89-571 wHiTE — cirr CLERK COUtIC1I //�� / PINK — FINANCE G I TY O� A I NT PA U L y I Zz'ANARY y� DEPARTMENT J� BLUE — MAYOR File NO• � • C . Counc 'l Resolution �,� ,�,� �,� �� Presented B �dG�G��`"( Y Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The City of St. P ul has declared 1989 as "The Year of the Child" and the Division of Parks an R creation is focusing on the physical , social , and emotional needs of the w ol child; WHEREAS, In 1987 the Mi ne ota Legislature passed the Youth Development Legislation making St. Paul ' I dependent School District #625 the fiscal agent for youth development grant un s at .50 per capita; WHEREAS, Independent Sc oo District #625's Department of Community Education has created the 19 9 outh Development Grants Program and has grant funds available; and WHEREAS, these grant fu ds can be used to finance youth development activities; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RES LV D, by the Saint Paul City Council that proper City officials are authorize t submit grant applications for: $1,220 to expand low cost yo th and family recreational opportunities in the Homecroft neighbor oo ; $ 632 to train 13-21 yea o ds to umpire youth softball and/or baseball games in the North es Como Area; $ 840 to provide 36 neig bo hood youth in the St. Clair area an opportunity to spend extended im at the Science Museum of Minnesota participating in s ec'al activities; $4,980.24 to hire Southeast si n youth to inform Southeast Asian families of current recreatio al pportunities in St. Paul and to assess what new services should b i lemented; COUNCIL MEMBERS ��� � �' Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond Lo� In F vor Goswitz Rettman ��;�� __ A gai s t - Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by iVlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy BY WMITE - C�TV GLERK P�NK - FINANCE GITY SAINT PALTL Council CANARV � DEPARTMENT 9 BLUE - MAVOR File NO• • � , � Cou c l Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date $ 200 to recruit and t ai youth to help coach athletic teams at Daytons Bluff and Margar t ecreation Centers; $3,000 to hire youth wo ke s to plan and implement special youth activities at Palace Recrea io Center; $ 500 to honor youth v lu eers for exemplary service; and THEREFORE, BE IT FURTH R ESOLVED, that proper City officials are authorized to complete nece sa y agreements and accept each youth development grant from St. Paul Communi y ducation. � r COUNCIL MEMBERS P�G Z�� Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: . Dimond �QNj�j(/�J/� ��/Q✓(�� �� � In Fav . Goswitz Rettman sche;bet � Against Sonnen Wilsoa r AT1C ' � � Form by C'ty tto y Adopted by Council: Date C Certified Passed o il Secr ry �'Z By p Approv Mav r. ate n _ 5 Appro by Mayor for Submis o ouncil � PUBIIS#�ED NF� � � �9a i � ���f'�1/ DEPAR7MENT/OFFICE/OOUNGL DATE INI7IATED A �� Corr�n. Serv./Parks & Recreation GREEN SHEET No. �} CONTACT PERSON Q PHONE INITtAU DATE INITIALJDATE PARTMENT DIRECTOR Q CITV COUNqL Pat Moynagh �� arroRN�r �CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNpL AOENDA BY(DATE) ROUTING EBTOR' FlN.d MaT.SERVICES DIR. AYOR(OR ASSI8T 1 3 � TOTAL#�OF SIC�NATURE PAQE8 (CLIP ALL L AT ONS FOR 81GNATUR� ACTION REOUESTED: Approval and acceptance of $11,372.24 in grants for youth development projects. RECEIVE , RECOMMENDATION3:Approve{/�a RsJeCt(F� (��JNCIL 1 REPORT O ONAL _PUNNIW(i COAAMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMI3SION """"'� �'���IIAR 1 7198 —ae��,�E _ 0 9 COMMENTB: �(� " _STAFF — \V` M�� 2 ? �9 �ommunrty __ .. _oisrRicr oouRr _ S O���CE , R`� SUPPORTS WHICH OOUNqI OBJECTIVE7 A�O� �� INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Wh�t,When,Where,Whyg Division of Parks & Recreation has s bm tted 7 grant applications totaling 11,372.24 for the 1989 Youth Develop en Grant Program sponsored by the Independent School District 625. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: 7 Youth Development Grant applicati ns from the Division of Parks and Recreation to Independent School District 625' C munity Education Department will be approved and accepted by St. Paul 's Ci y Council . DISAOVANTA(iES IF APPROVED: None DI3AOVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: 7 excellent programs jointly plann d nd developed by neighborhood youth and Parks & Recreation Staff will ot be approved. �Q�;nr;a �esearch Center (,1AR 2 "1 i�89 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION a � COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ON� YES NO IDS #625 FUNDINO SOURCE Communi t Educati on De t. ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANqAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) Community Education is the fis al agent. Bills must be submitted to Independent School District #6 5 or pa;�ment. �., NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASIN(3 OF�ICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are prefened routings for the five most frequent types of documents: CONTRACTS (asaumes authorized COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend, Bdgts./ budget exists) Accept. GreMs) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director 2. Initiating Department 2. Budgst Director 3. City Attomey 3. City Attomsy 4. Mayor 4. NAayodAssistaM 5. Finance&Mgmt Svcs. Director 5. Gry Council 6. Finance Accounting 8. �lef Accountant, Fin&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) Revisfon) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Manager 1. Inftiating DepartmeM Director 2. Department Acc�untant 2• dty Attomey 3. Depa►tment Director '3• hlayoNAssistant 4. Budget Director 4. C�ty Council 5. City Clerk ' 6. Chief Accountant, Fin&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all Mhers) 1. Initiatlng Department 2. City Attorney 3. MayodAsslstant 4. Ciry Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIC3NATURE PAC3ES Indicate the�of pages on which signatures are required and se Perc�iP each of these pages. ACTION REQUESTED Describe what the projecUrequest seeks to accompUsh in either chronologf- cal order or order of import8nce,wh�er is most appropriate for the issue. Do not vircite complete aentences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in question has been preseMed before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objective(s)your projecUrequest supports by IisUng the key woM(s)(HOUSING, RECREATION,NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REQUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATIN(3 PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explaln the situation or condftions that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTA(3ES IF APPBA�tE6 Indicate anrhethy�r this is aimply an annual bud�t procedure required by law/ charter or�rlfether there are apeciflc wa in which the City of Saint Paul and its citizens will benefitt from this pro�icUaction. DiSADVANTA(3ES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past prxesses might thia projectlrequest produce if it ia passed(e.g„traffic delays, nase, tax increases or assessments)?To Whom?When?For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative con�queru�s if the promised action is not approved? Inability to deliver servk:el Continued high treffic, nase, accident rate?Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT ARhough you must tailor the infortnation you provide here to the is$ue you are addressing, in general you muat answer two questions: How much is it going to cost?Who is going to pay? : :. ; ,...�. , _�,._:...�......._.� � • , �- � . • ��'�'�5�� YOUTII DEV LO MENT GRANT PROJEC A PLICATION � � D8t8 January 18, 1989 � PROJECT SPONSORS � Plichael Rossberg, Coordinato �E Area Area 4-tliel�lan�l I�ark � f ni j Homecroft Recreation en ere�dress 1845 S1►erid�n A��enu� � Mary 1)c�yl e f� � 29R-5794 r � � i i ���ss , ��one � Project Manager Ata ry n�y�e , Projeet Name t�omecroTt Ad,justal�l S zP Rol ler Sk�tes � r � � � � � ■ � 1 � � . - �-5�l PROJECT FOCUS I SS ES GOAIS AND OBJECT I VES focus issues addressed by this pro� t: 1, lieelth �d Weliness. Good p i 1 exercise and soclal interxtion will be promoted as parttcipants take part in skating, 2. Buildinq Self Reliance and lt fticiency. Particlpants will reoetve the opportunity to perfect their balence and rdi tion skills. 3. Interpersonal snd flulti-Cul ur 1 Relationships. Homecroft is now a place where Multi-cultural xtivities ocxur. A lle skating program would draw more participants from those cultures,and leed to more treq nt ticipation. 4. fs�ily Issuss snd Relationsh ps. Special times would be set aside tor tamily sketirq where parents would heve to be pr t in order tor their children to participate. This would be an inexpensive tamily activity. 8oets ot this project: 1. To provide a worthwhile�d inexpen ive�ctivity for up to forty-five people at a time. 2. To provide the pubiic with a popular ler group ectivity rrot currently available in this commuMty,thereby alleviating tt�e hessle pr laing transportetion to the activity. 3. To provide a new activity suitabie fo f ily participation. �. To expose more people to the yoy of r il skatir�g, en activity that provides exceilent physical exercise. ObJectives of this project: 1. To malce available to youth and tamili 2 pairs of Gioc;o Turbo Skates that adjust to fit shoe stzes S to 10, 12 patrs of Gioca Turbo at thet ad�ust to fit children's size i to S,and six pair of Rol let Turbo skates that edj ust t fit izes Junior 10 to Adult 10 1/2. 2. To allow parttcfpants to discover rrew w to use roller skates. For example,children have sterted plsYing floor hockey with the t ree air of skates currently owned by the Recreation Center,which malces the game m e citir�g. Activities to fulftll obiectives: 1. Progrann the gym at certain times eac w for roller skating oniy. 2. Transfer roller skating to the a�tdoor bes etball c�rt w�n the we�ther is suit�le. 3. Schedule rolier skating as a family ac ivi • Tin�eline? February: Order skates. As soon es tt�e sketes arrive: Schedule sk ing only periods for gym. When the w�ther permits: Schedule both i r�d outdoor skating. Describe your evaluation plsn: � Sir�ce Homecrott Recre�tion Center recent p rch�sed three pefrs ot skates out of tts own tur�s, it could be seid that a good pert of the al tion plan has alreaay been canpieted. These sketes have been qiven a lot of use in the two on the Center hns had them,end some of the children say they a�e the best thing that was er purchased by the Oenter. The�y prefer these Skates,which can be worn over streel shoes e adjustable in size, to shoe skates which heve to be laced up. Att�records will be kept tor the i rolier skating activlties to ensure that the skates�e belrq used. P�ents�d yourqster usf the skates wiil be surveyed as to whether the�y find tt�e activfty to be worthwhile. It t e i a need for more sketes 1n the tuture,they could be purchased trom Recreetlon Center fu . Before purchasinq more skates,however,the Oenter would want to be sure that addittonal at would not c�use overcrowding of the ar�s where the skatfrq activ9ties are held. :. . . ��-�-7� , o YOUTH D ELOPMENT GRANT PR JE T APPLICATION D8t° January 13, 1989 ' PROJECT SPONSORS ff Tom olson �E Area �5 r r1iZ i n �1 N.[�1. Como Recre ti n AG'drPsS i 557 Huron Street n PPr n Deb Hoitkamp phone 292-5813 m �i t t1 � Municipal Athlet cs ACdress 25 W• 4th Street �S o Mike Me ers Phone 292-7406 � Project Manager Deb Holtkamp �rojec; Name St. Paul Youth Umpi es' School w � , , . . ��j_6�/ � PAOJECT FOCUS IS U S, GOALS AND OBJECTIVES � Fxus issue/s addressed by this proje uilding self-reliance and self-sufficiency b,y teachi ' i an s ma be em lo ed as um ires. Positive Youth em owerment- Partic a ts will develop leadership and decision making skills for their umpiring p si ion. Goai ot this projeci To train oun o le to umpire youth baseball and softball games in the City of St. au . Cbjectives of th;s prcject To provide an opportunfty for youth to learn basic baseball and softball umpiring tec ni ues a wi ena e employed as umpires for the Munici al At etic out rogram Ac:ivities to fulfill objectives � 0 h . school in 2 da s. Each da w 11 combi�e several areas , 1) sessions 2) Mechanics )P sitioning ec sion ma ng 5) Selling the call 6) Dealing wi h oaches, fans an p ayers. ea ership 8 A ro riate dress 9)Le al conc rn . Participants will be tested in each area. gill P eterson will e he lead instructor. See attac ed resume. Timeline? �Feb.l - Apr. 30) Iden if Assistant Instructor and recruit artici ants. Describe your evaluation plan Each ar icipant will complete an evaluation on how the felt the school was. he ins[ructor will give each participant d hey n ter director will also om lete evaluations. 5 , • , � .. . . ��- 5�� 1g � YOUTH DEV LO MENT GRANT ' PROJECT A PLICATION . Dete ��20�89 PROJECT SPONSORS f Dave Bredemus �E Area West Seventh/Surt�nit Hi 11 r ni i West Seventh Cormnunity tr Address 265 Oneida n P r LeAnn Hanson Phone 298-5493 �� � Address ��� n�p;�a Mary Brown phone 298-5730 Project Manager LeAnn Hanson Project Name St. Clair Kids Scien e useum Overnight _ 4 . �.. . � ���5�� PROJECT FOCUS tS U S, GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Fxus issue/s eddressed by this proje 1 H h and W l lness (2) Buildin Self Reliance and Sel Sufficiency (3) Interpersonal - R1 inh' � Goai of this project r n r a e children of the West Seventh co uni from which to learn more about h m lv h 'r �n ni d h world b ut them. Objectives of this project 1 to ex se 6 ch i 1 dren to an env i ronment i n which to learn about the world, pas and present, (2) to promote a and enhance inter ersonal relati ns i s/friendshi s amon artici ants. Activities to fulfiil objectives ' 1 Science Museum of Minnesota i clude: re istration; ass to the exhibit halls; Omni Theater presentations av rs and Weavin Ants; a two- our c ass entitled "Pa er Air lanes" tau ht b Scienc M seum instructors; a theater presentation of I Heard an Indian Drum; a slee -ov i two classrooms of the Science Museum � ' r ram I AM PEER PROOF and (3) artici ation in rou sin -a-1 n led by musician/entertainer Bud Farley Timeline? 12:00 pm, Tuesday, Marc 2 through 8:00 am, Wednesday, March 22 Describe yourevaluation pian v ' n of oor inator b artici atin a encies, (2) evaluation of ro'ec b artici ants and (3) evaluation of r ' t r of ri i 5 � y . �d�'-��� � � ' YOUTH DEV LO ENT GRANT i PROJEC A PLICATION � D818 Januarv 20, 1989 PROJECT SPONSORS Linda L. Flynn c:E Area 10 - West Side � E1 R Add�A38 179 E. Robie St. Paul. MN 55107 Recreation Center _ Mike DeVilliers PhOf1A 298-5659 McDonou h e�[��, 1544 Timberlake Road St. Paul, MN 55117 Recreation Center Cath Ales Phone 298-5810 Project Manager Mike DeVilli Project Name Cultural Communit Outr ac Ass Organization $3: Valley Recreation C nt r Address: 690 Jackson St. Paul, MN 55101 Contact Person: Bob Smith Phone: 298-5687 \ . -� � � - ����� PROJECT FOCUS E , GOALS AND OBJECTNES FOCUS �SSIJB/S addressed by thts project I ter ersonal and Mulit-Cultural Relationships, Youth Leadershi , Building Self-Rel an e/Self-Sufficiency Goal of this project n o th to the activities services and o ortunities available at thre 1 cal recreation centers-- E1 Rio Vista Recreation Center, McDonough Recrea io Center and Valley Recreation Cepter. ObJectives of this project Increase So he st Asian outh artici ation in recreation cent�er activities and increase their a reness of opportunities and services available at these centers. All thr e enters are locate next to ous ng � an --E1 Rio Vista Torre de San Mi ual and Dunedin Terrace McDonou /M Donou h Homes and Valley/Mt. Airy. Activities to fulfill ob�edives ' We plan to hire s x Asian youth betw en the ages of 18-21. Each will work wo kers o ersonail contact Southeast Asian families at he r homes. The outreach workers would be trained by the center directors t e plain to families the services an ro rams offered at the centers dro o f business cards for future contacts, and answer any questions the familie m y have about the centers. We would have each wor er i out an n orma o car on eac am y con ac e . is w' be used to recruit i ren and develo ro rams needed b the community. The six outreach r rs would consist of 4 Hmong workers, one Cambodian, and one Vietnamese w u eac wor w t t e r own et nic • - group. Timeline? Recruitment and trainin of th outreach workers would take place in March. Workers would start April a d end May 26. Describe your evaluation pian he er of homes contacted and com ari on of artici ation data for center activities. He hope to see a big inc ea e in participation levels of Southeast As ans n t e summer progra s. s . ` . . `d �� �� . I PMENT GRANT YOUTH D E PROJE T PPLICATION ( ( D8t8 1/ 17/8 9 I pROJECT SPONSORS � ff TONI SMITH �F Area 12 � f �1 I 11 1 MARGARET RECREATI N �C'��BSS 1109 MARGARET ST . ` n p � JERRY ESBOLDT phone 298-5719 IDAYTOhS BLUFF RE RE TI�J��@SS 790 CONWAY ST . r ni i n ' DAN MARTINEZ Phone 298-5703 ' Project Manager TONI SMITH ' Project Name ��BECOMING A TEEN OL NTEER COACH" ' 1 , ' ' ' ' � � 4 ~ � � � �-��/ PROJECT FOCU I UES, GOALS AND OBJECTNES � , Fxus issue/s addressed by this p J i s POSITIVE YOUTH EMPOWERMENT - HIP AS WEL S TEENS VOLUNTEERING FOR COMMUNITY ' SERVICE IN THEIR NEIGHB R OODS . ' Goal of this project TO DEVELOP C MPETENT TEEN COACHES IN THE AREAS OF T-BALL, NEARBALL, BA E ALL AND D T EN COAC E IN THE MARGARET AND DAYTONS BLL'FF AREAS � ' � �CE THERE IS ALWAYS A L CK OF COACHES FOR TEAMS THAT PLAY DL'RING THE Obje��ves of this project P GH SCHOOL COACHES AS INSTRUCTORS . 1 3 . TO TEACH THE TEEN V L NTEERS THE RULES AND FUNDAMENTALS OF THE GA'�E 4 . TO TEACH THE TEEN V L NTEERS THE PH L CHIhf; . ' S. TO TEACH THE TEEN V L NTEERS BASIC FIRST AID . ' Activities to fulfill objectives � A FOUR-HOUR BASEBALL/SO T ALL CLINIC WILL BE CONDUCTED ON ' LES AND FIRST AID . � ' 1 - - ' Timeline? MARCH 1989 - REC U TMENT OF VOLUNTEER TEENS APRIL 1989 - CLI I WILL BE GIV N 1 - ION FORMS WILL BE FILLED OUT . �@SCflb@ �ourevaluation plan A FIV QUESTION EVALUATION FORM WHICH WILL RATE THE EEN COACHES ON ErTALS � � THEIR ATTITUDES TOWARDS T EIR PLAYERS . OPPONENTS AND UMPIRES � THEIR PUNCTUALITY, THEI OMMUNICATION SKILLS , ND 1 THEIR COACH NG A D . FILLED OUT BY THE TEAM L AYERS THE COACHES THEMSELVES , PARENTS � UMPIRES AND T E ECREATION STAFF . , � 5 � � _ . . ��_.��� �� ' YOUTH D LOPMENT GRANT PROJ C APPLICATION Date January 20 , 1989 PROJECT SPONSORS ff vince Gilles ie CE Afea Supervisor of C.E. r ni i 1 Division of Park nd A�fBSS 25 W. 4th St. , Recreation 300 City Hall Annex n P r Mar aret R. Me e Pho�e 292-�400 � �i I t1 Volunteer Servic s �ddress 25 W• 4th St. , � �—'��'�""ify Hal nnex Mar aret R. Me Phone 292-�400 Project Manager Mar aret R. Me r Project Name Reco nition and p eciation of the Honored Youth Volunteers or 4 , _ ?� . _, � �-� PROJECT FOCQS I88 E , GOALB AND OBJECTIVES ocus issue addressed � t is project: Positive Youth Empowerment/Advocacy and bl 'c Awareness. Goal of this project: To ec gnize the accomplishments and to show our appreciation o t e contributions made by four outstanding youth voluntee s o the City of Saint Paul. Ob 'ectives of this ro'ect: 1) To arrange an award ce em ny in Mayor George Latimer's Office with the Mayor re enting the four youth with a certificate and T-shir i recoc�nition of their outstanding volunteer on ributions. 2) To provide for a rente 1 mousine to pick the youth up after the award cer o y and transport them to a Minnesota Twins baseball ame. 3) To request permission r the youth to attend the Twins pre-game batting r ctice and meet the Twins players. 4) To provide food, bevera e and a souvenir Minnesota . Twins T-shirt to each y u h at the game. 5) To provide limousine t n portation for the youth from the baseball game o their respective homes. Activities to fulfill the o ' ctives: 1) Solicit Mayor George t mer's cooperation in presenting the awards in his offi e 2) Choose four (4) volunt e s from among the 1988 Youth Volunteer-of-the-Month w'nners. The selection will be based u�on the number f hours they have volunteered and the duties they have p r ormed as stated on the 1988 Youth Volunteer-of-the M nth nomination forms. 3) Select two (2) Parks a d Recreation Center Directors to act as chaperones for h event. 4) Contact the Twins Mana e ent to request permission for the youth to attend th re-game batting practice and meet the Twins players 5) Procure certificates, o ers and plaques to be presented to the youth b Mayor Latimer at the award ceremony. 6) Develop an evaluation n recommendation form. 7) Purchase six (6) rese e tickets for an April 1989 Minnesota Twins game. 8) Rent a limousine to tr ns ort the youth from the award ceremony in City Hall o he Twins game and then to their respective homes af er the qame. 9) Interest the media in ov ring the award ceremony, the limousine ride and the 'ns game. Through this exposure, we hope that yo th will be encouraged to ��iy�`�� �3 ��- * �m��-,�. CITY OF SAINT PAUL '�.�s��li• p�f�4. �•` '�'' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES • :'_. i �0 y'i ' �� �i�" �� DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATION .,• - 300 City Hall Annex, 25 West Fourth Street •,,�''�ng��.a��>. tv St Paul, M�nnesota 55102 GEORGE L�TIMtR 612292J400 MAYOR ' � Jr�NI'AkY 1?., 198'3 Y�;:ili E:�PCiJEkMEt�T PRt.1JEC`I' �he Youth En��,c:�er;�c.ni Pto; -c is a par�nership pruject bet.yecn Cem:nanity Educati c nd I'ar�C� an3 R�creati�r. to empow�:r yout5 t!:rouyh e��Fl y. erti. oppor:.uni±ies . CGtIMUNIT� ELUCAT:U.R� S:'�'�:F f Cia�e B:ectac�us , Community u ation Ccordinat�r, �lest �;1d, �es*_ 7�:h. ���k:�S AND RECREA`i'ION ��TAN' `:'o�n Kusse�l , Recreat�on Cen� r �ire�tor, Pa?ace R�creatic�n L'cnt�:r, 350 Uiew 5t. , �t . �a 1 , 551U2, 298-�677. F'RUJECT ';1�I�AGr:Fi To:� ku�sell , RecLEation (' r.t r �irector, �'alace itecrea�io� Center. ��eos Pr�i'CtS I5S�J�;S [�17GKESSEU ��7 `��, The project will conc nt ate on bvildinq self reliance among y�uth in West �:nd/iees �h area. It aill also help youth be �orF self �ufficie t Also addressed will De youth . r � . empowerment and advoc3cy as p blic service and a;�areness uill be stressea in the pro 'e� t. � GO�L OF THIS FRUJECT ;hc� go�� o.f this proje t wili be to .*_ake as �any youth rs possi��e and put. th�=m on a positive irack. The key to tne Dlaz is tu use y�uth to mat vate other youth in positive activities . ihe �outh hire� �.�i 1 be re�ponsihle with the staff to rotivate and empow r he yonth in the area through leadership ar.d example. U�JLt:tIVGS One of the �pjectives ' s o take tv�o teenagers in tra;tisition and give thea� re po sible �ositions at �:-,e rec. cer.ter. Tbese =eenagers wou d zarn seli wort�, gos?tiv� yoiat;� er�pokerment and azfin' te y public �war�ness. Another obj2Ct1VE� wG01� be the �oti at on of all youth in the area to Fublic awareness and inv lv ng thems�lves in positive _ activities in the area. The th rd c��jectivP auuld he tu re;�venate the youth advisor ' oard in the area to :�elp steer planr,ing af activities .