89-580 WHITE - CITV CLERK COI1flC1I PH1K - FINANCE G I TY F SA I NT PA IT L ��J �'D CANARV -bEPARTMENT I BI.UE - MAVOR File NO• Return copy to: . • Valuations -- Room 218 � un � R esolut�on 3� � (26-1988) (RM) Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOI,VED , that upon th petition of the State of Minnesota , per Finance Department F ' le No . 26-1988, those parts of Summit Avenue, Ninth Street , Sm' th Avenue , College Avenue , Iglehart Avenue, and Rice Street , he einafter described, be and the aame are hereby vacated and d' sc ntinued as public property. The vacated areas a e escribed as follows : Summit Avenue fr m he southwesterly right-of-way of Rice Street to t e northeasterly right-of-way line ( extended north es erly) of W. Sixth Street as opened under an order o t e Common Council June 17th, 1886 and recorded in Vo um 12 , P• 436 Board of Public Works Assessment thro gh part of Lot 23 . Block 59 Irvines Enlargement of ic and Irvinee addition to the Town of St . Paul Rice Street from th southeasterly right-of-way line of Iglehart Avenue o orthwesterly right-of-way line of College Avenue. College Avenue f om the northeasterly right-of-way line of W. Sizth Stre t o the northeasterly right-of-way line of Rice Street egte de southeasterly. Smith Avenue fro t e southeasterly right-of-way line of College Avenue t t e northeasterly right-of-way line of Ninth Street. Ninth Street fro t e northwesterly right-of-way line of Smith Avenue to he southeasterly ri,ght-of-way line of ��,�,..e_ge_ Avenu� nd also all that part of Ninth Street from the nor-�hwe te ly right-of-way line of College � � Avenue to the so th asterly right-of-way line of Summit ,. __�J COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Fina & M Long _�_ In F vo Goswitz ltetanan B � Director �be;�� _ A gai S t Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approv 'ty Attorne Adopted by Councit: Date C t Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � �` sy� Approved by 1+lavor: Date _ Approve b Mayor for Submis ' n t Ccj`'uncil By By � � . , l� �'-�'�o Iglehart Avenue y ' ng between line 1 and a line 30 feet northeasterly o nd parallel to line 2 and also that part of Iglehar venue lying between lin.e 3 and line ¢ . Lines 1, 2 , 3 , n 4 are described as follows : Line 1. Fro he southeast corner of Section 36 , Township 29 orth , Range 23 West , run northerly along the ea t line of said Section 36 on an azimuth of 3 9 egrees 31 minutes 30 seconds (azimuth ori nted to Minnesota State Plane Coordinate S st m) for 121 . 20 feet ; thence on an azimuth of 3 4 egrees 39 minutes 50 seconds 109 • 17 feet ; th nce on an azimuth of 318 degrees 24 minutes 3 s conds , 110.87 feet to the point of beginning of Line 1 to be described ; thence on an azimuth o 2 degrees 34 minutes 38 seconds , 125 . 51 feet nd there terminating. Line 2. Beg ' nn ng at a point on the east line of Section 36 , ow ship 2g North , Range 23 West , distant 221 . 1 eet north of the southeast corner thereof; the ce run northwesterly at an angle of 42 degrees 5 m nutes 57 seconds with said east section line fo 200 feet and there terminating. Line 3 . Fro t e point of termination of Line 1 described above run northeasterly on an azimuth of 50 degrees 3 minutes 08 seconds , 362 . 02 feet to the point of beginning of Line 3 to be described; then e on an azimuth of 79 degrees 34 minutes 25 se o ds , 57 . 07 feet ; thence run southeasterly 7 . 29 feet on a non-tangential curve concave t the southwest , having a radius of 733 • 94 fee , a delta angle of 05 degrees 47 minutes 58 se o ds and a chord azimuth of 117 degrees 08 mi u es 51 seconds and there terminating . Line 4 . From a point on Line 2 described above distant 161 . 2 eet northwesterly of its point of beginning, ru ortheasterly at an angle of 93 degrees 58 mi utes 54 seconds with said Line 2 (measured fro orthwest to northeast ) for 390 feet ; thence e lect to the left at an angle of 90 degrees 00 mi utes for 30 feet to the point of beginning of he line to be described ; thence run southeasterly to the most easterly corner of Lot 4 , Block 3 , I vi e ' s Addition to St . Paul , and there termina in . The vacation shall e ubject to the following conditions : � • Z'Z,�,�1 �, << . . � �_��� l . That this vacation s all be subject to all the terms and conditions of Cha te 130, codified March 1 , 1981 of the St . Paul Legislat ' ve Code , as amended . 2. That the petition r, its successors and assigns shall pay the City of Sai t aul , a $500 administrative fee for this vacation whi h s due and payable within 60 days of the publication d te of this resolution. 3. That the petitio er, its successors , and assigns shall pay all costs and ez enses for any necessary relocation of existing str et lighting which may result or be caused by this va ation; such relocation to be completed to the satisfact o of the Department of Public Works Traffic Engineer . 4. That a permanent a ement be retained within the area of vacated Rice Str e as described herein to protect the interest of North r States Power Company. 5 . That the petitio e , its successors and assigns hereby agrees to inde i y, defend and save harmless to the extent permitted y law, the City of Saint Paul , its officers and em lo ees , against all suits , actions or claims of any ch ra ter brought as a result of injuries or damages recei ed or sustained by any person, person.s or property on cc unt of this vacation or petitioner ' s use of this pr pe ty including but not limited to a claim brought be au e of any act of omission, neglect or misconduct of s id petitioner or because of any claims or liability ar si g from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law whether by the petitioner o a y of its agents or employees . 3 WHITE - C�TV CIERK PINK - FINANCE GITY F SAINT PAUL Council ,�/�� CANARV -�OEPARTMENT A �J�/{�/ BLUE - MAVOR File NO. • I� �+� Return copy to: Cou il Resolution Valuations -- Room 218 (26-1988) (RM) Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date d . That the peti i ner, its successors and assigns ahall within 60 d y of the publication date of this resolution fi e with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of th onditions of this resolution and shall within the e iod(s) specified in the terms and conditions of his resolution comply in all respects with these ter s and conditions . COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: nimooa Finance Mana ement Se i �� In av r Goswitz ��D , B i ec r ��;�� Ag ins y � Sonnen �Ison �p I9T R � 4 Fotm Appro d b Cit Attorn y Adopted by Council: Date `� � 't._1 S Certified Pass d y uncil Se� BY By _. ,. p Approved iVlavor. D te _ n 5 Appro ed by Mayor for Su � 'ssio '1 B 'QB1tSii�D AP R 15 9a