89-594 WHITE - CITY CLERK �INK - FINANCE G I TY O A I NT PA U L Council /' CANARV�- OEPARTMENT r�I'► BLUE - MAVOR File NO. V Counc 'l Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date SPENDING PLAN 13105 P.E.D. Property Mainten nc 13105-0141 Overtime 10.00 1,867.00 1,877.00 13105-0439 Fringe Benefits 31,753.00 467.00 32,220.00 All other spending 683,736.00 0.00 683,736.00 715,499.00 2,334.00 717,833.00 , THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLUED, ha the City Council approves these changes to the 1989 budget. Approval Recommended Budget Director Page 2 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� [n Fav r Goswitz Rettman Q � sche;be� __ A ga i n s -.S��p Wilson APR 2 7 9 Form Appr e by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Ceriified Pas Council Se r By r �L�"� B ����:�� �' 5� � Approved Ma r: Appr by Mayor for Sub 'ssi n to Council <. By � PU���S�9 t,�1 r.'r � � 19 �. . . ����� . � . � DEPARTMENTIOFsFICE/COUNdI DATE INITIA�' D 4 5 8 Parks and Recreation 3 5 g GREEN SHEET No. OONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR CITY COUNqL JOhn P0o1^ 646-7291 Nu� CITYATTORNEY CITYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCdL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROUTING B �� FIN.8 M�T.SERVICEB DIR. MAYOR(OR AS818TANn � h i e f Ac c o 11 TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PAt�E3 (CLIP ALL OC TIONS FOR 81GNATUR� ACT10N REQUESTED: Passage of Resolution authorizing $2 33 .00 of overtime to be added to the 13110 PED Property Maintenance ud et for weekend snow removal in 1989. REC�AMENDATIONB:Approve(/q a Reject(R) COUNqL MM EE/RESEARCH REPORT -PLANNING�MMISSION -qVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ANAIYST PHO���� � _dB COMMITTEE _ _STAFF _ COMMENTS: _o,�,����,� _ MAR � 31989 BUPPORTS WHICH COUNGL OBJECTIVE? ' MAYOl�S OFF��p�` �������� a6T INfTIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE.OPPORTUWITY(1Nho.Whet,When,Where,WhY): PED owns 220+ parcels of property i S . Paul that are maintained by Parks & Recreation. When snow occu s ate in week or on weekends, Division staff is unable to comply with the no removal ordinance without authorizing overtime pay. Past history: 1985 7 hours overtime, 1984 - 68 hours, 1983 - 62 hours, 1982 - 80 hours. n 987 and 1988 there was very little snow and the prior years expenditur s id not accurately display the need. ADVANTA(iE3 IF APPROVED: Enable Parks & Recreation to autho 'ze overtime, if rreeded, to clear side�alks on PED property parcels maintained y arks & Recreation. The parcels of land (approximately 220) are at various oc tions throughout the entire city. If snow fell on Friday or Saturday it an b2come very packed by the next regular work day (Monday) and may require en greater expenditures of time and money to clean. Cleaning walks in an ex di nt manner also keeps the Division in compliance with the ordinance for le ing all snow within 24 hours. DI3ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: Possible injury to citizens, safet i sues, violation of City Ordinance by City. The situation would show th t he city does not liv � r tq �e expe�- tations we have for the general pu 1 i i .e. 24 hour compl i���:�' �s�'�f'C Center ��►1AR 2 " i��9 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = 2334 CO3T/REVENUE ellDOETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER 13I 10 FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) _- .. . . ... _...., .- � - - ._.. ... _.. _._ . . . _ .._ . _ . ... . . . _..... .. .__ ... . . ... _ ,�,r., � - -- ,_. _ •� t' -. � .C��"�- . , j CITY OF IN7. PAUL , �� i yat i�i'n - �°`' e�`� OFFICF OF ' CITY COIINCII. Commi e Report � � Finance Mana ernen Personnei Committee APRIL 7, 1989 1 . Approval of minutes of April 3 mee in . Approved 2. Discussion of 1990 Budget Goais an P iicies. Laid over to 5/1 3. Discussion of Capital Allocation li y financing Laid over to 5/1 changes. � ;� �.�4.} Resolution 89-518 - amending the 1 8 budget by adding Approved substitute . $54,000 to the Financing and Spen in Plans for Potice resolution Speciai Projects-National Reining Ho se Derby. (Referred from Council March 28) �5.. Resolution 89-593 - amending the 98 budget by adding Approved s adding $14,953 to the Financing a d pending Plans for Parks and Recreation Supply a d aintenance grass cutting, snow removal , litt r ickup and other exterior tasks. (Referred from C un il April 6) 6. Reso1 c:r��+bf�'$9-594 - smend i ng �the 98 budget by Approved add fi t�g $2,3�4°'�er 'the F i nanc i ng an 5 end i ng P 1 ans for Parks and Recreation 5upply a d aintenance snow removai . tReferred from Cou ci April 6) 7. Resolution 89-508 - supporting C. . 98-223 adopted Approved February 16, 1988, and not purcha in investments issued by U.S. companies that ha e erations in Northern Ireland as identified b t Investor Responsibility Research Center. (R ferred from Councii March 23) 8. Resolution g9-567 - authorizing he Mayor to submit Approved as amended the CDBG Year XV 5tatement of C u ity Objectives and Projected Use of Funds to HU . (Referred from Council Apri � 4) (continued) _ CTTY HALL S VE TH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 �aa