89-595 WHITE - C�TV CLERK COU�ICII l/li /� PINK - FINANCE BLUERV - MAPORTMENT GITY O. AINT PALTL File NO. 4y `� • � , Counc l esolution � 3; Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , Section 5 . 02 of t e aint Paul City Charter authorizes the Cit,y to ret in special counsel in the event of special or unusual circums an es ; and WHEREAS , the Department of P1 nning and Economic Development and the Department of Publ ' c orks have need of special counsel to provide legal a d echnical assistance in monitoring and lobbying Co gr ss in 1989 ; now, therefore , be it RESOLVED, that the proper it officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute an Ag eement with the law firm of Robins, Kaplan, Miller and Ci esi for providing professional services to the Department of Planning and Economic Development and the Depart en of Public Works in developing and implementing projects nd programs at the rate of $3 , 000 per month, not to exceed a to al of $36 , 000 , to be shared equally by the Departments . COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond [.ong In Fav r coswitz Rettman O B s�he;�e� _ Agains Y Sonnen Wilson A�R - � t9 9 Form AQpr by City At e Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pass d C ncil Se ry By sy t�pprov b �Vlavor: Date _ ��'''` ' Appr ed by Mayor for Sub ' s'on to Council By PUBttStiED f11'~� 1 � � 89 � 1,��9- ��5 GR EMENT This Agreement, entere i to as of this day of , 1989 by and with the law fi f Robins, Kaplan, Miller and Ciresi (the nFirm") , and th C ty of St. Paul, Minnesota, (the "City") . WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the ability o t e City of Saint Paul (the "City") , to be involved in developme t, housing and public works programs and projects is critical to th future well-being of the city; and WHEREAS, the federal 1 ti�a on which the City relies for its involvement in such program a e under scrutiny by the United States Congress; and WHEREAS, it is in the es interests of the City to maintain and enhance its statutory a th rity, powers, and funding levels; and WHEREAS, the Firm has xp rtise and experience in working with housing, development, nd public works laws, performing policy analysis, and provid'ng legislative representation; NOW, THEREFORE, in con id ration of the mutual promises contained herein, it is agr ed Scope of Services. Th F rm will provide professional services to the City of Sai t aul at the direction of the Departments of Planning and c nomic Development and Public Works and City Office of Intergov rn ental Relations to assist in drafting legislation at the n ted States Congress and to provide direct legislative represen t on. The Firm will be compe sa ed for legislative representation in the following areas and ' he manner described below: Deliver of Services a ontact Person. David A. Bieging will assume primary respons' i ity for the performance of the professional services requi ed of the Firm under this Agreement. Other individuals in the Fi hall assist in the performance of the services as they are ne e . Time of Performance. e services of the Firm shall commence as of January 1, 19 9 and shall continue through December 31, 1989. Either r y may terminate this contract upon 30 days' written notice, deliv red to the Firm at its Washington office, or to the City at t ffice of the Mayor. . - � ,�ic �'9-�`�'.s Compensation. The Fir s all be paid $3 , 000 per month for services rendered and in re mb rsement of ordinary expenses, up to and not in excess of a t ta of $36, 000. Ordinary expenses shall include three roundtr ps for a member or employee of the Firm between Washington and St Paul and the costs of telephone, postage, photocopying, and es enger service. The Firm shall bill the city monthly and t e ity shall pay the amount due within thirty (30) days of ec ipt of the invoice unless other terms are mutually agreed u on by the City and the Firm. In the event of termination, the F'rm shall be paid for its services rendered up to and includin t e day upon which termination notice is delivered to the i 's Washington office. Independent Contractor. o employee of the Firm shall be considered an employee of t 'e ity for the purposes of workers compensation or unemploymen c mpensation insurance or for any other purpose. The Firm sh 11 hold the city harmless and defend and indemnify it against anl c aims, actions or judgments arising out of or substantially rel te to the performance of the Firm under this agreement to the ex ent that any act by the Firm was not predicated on the City' d rection or information and that the Firm created a situatio w ere any claimant sought to impose liability on the City by re so of any negligence or default on the part of the Firm. Nondiscrimination. Th F rm complies with and will comply with all federal, state, an 1 cal laws prohibiting discrimination. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, th F rm and the Department have executed this Agreement as f he date first written above. ROBINS, KAPLAN, MILLER AND C.IRESI � ( � • . , /� �—� , ��.0 `=' APPROVED AS TO FORM; By; __-'l.�t, �� / � �. David A. Bieging T�� c� BY= CITY OF SAINT PA - B : org Latimer Mayo DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL . C'��Q-��� • By: Kenneth R. Johnson Its Director DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MANAGEMENT SERVICES OF THE OF THEQCITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY OF SAINT PAUL By: By: Eugene Schiller ponald Nygaard Its Director Its Director 3 . . � ���-�sfs _ M�HITE - CITV �LERK P�NK - FINANGE C I TY O F A I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMEN7 � BLUE -MAVOR File NO• � Counci esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , Section 5 . 02 of the S int Paul City Charter authorizes the Cii;,y to retai pecial counsel in the event of special or unusual circumsta c s ; and WHEREAS , the Department of P a ning and Economic Development and the Department of Public W rks have need of sPecial counsel to provide legal and t chnical assistance in monitoring and lobbying Cong e s in 1989 ; now, therefore , be it RESOLVED, that the proper Ci y fficers are hereb3� authorized and directed to execute an A re ment with the law firm of Robins, Kaplan, Miller and C re i for providing professional services to the Department o P anning and Economic Development and the Departme t f Pubiic Works in developing and implementino projects an p o�rams at the rate of $3 , 000 per month, not to exceed a t ta of $36 , 000 , to be shared equally bv the Departments. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond LO°g In Favor Goswitz Rettman Scheibel __ Against BY Sonnen �lson Form Appr by City At e Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By 8}� ,...__ ._�., �_ .,....,._. .,.,.,, Approved bv Mavor for Subro.ission to Cou�cil