89-550 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O A I NT PA U L Council CANARY - DEPARTMENT � 'C) BIUE - MAVOR File NO. � `� Counc esolution r��, Presented By �u .���� i� �„�� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #13 70 for a State Class B Gambling License by the Epilepsy Foundati n f Minnesota at The Cromwell Bar and Restaurant, 2511 Univers ty Avenue, be and the same is hereby approved/d�� COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays , Dimond �� [n Fav r Goswitz Rettma° B Scheibel � A gai n s y Sonnen Wilson �PR � 3 � Form Approved by City Atto ney Adopted by Councii: Date 2-�S�� Certified Passe � nci Sec r By gy, A►ppro by Mavor: e � � � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY P����S�iED };�'E�' ' :_ 98 '�c�+ � w►Te ane oo�w�r� ; �" " �� ' �. �a►rct�ed� .�`R��� �#� Ho: 0 02 5 0 5 : .. � . �'T . . . OEPMi►EN�OIpECTCR. � � IMYOR��(OR AS&6TJINR)� . • . r` i R ek = �a��� 3 «►�«� � � — ��*�*� 2 Council Research . 1 arv�rra+nev , Application for a State Class G bli�g License. Notification Date: 3-10-85 Hearing Date: 3-3D-89 •c�aa�•t�1«�el�f�)) coa+cK. n�roar: _ �PIJ1MIMq Qp�AI8SI0N. QNIL BERVICE COA�MY8810N DA7E IN . DATE OUT �. � .Ati11LVST. . . .PfiOPE NO. . . . � .aDWIllfi OOA�B&ON � .19D 67d 8C1100L BOARD . . . . - . . . . . . � � �8T#FF .. . � � . .CHARTER COMMISB�ON � . . AS 18 -ADD'L�II�FO.ADQED* . _�R ADDt���IFO� _���AOCW• .. � DBT/Y(.7 CO{�iCL . . * � � � . . . . BIN�!ON18 VN�6l1 COUWCN.aBJBCfIVE7 � � . � . . ... .� � � � , � � .. - .. . M1M7N9!��lL�,M�.d/POfITYl�TY(fMW.VMIM,11M�Mi,VYl10n.WhY): • „ The fpilepsy Foundation of Min es a requests City Council approval of its appl�.ca.tion for, a C1ass 6 Gamblin License �Pu'lltabs/Tipboards) at The . . � Croi+�well Bar abd .Restaurant, 2 11 niversity .�venue. Proceeds .from the,gatr�l.�ng locat:i:on wil:l be -used. to assis t se with pr�lems r-esulting from a seiaure disorder and far public educati n elated to epilepsy. �RI671RCA'ROVf.�A�arMe�s;`Rea�1s):. - All fees and applications have e submitted. The Epilepsy �oundatian qualifies . as a "1a�rge" arganization and � andomly s�lected by the Ci�y Go�ncil to - c�t�ti nue wi th the appl i cati on � c ss: 7he. Epi 1 epsy Founda�fon f s ar�re �hat 51% of its St. Paul gambling p ce ds must be used to benefit tfie citiaens of St, PauT. , - ,�n�r".w�n,.�w:'ta�amr. , . ;,.. _ _ .: � If Council a�prova� is given,� e pi1�psyr foundat�on Wi71 be able t� s+�11 pull�abs a�c1�/or tipboards at th C omwell . � : _ :xawu►�: ` ca�s. . �""�'�I Re��arch Center vu�:�. t�1AR 16 i:��� �„►�: . �.�.: . . ��-.�.� � DtV�SION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINI T TION DATE � 3l� �-I l !l O INTERDF.PARTMF.NTAL KEVIEW t:HECKLIST Appn roc ssed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicaut � � �� ��n�,-�-(Q � �Mf�me A�ldress �03 QU�n Ue11�0 ,�p1s r- Business Ivame C rD m���( �j � �p -� �lin`�ome Phone �j 37' �c-� `'t� �y ► Business Address a5�� �/(n �v�rs�-!� Type of License(s) lrl(�55 a C�ccmbl��� Business Phone l.,l (�� S� Public Hearing Date 3U �� License I.D. 4F '3�7� at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Cham ers, a 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 4� tiJn llate Nutice Sent; �f�6 ��� �' Dealer �� N1� to Applicant I'ederal Firearms 4� fl�'� Public Hearing -� DATE INSP 'CT UN REVtEW VERFIED (C MP TER) CUMMENTS Approved N t roved � Bldg I & D � �I� Health Divn. ' ; � ,�. � __ ; Fire Dept. I N�� � i � Police Dept. I �e nt a��<< g °� �y�i I �� � License Divn. � � t s ���: �l� City Attorney � � � �J�j � a�- Date Received: Site Plan � To Council P.esearch � ��0 Lease or Letter n 1Sate f rom Landlord N /`i" . /3s70 . . i;it of Saint Paul Department of Fi an e and Management Services �G���� Licen e a d Permit Divisio� a � . . Ciry Hail • ' St. Paul'Min eaota 55102-298-5056 APPLiC TI N FOR LICENSE CASH C ECK CLASS NO. N Renew o � o � . o��e /�d ,9�-F Code No. Title of License F� p�� � �g�To_���CL19 C ��; , , L��b� � � l .�CL ' -� � - � -� -� � � �/' �oo d!����L � �L�✓��N. - .Q� v � ICanU pan am� i . 1� (i'�S7-!(iGfi� ��b�/L� ���4�/�� 100 euslrnss Name ` � /�f� � ; � � �� " / �// ��.�=r� ' � Busin�ss Addnss _� Phoiu Na � ,�. 1� '�Q � �/_«-� J�/ Z�. �. 100 Mail to Addresr=/!�.�—' �l;LG.� P�+o^�No. , -�/ �J • '� /✓ i�') ! ��Jr.�i / �tLT��'.f+_�� ����,.7�'• • ManapeNOwner•Nam� t00 .1^ ° �( . - /j`'�o,3 �,y�,(�.r'-�(/� ���`'�• 100 AlanaperfGrvMr•Hom�Addnu Phont Na � 4098 Applicatfon Fee 2 gp ,,,�� ,J,, Rseefved the Sum of 100 • ,�✓T'�J� ; � � eNOwns►•City.Sht�d ZiP Cod� i 100 Ot81 100 1 . ° _.�>-1 /! �� , ,� ' / r,_ � �, �_. ; o�-�- f",�.. : LiCense InspeCtOr '�v By: `�-"Siqnatureof Applieant ' ✓ l.J / I Bond• � Company Name Poliey Na Expiration DaU Insurance: . Compa�y Name Poliey No.. Expfadon Date Minnesota State Identification No Social Security No Vehicle Informatio�: Ssnal Numbsr late Numbsr Other. � THIS IS A R C PT FOR APPLICATION THiS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your applfcation for ice e will either be granted or rejected subject to the provisions ot the zoning ordlnance and completlon oi the inapeotions by the HealtA Fire Zo�iny and/o►Licsnse Inspectora. $15.00 CHARGE OR LL RETURNED CHECKS ����� ����� �� � � • j • .- • , .�. � City f aint Paul ��/� ' � Department of Fina ce and Management Services . . � Division of Licen e nd Permit Registration INFORMATION RE UIRED WITH APPLICATION FOR PE IT TO CONDUCT PULLTAB/TIPBOAitD SALES IN SAINT PAl1L (Class B Gambling License in iq or Establishments - New Application) 1. Full and complete name of organizati n hich is applying for license �p�L�,PS �ountf�ATt o af �tntN.�,gQV� 2. Does your organization meet the defi it on of a "large" organization as outlined in the November, 1988 revision of Secti n 09.21 of the Legislative. Code? �a Attach to this application pertinent'' fi ancial and/or organizational information to support your answer to this questio . OTE: Only 5 large organizations will be allow- ed to open pulltab operations under he revised city ordinance. If more than 5 organi- zations apply, qualified applicants il be selected randomlp bq the City Council. 3. Address where games will be held �. � C�h.���rsi 1��t (a� S�t 17a�� 5�«''� ' N ber Str et City Zip 4. Name of manager signing this a�plic io who �ill conduct, operate and manage Gambling Games ��L.I O S Z l._ Date of Birth °�� � �'4 l (a) Length of time manager has been e er of applicant organization 'J� `'(�.1'�1`°.S 5. Address of Manager �{03 c� I`��(.. J�J�'�5 Number Street Citp Zip 6. Daq, dates, and hours this applicat on is for 5 c,�.N,l},Ar'1 — Sh?�RO� $%�A�''l- ( ����"' 7. Is the applicant or organization or an zed under the laws of the State of MN? y�S 8. Date of incorporation C6t 9. Date when registered with the State of innesota M�CFf � + I`�5, 10. How long has organization been in e is ence? 3 �c�s 11. How long has organization been in e 'is ence in St. Paul? �J� H�°'*'S � 12. What is the purpose of the organiza io ? �O �51 ST' Tt'CO$�. Wr1'bF �R��I.�Mg 1�LSut.T1NCt �,RO�"� A- SF,12u� 1�l �R � /�'�O �O�tCJHi ��d'�. 13. Officers of applicant organization: Name �ILL(Pr (��G�. Name �u�''� �d�4S0� Address '-{3�4 J ctl�t�lt,� L,rt. �Ly �J�t�[. Address �.((� w. J�"�cit��' 3�� �Lg.�" Title t�K►2.S ll�tA(l' DOB % Title T�,t�.L � DOB L Name �N LZ ��C.KSO� Name (t.� f�'PW �arLJ�,1��.1� Address 1�'�( 1�� ST. l7 t,tc. �l Address (�j0'� �1� �Z-I-CsRROZ� �. Title SL.C.1���i�� DOB „3/ � Title V IGfC. ��R.L51nL�li�OB ��Z � \� J • • • • . G/` ���I W • crrC. � - 14. Gia�e names of officers, or any othe p rsons who paid for services to the organization. Name ���f/`4 PO� Name Address G7 1 RRT(5F � �0-' Address Title �.X�Cc�t91 VL 17 C�t C Title (Attach separa e heet for additional names.) 15. Attached hereto is a list of naunes nd addresses of all members of the organization. 16. In whose custody will organization' r cords be kept? Name /�'1�RLt/�( �oS SLtfL.__ Address Z�ti �ZZ 1 Kp�+'�5�� � .�� 17. List all persons with the authority to sign checks for dispersal of gambling proceeds: Name , 1 J1iQLt l�( t Qg SL Name �G�A�( �0��0'� , . `.. � Sr '���2, �c.5 Address u.�,�. /�vc, P(.. , �h��5 Address G 1(r �. 5� Member of Member of � DOB �. Organization? LS DOB L 1 G � Organization? �t 5. Name CJ �c L . 4�AC+LN Name .�LW'l�F 2/C Cs�Z 1 N S � Address � 3u^►`'tJ"��► �-r1. P '� u�,'�Address / Member of Member of DOB ��i?�3 3� Organization? �9 DOB Organization? `�C� 18. Have qou read and do qou thoroughl ' un erstand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations goveming the oper io of Charitable Gambling games? `'(�.$ 19. Will your organization's pulltab o ra ion be operated/managed solely by members of your organization? yes no � _ 20. Has your organization signed, or d s t intend to sign, a consulting agreement or a managerial agreement with any pers company to assist your organization with the pulltab sales and/or recording kee in ? yes no If answer is yes, give the name an a ress of the person and/or company contracted. Name Address Name Address If answer is yes, how will such a on ltant be paid? (percentage, flat fee, gambling funds, general funds, etc.) Attac a copy of said contract to this application. 21. Operator of premises where games 11 be held: xame � u5 S t.1..L P. l�-� Business Address 2 'J`—�'� � l� I �� w�5� � �Sf( + � Home Address ���`J 1�1�t�1 (.. e. �..`��- � �T �t0'�'�-- `�rJ (I`� . . , C� �� ?2, a) Does your organization pay or in nd to pay accounting fees out of gambling funds? yes no � b) If you do pay accounting fees, t wh m will such fees be paid? Name ' Address DOB Member of O ga ization? c) How are the accounting fees cha ed out? (flat fee, hourly, etc.) d) What do you anticipate will be y ur average monthly deduction for accounting fees? 23. Amount of rent paid by applicant org ni ation for rent of the hall: � �' 1 O� �t�C 24. The proceeds of the games will be di bu sed after deducting prize layout costs and operating expenses for the following pu poses and uses: + �Ro �. �.�5�,� ��1�. �.P���.P4 t��(�1�0�� 25. Has the premises where the games are to be held been certified for occupancy by the City of Saint Paul? � �.5 � 26. Has your organization filed �federal 0 990—T? �� If answer is yes, please attach a copy with this application. If an we is no, explain why: Any changes desired by the applicant asso ia ion may be made only with the consent of the City Council. . �P �L�J'S`� fQw�rp�►a N o f-rt n4. Or zation Name Date �' .Z� ' � By: Manager in charge of game � ��� , �° Organization Preside or CEO � � � ���-�-� ,�utuin CITY O AINT PAUL ���� �� ►� - OFP`ICE OF T E CITY COUNCIL RECEIVED KIKI SONNEN , �NAR� 01989 Councilmembar G+��'Y C���i� MOLLY O'ROURKE , Legislative Aide MEMORANUUM OATE: March 17. 1969 TU: Joe Carchedi . License Insoe or City Councilmembers . Russell P. Prince. Cromwell ar (2511 University Avenue) Marlin Possehl . Garnbling Man ge (403 Queen Ave. N. , Mpls. 55405) William Wagener, Epilepsy Fo nd tion (4300 Juneau Ln. , Piymouth, MN 55446) FR�M: Kikt Sonnen, City Counciimem er �,�. RE: City Council Hearing of Marc 3 th Regarding Gambltng Applications This is to give you prior notice th t t the March 30th Cit.v Council meeting I intend to ask the Council to deny th gambling applications for the Epilepsy Foundation at the Cromwell ' Ba . The reason 1 'm requesting this has nothing to do with any probiems wit t e application. but is rather because of a technical problem. As You kno , he City only has 45 da.vs to act on these applic�tions before the State'� Ch ritable Gambling Bureau issues the State license. The St. Anthony Par C mmunity Council at its March 8th meeting voted to ask that no action be taken on the appiications until a town meeting of the residents can b' h Id to determine the community's reaction to these license proposals It is my understanding. that once t e ommunity has taken a position favorabie to the license applicatio s. the parties can re-apply for the licenses and both the City Councii nd the State can take final action on the licenses. If you have any concerns, please le m know. Thanks! KS/mb cc: Bobbie Megard, St. Anthony Par C mmunity Counci ) Ed 5tarr. City Attorney A1 Olson, City Clerk Roger Franke, State Charitable Ga bling Board � CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR AINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5378 se 4 I� r . • . , . � ^ � �1• ,�� .Kf�• � t V � � State of Minnesota ) - ) ss County of Ramsey being uly sworn, say _that e is (are) the petitioner _in the bo e appli- cation; that � has read th forego- ' ing petition and know the conte ts thereof; • that the same is true of_,�hjg wn knowledge. Subscribed and sworn to before e his ' .. '� day of 19 � : Nota Public ���� ount , M nn sota My commission eic�3��� y ' , . +�:, SUSAN J. WRAY , NpTARY PUlIIG-IitlNNESpTA L,,. ANOKA COUNit MY���p���M�pt. 5,199b � ������ � . . TO BE MP ETED BY ORGANIZATION PRESID T ND GAMBLING MANAGER I understand and will uphold Sain P 1 Ordinance 409, Sections 409.21 and 409.22 relating to pulltabs a d ipboards in bars. Further, I understand that my jar ar ust meet city standards; that lOq of the net profit from pulltab sales ust be returned to the City-Wide Youth Fund on a monthly basis; th t onthly financial statements must be filed with the City; and that 51% of net proceeds must remain in St. Paul � or be used to support St. Paul re id nts. Sign ture - Manager - j — �� Signature - Organiz n Presiden �P1 L�g �ou,�c/J,gs-lor(� �¢ rt^1. rganizat�on ame 2��� c,l��ers y �A,�c.. Gamb ing Location �_ z . Date Please retain the a ta hed ordinance for your records.