89-549 WHITE - GTV GIERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF ���� S I NT PAU L Council (�, BLUERV - MAVORTMENT File NO• � • r��q - � Counci esolution Presented By � '��� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (I # 3031) for a General Repair Garage by Steve Lang DBA Pros ec Towing & Tire Co. at 2565 Franklin, be and the same is er by approved with the following stipulations: 1) There be no dis an ling or storage of inoperable vehicles. 2) No sale of used, pa ts until the proper license has been obtained and ap ro ed by Council . 3) No material of Iny kind stored or offered for sale in public right-of wa . , COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo�g In Fav coswitz Rettman c� B Scheibel A gai n s t' Y Sonnen Wilson APR � 3 �9� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date • . Certified Pass d y o ncil Secr ry By �� � By �-.?V l�ppr v d by Mavor: D � ��„ � 4 � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY p ,� . ��-�� _ � �,��,,,,,� �� _ ,,,, �R��� �i�E� �. 0 a 2 4 72 ; J. Carchedi ���� ����� Kris �anHorn �"� — �a��� ��«� Aou� — �� �Council R�search Fi nance � Mgmt. 24$,-5�56 . o��: � cm:�Y `- . . � -: . _ � App'��cation for a General Repai r Ga age Lice�!tse. Notification Date: 3-1�-g9 Hearinq Date: 3-28-89 . •t�+awore A)«R.l«a l�) catnc�. n�o�rr: . PlAlM1G C�W/�IOM CML 9ERVICE COMMISSION DA1E M �DATE OUT � ANKYBT . . . . . � - � Pl10WE NO. � . . . . � ZOM@IO COA�AB&ON � IBD�'9CNOOL BOARD • . - . . � . . - . . . STAFF - � � fAiNREii t�111�8810N� IS �� A001 NVFO:ADDED* � RETU TO C�f1TA�T�.- . COIiSFfIJEWT� . .. .. . .. � . . . . � __ . � - _R'OR AODL WFO. �_��A00��•�� . DISRiICT CdUNCII �� . ' . ,��A . . . . . . . ..91APORB MMlpl COUNCII.091EC�VE9 . . � . � � � . � . .� . . � . . . � . . Nt1A7Nlq NIOCI.��C/POR71111TY(VMliD.WAOt�N111er1.WhMr.Why): . a Steven Lang DSA Prospect Towing & ire Co. requests,_Council approval. , . ` of his application for a Genera R pair Gararge` Li`cens� at 2565 Franklin. �vet�ue. : �: �RIb�A�1�fN(Ca�t,em.Mr:;�1�i..M.o.s.�►: . . _ , .: ,: ' , - ;: Ail applications and fees have e submit�ed. All required �lepartments _ _ have_cQmp�e�ed their inspectio an, approved �th� a�plication. � :.:: �t�lcas(VMfN.+A�M+;`bw To wUo�l: - _ _ . : .. . . ,. :.... ;` If Council approval is not rec iv , Mr. Lang wi11 n�t be allawed to operate at 2565 Franklin as a en ral Repair 6arage. - �u.�w►�. _ c� . . � :� _ . " � �;T��1 �;�;���;eh Cent�r ��IAR � �� i::�� �►�: . ` �:�: : _ . � � : � � �� � ��-��� UIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINI T TION DATE � � � —��/ f j - ��� 0 �j INTERDF.PARTMFNTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant Home Address � �� ���lLr �ry��t.Ci��'�^C, Rusiness Name ��.Z�� -cr p� " �,�iome Phone � �� — t�S I l Business Address o�� �'un�rn v Type of License(s) �e � Business Phone � y�(� ci Public Hearing Date (,lA.t,� b License I.D. 41 ��a�� at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers, � i J / 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 4t � ,5 ,f � 3 �:S Date Nutice Sent: � I � �b�c Dealer 4� ,�� to Applicant �' � � _) � Pederal F3rearms �� �_� Public Nearing DATE IIv'S 'CT UN REVIEW VERFIED ( MP TER) CUMMENTS A proved t roved Bldg I & D I �� .�� ! �1� G� Health Divn. ' �� � � � _ .. � I I Fire Dept. � � � 3 � i o �i � Police Dept. I � �Y '8 B�`'� License Divn. �3 I �� 1 O � i City Attorney � � �� c� Date Received: Site Plan � � (,t D To Council Research !(.�o ��1 Lease or Letter Date from Landlord (,�I'1 7►'� -�r t�eE - -� �.��n � tt- Ph, I .� � _ � . �����9 ,, . CITY F _ T. PAUL DSPARTN�N'P G�+' F MAl1AC�lr SBRVICES LI(�NSE DIVTSIOlI These statemerrt forma are issued in d i te. Plesse ansuer all qnestiaos lul�y aad caQpletely. This application ia thor cbecked. At�y falaification +rill be csvse for deaial. na I -� 19 ��' — 1. Application for h � � .,, (����� (p��t� 2. Pa�ee of appli csnt E � 3. If applicant is/has been a msrried e e, list maiden name N.A ' b. Date of birth �,la / t� �9 � Ag Place o! birtb �L.� . 5. Are yau a citizen of the United St es �.�� Astive _�_Aaturalized __ j---- 6- Are you a registered voter Where YJ'1�G.f- 7. xooe aaaress 11 7 LJ�} w � . Vi1�L.1 Aose tel.e�rooe3�Y3 8. Present busineas address SCQ �a h k �., Bnsiness t�l�ep6ont (.����1= _ q. Iacluding yaur pre�ent bnsinees/ 1 , Mbst bnsiness/�ployraE �a�s yan follow�ed for the past tive yeara. . Buainess�tinPl�� Adaress � � f Y � P rcrt �a t T�...�� '�--� �rc y�- �t Sf /�.t�iy .�f -�v t�� �4s�- r . 10. Married � If ans�rer ia "ves", 1 at name and addresa ot spanse `a h+-f�d �: �=.: � "7 t,�.J /'1'I .,:_ R;�c,,;;•; . ���`;` 11. !iave you ever been arrested for an, of ease t6at has resulted in a coa�victioni�ff �' If ansMer ia "yes", list datea of ats, rrhere, cbargea, coavictioo� sud �.•; sente�ces. �Z. . �`''�`� � i I q 7ui �3 � �.�`'- Date of arrest � r r 19 17'E P�-j �..; ,;., 1 '` CAAI?GE (J h a v�-�.v1- !u d ✓J-� f t�,t I/t � �c� - crnav�.-riox - s� P.�bp{,•� l rr.r�;��+;o�, Dste of arrest I9 Wh re --�- CHARGr CONV IGT?OiI S�� . ` f 12. List the naioes and addresses (it married, name ot spause also) ot all persoa�, corporations, partnerships, asaociationa ar organizations wl�ich in auy x�r hava: a. A mortgage interest in the l.icenaed premise, = hqY{ y Cu�+�►'a�1' {c,r �tt� wi-t� �c���- �,��vs�- Co .T. B • q � 7 . Taca»�9 ,w4• 9�y77 b. A security interest in the licensed premises, license, or ltu�nishings ot the licensed premis�, fv n " — c. A pramissory note for itinds loaned !or tbe o�peration of the licensed premise or tbe pnrchase ot'the license, �,� - d. Financially contributed to the purchase of the premise or the license it- self ��Q e. Ar�y other interest either direct or indirect, either financisl or otherxise i � r in the licensed premis� `'or the license itaelT, 1U.tt- _ Attach a copy hereto of say aad all documents referred to in this attidsvit. 1?. Give names and sddressea oP t�o perso�s, resideat= of 3t. Paul, Miaaesota, who can giv�e information concerning you. AA1� AD�3 ��iuGr {�'1�(�t��rY ��qhh �ti 0-� �F• � • t�s�'. S�`Pf}vL Q �'4� }��� 1 I S k � 1 ►� f,�e B�Q�v E Si' P.tut 14. Addreas ot prdaisea for i►hich License or Permit is mede a5(o5 F�4h�l�ti �� Adclress J�� r/T v� � �J SS� ��� Zone classification =— � � £-w,-�.rq 1 .�. 15� Bet�een s+hat croas streets _¢c�� Whicb aide of street i�= 16. Na�ne under Whfch this busiaesa.rrill be conducted Prurpcc t '�a•.•�••y �'T�rr C°�. 17. Buainess telephor�e rnanber �y�1 yP9 I lQ. Attach to thia. application, a detsiled description of the design, location, aad square Pootage ot the premfses to be licensed S�-I-t pl ati �,�+�[,.� 19. 4re oremises nrn+ occupied -�rJ What business I y�lP�ctTa..��1 H� long S�'�� �v-�-F�' r �, � � ���9 S'�1� • 20: Liat license which you currently h ld, or fonmer�}► held, or mepr hsve sa intere in n l�eh�r.l ,. G o `3S� L�.�ri- f , � �7 21. Have_�s�of the licenses listed by y in No. 20 ever baen revok�ed. Yes No / . It aaaver is "yes", li stes sad reasons: 22. Do you have an intereat oP ac�r t i aqy ot.ber buainess or businesa premisea. I' anewer is "yes", list business i�ss address aad telephone aumber._. ' 1U d o f� r ,b�s, �+�.�U 23. If business is incorporated; �'give da e oi incorQoration N�+ . n c� . 14 and attach copy of Articles of In oration at�d minutes of firat meeting 2�+. List all ofPicers of the corporat on giviag tbeir names, oftice held� haee address, and home and busineea te ep one numbcra: � . — 25. If buaiaess ia partnership, liat r(s) address and telephooe nnmbers: Name 1 v - i`T , dreaa TIe1.Fo. — ..�_ 26. Is there anyone else who will ha e i�ereat in this buaineea o� premises4 � If anawer ia yes", give name, h addreaa, telepho�ne a�bars aad in �fist maaner is tl�eir interest: - . — �� �F�+t ti�-sv c,ft J. �� 27. Are you goin� to operate this b i ss personelly tl if not, �o nill vperate . it: - A� Hane addreea Tel.lto. — .` � ' � . Are you going to have a Niana�er or assistant in this business? If aasWer is "yes", give naaie and hoae address and home telephone rnzmber: Name �v h'I�►y+r-. Home nddress T�e1.No. 29• Has ar�yone yau have named in questions 22 through 25 ever been arrested? If answer is "yes", list name o2 person, dates of arrest, where, charges, cemric- tions ar�d sentence /V ,� • 3A. I S-F-�]/e, (�uhji . understaad this premise me�y be in- spected by the police, fire, health aad other city oPlicials at a�r and all times when the business is in aperation. � ,.� State of Minnesota) � )SS County of Ramsey ) Sft�i t Zp H� being first duly sworn, dep�es and sakys upon oath that he has read the Poregoing statement beariag his sigaature and lmova the contents thereoP, aad that the same is true of his own kawledge except as to those matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to those matters he be- lieves them to be true. Subacrf.bed and svorn to befoze me Signature of Applicant this day oP 19 Notary Public, Ramsey Countyr, Min�,sota My co�ission txpires , � . � �.��y�� y • I17 Warwick Street SE Minneapolis, M�T 55414 October 27, 1988 A4r• Charles L. McGuire 177 Bedford Street SE Minneapolis, MIV 55414 �: Building permit for 2565 Fra kl n Avenue, St. Paul Dear Charles: After speaking with my contr ct r, Mike McFeters of Crosstown Builders, about the delays we've had gettin a permit,I had the impression you didn't like me and you wanted me to pay hr ugh the nose. This didn't make sense to me, as you and I have never met. I' like to take this opportunity to tell you about myself so you can have some un erstanding about my �hilosophies in life. I don't ;cnojti� much about you other th n the fact that we're neighbors (I live just 2 blocks from you at 117 Wa ic Street) and you have a position with the City of St. Paul's Department of la ing anc3 Economic Development. I was born and raised in the Tw'n Cities, graduated from Marshall-University high school, and attended the U o M for 2 years. At the U, I took a wide variety of courses including Phys cs Astronomj, Ecc:�omics, Anatomy, Financial Mathematics, Geography, Marriaqe- om Life-and Family Living, and Principles of Small Business. During my first ea at the U of M, when I �,ras still seventeeh, I was involved in a terrible acci en . I slipped off of a moving freight train, fell on the rail, and the wheels ut off my left leg at the knee. After lying between the rails for 20 minutes ou ting coal cars passing overhead, the conductor heard my cries for help an I was rescued. My first job was delivering ew papers for the St. Paul Pioneer Press and Dispatch mornings, evenings, and un ays. Subsequent jobs included being a busboy and cook at Bridgeman's an w rking as a stockboy for Bob Hanson at the Eighth Street �farket, the House o H nsc�n, and the Harvard Market. Mv last job was as a laborer for a printing c p ny, Midwest Printing. I was unable to perform some strenuous physical t sk because of my leg impairment. Fc�r this reason, they �aouldn't let me trork mo e than 30 days at a time, so I couldn't join their union. My mother need d epairs done to her car frequently, so she suggested I learn about cars. I id 'ust that. Soon I was swapping engines and transmissions in a rented gar ge ear my home. T'he next step was buying, fixing and reselling one car at t' e. One day I hauled away a junk car for a neighbor. T!-►e scrap yard paid e $30 for my efforts. To me, this seemed like a lot of money for something s one just threw away. I went into business. After culling 360 eyesores from in ity neighborhoods during three months of business, I bought myself a nice ar a 1965 Corvette. Soon after that I pur- chased an old to�a truck that need d motor. After swapping in an engine from a $50 car, I was a one-man business. ospect Towing �aas born. My first wrecker :�ras a failure . It was too old an ta rn out. It needed a replacement. I pieced together a lZ-ton truck, bought a we der, borrowed some books on welding from ments were �ealt with i�anediately. , Z ning had a problem ;aith our storage lot so it was vacated at tremendous co t o me. I found out the last requirement was to move some trailers and a po m chine. 'Phat took 15 minutes. Hopefully, my cooperation is indicative of my in entions. I �,rant to be a good neiqhbor and run a clean organized business. Last year, I bought a house a 1 7 Cecil Street. For seven years, the former o��rner had used it as a rec li g center. Its condition ��ras deplorable. Drive by it the next time you're le to. See ho�1 I took the profit from my local business and improved housi i your (and my) neighborhood. I also own 155 � Bedford, just a fe« doors down fr ur house. You'll notice the new roof, fresh paint and clean yard. You an't see it from the street, but the second � e�'� oa�'� ����.a�a 5• o�gr 1a65 uy a �aeo � '��,� 1r �1° aZ 5�' �,° t��a b��'�tir1� 1� e �5 �� 1e�� tK' e `�l �°� t�tit' i��e' e� e � Qa �ac 11�d, o�. a �e 5oto .>i�e g o��G it'�' 4�e� yo4Y'���� �ee�o.��' . N�' a 4� � o°� Le i�'° S`' o`�' �a . ley 1�g0 a� L�`� 1 .�5�y 4e��a� �a��. ?�`� ��°� a a'�`a i5 t�� '1 O P� M�' �� 2� ' �e�ola v�5 � e a �e � '� �`O� 4 ��o� ne� �s°� e�� ���e 3 �o�a�,1`1�.,�el�� �,i �5 a r e,1��e �o,� ��0�,5 �a�� tito� o� ,�e �O,�e 4 � �y � gti�a �o�s o n ,� o,p5 �.y�. o�e. Go.�S ge �Caas oo.� �`�g��a e'�'a�5• �� ����a 1`I g �`°�y a 4�� ,��,,ea' a Z .�e�.`i � �.� �� �rti a e �,e�' ���.'� o�e ga4 Y �,�A� �ot.�e 5, y�y�, 5 1 b �, � � � ,� ,� ''g .� �` .� � � 'i ae5�a 1 0�, ���� no�5 u �e�yo� �yyfi a e a �`�ea��, � � Z`,�`� �°�e i�'°' qo a�"� �S� �e ��e. �,e�`''� e�e1� ��y � 4 rafi� wa�� ara � Z��S o�o� e � � .�ti5 Sl�,c d� a 1 0 5 d e'� �,o y '� 5 g e c� � e s `�°°a �,�e ,�°ri afi5 e e � � a`so vl'�� o��'y a5 �' e�aa� `(���' p'� ��`�'� at��� �,�'� Z�, 1 �a� ne a�3 ��e� y5 da . �e�e C� 2� �Q,S or �, 5 �ye �ltc�,�g g �54� 1`�a�'y e �r,l �'�'• 4ay� 4¢ a �,�,,oQ .Qe�acY` o`�� �`��'�r e a4��1e�5 - ,�.�o M. RE: Dear H� gL`� I 've pu ���e�' office a. 5.���5�yX a�a� �o � W i th the �: ��a �ea �,e� about 30 E c �o��� 50 expensive L S,a Busines: off the 120 t. property. Thi virtually alI o the enclosed wal The sudden sprinc work has created c, completed. Once I 've recov (mid-May? ) , we 're goi my property just east parking spaces and a 1G of the building ( 102 fe� on the Franklin side of � . salvaged overhead bridge Berry Street . Everything is progressi for some licensing problems . _y on the phone about the differ� .,ns open to me. As we don ' t have _a dismantle cars in my building, a Motor Ve. �lership license shouldn' t be necessary. The clo „o doing something of that nature is removing the er� . tr n ission from a car and taking the body immediatei . a scr p ard. Many other general repair garages follo�, that pra 'ti e and they don ' t need that license. I probably should h v a Second Hand � Mr. Charles L. McGuire � � March 29, 1989 Page 2 Motor Vehhicle Parts Dealersh p icense as I have an inventory of used repair parts . An app !ic tion for that license has been prepared and will be given to Li ensing on this Thursday, March 30th. As I told you the other ay my business consists mainly of repairs. That is installi g ew or used parts in cars and light trucks . Moneywise, tha a pect of my business contributes 50% of my gross income. The th r 50% is made up of a variety of other endeavors . They are ( i no particular order) : • trailer manufacturing nd sales • tire sales • used repair parts sale • junk car hauling (dire t o scrap yard) • miscellaneous welding nd fabricating • forkl.ift rental A ' de from those mone -m i ventures I also do some si y g , small things for the communit . They include free disposal of waste oil and junk batteries , i posal of junk tires at cost, neighborhood snowplowing at n c arge, and, of course, free technical advice. A� you know, I had to rea p y for my General Gal-age Repair license even though it should a e transferred to my new location. I did that months ago and Thur d y my application goes before the city council . The head of L censing,Joe Carchedi , has recom- mended approval . Richard Jent , my licensing inspector, has told me I should get approval . ohn Hardwick from Zoning seems to think I should get approval a long as I don' t dism�r_tle cars. I tll�Fi°:ti you' re right about ent ' r ly too much attention being given to my license applicatio . It may be that someone is "carrying some old baggage" fo e because of previous activity at my old location on Berry S r et. I received a copy of a letter to city Councilmember S n en from the District 12 Commu- nity Council . It addressed ma 'n y old issues at the old address and uncertainty about present p rations . Apparently, their uncertainty was the basis for o recommending approval of my application. Anyway, Charles, y u know what goes on at my place. You go by there everyd y. Perhaps you could speak to Kiki on my behalf. She ' s gett n a copy of this letter, but a phone call from you wouldn ' t h r and I would certainly appre- ciate it . I need some help in m dealings with city government. I don ' t like thinking about it a doinq battle. I don ' t like confrontation. I do like work n together to build a better community. Thanks for listening, Cha 1 s . . SL/psl cc: Kiki Sonnen Steve Lang, Owner Brad Kaun PROSPECT TOWING & TIRE Richard Jents , ' ��'��5�l� lI7 Warwick Street SE Minneapolis, MiV 55414 October 27, 1988 Mr. Charles L. McGuire 177 Bedford Street SE Minneapolis, I�IlV 55414 RE: Building permit for 2565 Fran li Avenue, St. Paul Dear Charles: After speaking with my contra to , Mike McFeters of Crosstown Builders, about the delays we've had getting rmit,I had the impression you didn t like me and you wanted me to pay t ou h the nose. This didn't make sense to me, as you and I have never met. I'd ike to ta?ce this opportunity to tell you about myself so you can have some de standing about my philosophies in life. I don't kno�,� much about you other t an the fact that we're neighbors (I Iive just 2 blocks from you at 117 Warwi k treet) and you have a position with the City of St. ?aul's Department of P1 nn ng and Economic Development. I was born and raised in the in Cities, graduated from Marshall-University high school, and attended the U of f 2 years. At the U, I took a wide variety of courses including Physic , tronoml, Ecc:�omics, Anatomy, Financial Mathematics, Geography, Marriage-Ho 'fe-and Family Living, and Principles of Small Business. During my first yea a the U of M, t,rhen I was still seventeen, I was involved in a terrible acciden . I slipped off of a moving freight train, fell on the rail, and the wheels cut of my left leg at the knee. After lying between the rails for 20 minutes co ti conductor heard my cries for help an I wascrescuedars passing overhead, the My first job was delivering ne�J pa rs for the St. Paul Pioneer Press and Dispatch mornings, evenings, and Sun ay . Subsequent jobs included being a busboy and cook at Bridgeman's and ta ki Eighth Street Market, the House of H S� g as a stockbcy for Bob Hanson at the was as a laborer for a printing compa y, �MidwestePrintinq.MaIke�ts �Mablesto��b perform some strenuous physical tasks be ause of my leg impairment. Fc�r this reason, they �rouldn't let me work mor t an 30 days at a time, so I couldn't join their union. My mother needed r pa rs done to her car frequently, so she suggested I learn about cars. I did us that. Soon I was swapping engines and transmissions in a rented garage ea my home. The next step was buying, fixing and reselling one car at a ti e. One day I hauled away a junk car for a neighbor. 'I:'�e scrap yard paid me $ 0 or my efforts. To me, this seemed like a lot of money for something som n just threw away. I taent into business. After culling 360 eyesores from 'It,�in it neighborhoods during three months of business, I bought myself a nice car-- 1 65 Corvette. Soon after that I pur- chased an old tota truck that needed a ot r. After swapping in an engine from a $50 car, I was a one-man business. Pr sp ct Towing t,ras born. My first wrecker :1as a failure . It was too old and wo t. It needed a replacement. I pieced together a lZ-ton truck, bought a wel r, borrowed some books on welding fr�n . . . Mr. Charles L. McGuire October 27, 1988 Page 2 the library and built a magnificent ow truck which served r�e well until I sold it to Gene Buell of Gopher Towinq. a truck started him in the to�•�ing business. My profits were invested in res de tial real estate. My house on Warwick was purchased in 1976. In 1977, I ug t a 4-plex in South M�ls. in serious disrepair. I poured in money for im ro ements and sold it at a handsome profit. That money purchased a 6-unit buildi g n Prospect Park and a small gas station across the river. I began disassemb in cars at the gas station and selling parts and doing general repairs. I ir d employees. Business �ras good and we were in the black after nine months. 0 e very cold day while I was out starting cars for AAA, I got frostbite on a s ns tive part of my body. Car starting had been good money, but very cold hard or . At this time, the City of Mpls. told me I couldn't take cars apart at the ga station anymore. I sold the station and built a garage behind my house. Aft r wo years of parting out cars there, the City of Mpls. told me I couldn`t ope at that kind of business out of my home. In the fall of 1982, I rented a decrepi o d warehouse near KSTP in St. Paul. After tremendous expansion in a brief time t e best organized auto recycling yard was ocerating s:noothly and profitably. e we first rented at 958 Berry Street, the neighborhood �aas mostly vacant and d ,m. After a couple of years, the buildinqs around us were filled with small bus' e es, many of which became our customers. One of our neighbors, KSTP TV, didn' e 'oy being near a junkyard. They complained to officiais in St. Paul. After att p 'ng to shut do��rn our parts operation, the City of St. Paul finally issued us a i nse for a General Repair Garage. Repairs became a larger and larger part of t siness and the parts business took a back seat. Our warehouse was conde d or urban rene��ral by the St. Paul Port Authority in early 1988. We had to m ve. Fast! No suitable similar-sized property was available for less than ig t times the rent we were paying. After weeks of searching frantically for a ew site, I finally had to settle for a very small vacant industrial lot. You, C!z rl s, and I had driven past it thousands of times. My plan was to purchase th cant lot, put up a repair facility for my tow trucks and general auto repair an simultaneously fold up the parts business. Unfortunately, the best la d lans oftimes qo awry. Weyerhaeuser Timber dragged its feet selling me th p operty and the Port Authority evicted us earlier than expected. We receive a 60-day notice to vacate t:oo weeks before closing on the nej,� land. We h d o scramble to m ove out of 958 Berry and into 2565 Franklin. E�en working se en days a week, 10 hours a day, we didn't camplete our move til October 1, 1988 hired a contractor, developed plans, and was all set to �reak ground t•rhen f und out the planning process was more involved than the contractar had led e o �elieve. I fired the contractor and hired Crosstown Builders. A meeting s held �Jith Planr.ing and some require- ments were dealt with immediately. Z ni g had a problem ;zith our storage lot so it zaas vacated at tremendous cost o e. I found out the last requirement was to move some trailers and a oop m ch'ne. That took 15 minutes. Hopefully, my cooperation is indicative of my in en ions. I want to be a good neighbor and run a clean organized business. Last year, I bought a house at 1 7 cil Street. For seven years, the former o�,mer had used it as a recycli nter. Its condition was deplorable. Drive by it tne next time you're able o. See how I took the profit from my local business and improved housing i y r (and my) neighborhood. I also own 155 Bedford, just a fe�a doors down from y r ouse. You'll notice the new roof, fresh paint and clean yard. You can't� se it from the street, but the second . . ' ' Mr. Charles L. McGuire October 27, 1988 Page 3 floor unit is totally rehabbed, incl di new electrical throughout. Drive by 3107 4th Street SE, the oldest house in ro�pect Park, built in 1865. Before I bought and rehabbed it, it was the o t-looking place within blocks and had undesirable tenants. Noto it's a cle n spectable dwelling for local students. I'm not just tooting my horn he Arr important philosophy of mine is to always improve my environment �ahethe i be removing junk cars from a neiqhbor- hood or rehabbing houses or supplyin jo s for people. I ]rnow you feel some- what the same way. You rehabbed yo ho e with lots of money and hard work. It looks wonderful and all your neig r approve. As far as plans for 2565 Frankli a e concerned, constant improvement is always on the agenda. I hope this letter helps you to o me and my plans, and I urge you to approve my permit. Time is of the es en e as the weather will surely cause more problems with each passing day. Than y u for listening. Sincerely, �"Y� � Steve Lang, Owner PROSPECT TO��TING SL/psl cc: Mike McFeters Brad Kaun Tom Beach Larry Soderholm � �y�y y�g 117 Warwick Street SE Minneapolis, MIV 55414 October 27, lggg Mr• Charles L. McGuire 177 Bedford Street SE Minneapolis, NIlV 55414 RE: Building permit for 2565 Fran li Avenue, St. Paul Dear Charles: After speaking with my contra o , Mike McFeters of Crosstown Builders, about the delays we've had getting p rmit,I had the impression you didn t like me and you wanted me to pay t ou h the nose. This didn't make sense to me, as you and I have never met. I, d ike to ta:ce this opportunity to tell you about myself so you can have some de standing about my philosophies in life. I don't kno�,• much about you �other t an the fact that we're neighbors (I live just 2 blocks from you at 117 Warwi k treet) and you have a position with the City of St. Paul's Department of P1 nn ng and Economic Development. I was born and raised in the Tcin ities, graduated from Marshall-University high school, and attended the U of f 2 years. At the U, I took a wide variety of courses including Physics, tronoml, Ecc�omics, Anatomy, Financial Mathematics, Geography, Marriage-Ho ' L'fe-and Family Living, and Principles of Small Business. During my first yea a the U of M, c,�hen I �ras still seventeen, I was involved in a terrible acciden . I slipped off of a moving freight train, fell on the rail, and the wheels cut of my left leg at the knee. After lying between the rails for 20 minutes co ti conductor heard my cries for help an I wascrescuedars passing overhead, the My first job was delivering ne�r �pa ers for the St. Paul Pioneer Press and Dispatch mornings, evenings, and Sun y . Subsequent jobs included being a busboy and cook at Bridgeman's and w ki Eighth Street Market, the House of Ha sc g as a stockbc_y for Bob Hanson at the , and the Harvard Market. Mv last job was as a laborer for a printing compa y, Midwest Printing. I was unable to perform some strenuous physical tasks be ause of my leg impairment. Far this reason, they ��ouldn't let me zaork mor t an 30 days at a time, so I couldn't join their union. My mother needed r pa rs done to her car frequently, so she suggested I learn about cars. I did us that. Soon I was swapping engines and transmissions in a rented garage ea my home. The next step was buying, fixing and reselling one car at a ti e. One day I hauled away a junk car for a neighbor. T"►e scrap yard paid me $ 0 or my efforts. To me, this seemed like a lot of money for something som n just threc,r away. I went into business. After culling 360 eyesores from Twin it neighborhoods during three months of business, I bought myself a nice car-- 1 65 Corvette. Soon after that I chased an old to�a truck that needed a ot r. After swapping in an engine from a $50 car, I was a one-man business. Pr� sp ct Towing was born. My first wrecker :,raas a failure . It was too old and wo t. It needed a replacement. I pieced together a 12-ton truck, bought a «el r, borrowed some books on welding from > Mr. Charles L. McGuire October 27, 1988 Page 2 the library and built a magnificent 'to truck which served Me well untii I sold it to Gene Buell of Gopher Towing. � truck started him in the to�ring business. My profits were invested in re 'de tial real estate. My house on Warwick was purchased in 1976. In 1977, I ug t a 4-plex in South M�ls. in serious disrepair. I poured in money for i ro ements and sold it at a handsome profit. That money purchased a 6-unit buildi g 'n Prospect Park and a small gas station across the river. I began disassemb in cars at the gas station and sellinq parts and doing general repairs. I ir d employees. Business was good and we were in the black after nine months. 0 e very cold day while I was out starting cars for AAA, I got frostbite on a s ns tive part of my body. Car starting had been good money, but very cold hard � or . At this time, the City of Mpls. told me I couldn't take cars apart at the ga station anymore. I sold the station and built a garage behind my house. Aft r wo years of parting out cars there, the City of Mpls. told me I couldn't ope at that kind of business out of my home. In the fa11 of 1982, I rented a decrepi o d warehouse near KSTP in St. Paul. After tremendous expansion in a brief time t e best organized auto recycling yard �ras operating s:noothly and profitably. e we first rented at 958 Berry Street, the neighborhood was mostly vacant and r d can. ?�fter a couple of years, the buildings around us were filled with small bus ne ses, many of which became our customers. One of our neighbors, KSZ'P TV, didn' e joy being near a junkyard. They complained to officials in St. Paul. After att mp ing to shut down our parts operation, the City of St. Paul finally issued us a 'li ense for a General Repair Garage. Repairs became a larger and larger part of t e usiness and the parts Y�usiness took a back seat. Our ��rarehouse was conde ed for urban rene�aal by the St. Paul Port Authority in early 1988. We had to v . Fast! No suitable similar-sized property was available for less than i t times the rent we were paying. After weeks of searching frantically for a et site, I finally had to settle for a very small vacant industrial lot. You, . r s, and I had driven past it thousands of times. My plan was to purchase t. cant lot, put up a repair faciiity for - my tow trucks and general auto repai a simultaneously fold up the parts business. Unfortunately, the best 1 'd lans oftimes qo awry. Weyerhaeuser Timber dragged its feet selling me t operty and the Port Authority evicted us earlier than expected. We receive a 60-day notice to vacate two weeks before closing on the ne�,� land. We h d o scramble to m ove out of 958 Berry and into 2565 Franklin. E�en c�orking se en days a week, 10 hours a day, we didn't complete our move til October 1, 1988' hired a contractor, developed plans, and was all set to break ground t•rhen f und out the planning process was more involved than the contractor had led e o �elieve. I fired the contractor and hired Crosstown Builders. A meeting s held with Planr.ing and some require- ments were dealt trith i�nediately. Z ni g had a problem ,,rith our storage lot so it was vacated at tremendous cost a e. I found out the last requirement was to move some trailers and a nop m ch ne. That took 15 minutes. Hopefully, my cooperation is indicative of my in en ions. I want to be a good neighbor and run a clean organized business. Last year, I bought a house at 1 7 ecil Street. For seven years, the former o�,mer had used it as a recycli g enter. Its condition �aas deplorable. Drive by it the next time you're able to See how I took the profit from my local business and improved housing i y ur (and my) neighborhood. I also own 155 Bedford, just a few doors down from y ur house. You'll notice the nesa roof, fresh paint and clean yard. You can' ' s e it from the street, but the second r Mr. Charles L. McGuire October 27, 1988 Page 3 floor unit is totally rehabbed, inclu in new electrical throughout. Drive by 3107 4th Street SE, the oldest house n rospect Park, built in 1865. Before I bought and rehabbed it, it was the or t-looking place �,�ithin blocks and had undesirable tenants. Now it's a clea r spectable dwelling for local students. I'm not just tooting my horn her . An important philosophy of mine is to always improve my environment whether 'it be removing junk cars from a neighbor- hood or rehabbing houses or supplying jo s for people. I know you feel some- what the same way. You rehabbed yourjho e with lots of money and hard work. It looks wonderful and all your neig r approve. As far as plans for 2565 Frankli a e concerned, constant improvement is always on the agenda. I hope this letter helps you to o me and my plans, and I urge you to approve my permit. Time is of the es e as the weather will surely cause more problems with each passing day. Than y for listening. Sincerely, ��� � Steve Lang, O��rner PROSPECT 'i'O��IIIVG SL/psl cc: Mike McFeters Brad Kaun Tom Beach Larry Soderholm - _ �-�g�.��� r 2565 Franklin Ave. St . Paul , MN 55114 March 29, 1989 Mr. Charles L. McGuire 177 Bedford Street S.E. Minneapolis , MN 55414 RE: The continuing saga of 56 Franklin Ave; St. Paul Dear Charles : Hooray! My repair shop n office building is completed. I 've put all the tools and wo� k enches in place, set up the office and leased out the sma l r of the two repair shops. With the help of my subcontra t d mechanic, I 've installed about 30 engines, 18 transmis i ns and a plethora of less expensive repair parts . Business is beginning to pi k up and I can start payinq off the 120 thousand dollars b rrowed to invest in this property. This week I 'm spen in 10 thousand more to pave virtually alI of the unpaved ri ing and parking area inside the enclosed walls of the pro er y. Boy, what a muddy mess ! The sudden spring thaw couple w th excavation for the concrete work has created chaos . I ca 't wait for this project to be completed. Once I 've recovered finan i lly from the paving project (mid-May? ) , we 're going to tac 1 the customer parking area on my property just east of the b i ding. There is room for 12 parking spaces and a landscape rea aiong the entire length of the building ( 102 feet) . I v already installed a barrier on the Franklin side of my bui di g. It was manufactured from a salvaged overhead bridge crane fr m the old location at 958 Berry Street. : Everything is progressing ac ording to my plans except for some licensing problems . ou and I spoke the other day on the phone about the differe t ossibilities or options open to me. As we don ' t have he space to store and dismantle cars in my building, a Motor V i le Salvage Dealership license shouldn ' t be necessary. The cl s st I come to doing something of that nature is removing the n ine and transmission from a car and taking the body immedia e y to a scrap yard. Many other general repair garages fo 1 w that practice and they don' t need that license. I pro a ly should have a Second Hand ' Mr. Charl�es L. McGuire `` March 29 , 1989 Page 2 Motor Vehhicle Parts Dealersh p icense as I have an inventory of used repair parts . An app ic tion for that license has been prepared and will be given to Li ensing on this Thursday, March 30th. As I told you the other ay my business consists mainly of repairs . That is installi g ew or used parts in cars and light trucks. Moneywise, tha a pect of my business contributes 50% of my gross income. The th r 50% is made up of a variety of other endeavors . They are ( i no particular order) : • trailer manufacturing nd sales • tire sales • used repair parts sale • junk car hauling (dire t o scrap yard) � miscellaneous welding d fabricating � forklift rental Aside from those money-ma i g ventures , I also do some small things for the community. They include free disposal of waste oil and junk batteries , i posal of junk tires at cost, neiqhborhood snowplowing at no c arge, and, of course, free technical advice . A� you know, I had to rea p y for my General Gat�ag2 Repair license even though it should a e transferred to my new location. I did that months ago and Thur d y my application goes before the city council . The head of L' censing,Joe Carchedi , has recom- mended approval . Richard Jent , my licensing inspector, has told me I should get approval . ' ohn Hardwick from Zoning seems. to think I should get approval ' a long as I don' t dismar_tle cars. I thi�i': you' re right about ent r ly too much attention being given to my license applicatio . It may be that someone is "carrying some old baggage" fo because of previous activity at my old location on Berry S re t. I received a copy of a letter to city Councilmember S nn n from the District 12 Commu- nity Council . It addressed ma nl old issues at the old address and uncertainty about present pe ations . Apparently, their uncertainty was the basis for ot recommending approval of my application. Anyway, Charles, yo know what goes on at my place. You go by there everyd y. Perhaps you could speak to Kiki on my behalf. She ' s gett ng a copy of this letter, but a phone call from you wouldn ' t h rt and I would certainly appre- ciate it. I need some help in my dealings with city government. I don' t like thinking about it as doing battle. I don' t like confrontation. I do like work'ng together to build a better community. Thanks for listening, Cha �le . SL/psl cc: Kiki Sonnen Steve Lang, Owner Brad Kaun PROSPECT TOWING & TIRE Richard Jents � o + v � � VTi r � F- � � � � � � � 2 M � V ;� � �� N p Jo � y � 4 o v � sw i v � � `�o � _ � �. _�c �� � } � � Y , • " '� - s S • o► � b � d -o y � y ,t e � ' i V J O t o .? v �L� ;..l� � a v L O_ K � Y� `�' � _ � G Jy � o � � `� S J�'�~�' � Z a y � '�x 9. a v � i-�` e s o � �► � � s O � 2 � �' � `�' � Z - o v � � � .,r � „- ,,. '� N s �Vl � i� � �ef ~ � ^ ' rw � r d t ^ � Y p (`x~ � ' � ~ . ►i� � r� G,RC � O � � � ��♦ ..- " . ' � . , � . . � � '��, � , , � L � � " F r o — � - � o � t .- f � � � '° - a � � .� � I i ,� � � v� ' • ' a - r ;� /'`' i � � � o � � � � � � Q, . o 0 � T i ` �.. � + � � � _ , . 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COUt1C11 �J�7J/'' . / ...� �C NARY _MAVORT ENT � � . -- - � �.. . � � � F11Q NO. . . . . .' ` ._ f L.��l . BLUE G,�.ITY OF AINT PALTL ; � . _ Counci esolution f� � , ; , . : ; Rresented By ... '�--� ` Referred To Committee: Date , Out of Committee By Date .. RESOL�Ds Thst appt#catloa �I#� 1� ior a 6�na1 �ir iit� . licans� by St�n �Speet TaMt�g i Tir� Co�. at 2�5 �cl�� � aAd tb� su� is �a+aby a�d. • J Y', ;' . . . .. . . . ' .. '...- �:. .�' � .. - . COUNCI�: MEMBERS Requested by Department of: � Yeas Nays Dimond �� In Favor Gosw;tz Rettman � . � �bei�� Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY g} . A►pproved by Navor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council :" .. . By ' BY