89-592 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANC�E G I TY O A I NT PA U L Council GANARV - DEPARTMENT � 1 � � BLUE - MAVOR Flle NO. —��� C n 'l esolution ��� Presented By �-� ��/Referred To C mittee: Date ��4 � Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul provi es certain health and welfare benefit programs to its employees; and WHEREAS, These health and welfare ben fi programs are contributed to by both the City and the employees; and WHEREAS, The City desires to offer th se health and welfare benefit programs in a manner beneficial to both the City and its employ es and WFIEREAS, The Federal government has e ta lished certain laws and corresponding regulations governing the provision of such health and we fare benefits; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, The a ta hed City of Saint Paul Cafeteria Plan is adopted as one of the City's formal plans through hi h to provide such health and welfare programs; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The City oi S �n Paul Cafeteria Plan may be considered by the Administration for implementation but can nl be implemented through the labor negotiation process for employees represented by barga ni g units and by Council Resolution for employees not represented by bargaining units; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, It is the int nt of the City oL Saint Paul that its Cafeteria Plan comply with the Internal Revenue Servi ce Code, Section 125, and all other applicable laws and regulations, and BE, IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The City of S in Paul Cafeteria Plan will be altered to reflect compliance with all applicable laws and re ul tions as stated and through the process established in the attached Cafeteria Plan document. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Dii[l�rid ` nz Finance & Mana e N ;a Goswitz In Favo � s e�bei Long q� S "e" Retttnan _ Against By T esco Scheib�l � O° Sonnen j� ' Adopted by Coun��lsOn Date �"R 2 7 Form A proved by Cit rney Certified Passe o cil Sec ry BY � gy. A►pproved by , �o�: n APR 2 8 1 Appr e by Mayor for Su is n t �uncil i By �UBttSt�ID M AY - 6 1989 - ` ,(',��'1-�'9�, DEPARTMENT/OFFICEICOUNCIL DATE INITIATE � � ^O � Finance/Risk Management Division 3/10/ GREEN SHEET NO. � OONTACT PERSON 6 PFIONE INITIAU DATE INITYAUDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �(YTY COUNCIL Ron J. Guilfoile 292-6240 N�� CITYAITORNEY � R1K MUST BE ON OOUNqI AOENDA BY(DATE) ROU7N10 BUDOET DIRECTOR ���.�j.��S DIR. MAYOR(OR AS�BT TOTAL A►OF Sl�it�lATUI�PAGES (CLIP ALL IONS FOR SIGNATUR� 1 Q �cnoN�cuESr�: �EPqRT�F���DIF�E Approval of "City of Saint Paul Cafeteria Pl n Document"� qNA�Nr aF FiNA�R ��� EMENT g �E / ERVI RECOMMENDATIONS:Approvs W or Rsject(R) COUNCIL M RCH IONAL _PLANNINO COAAMIS810N _GVIL BERVICE COMMIS810N ��Y� � �QR� RECEI _qB COMMITTEE _ � _STAFF _ COMM —o����«,RT — AR 1 31989 ��� f;�a� 1 o i��a���s o�F SUPPORTS WHICFI COUNqL 08JECTIVET �� IC OF CE OF INff1AT1N(i PROBLEM,18SUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Wh�t,When,Where,Wh�: A I'�'EN�-�,., �' N�, VI"J- The City has initiated a cafeteria style en fit program or ce'3'�����r������� The cafeteria ro ram has been ��� S ��tract p g provided to t se employees through the bargaining u process. The attached cafeteria plan doc me t is a requirement for the City to have on file in order to offer cafeteria style benefi . ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: If approved, the City will comply with t e lan Document requirement of IRS Code 125 and � Section 89 of the 1986 Tax Reform Act. he Plan Document allows for full implementation of all elements of a cafeteria style or le ible benefit style benefit program including the child care expense account. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTAOEB IF NOT APPROVED: The City and its employees will not be bl to take advantage of certain provisions of the Tax Code as it relates to use of pr -t x dollars. The City will not be able to maintain its current cafeteria program, implemen t e child care expense account program, or expand its benefit program in areas beneficial to the City and the employees. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = N A cosT�REVENUe auDC�E�(q�oNE) YES NO ��Np gp�� N A ACTIVITY NUMBER N/A FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) . . ���=�� 9. Ordinance $9-227 - amending Chapt r 6 of the Laid over to 5/1 Administrative Code pertaining to si ning of contracts, deeds, bonds and check b providing notification to Councit prior to ig atures on proposed contracts when not subje t o competitive bidding. (Referred from Council eb uary 14, laid over Apr i 1 3) ------- ----------- 10. R� tion 89-592 - approving th Ci y of St. Paul Approved Ca�"'eteria P l an Document. (Refer d ran Counc i l \.\ A�'f`1`..�) � � . ... -...._ ._ . _ .._:..._ --. _. ._ _ .. .. . _ _ _. .. ... __.. . .._... .,__ ... . . ... . _ . ,...s... ..�_ ,� ,� �:� � .���y: � ; CITY OF SAINT PAUL _ , ;�"�,,; ;iii�raairi � '— OFFICE OF TAE CITY COIINCIL . Committee Report - � � Finance. Manaaement. & Personnel Committee APRIL 17, 1989 1. Approvai of minutes of Aprit 3 meeting. Approved 2. Discussion of 1990 Budget Goals and Policies. Laid over to 5/1 3. Discussion of Capital Allocation Poticy financing Laid over to 5/l changes. � ' 4.� Resolution 89-518 - amending the 1989 budget by adding Approved substitute #- �1 % ��.. _ $54,000 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Police resolution Speciai Projects-Nationai Reining Horse Derby. (Referred from Council March 28) �: Resolution 89-593 - amending the 1989 budget by adding Approved adding $14,953 to the Financing and Spending Ptans for Parks and Recreation Supply and Maintenance grass cutting, snow removal , litter pickup and other exterior tasks. (Referred from Council April 6) 6. Resolution 89-594 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved adding $2,334 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Parks and Recreation Supply and Maintenance snow removal . (Referred from Councii April 6) 7. Resolution 89-508 - supporting C.F. 88-223 adopted Approved February 16, 1988, and not purchasing investments issued by U.S. companies that have operations in Northern Ireland as identified by the Investor Responsibility Research Center. (Referred from Council March 23) 8. Resolution 89-567 - authorizing the Mayor to submit Approved as amended the CDBG Year XV Statement of Community Objectives and Projected Use of Funds to HUD. (Referred from Council Aprii 4) (continued) _ CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 s�o ae a , . DEX PA E ,� ARTICLE 1 PREAMBLE 1 ARTICLE 2 DEFI1vITIONS 2 Section 2.01 Account 2 Section 2.02 Affiliated Ent 2 Section 2.03 Board 2 Section 2.04 Committee 2 Section 2.05 Code 2 Section 2.06 Employer 2 Section 2.07 Compensatio 2 Section 2.08 Employee 2 Section 2.09 Em loyers 2 Section 2.10 Hig�ly Compe sa d Member 2 Section 2.11 Medical Plan 3 Section 2.12 Member 3 Section 2.13 Nonelective C ntr butions 3 Section 2.14 Period of Cov ag 3 Section 2.15 Plan 3 Section 2.16 Plan Year 3 Section 2.17 Reimburseme A ount 3 Section 2.18 Reimburseme C ntributions 3 ARTICLE 3 ELIGIBILITY REQ R MENTS 4 � Section 3.01 Eligibility 4 Section 3.02 Enrollment an M mbership 4 ARTICLE 4 CONTRIBUTIONS 5 Section 4.01 Insurance Cont ibu ions 5 Section 4.02 Reimbursemen Co tributions 5 Section 4.03 Pay Reduction nd ayroll Withholding 5 Section 4.04 Nonelective Co tri utions 5 ARTICLE 5 ELECTTONS 6 Section 5.01 In General 6 Section 5.02 Contributions a d enefits 6 Section 5.03 Period of Cover e 6 Section 5.04 Fractional Perio s 6 Section 5.05 Timing of Electi ns 6 Section 5.06 Changes of Elec ion 6 Section 5.07 Medical Plans 6 ARTICLE 6 BENEFITS 7 Section 6.01 Benefits Availab 7 Section 6.02 Medical Plan Be efi s 7 Section 6.03 Disability Plan B ne its 7 Section 6.04 Life Insurance Pl n enefits 7 „� Section 6.05 Medical F�rpense Re mbursement Bene�ts 7 Section 6.06 Dependent Care ei bursement Benefits 7 Section 6.07 Cash Bene�ts 7 . ' . � . ARTICLE 7 LIMITATIONS ON E FITS 8 Section 7.01 Coverage 8 � Section 7.02 Amount of Be e s 8 Section 7.03 Forfeitures 8 Section 7.04 Insurance Pla s 8 ARTICLE 8 MEDICAL EXPEN IMBURSEMENT PROGRAM 9 Section 8.01 In General 9 Section 8.02 Definitions 9 Section 8.03 Eligibility, Enr 11 ent and Termination 9 Section 8.04 Covered Expe se 10 Section 8.05 Reduction of en fits 10 Section 8.06 Other Provisio s 10 ARTICLE 9 DEPENDENT C IMBURSEMENT PROGRAM 11 Section 9.01 In General 11 Section 9.02 Defmitions 11 Section 9.03 Eligibility, Enr 11 ent and Termination 11 Section 9.04 Covered Expe es 11 Section 9.05 Reduction of n its 11 Section 9.06 Further Limita io 12 Section 9.07 Prohibition of e in Payments 12 Section 9.08 Services Outsi t e Household 12 Section 9.09 Annual Re�ort to embers 13 Section 9.10 Other Provisio s 13 • ARTICLE 10 CLAIMS FOR BENE 14 Section 10.01 Claims for Rei bu sement Benefits 14 Section 10.02 Prior Payment n cessary 14 Section 10.03 Claim Substant ti n 14 Section 10.04 Time Limit on lai ing Benefits 14 Section 10.05 Medical Plans 14 ARTICLE 11 POST-TERMINATIO P TICIPATION 15 Section 11.01 Termination of a icipation on Account of Death 15 Section 11.02 Determination f neficiary 15 Section 11.03 Other Terminat on 15 Section 11.04 Medical Plans 15 ARTICLE 12 NONDISCRIMINATI N 16 Section 12.01 Reduction of C ntr butions and Benefits 16 Section 12.02 Prohibition of 'sc mination 16 ARTTCLE 13 ACCOUNTS 17 Section 13.01 Accounts 17 Section 13.02 Contributions d 17 Section 13.03 Benefits Provide 17 • Section 13.04 Assignment of B ne its 17 ARTICLE 14 ADMINISTRATION F E PLAN 18 Section 14.01 Composition o th Committee 18 � Section 14.02 Conduct of Co ttee Business 18 Section 14.03 Records and R p of the Committee 18 Section 14.04 Administrative Po ers and Duties 18 Section 14.05 Fiduciary Duti s 19 Section 14.06 Allocation or el gation of Duties and Responsibilities 19 Section 14.07 Procedure for 1 cation/Delegation of Fiduciary Duties 19 Section 14.08 Claims Proce e 20 Section 14.09 Medical and the Benefit Plans 20 ARTICLE 15 AMENDMENT RMINATION 21 Section 15.01 Amendment P n 21 Section 15.02 Termination f P an 21 Section 15.03 Preservation f ghts 21 ARTICLE 16 MISCELLANEOU 22 Section 16.01 Facility of Pa t 22 Section 16.02 Lost Payee 22 Section 16.03 Funding 22 Section 16.04 Indemnificat n 22 Section 16.05 Titles and H ad' g 23 Section 16.06 Number 23 Section 16.07 Applicable w 23 � � CITY OF SAINT A CAFETERIA PLAN � TI LE 1 P LE The purpose of this Plan is to p rm t Members to choose among fringe benefits available to be purchased on their behal by he Employers. This Plan is intended to be a cafeteria plan as defined in section 125(d of e Code. The provisions of this Plan shall b e ctive as of January 1, 1989. � � • ' � . CLE 2 D TION . Each word and phrase defined ' is Article 2 shall have the following meaning whenever such word or phrase is capit liz d and used herein unless a different meaning is clearly required by the conteart of the P n. Section 2.01. Account• The ' di idual account established on the books of the Employers under Section 13.01 in the a of each Member for the purpose of accounting for contributions allocated to and ben rts aid for a Member. Section 2.02. Affiliated Entitv Th City or any bargaining unit thereof that is part of(a) a member of the employer,wi n t e meaning of Code section 414(b), that includes the City; (b) under common control, it n the meaning of Code section 414(c), with the City; or (c) a member of an affiliate se ice group, within the meaning of Code section 414(m), that includes the City. Section 2.03. Board• The Bo rd hall consist of the Mayor of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul City Council. The Mayor s all be the Chairperson of the Board. Section 2.04. Committee. Saint Paul Employee Benefits Committee as described in Section 14.01. Section 2.05. Code• The Inte al Revenue Code of 1954, as amended from time to • time. i n 2.�,�. Employer. City f int Paul. Section 2.07. Compensation. A ember's basic pay, including bonuses, overtime and commissions, as determined by he ommittee, for personal services rendered in the course of employment with any affil' te entity and contributions under Sections 4.01 and 4.02 on a Member's behalf. Section 2.08. Em l�oyee. An pe son employed by an affiliated entity who is eligible for benefits under a Medical Pla b t excluding any person covered by a collective bargaining agreement, unless cover e nder this Plan is provided for under the collective bargaining agreement. Section 2.09. Em�loyers. y iliated Entity which shall ratify and adopt this Plan in a manner satisfactory to the o rd. Section 2.10. Hi hl m e s t d Memb r. A member who is: (a) Paid more than $50,00 ; (b) Among the highest pa d 0% of all employees of the employer (other than non-members who a art-time or seasonal employees, or excludable collective bargaining n n-resident alien employees, as provided in section • 105(h)(3)(B) and (5)( ) o the Code); (c) Otherwise treated as h ghl compensated under section 125 of the Code; or 2 (d) A spouse or dependent ( th' the meaning of Code section 152) of one of the above. � Section 2.11. Medical Plan. plan of the City other than this Plan which provides medical care benefits (includ' d ntal care benefits) for employees generally. Section 2.12. Mem er. Any E pl yee who has become eligible to participate in the Plan in accordance with Section 3.0 an who has not ceased to be an Employee. Section 2.13. Non le tiv ri tions. The contributions made pursuant to Section 4.04. Section 2.14. P ri f v r e Plan Year, except that it may be a fraction of a Plan Year as provided in Section 5. 4. Section 2.15. Plan• The Saint Pa 1 feteria Plan, as set forth herein. Section 2.16. Plan Year. The cal nd r year. Section 2.17. R im r men A n . The subaccounts of a Member's Account established under Section 13.01 for n ibutions and payments for Reimbursement Benefits. Section 2.18. R im r men n i i n . Contributions made under Section 4.02 for Reimbursement Benefits. � � 3 CLE 3 LI IBILI REMENTS • Section 3.01. Eli i ili . Any e pl ee employed by an Employer shall become a Member as of the later of January 1, 1 89 r the date of the Employee's coverage under the Plan through the adoption of the Pl b the Employee's employing entity. Section 3.02. Enr llm n n m r hi . The Committee shall notify in writing each Employee who becomes a Membe o the Plan and shall e3cplain the rights, privileges and duties of a Member of the Plan. E ch Member may elect to participate as of the date on which he or she becomes eligible i a rdance with Section 3.01 by completing and delivering to the Committee a salary r du tion agreement, a bene�ciary designation form and an election of benefits form on the o s provided therefore by the Committee. � i 4 TI LE 4 U1'I N • Section 4.01. In r n n ri uti n For any Plan Year, each Member may elect to have contributed to his or her Accoun a ecified amount of his or her Compensation for such Plan Year to pay for benefits de a Medical Plan, a Disability Plan or a Life Insurance Plan. The amount of such con ib tions shall be determined in accordance with such Plan. Section 4.02. Reim ur m n n ri i n . For any Plan Year, in addition to the contributions in Section 4.01, each Mem er ay elect to have contributed to his or her Account a specified amount of his or r ompensation for such Plan Year up to a malrimum of$5,000.00 to be used to fund ei bursement Benefits. Section. 4.03. P R i n n r 11 Wi hh 1 in . A Member's pay for a Plan Year shall be reduced by the amount of t e ntributions which he or she elects for such Plan Year under Sections 4.01 and 4.02. ntributions shall be made only by way of payroll withholding which shall be made d in a Member's applicable Period of Coverage. Section 4.04. N n 1 iv n ri i . For any Plan Year, the Employers may make further contributions to the Plan on eh lf of Members. Any such contributions shall be made only on a nondiscriminatory basis. � � 5 TICLE 5 E E ON . �ection 5.01. In General. El ti s of contributions and benefits shall be made at the time, in the manner and subject to he conditions specified by the Committee which shall prescribe uniform and nondiscr' in tory rules for such elections. Section 5.02. n ri i ns enefi . Members must elect both the amount of Reimbursement Contributions and h w uch of the Reimbursement Contributions as well as Nonelective Contributions allocat d t their Accounts shall be allocated to each benefit for an elected Period of Coverage. C ntributions allocated to a particular benefit may never be used for any other benefit. Section 5.03. P ri f v r Except as provided in Sections 5.04 and 5.06, any Member electing contributions and be efits must make an irrevocable election for an entire Period of Coverage. Section 5.04. Fr i n 1 P ri s Members who become eligible to participate in the middle of a Period of Coverage ma elect to participate for a period lasting until the . end of the current Period of Cover ge. In such cases, the interval commencing the day after their elections are made and nd ng at the end of the current Period of Coverage shall be deemed to be their Period f verage. Such Members must elect to participate • no later than 30 days after becomin eli ible to do so or within such other time limit as the Committee may prescribe. Section 5.05. Timin f El ti s. Elections of contributions and benefits for a Period of Coverage shall be made p ior to such Period of Coverage, provided that where a Member commences or recomme ce participation in the middle of the Period of Coverage, he or she shall make elec ion prior to commencement of participation. Section 5.06. h n of El cti n . Elections of contributions and/or benefits may be changed in the middle of a Per od of Coverage on account of and consistent with a change in family status because of a riage, divorce, death of a spouse or dependent or other decrease in the number of a e ber's dependents, birth or adoption of a child or other increase in the number of a M mber's dependents, or change in the employment status of the employee or spouse. f ilure to elect shall be considered an election and a change from or to a zero amoun of contributions shall be considered a change of an election. Changes in elections s 11 nly be effective as to contributions and bene�ts following the effective date of such ha ges. Section 5.07. M i 1 Pl n E ections of contributions under Section 4.01 shall be subject to the rules governing electi ns of bene�ts under a Member's Medical Plan. � 6 a � ' . � . TI LE 6 B FIT • Section 6.01. Benefits Available. ub ect to Article 10, Members may elect one or more of the following benefits: (a) Medical Plan Benefits. (b) Disability Plan Benefits. (c) Life Insurance Plan Benefits. (d) Dependent Care Reimburse ent Benefits. (e) Medical Expense Reimburse en $enefits. (f� Cash. Section 6.02. M ' Pl n B n fi . ontributions under Section 4.01 may be used to purchase benefits under a Medical Pla w ich shall be governed by the terms of such Plan. Section 6.03. Dis bili Pl n B n i Contributions under Section 4.01 may be used to purchase benefits under a Disabili an which shall be governed by the terms of such Plan. Section 6.04. Lif Ins r n Pl n n fi . Contributions under Section 4.01 may be used to purchase benefits under a Life ns rance Plan which shall be governed by the • terms of such Plan. Section 6.05. M i 1 ns R im ur eme B n fi s. The Employers have adopted a Medical Expense Reimbursem t rogram set forth in Article 8 designed to qualify as a nontaxable employee benefit u de Code Section 105(b). Members may elect bene�ts under such Program subject to all f e requirements and restrictions contained in that Program. Section 6.06. D n n C r R m rs men B n fit . The Employers have adopted a Dependent Care Reimburseme t rogram set forth in Article 9 designed to qualify as a nonta3cable employee benefit u de Code section 129(a). Members may elect benefits under such Program subject to all f t e requirements and restrictions contained in that Program. Section 6.07. Cash Benefits. Cas b nefits are represented by the m�imum permissible Reimbursement Contributions nd he amount of such Contributions elected by a Member. • CLE 7 LIMITATI N N BE FIT • Section 7.01. v ra . Amo nts for a particular Reimbursement Benefit may only be paid for expenses incurred dur' g t e Period of Coverage elected for such Benefit and only from contributions made fo s ch Benefit during such Period of Coverage. Expenses shall be considered incurred he the medical or dependent care is provided or, in the case of insured bene�ts, during e eriod of insurance coverage, and not when the Member is formally billed, charged for r ys the expenses. Section 7.02. Amo n f e fi . The maximum amount of Reimbursement Benefits payable for a Plan Year s 11 e $5,000.00 plus the amount of Nonelective Contributions allocated to a Member' A count. The same maximum shall apply to any single Reimbursement Benefit. ddition, amounts payable for a particular Reimbursement Benefit may not exce d t e balance of the Member's subaccount for such Benefit less amount necessary to pay uc Member's accrued claims for such Benefit. If claims for amounts in excess of such b la e are made at any time, such claims may be paid when and if further Reimbursement o N nelective Contributions allocable to such Benefit are made during the applicable Perio of overage. Section 7.03. Forfeitures. ounts remaining in a Reimbursement Benefit • subaccount shall be forfeited after p nt of all timely presented claims for the Benefit for expenses incurred during the appl' ab e Period of Coverage. Section 7.04. Ins r n Plan . overage and limitations for a Member's Benefit Plan shall be set forth in the Member s B nefit Plan. • 8 CLE 8 MEDI AL EXPEN E MB EMENT PR RAM � Section 8.01. In General. Mem rs vered by this Program may submit claims for the reimbursement of a Member's cove ed edical F.xpense from contributions allocated to the Member's subaccount for medical e nse Reimbursement Benefits. Section 8.02. Definitions. Fo p oses of this Article, the following special definitions shall apply: (a) "B n fi " means Medica pense Reimbursement Benefits under this Program. (b) "Depen nt" means a depe de t as defined in the Member's Medical and/or Dental Plan or a child who as ceased to be an eligible dependent because of attaining the maximum age li it under the Medical and/or Dental Plan but who is still a dependent as d fi d by the Code. (c) "Hi hl m en ted m er" means a Member who is a highly compensated individual w i among the highest paid 20 percent of all Employees of the Employe (o er than non-Members who are part-time or seasonal Employees, or exc ud ble collective bargaining or nonresident alien employees as provided in s cti n 105(h)(3)(B) and (5)(C) of the Code); or • otherwise treated as a highl c mpensated individual under section 105(h) of the Code. (d) "Medical Expenses" means a ounts not compensated for by insurance or otherwise which are paid r ncurred by or on behalf of a Member, a Member's spouse or a Me be s Dependents and incurred for the following items to the extent they are v ed by section 213(d) of the Code: (1) The diagnosis, cure, 'tig tion, treatment, or prevention of disease, or for the purpose of affe in any structure or function of the body. (2) For transportation pri ar' y for and essential to medical care referred to in (1). (3) For insurance (includi a ounts paid as premiums under part B of title XVII of the Social S cu iry Act, relating to supplementary medical insurance for the aged co ering medical care referred to in (1) and (2) other than any insura ce that is paid for under any other employee benefit plan maintaine by the Employers. Section 8.03. Eli i ili Enr 1 t nd T rmin i n. All Members of the Cafeteria Plan shall be eligible to recei b nefits under this Program. Enrollment and • termination of participation under the a teria Plan shall constitute enrollment and termination of participation under this pr gr m. Section 8.04. Covered Ex�enses. e rogram shall only cover Medical Expenses incurred during the Period of Coverage t e ember has elected for Benefits, and only • from contributions made for Bene�ts und t 's Program during such Period of Coverage. Expenses shall be considered incurred whe t medical care is provided and not when the Member is formally billed, charged or pays the F�penses. Section 8.05. R i n f B n fi . e Committee may reduce the amount of Benefits payable to a Member to the exte th Committee deems necessary to assure that the Program does not discriminate in fav r o Highly Compensated Members in violation of Code section 105(h) or any other appl ca e provision of law. Any such reduction of Benefits shall be made by the Committe o a reasonable and nondiscriminatory basis. Contributions which may not be paid ou b cause of benefit reduction imposed by this Section 8.05 shall be forfeited. Section 8.06. Other Provisions. O he matters concerning contributions, elections, benefits, claims, and the like shall be go rn d by the general provisions of the Cafeteria Plan. • � 10 LE 9 DEPEND NT ARE I E PR RAM • �ection 9.01. In General. Memb rs overed by this Program may submit claims for the reimbursement of a Member's cove ed dependent care Fxpenses from contributions allocated to the Member's subaccount fo D pendent Care Reimbursement Benefits. Section 9.02. Definitions. Fo p oses of this Article, the following special defmitions shall apply: (a) "Benefits"means Reimbur m nt Benefits for Expenses under this Program. (b) "De�endent�� means (1) a dependent (as defin d i Code section 152) of an Employee (A)who is under the age of 15 d ith respect to whom the Employee is entitled to a deduction under C e section 151(e); or (B) who is physically or mentally incapable of car ng for himself or herself; or (2) the spouse of an E pl yee, if such spouse is physically or mentally incapable of caring f h' self or herself. (c) "Earned Income" means rn d income as defined in section 32(c)(2) of the Code, excluding any a ou ts paid or incurred by the Employers for dependent care assistance o a Member. , (d) "F.a�enses" means amoun p id or incurred by or on behalf of a Member for household services or for he re of a Dependent, either inside or outside of the Member's home, sub ct to the limitations in Section 9.09, in order to enable the Member to be ga fully employed for any period for which he or she has a Dependent. (e) "Hi hl m ns m r" means a Member who is (as determined under the provisions of s cti n 129 of the Code) among the top 20% of the payroll or a dependent of n Section 9.03. Eli i ili En 11 n n T rmin tion. All Members of the Cafeteria Plan shall be eligible to re eiv benefits under this Program. Enrollment and termination of participation under t e feteria Plan shall constitute enrollment and termination of participation under thi Pr gram. �ection 9.04. v r n e Program shall only cover Expenses incurred during the Period of Coverage the me ber has elected for Benefits, and only from contributions made during the Per' d of Coverage for Benefits under this Program. Expenses shall be considered incurre w en the dependent care is provided and not when the Member is formally billed, charge f or pays the Fxpenses. � Section 9.05. R ti n f n i s The Committee may reduce the amount of benefits payable to a Member to the xt nt the Committee deems necessary to assure that 11 the Program does not discriminate in fa or f Highly Compensated Members in violation of Code section 129 or any other appl ca le provision of law. Any such reduction of ` benefits shall be made by the Commit e n a reasonable and nondiscriminatory basis. Contributions which may not be paid o t ecause of benefit reductions imposed by this Section 9.05 will be forfeited. Section 9.06. F h r Li i i e amount of benefits for a Member during any year shall not exceed: (a) in the case of a Member o s not married at the close of such year, the Earned Income of such Me be for such year; or (b) in the case of a Member wh is arried at the close of such year, the lesser of: (1) the Earned income of uc Member for such year; or (2) the Earned Income of he pouse of such Member for such year. For purposes of paragraph (b)(2), if t e ember's spouse is a full-time student at an educational institution or physically or en lly incapable of caring for himself or herself, each spouse shall be deemed to be gain lly mployed and to have Earned Income of$200 per month, if the Member has only one ep ndent, and $400 per month if the Member has two or more Dependents. In the case f ny husband and wife, the preceding sentence shall apply with respect to only one spou e f r any one month. Section 9.07. Pr hi i i n f i P n . No Benefits shall be paid to a • Member during any taxable year of such e ber for Expenses paid to an individual: (a) with respect to whom, for c taxable year, a deduction is allowable under Code section 151(e) (relati t personal exemptions for dependents) to such Member or his or her spous ; o (b) who is a child of such mem r ithin the meaning of Code section 151(e)(3)) under the age of 19 at the cl se f such taxable year. Section 9.08. rvi ide h H s h ld. (a) Degendent Care Centers. e efits shall not be paid for services provided outside a Member's househ ld by a facility that provides care for more than six individuals other than in ivi uals who reside at the facility, and receives a fee, payment or grant for pr vi ng services for any of the individuals, unless: (1) such facility complies it all applicable laws and regulations of a state or unit of local govern e t, and (2) the requirements of se tio 9.08(b) are met. (b) Certain dependents. Ben fit shall not be paid for services outside a Member's household unless he ervices are provided for the care of (1) a Dependent within th m aning of section 9.02(b)(1); or �, (2) any other Dependent h regularly spends at least eight hours each day in the Member's hous ol . 2 Section 9.09. Ann 1 R r . The Committee shall furnish to each Member on whose behalf Benefits are p id, n or before January 31 of each year, a written � statement showing the amounts paid by he Employers in providing Bene�ts on behalf of such Member during the previous calend r ar. Section 9.10. Other Provisions. th r matters conceming contributions, elections, benefits, claims, and the like shall be g e ed by the general provisions of the Cafeteria Plan. i � . 13 AR IC E 10 LAIM BE FIT • Section 10.01. 1 im for R im r nt B n i . Claims for Reimbursement Benefits totaling at least $100.00 may be a e at any time. Claims for Reimbursement Benefits totaling less than $100.00 may be m e at the end of each calendar quarter, or at any other time in the event of a final cla ollowing termination of participation. The Committee may, in its discretion,waive or lt r these requirements. Section 10.02. Pri r P nt n . Members need not actually make payment for reimbursable expenses befo e ing reimbursed for them under the Plan. However, the Committee may require er ication that expenses have been properly incurred. Section 10.03. 1 im t n i i n. The Committee shall require a Member to substantiate claims for Reimbursement B ne its under the Plan. For items covered by a Medical Plan, but not paid by such Plan ca se of deductibles, copayments or maximum limits, such substantiation shall include th lanation of Benefits form provided by such Plan. All claims for medical expenses sh 1 b substantiated by copies of bills, receipts or canceled checks. Claims for dependent e enses shall be substantiated by a Member's certification that such expenses have b en properly incurred. Where necessary and � appropriate, the Committee may in its di re ion waive such requirements but in so doing shall always act in a uniform and nondiscr' ' tory manner. Section 10.04. Tim Limi n 1 i in B n i . Claims for Reimbursement Benefits shall only be paid if presented w hi time limits which shall be prescribed by the Committee. Section 10.05. Medical Plans. C ai s under a Member's Medical Plan shall be governed by the terms of such Plan. � 1 AR C 11 P T-TERNIINA PARTI PATI N • Section 11.01. Termin ion of P i i i n n A n f De h. Upon the death of any Member or former Member who ha a alance in his or her Account, a beneficiary of the Member may elect to continue to cl im eimbursement Benefits under a Member's Account in the same manner as the Membe c ld have. Disposition of the account will be governed by the provisions of Section 11.0 a if the beneficiary were a Member who had terminated participation for reasons other a death. Section 11.02. D rmin ti n f fi i . In the event of the death of a member a beneficiary or beneficiaries sha 1 b determined to succeed to his or her rights under the Plan. The beneficiary shall be th mber's spouse and/or all dependents. Section 11.03. Other Termination. ember who has terminated employment for reasons other than death may no longer h ve ntributions made to the Plan on his or her behalf, but may continue to receive benefi u der the Plan for claims made for the Period of Coverage in which termination occurs' ch claims may include claims for e�enses incurred after retirement but prior to the nd of the Period of Coverage. The Committee shall prescribe the time limitation within hi h claims must be submitted. Such time limit may be shorter than the remainder of th M mber's Period of Coverage. Members may • also continue to submit claims for Peri ds of Coverage prior to the Period in which termination occurs subject to time limitati ns imposed by the Committee. Section 11.04. Medical Plans. P st- ermination participation in a Medical Plan shall be governed by the terms of such Pl . • 15 TICLE 12 N I CRIMINATIO • Section 12.01. R u i n ntri i n n B n fi . The Committee may reject any election and reduce the o nt of contributions or nontaxable benefits to the extent the Committee deems neces a to assure that the Plan does not discriminate in favor of Highly Compensated Me be in violation of Code section 125 or any other applicable provision of law or to pre en taxation of key employees under the provisions of section 125(b)(2) of the Code. Any eje ion of elections or any reduction of contributions or benefits shall be made by the C ittee on a reasonable and nondiscriminatory basis. Contributions which may not be p 'd ut because of bene�t reductions imposed by this Section 12.01 shall be forfeited. Section 12.02. Pr hi i i n f i rimin i n. Any discretionary acts to be taken under the terms and provisions of t is lan by the Committee or by the Employers shall be uniform in their nature and applica ion to all those similarly situated, and no discretionary acts shall be taken that would be d' cri inatory under the provisions of the Code relating to cafeteria plans, medical reimbur m nt plans or dependent care assistance plans as such provisions now exist or may from t' e time be amended. � � 16 AR L 13 A � �ction 13.01. Accounts• A separate Ac unt shall be maintained for each Member to reflect the amount of contributions on h s o her behalf under Article 4 and the cost of all benefits paid to the Member or on th Member's behalf under the Plan with subaccounts for each of the possible Reimb rs ent Benefits. Section 13.02. i i n M . C ntributions on behalf of a member shall be credited to the Account and appropriate su a unt of such Member. Section 13.03 Benefits Provided. e st of benefits provided to a Member shall � be charged to the Account and appropriat su account of such Member. Section 13.04. i n f B n fi Any interest in a Member's Account may not be assigned, transferred or alienated in ny manner whatsoever by any Member or beneficiary. � � 17 AR C E 14 ADMI TRA F THE PLAN s Section 14.01. m i i n f h mitt . The administration of the Plan, as provided herein, including the payment o al benefits to Members or their beneficiaries, shall be the responsibility of the Saint Pa E ployee Benefits Committee, which shall be the administrator of the Plan. In additio , t e Committee shall consist of the following employees: the Personnel Director, the b Relations Manager, the Risk Manager, the Employee Benefits Administrator, the hi f Accountant, the Risk Analyst, and an Assistant City Attorney who will be app nt d by the Chairperson of the Board. In the event of a vacancy in any of these position , t e Chairperson of the Board shall appoint an employee to serve as an interim Commit ee Member. Committee Members shall serve without compensation, unless otherwise d e ined by the Board. Section 14.02. n f m it B in . The Committee shall elect its Chairperson who shall be a member of t e ommittee and a Secretary who may or may not be a member of the Committee. It s 1 ppoint such subcommittees as it shall deem necessary and appropriate. The Commi tee shall conduct its business according to the provisions of this Article 14 and shall hol re lar meetings in any convenient location. A majority of all of the members of the o mittee shall have power to act, and the • concurrence or dissent of any member ma be y telephone,wire, cablegram or letter. Section 14.3. R r n R f mmi . The Committee shall keep such written records as it shall deem nec ssa or proper, which records shall be open to inspection by the Company. The Commit e hall prepare and submit to the Employer an annual report which shall include such in ation as the Committee deems necessary or advisable. Section 14.04. A minis r tive P rs n D i . 1fie Committee shall have the power to take all actions required to car ou the provisions of the Plan and shall further have the following powers and duties, whi h s all be exercised in a manner consistent with the provisions of the Plan: (a) to construe and interpret th p ovisions of the Plan, and make rules and regulations under the Plan to e xtent deemed advisable by the Committee; (b) to decide all questions as to e 'gi ility to become a Member in the Plan and as to the rights of Members und t Plan; (c) to file or cause to be filed al such annual reports, returns, schedules, descriptions, financial statem nts and other statements as may be required by federal or state statute, agen , o authority; S (d) to obtain from the Affiliated Co panies and employees such information as shall be necessary to the prop r a ministration of the Plan; 1 (e) to determine the amount, an er, and time of payment of benefits hereunder; (fl to contract with such insur carriers or other suppliers as may be necessary � to provide for benefits; � (g) to communicate to any ins e or other contract supplier of benefits under this Plan in writing all informa on required to carry out the provisions of the Plan; (h) to notify the Members of t e lan in writing of any amendment or termination of the Plan, or of a change in ny benefits available under the Plan; (i) to prescribe such forms a m y be required for Employees to make elections under this Plan; and (j) to do such other acts as it ee s reasonably required to administer the Plan in accordance with its provis n or as may be provided for or required by law. Section 14.05. Fi i D i . The Committee and any other fiduciary shall discharge their duties solely in the inte est of Members and their beneficiaries and: (a) for the exclusive purp e f providing benefits to Members and their beneficiaries and defrayi r sonable expenses of administering the Plan; (b) with the care, prudence, d iligence under the circumstances then prevailing that a prudent man acti g i a like capacity and familiar with such matters would use in the condu o an enterprise of a like character and with like aims; � (c) to the extent a fiduciary oss sses and exercises investment responsibilities, by diversifying investments a to minimize the risk of large losses, unless under the circumstances it is cl 1 prudent not to do so; and (d) in accordance with the d cu ents and instruments governing the Plan. Section 14.06. All i n r 1 i n f D i n R n i iliti . In furtherance of their duties and res ns bilities under the Plan, the Committee and the Board may, subject always to the req ire ents of Section 14.05, (a) employ agents to carry o t nfiduciary responsibilities; (b) employ agents to car o t fiduciary responsibilities (other than trustee responsibilities; (c) consult with counsel,w y be of counsel to the Employer; and (d) provide for the alloca ion of fiduciary responsibilities (other than trustee responsibilities) among Co mittee members, in the case of the Committee, and among members of he Board, in the case of the Board. Section 14.07. Pr r f r t All i r D 1 i n f Fi i D i . Any action in subsections (b) or (d) f S ction 14.06 may be taken by the Committee or the Board only in accordance with the f llo ing procedure: � 19 (a) such action shall be taken y a majority of the Committee or the Board, as the case may be, in a resoluti n pproved by a majority of such Committee or � Board; (b) the vote cast by each me be of the Committee or the Board for or against the adoption of such res lut n shall be recorded and made a part of the written record of the Com itt e's or Boards proceedings; and (c) any delegation of fiduci esponsibilities or any allocation of fiduciary responsibilities among m m ers of the Committee or the Board may be modified or rescinded b t Committee or the Board according the the procedure set forth in sub ect ons (a) and (b) of this Section 14.07. �ection 14.08. 1 im Pr r The Committee shall establish a reasonable claims procedure. Section 14.09. M i 1 n r n fi 1 n . Plans shall be administered by the administrators of such Plans and all cl i for benefits under such Plans shall be governed by the terms of such Plans. • • 20 CLE 15 NDME D TERMI ATI � Section 15.01. Am n nt f The Committee may amend,with the approval of the Board, any or all provisions of t is lan at any time by written instrument identified as an amendment of the Plan effective s a specified date. Section 15.02. T in i n f Pl . This Plan may be terminated in whole or in part at any time by the Board. Section 15.03. Pr rv i n of i . Termination or amendment of the Plan shall not affect the rights of any Memb r n his or her account or the right to claim reimbursement for e�enses incurred ri to such termination or amendment as the case may be to the extent such amount i p able under the terms of the Plan prior to the effective date of such termination or a e dment. � � 21 CLE 16 MI � �ection 16.01. F ili f Pa nt. If the Committee deems any person entitled to receive any amount under the provisi ns f this Plan incapable of receiving or disbursing the same by reason of minority, illness or firmity, mental incompetency, or incapaciry of any kind, the Committee may, in its is retion, take any one or more of the following actions: (a) apply such amount directl f the comfort, support and maintenance of such person; (b) reimburse any person for ny such support theretofore supplied to the person entitled to receive any suc p yment; or (c) pay such amount to a le 1 presentative or guardian or any other persons selected by the Commit ee to disburse it for such comfort, support and maintenance, including th ut limitation, any relative who had undertaken, wholly or partially, th e pense of such person's comfort, care and maintenance, or any insti ti n in whose care or custody the person entitled to the amount may be. e ommittee may, in its discretion, deposit any amount due to a minor t hi or her credit in any savings or commercial bank � of the Committee's choi . Section 16.02. Lost Pavee. y amount due and payable to a Member or beneficiary shall be forfeited if the C m ittee after reasonable effort is unable to locate the Member or beneficiary to who pa ent is due. Such forfeited amounts shall be applied towards contributions to the la . However, any such forfeited amount will be reinstated through a special contribut' n o the Plan by the Employers and become payable if a claim is made by the Member or e ficiary. The Committee shall prescribe uniform and nondiscriminatory rules for carryi g ut this provision. Section 16.03. Funding; The bl' ations of the Employers under this Plan may be, but need not be, funded through con rib tions to a trust or otherwise. Nothing contained in the Plan shall give a Member any r ht title or interest in any properry of the Employer. �ection 16.04. Im m�ifi i . o the extent permitted by law, the Employer shall indemnify and hold harmless the C m ittee, Members, any Employee, and any other person or persons who whom the E lo ers or the Committee have delegated fiduciary or other duties under the Plan, agains an and all claims, losses, damages, expenses, and liabilities arising from any act or fail e o act that constitutes or is alleged to constitute a breach of such person's responsibilit es connection with the Plan under any law, unless � the same is determined to be due to gr s negligence, willful misconduct, or willful failure to act. 22 Section 16.05. Ti 1 n H . The titles and headings of Articles and Sections of this instrument are placed er 'n for convenience of reference only, and in the � case of any conflicts, the text of this i st ment, rather than the titles or headings, shall control. Section 16.06. N m r. Wher er sed herein, the singular shall include the plural and the plural shall include the singula , e ept where the context requires otherwise. Section 16.07. A li bl La . e provisions of this Plan shall be construed according to the laws of the State of in esota, except as superseded by Federal law, and in accordance with the Code. The Pl s intended to be a cafeteria plan under section 125(d) of the code containing a medi 1 e ense reimbursement plan under section 105(h) of the Code and a dependent care ass sta ce program under section 129 of the Code, and shall be construed accordingly. IN WITNFSS WHEREOF, t ty of Saint Paul, by action of their Board, has caused this instrument to be execut b their o�cers thereunto duly authorized, this day of , 19 , effective January 1, 19 TY OF SAINT PAUL � By: ATTEST: � 23