89-585 310 �,.._ g � �• City of St.Paul COLTNCI FILE�'NO. FINAL ORDER IN � By '-�f CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS 184�t1U-1 F'e No. Yoting i�t��d In the Matter of S Co�adson�ag aad takia= p�r�ansnt n 31it�r eas�a�e�tts . a�b3ect to t�s+e�#ats ef t'a¢ord snd sxiatise� st tiatetr�s, aad+�r o�+3 aasoss Soa Liae Plst 1�0. 4, tocatt�! ia ti�e � th�eaet Qnarter of Sactia�a 3Q, Toxaship 29 , 1tam;a 22, aan��y � aty, k3ma�stata daacsi�►ed as folloN. : T�+� gostherlT 10 faet t e�t 1 and th� sarntheri� 30 l�tt o! tot �; th�t • an�s lro� ths east l�ue . ai Agat� Stre�t to �he a�o ter11 liae of the e�cistini� 4t? ioat :asessat ia sa d ia�t. A3.so, th� aortDsrlr 10 � t v� �.ot A in ssid Plat. Psrt o! tbs J�¢ic,�an/ MaRs�rlis SL r ��x�s S�p�ratibn Pr�►ject. �� M under Administrative Order approved � �_��,��'� under Preliminary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the a ove improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative t ere , and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of aint Paul hereby orders said improvement to be made � ����� FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Council hereby dete mines that the estate required C,or thie improvement be ae describ- ed above, and tGat the proper City ofticers eubmit a ep L to the City Counoil for the purpose of Lhe Counoil's making an award of damages tor the interest s�#�d and determin ion of assessments, it any, against the benefited propetty. acquired v AP� — 41989 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date Yea�,�d Nays i � ���� Certified assed by Council Secretary '1 Lon� � ��,,,�.� . ��t� �In Favo By �chaib�l � . Against K�"� � APR — 5 1989 MaY°r PU�tISf�ED �Pi�t �. ;� 1989. � � . V&A 2/ 5! 9 _ �%'�f ��� -` , . ` �nn+► o��s corr�e�eo � . "' Fina'�ice & Management 5ervices 2:[(/ 9 ��7f����``.a�,��"����Ntl.��3�.4� carr,►cr�teow Peter White ��MO�croR . �avawcoA�asr�+n �a �a��ow�cron �crtv ct�c - � ���oa: 1 Council Researcl� �iaance Dept. 29$=5317 � oRO�: ' ` cm�+Tro�r I+�ust,_ in the:,Cit' :C�.erk � �f�c�� > _ Iater �han aaon,`Monday, February fl�h. Must b f n �e��A����NO�I�i AREA _ - Apprvve acquiaition of easeme ts or e S�WER �R038CT (Finance File 1 9 E). Attachmants: ;1) Resolt�tion;" 2} Map. - •Uva�w.uu a A.i.�s tm 1 c�+� navarr: l � � �PLAPI�NNO OOIMp8810N � . . .. �CIVIL BE�VI�E GOMAIBSION DATE MV DATE OUL �INKYST�. � � � � PIiOlE N0. � _ � � � .: ZOWMq.WI�M�BION ISD 6ffi dCN001.BOA/1D . - . . � . . �T gTAFF -.�. . ' . qNp'fER OOMMI�1 . � - IS -ADDL IIIRk�;A00�*- • _��AO�O7.�A'�7' -T_-f�16�TMGED•. � �. -. . DIBTIMf.T COI�lCIL *.�� -� , . . . . � . . _ . . . .. � . . .' &lPPORiB YIIIMCN�COtRICC 0lAECTIVE9 -1 . . . . . . . � . . _. .. ... . . . -. � .. � �Iard 3 _ �rrNn��r�o�.�,a�o�tuwTr lwra,wns�,wn+s�,.wnus:wnr►: . The maintenanee of the JACKSO / GNUI.IA STORM SEWER ;requires the .:,� , ease�ent a� described'in the tt ched reealution. = �.�. � .:� .�usnR+en�cca.ve.�.,�s.�: - , , ; The eas�ments result in the m st efficient and econamical routing of the sewer. , ��MAM,wMn.�.na To wnom>: _ ,. : _ . Easements are an et�c�brance n ffected properties. �rr�u►� . - ccws .. To be determined. � ��i�a-:c;' ResQarch Center ��: � Standard Operating Proaedure: ____ �issuES: ��� N/A . . . � = � . . � ,,����--�� � FOR THE • Description/Sketch PI C I T Y �J F -°f- . SAINT PAUL PERPETUAL EASEMfNT�FOR 6FtAVRY SEWER OVFA; UNDER&�A��_ CITY PROJECT • ACROSS THE DESCRIBEQ<:PRa�ERTY V�luatlon � Assessment Drg. No. ,.Bln No. -being in- ` City of Salnt Paul, County of Ramsey SECTION 30,TOWNSHIP 29 ,R/INGE 2 State of�Minnesota Prepared By: wara: IIIEL[NERT��LO[N i1SS0[IIITES . � �I3 I3 NOT A:BOUNDARY SURVHY. EMON�EEAB•LMD BUiNEYOR9•L/1NDSCAPE ARCIIRECT8 NOTS: DIl�N3ION3 SHOWN TO STRSBT &IGHT—OF—WAY LINH3 AND PWT BOUNDARIBS ARB APPROZIlfATB ONLY. 367 E�K KNlopp BNd. • St P�ul,MN.66101 • 812-288- FEE O NE SOO LINE RAILROAD COMPANY Area ot Temporary TAX PARCEL NO. Area af Parcet: Area of Permanent Const. Easement SO-29-22-12-0005 Easement: EXCLUDES PERMANENT EASMT. 30-29-22-12-0040 _ Q.F. 4344 Sa.Ft � Sa.FT ACQUIRING A 40 FOOT SASEMENT DESCRIA D S FOLLOWS, SUBJECT TO' �A3EMENTS UF RECORD AND EBI3TINC STRUCTU&ES. FOR THE PURP03E OF ON3TRUCTING AND MAINTAININC A F'UB[.IC SEWfiR ON. UNDER AND ACROSS SOO I.INS PLAT NO. L ATED IN TNE NORTHSASI' QUARTER OF 9ECTION 30, TOWNSItIP 29, RANGE 22, RAM3EY COUNTY. IN fiSOTA:— THB NORTHERLY 10 FEfiT OF LOT I A D TIfi SOUTHTsRLY 30 FBET UF LOT ll, TNAT EYTEND3 FROM THE EAST LINfi OF ACATE 3TR$ST TO THE WE BRLY LINE OF TIiE EXISTING 4U FOOT EASEMENT IN SAID PLAT, , R ` PROJECT ENGINEERS V HOWARD, NEEDLES, TAMMEN 8 BERGENDOFF � O E. ROSE AVE. VACA�ED � .- , , � . EXISTING 40 FT. PERMANENT � . � SEWER EASEMENT � \ `� F \\ � � . D � �30� E. GERANIUM, AVE. .. \vACATE� PERMANENT '�j EASEMENT \�1 p' \ � � � <-y � � � � I \ ° H � \ z � � 0 �p 300 ISO � \ � . RK[p IQT E. JESSAMINE AVE. VACATED , -� I Q , . . . Y9 ���' _ � � • " " � FOR THE Description/Sketch Pla � C I T Y O F . PERPETUAL EASEMENT FOR SA I N T PA U L 6RAVITY SEWER OVER, UNDER &ACROSS CITY PROJECT ' >ACROSS THE DE5ERiBED PROPERTY- Valuation � Asaeasrirent Drg. No. �, Bin No. , - —being in-- ; City ot �Salnt Paul, County of Ramsey SECTION 30�TOWNSHIP 29;RANGE 22 State ot Minnesota Prepared By: N�: �EL��ER■ �BLO[N -ASSO[IOTES � �I3 IS NOT A BOUNDARY 3URVHY. ENOMIEERS•U1ND 3URVE1fOR9•LAPIOSCJIPE ARCHffEC19 NOTB: DilIBN3ION8 9HOWN TO STRSBT SIG6T—OF—IiAY LINHS AND PLAT BOUNDARIBS ARH APPROZIHATB ONLY. 387 Es�t Ksllopp Blvd. • Sc Psul.MN.35107 • 612-228-8 � FEE OW R HELEN HURLEY TAX.PARCEL NO. Area of Parcel: • Area ot Permanent Area of Temporary � Easement. E CWDES P RMANENT EASMT. 30°29-22-12-0039 S FT 195 SG1.FT 0 Sa.FT ACQUIBING A l0 F00'f fiASEMENT DS3CRIBE A FOLLOWS, 3UBJfiCT TO .FAS�MSNT3 OF RfiCORD AND HAI3TING 3TAUCTURRS, FOR THE PURPOSE O C 3TRUCTING AND MAINTA7NING A PUBLIC SEWHR ON, UNDER AND ACROSS'300 LINE PLAT NO. 4 LOC TED IN Tlifi NORTl1fiAST QUARTER OF SSCTION 30, � TOWN3HIP 29, RANGS 22, RAM38Y COUNTY. M NNE OTA:— THB NORT}IfiRLY 10 FEET OF LOT H, S LI fi PLAT NO. 4. � ` PROJECT EN(i1NEERS ' \ HOWARD. NEEDLES, TAMMEN i BERGENOOFF ' O` . E. ROSE AVE. vnc�o � . \ � . .. � EXISTING 40 FT. PERMANENT � �' SEWER EASEMENT �/ . \ �� . F <; � \ . � � E. GERANIUM AVE. v�cnreo PERMANENT EASEMENT :� - �o� \ � ,o < � � \ ��► � I� \ o W H � � z -�- Q � � o � �� ,� � 7GYl M IQf . . E. JESSAMINE� AVE. VACATED . -� I � C1T: QF �. �$ ; � � � - ST. PAUL ITY COUNCIL ca� � � � � �l�i�����p ; PUBLIC H A 1MG NOTICE ��``� v�� ,�C . �°°. STREET/A EY VACATION City Planning Ward ��2 District Planniag Council ��l� File No. 26-1988 To decide whether to va ate part of Summit Avenue, Iglehart Avenue, P U R PO S E College Avenue, Smit A enue, Rice Street, and Ninth Street which . • lie south of I94 and en ompass the Old Miller Hospital Site. State of Minnesota PET1T10N�ER Tuesday, April 4, 19 9, at 9:00 A.M. � - - -�- H EA RIN G City Council Chamber ,_ ird Floor City Hall - Court House .-------------------- - -------------------------------------------- � Please note that the Pu lic Works Committee of the City Council will discuss this item an d elop a recommendation to the full City � Council. Please bri g y unresolved concerns that you may have to this meeting on W dn sday, March 22, 1989 in Room 707 City Hall - Court House at 9:00 .M. Q U E S T10 N S Call 298-4513 (Voice r D) and refer to the File � above. City staff will be availab e o answer any last minute questions on this � project in Room 218 ty Hall from 8:30 - 9:00 A.M., the same day i ��\ �;�h:i as the hearing. �i ,� . :�:� __ � � �•.-� � `„����, . . _ . \ �� '��.� i .,., . _ .,�,�`. J� EMA• _' _ `y��. ' " i i ' i ; �.r. � � _. �I.I„�o _`�+ �'. MA P ' '_� � ��� : � .i s�. .::�. j .� ���� ; � ,,: � _ , ��.- March 10, 1989, \ Notice sent *�w I f i ; i I ,_ =�., :� , »i j� �, by the Valuation and ;�� �� s �• s�� � � i�� M � < 'U � �Assessment Division • --: ; '' , s i � Dept. of Finance & ," � ��,�I • � T Management Services �� � � . � � ''`�'`�� - � � r Room 218 Citq Ha11. - �- \ Court House - :�,� ���;,,� St. Paul, I�1 55102 �� g:�: - '`� :. a��.'"'' '/' - , � ; , .,.�.: .,`��� � � ,s � ��; :�1 `� �`,, ��. `�=�\ '� ,/1 r. jM�1' W�•�n. �/� � \ �k;.9�\ ,};i j;�i�i �-�_ � / ��r�.r�� ���/ � T ✓. . .i� .l .�.......wmr. �e{ /� _ � ���� 10. 4/04/89 RATIFICATION 0 ASSESSMENTS: For improving Approved 3-0 ALAMEDA STR ET from Arlington Avenue to Nebraska Ave ue. � 11. 3/28/89 FINAL ORDER. Improving St. Clair Avenue Approved 4-0 between Dun ap Street and Griggs Street by repairing ex st g Bridge No. 62505. 12. 4/04/89 APPROVING HE AWARD OF DAMAGES: For Approved 3-0 acquiring pe a ent utility easements for the Syndicate/Fa rm nt Storm Sewer System across part of Lots 17 nd 18, Ruth Addition, from St. Clair to th east-west alley. (Along Soo Line Right- f- y between St. Clair and Lexington) 13. 4/04/89 F . "` cqui`ring^^- ger�anen�t utility ��l�p�t�re�� 3- easements u e and across Soo Line Plat No. 4 located in th Northeast Quarter of Section 30, Townsl� 2 , Range 22. A part of the Jackson/Magn li Storm 3ewer Separation Project. ( os ing Soo Line Right-of-Way near Agate n Magnokia) NOTE: This is Fir�,t_:.:,,�a]c il e��d(�t which approves pro�ec�. an uthd� a�.;�'ta��"". ti�„"`°begin n� ns. 14. 4/04/89 VACATION: t ion of State of Minnesota to Approved 3-0 `� vacate part S mmit, Iglehart, College, and Smith Avenu nd Rice and Ninth Streets which lie so h f I-94 and encompass the Old Miller Hosp al Site. Purpose is for the construction of the new Minnesota History Center. 15. RESOLUTION 89 330 - Approving plans for Approved 3-0 construction of T.H. 35E and T.H. 94 from Marion to Ro er Streets including bridges and requirin al parking to be parallel with curb adjace o highway and 20 feet from crosswalks o ublic streets intersecting highway. (Re er ed to Committee 2/28/89) 16. RESOLUTION - 9- 61 - Authorizing proper City Laid Over In officials t lease to Naegele Outdoor Committee to Advertising, nc. property located at 1060 W. 4-19-89 Seventh Stre t o display advertising sign. (Referred to o ittee 3/2/89) 17. RESOLUTION - ob rt Street Bridge Approved 3-0 18. DISCUSSION: ri fing on Street Lighting Discussion Only 19. UPDATE - Pala e venue Discussion Only 2 . . . l����s V .: ... � '..� ... V 4t, '.. k .� ; � • , � t � ., .., �•. --- : . .- .,�' f� ... � :. °' �_ . '. . ... �,� � -�; r,,. :: �.. : �,.�t,u� i. ;�.: . , s , � , . .. . , '�'u� �� � .'�� � . � � �� � �. �' : .� �-"�' # �: � . . � te.NO ; #�5 � x ;F . �-�—,B �.. .s ��� 1����`�t , . � ��� ^ tter of condemn �` � �t perIIY�nent�t�i ���� �5 �e qf r"ecord and . �ures���'�� .`�he�Plat ' �._:: � �ied'in the Nortt� :o fr�f': ..:� ��wi��y.M�nnes9ta'fl `�, r:��}QVps`Q � �'.`,� ���nge'� �+ The q��therly 10 feet of I.et:, , the'�`'SOUL`�ierlg'3+1i 4�� ��t��_, j�'_.�� ex�en+ds from the east kinse q� e Strc�t to �tie vve�$, exist�ng 40 foot eatsemeiit�#n ' gt, .. . • ,„ : . � Also.the northerly 10 feet oi. ;i�said-Pia$i '��% * X���.`r �`�>�,;'= ` : Parf oi#he dackson/Magnolia Sto ` er SepaY'ation Project in�T'�ng{�a�d.$. Z�.�i:of the C�d! �Y' receive�i3 tli� � � �hhe'above im rov � �tbt.° or � P e��"�; coasi�" ���� re�ioIve�l' Y �tat the satd•-.?'�A�� , '��e; is��e!le�� > ,�p�.?,� ��ves,a�'��e��a �f.,is ��.� - .� � ��tiVt'iI1 .°�W@F►N��N��..� �.z- Z- f�.'Fub1k<� .���.` " , � j�:`,x , ::' � �;.��at.9.,�:�.1g.y��•��o�yy`���y y�aQ m„ � � . . � �•�'+��/Yii:iil4 �b N`. � �-�����lN'i. +3'Z'�:,`,lA.V�rr� . . .3• �1$t IlOtICe Ot SSIt� ]�U���(` V �,r�'��#1#�b •* A ' 9-`�13'-�ZN! : ' t�^�anitaer provided by the `� �te . �na�ture of Che improv t� .��' ,fi�t��. � q. ��,;.c; �� . Fi1e No, 18490E-1. k ; ..f,_ '. � ,, Adcpt+ed'by the Caie�ril Feb , 1889_ �� . ., '� Approved MBrch 1. 1989 �� .� EM !, 1�3