89-542 WHITE - CiTV CIERK � PINK - FINANCE COUnCIl GANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY �' SA I NT PAU L � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ��'�� - . � � ou i Res ution Presented By G Referr d To Committee: Date Out o Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application ( D 62273) for a Motor Vehicle Salvage Dealers License by A lus Auto Parts & Recyclers Inc. DBA A P1us Auto Parts R cyclers at 240 W. Sycamore, be and the same is hereby app ov d. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� In Fa or Goswitz Rettman (7 B s�ne;n�� A gai n t Y �ee�wn I -i�5d�e� MAR Z 31 9 Form Appro ed by City Attorn Adopted by Council: Date . Certified Pass y ncil Se ta By /� � By � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council hlpprove y Nlavor. Date s— 1 By — BY ��y���� ��,., � i98 allYlwt w►,e w►,�E -- _ �° � `l T� - � �' ����� '���:�" `ao.0-024 7'� J. Carchedi c�n* n�aa+ o�,�o�cra� ��a,�+�rMm Kri s`VanHt��^n — �a��o� ��«� ,���. , -- � Cou�►ci 1 Resea reh . ��� Fina,nc� �& t, . . 298-5056 . °" : .�«��r� — � _ App'�ication for a Nb�or Vehic e alvage Dealer License. Notification, flate: 3-17-89 Hearing Date: 3�`3Q-89 '(Mpws(�)a�(R)) : REPOAT: "' PLANNNI6 OOM�SBION CIVIL BERVICE CAMMSSION DATE M - DATE OtlT� ��. - � MIAtYBT� � . � � . Plld�tq. - . � � . .ZONINfi COMM�810N. IBD 626 BCHOOL B�ARD . . . . -. � . f � . . . . � . � . SfAFF � . .. . CFIARTER COA�AIS81 ill, � . AS IS� /�DL�LVPO��.<ApOEQ* .. . qE7'C-TGr^CONt/�T. COWd7it{p�t - . . . . . . . � _ . . _FOR�AOCI'E IDMO. _PE�BAGlC ADt3ED•. .. � E1B7PoCT OOUNCII . � . � � * � - - . . .. . . " . _ _ � . . , - . . .... . . . 9UPPORfS INMICII COINJCL OBIECfIYE4 . � . . - .. : � . � ... . � . -.' �. . . � . . ..". _ � . ,. `�� . . ;�_. Nf11A7�i01�110R�lM.I�.O�IbIMiN�/f'Y(VYhO.Whu.WFNII.MRM►�r'M�+Y , . 1 A P1us Auto Aarts & Recyclers In . DBA Auto Parts & Recyclers -at � . � ��Q W. Sycamore request.City u il ap�roval of their aPPiieation . � for.a; Motor Vehicle Sa.ivage b 1 ` s License. : .�us..,eawon tr�.«e.�+en�..�w.a..�r.. -, , - , _ :. A1l applications and fees have be n submitted. A11 required de{�r��nts ha�e. rev�iewed and approved.�hi a pl ieation. - � � ca�eo�s M�.wnwr.:rra Fo wnomf: , . _ _ : if Council appr.oval is r�ot rec iv applicant wi�1 not be allowed t� : operate �his '�,YPe of business. _ : , � . �.�r�►�: , , _ � c�r► . -=,;, , 'ti y,..,: ,, � �sronr�v�TS: : -f�1AR 1�' i�;�s� : : . �� . . ����� UiVISION OF LICENSE ANI) P�RMIT ADMINI T TION DATE °Z /�I ��Jl � l 6 � INTERDF.PARTI�fENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn P oce sed/Rece'ved by ic En�fAud M0.rCUS J• ��YccnpG Applicant ���uS �t�D�C�r�S �. '`�� � S Home Address /'Q�O �, .-.�- O���iJ n Rusiness Name � S k �pr�5 f �,�, .S Home Phone �8 D `" � � g � � Business Address � �{'(� �•S C {'n Y Type of License(s) M� �P�(,�-�/ Business Phone �a+�`' 1 �1 7 JC� UQq� Lpu-� Q'� Public Hearing Date �--3�'-�� License I.D. �6 �9 �-�13 at 9:00 a.m, in the Council Chambers, `� 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax Z.D. 4� v2 �I7 ��7 llate Notice Sent; p Dealer �6 IU�,Q to Applicant �-�� �O� ���� I'ederal F3_rearms 46 j•� � Public He�_�ring DATE INSP 'CT UN REVIEW VEKFIED (C MP TER) COMMENTS A roved N t roved � Bldg I & D 3! I3 � � G Health Divn. ��� � � Fire Dept. ; 3I � i i �3 I p ! s�n� .�2) �I c� Police Dept. I �J� I (o � License Divn. �1 1 � � � �� City Attorney � 31 �� , c,I� Date Received: Site Plan � �7 g9 To Council Research Lease or Letter Date from Landlord �(,I�GhQS� a '� - w� ; , . ��y'S��- � C 0 ST. PAUL � ' DEPARTI�N'1' OF �' APD MARAGH�!!' S�tVICL'g LI(�5$ PSRMIT DI9�5I011 Theae statement forma are issued in te. Pleaae answer all qnestio�ns ll�lly and complete�jr. This spplication ia thor checked. 11ny lalsitication vill be c�use for denial. � � � /y 19 �9 1. Application for � i � �tiL � �1,� ( �{,�, � ( c�nse (Perait) n . � � 2. R� or �����t � � �r';,;�::, �J . i� � ��i;�"��t, 3• If applicsnt is/hae been a married !e ale, list aaidea n� b. Dste of birth 1�,;�';�';��i� � n r Place o! birt6 J�"• �(�,(,1 � ��;I�, 5. Are you a citizen ot the United S te ��S ltati�r�e _ Faturalizad __ (? 1 6. Are you a registered voter u� Where S�. !'�.1.;,� '�:r`i r` ��I 7. Aooe address i ����` �'L , .�-v�`'"�,t,�' '`' �' Aase te]:aphoee �` a -��c� i ��� �. Present business address 7 LJ� I � � ��� Hnsin�ss twlaphoo� � �- �'�y'7� 9. Iacludin8 Y�' Pre�ent business/ , v5at bnsiaess�i�p],o�nt l�a�e ycn - folloMed for the past tive y�ears� Business/Fynplayseat Address �G e �''"G �1 �i.{'T'S i��;' /'r'%�-� JT' . _�, 10. Married �: If ansaer is "yea", li e aad address o�! spause ,� � d ' � ,, �'`, �. � , �, � �� �� �,_._ , ��. � � IiV 1� �� �� l�f_,l. ��� -.--I_.`(,!�r�� � 11. !iave you ever been arrested !or na o e e thst hss re�ulted in a caavictionl�� I!•answer is "yes", list datea of s, �rhere, c6argea, convictioos aod senLeeces. Dste of arrest 19 _ CBAF?GE COI�VICTION g� Date o: arrest 19 ere CIiARGr . CONVIGTIOil S�� 12. List the nafnes and addressea (if married, aame ot spoase also) o! all persans, corporations, partnerahipa, asaocistiona or organizations Mt�ich in a�r w�y i�a�e: a. A mortgage intenst in the licensed premise, illJ��k-VG1 `�I�ci.iti �>G�,t�.k� / 7y0 1Q�C� �t ti��l�c.`Z� �Sl/?, b. A security int.�rest in the lic�nsed preaisea, license, or itirnishings of the licenaed preaise, �U�2�RX V1 S ��� �l-G�u-� c. A pramissory note for f�nds loaned for tbe vperation ot the licensed premise or the parchaae ot'the licenae, N �!�- d. Finar�cially contri ted to th�e purc aae o th premise or the license it- � s��� �d.,�� ��,,�,,�tr �tt��_�� �<<� �k.� ,�r- e. ArLy other interest either direct or indirect, either financisl or ot�er�rise in the 1iceASed premise or the license itselP, ,�V � L� Attach a copy hereto of an.y and all docwnents referred to in this atfidavit. 1?. Give r�ames and a�ddress�s of two persons, resid�nt.s of 3t. Psnl, Mimiesota, Mho can give inform�tion eoncerning you. AAI� � l�i(1.,1/� �,'V�i.1CU�Ld,� I��� C(�.L��I C�L1 C�(o��� Ki oe% ��3 r� . ��a���, 14. Addreas of premisea tor �+hich Licease or Permit is ma�de Adciress ���i W. ��J( GI,��YII� Ir�. S� Zone clsasification � � .�,�.-�_ _�._:_. ,._� CV1f iy`%�'1}- 15.. BetWeen vhst croas streets �ICZ ��. Which aide of street r�Ci�l�l/1 16. ftaae under Which this businesa will be conducted � -j�U.� (�U,�"t; �(;,�r�5 ��i �CyCk-i'S ��1� 17. �simss tielephooe nmaber j�J��' 1°. Attach to thia applicstion, a detailed deacription of the design, locatioa, aad square Pootage of the premises to be licensed - �9. �re premises noti+ occupied �_What businesa I�ru.,��; ���.��v��.t�.-E,� H�v► long�� rl , � � il'�I ���'v�_�� , . ��9�.��.� �� 20. Liat license which you currentl h ld, or foraierly hel�, or m4y hsre sn intere • . 'in i v K 4. ��e�.li✓' ' ' S+ 21. Have ayny of the liceuses listed y ou in No. 20 ever been sevoked. Yes No � . If anaver is "yes", li dates and rea�o�: 22. Do you have an intereat of ar�y ia a�r other busiaess or business premiees. I' answer is "yes", list busines , iness addreas aad telaphone number. '�� 1 c� �-�u.h; rc,.�� � �.�� T �. � � . K, �'r. - y �' � 23. If business is incorporated; gi d �e ot incorQoration � /0 19 � and attach capy of Articles of I co oration auid minute� of first aeeting. 24. I,ist all otPicers oP the corpora io giving their names, oftice held� hame a8dress, aad home arid basiness t 1 hone numbers: ;-�� ���o-a.y�7 �1a��5a o�. �� � �ves S o C�,�J�.�e. T� t�ke Elrn � �i���i H" �/88'' �S�'7 ,����� _m�,�� �. ��.���- t loSD �.�vQ - 9y 7�� 5/yl� � ��,�- f � , u�. � �� y88��s�'� � 25. Zf business is partnership, list r(s) address snd teleplw� mabers: � dreas 11el.lb. — — 26. Is there a�yone else who will ha iutereat in this buai�es o� premisesY If answer is "yes", give name, h dreas, telepboae m�bera a�d ia rhsL manner is tbeir interest: {� 2T. Are yau goinq to operntc this bus ne a peraonal]y ��QS_ if no�, �ho Yill op�rste it: A� Hame addresa �e1.Fo. — Are y�s going to have a Mana�er or assistant in this business? If answer is � � ��yes", give riame and ho:ae address and h�e telephone munber: ►'1a Name Ho�me addreas Z�e1.No. 29. Has a�one you have named in questions 22 through 26 ever been s.rrested? If answer is "yes", list name of person, dates of arrest, wt�ere, charges, com�ic- tions and sentence Ir!C� 30. I imderstaad this premise m�y be in- spected by tht police, Pire, health and other city officials at a� and all - times wnen �ihe busi�ess is ifl operetior►. State of Minneaota) )SS County of Ramsey ) ���QG�,S ��y/�/v/v/ being first du�y snorn, deposes at�d saya upon oath that he has read the foregoing statement bearing his sigaatvxe aad tma►s the co�tents thereof, and that the ssme ia true oP his od+n l�arledge except as to hose � matters therein stated upon information and belief sad as to those mstters h - lirves th�em to be true. Subscribed arid ssrorn to befo�e me � "� Signature of App ca.nt this � day orT 19� _ � -�- �� . Notary Public, Ramaey C�uaty, Minneaeta My co�i�ssion expirea o� ' /S/ cl.� p �:,n�..'�;. :J�.^.%�.rv vV4'U\^,+.1'.n�.,�.'1�+.�J;'VL1/��. �''-' P.":IT:1 L.TOSly �'• � ':OTARY PUBLIC-MINNES�TA ; RAMSEY COUNTY � 'COMM El(PIRES OCT 7, 1991 s'vyW+ `