89-556 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COWICII CANARV -DEPARTMENT CITY OF AINT PAiTL BI.UE -MAVOR File NO. � � O� Z Ordinan r10. i��4 Presented By � � '������ - � Referred To _� � Committee: Date 3���/�g - � Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amendi g Section 157 .04(8) of -che Saint Paul Legi 1 tive Code pertaining to miscellaneous pa k'ng restrictions . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA N PAUL DOES ORDAIN: S c ion 1 . That Section 157.04(8) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as o lows : (8) No vehicle shall be p rked on any street or alley for more than � er��}-�et��-���.� forty- eight (48) hours . S ct ' on 2. _ This ordinance shall tlke effect and be in force tnirty days from and after its passa e , approval and publication. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� � In Favor 6�eswit�. Rettman �be;�i 4 Against By -�� w�u�o APR 13 � Form Appr e by City ttorn Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pass b ouncil S_ etary BY By Approv Mayor: App v by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PIJBttS4�ED A P R 2 ? . � • ��.�V�.�-� - � � � � � -� �7�a�'� s����- �""� CITY OF SAINT PAUL �;~� _. '��, OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY %r iiii I�ii�i �" <;. EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY �°'`�,�.°.'��''�` 647 City Hall, Saint Paul. Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR March 23 , 1989 `��-- ^:r�� r�� MAR 2 31989 Council Member Roger Goswitz ������"��`�y `"', Chair, ROu'=:: U�S`.ti'!TZ Public Works Utilities & Trans o tation Committee Seventh Floor City Hall Dear Council Member Goswitz : The Public Works Committee at ts meeting on Wednesday, March 22, 1989 , requested that our of ic prepare an ordinance amending Section 157. 04 (8) so as to c ange the regulation prohibiting parking of a motor vehicle o y street for more than 24 hours to read 48 hours instead. Th re was also discussion at the Committee that the ordinance s ould be amended to require the providing of some type of a c ' tation or warning notice after the vehicle has been parked th re in excess of 48 hours , but prior to having the vehicle to ed. I have prepared two separat rafts of ordinance amendments; the first changing the 24 u restriction to 48 hours , the second draft with this change an further providing the following sentence: '�' 1� "No vehicle may be towed o n impound lot pursuant to � Section 162.01 unless an rd nance citation or warning ,�(,� notice had been placed up n he vehicle at least 24 �� hours prior to the towing of the vehicle. " � �' If you have any questions or w uld require that the ordinance amendment be drafted in a diff re t manner, please notify me . Y rs very truly, OM . EG L A sist t City Attorney JS :cg Encl . cc : Tom Dimond Janice Rettman Kiki Sonnen James Scheibel Bob Long _ , _ ' ` . �,�-��r'�, -� �� ��C���c��' WMITE - CITV CLERK t PINK - FINANCE �► ' COI1flC11 � �_.,�� / CANARV -DEPAIYfMENT GITY OF S INT PAU � �.f:' BLVE -MAVOR File N 0.-__c� / 0/ Z � � Ordinance N 0. f �(DY'� Presented By f"'"� ' %�''�'-��'+r'y�� Referred To Committee: Date ����9 Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amendi g ection 157.04(8) of the Saint Paul Legisla ive Code pertaining to miscellaneous par i g restrictions . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAI T PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Se t ' on 1 . That Section 157.04(8) he Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amende.d to read as f 11 ws : (8) No vehicle shall be ar ed on any street or alley for more than we ��-�e��_���.} forty- eight (48) hours. N v hicle may be towed to an impound lot pu su nt to Section 162.01 unless an ordinance c ' t tion or warnin notice had �been placed upon h vehicle at least 24 hours prior to the to i g of the vehicle. Sec i n 2. This ordinance shall tak ffect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage a proval and publication. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �"g In Favor Goswitz Rettman Scheibel A gai nst BY Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date orm Appr e by City ttorn Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By ' Approved by Mayor: Date pp v by Mayor for Submission to Council By By � � � : � r � ��� � - ls� - �• e �. ana - - 3rd h/-G - � c Aaoptea �/�/���/c Yeas � � Nays DIMOND �I��`-�J'�fo ii'- cosr�zxz �7l0�� . , ':. LONG - RETTMAN \ SONNEN WILSON � . PRESIDENT� SCHEIBEL