89-591 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - TINANCE COURCIl CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I�TY O F A I NT PA U L BLUE - MAVOR File �0• ���� - � � C unci esolution "�9 , : Presented By �/ Referred To Committee: Date � ��� Out of Committee By Date An Administrativ R solution amending the Civil Service Rules co ce ning appointment of employees when titles are er ed. RESOLVED, that the Civil S rvi ce Rules be amended in Section 8.A. Filling Vacancies, by adding th f llowing: 8.A.5. When two or more t tl s are combined into a new title, the Director may a th rize the appointing authority to appoint affecte e ployees to the new title without further competitiv t sting as long as they have been certified to one o t e titles being eombined, and they meet the mini um qualifications for the new title. Seniority will be et rmined in accordance with Section 22 Layoff. FINALLY RESOLVED, that thi r solution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period a te the passage, approval, and publication of this resolution. No action taken by the Civil Ser ic Commission — May 17, 1989 , .�.�/ oan Je re , Secre ry COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested b De artment of: Yeas Nays Dimond FICE OF PERSONNE LABOR RELATIONS ��g in Favor Goswitz Rettinan (� B Scheibel A ga i n s t Sonnen . '��ilswt Ma� — � '� Form A�prov�ed by C ty ttorney Adopted by Council: Date � � � Certified Pa•• unci , retar BY— BS� y� � Appr by Mavor. _ �7R1 2 �t �I Appro y Mayor for B � '�pUBCIS41�➢ J U�1 - �319 9 . . , (T ��`'�� FI COUNpI DATE INITIA D P�rsonnel & Labor Relation� 3/16/ 9 GREEN SHEET NO. 3 5� CONTACT PE A PHONE INRIAU DATE INIIIAUDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Sher L2 � CITY AITORNEY �qTY CLEpK MU8T BE ON COUNCIL Af3ENDA BY(DAT� iq1liMl0 BUDQEr DIRECTOR �FlN.8 MQT.SEFM(�8 DIR. MAYOR(OR ASSIST b � TOTAL�OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL TIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION FiE�UESTED: Amending the Civil Service Rules to al ow placement of employees into titles without further competitive testing, where two or more titles are being merged. RECOMMENDATIONS:ApP►ove(W u►Rel�IR) COUNCIL MI EE/RESEARCH i�PORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMMISSION _qVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ��Y� ` _qB COAAMITfEE _ _STAFF _ OOMMENTB: R � � 1989 —DISTRICT COURT _ $�P�R��,��,�,Np��,,E�� MAR 27 1°89�ITY ��"��d��'��� wmnnru3 PROe�M,issue,OPPORTUNITY(Who,wne�,w��,wn�,vv�,�: MA�'OR'S OFFICE This action is being requested to reso ve a problem of unnecessary testing of employees for positions where two or more titles ar merged into one new title. Employees have already tested for the positions occup ed ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED: Eliminates unnecessary and redundant t st ng for employees. Provides for smoother, more efficient implementation of reorganiza io efforts by departments to increase the efficiency of their operations. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: None. DISADVANTAOE3 IF NOT APPROVED: Continued employee dissatisfaction wit t system; unnecessary test development and administration; wasted employee and st f ime. Council Research Center, �fAR 2 3 i�89 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = NOrie COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YE8 NO FUNDINti SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANCUL INFORMAT1pN:(EXPWI� _ : _. _ . ..._ ._ . . _:_. . . ....._:. - - ...�. . . - - - . .. . . . . . _ . . .. _ : - -�-- ,..:: :: ...._. .s:.�� .___.._ -,:�,.. �� �� GITY OF S INT PAUL � 'i��_ - . . �'��-�°i'" � OI+`FICE OF A CITY COUNCIL - Comm tt e Report Finance Mana eme t Personnei Committee MAY 1 , 19$9 1. Approval of minutes of April 17 m eting. Approved 2. Discussion of Capitai Allocation li y financing Laid over for further changes. (Laid over April 17) discussion May 8 3. Discussion of 1990 Budget Goals a licies. Laid over for further (Laid over April 17) discussion May 8 4. Resolution 89-694 - establishing ee for appiica- Approved as amended tions for modifications of parkin r uirements pursuant to Sections 409.08(11 ) {e) a 410.04(g) (5) of the Legislative Code. (Referr d rom Council April 20) 5. Resolution 89-591 - amending Secti n .A of the Civii Appproved Service Rules pertaining to appoi tm nt of employees when titles are merged. (Referre f Councii April 6) 6. Resolution 89-486 - approving and ra ifying 1989-1991 Approved agreement between the City of St. Pa 1 and the City Attorney's Professional Associati n. (Referred from Council April 11) 7. Resolution 89-92 - amending the T iti n Reimbursement Withdrawn Policy in Section IIT , H in the S la y Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. (Ref rr from Council January 19, laid over April 3) (T b withdrawn upon recommendation by Administration.) CTTY HALL SEV N FLOOR SAIN? PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 a 4e