uoiqM �uipun� so s��aCosd ��aZas TTiM �uam�s�daQ ayy • sa�tnsas u�T�au T�� a� aa�n�a� so3 �aswB� a�z1 saz�uno� pa��aZas o� ��oddns �u uua o� pasn aq p1noM spun� a���S n�d �ut�g �o �T� au� �03 ��� mi •,S�ZUnwwo� au� .zo� paau ��z,zozsd do�} s� pa��.z a.z M a�zn.zas �ua�u�snCp� T�?�os/u'�T�au T��uaut ` 886T ` T?sd`�' u u i��puno3 .zapTiM au�} �q Pa��npuo� s.zap�aT Z�TUnwwo� u�is�% s� u�nos �o TTod � uI • sa�uai.zadxa pa�}�Zas .zBM pu� awo.zpuAs s as s �i�'enin�es�-�sod t��zM pa��i�oss�e sivaTqo.zd T��uaw snoi.z s o� �sis �� sz uoz��Tndod aapn3as au� �o /p� .zar�o ��u� pa � i�sa si �I • s�uatuasinba.z �utpun� T�.zapa3 aa�n3a.z o� n papun� tiTa��nbap�ui a,z� sa�tnsas �uas.zn� :uoi��zTndod au� 30 � as au� u�y� saa$n�as �uow� .zaup?u sawt� aasu�} o� or�� a.zY s s .z� T�uoz�owa .zau�o pu� uoissasdaQ paaN � 000 ` OOZ$ 06 T :uoZ��puauiuio�a� s �.zousano� u�1�aH je�uajv �uatu�sn. 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" .. . _ . n �O it�uno� o� uotsstwqns �o� �o6ey� �Sq pano� d a�eQ :�oney� �Sq panoiddy ,Sg ,� � �S�e�a»as �i�uno�•�Sq passe� par;rua' a�eQ :�i�uno� rSq pa3dop�r 6awo»d 6�t� �iq pano�ddd w 3 ��l!M uauuog ,� �su re�d 1�1!a9�S u���I �!�� �one3 uj Suo-� puow�Q :30 �uaui3�edaa �iq pa�san 21 S,(EN sea� sxaawaw -�i�xno� •ani�Et�tuI aaBn�a� a�.E S ggT �uatu�sBdaQ s�osauuiW pasodo.zd au� �o �soddns TTn3 s� , s � a.zn�BTsiBaZ a�8�.g aq� o� �T�uaq s�z uo �SqqoT o� uoz�8s�sz im y s �so��y,i aq� s�sanbas TnBd �ui�eg �o d�i� at�� 3o Tt�uno a � ��q� `Q�A'IOS�2i ,I.I �g `�2303�2I�H,L •��uaz�z33ns-3Tas pu�e a�iT �o ��zT�nb pan sd Z u� BuZ�aas sus�T.zawy �sae�au .zno �soddns pu�e s�vapisas uB�Z a y-ustsy �s�au�nog s�Z o� sa�insas a��ei,zdo.zddE �TT�sn� n� pu� ani��a��a ap�no.zd o� �S�z��d�� s �n�t� at�� a�u�euua j� as� TTiM anz��t�-ruI aapn�a� a��e�S 686T pasodo.zd au� �Eu� a doTanaQ �imouo�� pu� �uiuu�Td pU� sa�tnsag R�zunwmo� s� u�ns s uam�,z8dap ��T� pu�e LIOT�'2.I�STUTllIp�' s �so��eyy a�� wo.z� �3 � snoi.zgn �fq paa.z�� si �z ` Sd�23�HM •uoz��.z$tm �fs�puo�a u� ST2ATSSE r�au u�nosu� s.zsa� oM� �xau ay� ,zano saa�n3as OOZ ` 5 T�uoi�zpp�e ug ania�as o� pa��ad�:a si puE •g•n au� ui saa8n a uBTSy �s�au�nog �o uoi��es�}ua�uo� �sa�s�T ��3?3 a��' S �I Tn�d �uZBg 3� ��z'� au� ` Sd�'��HM •�f�iunwwo� .zno ui a3iT Mau �e o� uoz�isu� � szau� ui s�uapisas u��z,zawy-u�isy �s�at��nog Zno �siss� o� s � nsas �fa� �o sapinosd pu� saaAn3as 30 �uawaT��asas Tn3s a �ns au� ui ,zapToua���s �u��e�.zodwt u�e si '�uamaT��asas aa� 3 1 so� s��Eq�n� �a�pnq T�esapa� ac�� qzosqE �fT�uis�ea.z�ui o� pE� s u Tn�d �uzBg 30 ��T� ay� ` Sd��I�HM • s1ga�S ani3 �s�d aq� uz pas�a.z�ap �Tip�a�s s�q s�uawusa o T,e�oT pu� a���s o� �uawassnqmias pu� siu�,z$o.zd u maT��asas aa�n3as pun3 ATa�Enbap�e o� �S�iTiqzsuodsas T�e�s , 3 s ��uawu.zanoB T�sapa3 au� ` Sd�21�HM a1Eo �S8 aa��rwwo� �o �np a�ea :aal�iwwo� o�, pa»aJa� ,ia pa�uasa�d uo�.�n1 a 11�uno� . ���y/� �N a�',� \ H�..W - -,�,a �^ ^ IJUf10^� � n�'�I 1• T ] ` � •; �, _�1- 1 �J 1�:3W1l�YV_l0 — Atlbr�r� I. �J � J7N9NiJ•� '+NIV .. Hn3'1� �1 i] - "il l��w . ����� Members: James Scheibel, Chair Committee-of-the-whole REC�lVED D3t : March 13, 1989 MAR 1 j 1989 Co ittee Report c�rY c����, To: St. Paul City Council From: City Council Legisl ti n Committee 1. Approval of minutes of February 27, 1989 meeting. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 2: .. Re�" lt���a�+��r�l�nd�.ng. f�Ofi�t���''"1��`�NDED APPRO'VAI. 3. Ramsey County Charter Commissio COMMITTEE LAID THIS OVER UNTIL OM DIMOND COULD BE PRESENT 4. Substantial rehabilitation COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED LAYOVER S. Licensing of Appriasers COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 6. Fire Insurance COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED LAYOVER 7. Food First Coalition Legislatio A enda COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 8.. Community Residential Facilites (S F. 235/H.F. 222) (Note: this item was not on co i tee agenda) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED A LETTER E ENT TO SENATOR MARILYN LANTRY AND REP. SANDY PAPPAS REQUESTING TH Y EET WITH THE CITY COUNCIL AND REPRESENTATIVES 9. POLLUTED LANDS (This item not n genda) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL