89-597 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O. A I NT PA U L CO�I�IClI CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. _��� - Counc l Resolution j�, , Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the current Truth in Taxation law, M. S. 275 .065 , places unreasonable burden o the City of Saint Paul ; and WHEREAS, there is growing on ensus among state and local units of government that t e ruth-in-Taxation law needs �o be changed; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOL ED that the City of Saint Paul supports the proposed chan es in the Truth-in-Taxation law. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond ��g In Fav r Goswitz � Rettman Scheibel A gai n s t BY Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date APR — 6 h7W Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Yas Council . retar BY By Approv y 1+lavor: Date � � -- Appco e y Ma r f Sub ' sion to Council By � PUBItSi� �+r k ], � 198 � l,Fp9-.sy7 BRIEFING PAP R: TRUTH-IN-TAXATION Back�round In 1988 the State Legislat re enacted sweeping changes in the property tax laws . Includ d n the law is a "Truth-in-Taxation" provis ' on The "Truth-in-Taxation" provision has several impli a ions for local government: l . The law requires local o ernments to submit to the county auditor, by August 1 , p oposed budget and property tax levy for taxes payable in the following year. To comply with these requirements, he City must advance the start of the budget process . I prior years, the Mayor' s � Proposed Budget was due A gust 15 . 2 . If there is an increase i property taxes prepared by the taxing authority, the 1 w requires the county auditor to mail by September 15 a o ice to taxpayers . For each taxing district, i .e, c" t , county, school district, the notice will list ( a) t e amount of the person' s tax if the taxing district doe ot change its proposed budget from this year' s budget (b) the amount of the person' s tax if the taxing distr' c s adopt their proposed budgets, and (c ) the time and p a e of ineetings on the proposed budgets. 3 . The law requires cities t advertise the public hearin� on the budget by September l and to hold a public hearing "for tax protesters" pr o to October 25 . Status There are efforts being mad a number of entities to effect changes in the law. The Mi ne ota Department of Revenue , the League of Minnesota Cities, Mi nesota Association of County Officials and others are pr po ing changes. Several legislators have agreed tha c anges will be needed. The Minnesota Department of Re enue has proposed a process for property tax to be assessed in 1990 and paid in 1991 . The process with the deadlines s s follows: Date Action January 2 Assessment or properties established. April 1 Counties pr vi e state with values of each class of pr pe ty for each city and town. June 1 State Board of Equalization determines final property va ue and issues orders to change . July 1 Assessors m il Notice of Change in Value . page 2 ����� Date Action July 15 - Propert o ners appeal values and class to August 15 assesso s or Local Boards of Review if meeting August 1 Limits n roperty tax collections certifi 'd y the state to cities, counties and sch ol . August 15 County oa ds of Equalization hear appeals to deci io s of assessors or Local Boards of Revi w. September 1 Local g ve nments notify county auditors of the amo nt of property tax they propose to collect . November 1 Counties m il proposed property tax bills to prope t owners. November 10 - Local go e nments begin hearings on December 14 proposed b dgets. December 15 Local go e nments determine amount of property t x to be collected and notify county a d' tors. March 15 Property t x bills mailed to taxpayers . The revenue proposal will d a tically alter the process timeline. It is a more rea o able approach than current law. The Saint Paul Position The City of Saint Paul supp r s the following changes in the "Truth-in-Taxation" law: 1 . The date for certifying p posed levies should be moved from August 1 (current a date ) to mid-December in order to allow local governme ts to make realistic budget estimates for the comin ar. 2 . The Notice of Proposed ax s should indicate chan�es in state-paid tax relief, nc uding transition aid, school aid, local �overnment a d nd disparity aid. In addition, tax statements should d sp ay the accurate value of transition aid ( formerl h mestead credit ) for the taxpayer. 3 . The Notice of Proposed ax s should display what the taxpayer actually paid n he previous tax year compared to the proposed tax for th following year. This should replace the hypothetica c lculation of "no increase" and "propsed increase" tax at s . p ag e 3 i� l� ' `57� 4 . Local governments shou d e permitted to have more than one public budget hear ng . More than one hearing may be necessary to allow loc 1 overnments to hear public testimony and make ame dm nts to their budgets . 5 . Current Truth-in-Taxat on law prohibits a local �overnment from exceeding the ini ia ly proposed levy (certified on August 1 ) . If this pr hi ition is retained, a process should be created to p rm t a local unit to amend its proposd levy to deal w' th emergency or unforeseen circumstances or to re po d to opinion expressed at public hearings supporting in re sing expenditures. 6 . The requirement for a 'ew paper advertisement will be costly and should be e im nated since the Notices of Proposed Taxes contain t e public hearing information. 7 . If an early levy certi ic tion date is retained and other cumbersome requirements a e kept , then small cities should remain exempt from the r cess . 8 . The state should reimbu s local governments for the costs of implementin� Truth-i - axation. If not reimbursed, these costs should be a l wed as a special levy outside of levy limits . 9 . Once a workable Truth-i - axation process is in place, levy limits should be a o ished. • ' . � BRIEFING PAPE : TRUTH-IN-TAkATION ��f�-.�7 � Bacl�around In 1988 the State Legislatu e nacted sweeping changes in the propertv ta� laws. Include i the law is a "Truth-in-Taxation" provisi n. A copy of a portion of the new law, M. S. 275 . 065 , is attac ed. The "Truth-in-Taxation" provision has several impli at ' ons for local government: 1 . The law requires local ov rnments to submit to the count�- auditor, by August 1 , a 'pr posed budget and property ta� levv for taxes pavable ' n he following vear. � To comply with these requirements t e City must advance the start of L-he budget process . In prior �-ears , the Mavor' s Proposed Budget was due Au ust 15 . 2 . If there is an increase in propertv ta�es prepared b�- the ta�ing authoritv, the 1 w equires the count�° auditor to mail bv September 15 a ot ce to taxpayers. For each tatiing district , i .e , c ''ty count�•, school district, the notice will list (a? t e mount of the person' s ta� if the ta::ing district doe n t chan�e its proposed budget from this vear' s budget ( 1 the amount of the person' s ta� if the ta;�ing distr ' ct- adopt their proposed budgets , and tc ) the time and p ac of ineetings on the proposed budgets. 3 . The law requires cities to advertise the public heariti� on the bud�et bv September 15 and to hold a public hearing ��for tax proLester•s�� ��r � or to October 25 . Status Tl�iere are effor•ts Ueing n►ad b, a r�umber of entities to affect chan�es in the law. The rii ne ota De1�artment of Revenue , the Lea�'Lie of Minnesota Cities , �fi nesota Association of Counts� Off'icials and others are pr Po ing changes . Several le7islators have agreed tha c anges sYill be needed. The *finnesota Department of Re enue has proposed a process for property tax to be assessed in 1.990 arid paid in 1991 . The process with the deadlines is s follows : Date Action Januar�� 2 Assessment f r properties established. April 1 Gounties pro i e state with ��alues of each class of pro �e t�.� f'or eac11 cit�� and to���n. .June 1 Statc: L�oard f Equalization determines final propert�� �rai ic- azid issttes orders to cha�l�e . .I�_i.l_�- 1 Assessors mail Notice of C•Iian�;e in Val��c . • ' •page 2 ��f �.:7�/ Date Action July 15 - Propertv o n rs appeal values and class to August 15 assessors '(o Local Boards of Review if meeting ) . August 1 Limits on pr pertv ta:�` collections certified 'bv the state to cities , counties an.d schoo s. August 15 County Bo rd of Eqiialization hear appeals to decisi 'ns of assessors or Local Boards of Review September 1 Local gov rn ents notify county auditors of the amoun o propertv tax thep propose to collect. November 1 Counties ai proposed propertv tat bills to proper v wners. November 10 - Local gov r ments begin hearings on December 14 proposed u gets. December 15 Local �ov r ments determine amount of propertv a. to be collected and notif� county au i ors . March l� Propertv a_ bills mailed to ta�;pa�-ers . The revenue proposal will dr s icall�- alter the process timeline . It is a more reas ri ble approach than current law. The Saint Paul Position The City of Saint Paul supp rt the followin� chanaes in the "Truth-in-Ta}:ation" lac.: l . The date for certif�•in' pr posed levies shotild be moved from Au�ust 1 icurrent aw datei to mid-December in order to allow local governme ts to make realistic budaet estimates for the comin y� ar. 2 . The l�otice of Proposed a:c s should indicate chan�es in state-paid tax relief , nc uding transition aid, school aid, local �overnment a d nd disparitp aid . In addition. ta� stateme�zts shou]_d d sp a�� the accurate valtie of transition aid ( formerl h mestead creditl for the taxpa�er. 3 . The Notice of Proposed a_'es should displati- c:haL the ta�:pa��er actuall�- paid n the previous tati �-ear compared to the proposed tas ior t:l e followin� �ear. Thi.s sliottld replace the h�-pothetica a].culation of "�zo increase" and "propsed i ncrease" ta� �a c:s . � � .page 3 (./ O• �� 4 . Local governments shoul e permitted to have more than one public budget heari g . More than one hearing may be necessary to allow loca overnments to hear public testimony and make amem m �ts to their budgets. 5 . Current Truth-in-Ta�ati n law prohibits a local government from exceeding the init a ly proposed• levy (certified on August l ) . If this pro i ition is retained, a process should be created to pe ' m' t a local unit to �mend its proposd levy to deal wi h emergenc�r or unforeseen circumstances or to res o d to opinion e�:pressed at public hearings supporting inc e sin� �xpenditures . 6 . The requirement for a n wspaper ad�•ertisement will be costiv and should be el mi ated since the Notices of Proposed Takes contains t e public hearing information. 7 . If an early lev,y certif c tion date is retained and other cumbersome requirements a kept, then small cities should remain exempt from the ro ess. 8 . The state should reimbu se local governments for the costs of implementing Truth-i -T xation. If not reimbursed, these costs should be a lo •ed as a special levv eutside of levY limits. 9 . Once a workable Truth-i -T xatien process is in place , levv limits should be a ol ' she�. � . ����7 WHEREAS , the current Truth- n- axation law, M. S . 2i� . 065 , places unreasonable burdens on the Citv of Saint Paul ; and WHEREAS, there is growing c ns nsus among state and local units of government that th T uth-in-Taxation law needs to be changed; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLV D, that the Cit� of Saint Paul supports the proposed chang s ' n the Truth-in-Ta�ation la�+. - . . �'�q- 5�'� Members: � James Scheibel, Chair �"' ` ° CI7`Y OF � INZ` �AUL Committee-of-the-whole . �.,;�;�:..f' 'I.:s>�;_;�;�U : — OFFICE+`� OF 7` F. CITY COUNCTL Date: arch 27, 1989 JAMES SCHEIBEL Council President RECEIVED Co m ttee Report - �IAR 2 a 19a9 CITY CLERK To: St. Paul City Councii From: Ci�y Council Legisla io Committee `(� 1. Approval of Minutes - March 13 1 89 MINUTES WERE APPROVED 2. Substantial Rehabilitation CCMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 3. Legislative Update NO COMMITTEE ACTION REQUIRED 4. (additional item not on typed ge da previously distributed) Trei�fn-'�-a�o�etio� COM1�iI�.'TB�:- '� A�PI�C1Y CITY NALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5679 e ae