89-564 WHITE - CITV GLERK PINK - FINANCE COIIACIl [��1 �/j�� CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY O A I NT PA U L �7� f�./ G BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Counc 'l esolution �� Presented By � �/ "� �eferred To �� �� Committee: Date �` ��� / Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the State of Minnes ta Department of Transportation, has taken certain permanent easements cr ss Mississippi River Boulevard to provide the necessary right-of-way fo the new Marshall-Lake Street bridge, and WHEREAS, the State of Minnes ta has paid $39,200.00 for said permanent easements, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul , upon recommendation of the Mayor a d dvice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that th payment for said permanent easements is to be utilized for improvements to Mississippi River Boulevard, and the Capital Improvement Budget for 198 , s heretofore adopted and amended by the Council , is hereby further amended in the following particulars: ACC CODE PROJECT CURRENT CHANGE AMENDED AP ROPRIATION APPROPRIATION C89-3S013 Mississippi River $649,000 $39,200 $688,200 Blvd. Reconstruction AP D AS TO FUNDI ��C � �P �1. �4SUI LKlA�C�'R�.SJ.iL3�CGi��L�� T:i�P4)�'•��°�:;:t Di rector Fi nance a d Management S V �'Ut�GJE�'t GOm1�7lttG'3 rF!^c31'`'^!'»�a �*�=�:9 ! :::� ( (:3a�t3i "._.�.�� .._c.;�1:I«tS:v1L..aa�1:k.3 APPROVED v� , ���� � ' ' . Budget D r tor �i��w .—.. � " ��'.��.-�_: COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Communit.v $el"V1CeS ��g In Fav _ Goswitz Rettman t7 ' sche;n�� _ Against Sonnen Wilson �p y� MrR 2 7 p�70 Form Appr d by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date / _ l Certified Pass ouncil Se• ta By By A►pproved 1�lav ��_ APR 2 81 9 Appro y Mayor for Submiss" t Counc' BY � PUBl1SFiElD P��AY - � 198 , � � � � � `� '� 3 �?�d'�r-�G�� � t.. � > . DEPARTMENTIOFFICFJCOUNGL DATE INI TED ! O� - CS Parks and Recreation 3-2- 9 GREEN SHEET NO. 4 CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INIT�AV DATE INITIAUDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CRY COUNqL John W:i rka 292-7400 � arr�noRNEV ITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNqL A(iENDA BY(DA1'� p0Ui1Np BUDOET DIRECTOR FIN.d MOT.SERVICES DIR. March 30 1988 "AAYOR�ORA��T � CIB Commit TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PAC3E3 1 (CLIP AL LO ATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REfK1ESTED: Approval for use of MnDOT payment for as ents on Mississippi River Boulevard for Mississippi River Boulevard recons ru ion. REOOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)a RsJect(R) COUNCIL REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMMISSION _CIVIL 8ERVICE COMMISSION A�Y3T PHONE NO. _qB COMMITTEE _ _STAFF _ OOMME 9 _DISTAICT COURT _ O F�C,�Q r� pi� M AR 2 3198�1�Y ��'�`�� SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE4 � �°ARTM r ECTpR �E� recreati on pN !1� F��NA INITIATfNO PR�LEM,issue,oP�ruNmr�wrw,wn��Whsn.wnare,wh,�: ERVICE Mississippi River Boulevard CIB funds w 11 be expended (to MnDOT) for construction work on Mississippi River Boulevard at ar hall , per CF89-268 and Agreement No. 65403. Cost is in excess of that anticipated. Th s action will partially offset the difference. ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED: Reconstruction of Mississippi River Boul va d, Cretin to Dayton, park improvements, Goodrich to Dayton, in 1989 as planned. as�ov�riv►c;es iF��oveo: none DI$AOVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: Reduced and postponed road and park recon tr ction. Council Research Center. MAR 2'�i°89 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = 39a ZOO.00 T/REVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ONE) YE8 NO FUNOING SOURCE NUMBER to C89-3S013 FlNANqAI INFORMATION:(EXPWN) - ���✓!07 . • 17. RESOLUTION 8 -5 1: Amending the 1989 CIB Approved Budget by tr nsferring $96,020 to the 3-0 MISSISSIPPI R VE BOULEVARD PROJECT. (Referred to Committee /4 89) . 18. RESOLUTION 8 -5 4: Amending the 1989 CIB Approved Budget to pro id $39,200 for the construction 3-0 work on MI SI IPPI RIVER BOULEVARD at Marshall. (Re rr d to Committee 4/4/89) . 19. RESOLUTION 89 56 : Amending the 1989 CIB Approved Budget by t an ferring $100,000 from W. 3-0 Seventh Stree w dening to DALE STREET RIGHT- OF-WAY ACQUIS TI N PROJECT. (Referred to Committee 4/4/ 9) 20. RESOLUTION 89 56 : Authorizing proper City Already Acted officials to ex cute an agreemwnt with the on at State Departm nt of Transportation for the Council cost, mainten nc and operation of traffic control signa pr ject on llth Street at St. Peter and on llth Street at Wabasha and the revision of the ex sting signal on 12th Street at Wabasha. (Re er ed to Committee 4/4/89). 21. RESOLUTION 89- 73 Authorizing proper City Approved officials to xe ute an agreement with the 3-0 Commissioner o T ansportation detailing the engineering an a ministrative procedures for ' City road or ri ge pro�ects financed with federal funds. 22. RESOLUTION 89-6 3: Approving the appointments Approved by the Mayor f CRAIG WRUCK and VICTOR 3-0 ANGERHOFER to se ve on the Metropolitan Aircraft Sound at ment Council. (Referred to Committee 4/6/89 . 23. RESOLUTION 89-52 : Retaining the law firm of Approved Larkin, Hoffman aly and Lindgren, Ltd. as 3-0 special counsel to assist in the development of the EIS fo t e improvement of SHEPARD ROAD. (Referred o ommittee 3/30/89) . 24. RESOLUTION 89-4 9: Amending C.F. 84-632 Recommended adopted May 17, 98 , and approving St. Paul's Denial -2 -1 ASSESSMENT POLI r garding construction and Goswitz voting reconstruction s dewalks. (Laid over in NO Committee to 4/19 89 . 25. RESOLt1TI0N 89-42 : Amending the 1985 CIB Recommended Budget by tran fe ring $341,725.71 from Denial- 2-1 Curtice/Mt.Hope/A dr w Project to Residential Goswitz voting Sidewalk Recons ru tion. (Laid over in NO Committee to 4/19 89 . . - � ���� Members: � CITY O AINT PAUL Roger J. Goswitz� chair ,��,,,,, Janice Rettman _{�i��i�n: ;, OFFIOEI O HI� CITY COUNOIL Tom Dimond i Date: April 19, 19 9 _ Co m ttee Report RECEIVED ' APR 151989 To: Saint Paul City Coun il ��.�� �M ��y,_ From :Public Works, Utili ie , and Transportation Committee . Roger J. Goswitz, air The Public Works Committee at i s eeting of April 19, 1989 took the following action: 1. Approval of minut s f April 5, 1989. Hearing Date • 2. 4/25/89 RATIFICATION OF A A OF DAMAGES: Condemning Approved and taking perm ne t easements for street 3-0 purposes and for ti ity and drainage purposes in Hazel Park Ad it on and Hazel�Park Villas for the� FLAND U CASE AREA STORM SEWER PROJECT. 3. 4/25/89 RATIFICATION OF A A OF DAMAGES: Condemning Approved and taking perm ne t utility easements in 3-0 . certain parts of Ri e Street Villas for the ALBEMARLE/NEBRAS A EA STORM SEWER SEPARATION PROJECT. Easemen r quired by the MWCC. 4. 4/25/89 RATIFICATION OF A OF DAMAGES: Condemning Approved _ and taking perm ne t easements for utility 3-0 purposes in cert in parcels in Soo Line Plat No. 2 and Rice tr et Villas. Part of the ALBEMARLE/NEBRAS A EA STORM SEWER PROJECT. 5. 4/25/89 RATIFICATION OF A SE SMENTS: for work started Approved during 1988 cons ru tion season. Improving 3-0 ST. CLAIR AVE UE from Cretin Avenue to Snelling Avenue w th a lantern style lighting system. 6. 5/2/89 FINAL ORDER: F r constructing a sanitary Approved sewer and sewer on ections in HALL LANE from 3-0 Delos Street to 3 0 feet north of Delos Street. • 7. 5/2/89 FINAL ORDER: r constructing a sanitary Approved sewer and sewer on ections in MARION STREET 3-0 from Larpenteur en e to Idaho Avenue. CITY HALL SEVENTH F 00 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 �e � ' /� ��J�T (. 8. 5/2/89 RATIFICATION 0 ARD OF DAMAGES: For Approved opening, wideni nd extending EAST SHORE 3-0 DRIVE by taking n condemning the southerly 610 feet of Gove me t Lot 1. 9. 5/2/89 FINAL ORDER: S'de alk reconstruction with Approved integral curb on he North side of W. SEVENTH 3-0 STREET from Smi h venue to Forbes Avenue; East side SMITH EN E from W. Seventh Street to Forbes Avenue, a d West side FORBES AVENUE from Smith Avenue to W. Seventh Street. (Laid over in Committee fr m 4/5/89) . 10. UPDATE: On const uc ion of IRVINE AVENUE AREA Laid Over In STORM SEWER PRO EC AND STREET PAVING AND Committee LIGHTING PROJECT (Laid over in Committee Indefinitely 3/8/89) . 11. RESOLUTION 89-36 : Authorizing proper City Laid Over In officials to ea e to Naegele Outdoor Committee Advertising, Inc p operty located at 1060 W. Two Weeks to SEVENTH STREET o isplay advertising sign. 5-3-89. (Laid over in Co it ee 3/22/89) . 12. DISCUSSION: Impr ve ents in WHEELOCK PARKWAY Laid Over In from Edgemont t. to 100 feet east of Committee Edgemont. Indefinitely 13. RESOLUTION 89-23 : Authorizing approval of Laid Over In Ramsey County pla s o reconstruct LARPENTEUR Committee between 35-E and g ton, bridge construction Indefinitely over Soo Line RR d ight-of-way acquisition. (Laid over in Co itt e 3/8/89) . 14. RESOLUTION 89-52 : Authorizing proper City Approved officials to exec te an agreement with Ramsey 3-0 County to provide or payment of approximately $10,000 from Count A d Fund for City's share of sidewalk, util ti s, curb and gutter costs associated with th reconstruction of MC KNIGHT ROAD and Mi nehaha. (Referred to Committee 3/28/89) 15. RESOLUTION 89-559 Amending the 1988 CIB Approved Budget by adding $3 3,500 for the MINNEHAHA 3-0 AVENUE PROJECT fr m ite Bear to McKnight. (Referred to Commi te 4/4/89) . 16. RESOLUTION 89-560 Amending 1989 CIB Budget Approved by adding $755, 50 for MSA contingency. 3-0 (Referred to Commi te 4/4/89) . 2