89-548 WMITE - CITV CLERK COl1flC11 ��//' PINK - FINANCE GITY OF AINT PAUL CANARY - DEPARTMENT /�T BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �� - Counci esolution -j� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date �` ��� Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #4 246) for a Gas Station, 6 Add'1 . Pumps, General Repair Garag a d Original Container License applied for by Arcade Automo iv Inc. DBA Arcade Automotive at 1445 Arcade Street, e nd the same is hereby approved. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Dimond Lo� �_ In Fav r Goswitz Rettman �he1�� a Agains BY Sonnen Wilson MAR .3 0 � Form App ved by Cit Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � • Certified Yassed b o '( Secret By 3�y g�, Approv Ylavor: Date - 3 ► i c79 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council _ By �Ug�� AP R ~ � 19 9 Ton - ' o�,E rrn� o�.c�e� , �'�I7� J. Ca rchedi ����� ��� �+w. Q 0 2 4�� : �, �u�Nr ca+ECTO� wraop roR�rN+r� �hristine Raz "s�! -- �e���► �«r«�,,: ��� � -. � ffr�ance & Mgmt. 2J8-5f�� � ��„� Applicat�on for a Gas Station -L ce e (to 3 pumps), b Add'1 .Pumps, a General Repair Garage License a d n Original Cant�iner Licen�e. ` � Notification Date: 3-14-89 Hearin Date: 3� 3o-89 :1�aa�.w or�eie�t�U�. couwci. nR+oar: _. PlpEillf!OOAM118810N qWL BERVICE COMMISSION DATE IN � DA7E OU7 - ANN.IRST - . . . � -Pi10l�NO. . , � : .. DDIiN6+{'01MY118810N . I�6��BOARD . � � � . . . . . . - .BTAFF �. . �. . . . ,C�R�M�SION ... . t8 � � AD01 MiPQ ACOED'� . . RE79 TO C01RA�T � . OON87R►�$PC ... . .. . � . . . . _ � _FOR ADD1 RIFO. _Fff09AGK A06ED• . OISIAICTCOUVC4. ����� . . . . . . . . ,. . . . . :.. � BtIPPORlB�Willpl GOUNCY.OBAECME7 - - . . � . � .. .. . . . . �fNA7l10�l�,I�MlE O�/OI1i111f�11(WIw.VN�af.VNx11,VNNri.YN►Y): Arcade Aatomotive Inc. (Mike Hei , Pres.) .DBa Arcade Aut�totive at > 1445'Rrcade Street, -requests Cit` C uncil approval of his applicati�n for the above. li_censes. � : _� �u.�►���e.�+.�►,�+�o� : _ � . ,. _ _. All fees and app:lications have b en submitted. A11 r�quired divisions - . Zoning,:Nealth, Fire, Police and Li ensing trave given their approval . so�a[a�oea Mn+.t.we.a:.�+�►��ei.�:- , . : _ .; _. ... - . :: If :Counc'.til ap�proval is given, Ar �d Automotive .inc. will be lficense� `to operate �t 1445 Arcade St. �.s�t�s: . c� , . , �aw�rs: ��86uis: • • ����� DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT A.DMIN ST TION DATE �� �� / � /2 INTERDF.PARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant AY� (��Q=��i i»e� Home Address � o��n`a �_ �(1�� ��,�'L�a,�G�. Rusiness Name Home Phone � �� _ I� -�(o Business Address �4� �y� S'�., Type of License(s) „��,p S-��., � ���.� Business Phone � - Cj a • �'�_ o "/ " > ��!/ ; Public Hearing Date � � �J License I.D. 4{ - � � at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Cha ers, 3rd floor City Aall and Courthouse State Tax I.D, lP ���(pa�� llate Notice Sent; � Dealer �� � � to Applicant � ( � �dd � I'ederal Firearms �� �(l /q Public Hearing DATE INSP 'CT UN REVtEW VERFIED (C MP TER) COMMENTS A proved N t roved Bldg I & D + ���� c� �5 Health Divn. r ! � �.� , � � � Fire Dept. � � j � I �� � � ! f Police Dept. i! n a l`l I � '�-- Y1.c� �C_C�r6�- . License Divn. � a. l �� � c�� City Attorney � 3 �S �� 0 � Date Received: Site Plan To Council Research � j � � Lease or Letter Da e from Landlord . : ���� �°��� Cit of Saint Paul Department of Fi an e and Management Services � � ' � Licen e a d Permit Division City Hall // ^� St. Paul, Min esota 55102-298-5056 `�� sC � / APPLIC TI N FOR LICENSE '� CASH CHECK CIASS NO. N Renew a a � �` � • Date Y����• �� 19�._ Code No. Titls of license From� - � 19�To � • �+- • �� 19 C'�� r� � � 1 n �t� � �� C � l 100 �v �;-�G �-►-�rt-r�Y• : -li . - ;�,,... �� � � � � G+� AppllcanUCompany Name � ��_. , C ;t: �- ' 1 �� _�� V1 v:���,!�� '�}�-�c�,�. �_< < �.._ 100 Busineas Name �./ '_�'•5� ��.� :, l�i�. i- � �. r , �%� /" ��+�+ l . � �� �� Y l_:i L(.L .: u �- ` 5� • o � y� Business Address Pho��Na 100 �� _ ����`�^ 100 Mail to Address PAOn�No. ,� }'�;��,� _ ������;.:,_,,� ManapaHOwnx•N�me 100 � � •Y - c� ;. i i t � (o � C.., '� !� � � �i�� . /�{ —l� 100 AlanagedGwner-Hom�Addnss Phon�No. 4098 Application Fee 2 g� � ; C:(p Reeeived the Sum of 100 ��� . -���_� �; �;{'1 vt • �'1��. . �� , _..L .[I �'G�-`-c� � _, Z� � S Manaper/Own�r•CUy,State 3 Ilp Cod� - 100 Tot 100 - �/�_ � � /� i-'7.tt�G�_...�Y `.�"�ik/.�''�r!�.....� LiCense InspeCtot�� r C� By' �=�✓,� �' Signature ot ApplieaM J Bond• �'�� +�!` • Company Name Policy No. Expintion Date Insurance: r� i'�' Company Name Policy No. Expiration Oatt Minnesota State Identification No. � U � D� �� Social Security No. Vehicle Information: Serfal Numbtr ate Number Other. THlS IS A REC IP FOR APPl1CAT10N THiS iS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your application fo�lice se ill either be granted or rejected subject to the provisbns of the mning ordfnance and completion ot the inapectfo�a by the Haalth, Fir �Zo ing andlor Licensa I�spactors. $15.00 CHARGE FOR L RETURNED CHECKS , l/��`�' � �' � f� %�� - . d''—� CIT7l 'OF T. PAUL �'4�f� /� . DEPAR'l7�RT OF' F MA11AC0� S�tYICES �(�7✓�� t• LICEl�SE D1YI5ION These statement forms are issued in i te. Pleaae aru`+er all questiaos !1i].ly aad cc�mplete�y. This applicstion ia thor cbecked. Any lal�ilicatioa �►ill be csuse for denial. � ��� 19 Tf`�1 1. ApplicaLion for � p ��T (Licenae) (Persit) 2. Pame of applicant /�j�� ;y�i�,. � ,r'� �[o �, 3. If applicant is/ha8 been a mds�ried e, lfst ssiden neme b. Date o! birtt _ , S_��o p� ,,, p�a of birth �ST�,qv� 5. Are you a citizen ot the United Sts es l�ts AsLiTe �C'_l�aturalized __ 6. Are you a registered voter Q re T. Home address /o'� �� �2 . - ' � Aome telepbooe .`7 7. �-%�.7� . �. Freaent business address �,S ,« /�N Huainass telapbooe 7/-0��2 s. Including your present businesa/emp �, vbat bnsiness/eaq�lvysent ba� yan followed for the paat live years. Business/F�ployment Address .lt'.e rs-v� 1�/�� A,,��.t.r� � �v� — v.v o,v ���/,s��,ntv� z',0 . 10. hlarried 1fS If ans�+er is ",ves", lis n and address of spouse �. _ �,'nd� � �J���.-�<< �� a ,,,� -E � ��� F�� . 11. Fiave yau ever been arrested for an o !e e tbat bas resulted in a coQViction?� I! sns�+�er is "yes", list datea o! s s, rhere, charges, coevictioos snd senteeces. Date o! arrest ly__ i CHAF.G'E CONI/ICTION g�g Dnte o.° arnst 19 Wh re CIiARGE CJNVICTIOi1 g��� . ����� .12. List the names and addresses (i ed, name o! spouse also) of all pere�ans; corporntions, pastnerships, ass ci iona or organizstions Mhich in a�r vay have: a. A mortgage interes,t in the, �'{ _ ed premise, � , 11�jQ �r :.,� � n�,. b. A aecurity interest in be ce ed prcmises, license, ar itirnishings of the liceneed premise, n�A c. A promis�ory note for f�nds d for the operstion of the licensed premise or the purchaae of'the licen e, n�e-1 d. Finariciall�contributed to t urchase of the premise or the licease it- � Self on 1 : /? � �r•�.�-/• y',� .S'ss��/ e. ArXy other interest either di ec or indirect, either financisl or other�rise i in the licensed premise or t e icense ftself, „�i„�,�l ,�i,.PG�,��,2 t -� �"-C Attach a copy hereto of any and all d nts referred to in thia alYidsvit. -_..�. 1?. Give names and addresses of tvo rs , residenta ot 3t. Psul, Miffiewta, Mho can give information concerning . 1fA1� AD�DRFS3 ,• , i'iac G ,�s� /�23� ����c.Si� S�"� S7` i�u � /� 8 S� ����';1d.� �� ,�".�sf 1�+. Address of premises tor which Lic ns or Permit is made Address ,r .�« f-' Zone classificstieai 15. Between xhat croas street�,,- r - .°,�.y - Which aide of street ��.; ' ,_�,r•� t u.�i.efr! c% �'Rwf! . 16. Ra�e under vhich tbis bnafnese-�ri 1 condurted /,�,E'Cs-�'�/r- f������o f��✓� 1?. Busiaeas teiephone manber �/ - - lQ. Attach to this applicstion, a de il d deacription of the design, locatioa, and square footnge ot the premises to be Iicensed 19. are premises now occupied business N� lon� . ��'�%� ��: •►Li�t license �ich you currently hc d, or fo�r]y held, or mey hsve an intere in r'f.rn.� 21. Have of the licenses listed u in No. 20 ever been sevoked. Yea No �, If anar�er is "yes", ist dates and reaaona: ?_2. Do you have an iaterest of ac�r t n atLy ot.her busiaess or business premiaes. I' anss+er is "yes"; list business ineas address aad telephoae number._ 23. If business is incorporated, give da e ot incorporation _� .�,z 19 �" and attach capy of Articles of In o oration aad minutes �first meeting. 2�+. List all officers of the corporat on giving their asmes, ottice beld� hame address, and home and busineas te ep oae a�bers: / -��t � d �< <a�.� : .�C .��.� �.3t r�K� �7�i.�7� �fe�✓c� /`���i��-� �e �S9 n � � � 5�4iS�-Sr 3��.2 T f s' n ��f L Y/ � . SG� -b S __ 25. If business is partnership, list r(a) address ar�d te]�epbooe a�bers: � Ad ss Tie1.Fo. �_ 26. Ia there ar�yot�e elae vho will have aa i�erest in this businesa o� premises4 I! ansver is "yes", give name, h dreaa, telrpha�e n�bers aad in vhst manner is tbeir ir�terest: - � l�el u�rn /ce Can ��_ 27. Are you goinR to operate this busi aa pers if aat, Mho will operate it: . Aame address Tel.Ao. - . - �� ��� Are you going to have a t�iana�er or ss staat in this business? If ans�+�er is "yes", give name and ho:ae address a d �me telephoae number: Name H address (/'�.�i' Tel.N�. 29. Has arlyone you have nanied in questi na 22 through 25 ever been arnsted? If answer ia "yea", list name of perso , ates of arrest, Where, charges, com►ic- tions ar�d sentence � 30. . Z �f;�,c� ,,,�. � n .,,Q,T understand this premise ma�y be in- spected by the police, fire, health an other city officials at a�r aad all times rrhen the business is in apere i . State of Minnesota) )SS County of Ramsey ) ` , („ �� '� . �} ���� „�,�„ bei f st duly sworn, deposes aad s�1►s upo� oath t a� he has read tYre ore�goiag sta n bearing his sigaetmre and Imars the co�tents thereoP, and thnt the same is e f his oWa l�oy+ledge excrpt as to thoae matters tberein atated upon inPormation d lief and as to those matters he be- lieves them to be true. � Subscribed ar�d svora to beloze me Signature of Applicaat this �_day of 19,�_ � ,. �7�i ,Yfn,�� � �,,...�� S Notary Public,'� County, Minneaota >..;1,, 7,R�;r;'�A� vAN HORN i ', l;-e+-� �;":`j��' ,"'Rv =i;SLIC—MINNESOTA � '�'�° �akura COUNTr My co�tission expi2�ES Y���ssron Expires J�n.2, lggy .